Water & Soil Environmental Research Unit (WSERU) Bethlehem University - Chemistry Department Dr. Alfred Abed Rabbo, Director l. Background The Bethlehem University Water and Soil Environmental Research Unit (WSERU) was established in 1988 by the Chemistry Department. The unit is part of the Bethlehem University Outreach Programme to the local community. Over these last years WSERU has been able to respond effectively to requests from a large number of Municipal Authorities, PWA, Village Councils for help and information on water quality issues. WSERU has set up an ongoing data base on the water quality of the West Bank and Gaza. The unit has developed a programme for water and soil analysis for Bethlehem University graduates, in addition to its continuous training programme for young men and women in the sampling and testing techniques that are valuable to their careers. Bethlehem University Water and Soil Environmental Research Unit (WSERU) has been analyzing water sampled from wells, springs and cisterns throughout the West Bank since 1988. The work centered initially on chemical, physical and biological testing. There was also wastewater quality testing for irrigational reuse. A metrological station for rainfall data and other parameters are recorded daily on Bethlehem University roof. Techniques and equipments have improved, thanks to Irish Development Aid, so that impurities to the level of parts per billion (ppb) can now be detected. We are part of reference standard sample program with USGS for testing sample quality control since 1998. 2. Scope of work Water , waste water and soil: There are hydrogeological and hydrochemistry studies were done along the West Bank. Several projects were concerned on such studies. Chemical and biological analysis in addition to Feacal coliform and Total coliform were done for periodic sampling for springs, deep and shallow wells, network and surface runoff. Checking waste water quality for chemical and biological contaminants was done. Awareness of local communities especially the farmers for the benefits of using treated waste water for agricultural purposes. Check for soil quality which is specific for certain crops including the major minerals such as nitrogen, boron, phosphorous and potassium. Meteorological data and solid waste management: Collecting meteorological data of daily rainfall, temperature, humidity and wind speed from the roof of Bethlehem University. The data are useful for future environmental studies for the area. Encourage the local communities for protecting the environment from contaminants by the solid wastes including quarries, solid dumps and factories' waste. 25 Educational and local communities: To upgrade the environmental view among students through workshops held in the WSERU lab. Workshops and field visits help the students to see the importance of clean environment with its advantages on human health for the future generations. Encourage the environmental awareness through educating housewives and women sector for protecting the environment for the future generations. This is held through performing water quality and recycled garbage. 3. Local & International Dissemination: Regular participation in local and international conferences and workshops which will upgrade the environmental view of WSERU members. Running local workshops and lectures for the local communities including the educational, women and governmental sectors. Participate with external communities through video conferences. Publishing 2-3 scientific papers in international journals per year. Work in co-operation with and to be a source of information for the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), particularly with the Water Authority (PWA) and the Ministries of Agriculture, Environment, Tourism, Local government and with the Municipal Authorities. We also work closely with the national and international NGOs dealing with water and environmental issues. Capacity Building for Palestinian Science Graduates by the Development and implementation of a Master's degree in Water Resource Management. 26