Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.1 Introduction Key Concepts • Genetic studies of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have made monumental contributions to our knowledge of gene expression and cell growth. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ideal experimental organism. It is a microorganism that has a fast rate of growth, with a generation time of only ninety minutes under optimal conditions. Genetic methods have been developed that allow straightforward and generally easy manipulation of its genome. Any desired mutation can be incorporated into the S. cerevisiae genome, allowing powerful genetic analyses to be performed. S. cerevisiae shares many fundamental properties with other eukaryotes, including humans. Therefore, what is learned from studies of S. cerevisiae is often directly relevant to issues in human biology. Yeast has been the focus of extensive studies in many aspects of molecular biology. These areas include the cell cycle, recombination, cytoplasmic inheritance, secretion, transcription, translation, the cytoskeleton, and genomics. Overall, studies in yeast have made critical contributions to our understanding of cell growth in many ways. Although S. cerevisiae is the most commonly studied yeast, it is not the only one that has been used in research. Two other yeasts have also been studied to an extensive degree. First, research on Schizosaccharomyces pombe has made extremely important contributions to our understanding of the eukaryotic cell cycle. (See Genetics 7.25 S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have been invaluable organisms for elucidating cell cycle control.) Second, the human pathogenic yeast Candida albicans has also received significant attention from scientists trying to understand factors that control its virulence in mammalian cells. (See Genetics 7.28 Relevance of yeast studies to human health.) Most of this chapter discusses studies of S. cerevisiae, which we will often simply refer to as yeast. This content is available online at Introduction | SECTION 7.1 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.2 A brief history of yeast genetics Key Terms The ascus of a fungus contains a tetrad or octad of the (haploid) spores, representing the products of a single meiosis. Many of the fundamental genetic facts concerning studies of yeast came from the work of Øjvind Winge, whose work from the 1930s through the 1950s at the Carlsberg Laboratory in Denmark provided the critical foundation for modern yeast studies. Winge developed methods for dissecting tetrads (removing and separating the four meiotic spores out of the ascus). He also demonstrated Mendelian segregation in yeast, established that both haploid and diploid states of the organisms exist, and established that there are two stable mating types. Another important figure in early yeast genetics, Carl C. Lindegren, published the first genetic map of yeast in 1949 (2874). Lindegren also helped to lead the yeast field toward using heterothallic yeast strains (that is, those that are stable for mating type) for genetic studies. Genetic research in yeast progressed steadily in the 1960s and 1970s. Mapping studies demonstrated that the organization of genes in yeast was different from that of E. coli by showing that operons did not exist. The validity of this idea was proven as the yeast genome became understood in greater detail; the genome was eventually completely sequenced in 1996. Studies in yeast also established that the genetic code was conserved between prokaryotes and this eukaryote. We now take it for granted that the genetic code is universal (except in mitochondrial DNA). (See Molecular Biology 7.7 There are sporadic alterations of the universal code.) However, when yeast was revealed as using the same nonsense codons as prokaryotes, it was the first time this conservation was demonstrated outside of the prokaryotic kingdoms (2710). Studies in yeast exploded in popularity beginning in the late 1970s with the discovery of methods for the organism's transformation with plasmid DNA (see Genetics 7.16 Transformation of yeast) and the advent of recombinant DNA methods. These advances led to the ability to manipulate yeast genes in vivo in ways never before available in any eukaryote. Over the past twenty years, yeast has become one of the most intensively and widely studied model systems, analyzed in over a thousand laboratories worldwide, and making significant contributions in many different areas. A brief history of yeast genetics | SECTION 7.2 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Reviews 2874. Lindegren, C. C. (1949). .The yeast cell, its genetics and cytology (St. Louis: Educational Publishers). References 2710. Stewart, J. W. and Sherman, F. (1972). Demonstration of UAG as a nonsense codon in bakers' yeast by amino-acid replacements in iso-1-cytochrome c. J. Mol. Biol. 68, 429-443. This content is available online at A brief history of yeast genetics | SECTION 7.2 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.3 Nomenclature for S. cerevisiae genetics Written studies for any organism rely on a specific nomenclature, which is often unique for that organism. Such a nomenclature is important because it helps to communicate information about the nature of mutations and mutant phenotypes. In this section, we will use standard nomenclature for S. cerevisiae. Examples are provided in Figure 7.1. A different nomenclature applies for S. pombe, and will be used in the section on studies of that species. Figure 7.1 Proteins, mutant alleles, phenotypes, and genes all have distinct notations . This content is available online at Nomenclature for S. cerevisiae genetics | SECTION 7.3 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.4 S. cerevisiae mitotic growth Key Concepts • The budding morphology during S. cerevisiae cell division provides an invaluable tool in cell cycle studies. Mitosis in S. cerevisiae is similar to that of other eukaryotic cells, with G1, S, G2, and M phases. S. cerevisiae cells grow mitotically by "budding," as seen in Figure 7.2 and Figure 7.3. At the beginning of the cell cycle (G1), cells have a round or oval shape. (Diploids are more oval than haploids.) As the cell cycle progresses, a progeny bud emerges from the parent cell. With the continuation of the cell cycle, the bud enlarges until finally, late in the cycle, at cytokinesis, the two cells separate. The progeny cell that forms from the bud is often referred to as the "daughter," and the parent is called the "mother." Figure 7.2 Cells at the beginning of the cell cycle (G1) are unbudded. As cells progress through the cell cycle, a bud emerges, enlarges, and finally separates, producing a progeny cell. S. cerevisiae mitotic growth | SECTION 7.4 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.3 S. cerevisiae cells growing mitotically. This budding process is the same for haploids and diploids. The beginning of G1 in the mitotic cell cycle is referred to as "START." At this point in the cell cycle, an S. cerevisiae cell can choose different pathways of growth, including mitosis, meiosis, or mating, depending on its ploidy, nutritional state, and the proximity of cells of the opposite mating type. The mitotic growth by budding has been an extremely useful feature of S. cerevisiae cells because it allows one to know the stage of the cell cycle by the size of the buds. Bud size can be combined with a few other easily detectable cell characteristics, including nuclear division and the morphology of microtubules, to determine precisely the stage of any S. cerevisiae cell in the cell cycle. S. cerevisiae cell morphology has been an extremely powerful tool in elucidating fundamental aspects of the eukaryotic cell cycle. (See Genetics 7.25 S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have been invaluable organisms for elucidating cell cycle control.) This content is available online at S. cerevisiae mitotic growth | SECTION 7.4 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.5 The S. cerevisiae life cycle Key Concepts • The ability to grow as a haploid or as a diploid is a key advantage in S. cerevisiae genetic analysis. One of the main advantages to genetic studies of S. cerevisiae is that it can grow mitotically in a stable fashion as either a haploid (with one copy of each chromosome) or a diploid (with two copies of each chromosome). The great advantages of this property will be clear in the description of mutant isolation and analysis. (See Genetics 7.12 Isolation and analysis of yeast mutants—general approaches.) Haploids exist in either one of two mating types, called a and α. Mating type is determined at a genetic locus named MAT that can exist in either of two states, MATa or MAT α. Haploids of opposite mating type can mate to form diploids. Mating occurs when cells of the opposite mating type become physically close to each other. Each haploid cell type secretes a specific mating pheromone that arrests the growth of cells of the opposite mating type at START of the cell cycle. The cells then fuse, an event followed by nuclear fusion, resulting in an a/α diploid. (See Molecular Biology 18 Rearrangement of DNA.) Diploids are mitotically stable (that is, they will not undergo meiosis) in most growth conditions. However, when a/α diploids are starved for nitrogen, carbon, or sulfur, they arrest mitotic growth at G1 and undergo meiosis. Each meiotic diploid gives rise to four haploid progeny (spores) in a tetrad. This is illustrated in Figure 7.4. (For additional information, see Molecular Biology 18.2 The mating pathway is triggered by pheromone-receptor interactions.) The S. cerevisiae life cycle | SECTION 7.5 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.4 Two haploid cells of the opposite mating type will fuse, producing a diploid cell. When starved for nitrogen, the diploid will undergo sporulation, resulting in the formation of a tetrad. A tetrad contains the four products of a single meiosis. This content is available online at The S. cerevisiae life cycle | SECTION 7.5 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.6 S. cerevisiae meiotic growth and tetrad analysis Key Concepts • Tetrad analysis is a key tool of S. cerevisiae genetics. Chromosome segregation in S. cerevisiae proceeds similarly to that of other eukaryotes, with a meiosis I (reductional division) and a meiosis II (equational division). During meiosis, S. cerevisiae cells undergo dramatic morphogenetic changes. Each diploid cell that undergoes meiosis produces four haploid progeny as spores within an ascus, as seen in Figure 7.4. The ascus is also commonly referred to as a tetrad. The physical association of all of the products of a single meiosis within a tetrad allows powerful genetic analyses of meiotic progeny in yeast to be performed. The genetic analysis of the meiotic products within a tetrad requires a method known as tetrad dissection. Tetrad dissection is the act of separating the four spores of a tetrad on a solid growth medium. This growth medium allows them to germinate into mitotically growing cells. For the spores of a tetrad to be separated, the ascus wall must be partially digested by the enzyme zymolyase. This allows the separation of the four spores. After the zymolyase breaks down the ascus wall, tetrad dissection is performed using a microscope equipped with a device called a micromanipulator. Although several types of micromanipulators are used in yeast research labs around the world, all of them employ a very fine glass needle that is used to separate the spores. This appears in Figure 7.5. Figure 7.5 The tetrad dissection microscope enables the researcher to separate the four spores from the ascus. S. cerevisiae meiotic growth and tetrad analysis | SECTION 7.6 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics With the digested tetrads spread onto solid agar medium in a petri plate, the micromanipulator is used to isolate individual tetrads, separate the spores, and place each spore into a designated position on the agar. Usually, ten to twenty tetrads are dissected on a standard-sized petri plate. After dissection, the spores grow into colonies that can be tested for mutant phenotypes. This content is available online at S. cerevisiae meiotic growth and tetrad analysis | SECTION 7.6 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.7 Using tetrad analysis to determine single-gene segregation Key Terms Sporulation is the generation of a spore by a bacterium (by morphological conversion) or by a yeast (as the product of meiosis). Key Concepts • Single mutations segregate 2:2 within each tetrad. While tetrad dissection is the act of separating spores from within tetrads, tetrad analysis involves determining the segregation of genetic markers in the tetrads and interpreting these segregation patterns. Tetrad analysis allows us to learn several important types of information about the nature and inheritance of mutations. The power of tetrad analysis comes from the fact that all four meiotic products are contained within a single ascus. Mendelian segregation patterns predict specific patterns of segregation in tetrads, and these can be easily tested by tetrad analysis. The most fundamental test by tetrad analysis is the one for single-gene segregation. This determines whether a mutant phenotype is caused by a mutation in a single gene. If a single gene is the cause, the mutation should segregate in tetrads in the predicted Mendelian fashion for a single gene. As an example, consider a mutation in the S. cerevisiaeHIS1 gene, seen in Figure 7.6. This gene is required for histidine biosynthesis; when it is mutant, S. cerevisiae cells are histidine auxotrophs. An auxotroph is a mutant that is defective for the synthesis of a metabolite. A prototroph is able to synthesize all required metabolites. If a his1 mutant is mated by a wild-type HIS1 strain, then the diploids will be heterozygous for the mutation. After meiosis and sporulation, two spores will contain the his1 mutation and the other two will contain the wild-type HIS1 gene. Thus, in each tetrad, two spores will be His+ and two will be His–. This segregation pattern of 2:2 is diagnostic of the segregation of a single mutation. Using tetrad analysis to determine single-gene segregation | SECTION 7.7 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.6 A mutation in a single gene will segregate in a Mendelian manner. Two progeny will carry the mutant gene and two will carry the wild-type gene. In summary, if a mutant phenotype segregates 2:2, it is caused by a single mutation in a single gene. However, if it does not segregate 2:2, it is not caused by a single mutation. As we will see below, other information can be gained from tetrad analysis. Last updated on September 16, 2004 This content is available online at Using tetrad analysis to determine single-gene segregation | SECTION 7.7 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.8 Using tetrad analysis to map genes Key Terms A parental ditype (PD) is a tetrad in which two genetic markers are segregating, and two spores have one parental genotype and two spores have the other parental genotype. A nonparental ditype (NPD) is a tetrad in which two genetic markers are segregating, and two spores have one nonparental genotype and two spores have the other nonparental genotype. Chromatids are the copies of a chromosome produced by replication. The name is usually used to describe each of the copies in the period before they separate at the subsequent cell division. The four-strand stage of meiosis is the stage after DNA replication, prior to meiosis I, when the two pairs of sister chromatids are adjacent. A tetratype (TT) is a tetrad in which two genetic markers are segregating. Two of the four spores have parental genotypes and two have recombinant genotypes. Key Concepts • Tetrad analysis can determine the possible genetic linkage of two genes with respect to their centromeres and with respect to each other. • In contrast to the unordered tetrads made by S. cerevisiae, the bread mold Neurospora crassa produces ordered tetrads that reflect the positions of the chromatids during meiosis. This order provides an easy way to measure centromere linkage. In addition to using tetrad analysis to determine single-gene segregation, we can also use it to measure the genetic map position of a gene. This can be either relative to another gene (two-gene segregation), or relative to its centromere (gene-centromere segregation). The ability to determine the genetic map position of a gene is often critical to its study. Even now, when the genome of S. cerevisiae has already been sequenced, S. cerevisiae