Parflex Thermoplastic Hose PTFE Hose Hose Fittings Thermoplastic Tubing Fittings Self-Retracting Air Hose Tooling and Accessories Confidential Suggested Price Schedule Price List PL4660 – Effective January 15, 2015 Supersedes: PL4660 Dated January 15, 2014 4660 Price List Offer of Sale, Safety Guide Offer of Sale The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions in the “Offer of Sale” as stated on a separate page of this document. Note Extra care is taken in the preparation of this literature, but Parker is not responsible for any inadvertent typographical errors and/or emissions. Prices are subject to change without notice. Parker Safety Guide for Selecting and Using Hose, Tubing, Fittings and Related Accessories DANGER: Failure or improper selection of improper use of hose, fittings, or related accessories can cause death, personal injury and property damage. Possible consequences of failure or improper selection or improper use of hose, fittings, or related accessories include but are not limited to: • • • • Fittings ejected at high speed. High velocity fluid discharge. Explosion or burning of the conveyed fluid. Electrocution from high voltage electric power lines or other sources of electricity. • Contact with suddenly moving or falling objects that are to be held in position or moved by the conveyed fluid. • Dangerously whipping hose. • Contact with conveyed fluids that may be hot, cold, toxic or otherwise injurious. • Sparking or explosion caused by static electricity buildup. • Sparking or explosion while paint or flammable liquid spraying. • Injections by High-pressure fluid discharge. Before selecting or using any Parker hose or fittings or related accessories, it is important that you read and follow the instructions in the Safety Guide for Selecting and Using Hose, Fittings and Related Accessories, Parker Publication No. 4400-B.1, November 2007. Copyright 2014 , Parker Hannifin Corporation, All Rights Reserved Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Table of Contents Section Beginning on Page Section Beginning on Page Ordering Information .................................................................. 3 HTB Hose Series – Eliminator Hybrid Hose............................. 17 Conditions of Sale........................................................................ 3 HTBR Hose Series – Eliminator Hybrid Hose – Refresh......... 17 Distributor – Hose Assembly Ordering Information.................. 4 M8 Hose Series – E-Z Flex Hybrid Hose................................... 17 How to Order................................................................................ 5 MSH Hose Series – Marine Steering Hose............................... 18 510A Hose Series – Refrigerant Hose........................................ 7 PTH Hose Series – Marine Tilt Hose........................................ 18 515H Hose Series – Compact Light Weight Hose...................... 7 R6 Hose Series – Abrasion King Hose...................................... 18 510C Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose............................. 7 S5 Hose Series – Predator Hose, 4000 PSI.............................. 18 518C Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose................................ 7 S6 Hose Series – Predator Hose, 2500 PSI.............................. 18 518D Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose................................ 8 S9 Hose Series – Predator Hose, 3000 PSI.............................. 19 520N Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose............................. 8 SLH Hose Series – Sewer Cleaning Leader Hose.................... 19 526BA Hose Series – Breathing Air Refill Hose......................... 9 Fast-Stor Dura-flex Hose Series.............................................. 19 527BA Hose Series – Breathing Air Refill Hose......................... 9 51 Series Field Attachable Fittings........................................... 19 528N Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose................................ 9 Metric 51 Series Field Attachable Fittings............................... 20 53DM Hose Series – DuraMax Low Temperature.................... 10 BA Series Field Attachable Fittings.......................................... 20 540N Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose........................... 10 BU Series Field Attachable Fittings......................................... 21 540P Hose Series – Specialty Water Hose............................... 10 54 Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 21 55LT Hose Series – Low Temperature Hose............................ 11 55 Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 21 560 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose............................. 11 Metric 55 Series Permanent Fittings....................................... 24 560R Hose Series – Refresh General Hydraulic Hose............. 12 Seal-Lok 55 Series Permanent Fittings................................... 25 569 Hose Series – High Pressure Hydraulic Hose................... 12 56 Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 25 56DH Diagnostic Hose............................................................... 12 56 Series Permanent Fittings – Stainless Steel...................... 28 563 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose............................. 12 Metric 56 Series Permanent Fittings....................................... 28 575X Hose Series – Fast Response Hose................................. 12 Seal-Lok 56 Series Permanent Fittings................................... 30 580N Hose Series – High Pressure Hose................................. 13 Seal-Lok 56 Series Permanent Fittings – Stainless Steel...... 31 588N Hose Series – High Pressure Non-Conductive Hose..... 13 57 Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 31 590 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose............................. 13 58 Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 31 593 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose............................. 14 Metric 58 Series Permanent Fittings....................................... 32 1035A Hose Series – Power Cleaning...................................... 14 Seal-Lok 58 Series Permanent Fittings................................... 32 1035HT Hose Series – Power Cleaning.................................... 14 58H Series Permanent Fittings................................................ 32 83FR Hose Series – DuraGard – General Purpose Urethane.... 14 92 Series Permanent Fittings.................................................. 33 B9 Hose Series – General Purpose Fuel Transfer................... 15 CY Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 33 D6 Hose Series – Hybrid Hose.................................................. 15 Grease Hose Accessories......................................................... 34 D6RX Hose Series – Continuous Length Hybrid Hose – Refresh............................................................................... 15 LV Series Permanent Fittings................................................... 34 D6R Hose Series – Hybrid Hose............................................... 15 SF Series Permanent Fittings.................................................. 34 MS Series Permanent & Reusable Fittings............................. 34 H6 Hose Series – Hydraulic Hose............................................. 16 SQ Series Permanent Fittings.................................................. 34 HFS Hose Series – Firescreen Hybrid Hose............................. 16 SAE 100R14 PTFE Hose............................................................ 35 HFS2 Hose Series – Firescreen II Hybrid Hose........................ 16 SAE 100R14 PTFE Hose – Conductive Liner............................ 35 HFS2R Hose Series – Firescreen II Hybrid Hose – Refresh.... 17 PTFE Hose – Elastomeric Cover............................................... 35 HLB Hose Series – Lubrication Line Hose............................... 17 PTFE Heavy Wall Hose ............................................................. 35 1 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Table of Contents Section Beginning on Page Section Beginning on Page PTFE Heavy Wall Hose – Silicone Cover................................... 35 Nylon SAE J844 Air Brake Tubing............................................. 62 PTFE Hose – Silicone Cover...................................................... 36 Nylon – High Temperature Diesel Fuel Tubing........................ 63 PTFE Hose Convoluted.............................................................. 36 Nylon – Diesel Fuel Tubing....................................................... 63 PTFE Hose Smooth Bore.......................................................... 36 Series 105 – HP PFA Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing... 63 PTFE Hose – 4000 PSI Constant Pressure............................... 36 Series 105 – HP PFA Heavy Wall Tubing.................................. 64 90 Series Reusable Fittings...................................................... 36 Series 205 – Metric HP PFA Tubing.......................................... 64 90 Series Reusable Fitting Components.................................. 38 Series 104 – PFA Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing......... 65 91N Series Permanent Fittings................................................ 39 Series 104 – PFA Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing............... 65 Seal-Lok 91N Series Permanent Fittings................................ 42 Series 204 – Metric PFA Tubing................................................ 66 Metric 91N Series Permanent Fittings.................................... 42 Series 103 – FEP Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing......... 67 93N Series Permanent Fittings................................................ 43 Series 103 – FEP Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing............... 67 94/95 Series (Factory Crimp Only) Fittings.............................. 43 Series 203 – Metric FEP Tubing................................................ 69 EA Series Antimicrobial Plyethyline Tubing............................. 44 Series 101 – PTFE Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing....... 69 E and EB Series Polyethylene Tubing....................................... 44 Series 101 – PTFE Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing............. 70 E and EB Series Metric Polyethylene Tubing........................... 