Passive and Active Transport

Passive and Active Transport
1. Thermodynamics of
2. Passive-mediated
3. Active transport
neuron, membrane potential,
ion transport
•  Provide barrier function
–  Extracellular / Intracellular
–  Organelle interior / Cytosol
•  Barrier can be overcome by „transport proteins“
–  To mediate transmembrane movements of ions, Na+, K+
–  Nutrients, glucose, amino acids etc.
–  Water (aquaporins)
•  Barrier -> Gradient -> Energy/Information
1) Thermodynamik des Transportes
1)  Verstehen der Thermodynamik des vermittelten
und des unvermittelten Transportes von
Substanzen durch eine Membranbarriere
Thermodynamics of Transport
•  Aout <-> Ain (ressembles a chemical equilibration)
•  GA - Go‘A = RT ln [A] (chemical potential)
•  ∆GA = GA(in) - GA(out) = RT ln ([A]in/[A]out)
•  GA: chemical potential of A
•  Go‘A: chemical potential of standard state of A
•  If membrane has a potential,
i.e., plasma membrane: -100mV (inside negative)
then GA is termed the electrochemical potential
of A
Two types of transport across
a membrane:
Nonmediated transport occurs by passive
diffusion, i.e., O2, CO2
driven by chemical potential gradient, i.e. cannot
occur against a concentration gradient
Mediated transport occurs by dedicated
transport proteins
1. Passive-mediated transport/facilitated diffusion:
[high] -> [low]
2. Active transport: [low] -> [high]
May require energy in form of ATP or in form of a
membrane potential
Differentiation between mediated
and nonmediated transport
1.  Speed and specificity: Mannitol <-> glucose,
structurally similar but uptake of glucose is much
faster => must be mediated
2.  Saturation
3.  Competition, with similar substrates
4.  Inactivation, heat, protease...
2) Passiver-Vermittelter Transport
1)  Verstehen der Struktur und Wirkung von
Ionophoren, Porinen, Ionenkanälen, Aquaporinen
und Transport Proteinen
2)  Verstehen der Eigenschaften von Proteinen
welche Spezifität für die zu transportierende
Substanz vermitteln
3)  Verstehen des “gatings” von Ionenkanälen
4)  Verstehen von Uniport-, Symport- und
Passive-mediated transport
Substances that are too large or too polar to
diffuse across the bilayer must be transported
by proteins: carriers, permeases, channels and
A)  Ionophores
B)  Porins
C)  Ion Channels
D)  Aquaporins
E)  Transport Proteins
A) Ionophores
Organic molecules of divers types, often of bacterial origin
=> Increase the permeability of a target membrane for ions,
frequently toxic, result in collapse of target membrane
potential by ion equilibration, used as antibiotica
1. Carrier Ionophore,
make ion soluble in
membrane, i.e. valinomycin,
104 K+/sec
2. Cannel-forming
ionophores, form
transmembrane channels,
gramicidin A, 107 K+/sec
o  One of the best characterized ionophores,
binds K+ ions, from Streptomyces
o  Cyclic peptide with D- and L-Aa, no charge
o  Discrimination between Na+, K+, Li+ ?
K+ (r=1.33Å), Na+ (r=0.95Å)
Gramicidin A
o  15 Aa linear peptide, Bacillus brevis (Gram+)
o  Alternating D- and L-Aa, all hydrophobic
o  Dimerizes head-to-head to form channel
B) Porins
o  Porins are membrane spanning proteins with β-barrel
structure, with central aqueous channel,
diameter ~ 7x11Å, ~600 Da, little substrate selectivity,
E. coli OmpF
o  Maltoporin, substrate selectivity
for maltodextrins, α(1->4)-linked
glucose oligossaccharide, these
are degradation products of
starch, greasy slide translocation
The greasy slide translocation path
C) Ion Channels
o  All organisms have channels for Na+, K+, and Clo  Membrane transport of these ions is important for:
o  Osmotic balance
o  Signal transduction
o  Membrane potential
o  Mammalian cells:
extracellular: 150mM Na+, 4mM K+
intracellular: 12mM Na+, 140mM K+
passive diffusion of K+-ions through opening of K+channels from cytosol to extracellular space
K+-channels have high selectivity of K+ over Na+
selectivity 104
The K+-channel, KcsA
o  Streptomyces, functions as a homotetramer, 158
Aa, 108 ions/sec (diffusion-limited !)
