Edward III, vol. 1, p. 486

Membrane 48—cont.
Clare, for life, at a rent of 55 marks, of the manors of Stoure and Homynton, in the counties of Dorset and Wilts, and an ancient yearly rent of 10£.,
receivable from the sheriff of Southampton and the reeves of the earl (sic)
of Leicester.
Jan, 30.
Exemption of Robert de Boys from being put on assizes, juries or
recognisances, and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, coroner or other
minister of the king against his will.
By p.s.
Feb. 8.
Tower of
Presentation of William de Hoghton to the church of Lampadervaur, in
By p.s.
the diocese of St. Davids.
Feb. 7.
Licence for Patrick de Suthayk to grant to Clement de Skelton, Matilda
his wife and the heirs of Clement, eight messuages and 90 acres of land in
Skelton, held in chief.
By fine of 2 marks. Cumberland.
Feb. 10.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 6.
Licence for the alienation in mortmain by William Rabas of Maydewell
to Master John de Clypton, parson of the church of St. Mary, Maydewell,
of half an acre of land adjoining the rectory, for the enlargement of the
Byfineof \ mark, Northampton.
Ratification of (1) a demise by Robert, late abbot, and the convent of
Stsinlegh, to Peter son of William Trebaud, and Michael his brother, of a
messuage, ninety-three and a half acres and a rood of land, a meadow called
Madecroft, five and a half acres of separate pasture in a rlose called Baronescroft, a wood called Baronesgrave, and free chase of all animals, with free
ingress and egress to the messuage, land, meadow and wood in his manor
of Grodelyngton by Pokelecherch, co. Gloucester.
(2) A grant, in the same instrument, 1o them, for life, of common of
pasture for all animals of both sexes in the places where the other tenants
of the manor have it, at a yearly rent of 165.
(3) A further grant, in the same instrument, of all the above premises to
Margaret the wife of William Trebaud, for life, after the death of Peter
and Michael.
By fine of 20*. Wilts.
Pardon to William de Teye for acquiring, in fee simple, from Ralph
Pycot the manor of Ardelegh, held in chief as of the barony of Reymes, and
entering thereon without licence ; and licence for him to retain the same.
Feb. 9.
Tower of
Confirmation, in favour of Aucher son and heir of Henry Aucher, knight,
of the release by John de Ripariis, knight, sometime lord of Aungre, to
Henry Aucher, knight, of ail suits which he, his men and tenants of the
manor of Byketon were bound to perform at the hundred of Forda, and
of a further release of all amercements within the manor, together with
liberties, waifs and all demands by John de Ripariis and his heirs against
Henry and his heirs.
By fine of 20s.
Feb. 8.
Tower of
Inspeximus and confirmation of letters patent of D. formerly bishop of
St. Davids, under his seal and that of the chapter of the Church, dated
20 September, 1301, appropriating the church of Martiltwy to the master
and brethren of St. John of Jerusalem at Slebech : the master to present to the bishop on any voidance a fit clerk to be instituted vicar, who
shall have his portion without ordinary or extraordinary burden, viz. a
house, garden and three acres of land, with tithes of wool and other things
pertaining to the altar; tithes of corn and hay and other things not pertaining to the altar being reserved to the master and brethren.
By fine of 5 marks. South Wales*
Presentation of William de Kildesby to the church of Great Cotes, in the
diocese of Lincoln.
By p.s.
Feb. 12.
Tower of