External Funding Opportunities - Brown School: Master of Public

External Funding Opportunities for Graduate Students
(Revised 2015-16)
Note: This listing is a compilation of funding opportunities that have been identified as relevant to our
students and opportunities that Brown School students have previously utilized. The compilation is not
exhaustive and students are encouraged to use additional resources to explore external opportunities.
American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work Awards (ABECSW)
Purpose: Funding for graduate students in the clinical field of social work.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.acswa.org/students
Byron Hanke Fellowship - The Foundation for Community Association Research
Purpose: Funding for students working on topics related to community associations.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.cairf.org/scholarships/hanke.aspx
Consuelo W. Gosnell Memorial MSW Scholarship (NASW)
Purpose: Funding for students in social work demonstrating a commitment to working with, or who have a special affinity
with American Indian/Alaska Native and Hispanic/Latino populations.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.naswfoundation.org/gosnell.asp
Cory L. Richards Memorial Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for students seeking advanced degrees in public health or public policy and plan to devote their careers to
advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Deadline: March 27 |Website: http://www.guttmacher.org/richardsscholarship
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Purpose: Funding for students actively working for peace and participation in struggles for civil rights, economic justice,
international solidarity or other progressive issues.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.davisputter.org/
National Association of Junior Auxiliaries, Inc. Graduate Scholarship Program
Purpose: Funding for students working or planning to work directly with addressing the special needs of children and youth.
Deadline: February 1 | Website: http://www.najanet.org
Pi Gamma Mu Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for members to attend graduate school in the social sciences.
Deadline: February 15 |Website: http://www.pigammamu.org/scholarships.html
Society for Public Health Education Student Member Fellowship and Awards
Purpose: Funding for graduate student members of SOPHE.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.sophe.org/sophe_student_member_awards.cfm
TYLENOL® Future Care Scholars
Purpose: Funding for students pursuing careers in healthcare and dedicated to a lifetime of caring for others.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.tylenol.com/news/scholarship
Verne LaMarr Lyons Memorial MSW Scholarship (NASW)
Purpose: Funding for students in social work demonstrating an interest in, or experience with, health/mental health practice
and a commitment to working in the African American community.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.naswfoundation.org/lyons.asp
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Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for students that are current NAACP members.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.poisefoundation.org/component/content/article/180.html
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Fellowships and Grants
Purpose: Funding for women to gain access to educational and economic opportunities.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/educational-funding-and-awards
American Indian College Fund
Purpose: Funding for students based upon merit or demonstrated financial need.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.collegefund.org/students_and_alumni/content/graduate_special_scholarships
American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) Fellowship Program
Purpose: Funding for qualified American Indian students with financial need.
Deadline: June 1 | Website: http://www.aigcs.org/scholarships/graduate-fellowships
American Indian Health Service Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for qualified American Indian and Alaska Native students pursuing a health profession degree program.
Deadline: March 28 | Website: http://www.ihs.gov/scholarship
Armenian International Women's Association Scholarships
Purpose: Funding for female students of Armenian descent; based on financial need and merit.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://aiwainternational.org/initiatives/scholarships
Armenian Professional Society Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for or students with financial need, scholastic achievements, and involvement in the Armenian Community.
Deadline: Varies |Website: http://www.apsla.org
Association of American Indian Affairs (AAIA)
Purpose: Funding for American Indian students in federally recognized and non-recognized tribes.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.indian-affairs.org/scholarships/aaia_scholarships.htm
Canadian Federation of University Women
Purpose: Funding for women pursuing a variety of academic areas, including international humanitarian efforts, feminist and
gender analysis, advanced science, medicine, social justice and human rights for women and girls.
Deadline: November 9 | Website: http://www.cfuw.org/en-ca/fellowships.aspx
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Purpose: Funding for qualified African-American students who reside or attend school in a CBC member district.
Deadline: February 28 | Website: http://www.cbcfinc.org/scholarhips
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for Latino students with a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and
who demonstrate a desire to continue their civic engagement in the future.
Deadline: April 16 | Website: http://www.chci.org/scholarships
Elliot C. Roberts Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for student leaders who represent ethnically diverse cultural backgrounds pursuing degrees in healthcare.
Deadline: January 11 | Website: http://www.diversityconnection.org/Institute-Elliot-C.-Roberts-Scholarship.jsp
Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation
Purpose: Funding for women with physical disabilities pursuing graduate degrees.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/elafi-grad.aspx
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Purpose: Funding for qualified Latino students.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://hsf.net/en/scholarships/programs/
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Houtan Scholarship Foundation
Purpose: Funding for students from all origins - Iranian and non-Iranian - with high academic performance and proven
interest in promoting Iran's great culture, heritage, language and civilization.
Deadline: June 1 |Website: http://www.houtan.org
Institute for Diversity in Health Management Scholarships
Purpose: Funding for graduate students who are pursuing a degree in healthcare administration or a comparable discipline.
Deadline: January 11 | Website: http://www.diversityconnection.org/Scholarship-Program-Assistance.jsp
Japanese American Citizens League National Scholarships and Awards
Purpose: Funding for active national JACL members.
Deadline: April 1 | Website: http://www.jacl.org/edu/scholar.htm
Korean American Scholarship Foundation
Purpose: Funding for Korean American students.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.kasf.org/application
La Unidad Latina Foundation
Purpose: Funding for students in various graduate-level and professional programs.
