Tempo and Mode of Synonymous DNA of Primates Substitutions in Mitochondrial Jun Adachi and Masami Hasegawa Department of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, and The Institute of Statistical Nucleotide substitutions of the four-fold degenerate sites and the total third codon positions of mitochondrial DNA from human, common chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan were examined in detail by three alternative Markov models; (1) Hasegawa, Kishino, and Yano’s (1985) model, (2) Tamura and Nei’s (1993) model, and (3) the general reversible Markov model. These sites are expected to be relatively free from constraint, and therefore their tempo and mode in evolution should reflect those of mutation. It turned out that, among the alternative models, the general reversible Markov model best approximates the nucleotide substitutions of the four-fold degenerate sites and the total third codon positions, while the maximum likelihood estimates of the numbers of nucleotide substitutions along each branch do not differ significantly among the three models. It was further shown that the transition rate of these sites during evolution, and therefore transitional mutation rate of mtDNA, are higher in humans than in chimpanzees and gorillas probably by about two times. However, transversional mutation rate and amino acid substitution rate do not differ significantly between humans and the African apes. These and additional observations suggest heterogeneity of the mutation rate as well as of the constraint operating on the mtDNA-encoded proteins among different lineages of Hominoidea. Introduction Nucleotide substitutions of the third positions of four-fold degenerate codon families are always synonymous, and are expected to be relatively free from constraint, and therefore their tempo and mode in evolution should reflect those of mutation. Since the evolutionary rate of animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is much higher than that of nuclear DNA and hence the multiplehit effect is great in a comparison between distantly related species, we must compare closely related species in order to examine the pattern of synonymous nucleotide substitutions of mtDNA. Horai et al. (1995) determined complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from human (Homo supiens), common chimpanzee (Pun troglodytes), pygmy chimpanzee (bonobo; Pan paniscus), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). Their data provide us with an opportunity to examine in detail the tempo and mode of mtDNA evolution in Hominoidea, and in this paper we will concentrate our attention particularly on those of the synonymous substitutions in Horai et al.‘s data. These substitutions have been studied by Kondo et al. (1993) and by Tamura (1994) for Horai et al.‘s (1992) earlier data of 4.8 kb, but these authors did not examine the heterogeneity of the evolutionary rate among lineages. We will show that, although the evolutionary rate at the amino acid sequence level seems to be uniform among lineages of the African apes/human clade as suggested by Horai et al. (1995) and by Adachi and Hasegawa (199%), transition rate of synonymous sites is higher in the human than in the African apes. Markov Models of Nucleotide Substitutions Hasegawa, Kishino, and Yano (1985) proposed a stationary Markov model (HKY85 model) for nucleotide substitution, in which a nucleotide i is replaced by another nucleotide j in an infinitesimally short time interval, dt, with a probability of ox7Fjdt (T H C, A H G) for transversion I Mol. Biol. Evol. 13(1):20&208. 1996 0 1996 by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. ISSN: 0737-4038 200 CT,C H- (1) A, G), where 7Fj is the frequency of nucleotide j, and OLand p are parameters that determine transition and transversion rates, respectively. This model takes account of the different rate between transition and transversion, and of biased nucleotide composition. The latter is particularly important in analyzing mtDNA, in which G is extremely rare in the L-strand. Recently, Tamura and Nei (1993) proposed a more general model (TN93 model), in which Pti(dt) is given by I Key words: Mitochondrial DNA, nucleotide substitution, Markov model, third positions of codons, rate heterogeneity among lineages. Address for correspondence and reprints: Jun Adachi, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 4-6-7 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan. E-mail adachi@ism.ac.jp. for transition ayTj Pij(dt) aRnj = dt for pyrimidine dt (T@ c> for purine transition I f37Fjdt transition (A H G) for transversion (T, C w A, G), (2) Synonymous Table 1 Numbers of Transition Anderson Anderson .... DCMl ...... SB17F ...... Chimp ...... Bonobo ..... Gorilla ...... Orang ....... 