Comprised of: Anteriorly and Laterally The os coxae Î ilium, ischium and pubis Posteriorly Sacrum and coccyx Anteriorly Pubic symphysis lumbar vertebrae sacrum ilium femur pubis obturator foramen ischium Pelvis Major (False pelvis) Located between the iliac fossae, superior to the pelvic brim Actually part of the abdominal cavity Pelvis Minor (True pelvis) Located inferior to the oblique plane of the pelvic brim Contains the pelvic cavity sacral promontory alae of sacrum arcuate line of ilium pectineal line of pubis pubic crest Composed of 5 fused sacral vertebrae Transmits the weight of the body to the bony pelvis through the sacroiliac (SI) joints 1 2 3 4 5 ala anterior sacral foramina SI joint L5 posterior sacral foramina median sacral crest sacral hiatus L4 L5 lumbosacral disc sacral promontory sacrum anterior ilium SI joint posterior median sacral crest ala of sacrum sacral canal The plural of pelvis is pelves 9 Which of these pelves belongs to a woman? Urinary System Distal ureters, urinary bladder, urethra Male Internal Genital Organs Vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands Female Internal Genital Organs Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina Rectum (covered in lecture on Radiology of the Abdomen) Anterior Posterior left kidney left adrenal gland left renal pelvis segmental artery inferior adrenal artery main renal interlobar artery artery abdominal aorta 1 2 3 4 inferior vena cava Rt. kidney Lt. kidney Lt. renal vein Rt. renal vein Lt. renal artery Rt. renal artery 1 2 3 4 Right Kidney Left Kidney Aorta Inferior Vena Cava rt renal pelvis rt ureter urinary bladder minor calyces L1 renal pelvis major calyx ureter ? right renal pelvis left renal pelvis junction of the bifid ureter left ureter urinary bladder bifid renal pelvis Is this an intravenous pyelogram? No. Is this a renal arteriogram? Nope. Was any contrast used here at all? No. This patient suffers from familial hyperoxalosis with renal osteodystrophy. So what are these? There is an increased rate of oxalate synthesis in the body. Calcium binds to oxalic acid to form calcium oxalate, which is insoluble. The result is a buildup of calcium oxalate in renal tissues, and the kidneys become effectively calcified. Treatment can involve renal transplantation. Clips from a renal transplant T12 L1 Kidney stones (aka renal calculi) Staghorn calculus T12 L1 Calculus of the renal pelvis, extending into the major and minor calices Axial CT image normal R Bilateral renal cell carcinoma L The shape of the adrenals on CT and MR is highly variable, but they often resemble an inverted “Y” sitting above the kidneys. adrenal L1 right kidney cortex medulla hilum What is this patient missing? A coronal MR image showing normal adrenals bilaterally, and 2 rather abnormal kidneys What’s wrong? liver spleen renal cell carcinoma renal cyst R L liver liver spleen Adenoma: A benign tumor in which cells are derived from glandular epithelium Bilateral adrenal adenomas Bladder Urinary bladder Prostatic urethra Verumontanum Membranous urethra Bulbous urethra Penile urethra fundus of uterus body of uterus fallopian tube cervix vagina right ovary urinary bladder (distended) uterus endometrium left ovary anterior ascites With axial CT correlation anterior ascites uterus broad ligaments posterior ? placenta amniotic fluid head spine orbit nose lips chin sigmoid colon uterus pubic symphysis urinary bladder cervix vagina Serial coronal images 1 2 3 4 bladder uterine fibroid bladder fallopian tube uterus Hydrosalpinx: dilation of fallopian tube urethra vagina rectum levator ani coccyx ischium femoral neck pubic symphysis obturator internus obturator externus ischiorectal fossa 1 2 coccyx bladder rectum seminal vesicles femoral head in acetabulum 3 4 5 6 7 8 bladder rectum coccyx prostate femoral head levator ani normal bladder prostate Benign prostatic hyperplasia right testicle left testicle normal Seminoma: malignant testicular tumour rt. renal artery abdominal aorta lumbar aa. left common iliac a. right external iliac a. right internal iliac a. abdominal aorta rt. common iliac a. rt. external iliac a. rt. internal iliac a. rt. common femoral a. lt. superficial femoral a. lt. profunda femoris a. r. common iliac a. r. external iliac a. r. common femoral a. r. internal iliac a. l. inferior epigastric a. r. obturator a. l. inferior gluteal a. l. circumflex iliac a. l. superior gluteal a. l. iliolumbar a.