Deadline: February 15 or October 15 | Website: http://www.lulf.org/apply
Minority Fellowship Program – Youth for Master’s Students
Purpose: Funding for students committed to providing mental health services to at-risk children and youth in underserved
minority communities.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.cswe.org/CentersInitiatives/ScholarshipsandFellowships/MFP
National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)
Purpose: Funding for Italian American students and students from any ethnic background majoring or minoring in Italian
language, Italian studies, Italian American studies or a related field.
Deadline: March 1 | Website: http://www.niaf.org/programs/scholarships/
National Federation of the Blind Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for blind students; awards are based on academic excellence, community service, and leadership.
Deadline: March 31 | Website: https://nfb.org/scholarships
National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for Hispanic students committed to careers in health care and enrolled full-time in dental, medical, nursing,
public health, policy, physician assistant, pharmacy, or podiatry schools.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.nhmafoundation.org/index.php/scholarship-program
Navajo Nation Graduate Fellowship
Purpose: Funding for eligible Navajo students.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.onnsfa.org/FundingTypes/GraduateFund.aspx
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
Purpose: Funding for new Americans (naturalized citizen, green card holder or DACA recipient if born abroad; or a child of
naturalized citizens if born in this country).
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.pdsoros.org/competition
Point Foundation - The National LGTB Scholarship Fund
Purpose: Funding to assist in nurturing the next generation of LGBTQ leaders to make a significant impact on society.
Deadline: Varies | Website: https://www.pointfoundation.org/point-apply/apply-now
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Aga Khan Foundation
Purpose: Funding for students from select developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies, in order
to prepare them for employment, primarily within the AKDN.
Deadline: March 31 | Website: http://www.akdn.org/akf_scholarships.asp
Civil Society Leadership Awards – Open Society Foundations
Purpose: Funding for students who clearly demonstrate academic and professional excellence and a deep commitment to
leading positive social change in their communities; to become future leaders in countries where civil society is challenged by
a deficit of democratic practice in local governance and social development.
Deadline: September 15 | Website: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/grants/civil-society-leadership-award
Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program
Purpose: Funding for students to develop a deeper understanding of U.S. values and to gain skills and knowledge in fields they
often cannot study in their home countries—such as public health, environmental policy, and human rights law.
Deadline: Varies | Website: https://www.irex.org/projects/edmund-s-muskie-graduate-fellowship-program
Finlandia Foundation National Student Scholarships Program
Purpose: Funding for students with financial need and U.S./Finnish citizenship.
Deadline: February 1 | Website: http://www.finlandiafoundation.org/Scholarships
Fulbright Foreign Student Program
Purpose: Funding for foreign students to study, conduct research, and/or teach their native language in the U.S.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://eca.state.gov/fulbright/information/undergraduate-and-graduate-students
Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund - Overseas Postgraduate Study and Professional Training Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for students from Hong Kong who hold a degree from a University in Hong Kong.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/eng/scholar/content10.htm
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
Purpose: Funding for women from developing and middle-income countries to further their education and strengthen the
professional and leadership skills they need to improve the lives of women and children.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.mmmf-grants.org/home/grants-home
Organization of American States (OAS) – Scholarships for Academic Studies
Purpose: Funding for students pursuing studies and research related to the eight priority areas contemplated in the OAS plan.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.oas.org/en/scholarships/regular_program.asp
Philanthropic Educational Organization International Peace Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for international female students pursuing graduate study in the United States and Canada.
Deadline: December 15 | Website: http://www.peointernational.org/peo-projectsphilanthropies
USAID Scholarships
Purpose: Funding for international students; varies by country.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://www.usaid.gov
World Bank Scholarships and Fellowships
Purpose: Funded for graduate and postgraduate studies leading to masters’ and doctoral degrees in development-related
fields for mid-career professionals and researchers from developing countries.
Deadline: Varies | Website: http://web.worldbank.org
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for qualifies students demonstrating community service and involvement.
Deadline: August 15
Website: http://www.akaeaf.org/graduate_scholarships.htm
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund
Purpose: Funding for students with an outstanding undergraduate record and demonstrating financial need
Deadline: Varies
Website: http://fdnweb.org/liebmann
Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship
Purpose: Funding for students interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID). Fellowship recipients will join the USAID Foreign Service upon completion of the program.
Deadline: January 19 | Website: http://www.paynefellows.org/?areaid=2&contentid=941
Giva Scholarships
Purpose: Funding for students to expand their social responsibility and community service footprint in the world.
Deadline: June 1 and December 1
Website: http://www.givainc.com/scholarships
JCCs of North America Graduate Scholarship Programs
Purpose: Funding for students to use towards an advanced degree that will lead to or enhance professional careers in the
Jewish Community Center movement.
Deadline: February 1
Website: http://www.jccworks.com
Leopold Schepp Foundation Scholarship
Purpose: Funding for students; concern for the individual and emphasis on character.
Deadline: Varies
Website: http://www.scheppfoundation.org
Mike & Gail Donley Spouse Scholarship - Air Force Association (AFA)
Purpose: Funding for Air Force spouses worldwide to pursue associate, bachelor or graduate/postgraduate degrees.
Deadline: Varies
Website: http://www.afa.org/informationfor/teachers/scholarshipsteachers/donleyspousescholarship
Mustard Seed Foundation - Harvey Fellows Program
Purpose: Funding for students to actively integrate their faith and vocation as leaders in strategic occupations.
Deadline: November 1
Website: http://www.harveyfellows.org
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