0 (1) 2 (3) 47 (54) 48 (53) 92 (118) 204 (263) and Transversion Nucleotide Differences SB17F Chimp 12 (21) 11 (34) 17 (41) 329 (758) 332 (760) 327 (757) (2) (53) (52) (117) (262) 49 50 94 206 (55) (54) (119) (264) 19 (23) 81 (110) 195 (257) Nom.-Numbers of transition nucleotide differences (upper right half) and those of transversion sites) and total of the third codon positions (3,569 sites; in parentheses) among Hominoidea. allowing different transition rates for purines and pyrimidines. Tamura (1994) showed that the TN93 model is superior to the HKY85 model in approximating the fourfold degenerate sites, as well as all the third codon positions in Horai et al.‘s (1992) data of 4.8 kb. Furthermore, Yang (1994) estimated 4 X 4 transition matrices of the most general reversible Markov model (REV model) for \Irq-globin pseudogenes of six primate species and for a 0.9-kb segment of mtDNA sequences from nine primates. Saccone et al. (1990) also proposed a similar reversible model. Saccone et al. and Tamura (1994) estimated transition matrices for their respective models from pairwise comparisons of sequences, and hence the matrix differs between different species-pairs of the same gene. They did not propose any method to synthesize the estimated matrices from several comparisons when one deals with three or more species. It would be desirable to estimate a single transition probability matrix from a tree, and Yang (1994) first gave the maximum likelihood (ML) method for estimating the transition probability matrix from a tree with more than three species. Tamura and Nei (1993) studied the pattern of nucleotide substitution by inferring ancestral sequences with the parsimony method. However, it has been pointed out that the parsimony method gives a biased estimate of the ancestral sequences when there is a bias in nucleotide composition (Perna and Kocher 1995; Collins, Wimberger, and Naylor 1994). Furthermore, the parsimony method has no time structure (Goldman 1990), and therefore it would be desirable to estimate the matrix by using the ML method (Yang 1994). By using complete sequence data of mitochondrial genomes from 20 vertebrate species, Adachi and Hasegawa (unpublished data) estimated 20 X 20 transition matrix of amino acids for mtDNA-encoded proteins by the ML method, and, in this paper, by using the same method we will estimate the matrix for the four-fold degenerate sites and for the total of the third codon positions of mtDNA. in Mitochondrial Gorilla Orang DNA 201 among Hominoidea DCMl 2 47 48 92 204 Substitutions Bonobo 322 327 320 142 (741) (747) (738) (318) 355 353 350 343 328 82 (111) 198 (258) differences (855) (851) (848) (818) (793) 357 360 355 364 344 368 (872) (872) (869) (896) (873) (895) 200 (267) (lower left half) of four-fold degenerate sites (1,667 Sequence Data Horai et al.‘s (1995) sequences from chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan are used in this analysis. Furthermore, three human sequences are used; a European (Anderson et al. 1981) revised by Horai et al. (1995) and designated as ‘Anderson’, a Japanese (Ozawa et al. 199 1) designated as DCM 1, and an African (Horai et al. 1995) designated as SB17E The L-strand sequences of the mtDNA of the following protein-encoding regions encoded by the Hstrand are used: ND1 (33 10-4260 in the numbering of Anderson et al. 1981), ND2 (4473-5510), CO1 (59077442), CO11 (7589-8266), ATPase 8 (8369-8524), ATPase 6 (8575-9204, overlapping region with ATPase 8, 8525-8574, was excluded), CO111 (9210-9989), ND3 (10062-10403), ND4L (10473-10757), ND4 (1076912136), ND5 (12340-14145), and Cyt-b (1475015886). The total number of deduced codons is 3,569. Among these, the number of codons remaining four-fold degenerate during evolution is 1,667. Table 1 gives numbers of transition and transversion differences between species at the four-fold degenerate sites and at the total of the third codon positions. Transition Probability Matrix of the REV Model We estimated transition probability matrices of the REV model for the time interval of one substitution per 100 sites from the 1,667 sites data and from the 3,569 sites data by the ML based on the tree of the five hominoid species with the three human individuals ((chimp, bonobo), ((Anderson, DCMl), SB 17F), gorilla, orang), and they are given in tables 2a and 2b. These tables show that the occurrence of nucleotide substitution is distinctly asymmetric between the two strands of mtDNA. For the four-fold degenerate sites, the rates of G+A and T+C transitions are, respectively, 0.04124/ 0.00627 = 6.6 and 0.01895/0.00441 = 4.3 times higher on the L-strand (as represented in table 2a) than on the H-strand. This nucleotide substitution bias is roughly consistent with Tanaka and Ozawa’s (1994) estimates 202 Adachi and Hasegawa t Table 2u The Transition Probability Matrix of the REV Model for a Unit Time Interval (One Substitution per 100 Sites) Estimated by the ML from the Four-fold Degenerate Sites (1,667 Sites) *” T T .... C .... A.... G.... 0.97893 0.00627 0.00066 0.00132 0.01895 0.99306 0.00061 0.00144 0.00175 0.00054 0.99432 0.04124 0.00037 0.00013 0.00441 0.95599 IT . . . . 