Robert T Jones Memorial Trust Graduate Fellowship

Emory University Robert T Jones
Memorial Trust
Graduate Fellowship
Students of the University of St Andrews are eligible to apply for the Robert T Jones Graduate Fellowship
2016/2017, an award which covers tuition and provides a living stipend for up to two years of graduate work
at Emory University, Atlanta.
The fellowship will be awarded to a full-time, matriculated student with a record of academic and intellectual
excellence and academic interests that can be pursued at Emory. The fellowship is only available to students of
British Nationality.
Course Options
Although it shares a name and destination with the Robert T Jones Scholarship — commonly known as the
Bobby Jones scholarship — the fellowship program is markedly different. Fellows will be treated as graduate
students and are required to earn a degree. Robert T Jones Fellows will be able to pursue a graduate degree
through one of the following Masters:
Rollins School of Public Health
Master of Public Health (MPH)
• 2 years
In support of its goal to “educate individuals for professional careers in public health,” the RSPH offers six
professional MPH degree options (Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Biostatistics, Environmental
Health, Epidemiology, Health Policy and Management, and Global Health), most offering concentrations within
them. A seventh MPH degree option in Global Environmental Health is offered jointly by the Department of
Environmental Health and the Hubert Department of Global Health.
The Rollins School of Public Health (RSPH) requires all students to participate in a practicum experience, as
required by the Council on Education for Public Health. A practicum is a unique opportunity for graduate
students to integrate and apply skills and knowledge gained through coursework and prior experiences in
a professional public health work environment. Public health work environments include not-for-profit
organizations, hospitals, local health departments, and for-profit firms. A typical practicum experience requires
students to work a minimum of 200-400 hours under the supervision of an experienced site administrator and
under the guidance of the student’s department, the Office of Applied Health, and Career Services.
Master of Science in public Health (MSPH)
• 2 years
The MSPH and MPH programs in Biostatistics and Epidemiology are designed for individuals with good
quantitative skills and interests in the health sciences. These programs include, besides courses in biostatistics
and epidemiology, core courses from other public health disciplines. Also focused on quantitative research is
the MSPH in Health Policy and Health Services Research. Further, a joint MSPH in Environmental Health and
Epidemiology is available.
Laney Graduate School
Master of Arts in Bioethics
• 2 years
The Master of Arts in Bioethics program at Emory University’s Center for Ethics provides rigorous, advanced,
and interdisciplinary training for professionals and students interested in social and ethical challenges in health
care and the life sciences. Students in the program are connected with a dynamic network of experts, likeminded professionals, scholars, and resources in order to prepare themselves professionally to address ethical
considerations in biomedicine. All successful applicants must have a degree from an accredited four year college
or university before beginning the program. However, most entering students will have also acquired an
advanced degree in a related discipline, such as medicine, nursing, law, public health, or theology. Others may
combine graduate work in Bioethics with other graduate or professional education, resulting in dual degrees.
Applicants are encouraged to pay careful attention to their personal statement.
(1) A brief intellectual autobiography describing the formation of your academic interests and
present concerns.
(2) A description of your goals in obtaining an MA in Bioethics: what do you hope to achieve with
this degree?
(3) An explanation of how your past experience, academic training or research experience has
prepared you to pursue graduate work in bioethics.
(4) If applicable, the special area of interest or particular problems, theories, movements, periods,
etc., upon which your study would focus.
(5) A description of tentative plans for research, either specific problems or general areas in which
you hope to work.
(6) A description of relevant research or practice experience, including your role and the extent to
which you were independently involved in the projects you mention.
Master’s in Development Practice
•2 years
The Master’s in Development Practice (MDP) program at Emory University combines experiential learning
and field-based practicum with rigorous academic training in a broad range of disciplines to meet the challenge
of sustainable development. This integrated approach aims to produce a new generation of development
professionals - prepared and committed to serving as catalysts to vulnerable people’s own efforts to pursue
livelihood security, economic opportunity, and meaningful empowerment.
Emory School of Law
Juris Master Program
• 1-4 years, Fellowship will only cover the cost of 2 years of study
Today’s professionals cope with growing regulation, intensifying risk and liability concerns and increasingly
complex decision environments. Developing a clearer understanding of law’s influence on our individual and
institutional decisions has never been more crucial. Regardless of your background, by building your expertise
in law with the JM degree, you will be better equipped to deal with these rapidly changing scenarios.
Candler School of Theology
Master of Theological Studies (MTS)
• 2 years
The master of theological studies (MTS) curriculum serves persons who wish to explore disciplines within
theology and religion, without the objective of preparing for the ordained ministry. Students who wish to
prepare for the ordained ministry should consider the MDiv program. The MTS is especially suited for persons
interested in some aspect of teaching and research or engagement in social issues and is not intended for those
whose primary immediate interests are in ministry or counseling.
Emory College of Arts and Sciences
Master’s Program – Film Studies
• 2 years
The Department of Film Studies at Emory University offers a free-standing M.A. Program in the methodologies
of film theory, history, and criticism. The program trains its students to be astute and discriminating critics and
analysts of film and media art; it strengthens their critical thinking through an awareness of the philosophical
and aesthetic debates in film and media theory; and it provides students with a thorough knowledge of cinema
and media history as a dynamic form of cultural expression.
Further information and details on the Masters programs and the admissions requirements can be found on
the Emory website,
The Fellowship
The Graduate Fellowship will provide a yearly return airfare from a UK airport to Atlanta, payment of course
fee, housing for the duration of your study, health insurance and a yearly living stipend.
The Fellowship is only available to students of British Nationality.
Apply online at
Applications must be completed by 5pm Friday 27 November 2015.
Interviews will be scheduled for Friday 12 February 2016 only.
Personal Statement
With your application please include a 1000 word essay explaining your interest in the Robert T Jones Fellowship
and the Emory University degree programme to which you are applying. Describe the academic programme
you will undertake at Emory. Explain how your previous experiences have prepared you to succeed in the
proposed degree program and how that program will equip you to accomplish your future (career) goals.
Academic Referee Reports
You are required to submit two academic referee reports. It is your responsibility to ensure that your referee
is given adequate time to complete and that they are returned to you in a sealed envelope with the referee’s
signature across the back flap to be submitted with your application.
Application Checklist
Application deadline: Friday 27 November by 5pm
1. Completed Application Form.
2. Personal Statement
3. Two Academic Referee Reports.
Enquiries: Audrey Dyce – 01334 461905
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532