geneticists are frequently in the position of studying mutations whose identities are unknown. Often, the gene's identity is determined by cloning (see Genetics 7.17 Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning). However, in some cases, cloning is difficult or is not performed at an early stage of mutant analysis because of the large number of mutations being studied. In these instances, tetrad analysis is the key. Also, as described in the cloning section, tetrad analysis is an important part of analyzing a cloned gene. Furthermore, studies of other yeasts and fungi, whose genomes are not yet sequenced, rely on tetrad analysis for genetic analysis. We will learn about using tetrads to help determine map position Using tetrad analysis to map genes | SECTION 7.8 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics in another fungus, Neurospora crassa. (See Genetics 7.11 Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages.) The ability to use tetrad analysis to map genes derives directly from the special information that we obtain from having all four meiotic products in an ascus. As described below, this allows us to make and test specific predictions regarding the segregation patterns that will occur depending on whether two genes are linked or unlinked. In addition, tetrad analysis allows the use of the centromere as a genetic marker. This is because the centromeres of nonsister chromatids always segregate away from each other in meiosis I, and the centromeres of sister chromatids always segregate away from each other in meiosis II. These aspects of tetrad analysis are further described below. To understand how the analysis of gene-gene linkage and of gene-centromere linkage is performed, we must first define the three types of tetrads that can arise when two genes are segregating during meiosis. First, let us consider a genetic cross in which we will follow mutations in two genes that are on different chromosomes, that is, two genes that are completely unlinked to each other. The two mutations we will follow will be leu2, on chromosome III, and trp1, on chromosome IV ( Figure 7.7). Using tetrad analysis to map genes | SECTION 7.8 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Figure 7.7 The three types of tetrad produced by random segregation of two markers are: (1) parental ditypes (PD); (2) nonparental ditypes (NPD); and (3) tetratypes (TT). A cross between these two mutants will involve parents of the following genotypes: MATaleu2 and MATα trp1. Therefore, the MATa parent is a leucine auxotroph (Leu–) and the MATα parent is a tryptophan auxotroph (Trp–). To perform the cross, the two parents are mixed together by mixing colonies of each strain together with a sterile toothpick on solid growth medium that contains all required nutrients. In this way, the two haploid parents can mate, and LEU2/leu2TRP1/trp1 heterozygous diploids will form. After diploids form, they are purified, either by selecting for the prototrophic diploids or by screening for the unique morphology of the diploid zygote shortly after the cells fuse. In the example given, diploids can be selected by growing the mating mixture on medium that lacks both leucine and tryptophan. The diploid will be a prototroph (Leu+ Trp+). The diploids are then sporulated by their transfer to medium that imposes starvation for nitrogen. After sporulation, the tetrads are dissected and analyzed to determine the segregation of the leu2 and trp1 mutations. Analysis of this cross shows that three types of tetrads arise as a result of the normal Using tetrad analysis to map genes | SECTION 7.8 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics segregation of the markers, as pictured in Figure 7.7. To understand two of these types of tetrads, let us first consider what happens in the absence of any recombination. The first class of tetrad is that in which the two parental sets of markers segregate away from each other at meiosis I. The resulting tetrads have two spores bearing the genotype of one parent (leu2TRP1) and the other two spores bearing the genotype of the other parent (LEU2trp1). This class of tetrad, having the two classes of parental spores, is called a parental ditype (PD). The second class of tetrad is that in which segregation at meiosis I occurred in the opposite fashion. The result is a tetrad with two different classes of spores, LEU2TRP1 and leu2trp1. This class of tetrad, having two classes of nonparental spores, is called a nonparental ditype (NPD). Because segregation at meiosis I is random and occurs at equal frequency (in accordance with Mendel's First Law), for two unlinked genes, the frequency of PD tetrads equals the frequency of NPD tetrads. This prediction constitutes one of the fundamental tests of genetic linkage in yeast. Therefore, when testing the possible linkage of two mutations with unknown map positions, the first question to answer is, "Does the number of PDs equal the number of NPDs?" If the answer is yes, the mutations (and hence the genes) are unlinked. If the answer is no, there is linkage. (For the method of analyzing this linkage, see Genetics 7.10 Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage.) The third type of tetrad arises as the result of a crossing over, or recombination, between one of the genes and its centromere. Crossing over during yeast meiosis occurs after replication, when there are four chromatids. This stage is referred to as the four-strand stage, with the word strand referring to a chromatid. Recombination between a marker and its centromere at this stage will result in a tetrad that contains four spores, each with a distinct genotype. In our example of the unlinked LEU2 and TRP1 genes, the four types of spores will be: • LEU2TRP1, • leu2trp1, • LEU2trp1, and • leu2TRP1. This class of tetrad, having four classes of spores, is called a tetratype (TT). Last updated on September 16, 2004 This content is available online at Using tetrad analysis to map genes | SECTION 7.8 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.9 Calculating gene-centromere linkage from tetrad frequencies For two unlinked genes (where PD = NPD), a TT tetrad arises as the result of a crossover between one of the markers and its centromere. (We will see later that TT tetrads can also arise in another way.) Thus, for two unlinked genes, the frequency of TT tetrads depends on the linkage of each gene to its centromere. This property can be used to determine whether a gene is linked to its centromere or not. Let us consider first the case in which both genes are very tightly linked to their centromeres. One of the markers that we have already encountered, trp1, is very tightly centromere-linked and is on chromosome IV. A second centromere-linked marker is met14, on chromosome XI. Since these two genes are on different chromosomes, they are not linked to each other. Therefore, in a cross of trp1 by met14, tetrad analysis will show that PD = NPD. However, because there will be very little recombination between either gene and its centromere, the frequency of TT tetrads will be extremely low. By determining the frequency of TT tetrads, the possible linkage of any marker to its centromere can be determined by a genetic cross. In such a cross, the marker of interest is crossed by a known marker that has been determined to be unlinked to the marker of interest and that also is known to be tightly centromere-linked (such as trp1). Thus, in a cross of this kind, trp1 serves as a genetic marker for a centromere. (In this case, it is the centromere on chromosome IV, but a centromere-linked marker on any chromosome works equally well.) In this type of cross, the frequency of TT tetrads can be used to calculate the linkage between a marker and its centromere. For example, the TRP1 gene is approximately one map unit from its centromere, meaning that only one percent of the tetrads will have a recombination event between trp1 and its centromere. Therefore, the TT tetrads in this cross will arise virtually entirely by crossovers between the unknown marker and its centromere, as shown for leu2 in Figure 7.7. To understand how tetrad data can be used to measure gene-centromere linkage, we will consider a cross between trp1 and a hypothetical new mutation called new1. From a cross of trp1 by new1, we obtain the following numbers of tetrads: 40 PD; 40 NPD; and 20 TT. What have we learned about the possible centromere linkage of new1 from these data? First, because PD = NPD, we know that trp1 and new1 are unlinked to each other. What about new1-centromere linkage? Recall that linkage is determined by the number of recombinants divided by the number of total progeny. (See Molecular Biology Supplement 3 Linkage and mapping.) In our example, there are 20 TT tetrads. Because each tetrad has two recombinant spores, there are a total of 40 recombinant spores. The total progeny equals 400 spores (from the 100 total tetrads). Therefore, the linkage is calculated by Calculating gene-centromere linkage from tetrad frequencies | SECTION 7.9 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics 40 recombinants/400 total progeny = 10 map units. As a result, new1 is 10 map units, or centimorgans, from its centromere. This mapping function for yeast is usually expressed by an equivalent function expressed in terms of tetrads: linkage = ½ TT/total tetrads (PD + NPD + TT). As an example of a real centromere-linked marker, we can also consider the data compiled for the case of LEU2. In data compiled from many crosses that examined segregation of LEU2 in relation to a tightly centromere-linked marker, there were 404 TT tetrads out of a total of 4,196. This equals 4.8 map units between LEU2 and its centromere on chromosome III. What do we expect when a gene is unlinked to its centromere? In this case, there is a predicted ratio of PD:NPD:TT of 1:1:4. To understand how this ratio arises, let us consider a second cross where the second marker is unlinked to its centromere. In this case, if we consider all possible patterns of gene segregation to occur at equal frequency, we see that six classes of tetrads can form at equal frequency with respect to segregation of two unlinked markers. As Figure 7.8 shows, one class is a PD, a second class is an NPD, and the remaining four classes are TT tetrads, resulting in the 1:1:4 ratio. Calculating gene-centromere linkage from tetrad frequencies | SECTION 7.9 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Figure 7.8 The random segregation of two markers results in a PD:NPD:TT ratio of 1:1:4. One possible segregation pattern is shown for the first marker, trp1. The segregation of the second marker, his3, is shown in all possible configurations with respect to trp1. These ratios of PD:NPD:TT will always be 1:1:4 for all possible configurations of trp1 segregation. Note, then, that we can deduce centromere linkage for any two markers that are unlinked to each other. That is, for any cross involving a known centromere-linked gene and a gene whose position is unknown, we can ask the general question, "Is the ratio 1:1:<4?" If the answer is yes, then the gene is centromere-linked. A calculation, using the function linkage = ½ TT/total tetrads, as just described, is required to determine the actual linkage. If the ratio is 1:1:4, then the gene is unlinked to its centromere. This content is available online at Calculating gene-centromere linkage from tetrad frequencies | SECTION 7.9 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.10 Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage Now let us consider a different type of linkage, in which two genes are linked to each other. By tetrad analysis we can determine the degree of genetic linkage between such markers. In the extreme cases of two genes that are completely linked, with no detectable recombination between them, we expect that tetrad analysis will reveal that all tetrads are PD tetrads. What about cases where the two genes are linked but there is some recombination between them? In those cases, the number of PD tetrads will be greater than the number of NPD tetrads (PD > NPD). This is because PD tetrads arise from no recombination. In contrast, for two linked genes, NPD tetrads arise by a double crossover between the two linked markers. As for centromere linkage, in the case of closely linked genes, we can calculate the degree of linkage based on the frequencies of the different types of tetrads produced. Recombination between linked genes can actually produce PD, NPD, and TT tetrads. First, if there is a single crossover between the two markers, a TT tetrad is the product. Recall that for two unlinked genes, when PD = NPD, TT tetrads can arise by a crossover between a gene and its centromere. However, in the case of linkage, when PD>NPD, TT tetrads arise by a single crossover between the two genes, as in Figure 7.9. Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage | SECTION 7.10 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.9 A single crossover between linked markers produces a TT tetrad. In theory, we can calculate the linkage between two genes as we did for gene-centromere linkage, using the frequency of TT tetrads. However, recombination in yeast occurs at a high enough frequency that double crossovers occur and contribute to the observed linkage. Using tetrad analysis, we can measure the frequency of double crossovers and take them into account when calculating gene-gene linkage. Remember that meiotic recombination occurs at the four-strand stage. There are four different classes of double crossovers that occur at a specific frequency between two linked genes, as we see in Figure 7.10. One of these classes, a "two-strand double," produces a PD tetrad; another class, a "four-strand double," produces an NPD tetrad; and two other classes, both called "three-strand doubles," produce TT tetrads. Thus, we see that different numbers of crossovers can result in PD and TT tetrads, while only a double crossover generates an NPD. Therefore, as Figure 7.11 illustrates, the number of NPD tetrads can be used to measure the frequency of double crossovers. Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage | SECTION 7.10 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Figure 7.10 Double crossovers between linked markers can produce PD, NPD, and TT tetrads. Shown are the possible configurations of double crossovers when the first crossover occurs between chromatids 2 and 3. Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage | SECTION 7.10 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics Figure 7.11 The three types of tetrads that can arise in a genetic cross. For linked markers, NPD tetrads can only arise by a double crossover, whereas PD and TT tetrads can arise in more than one way. Having now accounted for the classes of tetrads that result from zero, one, and two crossovers, we can calculate the linkage between two genes. Recall that linkage is determined by recombinants/total progeny. Therefore, we want to be able to calculate the total number of recombinants among the tetrads. There will be two recombinant spores in the tetrads with a single crossover (TT tetrads), and there will be four recombinant spores in the tetrads with a double crossover. We can calculate the number of tetrads with double crossovers by remembering that the NPD tetrads will equal one-fourth of the total number of tetrads that underwent crossovers. Consequently, the total number of tetrads with double crossovers equals 4NPD. The tetrads with single crossovers are TT tetrads. However, TT tetrads can also arise by double crossovers. Because half of the double crossover tetrads are TT tetrads, that class equals 2NPD. Therefore, the tetrads with single crossovers equals TT-2NPD. Thus, the total crossovers can be represented by 2(4NPD) + (TT-2NPD) = 6NPD + TT. The total progeny, represented as tetrads, is equal to PD + NPD + TT. Finally, as we did for calculating centromere linkage, we multiply the number of progeny by 0.5 because we are expressing linkage in terms of single crossovers within tetrads. As a result, the formula for gene-gene linkage is map distance (centimorgans) = [½ (6NPD + TT)/PD + NPD + TT]100 Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage | SECTION 7.10 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics This is the standard formula used to calculate genetic linkage between two markers in yeast. Note that the genetic mapping formula for gene-gene linkage will be more accurate than that for gene-centromere linkage. This is because the former accounts for both single and double crossovers, while the latter only accounts for single crossovers. This content is available online at Using tetrad analysis to determine gene-gene linkage | SECTION 7.10 © 2004. Virtual Text / 5 5 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.11 Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages Key Terms First division segregation (FDS) describes the pattern of meiotic segregation that occurs when no recombination occurs between a marker and its centromere. In the absence of recombination, the alleles on the two homologues segregate away from each other at meiosis I. Second division segregation (SDS) describes the pattern of meiotic segregation that occurs when a recombination event has occurred between a marker and its centromere. In this case, the alleles segregate together at meiosis I and do not segregate away from each other until meiosis II. Key Concepts • In contrast to the unordered tetrads made by S. cerevisiae, the bread mold Neurospora crassa produces ordered tetrads that reflect the positions of the chromatids during meiosis. This order provides an easy way to measure centromere linkage. In the previous sections, we learned how we can use tetrad analysis in yeast to determine the position of a gene in relation to its centromere and to other genes. This type of analysis is also possible in the wide range of fungi that produce their meiotic products in an ascus. The members of this class are called ascomycetes and include many yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. One ascomycete of both great historic and contemporary importance is the bread mold Neurospora crassa. Studies using this organism led to the one gene-one enzyme model of Beadle and Tatum in 1941 (1228). Neurospora is the most intensively studied of the filamentous fungi. Meiosis in Neurospora produces an ascus that contains eight haploid spores in a linear array. The steps in meiosis for Neurospora are the same as previously described for yeast, including meiosis I and meiosis II. However, meiosis II is followed by an extra mitotic cycle, resulting in the eight spores. The linear order of the spores occurs because the ascus is narrow, forcing the meiotic spindle to orient along the length of the ascus during meiosis I and meiosis II. This constraint is helpful to geneticists because the spores are ordered according to the positions of their centromeres during meiosis, as pictured in Figure 7.12. Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages | SECTION 7.11 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.12 The spores produced by Neurospora, as for yeast, are haploid. Spores of opposite mating type (A and a) can mate to form a diploid that will go through meiosis. Following meiosis, a round of mitosis results in 8 spores in a linear tetrad. The linear nature of Neurospora tetrads means that it is considerably easier to determine if a gene is linked to its centromere than it is to do so for yeast. The linearity allows one to detect recombination between a single marker and its centromere directly. Recall that in yeast, such an event requires measuring segregation in relation to a second marker known to be linked to a centromere. To see how we can detect a crossover between a centromere and a genetic marker in Neurospora, let us consider Figure 7.13, which shows two alleles of a marker, A and a. As we follow the segregation of this marker during meiosis, we see that different tetrad patterns are possible, depending on whether or not recombination occurs between A/a and its centromere. Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages | SECTION 7.11 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Figure 7.13 Examples of markers that are unlinked and linked to their centromeres. The frequencies of the different types of tetrads are given below each class. When there is no recombination, the two alleles segregate at meiosis I, resulting in the 4:4 pattern AAAAaaaa. In this case, the two alleles segregate away from each other during the first meiotic division, so this segregation pattern is called first division segregation (FDS). However, when a crossover occurs between A/a and its centromere, other segregation patterns form. In the case of a crossover, the A and a do not segregate away from each other until the second meiotic division. Consequently, these segregation patterns are called second division segregation (SDS). It possible to determine the centromere linkage of a gene by measuring the relative level of FDS and SDS. In the example shown in Figure 7.12 for A/a, the gene is unlinked to its centromere. Therefore, the frequency of FDS equals the frequency of SDS. However, when a gene is centromere-linked, the frequency of SDS will be less. In the case of an SDS tetrad, half of the spores are recombinant. Thus we can calculate the centromere linkage with the following formula: map distance = (½)SDS tetrads/total tetrads × 100 This formula is similar to the one used for calculating centromere linkage in yeast, with SDS tetrads in Neurospora being equivalent to tetratype tetrads in yeast. An example of a centromere-linked locus (B/b) is shown in Figure 7.13. In this case, we get the following: map distance = (½)(7+8+6+7)/200 × 100 = 14 map units or centimorgans The measurement of gene-gene linkage in Neurospora is the same as in yeast. We can determine the frequency of the three possible classes of tetrads—PD, NPD, and TT—that arise when following the segregation of two genes. The formula for Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages | SECTION 7.11 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics calculating gene-gene linkage is the same as described in a previous section for yeast: map distance (centimorgans) = [½ (6NPD + TT)/PD + NPD + TT]100 It is worth noting that this formula takes into account the double crossovers, while the calculation for centromere linkage does not. Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages | SECTION 7.11 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics References 1228. Beadle, G. W., and Tatum, E. L. (1941). Genetic control of biochemical reactions in Neurospora. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 27, 499-506. This content is available online at Ordered tetrads of Neurospora offer special advantages | SECTION 7.11 © 2004. Virtual Text / 5 5 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.12 Isolation and analysis of yeast mutants—general approaches Key Terms A screen is a search for mutants in which each candidate is tested for the mutant phenotype of interest. Selection describes the use of particular conditions to allow the preferential growth or survival of organisms with a particular phenotype. Selection in the laboratory is usually strong, while natural selection is usually weak in the short term. The ability to isolate and analyze mutants affecting important biological processes is one of the great strengths of yeast genetics. This type of approach has led to the discovery of many important genes, some of which are conserved in humans. This kind of research has provided important advances in understanding the control of gene expression, DNA replication, cell division, secretion, and many other fundamental processes. In this section, we will go over the basic steps involved in the classical isolation and analysis of mutations. To understand any biological process, we can consider the approach of isolating and analyzing mutants in which that process has gone awry. Then, by analyzing the mutant phenotypes and the characterization of the genes and gene products identified, we can learn much about how the process functions in the wild-type state. This is one of the main goals of genetic analysis in yeast. When initiating a plan to isolate mutants of interest, it is important to determine if one should do a screen or a selection for the mutants, as there are potential strengths and weaknesses to each approach. In a screen, one examines every possible candidate by one or more phenotypic tests. An example of this would be the screening of yeast colonies for an amino acid auxotrophy. Using this approach, a large number of candidates must be directly tested, often requiring extensive effort. In a large-scale screen of yeast colonies, one can reasonably screen up to approximately 50,000 colonies. Therefore, the frequency of the desired mutants must be high enough that, after mutagenesis, they can be found within this total. The advantage of a screen is that every colony is examined; therefore, mutants with a range of phenotypes can be discovered. In a selection, such as one for resistance to a toxic compound, one can identify much rarer events. Because as many as 107 cells can be spread on a single petri plate that imposes selective conditions, mutations that arise as infrequently as 1/109 can be identified by a strong selection. Thus the main advantages of a selection are that it can detect rare mutants and it is easier to test a very large number of candidates. The possible disadvantage, however, is that the selection conditions might fail to identify certain classes of mutants, such as those that might grow poorly. On account of this possible bias, mutant selection conditions are a matter for careful consideration. Isolation and analysis of yeast mutants—general approaches | SECTION 7.12 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics This content is available online at Isolation and analysis of yeast mutants—general approaches | SECTION 7.12 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.13 An example of a genetic screen in yeast Key Terms A dominant allele determines the phenotype displayed in a heterozygote with another (recessive) allele. A recessive allele is obscured in the phenotype of a heterozygote by the dominant allele, often due to inactivity or absence of the product of the recessive allele. A complementation test determines whether two mutations are alleles of the same gene. It is accomplished by crossing two different recessive mutations that have the same phenotype and determining whether the wild-type phenotype can be produced. If so, the mutations are said to complement each other and are probably not mutations in the same gene. Interallelic complementation (intragenic complementation) describes the change in the properties of a heteromultimeric protein brought about by the interaction of subunits coded by two different mutant alleles; the mixed protein may be more or less active than the protein consisting of subunits only of one or the other type. Unlinked noncomplementation (nonallelic noncomplementation) is a situation where mutations in two different genes fail to complement. Linkage analysis is a test of position between two different mutants. In yeast, linkage analysis is done on tetrads, the meiotic progeny of a diploid. As an example of a mutant hunt, let us consider a screen for yeast mutants that are unable to use the sugar galactose as a carbon source. This was one of the earliest classes of mutants extensively studied in yeast by genetic analysis. Early studies demonstrated that when yeast cells were grown on galactose as a carbon source, three enzymes required for galactose catabolism were induced. In yeast cells grown on other carbon sources, these enzymes were not present. We now know that this regulation occurs through the controlled transcription of the genes required for galactose catabolism. Among mutants defective for growth on galactose are classes in which either the genes encoding the catabolic enzymes or those encoding the regulators of these genes are affected. We will begin the mutant screen with a haploid strain, as this will allow the direct identification of recessive mutations. In other eukaryotes that live only as diploids, such as D. melanogaster and C. elegans, genetic screens for recessive mutations require crosses to examine progeny in the F1 or F2 generation. These extra crosses are necessary in order to study progeny in which the mutation has become homozygous. The ability to isolate mutants directly in yeast haploids greatly facilitates identifying and analyzing those mutants. In our screen, shown in Figure 7.14, we will first mutagenize the yeast cells to An example of a genetic screen in yeast | SECTION 7.13 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics increase the frequency of mutations in the population. Without mutagenesis, the frequency of spontaneous Gal– mutants would be so low (approximately 10–5 to 10–6) that they would be difficult to find. The two mutagens most commonly used for yeast are ethylmethane sulfonate and ultraviolet light, both of which cause primarily single base pair changes. Figure 7.14 To screen for mutants, a wild-type yeast strain is grown up in liquid, diluted to spread approximately 300 cells/plate, and then mutagenized to approximately 50 percent survival. The colonies are then screened by replica plating to test for the mutant phenotype of interest. In this example, it is an inability to use galactose as a carbon source. To begin the mutant screen, then, the wild-type strain will be mutagenized and cells will be spread on a solid medium that is permissive for the growth of any potential mutants. In this case, the medium will be one that contains yeast cells' favorite carbon source, glucose. Within two days, each cell will form a colony that can be screened for mutant phenotypes. To identify mutants unable to use galactose as a carbon source, the colonies are screened by replica plating. In this method, a filter or piece of velvet is pressed against the original plate, picking up some of each colony. It is then pressed onto a plate that contains a different medium or on which the organisms will be grown at a different temperature. Replica plating allows us to compare growth of the same cells under different conditions, so we can find mutants that survive in one situation but die in another. In our screen, we replica plate to a solid medium that contains galactose as the carbon source. Colonies that can grow on glucose but not on galactose are mutant candidates for defects in galactose catabolism. An example of a genetic screen in yeast | SECTION 7.13 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Let us suppose that our mutant screen has worked well and we have identified several mutants that are unable to grow on galactose as a carbon source. We will hereafter refer to these as Gal– mutants. How does a yeast geneticist go about studying many mutants? Four types of genetic analyses are usually applied to determine the number of genes identified. These tests are for: • Single-gene segregation, • Dominance/recessiveness, • Complementation, and • Linkage. Each of these tests requires forming particular types of diploids using the haploid Gal– mutants. First, we can determine whether the Gal– phenotype is caused by a mutation in a single gene by performing genetic crosses to a wild-type (Gal+) strain. This is followed by tetrad analysis. Single-gene events will show 2:2 segregation. Testing whether the mutations are dominant or recessive is easy to accomplish by mating each Gal– mutant with a wild-type (Gal+) strain, as in Figure 7.15. If the mutation is recessive, the diploid will be Gal+. If the mutation is dominant, the mutation will be Gal–. In general, recessive mutations are considered to be loss of gene function, while dominant mutations are considered to be increase or alteration of gene function. Figure 7.15 Tests to see if a mutant is dominant or recessive are done in diploids. The mutant is mated by a wild-type strain. If the diploid has a wild-type phenotype, the mutation is said to be recessive. If the diploid has a mutant phenotype, the mutation is said to be dominant. To begin to identify how many genes have been identified, we want to perform An example of a genetic screen in yeast | SECTION 7.13 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics complementation tests. A complementation test is a test of function. Because most genes express a single function, mutations in different genes are usually in different complementation groups. Likewise, mutations in the same gene are usually in the same complementation group. Although exceptions to this pattern occur, complementation tests are an invaluable aid to determine the number of genes identified in a mutant hunt and generally to indicate if mutations are in the same or in different genes. Complementation tests in yeast are performed in diploid strains made by crossing one mutant with another one. To construct such diploids, each mutation must be available in both mating types, a and α. This will be achieved from the crosses described above that test for 2:2 segregation for the mutations. An example of a complementation test between different pairs of Gal– mutations is diagrammed