45 Series 201 – Metric PTFE Tubing.............................................. 71 PERF Series Flame Resistant Polyethylene Tubing................ 45 Series 110 – PVDF Flex® Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing.............................. 72 HDPE Series High Density Polyethylene Tubing...................... 45 Series 110 – PVDF Flex® Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing.................................... 72 PP Series Polypropylene Tubing............................................... 46 N Series Flexible Nylon Tubing................................................. 46 Series 111 – PVDF SuperFlex® Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing.............................. 73 NR Series Rigid Nylon Tubing................................................... 47 Metric Nylon Tubing.................................................................. 48 Series 111– PVDF SuperFlex® Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing.................................... 73 Pure Air Tubing.......................................................................... 49 Clear Vinyl Tubing – PV-1, FDA Instrument Grade.................. 49 Alphanumeric Index.................................................................. 77 U Series Polyurethane Tubing.................................................. 50 Offer of Sale............................................................................... 89 U Series Metric Polyurethane Tubing....................................... 52 High Durometer Polyurethane Tubing...................................... 53 Microweld Tubing...................................................................... 53 High Durometer Metric Polyurethane Tubing.......................... 54 No-Mar Urethane Fast-Stor Assemblies................................. 54 No-Mar Urethane Bulk Fast-Stor Hose................................... 55 Ultra-Lite Superbraid Polyurethane Air Coils.......................... 56 Ultra-Lite Superbraid Hose Fittings & Accessories................ 56 No-Mar Urethane Fast-Stor Fittings........................................ 56 Nylon Fast-Stor Coiled Assemblies.......................................... 57 Fast-Stor Bulk Hose.................................................................. 57 Fast-Stor Fittings...................................................................... 57 Fast-Stor Replacement Parts................................................... 58 Parflex Tools & Accessories..................................................... 58 Crimp Tooling and Equipment.................................................. 59 Coiled Air Lines......................................................................... 61 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 2 4660 Price List Ordering Information and Conditions of Sale Ordering Information • All orders are calculated on Standard Discount pricing before any volume discounts are applied. Re: $5000 order at the Standard Discount will be priced at the Maximum Discount. • All discount levels are based on the net dollar amount of the order. • Only standard parts receive discounts. • Some products listed do not qualify for all volume discount levels. However, the dollar amount of these non-qualified products can be used to bring the total order amount to the higher discount level. Re: An 80C-081-PFD at distributor net can be combined with 919-4 hose, resulting in the 919-4 hose being priced at the Maximum Discount. • Special note: A $500 net order for plastic products only will qualify for the Maximum Discount; i.e., $500 of Polyethylene tubing is ordered with $900 of 919 hose; the tubing will be priced at the Maximum Discount. • Orders for nonstandard and non-stocked items cannot be cancelled and are not returnable. Conditions of Sale Packaging: When ordering bulk hose and tubing, always specify feet required. Bulk hose will be shipped to the random length mix as noted below. Hydraulic Hose Hydraulic Hose 1035A 83FR B9 D6-250, D6R-250 D6-500, D6R-500 H6-250 H6-500 HFS-250, HFSR-250 HFS-500, HFSR-500 HFS2-250, HFS2R-250 HFS2-500, HFS2R-500 HJK HLB HTB, HTBR HTB, HTBR M8 M8 R6-250 R6-250 R6-500 S4, S5, S6, S9 All-Twin Size(s) All All All 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 4, 6, 8 10, 12 4, 5, 6, 8 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 4, 6, 8 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 4, 6, 8 4 2 4, 6, 8 10, 12, 16 6, 8 10 10 12, 16 4, 6, 8 All All Plus/Minus 50 Ft. 10% 25 Ft. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. 25 Ft. 25 Ft. 25 Ft. 25 Ft. 50 Ft. 50 Ft. 50 Ft. 5% / 1% 25 Ft. Max # Lgs./Pkg 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 1 3 Min. Lg. (Ft.) 50 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 N/A 10 PTFE Hose Min. Lg. (Ft.) Max. Cut Length Per • 50% > 49 Ft. Customer • 40% between 25-49 Ft. Order • 10% between 4-24 Ft. 4 100 Ft. Box Per • 55% > 24 Ft. Customer • 25% between 14-24 Ft. Order • 20% between 4-14 Ft. 4 50 Ft. Box Per • 25% > 12 Ft. Customer • 50% between 9-12 Ft. Order • 25% between 4-8 Ft. 4 15 Ft. Hose Size(s) Put-Up 919, 919B, 919J-RED, 919U, 929, 929B, 929BJ 4, 5, 6, 8 Box 919, 919J-RED, 919U, 929B, 929BJ 10, 12, 16, 20 939, 939B, 943B, 944B, 950B, 955B 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32 Nominal Footage Length Pattern 3 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Conditions of Sale Fittings: Please refer to box quantities listed by part number. Bulk parts may not be broken. Fluid Connectors Group “Buck-a-Box” Program applies to less than complete box quantities. Terms: 2% - 10th and 25th / Net 30 days for tops and EDI users. 1% 10th and 25th / Net 30 days for non TOPS/EDI users. Freight: F.O.B. Shipping Point: Parker reserves the right, without penalty to ship our best way if an alternate carrier is not listed in cases where the primary freight carrier is not available such as; weight concerns or carrier does not service area, in order to deliver product on time in the most economical means available to the customer. Weight: Packaging may alter final shipping weight. Some weights are approximated. Shipments: The division must be notified within 30 days from the receipt of shipment of any shipping errors, credit requests over 30 days will not be honored. Minimum Order: We reserve the right to increase distributor order quantities to comply with $50.00 minimum billing and to meet nonstandard items minimum requirements. Drop Shipments: Parker will drop ship to branches of existing distributors carrying Parflex product agreements. Drop shipments to end users will be allowed in case of an emergency but will be invoiced an additional $20 drop ship rate. TOPS users and pre-arranged CAD drop shipments are exempt from this premium when in compliance with the FCG guidelines for drop shipments. Warranty: See Offer of Sale for details. Cut Hose Offering: For price & availability, reference PL4660. Cut hose tolerance of (-0) +1%. Cut hose is 10' minimum and not less than $25.00. There is a 20% premium on all cut hose. Cut hose orders are non cancellable and non refundable. Returns: Please refer to the Fluid Connectors Group Stock Adjustment Program Policy. All non-policy returns must be pre-approved and returned within 30 days after receipt of shipment. * Non-Standards: All non-standard orders are subject to shipment of 10% over or under order quantity on hose and tubing. Non-standards are non cancellable and non refundable. Returns: Please refer to the Fluid Connectors Group Stock Adjustment Program Policy. All non-policy returns must be pre-approved and returned within 30 days after receipt of shipment. Distributor – Hose Assembly Order Information 1.Hose assemblies must include total “overall” length in inches and displacement angle where needed. 2.Contact Parflex for pricing on line item assemblies with quantities greater than 50 for appropriate lead time. 3.Hose assembly pricing procedure applies to all products in PL 4660 and supersedes previous hose assembly pricing documents. 4.Hose assembly orders must be scheduled out a minimum of 2 weeks. 5.Emergency (Next Day delivery orders) for hose assemblies will not be guaranteed if the customer does not contact PFD or the PSC prior to placing the order. PFD or the PSC needs to be able to verify product inventory and pick-up times for freight carriers. 6.Parker PFD does not pay freight charges for hose assembly orders. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4 4660 Price List How to Order Parflex Hose Assemblies All Hose Assemblies, Permanent and Field Attachable, will be priced as follows: Item Price (Net) a. Fittings, adapters and accessories Distributor Price b. Hose Distributor Price – per inch c. Labor See below All Hose Assemblies will include the following labor charges: Net Adder For Assembly & Testing Qty Qty Hose Dash Size -2 to -16 Qty Qty 6-15 Pcs 16-25 Pcs Over 25 Pcs $ 14.30 $ 7.80 $ 6.30 $ 5.30 $ 17.00 $ 10.50 $ 9.00 $ 8.00 Over 1800" Hose Dash Size -20 to -32 $ 20.40 Qty $ 13.90 Qty $ 12.40 Qty $ 11.40 Qty Length of Assembly 1-5 Pcs 6-15 Pcs 16-25 Pcs Over 25 Pcs 12" – 300" $ 24.00 $ 17.50 $ 16.00 $ 15.00 301" – 1800" $ 28.00 $ 21.50 $ 20.00 $ 19.00 Over 1800" $ 32.00 $ 25.50 $ 24.00 $ 23.00 Length of Assembly 1-5 Pcs 12" – 300" 301" – 1800" Accessories Price (Net) a. Spring Guard, Armor Guard, Spiral Guard $3.00 per assembly b. Fire Sleeve assembly $4.00 per assembly c. Hose tagging charge $1.00 per assembly d. Displacement angles $4.00 per assembly e. Proof test $5.00 per assembly Hose assemblies will be manufactured to the following length tolerances: Hose Assembly Tolerances These numbers apply when the customer does not otherwise stipulate. O.A.L. Tolerance 0 – 11.999" ±1/8" = .125" 12" – 17.999" ±3/16" = .1875" 18" – 35.999" ±1/4" = .25" 36" – 71.999" ±1/2" = .50" 72" – 119.999" ±3/4" = .75" 120" and up ±1% 5 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Notes Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 6 4660 Price List Parflex Products 510A Hose Series – Refrigerant Hose SAE 100R7 – 1000 to 3000 PSI Part Number 510A-3 510A-4 510A-6 510A-8 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesCoil Box2500.049 10.09 No YesCoil Box2500.052 10.37 No YesCoil Box2500.084 12.65 No YesCoil Box2500.131 16.61 No 515H Hose Series – Compact Light Weight Hose 1500 to 2175 PSI Part Number 515H-4 515H-6 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesCoil Box2500.040 5.34 No YesCoil Box2500.050 7.13 No 510C Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R7 – 1000 to 