 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY PHY111 Our Evolving Universe Autumn 10 Credits Staff contact Dr Simon Goodwin Outline Description The course provides a general overview of astronomy suitable for those with no previous experience of the subject. The principal topics covered are (1) how we deduce useful physical parameters from observed quantities, (2) the structure and evolution of stars, (3) the structure of the Milky Way, and the classification, structure and evolution of galaxies in general, and (4) an introduction to cosmology. All topics are treated in a descriptive manner with minimal mathematics. Restrictions None Prerequisites Good GCSE Maths and Science (required), AS level Physics (recommended) Co requisites None Approx Time allocation (hours) Lectures 16, 2 in­class tests, 2 peer assessments in­class, Independent Learning 78 , examination 2 hours Assessment (%) End­of­semester 2 hr exam (80%) consisting of ● short answer questions, all to be attempted (30%, approx 40 minutes); ● 5 long questions, any 3 to be attempted (50%; approx 80 minutes); 1 short answer progress test (10%). 1 long question progress test (10%). Progress tests are similar in format to, and act as preparation for, the exam. Aims The course aims to 1. provide a non­mathematical introduction to the field of astronomy, including a. stars and stellar evolution; b. galaxy properties, classification and evolution; c. cosmology; 2. emphasise the relation between observation and theory in astronomy and astrophysics; 3. introduce students to independent learning from written material. Outcomes On successful completion of this module, the student should know: 1. ​
how the properties of distant objects are determined; 2​
. how stars are classified and how stars of different mass form and evolve; 3.​
how galaxies are classified and the physical differences between different galaxy types; 4.​
the fundamentals of Big Bang theory and the make­up of the Universe; Recommended Books Nick Strobel’s astronomy notes, Syllabus 1. Light & telescopes​
: including blackbodies and spectra. 2. Stars​
: CMDs and HR diagrams, spectral types, fusion, stellar evolution, stellar atmospheres, star formation. 3. The Milky Way and galaxies​
: spirals, ellipticals and irregular galaxies, galaxy formation and evolution. 4. Cosmology​
: distances, redshift, Hubble’s Law, the Big Bang, the CMB, dark matter. PHY111 2015­16 1 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY Academic Notes Note: for more information and updates, see course website, PHY111 2015­16 2 