Multimedia Online Tutor Room We have a new online tutoring room where you can stay at home and still meet with a tutor (within the tutors scheduled hours). You will need to have a computer and you can choose to use a webcam, audio headset with a microphone, or simply type in a question. The online tutors can answer your questions and demonstrate procedures for the software you are learning in your courses. If you have the software on your computer or access to the Remote Desktop you can share your screen with the tutor for specific advice. If you do not you can still ask the tutor questions and they can demonstrate procedures. In addition the tutoring sessions are recorded so you can access them from an archive at any time. Preparation: • • You will need to install software (Java Launcher) when prompted (directions below) Headset or Webcam - plugged into computer (not required see Audio Notes) Procedure: 1) Copy and paste the url below into a browser address bar (not Search bar)\ If you need to install software you will see the screen below, select Get Required Software: The download panel will show this file. After the software installation you will see the screen below: Enter your full name to log into a session. Next you will be promoted to open the Java Launcher. Select ‘Open With’ Java™ Web Start Launcher (default)’ and click on ‘OK’. You may see this screen, choose connection speed, click OK. This screen will show, check the box for Always trust content from this publisher and then Run. While CCC Confer application is loading you will see this screen: When you see this screen you are in! Your name will appear in the Participants panel. If you are not using a headset/webcam - type a question at the bottom of the Chat panel. The tutor on duty will direct you from here. If you are using a headset or webcam you will need to wait for the tutor to greet you (Talk button will be greyed out). When the Talk button is no longer greyed out press it and ask your question. In order to hear the tutor you must release the Talk button when you are done. The tutor on duty can demonstrate software procedures. You will see this screen while the application is loading. Here you see the tutor demonstrating a procedure in Photoshop to a student. If necessary the tutor can also share your computer. The tutor will initiate this procedure and you will receive a message asking for your permission. After giving permission you will receive a message indicating sharing the desktop. To leave a session Click on the red X on the upper right corner of your browser window. Troubleshooting: Occasionally the online connection may drop. In that case you could see the following error message. Press OK and reconnect. Students may use the Multimedia Online Tutor Room at any time, 24 hours a day. But tutors are only on duty according to the Tutor Schedule. If you need a tutor please ensure that a tutor is on duty for the course you need help with. Students are reminded that use of the Multimedia Tutor Room is governed by the MSJC Acceptable Use Policy and MSJC Student Code of Conduct. Please treat each other with courtesy and respect. Please Note: Tutors are only able to help with the assignments from your Multimedia course work. They are not able to help with projects that are outside the course criteria.