3000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 510C-3 510C-3-SL 510C-3-500-CL YesReel500 0.0507.90 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.050 *1 Week 9.48 Yes 500Reel500 0.050 ** 9.08 510C-4 510C-4-SL 510C-4-250-CL 510C-4-4 510C-4-4-SL 510C-4-RL YesCoil Box2500.052 7.95 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.052 *1 Week 9.54 Yes 250Reel250 0.052 ** 9.14 YesCoil Box2500.134 21.06 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.134 *1 Week 25.28 Yes YesReel500 0.0677.95 510C-5 510C-5-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.073 10.19 250Reel250 0.073 ** 11.71 510C-6 510C-6-SL 510C-6-500-CL 510C-6-6 510C-6-RL YesCoil Box2500.100 10.21 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.100 *1 Week 12.25 Yes 500Reel500 0.100 ** 11.74 YesCoil Box2500.188 27.05 Yes Reel 5000.100 10.21 510C-8 510C-8-SL 510C-8-400-CL 510C-8-8 510C-8-8-SL Yes Reel 4000.150 13.91 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.150 *1 Week 16.69 Yes 400Reel400 0.150 ** 16.00 Yes Reel 2500.282 36.87 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.282 *1 Week 44.24 Yes 510C-16 2300' Reel Cut Hose Max Length 6000" Max 3000" Max 3000" Max 3000" Max 4800" Max 3000" Max 100 0.262 **29.42 518C Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose SAE 100R7 – 1000 to 3000 PSI Part Number 518C-2 518C-2-SL 518C-2-250-CL Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail YesReel250 0.0307.25 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.030 *1 Week 8.70 Yes 250Reel250 0.030 ** 8.34 Cut Hose Max Length 3000" Max 518C Hose Series is continued on the following page. *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 7 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 518C Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose (Continued) SAE 100R7 – 1000 to 3000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 518C-3 518C-3-SL 518C-3-500-CL YesReel500 0.0467.26 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.046 *1 Week 8.71 Yes 500Reel500 0.046 ** 8.35 518C-4 518C-4-SL 518C-4-4 518C-4-500-CL YesReel500 0.0527.42 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.052 *1 Week 8.91 Yes 250Coil Box250 **19.67 500Reel500 0.052 ** 8.53 518C-5 518C-5-SL 518C-5-500-CL YesReel500 0.0759.38 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.075 *1 Week 11.25 Yes 500Reel500 0.075 ** 10.78 518C-6 518C-6-SL 518C-6-500-CL 518C-6-6 518C-6-6-SL YesReel500 0.0969.18 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.096 *1 Week 11.02 Yes 500Reel500 0.096 ** 10.56 Yes Coil Box 250 24.34 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 29.20 Yes 518C-8 518C-8-SL 518C-8-400-CL 518C-8-8 518C-8-8-SL Yes Reel 4000.148 11.84 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.148 *1 Week 14.20 Yes 400Reel400 0.148 ** 13.61 Yes Reel 25031.37 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 37.64 Yes 518C-12 518C-12-SL YesCoil Box1000.210 19.69 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.210 *1 Week 23.63 Yes 518C-16 Yes Reel 1000.270 26.23 Cut Hose Max Length 6000" Max 6000" Max 6000" Max 6000" Max 3000" Max 4800" Max 3000" Max 1200" Max 518D Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose SAE 100R7 – 1250 to 3000 PSI Part Number 518D-3 518D-4 518D-5 518D-6 518D-8 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 5000.050 8.25 5000.060 8.43 5000.080 10.65 5000.100 10.43 4000.150 13.44 520N Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R8 – 2750 to 5000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 520N-3 520N-3-SL 520N-3-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.050 10.85 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.050 *1 Week 13.02 Yes 250Reel250 0.050 ** 12.48 3000" Max 520N-4 520N-4-SL 520N-4-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.063 12.14 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.063 *1 Week 14.57 Yes 250Reel250 0.063 ** 13.96 3000" Max 520N-5 YesCoil Box2500.070 16.26 520N Hose Series is continued on the following page. *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 8 4660 Price List Parflex Products 520N Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose (Continued) SAE 100R8 – 2750 to 5000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 520N-6 520N-6-SL 520N-6-250-CL 520N-6-RL YesCoil Box2500.080 14.47 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.080 *1 Week 17.36 Yes 250Reel250 0.080 ** 16.64 Yes Reel 5000.080 14.47 520N-8 520N-8-SL 520N-8-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.140 18.55 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.140 *1 Week 22.26 Yes 250Reel250 0.140 ** 21.33 Cut Hose Max Length 3000" Max 3000" Max 526BA Hose Series – Breathing Air Refill Hose 6000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 526BA-3 YesCoil Box2500.050 13.85 526BA-3-250-CL 250Reel250 0.050 ** 15.93 526BA-4 Yes Reel 5000.070 16.55 526BA-4-SL 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.070 *1 Week 19.86 Yes 526BA-4-500-CL 500Reel500 0.070 ** 19.04 526BA-6 Yes Reel 5000.080 22.65 Cut Hose Max Length 6000" Max 527BA Hose Series – Breathing Air Refill Hose 7000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number 527BA-3 527BA-4 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesCoil Box2500.050 14.96 Yes Reel 5000.070 17.87 528N Hose Series – Non-Conductive Hose SAE 100R8 – 2750 to 5000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 528N-4 528N-4-SL 528N-4-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.063 14.92 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.063 *1 Week 17.91 Yes 250Reel250 0.063 ** 17.16 3000" Max 528N-6 528N-6-SL 528N-6-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.080 16.26 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.080 *1 Week 19.51 Yes 250Reel250 0.080 ** 18.70 3000" Max 528N-8 528N-8-SL 528N-8-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.126 21.29 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.126 *1 Week 25.55 Yes 250Reel250 0.126 ** 24.48 3000" Max *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 9 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 53DM Hose Series – DuraMax Low Temperature SAE 100R18 – 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number 53DM-3 53DM-4 53DM-5 53DM-6 53DM-6-SL 53DM-6-6 53DM-8 53DM-10 53DM-12 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 6000Coil Box2500.054 ** 8.29 YesCoil Box2500.068 8.00 6000Coil Box2500.093 ** 9.85 YesCoil Box2500.110 12.47 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.110 *1 Week 14.97 Yes YesCoil Box2500.220 33.05 YesCoil Box2500.167 13.74 5000Coil Box 100 0.249 **15.77 5000Coil Box 100 0.260 **18.03 Cut Hose Max Length 3000" Max 540N Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R7 – 1250 – 3000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 540N-2 540N-2-SL 540N-2-250-CL 540N-3 540N-3-SL 540N-3-250-CL 540N-3-RL YesCoil Box2500.031 4.14 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.031 *1 Week 4.97 Yes 250Reel250 0.031 ** 4.76 YesCoil Box2500.043 5.76 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.043 *1 Week 6.92 Yes 250Reel250 0.043 ** 6.63 YesReel500 0.0435.76 540N-4 540N-4-SL 540N-4-250-CL 540N-4-RL YesCoil Box2500.057 6.10 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.057 *1 Week 7.31 Yes 250Reel250 0.057 ** 7.01 YesReel500 0.0576.10 540N-5 540N-5-RL Cut Hose Max Length 3000" Max 3000" Max 3000" Max YesCoil Box2500.068 7.97 YesReel500 0.0687.97 540N-6 540N-6-SL 540N-6-500-CL 540N-6-RL YesCoil Box2500.086 7.79 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.086 *1 Week 9.35 Yes 500Reel500 0.086 ** 8.96 YesReel500 0.0867.79 540N-8 540N-8-SL 540N-8-400-CL 540N-8-RL YesCoil Box2500.126 9.99 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.126 *1 Week 11.99 Yes 400Reel400 0.126 ** 11.49 YesReel400 0.1269.99 540N-12 540N-12-SL Yes Reel 1000.168 19.69 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.168 *1 Week 23.62 Yes 3000" Max 3000" Max 1200" Max 540P Hose Series – Specialty Water Hose 1250 – 2750 PSI Part Number 540P-4 540P-6 540P-8 540P-12 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail YesCoil Box2500.052 7.48 YesCoil Box2500.086 8.61 YesCoil Box2500.126 13.05 Yes Reel 1000.126 20.55 *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 10 Cut Hose Max Length 4660 Price List Parflex Products 55LT Hose Series – Low Temperature Hose SAE 100R7 – 1250 – 3250 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 55LT-2 YesReel250 0.0316.28 55LT-3 55LT-3-250-CL YesCoil Box2500.053 8.89 250Reel250 0.053 ** 10.22 55LT-4 55LT-4-SL 55LT-4-250-CL 55LT-4-4 YesCoil Box2500.068 8.47 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.068 *1 Week 10.17 Yes 250Reel250 0.068 ** 9.75 YesCoil Box2500.068 22.46 55LT-5 55LT-5-250-CL 55LT-5-5 55LT-5-5-SL YesCoil Box2500.085 10.13 250Reel250 ** 11.64 Yes Coil Box 250 26.83 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 32.20 Yes 55LT-6 55LT-6-SL 55LT-6-250-CL 55LT-6-6 55LT-6-6-SL YesCoil Box2500.096 10.40 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.096 *1 Week 12.48 Yes 250Reel250 0.096 ** 11.96 Yes Coil Box 250 27.56 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 33.07 Yes 55LT-8 55LT-8-SL 55LT-8-250-CL 55LT-8-REEL 55LT-8-8 YesCoil Box2500.143 14.67 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.143 *1 Week 17.61 Yes 250Reel250 0.143 ** 16.87 Yes Reel 2500.143 14.67 Yes Coil Box 250 38.88 Cut Hose Max Length 3000" Max 3000" Max 3000" Max 3000" Max 3000" Max 560 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R1 – 1750 to 3500 PSI Part Number 560-3 560-4 560-4-SL 560-4-500-CL 560-5 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail YesReel500 0.0717.19 YesReel500 0.0987.83 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.098 *1 Week 9.40 Yes 500Reel500 0.098 ** 9.01 6000" Max YesReel500 0.1248.93 560-6 560-6-SL 560-6-500-CL 560-6-6 560-6-6-SL YesReel500 0.1507.93 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.150 *1 Week 9.51 Yes 500Reel500 0.150 ** 9.12 Yes Reel 25021.00 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 25.21 Yes 560-8 560-8-SL 560-8-400-CL 560-8-8 560-8-8-SL YesReel400 0.2009.62 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.200 *1 Week 11.54 Yes 400Reel400 0.200 ** 11.06 Yes Reel 25025.48 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 30.58 Yes 560-12 Cut Hose Max Length 6000" Max 3000" Max 4800" Max 3000" Max Yes Reel 2000.406 16.87 *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 11 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 560R Hose Series – Refresh General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R1 – 1750 to 3500 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order 560R-8 560R-8-8 Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Reel 4000.200 9.45 Yes Reel 25024.08 569 Hose Series – High Pressure Hydraulic Hose 10000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order 569-4 569-4-4 Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 500Reel500 0.080 ** 39.91 400Reel400 0.080 ** 99.78 56DH Diagnostic Hose Part Number 56DH-1.5 56DH-2 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Yes Coil Box20000.030 7.49 YesCoil Box2500.030 11.05 563 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number 563-4-250-RL 563-6-250-RL 563-8-250-RL Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel250 0.1218.23 YesReel250 0.1918.74 Yes Reel 2500.290 11.35 575X Hose Series – Fast Response Hose 5000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number 575X-3 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesCoil Box2500.050 11.64 575X-4 575X-4-SL YesCoil Box2500.065 14.16 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.065 *1 Week 16.99 Yes 3000" Max 575X-6 575X-6-SL YesCoil Box2500.082 23.40 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.082 *1 Week 28.09 Yes 3000" Max 575X-8 575X-8-SL YesCoil Box2500.129 36.03 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.129 *1 Week 43.23 Yes 3000" Max 575X-12 Yes Reel 2000.240 62.51 575X-16 Yes Reel 100 0.360130.15 *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 12 4660 Price List Parflex Products 580N Hose Series – High Pressure Hose SAE 100R8 – 2000 to 5000 PSI Part Number 580N-4 580N-6 580N-6-SL 580N-8 580N-12 580N-16 580N-16-SL Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail YesCoil Box2500.118 12.01 YesCoil Box2500.150 13.69 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.150 *1 Week 16.43 Yes Yes Reel 2500.206 17.06 Yes Reel 1000.232 21.61 Yes Reel 1000.376 31.51 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.376 *1 Week 37.82 Yes Cut Hose Max Length 3000" Max 1200" Max 588N Hose Series – High Pressure Non-Conductive Hose SAE 100R8 – 2000 to 5000 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 588N-4 588N-4-SL YesCoil Box2500.118 13.13 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.118 *1 Week 15.75 Yes 588N-6 YesCoil Box2500.150 15.24 588N-8 588N-8-SL Yes Reel 2500.206 18.37 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.206 *1 Week 22.04 Yes 3000" Max 588N-10 588N-10-SL YesCoil Box1000.210 26.85 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 32.22 Yes 1200" Max 588N-12 588N-12-SL Yes Reel 1000.210 26.87 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.210 *1 Week 32.24 Yes 1200" Max 588N-16 Yes Reel 1000.376 36.29 3000" Max 590 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R2 – 2000 to 5000 PSI Part Number 590-4 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Reel 5000.138 10.11 590-6 590-6-SL 590-6-500-CL 590-6-6 590-6-6-SL Yes Reel 5000.194 10.61 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.194 *1 Week 12.74 Yes 500Reel500 0.194 ** 12.20 Yes Reel 25028.12 120 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 33.75 Yes 590-8 590-8-SL 590-8-400-CL 590-8-8 590-8-8-SL Yes Reel 4000.250 12.71 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.250 *1 Week 15.25 Yes 400Reel400 0.250 ** 14.61 100 Reel 1 **33.68 1200 Inches Cut Hose *1 Week 40.41 Yes 590-10 Yes Reel 2000.386 18.39 590-12 Yes Reel 2000.446 21.66 590-16 Yes Reel 2000.592 31.66 6000" Max 3000" Max 4800" Max 2400" Max *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 13 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 593 Hose Series – General Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R2 – 3000 – 3250 PSI Part Number 593-12 593-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Reel 1000.470 26.80 Yes Reel 1000.687 58.61 1035A Hose Series – Power Cleaning 1200 – 1500 PSI Part Number 1035A-4 1035A-6 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Box 500 0.0845.31 Yes Box 500 0.1008.68 1035HT Hose Series – Power Cleaning 1500 – 1750 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 1035HT-4 Yes Box 500 0.0626.17 1035HT-4-SL 120 Inches Cut Hose 0.062 *1 Week 7.40 Yes 1035HT-4-500-CL 500Reel500 0.062 ** 7.09 Cut Hose Max Length 6000" Max 83FR Hose Series – DuraGard – General Purpose Urethane 300 PSI Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 83FR-4-BLK-RL 83FR-4-BLU-RL 83FR-4-GRA-RL 83FR-4-RED-RL 3000 Reel 5000.051 ** 4.74 YesReel500 0.0514.74 3000 Reel 5000.051 ** 4.74 Yes Reel 5000.051 4.74 83FR-6-BLK-RL 83FR-6-BLU-RL 83FR-6-BRN-RL 83FR-6-GRA-RL 83FR-6-GRN-RL 83FR-6-RED-RL YesReel500 0.0675.10 YesReel500 0.0675.10 YesReel500 0.0675.10 Yes Reel 5000.067 5.10 YesReel500 0.0675.10 YesReel500 0.0675.10 83FR-8-BLK-RL 83FR-8-BLU-RL 83FR-8-BRN-RL 83FR-8-GRA-RL 83FR-8-GRN-RL 83FR-8-RED-RL YesReel350 0.0956.72 YesReel350 0.0956.72 YesReel350 0.0956.72 Yes Reel 3500.095 6.72 YesReel350 0.0956.72 YesReel350 0.0956.72 83FR-12-BLK-RL 83FR-12-BLU-RL 83FR-12-BRN-RL 83FR-12-GRN-RL Yes Yes Yes Yes Reel Reel Reel Reel 2500.172 11.89 2500.172 11.89 2500.172 11.89 2500.172 11.89 *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 14 Cut Hose Max Length 4660 Price List Parflex Products B9 Hose Series – General Purpose Transfer 250 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number B903 B904 B904BK B905 B906 B906BK B908 B908BK B910 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Coil 250 0.0393.42 Yes Coil 2500.049 ** 3.92 Yes Coil 2503.92 Yes Coil 250 0.0774.46 Yes Coil 250 0.0946.48 Yes Coil 250 6.48 5000 Coil 2500.129 ** 8.63 5000 Coil 250 **9.48 Yes Coil 2500.199 12.46 D6 Hose Series – Hybrid Hose SAE 100R17 – 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number D604-250 D604-500 D606-250 D606-500 D608-250 D608-500 D610-250 D612-250 D616-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Reel 2500.120 6.92 YesReel500 0.1206.85 YesReel250 0.2308.18 YesReel500 0.2307.80 YesReel250 0.2909.59 YesReel500 0.2909.12 Yes Reel 2500.451 11.23 Yes Reel 2500.730 17.01 Yes Reel 2501.010 22.69 D6RX Hose Series – Continuous Length Hybrid Hose – Refresh SAE 100R17 – 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number D6RX-04 D6RX-06 D6RX-08 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel 250-700 0.1006.34 YesReel 250-700 0.1707.22 YesReel 250-700 0.2608.44 D6R Hose Series – Hybrid Hose – Refresh SAE 100R17 – 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number D6R04-250 D6R04-500 D6R06-250 D6R06-500 D6R08-250 D6R08-500 D6R12-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel250 0.1006.92 YesReel500 0.1006.34 YesReel250 0.1707.57 YesReel500 0.1707.22 YesReel250 0.2608.88 YesReel500 0.2608.44 Yes Reel 2500.700 15.63 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 15 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products H6 Hose Series – Hydraulic Hose SAE 100R17 – 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number H604-500 H605-500 H606-500 H608-500 H610-250 H612-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type 6000 6000 Yes Yes 4000 Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 5000.121 ** 6.93 5000.140 ** 6.43 5000.191 7.91 5000.290 9.23 250 0.470 **14.87 2500.692 18.85 HFS Hose Series – Firescreen Hybrid Hose SAE 100R1 – 1250 – 3000 PSI Part Number HFS04-250 HFS04-500 HFS05-500 HFS06-250 HFS06-500 HFS08-250 HFS08-500 HFS12-250 HFS16-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel250 0.1206.73 YesReel500 0.1206.43 YesReel500 0.1706.73 YesReel250 0.1907.04 YesReel500 0.1906.73 YesReel250 0.2508.06 YesReel500 0.2507.67 Yes Reel 2500.370 11.37 Yes Reel 2500.530 16.14 HFS Hose Series – Firescreen Hybrid Hose – Refresh SAE 100R16 – 2000 – 5000 PSI Part Number HFSR04-250 HFSR04-500 HFSR06-250 HFSR06-500 HFSR08-250 HFSR08-500 HFSR12-250 HFSR16-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel250 0.1006.23 YesReel500 0.1005.95 YesReel250 0.1706.52 YesReel500 0.1706.23 YesReel250 0.2107.46 YesReel500 0.2107.10 Yes Reel 2500.310 11.23 Yes Reel 2500.440 15.94 HFS2 Hose Series – Firescreen II Hybrid Hose SAE 100R16 – 2000 – 5000 PSI Part Number HFS204-250 HFS204-500 HFS206-250 HFS206-500 HFS208-250 HFS208-500 HFS210-250 HFS212-250 HFS216-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail YesReel250 0.2108.06 YesReel500 0.2107.67 YesReel250 0.2309.31 YesReel500 0.2308.81 Yes Reel 2500.290 10.54 Yes Reel 5000.290 10.12 Yes Reel 2500.380 12.11 Yes Reel 2500.450 16.29 Yes Reel 2500.800 21.03 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 16 Cut Hose Max Length 4660 Price List Parflex Products HFS2R Hose Series – Firescreen II Hybrid Hose – Refresh SAE 100R16 – 2000 – 5000 PSI Part Number HFS2R04-250 HFS2R04-500 HFS2R06-250 HFS2R06-500 HFS2R08-250 HFS2R08-500 HFS2R12-250 HFS2R16-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel250 0.2107.46 YesReel500 0.2107.10 YesReel250 0.2308.62 YesReel500 0.2308.16 YesReel250 0.2909.76 YesReel500 0.2909.37 Yes Reel 2500.450 15.08 Yes Reel 2500.800 19.47 HLB Hose Series – Lubrication Line Hose 3000 PSI Part Number HLB02 HLB03 HLB03-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Coil 500 0.0273.12 YesReel3000 0.0555.22 YesReel250 0.0555.49 HTB Hose Series – Eliminator Hybrid Hose 3500 – 7000 PSI Part Number HTB04-250 HTB06-250 HTB08-250 HTB10-250 HTB12-250 HTB16-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 2500.270 12.11 2500.370 13.81 2500.460 15.77 2500.520 17.00 2500.730 22.63 2501.010 30.10 HTBR Hose Series – Eliminator Hybrid Hose – Refresh 3500 – 7000 PSI Part Number HTBR04-250 HTBR06-250 HTBR08-250 HTBR10-250 HTBR12-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 2500.250 11.21 2500.330 12.79 2500.430 14.60 2500.520 15.74 2500.710 20.95 M8 Hose Series – E-Z Flex Hybrid Hose SAE 100R12 – 4000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number M806-250 M808-250 M810-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel250 0.3708.80 Yes Reel 2500.460 10.90 Yes Reel 2500.680 15.82 17 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products MSH Hose Series – Marine Steering Hose 1000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number MSH-5 MSH-5-100 MSH-5-600-CL MSXL-5 MSH-6 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel600 0.0494.71 100Reel100 0.049 ** 6.41 600Reel600 0.049 ** 5.18 YesReel600 0.0496.20 YesReel600 0.0726.82 PTH Hose Series – Marine Tilt Hose 3000 PSI Part Number PTH-3 PTH-3-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Box 1 0.07013.57 Yes Box 2500.070 13.04 R6 Hose Series – Abrasion King Hose SAE 100R17 – 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number R604-500 R606-500 R608-500 