Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic

Part 1 : Brand Elements
Part 2 : Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations
Part 3: Brand Extensions
Part 4: Recommendation & conclusion
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Table of Contents
Introduction: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
PART 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Brand Elements: ............................................................................................................................ 5
Brand name: .............................................................................................................................. 6
Logo: ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Jingle: ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Package: .................................................................................................................................... 8
PART 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations ....................................................................................10
Companies: ..............................................................................................................................10
Create new brand: ................................................................................................................11
Modify and existing brand: ...................................................................................................11
Combine and existing and new brand: ..................................................................................12
Spokesperson: ..........................................................................................................................12
Events: .....................................................................................................................................13
PART 3 .............................................................................................................................................14
Brand Extensions ..........................................................................................................................15
New Products and Brand Extensions.........................................................................................15
Line Extensions......................................................................................................................16
Category Extensions ..............................................................................................................16
PART 4 .............................................................................................................................................18
Findings .......................................................................................................................................19
Recommendation ........................................................................................................................20
Conclusion : .....................................................................................................................................21
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Branding has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer to those of
another. In fact the word “brand” is derived from the Old Norse word “brandr,” which means “to burn” as
brand were and still are the means by which owners of livestock mark their animals to identify them. According to American Marketing Association (AMA), “a brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a
combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to
differentiate them from those of competitors”.
Thus the key to creating a brand, according to AMA definition, is to be able to choose a name, logo, symbol, package design, or other attributes that identifies a product and distinguishes it from others.
In this work you will see, how branding process is used in the cosmetic product and what are the essential
factors to consider in branding these products.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Part 1:
Brand Elements
Brand elements, sometimes called brand identities,
are those trademarkable devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand. The main brand
elements are brand name, logo, color, jingle, package & slogan.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Brand Elements:
his part will show you how different brand elements can be chosen to build brand equity
in the cosmetic product line. According to the customer based brand equity model,
brand elements can be chosen to enhance brand awareness; facilitate the formation of
strong, favorable, and unique brand associations; or elicit positive brand judgments and feelings.
Brand elements, sometimes called brand identities, are those trademarkable devices that serve
to identify and differentiate the brand. The main brand elements are brand name, logo, color,
jingle, package & slogan.
To be effective the above six elements must be memorable, meaningful, likable, transferable, protectable
and finally adaptable.
Memorable: A necessary condition for building brand equity is achieving a high level of brand awareness.
Towards that goal, brand elements can be chosen that are inherently memorable and therefore facilitate
recall and/or recognition in purchase and/or consumption setting.
Meaningful: Besides choosing brand elements to build awareness, brand elements can also be chosen
whose inherent meaning enhances the formation of brand associations. Brand elements may take on all
kinds of meaning, varying in descriptive, as well as persuasive, content.
Adaptable: The fourth consideration concerns the adaptability of the brand element over time. Because of
changes in consumer values and opinions, or just because of a need to remain up-to-date or contemporary, brand elements often must be updated over time.
Protectable: The sixth and final general consideration concerns the extent to which the brand element is
protect able - both in a legal and competitive sense.
Now you will see how a brand name and logo is designed, how the color of brand is determined, how
much impression does the slogan has on a brand and why packaging is important. You will also see what is
happening in real life in the cosmetic products. So let’s start with the Brand name.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Brand name:
The brand name is a fundamentally important choice as it often captures the central theme or key associations of a product in a very compact and economical fashion. Brand names can be an extremely effective “shorthand” means of communication.
Fair & Lovely
Menz Active
Botanic Aroma
Usually a brand name should have the following criteria:
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
A logo is an iconic symbol, graphic mark or emblem designed to represent a company, product or service.
It also depicts an organization's personality. Set in a special typeface, it is a graphic element, symbol, and
icon of a trademark or brand, which are the shapes, colors, fonts and images usually different from others
in a similar market.
Benefits of Logo
Logos and symbols are often easily recognized.
Easily transferable well across cultures.
Logos can be relevant and appropriate in a range of product categories.
Unlike brand names, logos can also be changed over time.
Guideline for setting logo design
Your logo should be compatible with your image
Your logo design should be simple
Your logo should be unique and recognizable
Typography is Crucial
Does your logo design work in Black & White?