0.144 0.434 0.381 0.041 C NOTE.-IT refers to nucleotide A composition. T C A T.... c.... A.... G.... 0.97980 0.00707 0.00037 0.00086 0.01911 0.9925 1 0.00035 0.00119 0.00086 0.00030 0.9949 1 0.03702 0.00024 0.00012 0.00437 0.96093 IT . . . . 0.159 0.429 0.369 0.043 NOTE.-IT refers to nucleotide Bonobo ei - Human G Table BThe Transition Probability Matrix of the REV Model for a Unit Time Interval (One Substitution per 100 Sites) Estimated by the ML from the Total of Third Codon Positions (3,569 Sites) fl Chimp I 0.1 substitutions I site G compositions. from the four-fold degenerate sites of the entire mitochondrial genomes of 43 human individuals; that is, the rate of G-+A and T-X transitions are 9 and 1.8 times higher on the L-strand than on the H-strand. The ML tree estimated by the REV model for the four-fold degenerate sites data is represented in figure 1, in which only Anderson was used from human, and number of four-fold degenerate sites is 1,669 for this data set. Table 3 gives the branch lengths of the tree of the four-fold degenerate sites estimated by the ML method, that does not assume the rate constancy among lineages, based on the REV, TN93, and HKY85 models. The branch length leading to human (2-Human) is significantly longer than those leading to chimpanzees (2l-Chimp and 2- 1-Bonobo). Longer branch length of human than those of the chimpanzees holds also when either of DCMl or SB 17F is used instead of Anderson. Among the alternative models, we can select the best model by minimizing the Akaike Information Criterion (Akaike 1973, 1974) defined by AIC = -2 X (log-likelihood) + 2 X (number of parameters). The REV, TN93, and HKY85 models gave AIC of 11,253.3, 11,287.7, and 11,349.2 for the four-fold degenerate sites, and the REV model turned out to be the best among these models in approximating the evolution of the fourfold degenerate sites, and although the TN93 model is FIG. l.-The ML tree of the four-fold degenerate sites based on the REV model of table 2~. The horizontal length of each branch is proportional to the estimated number of substitutions. The root of this tree is arbitrarily placed within 3-orangutan branch. The NucML program in MOLPHY ver. 2.3 (Adachi and Hasegawa 1995~) for the ML inference of DNA or RNA phylogeny was applied. inferior to the REV model, HKY85 model. Fitting of Models Degenerate it is much better than the to the Four-Fold Sites Data For the alignment of 5 OTUs, 45 = 1,024 configurations of nucleotide sites are possible, and probabilities of respective configurations were calculated for the four-fold degenerate sites under the respective models with the branch lengths given in table 3. Grouping these configurations into 11 categories of TTTTT, CCCCC, AAAAA, GGGGG, 1 -TC-transition (configurations which could arise from one transition between T and C), 1-AG-transition, 1-GT-transversion, 1-GC-transversion, 1-AT-transversion, 1-AC-transversion, and 22-changes (configurations which could not arise from less than two changes), a x2 test for the REV model gave a P value of 0.005 (table 4). Although this value is much better than those for the TN93 and HKY85 models (<10v6), Table 3 Branch Lengths (Numbers of Substitutions per 100 Sites) of the Four-fold Degenerate Nucleotide Sites (1,669 Sites) for the REV, TN93, and HKY85 Models (ML Estimates) REV HKY85 TN93 Including both chimp and bonobo .... l-Chimp.. I-Bonobo . . . . . 2-Human . . . . . ..... 3-Gorilla 3-Orang . . . . . . 2-l . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . 2-l-Chimp .... 2-1-Bonobo ... 5.71 5.66 21.54 21.10 82.61 8.35 8.86 14.06 14.01 2 2 2 + 2 + 2 2 + 0.83 0.83 1.98 2.30 7.00 1.51 1.91 1.72 1.72 5.64 5.75 21.25 21.35 81.66 8.52 8.68 14.16 14.27 + + + + + 2 + + + 0.83 0.84 1.97 2.34 7.00 1.52 1.91 1.73 1.74 5.90 5.31 21.32 20.55 86.37 8.14 9.45 14.04 13.45 ? 2 + + + + + + + 0.83 0.80 1.98 2.36 7.64 1.52 1.99 1.73 1.72 Nom.