R612-250 R616-250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length YesReel500 0.1107.51 YesReel500 0.2088.52 YesReel500 0.2789.75 Yes Reel 2500.710 18.38 1500 Reel 250 1.000 **29.45 S5 Hose Series – Predator Hose 4000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number S508N-400 S508N-500 S508N-600 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Reel Reel Reel Std. Pack Qty. Weight 1 1 1 Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length 64.0006,048.00 80.0007,563.00 96.0009,075.00 S6 Hose Series – Predator Hose 2500 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number S612-400 S612-500 S612-600 S612-800 S616-300 S616-400 S616-500 S616-600 S616-700 S616-800 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Package Type Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Reel Std. Pack Qty. Weight 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail 112.7004,826.57 140.8006,033.25 169.0007,239.91 225.3009,881.98 114.0004,483.17 152.0005,977.54 190.0007,471.94 228.0008,966.35 266.00010,460.72 304.00011,955.15 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 18 Cut Hose Max Length 4660 Price List Parflex Products S9 Hose Series – Predator Hose 3000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail S912-300 S912-400 S912-500 S912-600 S912-800 S916-300 Yes Reel 1 93.3004,994.20 Yes Reel 1 124.4006,658.94 Yes Reel 1 159.1008,323.66 Yes Reel 1 187.4009,988.40 3Reel1 ** 13,717.42 Yes Reel 1 138.0005,290.29 S916-400 S916-500 S916-600 S916-800 Yes Yes Yes Yes Reel Reel Reel Reel Cut Hose Max Length 1 184.0007,053.77 1 230.0008,817.18 1 276.00010,580.61 114,530.70 SLH Hose Series – Sewer Cleaning Leader Hose Smooth Rubber Cover Part Number SLH-12 SLH-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Cut Hose Avail Cut Hose Max Length Yes Reel 2500.450 12.70 Yes Reel 2500.800 16.44 Fast-Stor Dura-flex Hose Series Hydraulic Tool Hose Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type HC-548N-06MP-06MP-6Yes HC-548N-06MP-06MP-8Yes HC-548N-06MP-06MP-10Yes HC-548N-06MP-06MP-12Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight PC PC PC PC Lead Time List Price 1460.41 1503.40 1 546.39 1 589.37 51 Series Field Attachable Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 20051-3 20051-4 20051-5 20051-6 20051-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 250.05620.93 250.05919.30 100.08722.19 250.15419.77 100.25334.26 20151-2-3 20151-2-4 20151-4-3 20151-4-4 20151-4-5 20151-4-6 20151-6-5 20151-6-6 20151-6-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box 5 0.08435.46 Box 5 0.09740.63 Box 5 0.10035.12 Box 100.11333.36 Box 5 0.14637.22 Box 5 0.24644.96 Box 5 0.17439.97 Box 100.26338.97 Box 100.39969.26 51 Series Field Attachable Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 19 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 51 Series Field Attachable Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 20151-8-6 20151-8-8 20151-12-12 20151-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box 5 0.29961.41 Box 100.42456.44 Box 5 0.71091.39 Box 5 0.928163.96 20351-4-3 20351-5-4 20351-6-5 20351-6-6 20351-8-6 20351-8-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.08844.21 5 0.10848.72 5 0.15049.82 1 0.25259.12 5 0.28573.04 5 0.40867.83 20651-4-3 20651-4-4 20651-5-4 20651-6-4 20651-6-5 20651-6-6 20651-8-6 20651-8-8 20651-10-8 20651-12-12 20651-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.10333.48 250.14340.35 250.12435.51 250.06241.79 250.17538.71 100.26342.71 250.30751.29 100.19570.52 5 0.47786.49 5 0.81486.47 5 0.474159.94 20851-6-6 Yes Box 5 0.28057.30 23951-4-3 23951-6-6 23951-8-6 Yes Box 5 0.11062.20 Yes Box 5 0.29292.90 5Box5 0.364 ** 140.71 2JC51-4-4 Yes Box 533.61 2J951-4-4 Yes Box 5 0.11051.36 Metric 51 Series Field Attachable Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 21D51-6-3 21D51-10-5 21D51-12-6 Yes Box 250.26062.25 Yes Box 250.42063.00 Yes Box 2568.03 29251-6-6 Yes Box 250.26373.38 BA Series Field Attachable Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 201BA-4-4 201BA-6-6 201BA-12-12 201BA-16-16 Yes Box 250.18120.21 Yes Box 25 0.250153.75 5Box5 0.575 ** 60.82 5Box5 1.075 ** 105.02 206BA-6-4 206BA-6-6 Yes Box 25131.34 Yes Box 250.26030.41 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 20 4660 Price List Parflex Products BU Series Field Attachable Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 201BU-2-2 Yes Box 2533.52 206BU-4-2 206BU-4-3 Yes Box 200.07778.70 Yes Box 200.07782.68 213BU-2-2 Yes Box 2572.52 54 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10654-4-4 10654-6-6 Yes Box 2514.03 Yes Box 2517.34 13754-4-4 Yes Box 1042.19 13954-4-4 13954-6-6 Yes Box 140.77 Yes Box 2541.84 1JC54-4-4 1JC54-6-6 Yes Box 2527.70 Yes Box 2534.74 1WU54-4-4 1WU54-6-6 Yes Box 2512.39 Yes Box 2515.32 1WW54-4-4 1WW54-6-6 Yes Box 2530.15 Yes Box 2541.46 1WY54-4-4 1WY54-6-6 Yes Box 2531.18 Yes Box 2532.39 685RA-4-4 685RA-4-6 685RA-6-6 Yes Box 256.68 Yes Box 2511.41 Yes Box 259.25 55 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number 10155-2-3 10155-2-4 10155-4-3 10155-4-3B 10155-4-4 10155-4-4B 10155-4-4C 10155-4-5 10155-4-6 10155-4-6C 10155-6-4 10155-6-5 10155-6-6 10155-6-6B 10155-6-6C 10155-6-8 10155-8-6 10155-8-8 10155-8-8C 10155-12-12 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Yes Box 5 0.07614.22 Yes Box 5 0.10115.25 Yes Box 5 0.09715.72 5Box5 0.097 ** 131.88 Yes Box 5 0.11312.45 Yes Box 250.12662.64 Yes Box 5 0.120237.41 25Box25 0.123 ** 17.68 Yes Box 5 0.16416.28 25Box25 0.173 ** 293.17 Yes Box 5 0.14616.63 25Box25 0.150 ** 39.09 Yes Box 5 0.16614.21 5Box5 0.097 ** 168.57 25Box25 0.170 ** 319.37 Yes Box 5 0.22818.81 Yes Box 5 0.23021.64 Yes Box 5 0.27220.98 25Box25 0.280 ** 345.88 25Box25 0.389 ** 38.37 55 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 21 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 55 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10255-4-3 10255-4-4 10255-4-4C 10255-6-6 10255-8-8 25Box25 ** 160.03 Yes Box 5 0.15019.44 Yes Box 5 0.158160.92 Yes Box 5 0.227115.06 25Box25 0.302 ** 63.89 10355-4-3 10355-4-4 10355-5-4 10355-5-5 10355-5-6 10355-6-4 10355-6-5 10355-6-6 10355-8-6 10355-8-8 10355-10-8 10355-12-12 Yes Box 250.08049.91 Yes Box 250.10319.08 25Box25 0.105 ** 92.81 25Box25 0.118 ** 109.07 25Box25 0.165 ** 125.40 Yes Box 250.11227.96 Yes Box 250.12531.83 Yes Box 250.15720.91 Yes Box 250.18123.88 Yes Box 5 0.24222.42 Yes Box 5 0.27424.82 Yes Box 25 0.459116.07 10455-4-3 10455-6-6 25Box25 0.084 ** 128.00 25Box25 0.173 ** 152.50 10555-4-3 10555-4-4 10555-5-4 10555-5-5 10555-6-4 10555-6-6 10555-8-6 10555-8-8 10555-10-8 25Box25 0.082 ** 34.33 Yes Box 5 0.10049.25 25Box25 0.105 ** 95.30 25Box25 0.112 ** 81.94 Yes Box 5 0.10721.51 Yes Box 5 0.15729.11 25Box25 0.186 ** 127.30 25Box25 0.218 ** 163.34 Yes Box 5 0.292113.84 10655-3-3 10655-4-3 10655-4-3C 10655-4-4 10655-4-4B 10655-4-4C 10655-5-3 10655-5-4 10655-5-4C 10655-5-5 10655-5-6 10655-6-4 10655-6-4C 10655-6-5 10655-6-5C 10655-6-6 10655-6-6B 10655-6-6C 10655-6-8 10655-8-6 10655-8-6C 10655-8-8 10655-8-8B 10655-8-8C 10655-10-8 10655-10-8C Yes Box 25 0.111149.00 Yes Box 5 0.11114.33 25Box25 0.109 ** 347.73 Yes Box 5 0.13914.22 Yes Box 25 0.151126.78 Yes Box 5 0.144190.89 Yes Box 250.13238.64 Yes Box 250.15425.12 25Box25 0.154 ** 438.91 25Box25 0.165 ** 22.90 25Box25 0.165 ** 52.19 Yes Box 5 0.14616.89 25Box25 0.145 ** 297.16 Yes Box 5 0.15518.00 25Box25 0.158 ** 435.94 Yes Box 5 0.20117.59 Yes Box 25 0.223115.67 Yes Box 5 0.202247.59 Yes Box 250.25031.45 Yes Box 5 0.21818.84 Yes Box 5 0.218577.72 Yes Box 5 0.30823.67 Yes Box 25 0.310137.12 Yes Box 5 0.140316.30 Yes Box 5 0.34133.04 25Box25 0.334 ** 718.45 55 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 22 4660 Price List Parflex Products 55 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10655-10-10 10655-12-8 10655-12-12 10655-12-12C 10655-16-16 Yes Box 250.44059.09 Yes Box 5 0.37459.31 Yes Box 250.46445.59 25Box25 0.469 ** 521.03 25Box25 0.746 ** 60.56 10755-4-4 10755-6-6 10755-8-8 25Box25 0.144 ** 23.94 25Box25 0.214 ** 31.66 25Box25 0.304 ** 34.10 10855-6-4 10855-6-6 25Box25 0.153 ** 77.07 25Box25 0.208 ** 32.29 11155-6-4 25Box25 0.124 ** 125.71 11355-4-3 11355-4-4 11355-4-5 11355-6-6 11355-8-6 11355-8-8 11355-12-12 25Box25 0.127 ** 33.89 25Box25 0.154 ** 30.86 25Box25 0.164 ** 106.88 Yes Box 250.21934.07 25Box25 0.277 ** 95.06 25Box25 0.334 ** 42.07 25Box25 0.498 ** 115.26 11L55-4-4 25Box25 0.229 ** 62.66 13755-4-3 13755-4-4 13755-5-4 13755-6-4 13755-6-5 13755-6-6 13755-8-6 13755-8-8 13755-10-8 13755-12-12 Yes Box 250.10952.50 Yes Box 250.13648.47 25Box25 0.152 ** 64.02 25Box25 0.171 ** 76.40 Yes Box 250.17154.25 Yes Box 250.21854.05 Yes Box 250.02560.12 Yes Box 5 0.32563.39 25Box25 0.362 ** 100.58 Yes Box 25 0.253141.46 13955-4-3 13955-4-4 13955-5-4 13955-6-4 13955-6-5 13955-6-6 13955-8-6 13955-8-8 13955-10-8 13955-12-12 Yes Box 250.11446.95 Yes Box 250.13941.73 25Box25 0.112 ** 83.10 Yes Box 250.16662.87 Yes Box 250.08062.35 Yes Box 250.21147.59 Yes Box 250.26856.99 Yes Box 5 0.33053.45 Yes Box 5 0.362126.50 Yes Box 25 0.604132.16 13E55-4-4 13E55-6-6 13E55-8-8 Yes Box 2560.31 Yes Box 25100.74 Yes Box 25106.43 14155-4-3 14155-4-4 14155-5-4 14155-6-5 14155-6-6 14155-8-6 14155-8-8 14155-10-8 Yes Box 250.12556.62 Yes Box 554.04 25Box25 0.168 ** 76.67 25Box25 0.190 ** 80.98 Yes Box 250.23663.12 Yes Box 250.29868.80 Yes Box 5 0.38067.58 Yes Box 5 0.41898.42 55 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 23 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 55 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 15555-5-5 15555-6-6 15555-8-8 15555-12-12 15555-16-16 25Box25 0.160 ** 207.64 Yes Box 1 0.226207.26 Yes Box 1 0.346213.34 25Box25 0.574 ** 288.68 25Box25 0.449 ** 259.50 1AL55-4-4C 1AL55-6-6C 1AL55-8-8NC 25Box25 0.140 ** 225.01 Yes Box 5 0.200283.09 5Box5 0.200 ** 265.84 1AL58-4-4NC 5Box5 0.140 ** 167.90 1L755-6-6 1L755-8-6 25Box25 ** 241.82 25Box25 ** 298.40 1L955-4-3 1L955-4-4 1L955-5-4 1L955-6-5 1L955-6-6 1L955-8-6 1L955-8-8 1L955-10-8 1L955-12-12 25Box25 0.116 ** 61.80 Yes Box 250.14154.18 25Box25 0.156 ** 82.30 25Box25 0.182 ** 75.78 Yes Box 250.21655.59 25Box25 0.278 ** 71.19 Yes Box 5 0.34461.99 25Box25 0.413 ** 98.57 25Box25 0.682 ** 160.31 1TU55-4-4 1TU55-4-4C 1TU55-6-6 1TU55-6-6C 1TU55-8-8C 25Box25 0.110 ** 117.60 Yes Box 5 0.110196.47 25Box25 0.190 ** 104.80 Yes Box 5 0.190194.34 25Box25 0.250 ** 330.17 Metric 55 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 19255-4-4 19255-6-6 19255-8-8 25Box25 0.150 ** 31.85 25Box25 0.230 ** 34.19 25Box25 0.308 ** 36.87 1B255-4-4 1B255-6-6 1B255-8-8 25Box25 0.160 ** 121.23 25Box25 0.280 ** 