Beowulf Study Guide

“Beowulf” Study Guide
Name: ________________________
Introduction (Pages 9-11)
1. Fill in Hrothgar on your character sheet.
2. What qualities make Hrothgar a worthy leader?
3. Why does Hrothgar have a mead hall built?
4. How do people from other lands hear about Hrothgar and his mead hall?
5. What is another name for Hrothgar’s mead hall.
6. What does this name symbolize?
7. What annoys Grendel about the mead hall?
8. The scop’s song is about . . .
9. According to the poet, to whom is Grendel related?
10. Discuss how Grendel’s origin is a mixture of Christianity and mythology.
11. Find an example of alliteration on page 10.
12. How many of Hrothgar’s thanes does Grendel kill during his first attack?
13. What happens to the victims’ bodies?
14. What does this tell us about Grendel?
15. Who is the “honored prince” who grieves over the dead men?
16. List one of the themes of the work and how it is described in the text.
17. How much time passes between Grendel’s first attack and his next attack?
18. What does it mean when it says that Grendel felt “no rue”?
19. What do Hrothgar’s men do as a result of his attack?
20. Because Grendel is unable to kill, what does Grendel do?
21. How long do the attacks last before Beowulf shows up at the Danes’ court?
“The Coming of Beowulf” (Page 11)
1. Fill in Hygelac on your character sheet.
2. How does Beowulf hear about Hrothgar’s troubles?
3. List heroic traits used to describe Beowulf.
4. Find an example of a kenning.
5. Once Beowulf hears of Hrothgar’s problem, what plans does he make?
6. Give an example of the pagan influence in this section.
7. How many warriors does Beowulf take with him to the Danes’ hall?
“Beowulf’s Welcome at Hrothgar’s Court” (Pages 12-14)
1. Where does Beowulf’s trip begin and end?
2. Fill in Wulfgar on your character sheet.
3. What information does Wulfgar bring to Hrothgar?
4. What is Wulfgar’s impression of Beowulf and his men?
5. Hrothgar introduces the readers to two of Beowulf’s kinsmen. Fill in their names on
your character sheet. Explain their relationship to Beowulf.
6. How long has Hrothgar known Beowulf?
7. Beowulf’s handshake is said to have the strength of how many men?
8. Give two examples of the Christian influence in this section of the work.
9. What vow does Hrothgar make concerning Beowulf?
10. What is significant about the articles which Beowulf and his men are allowed and
not allowed to take with them into the hall?
11. What is a byrny?
12. Give an example of a kenning on page 13.
13. List the things that Beowulf offers as his resume to Hrothgar.
14. Fill in the Waders on your character sheet.
15. Give an example of variation found on page 13.
16. Beowulf has heard that Grendel is so proud that, when he fights, he . . .
17. We learn why Grendel takes his kills with him. Why does he?
18. If he should die, what does Beowulf want sent to his king?
19. Beowulf’s last line to the Danes on page 13 shows us two things. What are they?
20. What goes on that evening in the mead hall?
“Unferth Taunts Beowulf” (Page 14)
1. Fill in Unferth on your character sheet.
2. What are Unferth’s feelings toward Beowulf?
3. What is symbolic about Unferth’s name?
4. Fill in Breca on your character sheet.
5. How does Unferth use Breca to taunt Beowulf?
6. Find two kennings.
7. What does Unferth predict will happen to Beowulf if he fights Grendel as he intends
to do?
8. In line 215, Beowulf, like many characters, is referred to by his familial
relationships. Why is this logical, considering that they are Anglo-Saxon people?
9. List four examples of Beowulf’s incredible strength.
10. What description of the ocean is similar to the description of the ocean in “The
11. List the steps in the saga which result in Beowulf’s “loss” in the swimming contest.
12. Put into your own words what Beowulf means by the last line of his tale. “And little
I’ve heard of any such valiant adventures from you!”
“Beowulf Slays Grendel” (Pages 15-19)
1. Explain Hrothgar’s complement to Beowulf in lines 265-267.
2. What is Hrothgar’s advice to Beowulf upon leaving him for the evening?
3. What does Hrothgar promise Beowulf?
4. In the previous section where Beowulf tells of his triumph over the nicors, he credits
_______________ with his success. Now, as he awaits Grendel’s arrival, we’re told
that Beowulf puts his hope in _______________ and _______________.
5. What three items does Beowulf relinquish before his fight with Grendel?
6. How does Beowulf say that the outcome of the contest between him and Grendel
will be decided?
7. What does Beowulf do as his men sleep?
8. Why does Grendel rejoice upon first entering the mead hall?
9. The poet gives a gory description of what happens to the first unlucky thane. Give
details of what Grendel does to him.
10. What is Grendel’s reaction to feeling the strength in Beowulf’s hand?
11. List ways that we know that the battle between Beowulf and Grendel is very violent.
12. The poet uses foreshadowing in lines 364-369 to tell us what happens to Heorot.
What will happen?