in Figure 7.16. Figure 7.16 Complementation tests can only be done on recessive mutations. One mutant is mated by another and the diploid is analyzed. If the diploid has a mutant phenotype, the mutations fail to complement and are likely in the same gene. If the diploid has a wild-type phenotype, the mutations complement and are likely in two different genes. Let us consider the example of two hypothetical recessive Gal– mutants called gal1 and gal2. To perform a complementation test, we cross an a gal1 mutant by an α gal2 and isolate a gal1 /gal2 diploid. Then we determine the Gal phenotype of the diploid. If gal1 and gal2 are mutations in different genes, then the diploid will be Gal+ because all functions required to grow on galactose will be expressed. However, if gal1 and gal2 are in the same gene, a function required to grow on galactose will be lacking and the diploid will be Gal–. Complementation tests like the one just described are easy to do with yeast on a large scale. Therefore, it is easy to perform complementation tests on forty or more mutants to place them into complementation groups. Thus, in general, complementation tests on recessive mutations constitute the best initial step in determining the number of genes identified in a hunt for mutants. However, there are cases when complementation tests will not be useful. For An example of a genetic screen in yeast | SECTION 7.13 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics example, complementation tests cannot be performed with dominant mutations, as dominant mutations will confer a mutant phenotype in a heterozygous diploid, regardless of whether or not the other mutation is in the same gene. In addition,even with recessive mutations, there are rare cases where mutations in the same gene complement (called intragenic complementation) or mutations in different genes fail to complement (called unlinked noncomplementation). The final type of genetic analysis to perform on the mutants is linkage analysis. A linkage test is a test of position (in contrast to a complementation test, which is a test of function). Linkage analysis entails crossing one mutant by another and analyzing the segregation in tetrads. There are clear expectations for most cases. If two mutations are in the same gene, they will show very tight linkage, with mostly PD tetrads as evidence. However, if the two mutations are in different genes, they will likely be unlinked, resulting in a PD:NPD:TT ratio of 1:1:4. Because linkage analysis is more time-consuming than complementation analysis, it is usually performed on a subset of mutants, including representatives of each complementation group. Linkage tests can help to uncover the rare cases of intragenic complementation and unlinked noncomplementation. Last updated on September 16, 2004 This content is available online at An example of a genetic screen in yeast | SECTION 7.13 © 2004. Virtual Text / 5 5 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.14 Epistasis analysis can identify an ordered relationship among gene functions Key Terms Epistasis analysis usually refers to double mutant analysis to determine possible order of gene actions. The two mutations must have different phenotypes. Key Concepts • Sometimes several genes play distinct roles in a common process. • Comparison of the single mutant phenotypes with the double mutant phenotype can sometimes determine their relative order of function. Sometimes genetic analysis can help us to understand the functional relationships among different genes that work in a common process. In the case of understanding the use of galactose as a carbon source, imagine two classes of yeast mutants. The first class is the one unable to use galactose as a carbon source (Gal–), as described in our screen above. The second class of mutant, isolated in a separate screen, is quite distinct. It causes constitutive expression of the enzymes required for galactose catabolism, even when cells are grown on a different carbon source, such as glucose (Galc). What might be the relationship between genes that cause such different phenotypes? One possibility is that they work in an ordered fashion, perhaps in a pathway. This possibility can be addressed by a genetic test called epistasis analysis. Epistasis analysis involves constructing a double mutant and examining its phenotype. Imagine that the Gal– mutant has lost a regulatory factor that acts positively (that is, it is required for the expression of the GAL genes), and that the Galc mutant has lost a repressor of GAL gene expression. We could do an epistasis test to learn about the genetic relationship of these two factors by crossing the Gal– mutant by the Galc mutant to create a double mutant. Then we would determine if the double mutant had a Gal– or a Galc phenotype. If the double mutant were Gal–, we would say the mutation causing the Gal– phenotype was epistatic to the mutation causing the Galc phenotype. This would mean that the mutant gene causing the Gal– phenotype likely functioned more directly to control GAL gene expression. If the double mutant were Galc, then the Galc mutation would be epistatic and we would reach the opposite conclusion about the order of gene function. If the mutants act in different pathways, the phenotype of the resulting double mutant may be intermediate between the two single mutant phenotypes, as each exerts its effect independently. In general, epistasis analysis has been a powerful genetic tool to build models of understanding gene action. We will Epistasis analysis can identify an ordered relationship among gene functions | SECTION 7.14 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics later discuss a related topic, the isolation of extragenic suppressors (see Genetics 7.21 Suppressor analysis is a proven method to identify interacting genes). That technique is used to look directly for second mutations that are epistatic to a beginning mutation of interest. Last updated on September 16, 2004 This content is available online at Epistasis analysis can identify an ordered relationship among gene functions | SECTION 7.14 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.15 The S. cerevisiae genome Key Concepts • The S. cerevisiae genome was the first eukaryotic genome to be completely sequenced. The S. cerevisiae genome contains 16 chromosomes, ranging in size from approximately 250 kilobases to 1,500 kilobases. The S. cerevisiae genome was the first eukaryote genome to be fully sequenced, having been completed in 1996. The genome is approximately 12,000 kilobases, encoding about 6,000 genes (2708). The DNA sequence has allowed the unambiguous identification of most S. cerevisiae genes. The genome sequence has been an invaluable aide in many aspects of S. cerevisiae studies, particularly in genetic and gene expression studies. Moreover, it facilitates the cloning of genes (see Genetics 7.17 Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning). S. cerevisiae chromosomes have three classes of elements that are important for their replication and segregation: • Each chromosome has several origins of DNA replication. S. cerevisiae origins of replication were initially identified because of the properties that they conferred on plasmids (2711). More recently, experiments have demonstrated that these sequences serve as bona fide origins of DNA replication in the genome. • Each S. cerevisiae chromosome has a single centromere. The centromere is the site of attachment of microtubules and is essential for normal chromosome segregation. Centromeres in S. cerevisiae were the first functional centromeres cloned (189). • At the end of each S. cerevisiae chromosome is a telomere. Telomeres in S. cerevisiae are similar in structure to those of other fungi and eukaryotes, consisting of repeated DNA. Genetic experiments in S. cerevisiae have demonstrated that centromeres and telomeres are required for proper chromosome stability and segregation. Using these characterized elements, investigators have constructed recombinant DNA molecules that can function as chromosomes in S. cerevisiae (592). The "artificial" chromosomes function in a similar manner to endogenous S. cerevisiae chromosomes, demonstrating that these three classes of chromosomal elements are sufficient for chromosome replication and segregation. Using these artificial chromosomes, investigators have devised screens for mutants that fail to segregate chromosomes properly during mitosis (2709)(2715). In this way, several factors that The S. cerevisiae genome | SECTION 7.15 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics bind to centromeres and that are required for normal segregation have been discovered. The S. cerevisiae genome | SECTION 7.15 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Reviews 189. Clarke, L. and Carbon, J. (1985). The structure and function of yeast centromeres. Annu. Rev. Genet. 19, 29-56. 2708. Goffeau, A., et al. (1996). Life with 6000 genes. Science 274, 546-563. References 592. Murray, A., and Szostak, J. W. (1983). Construction of artificial chromosomes in yeast. Nature 305, 189-193. 2709. Koshland, D., Kent, J. C., and Hartwell, L. H. (1985). Genetic analysis of the mitotic transmission of minichromosomes. Cell 40, 393-403. 2711. Stinchcomb, D. T., Struhl, K., and Davis, R. W. (1979). Isolation and characterisation of a yeast chromosomal replicator. Nature 282, 39-43. 2715. Maine, G. T., Sinha, P., Tye, B. K. (1984). Mutants of S. cerevisiae defective in the maintenance of minichromosomes. Genetics 106, 365-385. This content is available online at The S. cerevisiae genome | SECTION 7.15 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.16 Transformation of yeast Key Concepts • Transformation of yeast allows many types of genetic manipulations that are impossible using classical genetic approaches. One of the major technical breakthroughs in the molecular genetic analysis of S. cerevisiae was the development of the method of transformation of S. cerevisiae with plasmid DNA (2915). This method opened the door to the cloning of genes and several other types of genetic manipulations described in the following sections. Transformation allows the manipulation of genes in vitro, followed by their analysis in vivo. Three classes of plasmids are generally useful for transformation of S. cerevisiae. These three classes are known as: • Integrating, • Centromeric, and • High-copy-number or 2-micron. Their properties, diagrammed in Figure 7.17, vary in transformation frequency, stability, and copy number. All three classes of plasmids contain some common elements: Transformation of yeast | SECTION 7.16 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.17 Three classes of plasmids are most commonly used to transform yeast: integrating, centromeric, and 2-micron. • An origin of replication for propagation in E. coli; • A selectable marker for transformation of E. coli, usually ampicillin resistance; and • A selectable marker for transformation of S. cerevisiae, usually a gene such as the URA3 that complements an auxotrophy. The URA3 encodes a protein required for pyrimidine biosynthesis. Use of URA3 as the selectable marker requires the S. cerevisiae strain that will be transformed possess a ura3 mutation. Transformants, then, are selected on plates lacking uracil in the media. The common use of URA3 as a marker for transformation is historical; the URA3 gene was one of the first S. cerevisiae genes cloned and was therefore available for use in recombinant DNA experiments. Other genes commonly used as selectable markers in S. cerevisiae plasmids are also genes that were among the first cloned, including TRP1, HIS3, and LEU2. More recently, yeast researchers have started to use markers that confer resistance to antibiotics such as G418. Because wild-type yeast are sensitive to G418, the use of this marker does not require a particular genotype of the recipient strain. In addition to transformation using these three types of plasmids, transformation using linear DNA is also a valuable tool in S. cerevisiae. (For the use of this method Transformation of yeast | SECTION 7.16 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics to construct mutations in genes, see Genetics 7.18 Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae ). Transformation of yeast | SECTION 7.16 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics References 2915. Hinnen, A., Hicks, J. B., and Fink, G.R. (1978). Transformation of yeast. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75, 1929-1933. This content is available online at Transformation of yeast | SECTION 7.16 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.17 Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning Key Terms To clone a gene is to molecularly identify its DNA sequence. The phrase "to clone" may also be used to indicate the process of inserting a piece of DNA into a cloning vector so that multiple copies may be made. An open reading frame (ORF) is a sequence of DNA consisting of triplets that can be translated into amino acids starting with an initiation codon and ending with a termination codon. Key Concepts • Cloning of an S. cerevisiae gene is generally performed by complementation of a mutant phenotype. • The proof that the correct gene has been cloned requires tetrad analysis. Once mutations have been analyzed by a combination of complementation and linkage analysis, the next step is to identify the specific genes that are mutant. This important goal is achieved by cloning the genes that correspond to the mutations. The cloning of a gene of interest allows important types of genetic analysis. The two important reagents for cloning are: • An S. cerevisiae strain containing the mutation of interest and • A recombinant DNA library that contains random S. cerevisiae genomic restriction fragments from a wild-type strain in an appropriate vector. The S. cerevisiae strain used to clone a gene must contain two particular genetic markers. First, it must contain the mutation of interest. Because the correct clone will be detected by complementation, the mutation must be recessive. (The cloning of a gene corresponding to a dominant mutation is mentioned later in this section.) The second important marker is one used to select transformants, such as a ura3 mutation. The recombinant DNA library consists of a collection of plasmids, with each plasmid containing a random fragment of wild-type S. cerevisiae DNA cloned into a standard centromeric plasmid vector that can replicate in both E. coli and in S. cerevisiae. (Cloning a gene for a dominant mutation would require constructing a recombinant library from the dominant mutant strain.) As mentioned, this marker is often the URA3 gene. However, other markers are also frequently used. The S. cerevisiae genomic fragments are generated by partial digestion with a Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning | SECTION 7.17 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics restriction enzyme that cuts frequently in genomic DNA. For S. cerevisiae, unlike larger eukaryotes, introns are rare, and when they are present, they are small. Therefore, genomic DNA is suitable to make recombinant libraries instead of cDNA. Each genomic fragment is likely to carry several open reading frames. As we can see in Figure 7.18, identifying a clone that contains the gene of interest starts with using the library DNA to transform the S. cerevisiae mutant. Transformants are identified by the plasmid's selectable marker. In our example, selection is for Ura+. Then, transformants are screened for those that complement the phenotype conferred by the mutation of interest. In our example of gal1 mutants, the Ura+ transformants will be screened for those that are Gal+. This is done by replica plating to plates that have galactose as the carbon source. These strains are strong candidates to contain a plasmid clone that contains the wild-type GAL1 gene. Figure 7.18 Candidate clones are identified after transformation into the appropriate yeast mutant. How many transformants need to be screened to identify the desired clone? We can determine this number by knowing the size of the S. cerevisiae genome (approximately 12,000 kb) and the average size of the DNA fragment in S. cerevisiae recombinant plasmid (approximately 15 kb). We use the formula N = ln(1-P)/ln(1-f), where N equals the number to be screened, P equals the probability of screening the clone, and f equals the fragment size/genome size. Using this formula, we calculate that approximately 3,700 transformants are required in order to have a 99 percent chance of screening every clone. We can easily screen this number of transformants by replica plating 40 plates with 100 transformant colonies per plate. Identifying a clone that contains the gene of interest does not yet single out the actual gene. This is because the average piece of genomic S. cerevisiae DNA in each Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning | SECTION 7.17 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics plasmid will be large enough to contain at least two to three genes. The first step to pinpoint the exact gene of interest on a clone is to determine the precise genomic segment in the recombinant plasmid. We can ascertain this by sequencing the DNA at the ends of the insert. Then, by searching a database against the entire yeast genome sequence, we can identify the exact genomic fragment in the plasmid. In this way, we reveal the genes present in the insert. To establish which gene on the plasmid is the one that complements the mutation, we can use two different methods. First, we can make new plasmids, each containing a single gene from those on the original plasmid (see Figure 7.19). Only one of these genes should complement the mutation and identify the gene. The second approach is to perform classical complementation tests between the mutant of interest and mutations in each of the candidate genes, if such mutations are available. Figure 7.19 Subcloning of the open reading frames on the plasmid, followed by their analysis in the mutant, will identify which open reading frame complements the mutant phenotype. One last but important step is needed to verify that the correct gene has been cloned. The cloning steps described so far have identified the clone candidate based on complementation, which is a test of function. Just as complementation in diploids can occasionally be misleading with respect to gene identity, it can be misleading in cloning as well. This is because at times, a gene on a plasmid will suppress a defect in a different gene. One possible reason for this situation is that both genes encode related functions and one function can substitute for the other, especially if it is expressed at an increased level on the plasmid copy. Therefore, a linkage test—a test of position—is also necessary to verify that the correct gene has been cloned. Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning | SECTION 7.17 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics This test can take many forms, and we will describe one simple version. When the candidate gene has been identified, a linkage test can be performed between the original mutation and a known mutation in the gene (identified by cloning), as illustrated in Figure 7.20. If the two mutations are in the same gene, virtually every tetrad will be a PD. In contrast, if the gene newly identified by cloning is not the same as the gene that contains the original mutation, then a different segregation pattern will be apparent because the two mutations will most likely not be linked. In this case, PD, NPD, and TT tetrads will appear. The ability to clone a gene and prove it by these tests leads to the ability to perform more detailed genetic analysis using molecular genetic techniques, as described in the next section. Figure 7.20 Verification that the correct clone has been identified is accomplished by a cross to establish linkage between the original mutation and the gene identified from the cloning. This content is available online at Isolation of S. cerevisiae genes by cloning | SECTION 7.17 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.18 Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae Key Terms A null mutant has a mutation that completely eliminates the function of a gene, usually because it has been physically deleted. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique in which cycles of denaturation, annealing with primer, and extension with DNA polymerase are used to amplify the number of copies of a target DNA sequence by large factors such as > 106 fold. An open reading frame (ORF) is a sequence of DNA consisting of triplets that can be translated into amino acids starting with an initiation codon and ending with a termination codon. A conditional-lethal mutation kills a cell or virus under certain (nonpermissive) conditions, but allows it to survive under other (permissive) conditions. A temperature-sensitive mutation creates a gene product (usually a protein) that functions at some low temperature but poorly or not at all at some high temperature. The converse is a cold-sensitive mutation. A cold-sensitive mutant is defective at low temperature but functional at normal temperature. The plasmid shuffle is a technique used in yeast genetics to screen for mutations in an essential gene. The technique is based on the fact that, in a strain deleted for an essential gene, a plasmid bearing a mutant copy of that gene will be able to replace a plasmid bearing the wild-type gene if the mutant gene is viable under some conditions. Gene replacement describes a method in which the version of the gene in the genome, usually the wild-type gene, is replaced by a mutant form. The replacement occurs via homologous recombination following transformation. Key Concepts • Any mutation made in vitro can be transformed into the S. cerevisiae genome, replacing the wild-type allele. With a cloned S. cerevisiae gene in hand, we can perform gene-specific mutagenesis to analyze gene function in great detail. Three different types of mutageneses can help to elucidate the role of a gene in vivo. These three mutageneses are: • Deletion of the gene, • Random mutagenesis of the gene, and • Site-specific mutagenesis of the gene. Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics A gene is often chosen as the subject of a study based on a particularly interesting mutant phenotype. For example, one phenotype that has been extremely valuable to study in S. cerevisiae is that of mutants that arrest growth at particular points in the cell cycle. These are referred to as cell division cycle or cdc mutants. Such a phenotype could be caused by very different types of mutations. These could include one that caused loss of function of the gene product, or one that brought about an alteration in its normal function. Therefore, an early step after cloning the gene is to construct a deletion of it, resulting in a null mutant. Comparison of the phenotype of a null mutant with that of the original mutant will determine if the original mutant phenotype results from a loss of function. The analysis will also answer the related issue of whether or not the gene is essential for viability. As Figure 7.21 illustrates, such a deletion can be made in a straightforward manner by using the combination of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and S. cerevisiae transformation. Figure 7.21 A precise deletion of any gene of yeast can be made using a DNA fragment synthesized by PCR. • The gene encoding a selectable marker is synthesized by PCR, using primers that contain a short region of homology to the DNA sequences flanking the open reading frame to be deleted. • Next, the PCR fragment is used to transform a wild-type diploid yeast strain. A diploid strain is used in case the deletion to be constructed would cause lethality in a haploid. In the example shown, transformants are selected by resistance to the antibiotic G418. The high frequency of homologous recombination in yeast Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics allows the limited homology to direct recombination at the correct site. • The diploid is then sporulated and tetrads are dissected. The marker, G418 resistance, segregates 2:2 and indicates segregation of the deletion mutation. In the example shown, the deletion of GAL1 allows viability. In the case of the deletion of an essential gene, only two spores will germinate to grow into colonies. The two viable spores will never contain the G418 marker. That is, G418 resistance will be tightly linked to inviability. Thanks to the knowledge of the complete genome sequence of S. cerevisiae, a deletion mutation of every gene has now been made (2866). Thus, once a gene is identified by cloning, an investigator will immediately be able to know its null phenotype. Because the null phenotype is usually the most extreme phenotype for a gene, if the null mutant is viable, then it is the mutant form best suited for further genetic studies. In addition to a null mutation, there are cases in which the isolation and analysis of other types of alleles are desirable. One obvious case is when a gene is essential for viability, because in such a case, the null mutant is inviable. This is generally true for cdc mutants. For essential genes, then, less severe mutations are required for genetic analysis. Random mutagenesis is the best approach for an essential gene that has been identified as important and worthy of study, but about whose function little else is known. In such a case, investigators will want to isolate several different mutant alleles, since different mutations might alter the gene product in different ways. Observing distinct mutant phenotypes for different alleles of a gene will provide more information about the role of the gene product. A general method to isolate multiple alleles of a gene is described in this section. One particularly valuable class of mutation in an essential gene is a conditional-lethal mutation. Conditional-lethal mutations are those that allow growth under one condition, but block growth under another condition. The most common type of conditional-lethal mutation used is a temperature-sensitive mutation. A temperature-sensitive mutant can grow at one temperature, the permissive temperature, but it cannot grow at another, the nonpermissive temperature. In general, the term temperature-sensitive mutation refers to mutations that impair growth at an elevated temperature. This class of mutation might also be referred to as heat-sensitive mutations. In addition, one can also sometimes identify cold-sensitive mutations. The temperatures used for these classes of mutations might vary, depending on the gene being studied. In general, for S. cerevisiae, a permissive temperature is likely to be 30°C, and nonpermissive temperatures might be 37°C and 15°C. In addition to random mutagenesis, sometimes investigators will want to make specific mutations to test a predicted role or activity of a gene product. For some genes, the sequence of the gene will suggest that the gene product possesses a particular biochemical activity. For example, amino acid sequence motifs have been Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics identified that confer protein kinase activity upon the protein. In genetic studies of such a gene, specific mutations that were predicted to affect the protein in a particular fashion (such as affecting ATP binding) would be of interest. Such mutations can serve to test particular hypotheses of the role of protein motifs. Isolating mutations by gene-specific mutagenesis requires several steps. The first step, the mutagenesis itself, is performed on the isolated gene, usually in the form of a plasmid. For random mutagenesis, different types of chemical mutagens can be used, such as hydroxylamine or nitrous acid. An alternative and convenient method for random mutagenesis of a gene is by the misincorporation of DNA bases, using an error-prone polymerase chain reaction method. This method relies on the high frequency of homologous recombination in S. cerevisiae. Site-specific mutations can be constructed by several standard procedures, usually involving specific oligonucleotides that contain the mutation of interest combined with PCR. After mutagenesis, the mutagenized plasmids are used to transform S. cerevisiae. The transformants are then screened in vivo for mutant phenotypes. In a case where a gene is essential for viability, a special procedure enables investigators to make strains in which the only copy of the gene is the potentially mutant one. Pictured in Figure 7.22, this method is called a plasmid shuffle. For a plasmid shuffle, the S. cerevisiae strain that is used to screen for the new mutations has the gene of interest deleted. To maintain viability, it also initially contains a wild-type copy of the gene on an autonomous plasmid. The plasmid has the S. cerevisiae URA3 gene as its selectable marker. This particular marker is important because one can select against the wild-type gene by using the compound 5-fluoroorotic acid (5FOA), which is toxic to any cells that contain the URA3 gene product. Because the plasmid is lost at a detectable frequency, we can grow the transformants on a medium that contains the 5FOA and easily identify cells that have lost the wild-type gene. After the plasmid shuffle procedure, the strain will have only the mutagenized plasmid, allowing us to screen for mutant phenotypes. Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics Figure 7.22 The plasmid shuffle is a method to mutagenize a cloned, essential gene and to identify conditional mutations. For example, if we were screening for temperature-sensitive mutations, the candidates would be replica plated to screen for mutants that can grow at 30°C but that fail to grow at 37°C. A plasmid shuffle can be used to screen large numbers of mutant candidates after random mutagenesis of a gene. It can also be used to test for possible phenotypes of a site-specific mutation. The process of random or site-specific mutagenesis of a gene results in the presence of the mutations on autonomous plasmids. However, investigators will often want to recombine the mutation into the genome, replacing the wild-type gene. This method, called gene replacement, allows an exact comparison to be made between a wild-type S. cerevisiae strain and one that differs only by the mutation being studied. It is especially useful in cases where one cannot select for the mutant allele (unlike the case in Figure 7.21). One method for gene replacement involves two recombination steps, shown in Figure 7.23. In a two-step gene replacement, the mutation of interest is constructed in an integrating (YIp) plasmid that contains the yeast URA3 gene as a selectable marker. The DNA is used to transform a ura3 mutant under conditions where the plasmid will integrate at the gene of interest, resulting in the structure diagrammed. Because the gene of interest is now duplicated, the plasmid can be excised by homologous recombination. If the crossover occurs in the correct position, the remaining allele of the gene will be the mutant allele, resulting in an exact gene replacement. Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 5 5 Genetics Figure 7.23 The two-step gene replacement is used to replace a wild-type gene with any mutant allele constructed in vitro. Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 6 6 Genetics References 2866. Giaever et al. (2002). Functional profiling of the S. cerevisiae genome. Nature 418, 387-391. This content is available online at Molecular genetics of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.18 © 2004. Virtual Text / 7 7 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.19 Protein identification can lead directly to genetic analysis in S. cerevisiae Key Terms An epitope tag is a short amino acid sequence that is recognized by a commercially available antibody. When fused to a protein of interest, an epitope tag allows identification of the protein by the available antibody. Key Concepts • Identifying an S. cerevisiae protein allows direct identification of the gene that encodes that protein, which in turn allows genetic analysis to be performed. In addition to using the traditional methods of mutant screens and selections to identify genes of interest, we can also begin to identify them by using biochemistry. That is, we can purify a protein of interest and then, because the complete genome sequence of S. cerevisiae is known, we can identify the gene that encodes that specific protein. Following gene identification, genetic analysis can be performed to analyze the role of the protein in vivo. Traditionally, biochemical identification of a protein has been based on the investigator's having an assay for a particular biochemical activity. For example, we might have an assay for an enzymatic step in amino acid biosynthesis, or for the occurrence of a regulatory function, such as the binding of a protein to a particular DNA sequence. The existence of an assay allows purification of a protein by classical fractionation methods, based on its charge, size, and shape. Sometimes a biochemical activity relies on a single protein. In other cases, the activity depends on a complex of proteins, such as for RNA polymerase. In this situation, the fractionation methods must be able to preserve the association of the proteins required for the activity. A second method to purify proteins, used more recently, does not rely on having an activity assay available. In this case, we can try to identify a protein complex by beginning with the knowledge of at least one of the genes that encodes a member of the putative complex. Because proteins often act in complexes, this is a frequently used approach. The gene being studied is often one found by the type of mutant analysis described in earlier sections. We can purify the complex by first fusing the gene of interest to a DNA sequence encoding an epitope tag. An epitope tag is a short amino acid sequence, generally eight to eleven amino acids long, that is recognized by a commercially available antibody. Thus, a protein that contains an epitope tag can be identified by using the antibody to the tag. The gene fusion is constructed using PCR and yeast transformation, in a method similar to the one described earlier in this chapter for Protein identification can lead directly to genetic analysis in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.19 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics constructing deletion mutations. One important consideration is whether the gene maintains its wild-type function after fusing to the epitope-tag sequence. This can depend on the particular epitope tag, its position in the gene (usually either at the 5′ or 3′ end of the gene), and the gene of interest. We only want to analyze cases where wild-type function is maintained; otherwise, the subsequent studies may analyze a mutant situation and be misleading. Following the fusion, standard methods should be used for making extracts of yeast cells and purifying the protein that contains the epitope tag. Usually this is done using a resin coupled to the antibody that recognizes the epitope tag. If we use conditions that preserve protein-protein interactions, we can often purify the entire complex in which the epitope-tagged protein exists. After purifying the complex, we can determine the number and approximate molecular weights of the proteins by using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Figure 7.24 depicts this process. Figure 7.24 DNA encoding an epitope tag is fused to the YFG1 gene. Yeast cells are then grown up and gently broken open. The Yfg1 protein and its interacting partners are purified using the epitope tag and an antibody that recognizes the tag. The identity of the interacting proteins is determined by mass spectrometry. After a protein is purified by one of these methods, the gene that encodes it can be identified using two types of information: • Part of the amino acid sequence of the protein, or • The determination of the masses of peptides derived from the protein. We can determine amino acid sequences at the amino-terminal ends of proteins, for lengths up to about twenty amino acids. Alternatively, it is possible to cleave a protein into peptides with a specific protease, such as trypsin, and then to ascertain the precise mass of each peptide by a technique called mass spectrometry. Either of these methods provides a characterization of the protein that will be specific for that one protein among all encoded by the yeast genome. Because the predicted protein product of each gene of S. cerevisiae is known, this allows us to identify the gene Protein identification can lead directly to genetic analysis in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.19 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics encoding the protein. This type of approach, which takes advantage of the genome sequence, has been used on a large scale for S. cerevisiae (2260). After identifying the gene(s) encoding the protein(s) of interest, we can do several types of genetic analyses. For example, if a protein was purified based on its ability to bind to the regulatory region of a particular gene (the target gene), we can make a mutation in the gene encoding the DNA-binding protein. This will allow us to see if it alters expression of the target gene. Alternatively, if a group of proteins was identified as a complex, we can establish whether a mutation in each of the genes causes the same mutant phenotype. In these ways and others, one can test for the in vivo roles of proteins after their biochemical identification in vitro. The purification of a protein complex and the subsequent identification of its members is one way to identify relevant protein-protein interactions in vivo. (For other methods to identify protein-protein interactions, see next section.) Last updated on October 12, 2004 Protein identification can lead directly to genetic analysis in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.19 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics References 2260. Gavin, A. C., et al. (2002). Functional organization of the yeast proteome by systematic analysis of protein complexes. Nature 415, 141-147. This content is available online at Protein identification can lead directly to genetic analysis in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.19 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.20 Several methods exist to identify genetic interactions among genes in yeast Key Concepts • Often, genetics can identify interactions, including those that happen infrequently or between rare functions. • Several methods exist to find such interactions. After a yeast gene has been identified as playing an important role, it is of great interest to identify other genes with which it might interact. The genes may encode related functions or physically interacting proteins. Yeast genetics has developed several methods that are commonly employed for this goal. The purification and identification of members of a protein complex were described in an earlier section. That approach, if successful, will identify proteins that are physically associated. However, not all protein-protein interactions are strong enough for biochemical approaches to identify them. Furthermore, some proteins may interact functionally, but not physically. For example, two different proteins may regulate the same set of genes, yet they may not physically interact with each other. To identify interactions that would be difficult or impossible to find biochemically, there are many methods available to yeast geneticists. Such methods include isolation of suppressors, identification of synthetic lethal interactions, and two-hybrid analysis. Last updated on January 27, 2004 This content is available online at Several methods exist to identify genetic interactions among genes in yeast | SECTION 7.20 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.21 Suppressor analysis is a proven method to identify interacting genes Key Terms Missense mutations change a single codon so as to cause the replacement of one amino acid by another in a protein sequence. A high-copy-number suppressor allows a mutation in one gene to be suppressed by overexpression of a second gene that is present on a high-copy-number plasmid. A classic approach to identifying interacting genes is the isolation and analysis of extragenic suppressors. An extragenic suppressor is a mutation in a gene that is distinct from the gene with the initial mutation. Extragenic suppressors of an interesting mutation are identified in two general steps. The first step is the isolation of "revertants" of the original mutant—that is, strains that no longer have the original mutant phenotype. We can isolate such revertants by either a screen or a selection. A revertant strain could arise by either true reversion of the mutation or by a second mutation in an interacting gene, an extragenic suppressor, that compensates for the defect of the original mutation. One example of this type of extragenic suppressor was given earlier when we described the epistasis tests. In that case, a mutation in one gene suppressed the defect caused by a mutation in another gene. True revertants and extragenic suppressors are distinguished by the second step. This is a genetic cross of the "revertant" by a wild-type strain, followed by tetrad analysis, shown in Figure 7.25. For true revertants, all tetrads will be PD tetrads, since all spores will inherit a wild-type allele. In contrast, for extragenic suppressors, a different pattern will be seen because there will almost certainly be recombination between the suppressor mutation and the original mutation. Therefore, some spores will inherit only the original mutation. If the original and suppressor mutations are unlinked, the ratio will be the expected 1:1:4 for PD:NPD:TT. The analysis of suppressor mutations has been an extremely powerful tool in genetic analysis of yeast, as well as of other organisms, particularly prokaryotes. (For two good reviews of suppressor analysis in yeast see 2909 and 2920.) Suppressor analysis is a proven method to identify interacting genes | SECTION 7.21 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.25 A true revertant will be completely linked to the initial mutation, producing all PD tetrads. An extragenic suppressor mutation will segregate from the initial mutation, resulting in PD, NPD, and TT tetrads. The nature of the suppressor mutation will often depend on the type of mutation that is being suppressed. As Figure 7.26 shows, a missense mutation that alters the conformation of a protein might be suppressed by a compensating change in an interacting protein. In this case, then, the suppressor mutation identifies an interacting gene product, often the goal of suppressor analysis. In contrast, a deletion mutation that removes the coding region of a gene cannot be suppressed by a change in an interacting protein. Only a "bypass" suppressor that compensates for the complete loss of the initial gene product can suppress a deletion mutation. Informational suppressors will often suppress nonsense mutations. We must take all of this into consideration when planning a project to study a gene by suppressor analysis, and must carefully consider the molecular nature of the initial mutation. Suppressor analysis is a proven method to identify interacting genes | SECTION 7.21 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Figure 7.26 Suppression between interacting proteins. In the example shown, two proteins, A and B, normally interact. In the a mutant, this interaction is impaired and there is a mutant phenotype. However, a suppressor mutation that alters B restores the interaction with a, resulting in a wild-type phenotype. In addition to extragenic suppressors, a second type of suppressor that we can screen for is called a high-copy-number suppressor. This screen identifies genes that, when overexpressed, suppress the defect caused by the mutation in the initial gene. For example, imagine that a mutation weakens an interaction between two proteins because it reduces the affinity between the mutant protein and the second protein. This results in a mutant phenotype. If the level of the second protein is now increased, it might overcome the reduced affinity, resulting in a wild-type phenotype. High-copy-number suppression can occur by other mechanisms as well. Screens for high-copy-number suppressors are done by using an S. cerevisiae genomic library in a high-copy-number (2-micron) vector to transform the mutant of interest. The transformants are then screened for those with a wild-type phenotype. The plasmids in these candidates are isolated and tested to see if they contain the gene corresponding to the mutant gene (not the desired class) or to a different gene that might be a high-copy-number suppressor. A gene in the latter category would likely encode a protein that would interact with the mutant protein. Genes identified by suppressor analysis can be cloned and studied using all the types of genetic, molecular, and biochemical approaches described in this chapter. Often, the study of a gene identified as a suppressor will shed light not only on the suppressor but on the gene containing the initial mutation. Suppressor analysis is a powerful tool for yeast geneticists. Last updated on January 27, 2004 Suppressor analysis is a proven method to identify interacting genes | SECTION 7.21 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics Reviews 2909. Forsburg, S. L. (2001). The art and design of genetic screens: Yeast. Nat. Rev. Genet. 2, 659-668. 2920. Prelich, G. (1999). Suppression mechanisms: themes from variations. Trends Genet. 15, 261-266. This content is available online at Suppressor analysis is a proven method to identify interacting genes | SECTION 7.21 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.22 Synthetic lethal interactions can identify genes with related functions In addition to the isolation of suppressor mutations, a second genetic approach to identify interacting genes is called a synthetic lethal screen. This type of screen identifies pairs of mutations in which both are required to cause inviability. The rationale for identifying and studying such genes is that if each of two mutations impairs an aspect of an essential process, the double mutant should have a more severe phenotype than either of the single mutants. This double-mutant lethality is called synthetic lethality. Thus, a synthetic lethal screen is the opposite of a suppressor screen, in which the second mutation causes a wild-type phenotype. A synthetic lethal screen begins with an S. cerevisiae strain that contains a mutation in the gene of interest, and also a plasmid that has both a wild-type copy of that gene and the URA3 gene as a selectable marker. Figure 7.27 illustrates this. By performing mutagenesis and screening mutagenized colonies that have lost the plasmid, we can identify second mutations that cause inviability when the wild-type copy of the gene on the plasmid is missing. Figure 7.27 A synthetic lethal screen identifies functional interactions in an essential process. Synthetic lethal interactions can identify genes with related functions | SECTION 7.22 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Synthetic lethal screens can identify genes that are related in different ways, as Figure 7.28 and Figure 7.29 demonstrate. Three possible relations are those among genes in a regulatory pathway, genes whose products interact together in a complex, and genes whose products independently contribute to the same process. Figure 7.28 Two types of interactions are diagrammed. In one possibility, two genes, TUB1 and TUB3, each encodes a version of the essential protein alpha-tubulin, with TUB1 providing most of the product. Some point mutations in TUB1 that destabilize the interactions of resulting protein are not lethal. However, in combination with a tub3 null allele, there is not enough functional alpha-tubulin and the result is lethality. Figure 7.29 Several proteins interact in a complex that carries out an essential function. A mutation in X, Y, or Z reduces the activity of this complex, but still allows enough for viability. However, a double mutant that impairs two proteins reduces the activity below a threshold required for viability, resulting in synthetic lethality. Synthetic lethal interactions can identify genes with related functions | SECTION 7.22 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics This content is available online at Synthetic lethal interactions can identify genes with related functions | SECTION 7.22 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.23 Two-hybrid analysis is a powerful way to identify protein-protein interactions in vivo Another popular approach for detecting interactions is a two-hybrid analysis (952). This method is designed to detect physical interactions between two proteins in vivo. Two-hybrid analysis relies on two characteristics of transcriptional activator proteins: • Many transcriptional activator proteins contain two functional domains: a DNA-binding domain and a transcriptional activation domain. • These two domains can often be physically separated. That is, if the DNA-binding domain is present on one protein and the transcriptional activation domain is present on a second, interacting protein, interaction of the two proteins will activate transcription. Thus, we can make transcriptional activation dependent on a particular protein-protein interaction in vivo. On the basis of these properties, we can screen S. cerevisiae for all proteins that physically interact in vivo with a protein of interest. This is illustrated in Figure 7.30. First, recombinant DNA methods are used to create a plasmid encoding a hybrid gene that expresses the protein of interest fused to a known