Number of Colors
Have you thought about your tagline?
Here are some popular brand logos :
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Jingles are musical messages around the brand. They are the extended musical slogans. Jingles are memorable tune with lyric broadcast used in radio and television commercials, which are intended to convey an
advertising slogan.
Benefits of Jingle
1. Advertising jingles are just as important as having a graphic logo that identifies your
business. Audio images provide lasting identity even more powerful than print. Your
customers will be singing your song.
2. Jingles convey core product attributes through catch-phrase or choruses.
Some popular Jingle
1. ঱াক্স এর ছ াোঁয়ায় , আমি স্টার হয়য় যাই— ঱াক্স
2. হার্বা঱ রুপ চচবায় র্াাং঱ায়েয়লর ছ ৌরর্— ছর্াটামিক অ্যায়রািা
Packaging is the activities of designing and producing containers or wrappers for a product. Packaging can
be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and
end use. Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.
Benefits of Packaging
1. It helps build brand equity directly through points of difference created by functional or aesthetic elements of the packaging or
2. Indirectly through the reinforcement of brand awareness and image.
Packaging Objectives
Helps to identify the brand.
Convey descriptive or persuasive information.
Facilitation transportation.
Aid product consumption.
Assist at home storage.
6. Indicators of target market.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Part 2:
Leveraging Secondary Brand
Brands themselves may be linked to other entities that
have their own knowledge structures in the minds of
consumers. Because of these linkages, consumers may
assume or infer that some of the associations or responses that characterize the other entities may also
be true for the brand. That is the brand essentially borrows some brand knowledge and, depending on the
nature of those associations and responses, perhaps
some brand equity from other entities.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations
n the previous part you have found how brand equity could be built through the choice of brand elements. This part considers the second means by which brand equity can be built – namely, through
the leverage of related or “secondary” brand associations. That is, brands themselves may be linked
to other entities that have their own knowledge structures in the minds of consumers. Because of these
linkages, consumers may assume or infer that some of the associations or responses that characterize the
other entities may also be true for the brand. Thus, in effect, some associations or responses become
transferred from other entities to brand. In other words, the brand essentially borrows some brand
knowledge and, depending on the nature of those associations and responses, perhaps some brand equity
from other entities. This indirect approach to building brand equity is referred to as leveraging secondary
brand knowledge for the brand. This can be done by the following ways :
The branding strategies adopted by the company that makes a product or offers a service are an important determinant of the strength of association from the brand to the company and any other existing
brands. Three main branding options exist for a new product:
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Create new brand:
For a new product the company may create a completely new brand. This brand will be new in the market
with new customer segment, new name, new packaging, new marketing and promotional campaign. So
many times we see new brand in the market. Some are as below:
After the successful introduction of Fair & Handsome , Emami introduces a totally new brand “Fair
and Teen” for teenage girls.
Modify and existing brand:
To some extent due to the change in the customer choice, the marketer has to modify the existing brand.
Just consider the continuous modification of LUX beauty soap. Almost every year Lux is modifying itself to
cope with the customer change.
Instead of introducing new brands for different Lux
soap, Unilever modified the existing brand into different types of soap under the same brand name.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Combine and existing and new brand:
Sometimes even it is seen that an existing brand is combined with a complete new brand or product. This
is generally helpful in terms of the brand recognition and marketing efforts.
Recently Unilever has introduced a new product —
body wash. Instead of giving new brand name for the
product, Unilever used the existing brand name “Lux”
for the new product.
Well-known and admired people to promote product is a widespread phenomenon which bring immediate attention to the brand and shapes the perception of the brand by virtue of the inferences. This strategy is very common in the cosmetic market. Several times, so many spokespersons are used to promote
the brand. Just consider the following cases.
Over the time Lux has assigned many film stars as the
spokesperson. Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif is now
the spokes person of Lux.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
“Keya” a popular soap brand in Bangladesh. Since
from the introduction of “Keya” Bangladeshi model
“Mou” was assigned as the spokes person of Keya.
Once upon a time there was a sense like— “Keya”
means “Mou” or “Mou” means “Keya”
It is very important to choose the appropriate event, design the optimal sponsorship program and measure the effects of sponsorship on brand equity. This sponsored event can contribute to brand equity by becoming associated
to the brand and improving brand awareness, adding new associations and improving the brand strength of the existing associations. Though it is not widely used but sometimes it is found to use this strategy to brand the product.
