Week 5 Homework - Coffeetable Latin

Advanced Latin - Wk 5 - Homework Oct. 1-8, 2014
Day 1
❏ Review vocabulary words from Verb Vocabulary Sheet. Many of them will be unfamiliar to you. Feel free to use whatever tried and true method you prefer ­ flashcards, covering and quizzing, writing out lists, saying them out loud, whatever. ❏ Review class notes to remember the things we discussed in class. ❏ Print out a our new, awesome multiplication, I mean declension, sheet to fill out. Time yourself and write down your time at the top. Then check it very carefully for any mistakes. ❏ Open Henle to Unit 3. Read through pgs 99­102. Do numbers 1­3 of Exercise 104. ❏ Do numbers 1 and 10 of Henle Exercise 109. ❏ End your Latin time today with Exercise 114. Day 2
❏ Review vocabulary words from the Verb Vocabulary Sheet. ❏ Once again (unless yesterday you didn’t miss one little thing ­ and I mean little thing) print out a declension sheet and fill it out, writing down your time and checking yourself. Hopefully you were a little faster and a little more accurate. ❏ Do Henle Exercises 118 ❏ Do Henle Exercises 121 and 125 Day 3
❏ Review all vocabulary words. ❏ Again, if you are flawless and writing as fast as your hand will allow, you may skip this step. Otherwise, print the declension sheet again and time it, and check for mistakes. Celebrate with a cookie and tea if you made great progress. ❏ Do Henle Exercises 132 and 140. ❏ There may or may not be a quiz on these three tenses (present, imperfect, and future) and vocabulary when we meet on Wednesday. CoffeetableLatin.com 1 