-The ML estimates of parameters are as follows; a/p = 23.6 for the HKY85 model, and (av + qJ(2p) = 31.0 and a#+ = 0.4 for the TN93 model. t refers to 1 SE. Synonymous Substitutions in Mitochondrial DNA 203 Table 4 Distribution of Configurations of Four-fold Degenerate Sites (1,669 Sites) for the REV, TN93, and HKYSS Models (ML Estimates) REV MODEL CONFIGURATION Trrrf ........... ccccc ........... AAAAA .......... GGGGG .......... 1-TC-transition .... . .... . 1-AG-transition ... I-GT-transversion 1-GC-transversion .. ... 1-AT-transversion .. I-AC-transversion ?2-changes ........ OBSERVED 22 354 388 0 365 152 1 5 59 104 219 1,669 Total ...... ........ Expected 17.1 348.2 390.5 0.3 366.3 153.2 1.4 6.7 45.7 102.1 237.6 1,669.O (Observed Expected)*/ Expected 1.404 0.097 0.016 0.309 0.005 0.009 0.114 0.43 1 3.871 0.035 1.456 x* = 7.747 df = 1 P = 0.005 the transition matrix of table 2a still does not approximate satisfactorily the evolution of four-fold degenerate sites. Discrepancy of the REV model with the data is mostly due to more frequent AT-transversions than expected. The numbers of O-change configurations expected from the REV and TN93 models coincide with the observed ones, suggesting that the site-heterogeneity for the four-fold degenerate sites is not as important as in the case of amino acid sequences studied by Adachi and Hasegawa (199%). This is as expected because of the freedom of these sites from constraint. A more detailed study clarifies additional discrepancies of the REV model from the data. The most significant discrepancy is found for the configuration CCCCT (in the order of chimpanzee, bonobo, human, gorilla, and orangutan). The observed numbers of sites of the CCCCT configuration are 68 and 147 for the fourfold degenerate sites and the total third codon positions, respectively, while the expected numbers for the REV model are 96.6 and 222.8. These discrepancies would be due to the unequal base composition of orangutan from the other Hominoidea species. The TT)S of SB 17E chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, and orangutan are 0.139, 0.154, 0.153, 0.159, and 0.123, respectively, and the 7~~‘s are 0.438, 0.424, 0.424, 0.421, and 0.457. Suppose nij is the number of sites in which gorilla has a base i and orangutan has j in the four-fold degenerate sites (number of sites n = 1,667), and suppose ni* = XjnG and ny = &nij. Then, nT* - &T = 60, Suggesting lower T content in the orangutan than in the gorilla. In order to test whether this difference is significant, the variance TN93 MODEL Expected 20.1 333.5 385.7 0.3 372.5 156.3 0.8 6.1 29.6 129.7 234.4 1,669.O HKY 85 MODEL (Observed Expected)2/ Expected Expected 12.5 303.5 417.3 2.4 389.7 127.9 0.9 6.9 29.0 130.1 248.8 0.180 1.260 0.014 0.348 0.151 0.118 0.050 0.198 29.20 5.092 1.012 1,669.O x2 = 37.624 df = 4 P < 10-6 (Observed Expected)*/ Expected 7.178 8.414 2.057 2.417 1.566 4.541 0.011 0.523 21.034 5.236 3.569 x2 = 66.546 df = 5 P < 10-6 of this difference is estimated by the following (Hasegawa and Kishino 1989), vai++ formula - n*,) = nT* + n*T - 2n, - (nP - &&2/n. (3) The SE of nT* - &T is estimated to be 18.7, indicating that the orangutan has significantly lower T content than the gorilla. A similar analysis for the C content shows that nc* - n*c = -60 and its SE is 19.9, suggesting that the orangutan has significantly higher C content than the gorilla. These significant differences of T and C contents of the orangutan from the other Hominoids hold not only for the gorilla but also for human, chimpanzee and bonobo, and these hold for the total third codon positions (data not shown). It is apparent that the transition rate between purines is higher than that between pyrimidines by about two times, and in terms of AIC the TN93 model better approximates the 1,669 sites data than the HKY85 model does. As for the branch lengths, however, the estimates from the three models do not differ significantly (table 3), and therefore the estimates of the evolutionary rate and the branching dates would be robust to the choice among these models. For this reason we shall use the HKY85 model in estimating the heterogeneity of evolutionary rate and the branching dates in Hominoidea because of its simplicity. Rate Heterogeneity among Lineages Figure 1 and table 3 suggest higher evolutionary rate in human than in chimpanzee and bonobo. Kishino 204 Adachi and Hasegawa Table 5 Branching Dates and Evolutionary Rates Estimated from the Four-fold Degenerate Sites of mtDNA (1,667 Sites) MODEL Constant Rate Rate Change in Human Rates in branches Human . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rates (10-3/million years) cxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Y2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p, ......... ............... 