Latin 1 Final Review

Spring Final Exam Review Guide 2009
Nonis Maiis- May 7, 2009
You are responsible for all Language Facts, Chapters 1- 10, but here is an outline of
grammar that may help you organize the information
I.Grammar and Syntax
A. Parts of Speech- be able to identify the following part of speech.
Define the following and give an example of each in Latin
 Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Conjunction Interjection PrepositionB. Nouns
1.Noun functions and case uses. Be familiar with a noun’s
function(subject, predicate nominative, direct object, etc) and how these
functions correspond with the six Latin cases. Be able to recognize and
indicate a noun’s function in both Latin and English. For the following six
cases, indicate all noun functions which the following six cases represent.
 Nominative
 Genitive
 Dative
 Accusative
 Ablative
2. Noun Properties- Gender, Number, and Case
3. Noun Declensions. Be able to identify and decline a noun belonging to
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension.
C. Verbs
1. Verb properties. Be familiar with the following properties of a verb:
 Person
 Number
 Tense
 Voice
2. Infinitives – Active and Passive
- indirect statement usage
3. Conjugation – 1, 2, 3, 3io, and 4 Present Tense
D. Adjectives
 1st and 2nd declension (us, a, um)
 3rd declension (the 3 different types)
 How to modify any declension noun in gender, number, and case
II. Phrases
A. Review the following phrases of the day (and others from your phrase
 Caveat emptor
 Urbi et orbi
 Pax Romana
 Pro Bono
 Mea Culpa
 Accipite et Bibete
 Persona non grata
 Et cetera
 Id est
 Tempus Fugit
 Carpe Diem
 Inter Sacrum Saxumque
III. Vocabulary . You must be familiar with all vocabulary appearing in the
“Vocabulary to Learn” section of each Chapter from 1-10. You must be able to
produce the genitives for all nouns and the four principal parts for all verbs.
These vocab words should all be on your vocab ring.
- be able to
IV. Culture/ History/ Geography
- Olympian gods and goddesses
- Preposition book
- Basic Geography of Roman Empire
- Trojan War