CENTRAL ALABAMA FAMILY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL A MINISTRY OF THE LOGAN MARTIN CHURCH OF 365 Hodgens Drive, Pell City, AL 35125 administrator@cafcs.com (205) 338-3515 BYLAWS Central Alabama Family Christian School is operated as a ministry of the Logan Martin church of Christ in an effort to aid members of the church of Christ in Central Alabama who want to educate and train their children through home education. 1. Parents must complete a faculty application form each year of enrollment with the school. 2. A student application form must be completed for each child to be enrolled in Central Alabama Family Christian School each year of enrollment with the school. 3. Faculty must be active members of the church of Christ. A questionnaire must be completed by the Elders and/or minister of the local congregation they regularly attend stating that they are active members in good standing. The completed questionnaire must be received prior to acceptance into Central Alabama Family Christian School. This questionnaire will be updated annually. Faculty members are required to provide the address of their congregation with their enrollment materials. 4. Both parents are required to annually sign a disclaimer statement releasing the Logan Martin church of Christ/Central Alabama Family Christian School from responsibility and liability for the education of their children. Only the parents are liable for the education of their children. 5. For first-time faculty members, the attached application forms must be completed in full and submitted to the Central Alabama Family Christian School for approval. For returning students and their families, these forms must be completed and returned by the registration deadline. 6. School enrollment closes at the end of the first 9 week term. After that time, no new applications for enrollment will be accepted. 7. It is recommended that all families with children of compulsory school age (7-16) make advance arrangements for legal representation to be available in the event of a legal problem related to homeschooling. If you choose membership in HSLDA, a copy of your acceptance/renewal should be submitted with your registration each year. 8. The prospective family (including children) must meet with the administration for an interview and orientation prior to acceptance in Central Alabama Family Christian School. 9. A Church School Enrollment form is required by Alabama Code 16-28-7, which is a brief statement confirming each student’s enrollment in the school. This form should be completed in triplicate. One will be mailed to the Superintendent’s office, one will be kept in the school file, and one will be kept by the parent. These forms will be completed each year. 10. An annual enrollment fee of $50.00 per family is required to cover postage, printing, records, and other expenses. (The administrators are not paid by the school.) This money is due at the time of enrollment. The Central Alabama Family Christian School is a non-profit ministry of the Logan Martin church of Christ. A “support group only” registration option is available. The enrollment fee will be reduced to $20 for those serving as activity coordinators. 11. When enrollment in Central Alabama Family Christian School is complete, the parent/teacher must request the student’s records from his previous school. 12. All curriculum and organized course of study will be selected and purchased by the parents. 13. Both parents agree to comply with state regulations which state that schools will provide instruction for approximately 180 days from the following subjects: Reading, Spelling, Writing, Arithmetic, English, Geography, Science, Health, Physical Education, and U.S. History. 14. Parents agree to include a Bible curriculum in their school program. 15. Parents are required to turn in an academic report (which includes attendance) at the end of each 9 weeks of study, as well as maintain at home records of attendance, a daily journal of instruction or lesson plans and a portfolio of materials containing samples of each student’s work. The academic reports are due no later than the deadlines given in the calendar for the school year. Failure to turn in these reports in a timely fashion will result in dismissal from the school. 16. Regular faculty meetings and field trips are scheduled throughout the school year which are designed to help families carry out their responsibilities as well as serve as a support group. At least one parent must attend the two required meetings: Kick-off and Graduation. Both parents and the students are encouraged to attend these meetings. If you will be unable to attend a required meeting, please contact an administrator prior to the meeting. 17. As required by Alabama Code 16-28-7, Central Alabama Family Christian School must notify the local school Superintendent of any termination of enrollment. 18. It is suggested that students take standardized achievement tests, beginning in the 4 th every three years thereafter, or as often as desired. grade and 19. The Elders and/or Administration reserve the right to examine all homeschool records. 20. The Elders and/or Administration reserve the right to dismiss faculty members of the Central Alabama Family Christian School if the attitudes or actions of the individual or his/her family endanger the unity or reputation of the school and/or the rights of other homeschoolers. 21. Parents and children are expected to maintain modest apparel at ALL school functions and activities. No shorts, short dresses, tight clothing, tank tops, low-cut shirts, or t-shirts with vulgar or inappropriate sayings on them should be worn to any school function (including field trips). 22. The Elders and/or Administration reserve the right to make such modifications to this ministry as they see fit. 23. Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in refusal or dismissal from Central Alabama Family Christian School. Rev 5/06