Setting the Stage for Achievement: Goal-Driven Learning: * Directions for Enrolling in the Online Course *Effective August 2014 until the Course is moved to Future TWC-Provided Learning Management System (LMS) 1. Registration and Enrollment Information • Software requirements: To access the course and view all documents successfully you will need high-speed internet, Adobe Flash, and Acrobat Reader. • Currently, the online Goal-Driven course cannot be viewed on an I-Pad or I-Phone. • If you have any questions about the enrollment process, contact the Distance Learning Manager at TRAIN PD: or 800-441-7323 2. Directions for Adult Education Directors • Please distribute this “Enrollment Directions Hand-out” to your staff who needs to complete the Goal-Driven Learning online course. Note: teachers/staff members will need the entire “Enrollment Directions Hand-out” to successfully register for and complete the course. • After verifying that staff members have a Goal-Driven Learning Course Certificate of Achievement, directors can enter the PD hours in TEAMS. o The PD activity in TEAMS is titled TRAIN PD Setting the Stage for Achievement: Goal-Driven Learning Online Course. o Completion of the online course is worth 3.0 staff development hours. Turn to page #2 of the document for specific course enrollment directions. 1 3. Please follow the enrollment steps below in sequential order. 1. Go to This is your first time to this Moodle site so you will need to create an account for yourself on the website. 2. Click on the Create a New Account button. 2 3. New Account Information: Be sure to write down and save your username and password because you will need this information, in the future, when you login to the Moodle website. When finished, click on Create my new Account. 4. Registration Confirmation 3 5. Confirm Your New Account: You will receive an email asking you to confirm your account. Click on the link in the email. If you do not receive this message within 24 hours, contact Tim Ponder: 6. Registration Confirmation. After you click on the link in Step #5, another window should open up that states your, “Your registration has been confirmed.” Click on the button Courses. 4 7. Click on the blue link, Setting the Stage for Achievement Goal-Driven Learning. Entering the Enrollment Key: You will need to enter the enrollment key the first time you enter the course. After you enter the enrollment key, click on Enroll me. 8. Enrollment Key: TexasGoals (all one word and capitalize the T and G) Enter the Enrollment Key: TexasGoals 5 9. Congratulations! You have successfully entered the Goal-Driven Course. To log-out of the course, click on the Logout button at the top right-hand corner of the course. 10. You are now logged-out of the Goal-Driven Learning Course. 6 11. Returning to the course: You always return to the following link to enter the Moodle course: 12. Username and password: You will always enter the same username and password that you created during Step #3 of these directions and click Login. 7 13. Click on the blue Texas category link. 14. Click on the blue link Setting the Stage for Achievement: Goal-Driving Learning. 8 15. The Goal-Driven Learning Course Homepage 9