o  Roderick MacKinnon; Nobel Prize 2003
o  Selectivity filter allows passage of K+ but not Na+
The selectivity filter
o  The ion needs to be
dehydrated to pass through
the most narrow opening of
the channel
o  During dehydration, water is
replaced by hydroxyl groups
from the channels amino
o  These hydroxyls will
stabilize K+ but not Na+,
because Na+ is much smaller
than K+
o  Cavity in the middle of the
channel = middle of the
membrane !!! Contains water
Video: potassium channel
Ion channels are gated
o  Channels can be closed and opened upon signal:
o  Mechanosensitive channels open in response to
membrane deformation: touch, sound, osmotic
o  Ligand-gated channels open in response to
extracellular chemical stimulus: neurotransmission
o  Signal-gated channel, open for example on
intracellular binding of Ca2+
o  Voltage-gated channel: open in response to
membrane potential change, transmission of nerve
o  Directionality of excitation wave (!)
Ion channels are gated
o  KscA is gated by the transmembrane potential
Nerve impulses are propagated
by action potentials
o  Stimulus of neuron results in opening of Na+
channels -> local depolarization, induces nearby
voltage-gated K+ to open as well (repolarization)
o  Spontaneous closure of channels before N+ / K+
equilibrium is reached
o  Wave of directional transmission to nearby
channels -> propagation of signal along the axon =
action potential (~10m/sec), no reduction in
amplitude (≠electrical wire), can be repetitive (ms)
Time course of an action
Na+(out) -> in
out <- K+(in)
Voltage gated KV channels
o  Tetramer, S5,S6 ~KcsA, T1 domain in cytosol
o  Gating by the motion of a protein paddle
o  S4 helix contains 5 positive charges, spaced by 3
Aa = acts as voltage sensor
Model for gating of KV channels
o  Gating by the motion of a protein paddle,
S4 helix
o  Increase in membrane potential, inside
becomes less negative -> paddle moves ->
pore opens
Ion channels have two gates
o  One to open and one to
o  T1 domain contains
inactivation ball/peptide
that blocks pore entrance
a few ms after Vdependent pore opening
o  Needs to unfold to block
the channel -> timing
Cl- channel differ from cation
o  Na+ and Ca2+ resemble K+ channels, but Cl- channels have a
different structure
o  Present in all cell types. Permit transmembrane movement of
chloride ions along concentration gradient: [Cl-] extracellular:
120mM; intracellular 4mM
o  Homodimer with each 18TMDs
D) Aquaporins
o  Permit rapid rates of water transport across the
membrane (kidney, Hg2+), (3 109/sec), Peter Agre
(1992, Nobel Prize 2003); 11 genes in human
o  AQP1, homotetrameric glycoprotein, 6TMDs,
elongated hourglass with central pore
o  Constriction region, 2.8Å narrow
Aquaporins (2)
•  Only dehydrated
water can pass
•  Only water molecule
at the time, reorientation of dipol
•  Selectivity filter
similar to KscA
•  No proton conducting
wire allowed-> would
dissipate electrochemical gradient
E) Transport proteins
o  All transport proteins alternate between two
conformations: T-, R-state
o  Erythrocyte glucose
transporter, GLUT1
o  Has glucose binding sites on
both sites of membrane
(propyl on C1 prevents bdg
to outer surface, propyl on
C6 prevents bdg on inner
o  Assymetric bdg sites
o  12 TMDs forms tetramer
Transport proteins (2)
i.e. GLUT1
i.e. Na+ glucose symporter
Lactose permease
i.e. oxalate transporter
oxalate in, formate out,
Gap Junctions
o  Form Cell-Cell connections, Connexins form gap junctions
o  Cells within a organ are in metabolic and physical contact with
neighboring cells through gap junctions, 16-20Å pore, 1000 D
o  Two apposed plasma membrane complexes
o  Closed by Ca2+
3) Activer Transport
1)  Verstehen wie Pumpen die freie Energie von
ATP nutzen um Ionen entgegen einen
Gradienten zu transportieren
2)  Verstehen dass ABC Transporter amphipatische
Substanzen von einer Seite der Membran auf
die andere transportieren
3)  Unterschied zwischen primären und sekundären
aktivem Transport verstehen
Two types of transport across
a membrane:
Nonmediated transport occurs by passive
diffusion, i.e., O2, CO2
driven by chemical potential gradient, i.e.
cannot occur against a concentration gradient
Mediated transport occurs by dedicated
transport proteins
1. Passive-mediated transport/facilitated diffusion:
[high] -> [low]
2. Active transport: [low] -> [high]
May require energy in form of ATP or in form of a
membrane potential
Active Transport
Transport against a concentration gradient,
endergonic process, frequently requires ATP
or other energy sources (i.e., transmembrane potential = secondary active
transport !)
