Grade 9 Geography Unit 1 - Maps Map of Canada Assignment Using a blank outline map of Canada, label each of the following places: ? All 13 provinces and territories ? All 13 capital cities of the provinces and territories ? The National Capital ? Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Ocean, Beaufort Sea ? The five Great Lakes (Lake Ontario, Huron, Erie, Superior and Michigan) ? Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake, Lake Winnipeg ? Hudson’s Bay, James Bay, Ungava Bay ? Queen Elizabeth Islands, Queen Charlotte Islands, Ile d’Anticosti, Ellesmere Island, Baffin Island, Victoria Island ? Bordering country: U.S.A. Remember to use different styles for different features. For example: ALBERTA (province) Toronto (capital city) Ensure you have ? Title ? Legend ? Directional arrow ? Border ? Publication details (date, author) Attach the marking table (see over) with your completed assignment. Due Date: ____________________________ Map of Canada Assignment Evaluation Name: ____________________________ Feature Mark Title /2 Legend /3 Direction /2 Border /3 Provinces and Territories /10 Capital Cities /10 Lakes, Rivers and Oceans International Borders /10 Islands /3 Overall Appearance /2 /10 Total /55 Comment