DNA-binding domain. The most commonly used DNA-binding domains are both well characterized: one is from the yeast transcriptional activator Gal4 and the other from the E. coli repressor LexA. Two-hybrid analysis is a powerful way to identify protein-protein interactions in vivo | SECTION 7.23 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.30 Proteins that interact with each other can be identified by their ability to activate transcription by linking a DNA-activating domain to a DNA-binding domain. A recombinant library is then made in which random S. cerevisiae DNA fragments are cloned into a vector where they can potentially be fused to a well-characterized transcriptional activation domain. Often, the Gal4 transcriptional activation domain is used in this type of vector. Next, an S. cerevisiae strain is used in which the binding sites for the DNA-binding domain (for example, Gal4 binding sites) are placed 5′ of a reporter gene. To perform the two-hybrid screen, the plasmid that encodes the DNA-binding domain fusion protein is first used to transform S. cerevisiae. Then, the library of fusions to the activation domain is used to transform the same strain. Individual transformants are screened or selected (depending on the reporter used) to identify those in which transcription of the reporter has been activated. Such cotransformants are candidates to have a two-hybrid interaction. The determination of the DNA sequence in the activator plasmid identifies the putative interactor. Subsequent biochemical and genetic tests can confirm a physical interaction. Besides suppressor analysis and two-hybrid analysis, yeast geneticists employ many other types of approaches to identify functionally related genes. Which method is the best one to use? To answer that question requires being able to predict the future. We never know what genes will be discovered; however, the long and successful history of these and related approaches holds the promise of new and exciting insights. Last updated on October 12, 2004 Two-hybrid analysis is a powerful way to identify protein-protein interactions in vivo | SECTION 7.23 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics References 952. Fields, S. and Song, O. (1989). A novel genetic system to detect protein-protein interactions. Nature 340, 245-246. This content is available online at Two-hybrid analysis is a powerful way to identify protein-protein interactions in vivo | SECTION 7.23 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.24 Functional genomics studies of S. cerevisiae Key Terms Whole-genome expression analysis is a method in which the mRNA level of every gene is determined. Bioinformatics describes computational methods to study the data from whole-genome expression analysis. Key Concepts • The knowledge of the full genomic sequence of S. cerevisiae enables us to perform several types of genomewide analyses. The information in the complete sequence of an organism's genome allows us to apply methods that analyze the entire genome. This is particularly true of transcription. As the first eukaryote to have its genome completely sequenced, S. cerevisiae has provided a model system for functional genomic studies. These studies have illustrated powerful methods to analyze mutations that affect gene expression. One of the most attractive functional genomic methods is whole-genome expression analysis(2717). Using these means, we can analyze the level of the mRNA for every gene in S. cerevisiae. By comparing mRNA levels between a wild-type strain and a mutant, or between different mutants, we can discern the full extent of a mutant phenotype at the level of mRNA expression. As Figure 7.31 shows, the general method for whole-genome expression analysis entails using microarrays. In this technique, the DNA sequence that corresponds to each S. cerevisiae gene is synthesized and then fixed in an ordered pattern on a glass slide. Following this is the preparation of mRNA populations from the two S. cerevisiae strains (wild type and mutant) that will be compared. Each mRNA population is used to make fluorescently labeled cDNA so that the levels of cDNA and mRNA will correspond. The wild-type and the mutant cDNA are given different fluorescent labels. The two pools of cDNA are then mixed and hybridized to the microarray and processed for analysis. The amount of hybridization of each population to each spot in the microarray is proportional to the level of the mRNA in vivo from each of the two strains. When two strains such as a wild type and a mutant are compared, the relative levels are expressed as a ratio. This reveals any change in the levels of mRNA. While this type of approach is still relatively new, several studies have already been done. These include one that has identified all of the S. cerevisiae genes that are specifically expressed during meiosis (2912). Functional genomics studies of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.24 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Figure 7.31 Whole-genome expression analysis compares the mRNA population of a mutant strain to wild type. Microarray image kindly provided by Tom Volkert, Whitehead Institute, Center for MicroArray Technology. The analysis of microarray data has given birth to a new field of computational data analysis. Dubbed bioinformatics, this has rapidly grown into a major field of research in modern biology. One of the goals of bioinformatics is to make predictions based on computational analysis of microarray data. For example, analyzing a set of genes that are coregulated might identify common DNA sequences in the genes' regulatory regions. These might serve as cis-acting regulatory elements. This hypothesis could then be tested experimentally. Functional genomics studies of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.24 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics References 2717. Lashkari, D. A., DeRisi, J. L., McCusker, J. H., Namath, A. F., Gentile, C., Hwang, S. Y., Brown, P. O., and Davis, R. W. (1997). Yeast microarrays for genome wide parallel genetic and gene expression analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 13057-13062. 2912. Chu, S., DeRisi, J., Eisen, M., Mulholland, J., Botstein, D., Brown, P. O., and Herskowitz, I. (1998). The transcriptional program of sporulation in budding yeast. Science 282, 699-705. This content is available online at Functional genomics studies of S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.24 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.25 S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have been invaluable organisms for elucidating cell cycle control Key Concepts • Studies of cell cycle control in yeast have led the way to understanding this process in all eukaryotes. Studies of cell cycle control in two yeasts, S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, have greatly enhanced our understanding of cell division in all eukaryotes. This success is based on the ability to isolate and analyze mutants that are blocked in specific steps of cell division. The significance of this work is highlighted by the award of the 2002 Nobel prize in medicine or physiology to Leland Hartwell and Paul Nurse, the pioneers in the field of cell cycle control studies for S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, respectively. Beginning in 1969, Leland Hartwell and colleagues took a novel approach to studying a large collection of temperature-sensitive mutants of S. cerevisiae (2038)(824) (See also Great Experiments 4 Cell cycle genes). These mutants had been isolated solely on the basis of their ability to grow at a normal temperature (30°C), but not at a high temperature (36°C). This limitation indicated that they had temperature-sensitive mutations in an essential gene. When the mutants were examined in the microscope after being shifted to a nonpermissive temperature, it was discovered that some of them had arrested growth with a uniform cell morphology. That is, they exhibited a particular bud size, or no bud. For any given type of mutant, most cells had arrested at the same position in the cell cycle, indicating that the mutant gene product was normally necessary at that point in the cycle. One class of mutants arrested as unbudded cells, another class with small buds, still another with large buds, and so on. All of the mutants that behaved in this fashion were named cell division cycle (cdc) mutants. The ability to isolate cdc mutants in S. cerevisiae led to the hypothesis that specific sets of genes were required to pass through sequential stages of the cell cycle. For example, a cdc mutation that caused cells to arrest in an unbudded form would suggest that that specific gene was needed at the beginning of the cell cycle. A mutation in a gene required for chromosome segregation might result in a large, budded cell. This would indicate that the cell was blocked after DNA replication. This type of analysis of a large number of mutants led to the understanding that many gene products are required for passage through many different points in the cell cycle. Genetic analysis of numerous cdc mutants showed that cell division in S. cerevisiae consisted of two major pathways, one important for nuclear division and the other for cell budding and cytokinesis. In this analysis, cdc mutants were examined for their S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have been invaluable organisms for elucidating cell cycle control | SECTION 7.25 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics morphology, DNA replication, and nuclear division. Genetic analysis of cdc mutants also demonstrated that these are dependent pathways; that is, later events do not happen in the absence of earlier events. For example, mitosis does not occur if DNA replication has not taken place. This large body of work, which has involved many S. cerevisiae labs, has provided the foundation for studies of all eukaryotic cell division for over thirty years. The relevance of the studies of yeast cdc mutants became evident when biologists perceived the strong conservation throughout eukaryotes of many types of cell functions. One particularly important breakthrough involved studies of the yeast S. pombe, which is distantly related to S. cerevisiae. Cell cycle studies of this yeast identified the cdc2 gene as being essential for the initiation of the cell cycle (2872). In a successful attempt to identify the human gene that serves a function equivalent to that of S. pombe cdc2, Paul Nurse and his colleagues cloned the human gene by complementation of an S. pombe cdc2 temperature-sensitive mutant (2041) (See also Great Experiments 2 The discovery of cdc2 as the key regulator of the cell cycle). Subsequent work demonstrated that human cdc2 encodes a biochemical activity that is essential for cell division. One major concept to emerge from studies of the S. cerevisiae cell cycle is that of checkpoints that control the dependency of later events on the successful completion of earlier events (319). In principle, either a set of controls or the appearance of appropriate intermediate steps could regulate the dependency of events during the cell cycle. In 1988, Ted Weinert and Leland Hartwell demonstrated that a set of controls existed. In these studies, they screened for mutants that would allow the cell cycle to progress under conditions in which it is was normally inhibited by DNA damage (843). They identified a mutation in the RAD9 gene that allowed such an aberrant progression. Since this landmark discovery, evidence for several other types of cell cycle checkpoints has been discovered, not only in S. cerevisiae but throughout eukaryotes. Studies of the cell cycle in both S. cerevisiae and S. pombe were of critical importance in clarifying the process of cell division in eukaryotes. Furthermore, these studies have helped to elucidate cellular processes that have gone awry in cancer cells (2913). Last updated on January 27, 2004 S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have been invaluable organisms for elucidating cell cycle control | SECTION 7.25 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics Reviews 319. Hartwell, L. H. and Weinert, T. A. (1989). Checkpoints: controls that ensure the order of cell cycle events. Science 246, 629-634. 2913. Hartwell, L. H., and Kastan, M. B. (1994). Cell cycle control and cancer. Science 266, 1821-1828. References 824. Hartwell, L., Culotti, J., Pringle, J. R., and Reid, B. J. (1974). Genetic control of the cell division cycle in yeast. Science 183, 46-51. 843. Weinert, T. A., and Hartwell, L. H. (1988). The RAD9 gene controls the cell cycle response to DNA damage in S. cerevisiae. Science 241, 317-322. 2038. Hartwell, L. H., Culotti, J., and Reid, B. (1970). Genetic control of the cell-division cycle in yeast. I. Detection of mutants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 66, 352-359. 2041. Lee, M. G. and Nurse, P. (1987). Complementation used to clone a human homologue of the fission yeast cell cycle control gene cdc2. Nature 327, 31-35. 2872. Nurse, P., Masui, Y., and Hartwell, L. (1998). Understanding the cell cycle. Nat. Med. 4, 1103-1106. This content is available online at S. cerevisiae and S. pombe have been invaluable organisms for elucidating cell cycle control | SECTION 7.25 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.26 The isolation of mutants unable to mate elucidated the mating pathways in yeast Key Terms Sterile mutants are yeast mutants that cannot mate. Key Concepts • The study of mating type control in S. cerevisiae has illuminated the understanding of a signaling pathway. One of the best-understood cases of gene regulation in S. cerevisiae is the determination of mating type. Recall that haploid S. cerevisiae strains exist in one of two mating types, either a or α. The genetic locus that determines the a or α mating type, the MAT locus, has two possible states: MATa or MATα. Each locus contains two genes that confer a or α cell identity. In S. cerevisiae, the major aspects of mating type control—that is, how a cell becomes an a or α type—and the steps required for mating were determined by mutant analysis. In steps during mating described earlier in Figure 7.4, each requires the regulated expression of several genes (see Genetics 7.5 The S. cerevisiae life cycle). In 1974, two S. cerevisiae geneticists, Vivian Mackay and Thomas Manney, set out to identify the genes required for the yeast to mate by isolating mutants that were unable to do so. These were called sterile mutants, and the genes identified were named STE genes (2870)(2914). Mackay and Manney isolated many such mutants. Using methods similar to those described earlier in this chapter, they placed the mutants into complementation and linkage groups. Because both complementation and linkage analysis in S. cerevisiae require diploids and hence mating, how was this accomplished for ste mutants? Some of the ste mutants were conditional, meaning they were sterile at one temperature but able to mate at another. Other mutants were leaky, that is, they still had some function, but it was greatly reduced. Such mutants were able to mate at low frequency, allowing diploid formation. From their analysis, Mackay and Manney identified three general classes of ste mutants: • Those that caused sterility in either a or α cells; • Those that caused sterility only in a cells; and • Those that caused sterility only in α cells. The isolation of mutants unable to mate elucidated the mating pathways in yeast | SECTION 7.26 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics This classification was possible because all of the mutants were still able to mate, although at a very low frequency. Therefore, Mackay and Manney were able to examine the phenotype of each mutation in both MATa and MATα genetic backgrounds and test its effect on mating. In addition to the finding of three classes of mutants, their work resulted in two other significant discoveries. First, their research demonstrated that many genes are important for normal mating, not just the previously identified MAT locus. Second, while they isolated ste mutations at the MATα locus, they were unable to identify any ste mutations at the MATa locus. This suggested that the two different loci did not contribute equivalent functions within a similar regulatory network. Later work showed that this hypothesis was correct. Many of the STE genes required for mating in either mating type have been shown to be involved in a signal transduction pathway. This pathway is initiated by the binding of a mating pheromone to its receptor—for example, the binding of an α factor (produced by MATα cells) to an α-factor receptor (on the surface of MATa cells). This binding triggers a series of steps, via protein kinases. These steps lead to two cellular responses: cell cycle arrest and the induction of gene transcription required for the mating process. This signal transduction pathway is described in greater detail in Molecular Biology. The study of cell type in S. cerevisiae has been a remarkably rich area of investigation. In addition to the signal transduction pathway described in this section, great advances were made in transcriptional control, gene silencing, and directed recombination to switch mating type. These are all described in detail in Molecular Biology 18 Rearrangement of DNA. The isolation of mutants unable to mate elucidated the mating pathways in yeast | SECTION 7.26 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics References 2870. Mackay, V., and Manney, T.R. (1974). Mutations affecting sexual conjugation and related processes in S. cerevisiae. I. Isolation and phenotypic characterization of nonmating mutants. Genetics 76, 255-271. 