Example: Glucose concentration in blood is around
5mM Glut1 cannot increase the intracellular
glucose concentration in the erythrocyte above
this 5mM this would require an energy consuming
Classes of ATPases
All consume intracellular ATP for the transport
P-type ATPases undergo internal phosporhylation during
transport cycle, i.e. Na+, K+, Ca2+
F-type ATPase, proton transportes in mitochondria,
synthesize ATP
V-type ATPase, acidify a cellular compartment: vacuole,
A-type ATPase transport anions across membranes
ABC transporters, ATP-binding cassette, transport wide
variety os substances for example ions, small metabolites,
lipids, drugs
A) (Na+-K +)-ATPase
Plasma membrane, (αβ)2 tetramer
Antiporter that generates charge seperation
across membrane -> osmoregulation and nerve
3Na+(in) + 2K+(out) + ATP + H2O -> 3Na+(out) + 2K+(in) + ADP + Pi
Consumes ~70%
of energy of
a neuron
(Na -K )-ATPase
P-type ATPase; ATP transiently phosphorylates
Asp to form a high energy intermediate = All Ptype ATPases
While every single reaction step is reversible,
the entire transport cycle is not
T-, R-state
(Na -K )-ATPase
Step 5 is inhibited by cardiac glycosides -> increase in Na+(in)
Cardiac Glycosides
o  Increase intensity of heart muscle contraction
Steroids: Digitalis contains digitoxin
Oubain (wabane), arrow poison (East African Ouabio tree)
o  Belong to the steroids, inhibit (Na+-K+)-ATPase
Block step 5 -> increase intracellular [Na+]
-> stimulate (Na+-Ca2+) antiporter
-> increases intracellular Ca2+ and ER stores
-> reinforces muscle contraction (higher Ca2+ peaks)
Ca -ATPase
o  Transient [Ca2+] increase triggers many processes,
such as:
Muscle contraction
Neurotransmitter release
Glycogen breakdown
Regulation of Gap Junctions
o  Cytosolic [Ca2+] ~0.1 µM, extracellular 1.5 mM
o  Concentration gradient (10‘000x) is maintained by
active transport across the plasma membrane and
the ER by Ca2+-ATPases, antiport of protons
Ca -ATPase
C) ABC transporters are
responsible for drug resistance
o If anti-cancer drugs do not show any positive effect,
this is frequently due to overexpression of the Pglycoprotein, a member of the ABC transporter
superfamily or multidrug resistance (MDR)
o Built from 4 modules: 2x cytoplasmic nucleotide
binding sites, 2x TMDs with 6 helices each,
o In bacteria these 4 domains can be coded by 2 or 4
single proteins; in eukaryotes all 4 domains can be on
a single protein
o In bacteria, ABC transporters can act as importers
or exporters, in eukaryotes only as exporters (?)
Structure of an ABC transporter
o Sav1866 from
o Homodimer,
o ICL, inracellular
loops = coupling
Kaspar Locher ETH-Z
CFTR is an ABC transporter
o  CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conducting
channel, is the only ion transporting of the ca 100
known ABC transporters (see Box 3-1)
o  Allows Cl- ions to flow out of the cell, by ATP
o  More than 1000 mutations known, most frequent is
Phe508 deletion, protein is functional, but
improperly folded and degradet in the ER before
transport to PM
o  Homozygous have lung problems, thick mucus in the
airways due to defect in osmoregulation -> suffer
from chronic lung infections, early death
D) Ion Gradient-Driven Active Transport
Free energy of the electrochemical gradient can
be utilized to power active transport
for example uptake of glucose by symport with
Na+ (which is transported down the gradient)
= secondary active transport
Lactose permease requires a
proton gradient
E. coli lactose permease (galactoside permease),
utilizes proton gradient to symport lactose and
protons [H+], i.e. a proton
The lactose permease
o  High affinity Bdg site extracellular
o  Low affinity Bdg site intracellular
o  Binds sugar in high affinity site only in combination
with proton
Problems (2)
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