University of California, Riverside Department of Economics Economics/Admin. Studies Requirements for the BA degree in Economics/Administrative Studies Completion of the following course requirements will satisfy the major requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics/Administrative Studies. Economics Lower-Division Requirements ECON 002 (5 units) Administrative Studies Lower-Division Requirements ___________ BUS 010 (4 units) Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON 003 (5 units) ___________ Introduction to Microeconomics BUS 020 (4 units) MATH 8B or 9A or 9HA __________ STAT 048 (5 units) ECON 104A (5 units) __________ Pass ECON 003 with a C- or better ECON 104B (5 units) Intermediate Microeconomic Theory __________ ________ ________ __________ 1) Organizations: BUS 100, BUS 107, BUS 158/ ANTH105*, SOC150, SOC151, BUS/SOC176 ECON 101 (5 units) ECON 107 (5 units) __________ Choose two upper-division Economics courses from: ECON 105B, 107, 108, 112, 129, 130, 132, 134, 136, 146, 148, 153, 162, 163, 170(2-2unit courses), 171, 178, 182, 183, 184, 185, 193A/B _____________ Choose two additional upper-division Economics electives worth four units or more. ECON 102, 103, and 190 cannot be used. _________________ ANTH 127 or 131 POSC 181 or 182 or 183 PSYC140 or 142 SOC 150, 151, or 171 Complete three-courses in one track in Business Administration courses from one area. See tracks below. Pass ECON 002 with a C- or better _______________ 1) 2) 3) 4) __________ ECON 105A (5 units) Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory __________ Statistics for Business Choose two upper-division courses from different subject areas Economics Upper-Division Requirements Intermediate Microeconomic Theory ________ Introduction to Computing Calculus Introductory Econometrics ________ Financial Accounting and Reporting CS 008 (4 units) Choose one Math course from: Statistics for Economics ________ Introduction to Business _________________ To qualify to graduate, students must complete a minimum of 180-quarter units including a) College breadth b) Lower-division and c) Upper-division major coursework A minimum average GPA of 2.0 in all upper division major courses is required to qualify to graduate. 2) Human Resources Management/Labor Relations: BUS 100, 107, 152, BUS/ECON153, 155, 157, PSYC 142 3) Business and Society: BUS 100, 102, 107, PHIL 116, POSC182, POSC186 4) Marketing: BUS 103, 112, 113, 114, 117 5) Managerial Accounting/Taxation: BUS 108, and two from BUS 166, 168A, 168B 6) Financial Accounting: BUS 108, 165A, 165B 7) Finance: BUS106/ECON134*, and two from BUS 134, 136, 137, 138, 139 8) Management Information Systems: BUS 101, 171, 173 9) Production Management: BUS/STAT 104, and two from BUS 105, 122, BUS/STAT127 _____________ ____________ ____________ Please visit the website or view the UCR General Catalog for a complete list of prerequisite courses to determine eligibility of course work enrollment. Effective 14F