2914. MacKay, V., and Manney, T.R. (1974). Mutations Affecting Sexual Conjugation and Related Processes in S. cerevisiae. II. Genetic Analysis of Nonmating Mutants. Genetics 76, 273-288. This content is available online at The isolation of mutants unable to mate elucidated the mating pathways in yeast | SECTION 7.26 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.27 Mitochondrial genetics in S. cerevisiae Key Concepts • S. cerevisiae that lack mitochondrial DNA are viable. • Segregation of mitochondrial DNA mutations is non-Mendelian. Mitochondria are organelles that are the sites of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. A mitochondrion contains its own genome and uses its own transcription and translation machinery. In fact, mitochondria can use a genetic code that is slightly different from the genetic code of nuclear genes (see Molecular Biology 7.7 There are sporadic alterations of the universal code). Mutations in S. cerevisiae mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), including complete loss of mtDNA, cause defects in respiration but allow viability. Extensive genetic analysis of S. cerevisiae mutations that alter mitochondrial function has helped to elucidate that function, and has also established the inheritance patterns of different classes of mitochondrial mutants. In addition, the mechanism by which proteins from the cytoplasm are directed to the mitochondria and the way the mitochondria control their gene expression have both been studied extensively. S. cerevisiae has served as an ideal organism for studying mitochondrial function because members of that species that have completely lost mtDNA are still viable as long as they have a carbon source, such as glucose, that allows fermentation. (Note that such mutants still form mitochondria, even though these mitochondria do not contain any mtDNA.) S. cerevisiae mutants that have lost respiration function fail to grow on carbon sources that require respiration, such as lactate or ethanol. This means that mutations that impair mitochondrial function can be isolated and identified by their conditional growth, depending on the particular carbon source. The mitochondrial DNA of S. cerevisiae is 75 kilobases in length, approximately five times longer than human mtDNA. S. cerevisiae mtDNA contains genes required for some mitochondrial functions. These genes encode tRNAs, rRNAs, cytochrome oxidase, and an ATPase. The remaining mitochondrial components are encoded in nuclear genes, including the genes encoding the subunits for mitochondrial RNA polymerase and mitochondrial ribosomes. Because both mitochondrial and nuclear genes are necessary for mitochondrial function in S. cerevisiae, mutations in either mtDNA or nuclear DNA can impair that function. Each class of mutation behaves in a distinct fashion genetically, indicating cytoplasmic or nuclear inheritance. The nuclear genes required for mitochondrial function are called PET genes. This stands for petite, the general term for S. cerevisiae mutants that are defective for mitochondrial function. Mutations in PET genes segregate 2:2, as expected for any single nuclear mutation. Mitochondrial genetics in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.27 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics Mutations in mtDNA, called rho mutations, segregate in a different fashion from nuclear pet mutations, indicating cytoplasmic inheritance. Furthermore, different classes of rho mutations exhibit distinct segregation patterns. First, let us consider rho mutations that are the result of the complete loss of mtDNA. These are called rho0 mutations. If a rho0 strain is crossed by a wild-type strain, the cytoplasms of the two parents become mixed in the diploid. As you can see in Figure 7.32, after sporulation, wild-type mitochondria are transmitted to all four spores of each tetrad. Therefore, the segregation is 4:0 rho +:rho0. For most point mutations in mtDNA, called rho – mutations, the same type of cytoplasmic inheritance is evident. Figure 7.32 In this cross, one parent is wild type (rho+) and the second parent lacks mitochondrial DNA (rho0). When the strains are crossed, all spores in a tetrad inherit mitochondria. Cytoplasmic inheritance is indicated by the 4:0 segregation pattern. Another class of rho – mutations arises from a deletion of most of the mtDNA. For reasons that are not yet clear, the remaining mtDNA amplifies so that its total size is equal to that of wild-type mtDNA. In many cases, this class of rho – mutants displays a different segregation pattern. By an unknown mechanism that may have to do with the rate of DNA replication, the mutant rho – genome can outcompete the wild-type mtDNA. This results in many more mutant mitochondria than wild-type mitochondria, so that most or all of the spores inherit the mutant rather than the wild-type form. The reason for this may be faster replication of the mutant mitochondrial genome. Some rho –mutants of this class have only a partial effect, producing a mixture of wild-type and mutant progeny. The relative frequency of the two classes is called the degree of suppressiveness. Studies of both nuclear and mitochondrial genes have benefited greatly from the ability to transform them. Transforming S. cerevisiae mitochondria required a special technique, as the usual method for transformation in that species did not work. In 1988, the transformation of S. cerevisiae mitochondria was achieved by using a "biolistic," or biological ballistic (2718). This technique entails high-velocity Mitochondrial genetics in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.27 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics microprojectile bombardment, using very small particles (1 µm in diameter) coated with the transforming DNA. A "gun" fires the particles at a speed sufficient to enter the cells and disrupt the mitochondrial membrane to allow delivery of the DNA. It is not, however, so violent as to kill the S. cerevisiae cells. Using this method, rho0 strains can be transformed with specific constructs, allowing their analysis in vivo. Last updated on January 27, 2004 Mitochondrial genetics in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.27 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics References 2718. Butow, R. A., Henke, R. M., Moran, J. V., Belcher, S. M., and Perlman, P. S. (1996). Transformation of S. cerevisiae mitochondria using the biolistic gun. Methods Enzymol. 264, 265-278. This content is available online at Mitochondrial genetics in S. cerevisiae | SECTION 7.27 © 2004. Virtual Text / 4 4 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.28 Relevance of yeast studies to human health Key Concepts • Many human genes associated with disease have yeast counterparts. • Studies of gene function in S. cerevisiae can illuminate the factors important for virulence in the pathogenic yeast C. albicans. Over the past several years, it has become clear that studies in yeast can be directly relevant to understanding human biology, and are thus relevant to human health. In this section, we will cover two areas that demonstrate these attributes. Over the past twenty years, it has become obvious that there is a remarkable degree of conservation among all eukaryotes in fundamental aspects of growth. We have already described how this is true for the cell cycle. In other processes, too, including the translation of RNA and the transcription, replication, and repair of DNA, conserved factors have been identified in eukaryotes ranging from yeast to humans. As mutant genes that cause human disease are cloned and sequenced, a significant percentage of them are found to have homologues in the yeast genome. Such diseases include colon cancer, cystic fibrosis, Bloom syndrome, and Werner syndrome. Studying the roles of these gene functions in yeast, where their analysis can be more rapid and detailed, will help explain the mechanism of the diseases they cause in humans. The identification of the first human gene associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) arose from studies of DNA repair in yeast and in bacteria (2259)(2258). HNPCC had been shown to cause genomic instability in mammalian cells, suggesting that the disease was caused by a defect in DNA repair. The study of the E. coli MutS and S. cerevisiae MSH2 genes had shown that they might be related to this type of DNA repair activity. The human gene hMSH2 was identified as a homologue of the E. coli MutS and S. cerevisiae MSH2 genes. Studies of this gene in HNPCC patients identified a mutation and showed that it was associated with inheritance of the disease gene. Therefore, in this case, the human gene was identified based on its initial identification and analysis in bacteria and S. cerevisiae. Its continued study in these microorganisms will aid our understanding of this type of cancer. In addition to its use to study homologues of human disease genes, S. cerevisiae can be used to teach us much more about pathogenic yeasts such as C. albicans. C. albicans is the most widespread human fungal pathogen, and it can cause life-threatening infections in immunocompromised patients. Therefore, understanding more about C. albicans growth and infection could result in important medical advances. C. albicans can grow in different states. One of these is similar to that of S. Relevance of yeast studies to human health | SECTION 7.28 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics cerevisiae, which grows by budding. In addition, C. albicans can grow in filamentous forms. After it infects mammalian hosts, it can exist in all of these states. The effect of each one on the organism's virulence in mammalian cells is not well understood. One drawback to studying C. albicans is that genetic studies of the species are extremely difficult. This is because C. albicans grows only as a diploid, and it has no known sexual cycle. Therefore, most of the attributes of genetic analysis available for S. cerevisiae are lacking for C. albicans. Mutant screens cannot be performed as easily as in S. cerevisiae because C. albicans is a diploid. In addition, neither complementation tests nor linkage tests can be done. Because of these difficulties, advances in our understanding of C. albicans infections have been very slow. However, some genetic analysis can be performed in C. albicans because transformation and gene replacement methods work. Much of the recent progress in understanding C. albicans' filamentous growth and pathogenicity is based on studies that originated in S. cerevisiae. Researchers recently discovered that under certain nutrient limitations, S. cerevisiae can grow in a filamentous fashion, like C. albicans (2721). Genetic studies have identified several factors that are required for filamentous growth in S. cerevisiae. Many of the same factors that are required for haploid S. cerevisiae to respond to mating pheromones are also required for diploid S. cerevisiae to respond to nitrogen starvation and undergo filamentous growth. Many of the genes in S. cerevisiae and in C. albicans are conserved. Thus we can test whether the same genes that are important for filamentous growth in S. cerevisiae are also important for filamentous growth in C. albicans. These experiments are performed by identifying the C. albicans homologue and then constructing null alleles by gene replacement methods (2722). Because C. albicans can live only as a diploid, construction of each null mutant requires two copies of the gene to be deleted. Nevertheless, this task has been accomplished for several C. albicans genes. The results have identified several genes important for both the species' filamentous growth and its virulence. Thus, studies in S. cerevisiae have succeeded in moving us toward a detailed understanding of C. albicans infections. Last updated on January 27, 2004 Relevance of yeast studies to human health | SECTION 7.28 © 2004. Virtual Text / 2 2 Genetics References 2258. Fishel, R., Lescoe, M. K., Rao, M. R., Copeland, N. G., Jenkins, N. A., Garber, J., Kane, M., and Kolodner, R. (1993). The human mutator gene homolog MSH2 and its association with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer. Cell 75, 1027-1038. 2259. Leach, F.S., Nicolaides, N.C., Papadopoulos, N., Liu, B., Jen, J., Parsons, R., Peltomaki, P., Sistonen, P., Aaltonen, L.A., Nystrom-Lahti, M., et al. (1993). Mutations of a mutS homolog in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. Cell 75, 1215-1225. 2721. Gimeno, C. J., Ljungdahl, P. O., Styles, C. A., and Fink, G. R. (1992). Unipolar cell divisions in the yeast S. cerevisiae lead to filamentous growth: regulation by starvation and RAS. Cell 68, 1077-1090. 2722. Liu, H., Kohler, J., and Fink, G. R. (1994). Suppression of hyphal formation in Candida albicans by mutation of a STE12 homolog. Science 266, 1723-1726. This content is available online at Relevance of yeast studies to human health | SECTION 7.28 © 2004. Virtual Text / 3 3 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.29 What's next? Studies of yeasts have moved extremely rapidly over the past several years, accelerated by the S. cerevisiae genome sequence and emerging technologies, such as microarrays, that allow global analysis of gene expression. Future studies will take advantage of these new technologies to provide large amounts of data measuring gene expression, assaying the binding of proteins to DNA, and characterizing all gene products. However, even with these technologies, future studies will still require use of the classical genetic methods that have been the backbone of yeast genetics. For example, there are still thousands of S. cerevisiae and S. pombe genes whose functions are completely unknown. While their expression and their gene products will be characterized by modern methods, it will take mutant analysis and traditional biochemical analysis to elucidate the actual functions of these genes and their products. In addition to progress in studies of S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, studies of yeast pathogens, including C. albicans and others, will benefit from the new approaches discussed in this chapter. It is to be hoped that this progress will lead to medical breakthroughs in understanding fungal infections, while also shedding new light on how these particular yeasts grow. Finally, rapid sequencing technologies will allow the genome sequences to be determined for many different yeasts. Analysis of these sequences will provide fascinating new insights into the evolution of yeast species. This content is available online at What's next? | SECTION 7.29 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1 Genetics YEAST GENETICS Fred Winston 7.30 Summary Yeast genetics has been the driving force in the discovery of many fundamental aspects of eukaryotic cell division and gene expression. This chapter has summarized classical, molecular, and genomic methods for understanding yeast gene function. The ability to study yeasts as both stable haploids and diploids, combined with tetrad analysis, offers powerful tools for genetic analysis. Methods for gene cloning, gene mutagenesis, and gene replacement allow investigators to carry out detailed experiments to analyze gene function in vivo. Several other genetic approaches, including suppressor analysis, synthetic lethal screens, and two-hybrid analysis, allow the clarification of genetic interactions in vivo. Overall, yeast genetics provides an ideal system for studies of fundamental eukaryotic processes. This content is available online at Summary | SECTION 7.30 © 2004. Virtual Text / 1 1