265.3 + 60.7 - p2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Branching 10.3 + 0.9 203.4 449.7 10.1 11.1 k 2 k k 39.6 120.8 0.8 3.0 5.88 3.38 1.54 0.07 0.05 13 k + + f. + 0.71 0.62 0.25 0.02 0.02 200.8 2 36.6 431.6 2 97.3 10.2 2 0.8 - dates (million years) Orang/African apes . . . . . . . . . . Gorilla/(Chimp, Human) . . . . . Human/Chimp .............. Chimp/Bonobo ..... ........ SB 17F/(Anderson, DCMl) ... Anderson/DCM 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . SSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . df.......................... P .......................... AIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.57 3.90 1.30 0.11 0.08 13 + +t + + 0.83 0.63 0.27 0.03 0.03 51.79 32 0.02 163.64 38.24 30 0.15 154.08 5.95 3.49 1.56 0.07 0.05 13 2 2 + 2 2 0.66 0.51 0.24 0.02 0.02 38.36 31 0.17 152.21 1‘ Minimum AIC NOTE-? is 1 SE. SSR refers to the sum of squares of residuals in the generalized least squares of D = (. . . , V,,, . . . , S Ij, . . .), where V,, and S,, are numbers of transversion and transition differences between species i and j given in table 1. and Hasegawa (1990) devised a method to estimate simultaneously the evolutionary rate and the branching dates from difference data of nucleotides (such as given in table 1) by the generalized least-squares. The method assumes the HKY85 model and allows rate variation among lineages; that is, cx and B in equation (1) can differ among branches, and we can assign different rate parameters to different branches. Among the alternative models for rate variation, we can select the best model by minimizing the AIC, in which a penalty is imposed in introducing too many parameters. By assuming 13 million years for the orangutan separation (Pilbeam 1988; Andrews 1992; McCrossin and Benefit 1993), we estimate the evolutionary rates and the branching dates based on several models for rate variation (Table 5). At first, we use the simplest model that assumes constant rate. For this model, sum of squares of residuals (SSR) is 51.79. SSR follows a x2 distribution with the degree of freedom (df) equal to s(s - 1) (s: number of OTUs) minus the number of free parameters. The P value of this model is 0.02 which is not satisfactorily good. Fig. 2 shows generalized leastsquares fitting of the relationship between S/n and V/n, where S and V refer to the numbers of transition and transversion differences between OTUs, and n is the number of nucleotides, based on Model 1. The plots of human vs. two chimpanzees (node 2) are above the theoretical curves of the HKY85 and REV models. This deviation would likely be due to change of the pattern of nucleotide substitution in the human lineage relative to the others. It should be noted that, when the transition probability matrix of table 2a holds for all the lineages, all the plots in figure 2 should be distributed along the theoretical curve of the REV model even if the absolute rate differs among different lineages. Model 2 (table 5) which allows rate variation in the human lineages improves AIC. The estimate of B of human in Model 2 (B2) does not differ significantly from those of the other branches (Br), and hence, in Model 3, B of human is assumed to be identical to those of the other branches. This reduction of the number of free parameters by one from Model 2 improves AIC. Introduction of more complicated models does not improve AIC, and it turned out that Model 3 is the best model in approximating the data of four-fold degenerate sites. The P value for Model 3 is as high as 0.17. The estimates of Model 3 are 6.0 + 0.7, 3.5 + 0.5, and 1.6 + 0.2 million years old (+ 1 SE), respectively, for the separations of gorilla, human/chimpanzee, and chimpanzee/bonobo. These estimates are all consistent with Synonymous 0.3 0.25 0.2 $0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Vhl FIG. 2.-Generalized least-squares fitting of the relationship between S/n and V/n for the 1,669 sites data of four-fold degenerate sites based on the HKY85 model (solid line). The dotted line represents the theoretical curve for the REV model. Vertical and horizontal lines indicate 2SDs of S/n and V/n, respectively. The numbering corresponds to that of nodes in figure 1, and node 4 corresponds to the orangutan separation. those estimated by the ML from the amino acid sequences (Adachi and Hasegawa 199%). The estimates of transition rate ws = 2(nrnc+ ‘TF*~~)(x are 0.0674 2 0.0152 and 0.0314 5 0.0057/ million years/site for the human and the other lineages, respectively. The estimate of transversion rate uv = 2(7~~ + 7rc)(7rA + 7ro)p is 0.0050 2 0.0004/million years/site for Model 3. Therefore, the estimates of the total substitution