Supporting Education with Choice 13120 NE 177th Pl, A104 Woodinville, WA 98072 Ph. 425.420.1236, Fax. 425.420.1836 Northwest Liberty School Course Offerings Type of Credit: (RE)-Regular Ed. (HR)-Honors (AP)-Adv. Placement (GR)-Graduation Req Type of Course: (IC)-In-Class (OO)-One-To-One (OL)-Online (IS)-Independent Study: textbook based content All OL and IS classes can be taken as Credit Recovery (CR) for $199 Courses earn 0.5 credits (one semester) except for pre-high school courses and Graduation Required (GR) coursework. * $50 Registration fee per school year (9/1-8/31) for all classes English Per Semester Mathematics Per Semester Social Studies Per Semester (RE) English 7, 8 $1,999- (OO) (RE) English 9* $349- (OL, IS) (RE) English 10* $349- (OL, IS) (RE) English 9-10 $1,999-(IC, OO) (RE) English 11* $349- (OL, IS) (RE) English 12* $349- (OL, IS) (RE) English 11-12 $1,999-(IC, OO) (RE) Media Literacy $349- (OL) (RE) Rdg. Skills & Strat. $299- (OL) (RE) Wrtg. Skills & Strat. $299- (OL) (RE) Creative Writing 12 $349- (OL) (RE) Eng. Foundations I $299- (OL) (RE) Eng. Foundations II $299- (OL) (RE) Math Foundations I $299- (OL) (GR) WA St Hist Abridged $199- (IS) (RE) Math Foundations II $299- (OL) (RE) WA St History (HS) $299- (IS) (RE) Pre-Algebra (8th grade) $299-(OL) (RE) Geo. & World Cultures $299- (OL) (RE) Algebra 1 $299-(OL) (RE) World History $299- (OL) (RE) Algebra 1 $1,999-(IC, OO) (RE) US History $299- (OL) (RE) Geometry $299-(OL) (RE) US Gov’t & Politics $299- (OL) (RE) Geometry $1,999-(IC, OO) (RE) US/Global Economics $299- (OL) (RE) Algebra 2 $299-(OL) (RE) Multi-Cultural Studies $299- (OL) (RE) Algebra 2/Trig $299-(OL) (RE) Sociology $299- (OL) (RE) Algebra 2/Trig $1,999-(IC, OO) (HR) World History $299- (OL) (RE) Algebra 3 $1,999-(IC, OO) (HR) US History $299- (OL) (RE) Financial Algebra $299- (IS) (HR) US Gov’t & Politics $299- (OL) (RE) Financial Algebra $1,999-(IC, OO) (HR) US/Global Economics $299- (OL) (RE) Pre-Calculus* $299- (OL) (HR) English 9* $349- (OL) (RE) Pre-Calculus $1,999-(IC, OO) (AP) US History* $449- (OL) (HR) English 10* $349- (OL) (RE) Calculus AB, BC $1,999-(IC, OO) (AP) US Government $449- (OL) (HR) English 11* $349- (OL) (RE) Financal Literacy $299- (OL) (AP) Macro-Economics $499- (OL) (HR) English 12* $349- (OL) (RE) Liberal Arts Math $299- (OL) (AP) Micro-Economics $499- (OL) (AP) Eng. Lang & Comp* $499- (OL) (RE) Personal Finance* $299-(OL, IS) Occupational Ed Per Semester (AP) Eng. Lit & Comp* $499- (OL) (RE) Probability and Statistics $299- (OL) (RE) Keyboarding* $199- (IS) Fine Arts Per Semester (HR) Algebra 1 $299- (OL) (RE) Career/Personal Growth $349- (IS) (RE) Art Appreciation $299- (OL) (HR) Geometry $299- (OL) (RE) Business Math $299- (IS) (RE) Music Appreciation $299- (OL) (HR) Algebra 2 $299- (OL) (RE) Personal Finance $299-(OL, IS) (RE) Drawing* $199- (IS) (HR) Algebra 2/Trig $299- (OL) World Language Per Semester (RE) Advanced Drawing* $199- (IS) (HR) Pre-Calculus* $299- (OL) (RE) Photography* $199- (IS) (RE) Spanish I, II, III* $349- (OL) (AP) Calculus AB* $399- (OL) (RE) Music $199- (IS) (RE) Spanish I, II, III $1,999-(IC,OO) (AP) Statistics* $399- (OL) (RE) Dance $199- (IS) (RE) Japanese I, II, III $1,999 (IC, OO) Science Per Semester (RE) Mandarin I, II, III $1,999 (IC, OO) Health / PE Per Semester (RE) Science Foundations $399- (OL) (RE) French I, II* $349- (OL) th (RE) Health (7-8 grade) $299- (IS) (RE) Earth Science* $399- (OL) (HR) Spanish I, II* $349- (OL) (RE) Health $199- (OL) (RE) Physical Science $399- (OL) (HR) French I, II* $349- (OL) (RE) PE 9-12 $199- (IS) (RE) Biology* $399- (OL) (RE) Life Fitness (8 wks) $199- (OL) (AP) Spanish* $399(OL) (RE) Physics* $399- (OL) (RE) Life Fitness (16 wks) $299- (OL) _______________________________________ (RE) Chemistry* $399- (OL) $399- (OL) Electives Per Semester (RE) Psychology Graduation Requirements (no credit) (RE) Work Study $199- (IS) (GR) WA St Hist Abridged $199- (IS) (HR) Physical Science $399- (OL) (RE) Personal Growth $299- (IS) ______________________________________ (HR) Biology* $399- (OL) (RE) Independent Living $299- (IS) AP Exam Reviews (no credit) $99 (OL) (HR) Chemistry* $399- (OL) (RE) College/Career Prep I $299- (OL) English: English Lang & Comp, English Lit (AP) Biology* $399- (OL) (RE) College/Career Prep II $299- (OL) & Comp (AP) Chemistry* $499- (OL) Math: Calculus AB, Statistics (AP) Psychology* $399- (OL) Science: Biology, Chemistry, Psychology Social Studies: U.S. Gov’t & Politics, U.S. History, Macro-econ, Micro-econ *Course requires additional material and/or cost World Language: Spanish Tuition listed is subject to change without prior notification. Rev. 10/23/15 -2-