112.78 25Box25 0.460 ** 185.37 1D955-4-4 1D955-6-6 1D955-8-8 25Box25 0.132 ** 61.47 25Box25 0.166 ** 76.84 25Box25 0.272 ** 131.00 1FU55-4-4 1FU55-6-6 1FU55-8-8 Yes Box 5 0.17021.88 25Box25 0.418 ** 24.87 25Box25 0.370 ** 31.31 1GU55-4-4 1GU55-6-6 1GU55-8-8 25Box25 0.155 ** 31.31 25Box25 0.210 ** 33.60 25Box25 0.376 ** 36.24 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 24 4660 Price List Parflex Products Seal-Lok 55 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1J055-6-6 Yes Box 2536.86 1J155-4-4 1J155-6-6 1J155-8-6 1J155-8-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1J755-4-4 1J755-6-6C 1J755-8-6 1J755-8-8 Yes Box 5 0.12358.72 25Box25 ** 499.02 25Box25 0.257 ** 69.61 Yes Box 5 0.33159.43 1J955-4-3 1J955-4-4 1J955-6-4 1J955-6-6 1J955-8-6 1J955-8-8 Yes Box 5 0.14065.07 Yes Box 5 0.15047.36 25Box25 0.179 ** 57.73 Yes Box 5 0.22548.41 25Box25 0.225 ** 206.29 Yes Box 5 0.34158.96 1JC55-4-3 1JC55-4-3C 1JC55-4-4 1JC55-4-4C 1JC55-6-4 1JC55-6-5 1JC55-6-6 1JC55-6-6C 1JC55-8-6 1JC55-8-8 1JC55-10-8 25Box25 0.116 ** 30.07 25Box25 0.000 ** 355.67 Yes Box 5 0.13626.01 Yes Box 5 0.140350.68 Yes Box 5 0.16832.98 25Box25 0.180 ** 97.03 Yes Box 5 0.19932.62 Yes Box 5420.82 Yes Box 5 0.24240.27 Yes Box 5 0.29838.96 25Box25 0.510 ** 59.79 1JS55-4-3 1JS55-4-4 1JS55-6-4 1JS55-6-5 1JS55-6-6 1JS55-8-6 1JS55-8-8 25Box25 ** 33.07 Yes Box 5 0.15326.59 25Box25 0.179 ** 38.68 25Box25 0.190 ** 35.33 Yes Box 5 0.21130.91 25Box25 0.262 ** 91.63 Yes Box 5 0.31539.70 Box 5 0.16464.94 Box 250.24662.40 Box 1 0.31080.85 Box 5 0.38370.95 56 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number 10156-2-3 10156-2-4 10156-4-3 10156-4-4 10156-4-5 10156-4-6 10156-6-4 10156-6-5 10156-6-6 10156-6-8 10156-8-6 10156-8-8 10156-12-12 10156-16-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 5 0.05712.54 5 0.07813.44 5 0.07513.86 5 0.09510.98 5 0.10813.77 5 0.10813.20 5 0.14614.67 5 0.13030.44 5 0.13912.26 5 0.22815.74 5 0.23018.56 5 0.22317.39 5 0.35729.88 5 0.72339.56 56 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 25 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 56 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10256-4-4 10256-6-6 10256-8-8 Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.10817.14 5 0.22741.78 5 0.30247.86 10356-4-3 10356-4-4 10356-5-4 10356-5-5 10356-5-6 10356-6-4 10356-6-5 10356-6-6 10356-8-6 10356-8-8 10356-10-8 10356-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.06837.53 5 0.08415.05 5 0.08654.21 5 0.09584.94 5 0.11073.25 5 0.10422.19 5 0.11525.26 5 0.11016.59 5 0.15218.95 5 0.20118.12 5 0.24520.92 5 0.39964.48 10456-4-3 10456-6-6 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.06099.69 5 0.126118.76 10556-4-3 10556-4-4 10556-5-4 10556-5-5 10556-6-4 10556-6-6 10556-8-6 10556-8-8 10556-10-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.06221.91 5 0.07743.43 5 0.08461.33 5 0.09357.75 5 0.09515.94 5 0.11225.67 5 0.14389.23 5 0.198127.21 5 0.23113.53 10656-3-3 10656-4-3 10656-4-4 10656-5-3 10656-5-4 10656-5-5 10656-5-6 10656-6-4 10656-6-5 10656-6-6 10656-6-8 10656-8-6 10656-8-8 10656-10-8 10656-10-10 10656-10-12 10656-12-8 10656-12-10 10656-12-12 10656-16-16 10656-16-12 10656-20-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.068112.34 5 0.06812.64 5 0.08612.54 5 0.07530.67 5 0.09319.93 5 0.10617.83 5 0.11936.59 5 0.09714.90 5 0.11015.87 5 0.12315.51 5 0.17424.96 5 0.15916.61 5 0.21220.54 5 0.23828.77 5 0.29843.98 5 0.32262.23 5 0.31332.44 5 0.37544.53 5 0.40133.37 5 0.71247.17 5 0.536243.83 5 1.076478.34 10756-4-4 10756-6-6 10756-8-8 10756-12-12 10756-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.10118.59 5 0.14824.46 5 0.22926.56 5 0.408153.64 5 0.719164.34 56 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 26 4660 Price List Parflex Products 56 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10856-6-4 10856-6-6 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.11225.00 5 0.14320.33 11156-6-4 Yes Box 5 0.14388.12 11356-4-3 11356-4-4 11356-6-6 11356-8-6 11356-8-8 11356-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.12626.39 5 0.14824.03 5 0.21927.04 5 0.27751.82 5 0.31532.77 5 0.53189.77 11L56-4-4 Yes Box 5 0.14848.80 13756-4-3 13756-4-4 13756-5-4 13756-6-4 13756-6-5 13756-6-6 13756-8-6 13756-8-8 13756-10-8 13756-10-10 13756-12-12 Yes Box 5 0.10937.91 Yes Box 5 0.13638.25 Yes Box 5 0.15249.56 Yes Box 5 0.10459.50 Yes Box 5 0.17142.41 Yes Box 5 0.21840.32 Yes Box 5 0.18347.72 Yes Box 5 0.24055.90 5Box5 0.271 ** 87.04 5Box5 0.350 ** 150.58 5Box5 0.536 ** 98.58 13956-4-3 13956-4-4 13956-5-4 13956-6-4 13956-6-5 13956-6-6 13956-8-6 13956-8-8 13956-10-8 13956-10-10 13956-12-12 13956-16-16 Yes Box 5 0.11433.44 Yes Box 5 0.13929.05 Yes Box 5 0.10158.24 Yes Box 5 0.16646.55 Yes Box 5 0.12343.46 Yes Box 5 0.21135.30 Yes Box 5 0.26845.23 Yes Box 5 0.26747.13 5Box5 0.291 ** 84.36 5Box5 0.381 ** 92.13 5Box5 0.604 ** 91.34 5Box5 1.003 ** 162.53 13E56-4-4 13E56-6-6 13E56-8-8 14156-4-3 14156-4-4 14156-5-4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14156-6-5 14156-6-6 14156-8-6 14156-8-8 14156-10-8 14156-12-12 Yes Box 5 0.14661.53 Yes Box 5 0.17450.09 Yes Box 5 0.21654.60 Yes Box 5 0.31559.59 5Box5 0.353 ** 86.79 5Box5 0.769 ** 101.20 1L756-6-6 Yes 1L956-4-3 1L956-4-4 1L956-5-4 Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.11520.00 5 0.17022.00 5 0.27830.00 5 0.09344.94 5 0.12345.99 5 0.11958.90 5 0.143186.08 5 0.08648.13 5 0.10443.00 5 0.11064.10 56 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 27 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 56 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1L956-6-6 1L956-8-6 1L956-8-8 1L956-12-12 Yes Box 5 0.15939.85 Yes Box 5 0.19455.44 Yes Box 5 0.27854.67 5Box5 0.648 ** 101.53 1TU56-4-4 1TU56-6-6 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.08887.30 5 0.12373.55 56 Series Permanent Fittings – Stainless Steel Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10156-4-4C 10156-4-6C 10156-6-6C 10156-8-8C Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 5 5 5 0.095180.30 0.123253.69 0.139242.60 0.223269.38 10256-4-4C Yes Box 5 0.108138.86 10356-4-4C 10356-6-6C 10356-8-8C Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box 5 0.084111.93 5 0.110139.91 5 0.201174.89 10656-4-3C 10656-4-4C 10656-5-4C 10656-6-4C 10656-6-5C 10656-6-6C 10656-8-6C 10656-8-8C 10656-10-8C 10656-12-12C 10656-16-16C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 13956-8-8C Yes Box 5 0.267561.96 1AL56-4-4C 1AL56-6-6C Yes Yes Box Box 5 0.101152.22 5 0.154192.38 1TU56-4-4C 1TU56-6-6C 1TU56-8-8C 1TU56-12-12C Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 5 5 5 0.068243.74 0.086168.33 0.093193.60 0.097185.19 0.110305.57 0.123209.25 0.159209.25 0.212278.93 0.238306.85 0.401427.14 0.712524.00 0.090173.25 0.128171.38 0.157231.43 0.258252.00 Metric 56 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight 11D56-6-3 11D56-8-4 11D56-10-5 11D56-10-6 11D56-12-6 11D56-15-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 19256-4-4 19256-6-6 19256-8-8 Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Lead Time List Price 5 0.06949.89 5 0.10526.07 5 0.12720.19 5 0.17039.35 5 0.10628.32 5 0.25037.68 5 0.15029.31 5 0.23031.95 5 0.30831.20 Metric 56 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 28 4660 Price List Parflex Products Metric 56 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1B256-4-4 1B256-6-6 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.16052.53 5 0.28060.81 1C356-6-3 1C356-8-4 1C356-10-5 1C356-12-6 1C356-15-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.11131.50 5 0.15526.40 5 0.19634.64 5 0.22833.27 5 0.24039.60 1C456-6-3 Yes Box 5 0.110113.67 1C556-10-6 Yes Box 5 0.18362.57 1C656-12-5 1C656-16-8 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.23886.04 5 0.41337.91 1C956-8-3 1C956-10-4 1C956-12-5 1C956-12-6 1C956-16-8 1C956-25-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 526.55 5 0.10531.55 5 0.10531.79 5 0.18743.56 5 0.10551.05 5125.25 1CA56-6-3 1CA56-8-4 1CA56-10-4 1CA56-10-5 1CA56-10-6 1CA56-12-6 1CA56-15-8 1CA56-18-10 1CA56-18-12 1CA56-22-12 1CA56-28-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.06423.99 5 0.10125.39 5 0.00029.89 5 0.11728.76 531.40 5 0.19644.22 5 0.15749.92 551.65 5 0.75084.80 5 0.461102.37 5114.65 1CE56-6-3 1CE56-8-4 1CE56-10-5 1CE56-12-6 1CE56-15-8 1CE56-22-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.08435.75 5 0.11747.63 5 0.15451.45 5 0.19664.50 5 0.50082.45 5 0.500124.40 1CF56-6-3 1CF56-8-4 1CF56-10-5 1CF56-12-6 1CF56-15-8 1CF56-22-12 1CF56-28-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.09028.17 5 0.12338.74 5 0.16376.95 5 0.20796.73 5108.40 5 0.500136.85 5 0.500191.60 1D056-8-4 1D056-10-5 1D056-10-6 1D056-12-6 1D056-6-3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.07724.96 5 0.10146.10 5 0.10829.40 5 0.16627.60 5 0.08624.70 1D256-12-5 1D256-12-6 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.14660.73 5 0.15750.92 1D956-6-6 Yes Box 5 0.16646.39 Metric 56 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. 29 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Metric 56 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1FU56-4-4 1FU56-6-6 1FU56-8-8 1FU56-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 0.14720.84 5 0.21022.56 5 0.33626.77 5 0.50854.22 1GU56-4-4 1GU56-6-6 1GU56-8-8 Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.13725.46 5 0.21028.27 5 0.34129.29 Seal-Lok 56 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1J056-6-6 Yes Box 1J156-4-4 1J156-6-6 1J156-8-6 1J156-8-8 1J156-16-16 Yes Box 5 0.10460.99 Yes Box 5 0.16159.43 Yes Box 5 0.19477.00 Yes Box 5 0.28767.57 5Box5 1.320 ** 239.81 1J256-8-8 Yes 1J756-4-4 1J756-6-4 1J756-6-6 1J756-8-6 1J756-8-8 1J756-10-10 1J756-12-12 1J756-16-16 Yes Box 5 0.08254.25 Yes Box 5 0.16937.85 Yes Box 5 0.12146.18 Yes Box 5 0.14849.76 Yes Box 5 0.21256.60 5Box5 0.309 ** 394.20 5Box5 0.672 ** 99.12 5Box5 0.937 ** 88.29 1J956-4-3 1J956-4-4 1J956-6-4 1J956-6-5 1J956-6-6 1J956-8-6 1J956-8-8 1J956-10-10 1J956-12-12 1J956-16-16 Yes Box 5 0.07354.73 Yes Box 5 0.08643.45 Yes Box 5 0.09953.95 Yes Box 5 0.13250.06 Yes Box 5 0.22544.41 Yes Box 5 0.159192.79 Yes Box 5 0.22956.15 5Box5 0.560 ** 106.16 5Box5 0.551 ** 50.45 5Box5 1.067 ** 75.00 1JC56-4-3 1JC56-4-4 1JC56-6-4 1JC56-6-5 1JC56-6-6 1JC56-8-6 1JC56-8-8 1JC56-10-10 1JC56-10-8 1JC56-12-10 1JC56-12-12 1JC56-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.09028.10 5 0.10824.77 5 0.13931.41 5 0.14645.00 5 0.14830.95 5 0.20335.98 5 0.22934.75 5 0.32857.08 5 0.32055.88 5 0.49663.45 5 0.48347.73 5 0.767115.28 1JS56-4-3 1JS56-4-4 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.09923.29 