Religions of the World Test Review Sheet Introduction Judaism

Religions of the World Test Review Sheet Introduction 1. What does monotheistic mean? 2. What does polytheistic mean? 3. What is the definition of religion? 4. What 3 essential questions are religions trying to answer? 5. What are the 5 major religions of the world that were studied in class? 6. What religion has the largest % of followers in the world? 7. What religion has the 2nd largest % of followers in the world? 8. What religion has the largest % of followers in India? 9. What religion has the largest % of followers in the Middle East? 10. What religion has the largest % of followers in Asia? 11. What religion studied in class has the smallest % of followers? 12. Why is the % for #11 so small? Judaism 13. What is ethical monotheism and what 3 religions share it as a belief? 14. What 3 religions share the belief in ethical monotheism? 15. Who was the founder of Judaism? 16. What covenant was made to create the Jewish people and between whom? 17. What is the deity of Judaism? 18. What event was the spread of the Jews out from the Holy Land? 19. What event resulted in the killing of 6,000,000 Jews? 20. How does one usually become Jewish? 21. What and where is Israel? 22. What is the Wailing Wall and why is it important to the Jews? 23. Why is Jerusalem important to the Jews? 24. What is kosher and what does it entail? 25. What is a yarmulke and why is it worn? 26. Who is the leader of Judaism and where do they worship? 27. What are the holidays of Judaism? 28. What is the holy book of Judaism? Christianity 29. Who was the founder of Christianity? 30. What is the deity of Christianity? 31. What do the Christians and Jews believe about Jesus? 32. Why and how was Jesus executed? 33. What Greek word does Christianity come from? 34. What is the holy book of Christianity? 35. Who are the leaders of Christianity? 36. What are the divisions/denominations of Christianity? Islam 37. Who is the founder of Islam? 38. What does Gabriel tell Muhammad? 39. What does Islam believe about Judaism and Christianity? 40. What is the deity of Islam? 41. What are the 5 Pillars of Islam? 42. What is the holy book of Islam? 43. What is halal and what does it entail? 44. When and how do Muslims pray? 45. What is the Muslim holy land? 46. Why is Jerusalem important to Islam? 47. What is the Muslim holy day? 48. Who is the leader of Islam? 49. What are the 2 divisions (sects) of Islam? 50. What is the hijab and who is it associated with? 51. What is the Muslim religion based on rather than violence? Hinduism 52. Who are the deities of Hinduism? 53. Who is the founder of Hinduism and when was it founded? 54. What is the holy book of Hinduism? 55. Who are the leaders of Hinduism? 56. What do the Hindus believe about reincarnation and how is it different from Buddhism? 57. What is karma? 58. What is yoga? 59. What are 3 important symbols or things that are considered sacred by Hindus? 60. What is the atman and what do Hindus believe about all life, especially cows? Buddhism 61. Who are the deities of Buddhism? 62. Who is the founder of Buddhism and why was it founded? 63. What is the holy book of Buddhism? 64. Who are the leaders of Buddhism? 65. What does Buddhism believe about reincarnation and how is it different from Hinduism? 66. What are the beliefs of Buddhism called? 67. What must one follow to achieve enlightenment according to Buddhism? 68. Why can Buddhism be seen as a philosophy instead of a religion depending on how it is followed? 69. What class does Buddhism appeal to? 