Mead School District Curriculum Map K-8 Content Area: Pre-Algebra Grade Level: 7th, 8th or high school 10 days 25 days Time Frame or # of Days Strands Patterns/ graphs/ tables/ applications How can we show mathematical relationships? How can we best show this data? Rational numbers (fractions/de cimals) Probability 10 days Enduring Understandings What is a number system? What can numbers show? How might we show (decimals, fractions, percents) in another way? How can we mathematically predict the outcomes of future events? When is the size of a sample enough? Priority EALRs /GLEs 1.5 Algebraic Sense 1.5.1 Apply understanding of linear and non-linear relationships to patterns, sequences, and situations. 1.5.2 Analyze a pattern, table, graph, or situation to develop a rule. Content/Resources HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) Chap 1 Chap 2 Assessment Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Tech options: Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators when appropriate Excel or Website Applets HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) Chap 3 (First half) 1.1.1 Understand the concept of rational numbers, including Tech options: whole number powers and square roots of perfect squares. Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators when appropriate Excel or Website Applets 1.1 Number Sense 1.4 Probability 1.4.2 Understand and apply the procedures for comparing theoretical probability and empirical results for independent or compound events. HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) Chap 3 (Second half) Tech options: Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators (simulations) Excel or Website Applets Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Project options: Probability Fair Learning Services Department – November 7, 2005 Time Frame or # of Days Strands 20 days Geometry concepts: Enduring Understandings What is geometry? Is there more than one? Perimeter, area, circumferenc e, points, lines, angles, vocabulary, formulas, Pythagorean Theorem 20 Days Circles, Have all geometric Surface Area figures been identified and Volume and their properties defined? How do the properties of geometric figures influence their uses? Priority EALRs /GLEs 1.3 Geometric Sense 1.3.1 Apply understanding of characteristics and relationships among 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, and 3-dimensional shapes to solve problems. Content/Resources HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) Chap 4 Construction tools (rulers, compasses, protractors, etc.) 1.2.1 Understand how a change in a linear dimension affects volume and surface area of rectangular prisms and right cylinders. Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Vocabulary Baseball Tech options: Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators when appropriate Excel or Website Applets Jeopardy Template for Review HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) ( Chap 12) 1.3.2 Apply understanding of similarity to polygons, circle and solids. Assessment Optional Project: Geometry Dictionary Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Tech options: Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators when appropriate Excel or Website Applets Learning Services Department – November 7, 2005 Time Frame or # of Days Strands Expressions (+, -,X, ÷ ) 20 days One-step equations and inequalities Dist. Property and factoring % and Proportion Enduring Understandings What kinds of things in life can equations help us do? Priority EALRs /GLEs 1.1 Number Sense 1.1.4 Apply ratio, percent, and direct proportion in situations. How do we show “rate 1.5 Algebraic Sense of change”? When 1.5.5 Understand and apply the and why is this useful? procedures for simplifying single-variable expressions. Where do algebraic 1.5.6 Understand and apply a properties come from? variety of strategies to solve Are they invented or multi-step equations and discovered? one-step inequalities with one variable. Content/Resources HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) Chap 5 and 6 Assessment Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Tech options: Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators when appropriate Excel or Website Applets 5.1 Related Concepts and Procedures 5.1.1 Apply concepts and procedures fro a variety of mathematical areas in a given problem or situation. 20 days Linear Functions Coordinate Plane Slope SlopeIntercept Form Is there such a thing as a “curved slope”? 1.5 Algebraic Sense 1.5.4 Apply understanding of concepts of algebra to represent situations involving single-variable inequalities. HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) Chap 8 Geoboards for slope exploration White boards Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Tech options: Calculators when appropriate Graphing Calculators Excel or Website Applets Learning Services Department – November 7, 2005 On-going through out year Time Frame or # of Days Strands Real World Application Estimation and reasonablene ss Presentation of Conclusions with Evidence Enduring Understandings Priority EALRs /GLEs Content/Resources HRW Alg. One Interactions (Course I) (Themes throughout all chapters) When is the “correct mathematical answer” not the best solution? 2.1 Understanding Information 2.2 Define Problem How do we know how accurately to measure things? 5.3 Application in real world Calculators when appropriate Assessment Teacher-made quizzes, tests, and homework Tech options: 3.2 Make Predication, Inferences and Conjectures Graphing Calculators when appropriate Excel or Website Applets Learning Services Department – November 7, 2005