Just consider the case of Lux Channel-I super star competition.
For the several years Lux is arranging a beauty hunt competition named as— Lux
Channel-I super star. This event created a huge response from the general public.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Part 3:
Brand Extensions
Formerly “one brand for one product” strategy was
followed. Over time, tight economic conditions, a need
for growth, and other factors forced firms to rethink
their most valuable assets is their brands, many firms
have since decided to leverage that asset by introducing a host of new products under some of their strongest brand names.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Brand Extensions
To provide some historical perspective, for years firms tended to follow the lead of Procter & Gamble ,
Coca-Cola, and other major consumer goods marketer that essentially avoided introducing any new products using an existing brand name. Over time, tight economic conditions, a need for growth, and other
factors forced firms to rethink their most valuable assets is their brands, many firms have since decided to
leverage that asset by introducing a host of new products under some of their strongest brand names.
Because brand extensions have only recently become prevalent, to some extent “rules” guiding brand extension strategy are still emerging. Nevertheless, a flurry of academic research activity and some notable
marketplace successes and failures are providing insight as to best management practices. This part will
describe some basic brand extension issues and their advantages and disadvantages. Then will present a
simple model of how consumers evaluate brand extensions.
New Products and Brand Extensions
Before discussing brand extension strategies it is important to identify the sources of growth for a firm.
One useful perspective is offered by Ansoff’s product/market expansion grid. The growth strategies can be
categorized by according to whether they involve existing or new product and whether they target existing or new customers or market.
Current Market
New Market
Current Product
New Product
Brand Extension is when a firm uses an established brand name to introduce a new product. When a
new brand name is combined with an existing brand the brand extension can also be called a sub-brand.
An existing brand that gives birth to a brand extension is referred to as parent brand.
Brand extensions can be broadly classified into two broad categories:
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Line Extensions
Sometimes it is essential to brand a new product that targets a new market segment within a product
category that is currently served by the parent brand. Just think of the introduction of Lux Body Wash by
Unilever. Lux is the brand for toilet soap since its birth. But currently the Lux brand is used to introduce
new product- Body wash targeting a new market segment within the category. Again think of the “Clear
Men” shampoo. Clear men introduced two new types of products – “Clear Men ActiveSport” & “Clear
Men HairFall Decrease”. The two type of shampoo are operating in the same category but targeting two
different market segments.
Unilever introduces new product
line — Body Wash under the
existing brand name “Lux”.
Two successful line extensions under the brand “Clear Men” - Active
Sport and Hair Fall Decrease.
Category Extensions
Entering in a different product category is the most common phenomena. But branding
for the new category is to some extent crucial as the brand promotion cost is high and
gaining customer confidence is questionable. So marketers to avoid these risks use an
existing brand name for this new product category. As the product category is totally
new, so the market segment is and thus eventually the target market. In this situation
we call it as category extensions. Think of Dove. Dove has extended its brand name into
various product types like – dove soap, dove shampoo.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
“Dove” extended their brand name to the
new product category (shampoo) under
the same brand name.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Part 4:
Findings & Recommendation
To brand a product is a crucial thing. Selecting the
right combination of brand elements and other factors that contribute to the brand need to consider
the two parties’ thinking—the consumer and the
marketer. In this part we will discuss what marketer
think and what consumer think while selecting a
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Findings & Recommendation
In the previous we have discussed the strategies and techniques that are followed to brand cosmetic
products. Now we will condense the total issues and re-discuss these. The main objective of this part is to
summarize the factors and forces that contribute to brand the cosmetics products. Later we will discuss
what are the measures yet to be taken for fine tuning the branding process. That is we will recommend
some strategies that may be followed.
Now we will discuss the factors and forces that contribute to brand cosmetic products. Here we will discuss two point of views– from the marketers’ perspective and from the consumers’ perspective for better
understanding of the scenario. Firstly we will see from the marketers’ perspective then from the consumers’ perspective.
Marketers’ perspective: To brand cosmetic products marketers uses the following tools:
1. Brand Elements: As discussed earlier (see page 5, brand elements) marketers use—logo, color,
jingle, slogan and attractive packaging to brand the products. If you notice the famous brand
“Lux” from “Unilever” then you will see they have high quality logo design, attractive packaging
and slogan. One of the memorable slogan may be—
. It
takes no time to recall the brand name what offer this great slogan.