5 0.11725.32 Box 5 0.13233.24 5 0.212451.09 Seal-Lok 56 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 30 4660 Price List Parflex Products Seal-Lok 56 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number 1JS56-6-4 1JS56-6-5 1JS56-6-6 1JS56-8-6 1JS56-8-8 1JS56-12-12 1JS56-16-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 5 0.15436.15 5 0.16129.34 5 0.16827.52 5 0.22385.64 5 0.25135.76 5 0.56045.00 5 0.853173.91 Seal-Lok 56 Series Permanent Fittings – Stainless Steel Part Number 1JC56-4-4C 1JC56-6-6C 1JC56-8-6C 1JC56-8-8C Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Yes Yes Yes Yes Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box 5 5 5 5 Lead Time List Price 0.108300.58 0.148360.70 0.203282.20 0.236310.42 57 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10157-2-2 10157-4-2 Yes Box 2515.80 Yes Box 2533.88 10657-2-2 10657-3-2 10657-4-2 Yes Box 250.06035.69 Yes Box 10023.02 Yes Box 2520.86 11357-2-2 Yes Box 250.15049.86 13957-4-2 Yes Box 2539.34 1JC57-4-2 Yes Box 2535.94 58 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10158-4-4 10158-6-8 10158-8-8 10158-8-8C 10158-12-12 10158-16-16 Yes Box 5 0.14118.41 Yes Box 5 0.23623.30 Yes Box 5 0.28123.51 25Box25 ** 397.76 25Box25 0.395 ** 40.64 25Box25 0.704 ** 51.40 10358-8-8 10358-16-16 25Box25 0.112 ** 26.51 25Box25 0.714 ** 196.01 10658-4-4 10658-5-4 10658-6-4 10658-6-6 10658-8-8 10658-8-8C 10658-10-8 10658-10-10 10658-10-12 10658-12-10 25Box25 0.166 ** 24.89 25Box25 ** 73.10 25Box25 0.173 ** 23.73 25Box25 0.208 ** 25.98 Yes Box 5 0.14524.12 25Box25 0.360 ** 464.69 Yes Box 5 0.33337.30 Yes Box 5 0.39058.95 25Box25 ** 79.90 25Box25 0.437 ** 57.17 58 Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 31 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 58 Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10658-12-12 10658-12-12C 10658-12-8 10658-16-12 10658-16-16 10658-16-16C 10658-20-16 25Box25 0.469 ** 48.34 25Box25 0.466 ** 570.65 Yes Box 5 0.42260.52 25Box25 ** 313.08 25Box25 0.762 ** 66.30 25Box25 0.785 ** 672.82 25Box25 ** 614.19 10758-12-12 10758-16-16 25Box25 0.499 ** 197.28 25Box25 0.808 ** 211.01 13958-12-12 13958-16-16 25Box25 0.613 ** 118.58 25Box25 1.054 ** 209.98 15858-16-16 Yes Box 1 0.449268.83 Metric 58 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order 1FU58-6-6 Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 25Box25 0.208 ** 33.64 Seal-Lok 58 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1J758-8-8 1J758-10-10 1J758-12-12 25Box25 0.370 ** 87.06 25Box25 0.446 ** 506.15 25Box25 0.638 ** 127.27 1J958-10-10 1J958-12-12 1J958-16-16 25Box25 0.560 ** 136.31 25Box25 0.688 ** 160.50 25Box25 1.259 ** 195.37 1JC58-6-4 1JC58-8-8 1JC58-8-8C 1JC58-10-8 1JC58-10-10 1JC58-12-10 1JC58-12-12 1JC58-16-16 5Box5 0.195 ** 27.19 Yes Box 5 0.30045.03 25Box25 0.340 ** 558.17 25Box25 0.420 ** 123.95 Yes Box 564.73 25Box25 0.597 ** 111.07 25Box25 0.639 ** 100.22 25Box25 0.965 ** 302.66 1JS58-12-12 1JS58-16-16 25Box25 0.648 ** 161.54 Yes Box 5 1.047197.21 58H Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10158H-12-12 10158H-12-12C 10158H-16-16 10158H-16-16C Yes Box 5108.63 Yes Box 5630.91 Yes Box 5155.63 5Box5 ** 725.55 10358H-12-12 5Box5 0.465 ** 144.05 10658H-12-12 Yes Box 5122.03 58H Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 32 4660 Price List Parflex Products 58H Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10658H-12-12C 10658H-16-12C 10658H-16-16 10658H-16-16C Yes Box 5 **831.60 5Box5 885.18 Yes Box 5308.37 Yes Box 5968.87 11358H-12-12 5Box5 ** 209.12 13758H-16-16 5Box5 ** 654.91 1J958H-12-12 5Box5 ** 417.94 1JC58H-12-12 1JC58H-12-12C 1JC58H-16-16 1JC58H-16-16C Yes Box 5110.89 5Box5 ** 576.10 Yes Box 5224.13 5Box5 ** 673.82 1JS58H-12-12 Yes Box 5136.94 1TU58H-12-12C Yes Box 5466.13 92 Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 12892-3-3C Yes Box 250.02057.55 16792-3-3C Yes Box 5 0.02061.37 16992-3-3C Yes Box 5 0.02156.09 CY Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 101CY-2-2 101CY-2-3 101CY-4-2 101CY-4-3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 250.02110.19 200.06110.95 2545.54 200.07756.47 106CY-2-2 106CY-3-2 106CY-4-2 106CY-4-3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 2513.20 200.04610.90 200.05418.69 200.07813.34 113CY-2-2 113CY-2-3 Yes Box 250.06219.72 Yes Box 20 0.113178.33 139CY-4-2 139CY-4-3 Yes Box Yes Box 1GKCY-2-2 1GKCY-2-3 Yes Box 5015.52 Yes Box 5019.74 1JCCY-4-2 1J9CY-4-2 Yes Box 2040.04 Yes Box 1100.29 154.12 560.12 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 33 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Grease Hose Accessories Part Number CY02-652317 3PSG-4 NA-6520 2GK-NUT Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Yes Box 17.06 Yes Box 17.08 Yes Box 500 2.13 Yes Box 500.94 LV Series Permanent Fittings Part Number 106LV-4-3C 106LV-12-12 106LV-12-12C 106LV-16-16 106LV-16-16C Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Yes Box 5120.84 Yes Box 5 0.710105.87 5Box5 ** 768.09 Yes Box 5 0.990171.64 Yes Box 25649.35 MS Series Permanent & Reusable Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 108MS-6-5B 108MS-6-6B-100 134MS-6-5B 1TFMS-6-5B Yes Box 250.05322.19 Yes Box 1000.058 28.67 5Box5 0.031 ** 106.05 Yes Box 2527.49 208MS-6-5B 208MS-6-6B 2TFMS-6-5B Yes Box 250.06231.23 Yes Box 100.07037.94 Yes Box 2539.86 SF Series Permanent Fittings Part Number 101SF-2-1 1JBSF-4-1 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Yes Box 2589.20 Yes Box 250.15364.37 SQ Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 101SQ-12-12 101SQ-16-16 101SQ-20-20 Yes Box 1038.90 Yes Box 100.62046.46 Yes Box 4102.59 1HUSQ-12-12 1HUSQ-16-16 1HUSQ-20-20 Yes Box 10116.92 Yes Box 100.67084.55 Yes Box 5127.48 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 34 4660 Price List Parflex Products SAE 100R14 PTFE Hose Part Number 919-4 919-5 919-6 919-8 919-10 919-12 919-16 919-20 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 1 0.07012.41 1 0.08615.75 1 0.10316.69 1 0.12621.64 1 0.14926.69 1 0.18632.63 1 0.26249.00 1 0.38876.70 SAE 100R14 PTFE Hose – Conductive Liner Part Number 919B-5 919B-6 919B-8 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Lead Time List Price 1 0.08615.75 1 0.10318.67 1 0.12623.96 PTFE Hose – Elastomeric Cover Part Number 919U-4 919U-4-500-RL 919U-6 919U-6-500-RL 919U-8 919U-12 919U-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Box 119.01 Box 50021.03 Box 123.14 Box 50025.77 Box 127.08 Box 143.76 Box 153.90 PTFE Heavy Wall Hose Part Number 929-4 929-4-100-BG 929-6 929-6-100-BG 929-8 929-8-100-BG 929B-4 929B-6 929B-8 929B-12 929B-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Box 1 0.08017.67 Box 1000.080 19.44 Box 1 0.12122.62 Box 1000.121 25.70 Box 1 0.15629.88 Box 1000.156 32.50 Box 1 0.08015.20 Box 1 0.12121.73 Box 1 0.15625.17 Box 135.74 Box 156.97 PTFE Heavy Wall Hose – Silicone Cover Part Number 929BJ-4 929BJ-6 929BJ-8 929BJ-12 929BJ-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 144.70 165.54 173.13 1105.90 1158.64 35 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products PTFE Hose – Silicone Cover Part Number 919J-4-RED 919J-6-RED 919J-8-RED 919J-10-RED 919J-12-RED Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 1 0.10325.42 1 0.10328.17 1 0.10335.16 1 0.10340.40 1 0.10341.39 PTFE Hose Convoluted Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 939-6 939-8 939-12 939-16 939-20 939-24 939-32 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 158.22 1 0.17061.76 1 0.31677.11 1 0.45192.56 1 0.697130.83 1 0.795162.90 1 1.014202.03 939B-6 939B-8 939B-10 939B-12 939B-16 939B-20 939B-24 939B-32 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 158.51 1 0.17053.86 1 0.24294.68 1 0.31674.70 1 0.45189.53 1 0.697121.86 1 0.795144.20 1 1.014173.61 PTFE Hose Smooth Bore Part Number 943B-6 943B-8 943B-10 943B-12 943B-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 135.76 157.63 159.88 1129.49 1165.99 PTFE Hose – 4000 PSI Constant Pressure Part Number 950B-4 950B-6 950B-8 950B-12 950B-16 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 156.96 161.25 175.70 1159.70 1225.50 90 Series Reusable Fittings Part Number 20190-2-4C 20190-2-4 20190-4-4 20190-4-5 20190-4-6 20190-6-6 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 5158.58 250.02829.16 250.03532.15 250.04145.25 250.04633.13 250.04942.73 90 Series Reusable Fittings are continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 36 4660 Price List Parflex Products 90 Series Reusable Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 20190-6-8 20190-8-8 20190-8-10 20190-12-12 20190-12-16 20190-16-16 20190-20-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.07743.51 250.08943.25 250.12251.60 5 0.16559.38 100.20499.09 100.24692.49 10 0.944240.48 20690-4-4 20690-5-5 20690-6-6 20690-8-6 20690-8-8 20690-8-10 20690-10-10 20690-12-12 20690-16-16 20690-20-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.03424.98 250.04132.78 250.05231.00 158.14 250.09041.43 25120.09 250.12448.19 250.17965.97 100.25790.61 10 1.254260.18 20690-4-4C 20690-5-5C 20690-6-6C 20690-8-8C 20690-10-10C 20690-12-12C 20690-16-16C 20690-20-20C Yes Box 25 0.032125.58 Yes Box 25 0.039185.17 Yes Box 5 0.046149.90 Yes Box 5 0.087222.70 Yes Box 5 0.119309.48 Yes Box 1 0.172373.31 Yes Box 5 0.245479.11 5Box5 1.290 ** 853.59 20890-6-6 20890-12-12 Yes Box 250.05432.39 Yes Box 5 0.17868.76 22890-4-4 22890-5-5 22890-5-6 22890-6-6 22890-8-8 22890-10-10 22890-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.03337.97 5 0.04238.99 1 0.11045.26 1 0.05747.99 5 0.09167.56 5 0.12785.63 1 0.402107.88 23490-8-8 23490-8-10 23490-10-10 23490-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 0.08955.49 5 0.102114.16 5 0.10588.48 5 0.13797.57 23790-4-4 23790-5-5 23790-6-6 23790-8-6 23790-8-8 23790-10-10 23790-12-12 23790-16-16 23790-20-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.03847.88 1 0.04872.35 1 0.06055.22 1 0.083160.42 1 0.09960.97 1 0.15575.48 5 0.528130.90 5 0.364188.40 1 0.500257.89 23990-4-4 23990-5-5 23990-6-6 23990-8-6 23990-8-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.04041.79 5 0.05168.58 5 0.06444.11 1 0.092135.66 5 0.11956.18 90 Series Reusable Fittings are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 37 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 90 Series Reusable Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 23990-10-10 23990-12-12 23990-16-16 23990-20-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 1 1 1 0.163102.28 0.585100.91 0.392178.03 0.600271.24 26190-8-8 26190-8-10 26190-10-10 26190-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 0.06495.53 5 0.10257.58 5 0.09860.37 5 