BARRY C. EDWARDS, J.D., PH.D. CONTACT INFORMATION: 750 Gaines School Road, #D-66 Athens, Georgia 30605 (770) 351-7360 e-mail address: web site: EDUCATION: University of Georgia, Department of Political Science, Ph.D. Dissertation: “Spatial Models of Presidential Behavior” Committee: Keith Poole (Chair), Keith Dougherty, Susan Haire, and John Maltese Exams Passed: American Politics, Methodology New York University School of Law, J.D. Editor, NYU Environmental Law Journal Student Bar Association Representative Stanford University, B.A., Economics & Political Science Honors and Distinction in Both Majors Stanford Debate Society President AWARDS: Reed Fellowship, University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, 2009-2010 Dean’s Scholar, NYU School of Law, Full Tuition Merit Scholarship Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University, Awarded to Top 2.5% of Class during Junior Year PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: “Race, Ethnicity, and Alphabetically Ordered Ballots.” Forthcoming in Election Law Journal. “Laboratory Experiments in Public Management Research: Unfulfilled Promise.” Forthcoming in Public Management Review (with Derrick Anderson, Arizona State University). 2014. “Formulating Voting Rights Act Remedies to Address Current Conditions.” American Politics Research 42(3): 376-408. 2014. “Putting Hoover on the Map: Was the 31st President a Progressive?” Congress & the Presidency 41(1): 49-83. 2013. “The Voting Behavior of President Obama's Appointees on the U.S. Courts of Appeals.” Judicature 97(3): 137-143 (with Susan Haire and David Hughes, University of Georgia). ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS: 2013. “Renovating the Multi-Door Courthouse: Designing Disputing Resolution Systems to Improve Results and Control Costs.” Harvard Negotiation Law Review 18 (Spring): 281-347. 2011. “Future Directions in Data Analysis and Collection.” Law and Courts: Newsletter of the Law and Courts Section of the American Political Science Assoc. 21(3): 16-19 (with John Szmer, UNC-Charlotte). BARRY C. EDWARDS, J.D., PH.D. ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS: 2011. “Review: The Litigation State: Public Regulation and Private Lawsuits in the U.S. (By Sean Farhang).” Journal of Politics 73(4): 1284-1286. 2008. “Comprehensive Arbitration of Domestic Relations Cases in Georgia.” Georgia Bar Journal (Aug.): 20-29. WORKING PAPERS: “Does the Presidency Moderate the President?” Under review. “Polarization of the U.S. Presidency.” Under review. “Opening Another Door at the Courthouse: The Need for Political Science Research on Alternative Dispute Resolution.” “Measuring Effectiveness in State Legislatures.” “Election Rules Matter: Evidence of Alphabetic Bias in Representation of States that Alphabetically Order Ballots.” “Redistricting and the Geography of Individual Contributions to Congressional Candidates” (with Michael Crespin, Univ. of Oklahoma). “Beyond the Gold Watch: Decision Making of Senior Judges on the Circuit Courts of Appeals” (with Susan Haire, UGA). “Public Values, Political Participation, and the Study of Public Administration” (with Derrick Anderson, Arizona State University). “The History of Attitudinal Decision Making on the Circuit Courts of Appeals.” “Implications of Growing Hispanic Representation in Federal Judiciary” (with Susan Haire and David Hughes, University of Georgia). “Experimental Analysis of Affirmation Bias in Appellate Court Decision Making” (with Justin Stritch, Arizona State University). WORK EXPERIENCE: Legal Aide, Georgia Senate Democratic Caucus. Tracked legislation for Senate Minority Leader Robert Brown, created HOPE for Georgia Social Media Campaign to promote Sen. Jason Carter’s alternative reform package for Georgia HOPE Scholarship Program. Director, Center for Legal Solutions, Inc. A non-profit organization that coordinated mediation and arbitration sessions for private parties as well as training sessions for professional mediators. Associate Attorney at Gorby, Reeves, Peters, and Burns, P.C. Litigated civil and commercial cases for boutique national practice, secured two seven-figure and multiple six-figure settlements for plaintiffs. Online Editor, Compiled and edited breaking international news stories for world’s leading news web site. BARRY C. EDWARDS, J.D., PH.D. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Teaching Assistant, University of Georgia, Political Science 1101, Introduction to American Government (Prof. Scott Ainsworth, Fall 2012; Prof. Paul Gurian, Spring 2013) Instructor for AIM High Academy and Kaplan (standardized test preparation for SAT, ACT, GRE) Instructor at Stanford National Forensic Institute, California-Berkeley Debate Institute, and Penn. State Debate Institute. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS: “Redistricting and Individual Contributions to Congressional Candidates,” Panel Presentation at the American Political Science Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 30, 2013 “The Habits of Highly Effective Georgia Legislators,” Panel Presentation at the Georgia Political Science Association Conference, Savannah, Georgia, Nov. 12, 2011. “Is Chemistry More Important Than Experience on the Federal Courts of Appeals?” Panel Presentation at the Georgia Political Science Association Conference, Savannah, Georgia, Nov. 11, 2011. “Computer Programming for Political Science Research,” Poster Presentation, 11th Annual Graduate Student Association Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Georgia, April 2, 2011. “A Pol By Any Other Name Would Taste Defeat: The Impact of Ballot Order on U.S. Legislative Elections,” Panel Presentation at the 3rd Annual Political Science Graduate Research Conference at Georgia State University, March 18, 2011. “Recent Developments in Dispute Resolution Services.” Presentation to the Atlanta Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section, March 24, 2010. “Effective Use of Mediation in Civil and Domestic Cases.” Presentation to the Small Firms and Solo Practitioners Section of the Cobb County Bar Association, 2008. “How the Arbitration Process Works.” Presentation to the Annual Georgia Trial Lawyer’s Conference for Paralegals at the State Bar of Georgia, 2007. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: American Political Science Association Georgia Political Science Association Midwest Political Science Association State Bar of Georgia BARRY C. EDWARDS, J.D., PH.D. COMPUTER SKILLS: PHP/SQL (advanced), R (advanced), JAVA (intermediate), Python (intermediate), C/C++ (beginner), Perl (beginner), Javascript (beginner). Also advanced skill-level with HTML. Created “Teaching Assistant” Program. Performs automated, flashcard style review introductory political science terms. See Founded the Political Science Data Group, a worldwide group with over 3,200 members who share information about political science datasets on Facebook.