2. Secondary Brand Associations: When the existing brand image and brand recall is not satisfactory
marketers try to leverage the brand recall by leveraging secondary associations. In the Second
Part (see page 9) we have discussed how secondary associations like— spokes person, events or
companies can contribute to the brand. For cosmetics products marketers uses heavily these
tools. We have discussed the example of
our local brand. Since its birth “Keya” assigned
our model “Mou” as the spokes person or model for the brand. Once it was situation like—
3. Brand Extensions: To boost the brand image and brand recognition marketers sometimes extend
their brand in different ways. These may be line extension or category extension. From the example of “Lux” , “Clear Men” and “Dove” we have got idea about how brand extensions may take
Consumers’ perspective: Not necessarily branding procedure is solely played by the marketers. It is
the consumer on the other part who also take part in the total game. So consumers’ view point must be
considered to brand the cosmetic products. Here are some factors that consumers highly evaluate in
terms of choosing a brand.
1. Quality: The precondition of a successful brand is a Quality Product. Firsts of all a consumer think
of the quality of the product.
2. Brand recognition and brand recall: The second aspect that comes to consumers’ mind is the familiarity of the brand. The more familiar the brand is the more chance is there to be successful.
3. Packaging: For cosmetic products aesthetic value is another important one. Appealing design of
the package has a great impression on the consumers mind.
4. Spokes person: As cosmetic products are of aesthetic value , so the spokes person or the model
assigned to brand the product must be well accepted and popular to the target market.
5. Core benefit & others benefit of the product: From the marketing theory we know a customer actually don’t buy a product rather buy a solution. So behind the success of brand there is good solution for the customer. Thus a marketer must make a good solution if to make the successful.
Then the second factor is the augmented benefit of the product that will help the brand to stand
out in a crowd. The right mixture of these two fact will help the brand to become a successful one.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
In the cosmetic market there are a lot of brands from many competing companies. Some of these brands
are very successful and some others are trying hard. In Bangladesh the cosmetic market is composed of
both global and some local brand. There are many global brands like Lux, Dove, Sunsilk, Garnier, Mrs.
Marino, Olay, Avon, Neutrogena, Fair & Lovely, Fair & Teen, Fair & Handsome, Nivea, Ponds, Cavier. These
brands are actually dominating the cosmetic market. But from our country we have some local brands
like—Cute, Meril, Tibet, Keya, Jui, Sandalina. These local brands has to fight a lot with the global giants. So
here are some suggestions for these brands to compete in the market.
1. Attractive Packaging: Most of the global brands has set their packaging in an attractive look. But
our local brand have not yet adopted this strategy. So they should adopt this strategy.
2. Media Exposure: Global brands like—Lux, Ponds, Garnier have high media exposure. But our local
brands lack of this. Thus it is suggested that they may increase their media exposure for better
customer reach and brand knowledge.
3. Renowned model or spokesperson: In line with the global trend both our local brands are also try
to assign recognized model as their spokes person. It is suggested that they may emphasize this
point a bit more so as to compete the global brands.
4. Quality: It is of no doubt that to be a successful brand top quality product is must. To compete in
the market or local brands must ensure the quality product.
5. Innovation: Innovating new-new product, product line is must for coping with the customer
change. New product idea must be generated and introduced to the market to ensure high brand
recognition and brand meaning.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products
Cosmetic market is a lucrative market for any business organization. Because it does not require high
technological complexity, high commitment and it has a huge demand. Cosmetic product requires limited
problem solving. Most of the time customers are not that much price sensitive like the business buyers.
The market itself is composed of huge customers in comparison with other high value good or any industrial product. There is a huge demand for the product. Day by day people are becoming more and more
beauty conscious. But this scenario was not like that in the past decades.
So when there is a huge demand for the product, when the market is composed of lot of buyers, when the
market need little commitment, when the product does not require that much technological complexity
the definitely such market is a lucrative one. In this market what we need just a product and brand. Thus if
a company follow these guidelines discussed earlier they surely they will be successful one in the market.
Major Considerations for Branding in Cosmetic Products