rate, u = u, + uv, of four-fold degenerate sites is 0.0724 2 0.0154 and 0.0363 + O.O059/million years/ site, respectively, for human and the African apes. The ratio of transition rate parameter 01 of human to that of others is 2.15 5 0.42, suggesting significant accerelation of transition rate in human. Similar analysis of the total third position data (3,569 sites) also chooses Model 3 as the best (Adachi 1995), and estimates the ratio to be 2.12 5 0.31. However, the fit of this model to the 3,569 sites data (P = 0.04) is not as good as to the 1,667 sites data (P = 0.17), probably because of the heterogeneity of the rate between third positions of twofold and four-fold degenerate codons. Another remarkable feature in figure 2 is that the plots for the orangutan divergence are located significantly below the theoretical curves. By using the 4%kb data of Horai et al. (1992) with siamang as an outgroup, Adachi and Hasegawa (1995~) suggested that transversion rate in the orangutan lineages is higher by about Substitutions in Mitochondrial DNA 205 1.5-fold than in the African apes/human clade, while the transition rate in the orangutan does not differ significantly from the others. The deviation of the plots for the orangutan divergence might be due to this putative difference of the substitution pattern in orangutan from the others. For this reason, the above estimates of the branching dates within the African apes/human clade might be biased to be young. In order to confirm this and to obtain more reliable estimates, the entire sequence data of siamang or gibbon is needed. Nevertheless, the relative values of the estimates within the African apes/human clade would be reliable, and as long as the gorilla branching was not older than 6-7 million years, the human/chimpanzee branching would be some 4-5 million years old. Higher evolutionary rate in the orangutan lineage than in the African ape lineages was suggested also for the amino acid sequence level (Horai et al. 1992; Adachi and Hasegawa 1995b). In contrast to the obvious accerelation of transition rate in human, there is no indication of higher transversion rate in human than in other hominoids. Furthermore, numbers of amino acid differences in the 3,569 sites of mtDNA-encoded proteins of gorilla from Anderson, DCMl, SB 17F, chimpanzee, and bonobo are 209, 211, 213, 220, and 212, respectively, indicating no higher amino acid substitution rate in human than in chimpanzees. In spite of higher transitional mutation rate in human mtDNA, the average amino acid substitution rate seems not to differ significantly between human and chimpanzees probably because of higher constraints operating on the mtDNA-encoded proteins of human. On the other hand, it is clear that the transversion rate of four-fold degenerate sites and the amino acid substitution rate are higher in orangutan than in others (Adachi and Hasegawa 1995b, 1995~). The transition rate may also be higher in orangutan than in the African apes, but this is not obvious probably because of saturation. It is noteworthy that the length of 0.078 + 0.009 per site for the 4-orang (node 4 corresponds to the orangutan separation) branch estimated by Adachi and Hasegawa (1995b) from the amino acid sequence data including siamang (Horai et al. 1992) is significantly longer than that of 0.054 5 0.007 for 4-siamang (5siamang plus 5-4; node 5 refers to the siamang separation), while the estimated length of 0.563 ? 0.089 per site for 4-orang from the four-fold degenerate sites is shorter than that of 1.252 + 0.158 for 4-siamang (Adachi and Hasegawa 1995~). The ratio of 4-siamang/4orang for the four-fold degenerate sites is 2.23 2 0.45, and that for the amino acid sequences is 0.69 t 0.12, which is significantly smaller than the former. If the substitution rate of four-fold degenerate sites represents mutation rate, these observations indicate that mutation rate 206 Adachi and Hasegawa differs among different lineages and that the extent of constraints operating on proteins also differs among lineages in a different way from that of mutation rate. Discussion Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the apparently higher rate of mtDNA evolution in warmblooded vertebrates than in cold-blooded ones (Thomas and Beckenbach 1989; Adachi, Cao, and Hasegawa 1993; Martin, Naylor, and Palumbi 1992; Martin and Palumbi 1993). It is known that oxygen radicals damage DNA, and oxidative damage is greatest to mtDNA (Richter, Park, and Ames 1988). Although no single factor can explain all variations in rates of mtDNA evolution, species with higher metabolic rates and accordingly with higher content of oxygen radicals