13. Why did the Scyldings (Danes) think that Heorot is basically indestructible?
14. What do Beowulf’s men do once the battle between Beowulf and Grendel begins?
15. Why is it fortunate that Beowulf does not use a sword in his attempts to slay
16. What proof of his victory does Beowulf have at the end of the battle?
“The Joy of the Danes” (Pages 19-21)
1. Where does Grendel die?
2. How do the Danes know this?
3. Describe the waters of Fen.
4. Where have the Danes placed Grendel’s arm as a reminder of Beowulf’s victory?
5. Hrothgar gives credit to _______________ for Beowulf’s success.
6. What are four gifts that Hrothgar gives to Beowulf in return for Beowulf’s
generosity in freeing the Danish people from Grendel’s assaults?
7. What is significant about this line of Beowulf”s? “By the favor of God we won the
8. What had Beowulf hoped to give Hrothgar?
9. Who is humbled by Beowulf’s victory over Grendel?
10. What is the reaction of the people whom Beowulf saved?
11. What is the condition of Heorot at this point?
12. With what image of the hall are we left?
13. Explain this line. “It is hard to flee the touch of death; let him try who will.
Necessity urges the sons of men . . . to their destined place.”
Chapter 3
1. Why does Grendel’s mother attack?
2. Even though Grendel’s mother is a monster, what comfort do the Danes take?
3. What mistake do the Danes make in their haste to attack Grendel’s mother?
4. What two items does Grendel’s mother take with her to her lair beneath the sea?
5. Why is Hrothgar so upset after Grendel’s mother leaves?
6. Describe Grendel’s mother’s home, according to Hrothgar.
7. Find an example of a kenning on page 298.
8. Find an example of the pagan influence on page 278.
9. Find an example of the Christian influence on page 278.
10. What do the Geats and Hrothgar see at the edge of the cliff by the sea?
11. Describe the waters of Fen.
12. What is the REAL reason that Unferth gives Beowulf his sword, Hrunting?
13. What does Unferth tell us about Hrunting?
14. What three things does Beowulf ask Hrothgar to do for him if he dies?
15. Give an example of Beowulf’s incredible strength on page 299.
16. For how long has Grendel’s mother lived in the depths of the sea?
17. What does Beowulf see inside the hall of Grendel’s mother’s lair? What does this
18. Describe what happens when Beowulf strikes Grendel’s mother with Hrunting.
19. Explain how Beowulf finally comes to kill Grendel’s mother.
20. What happens immediately after Grendel’s mother dies? What does this represent?
21. What does Beowulf do once Grendel’s mother is dead?
22. Why do Hrothgar and his men fear that Beowulf has been killed?
23. What happens to the ancient sword that Beowulf uses in the struggle against
Grendel’s mother?
24. What two items does Beowulf take with him to the surface?
25. What happens to the water around the marsh once Beowulf emerges from it?
26. Give an example of Beowulf’s incredible strength on page 300.
27. What is inscribed on the sword hilt?
28. What advice does Hrothgar give to Beowulf?
29. What does Hrothgar suggest the Danes would be wise to do if Hygelac is killed?
30. What does Hrothgar wish that Beowulf would do at this point?
31. What happens to the gifts that Hrothgar gives to Beowulf?
32. What four things does Hygelac give to Beowulf upon his return home?
Chapter 4
1. How long has Beowulf been king of Geatland?
2. Explain how the treasure which the dragon guards comes to be in the stone barrow.
3. Discuss how the man who hides the treasure sounds much like the Wanderer in his
4. Discuss the curse which is placed upon the treasure.
5. How long is the treasure stored in the barrow?
6. What does the slave take from the treasure hoard? Why? How is he initially
protected from the treasure’s curse?
7. What is the dragon’s revenge on the Geats?
8. What is destroyed that is especially dear to Beowulf?
9. Why does Beowulf think that this might have been destroyed?
10. Why does Beowulf insist upon fighting the dragon?
11. What do the smiths make for Beowulf? Why?
12. How many soldiers does Beowulf take with him?
13. What can be inferred about Beowulf’s future, based on the repeated mention of
14. What is the name of Beowulf’s sword?
15. What goes wrong as Beowulf attacks the dragon?
16. What happens when Beowulf becomes engulfed in flames?
17. Fill in Wiglaf on your character sheet.
18. Describe Wiglaf’s character.
19. What happens when Beowulf tries to stab the dragon with Naegling?
20. What does the dragon do to Beowulf?
Chapter 5
1. How does the dragon die?
2. What does Beowulf do once the dragon is dead?
3. Why does Beowulf die?
4. How does Wiglaf help his dying king?
5. How has the curse of the lonely warrior (the one who buries the treasure) come true?
6. What two things does Beowulf ask Wiglaf to do for him once he’s dead?
7. What does Beowulf leave Wiglaf?
8. How does Wiglaf punish the other ten thanes for their lack of comitatus?
9. What do the Danes fear now that Beowulf is dead?
10. What happens to the treasure that Beowulf won from the dragon?
11. Why does Wiglaf do this with the treasure?