Course Type Information • Product Highlight courses provide detailed information on ATI’s product solutions and focuses on the needs each product fulfills. • Integration courses help you better understand ATI’s products and services, and how to effectively integrate ATI into your program. • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) courses are offered by ATI nurse educators for ATI educator institutions. The courses, which will cover a variety of topics to enhance your ability to be a strong and effective educator, are one hour long with CEU credits provided. • Education & Training courses are free courses that provide both educational content and training videos to support educators. None of these courses qualify for contact hours or CEUs. • Premium courses are presentations recorded from the ATI National Nurse Educator Summits. Premium CEU courses are available for additional purchase and are available, for free, to our ATI Complete faculty members. FAC U LT Y S O LU T I O N S • ATI Academy hosts live webinars on current topics in Nursing Education. These webinars are free for anyone to join and can be found at ATI Academy™ is a comprehensive lineup of courses designed to help you excel and expand your knowledge as a nurse educator. Price • Integration, Product Highlight, Education & Training, and many of the CEU Courses are free to clients with a Director, Instructor, or Proctor account at • All Premium CEU courses will have a fee associated with them. Typically $20 per session or $150 per faculty member for all sessions (valid for two years). Whether you want product information or professional development, ATI Academy has you covered. ATI Academy offers self-paced and live courses. Through our powerful webinars you’ll discover new information and techniques to help you and your students grow. • There are Premium Courses that don’t have a fee; those courses do not qualify for contact hours. Let’s Get Started TO AC C E S S AT I AC A D E M Y, C L I E N T S W I L L N E E D TO : 1. Log into the ATI Website with username and password. 2. Click “Go” under the “ATI Academy” section within the Faculty Homepage. 3. Clients will need to register for each course they would like to view. Learn More 4. If Complete clients need access to Premium CEU courses, please email the ATI Academy team at Contact your Client Executive at 800-667-7531 to learn more. MARKMAT10135 Contact your Client Executive at 800-667-7531 to learn more. 2015 ATI Academy Course List For a complete list of courses, visit ATI Academy at PREMIUM COURSES S E L F - PAC E D C O U R S E S Clinical Simulation: The Outcomes and the Evidence* Clinical - Simulation Teaching Clinical Reasoning and Multiple Modes of Thinking* Clinical - Instructional Strategies Concept-Based Curriculums: Revolution or Evolution* Curriculum Teaching Students How to Think Like a Nurse* Curriculum Creating Alternate Item Format Questions* Faculty Development - Item Writing Team Based Learning (TBL)* Faculty Development - Active Learning Strategies Electronic Health Records* Clinical - Instructional Strategies Transition Into Practice* Transition-to-Practice Engagement in the Classroom and Clinical: Use of Audience Response Tools* Clinical - Instructional Strategies Transition to Clinical Reasoning* Faculty Development - Clinical Instructional Strategies Fostering Civility in Nursing Education: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create Healthy Academic Workplaces* Civility Fostering Interdisciplinary Education: Barriers, Challenges and Strategies* Faculty Development Good Faculty, Bad Feedback* Faculty Development - Evaluation Innovative Approaches to Simulation* Clinical - Simulation Item Writing, part 1 and part 2* Faculty Development - Item Writing Leading Transformational Change* Faculty Development - Leadership Preparing for Accreditation* Accreditation Empowering Students to be Critical Thinkers Faculty Development - Instructional Strategies Forming a Good Working Relationship with Your Clinical Adjunct Faculty Clinical Informatics Competencies in Undergraduate Education Faculty Development - Informatics Nursing Internships: Transition to Practice Transition-to-Practice Resuscitate your Classroom: Strategies to Engage Students and Bring your Class to Life Faculty Development - Active Learning Strategies Publishing 101* Faculty Development - Publishing Successful Strategies in Teaching Pharmacology Faculty Development Instructional Strategies Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)* Curriculum - QSEN Teaching Faculty How To Teach Online Faculty Development Instructional Strategies Remediation* NCLEX - Remediation The Relationship Between Enhanced Remediation and NCLEX Success NCLEX - Remediation Residency Programs* Transition-to-Practice Student Achievement and NCLEX-RN Success* NCLEX *Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) will be awarded. Clinical Redesigns: Dedicated Education Units Clinical - Instructional Strategies 2013 NCLEX-RN ATI All-Stars* NCLEX Calming Curriculum Fears* Curriculum Creating and Sustaining Civility in* Nursing Education Civility Evaluating Clinical Learning* Clinical - Instructional Strategies Evidence-Based Design of a Pediatric Clinical Learning Experience* Clinical - Instructional Strategies Fostering a Learning Environment* Faculty Development - Active Learning Strategies Growing your Own Educators* Faculty Development Educator Shortage Making Sense of Standardized Test Scores and Item Statistics* Faculty Development - Evaluation Post-Conference Effectiveness* Clinical - Instructional Strategies The Preceptorship Experience* Clinical - Instructional Strategies Transforming Curricula and Pedagogies in Nursing Education: By Dr. Patricia Benner* Curriculum Tried and True Teaching Techniques to Foster Academic Civility and Learner Engagement* Civility Creativity in the Classroom: Engaging Students in Active Learning Faculty Development - Active Learning Strategies Developing Clinical Imagination Clinical - Instructional Strategies Curriculum Development Series Part 1 of 5: Overview of the Curriculum Development Process* Curriculum Concept-Based Curriculum Course Series Part 2 of 5: Embracing Nursing Central Concepts Curriculum - Concept-Based Curriculum Development Series Part 2 of 5: Selecting Critical Nursing Concepts Based on Program Mission and Philosophy* Curriculum Concept-Based Curriculum Course Series Part 3 of 5: Selecting Exemplars for Concept-Based Curriculum - Selecting Content Based on Evidence Curriculum - Concept-Based Curriculum Development Series Part 3 of 5: Developing Program and Level Student Outcomes and Competencies* Curriculum Curriculum Development Series Part 4 of 5: Aligning Course Descriptions, Objectives and Content with Student Learning Outcomes and Competencies* Curriculum Curriculum Development Series Part 5 of 5: Establishing a Clinical Evaluation Tool and Rubric that Reflects Level Competencies* Curriculum How to Prepare and Pass the CNE Exam Faculty Development - CNE Exam Developing a Concept-Based Curriculum that Meets the Needs of Our Next Generation of Nurses (Five Part Series) Curriculum - Concept-Based No Fear Informatics: Teaching 21st Century Skills for the Nurse of the Future Faculty Development - Informatics Concept-Based Curriculum Course Series Part 1 of 5: Paving the Path to Thinking Conceptually Curriculum - Concept-Based Concept-Based Curriculum Course Series Part 4 of 5: Instructional Strategies - Changing the Script Curriculum - Concept-Based Concept-Based Curriculum Course Series Part 5 of 5: Formative and Summative Evaluation - Changing the Paradigm Curriculum - Concept-Based Preventing Faculty-to-Faculty Incivility: Strategies to Promote Collegiality and Community* Civility ADN Accreditation Requirements* Accreditation Practice - Navigating the Path to NCLEX Success: Experience Speaks and Data Answers* NCLEX A Green Approach to Successful Student Remediation Remediation Innovative Teaching Tools in the Nursing Education Classroom: Unfolding Case Studies Faculty Development Unfolding Case Studies Creating an Exceptional Abstract Faculty DevelopmentAbstract Development Creating an Assessment: A Blueprint for Success Faculty Development Assessment Building