are likely to have higher mutation rate of mtDNA (Martin, Naylor, and Palumbi 1992; Martin and Palumbi 1993). The rate difference demonstrated in this work, however, is between the closely related species of human and chimpanzee, with presumably similar metabolic rate, and the mechanism of this difference remains to be studied. In this context, the higher rate of oxygen radical production in rat liver mitochondria than in mouse (Sohal, Svensson, and Brunk 1990) is interesting. This might explain why rat has a higher evolutionary rate of mtDNA than mouse in spite of larger body size and presumably of lower metabolic rate (Martin and Palumbi 1993). It is now clear that no universal clock for the evolution of mtDNA can be assumed in phylogenetic analyses, and this underscores the attempt of dating by using the simple clock. The dating is justified only by careful analyses taking account the possible rate variation among lineages (Kishino and Hasegawa 1990). Even by these analyses, we must take the estimates as approximate, because the model we use is always approximate. Furthermore, there is always ambiguity in calibrating the clock. If the orangutan separation was 16 million years old, which is probably the oldest limit (Pilbeam 1988; Andrews 1992; McCrossin and Benefit 1993), rather than 13 million years, the estimate of the human/chimpanzee separation from the 1,667 sites data becomes 4.3 + 0.6 million years old. Taking account of the analyses of the four-fold degenerate sites and of the amino acid sequences (Adachi and Hasegawa 199%, 199%) as well, the overall evidence seems to suggest that the human/chimpanzee separation in the mtDNA tree was some 4-5 million years old. Although some nuclear genes suggest earlier divergence between human and chimpanzee (Kishino and Hasegawa 1990), the discrepancy can be regarded to be due to ancestral polymorphism of the nuclear genes (Hasegawa 199 1; Adachi and Hasegawa 1995b). The higher transitional mutation rate of human suggested in this work is closely relevant to the dating of the deepest root of the human mtDNA tree, and is in favour of the recent origin hypothesis of modem humans (Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson 1987; Vigilant et al. 1991; Hasegawa et al. 1993), because, if this suggestion is real, the dating by a constant rate clock with the human/chimpanzee separation as a reference must be an older estimate. Horai et al.‘s (1993) analysis of the control region sequences from 193 humans of various ethnic origins revealed that the African individual SB 17F had the most diverged sequence, which coalesced directly into the deepest root of the human mtDNA tree. We estimate the date of the deepest root to be 70,000 + 20,000 years old (the separation of SB17F from Anderson/DCMl) from the best model (Model 3) in table 5. This age might seem amazingly young, and a shortcoming of the model might have made this a younger estimate than the truth. While Model 3 assumes constant rate clock in the human lineage after the human/chimpanzee separation with higher rate than in the chimpanzee lineage, that is, the rate change is assumed to have occurred discontinuously at the point of the human/chimpanzee separation, it must have occurred more continuously in the real evolutionary process. However, we cannot estimate the time period of the rate change and its pattern directly from the data presently available, though the dating is dependent on such details of a model. From the nonsynonymous sites and the RNA genes, Horai et al. (1995) estimated 450,000 + 70,000 years old for the deepest root of the human mtDNA tree, while they estimated 143,000 + 18,000 years from the synonymous sites. Since the relative rate test by interspecies comparison of amino acid differences of mtDNA-encoded proteins does not suggest higher rate on average in humans than in chimpanzees, the discrepancy between the two estimates might suggest that the acceleration of amino acid substitution has occurred in the human lineage quite recently in the evolutionary time scale long after the human/chimpanzee separation. Takahata (1993) proposed the hypothesis that the relaxation of selective constraint began with the emergence of Homo sapiens. The above finding is highly interesting in this respect. In this way, the evolutionary rate seems to have changed in a complicated way. Although there remain several uncertainties on the date of the deepest root of the human mtDNA tree, our analysis would reinforce the recent origin hypothesis of modem humans (Cann, Stoneking, and Wilson 1987). Acknowledgments We thank H. Kishino and J. 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