0.132208.61 26790-4-4 26790-5-5 26790-5-6 26790-6-6 26790-8-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.07551.28 5 0.096158.35 1 0.11256.42 5 0.05744.63 1 0.20881.27 26990-4-4 26990-5-5 26990-5-6 26990-6-6 26990-8-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.03845.00 1 0.04745.30 1 0.05756.34 1 0.06046.38 1 0.10573.89 27790-6-6 27790-12-12 Yes Box Yes Box 1 0.14262.04 1 0.251772.29 27990-6-6 27990-12-12 Yes Box Yes Box 5 0.06648.65 1 0.259101.26 90 Series Reusable Fitting Components Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 090-4B 090-4C 090-5B 090-5C 090-6B 090-6C 090-8B 090-8C 090-10B 090-10C 090-12B 090-12C 090-16B 090-16C 090-20B Yes Box 10.002 8.63 Yes Box 1 0.00254.86 Yes Box 10.002 9.65 Yes Box 1 0.00265.73 Yes Box 10.003 8.63 Yes Box 1 0.00272.18 Yes Box 1 0.00510.39 Yes Box 1 0.00590.66 Yes Box 250.00810.92 Yes Box 1 0.007101.29 Yes Box 1 0.01013.05 Yes Box 1 0.009107.01 Yes Box 250.01516.59 Yes Box 1 0.013147.62 1Box1 0.023 ** 29.85 20090-4 20090-4C 20090-5 20090-5C 20090-6 20090-6C 20090-8 20090-8C 20090-10 20090-10C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.00910.41 1 0.00965.14 1 0.01111.61 1 0.01177.00 1 0.01211.79 1 0.01288.88 1 0.02517.93 1 0.025139.16 1 0.03618.61 1 0.035162.92 90 Series Reusable Fitting Components are continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 38 4660 Price List Parflex Products 90 Series Reusable Fitting Components (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 20090-12 20090-12C 20090-16 20090-16C 20090-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.03926.31 1 0.040268.23 1 0.05135.92 1 0.120290.78 1 0.208267.37 60HAB-4 60HAB-6 60HAB-8 60HAB-10 60HAB-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 10.001 1.46 10.002 2.35 10.006 2.78 10.005 3.36 10.007 4.83 61HAB-4 61HAB-6 61HAB-8 61HAB-10 61HAB-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 10.029 7.89 10.002 9.30 1 0.03813.56 1 0.05114.79 1 0.07624.44 91N Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10191N-2-4 10191N-2-4B 10191N-2-4C 10191N-4-4 10191N-4-4C 10191N-4-5 10191N-4-5C 10191N-4-6 10191N-4-6C 10191N-6-6 10191N-6-6C 10191N-6-8 10191N-6-8C 10191N-8-10 10191N-8-10C 10191N-8-8 10191N-8-8C 10191N-12-12 10191N-12-12C 10191N-16-16 10191N-16-16C 10191-20-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.04013.47 250.05018.91 5 0.04040.17 250.07018.69 250.07041.60 5 0.07015.84 5 0.07067.02 250.06015.43 5 0.06069.40 250.09018.82 5 0.04060.08 250.09025.79 5 0.09075.07 1 0.18036.36 5 0.180114.23 5 0.18030.46 5 0.18076.45 150.35051.16 5 0.350142.19 100.50087.02 5 0.500272.52 5 0.403218.75 10691N-4-4 10691N-4-4B 10691N-4-4C 10691N-4-4S 10691N-5-5 10691N-5-5C 10691N-5-5S 10691N-6-6 10691N-6-6B 10691N-6-6C 10691N-6-6S 10691N-6-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.05013.61 250.00018.20 250.05032.54 250.05022.18 250.06021.27 5 0.06054.32 250.06024.22 250.08016.84 250.00087.96 5 0.08040.55 250.08021.25 250.09058.84 91N Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. 39 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products 91N Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10691N-8-8 10691N-8-8C 10691N-8-8S 10691N-8-10 10691N-8-10C 10691N-10-10 10691N-10-10C 10691N-10-10-RD 10691N-10-10S 10691N-12-12 10691N-12-12C 10691N-12-12S 10691N-16-16 10691N-16-16C 10691N-16-16S 10691-20-20 10691-20-20C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.13024.44 5 0.12064.52 250.12030.73 25 0.150103.68 5 0.150149.21 250.22032.01 5 0.210111.39 2000.000 25.33 5 0.21040.27 150.31052.42 5 0.300146.64 150.30068.22 100.51087.45 5 0.490272.01 10 0.490110.45 5 0.421271.62 5 0.930988.10 10791N-4-4 10791N-4-4C 10791N-6-6 10791N-6-6C 10791N-8-8 10791N-8-8C 10791N-12-12 10791N-12-12C 10791N-16-16C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box 250.05084.46 Box 5 0.050205.88 Box 250.08063.84 Box 5 0.080164.26 Box 1 0.12072.60 Box 5 0.120195.49 Box 1 0.300128.68 Box 5 0.300305.11 Box 5 0.490432.61 10891N-6-6 10891N-12-12 Yes Box 250.09017.62 Yes Box 5 0.27058.11 12891N-4-4 12891N-5-5 12891N-5-6 12891N-6-6 12891N-8-8 12891N-10-10 12891N-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.05046.42 5 0.05048.53 5 0.07562.18 5 0.09057.37 5 0.12066.20 5 0.28897.75 5 0.800108.39 13491N-8-8 13491N-8-10 13491N-10-10 13491N-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 0.08090.54 5 0.09096.85 5 0.12060.69 5 0.440106.58 13791N-4-4 13791N-4-4C 13791N-5-5 13791N-6-6 13791N-6-6C 13791N-8-8 13791N-8-8C 13791N-10-10 13791N-10-10C 13791N-12-12 13791N-16-16 13791-20-20 13991N-4-4 13991N-4-4C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.07037.62 5 0.070404.77 5 0.08563.80 5 0.10042.80 5 0.100413.01 5 0.17061.83 5 0.100459.84 5 0.30064.42 5 0.100543.72 5 0.43098.68 5 0.710156.94 1 1.250349.98 5 0.06034.44 5 0.060396.97 91N Series Permanent Fittings are continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 40 4660 Price List Parflex Products 91N Series Permanent Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 13991N-5-5 13991N-6-6 13991N-8-8 13991N-8-8C 13991N-10-10 13991N-10-10C 13991N-12-12 13991N-16-16 13991-20-20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.08057.96 5 0.10039.27 5 0.17041.55 5 0.000501.53 5 0.30054.80 5 0.000686.60 5 0.44093.12 5 0.680159.26 1 1.344296.45 14191N-4-4 14191N-4-4C 14191N-5-5 14191N-6-6 14191N-8-8 14191N-10-10 14191N-12-12 14191N-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.12055.12 5 0.060235.27 5 0.12053.54 5 0.14043.46 5 0.20052.52 5 0.40096.38 5 1.00097.30 5 1.200150.27 16191N-8-8 16191N-8-10 16191N-10-10 16191N-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 0.08060.35 5 0.09074.05 5 0.14079.39 5 0.200140.15 16791N-4-4 16791N-5-5 16791N-6-6 16791N-8-8 16791N-10-10 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.04045.87 5 0.08078.32 5 0.08049.12 5 0.11084.46 5 0.300111.49 16991N-4-4 16991N-5-5 16991N-6-6 16991N-8-8 16991N-10-10 16991N-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.05040.78 5 0.05043.86 5 0.10049.02 1 0.12084.91 5 0.30066.58 5 0.44098.40 17791N-6-6 17791N-12-12 Yes Box Yes Box 1 0.11060.83 1 0.360115.87 17991N-6-6 17991N-12-12 Yes Box 250.14053.84 Yes Box 1 0.400156.33 1AL91N-4-4C 1AL91N-4-4NC 1AL91N-6-6C 1AL91N-6-6NC 1AL91N-8-8C 1AL91N-8-8NC 1AL91N-12-12C 1AL91N-12-12NC 1AL91N-16-16C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box 1 0.050122.33 Box 100.04872.81 Box 1 0.080166.58 Box 10 0.076108.10 Box 1 0.280198.65 Box 10 0.130108.63 Box 5 1.000286.71 Box 5 0.310181.48 Box 5 0.075349.11 1TU91N-4-4C 1TU91N-4-5C 1TU91N-6-6C 1TU91N-8-8C 1TU91N-12-12C 1TU91N-16-16C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.03060.50 5 0.030114.62 5 0.040109.90 5 0.070145.29 5 0.120259.82 1 0.300385.41 41 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Seal-Lok 91N Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1JC91N-4-4 1JC91N-4-4C 1JC91N-6-6 1JC91N-6-6C 1JC91N-8-8 1JC91N-8-8C 1JC91N-10-10 1JC91N-10-10C 1JC91N-12-10C 1JC91N-12-12 1JC91N-12-12C 1JC91N-16-16 1JC91N-16-16C 1JC91N-20-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 250.07024.61 25131.07 250.10028.18 25138.96 250.15042.39 25188.26 250.20096.99 25300.73 25448.25 25 0.340150.67 25370.54 5 0.750174.82 25417.34 5 1.000216.64 1JC91-20-20 Yes Box 1281.40 1J191N-4-4 1J191N-4-4C 1J191N-6-6 1J191N-8-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 5 0.090110.52 5 0.090544.78 1122.27 1 0.250130.35 1J791N-4-4 1J791N-6-6 1J791N-8-8 1J791N-10-10 1J791N-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.08091.61 1 0.12064.26 1 0.25059.36 5 0.300105.67 1 0.400156.94 1J991N-4-4 1J991N-6-6 1J991N-8-8 1J991N-10-10 1J991N-12-10 1J991N-12-12 1J991N-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.09092.30 5 0.12054.91 5 0.19067.01 5 0.30095.89 5 0.300255.83 1312.78 1301.23 Metric 91N Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 11D91N-10-6 11D91N-12-8 11D91N-15-10 11D91N-6-4 11D91N-8-5 5Box5 5Box5 5Box5 5Box5 5Box5 ** 46.07 ** 49.07 ** 57.58 ** 38.56 ** 41.63 13D91N-8-4 13D91N-10-5 5Box5 ** 58.30 5Box5 ** 63.34 19291N-8-8 19291N-12-12 Yes Yes Box Box 25101.64 25147.14 1B291N-8-8 Yes Box 5103.38 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 42 4660 Price List Parflex Products 93N Series Permanent Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10193N-8-8 10193N-8-8C 10193N-12-12 10193N-12-12C 10193N-16-16 10193N-16-16C 10193N-20-20 10193N-20-20C 10193N-24-24 10193N-24-24C 10193N-32-32 10193N-32-32C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5 0.20097.53 5 0.200189.56 5 0.35092.53 5 0.350251.99 5 0.540141.28 5 0.540347.29 1 0.860246.51 1 0.860566.50 1 1.240279.18 1 1.240691.38 1 1.800494.66 1 1.8001,195.38 10693N-6-6 10693N-8-8 10693N-8-8C 10693N-10-10 10693N-10-10C 10693N-12-12 10693N-12-12C 10693N-16-16 10693N-16-16C 10693N-20-20 10693N-20-20C 10693N-24-24 10693N-24-24C 10693N-32-32 10693N-32-32C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 5167.09 5 0.40083.93 5 0.150176.50 5 0.400332.23 5 0.400841.32 5 0.52095.19 5 0.520316.80 5 0.600128.04 5 0.600367.23 1 1.060261.71 1 1.060754.74 1 1.530349.44 1 1.530860.54 1 2.220567.23 1 2.2201,440.19 13993N-16-16 Yes Box 1 0.680202.12 1JC93N-16-16 1JC93N-20-20 Yes Box 1240.49 1Box1 0.840 ** 331.88 94/95 Series (Factory Crimp Only) Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 10694-6-6 10694-8-8 10694-10-10 10694-12-12 10694-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 189.66 197.16 1116.14 1158.52 1157.13 10694-6-6C 10694-8-8C 10694-10-10C 10694-12-12C 10694-16-16C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 1204.79 1218.94 1267.71 1272.49 1389.46 10695-4-4 10695-6-6 10695-8-8 10695-12-12 10695-16-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 1104.35 1113.32 1124.99 1157.78 1152.88 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 43 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products EA Series Antimicrobial Polyethylene Tubing Part Number EA-43-0100 EA-64-0100 EA-86-0100 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price YesCoil/Bag1000.011 1.33 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 1.72 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 2.36 E and EB Series Polyethylene Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price E-43-0100 E-43-0500 E-43-1000 E-43-B-0100 E-43-B-0500 E-43-B-1000 E-43-G-0100 E-43-G-0500 E-43-GRA-0100 E-43-GRA-0500 E-43-O-0100 E-43-O-0500 E-43-P-0100 E-43-P-0500 E-43-R-0100 E-43-R-0500 E-43-WHT-0100 E-43-WHT-0500 E-43-Y-0100 E-43-Y-0500 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 Yes Spool/Box1000 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 0.61 0.50 0.47 0.62 0.50 0.47 0.62 0.50 0.74 0.62 0.79 0.74 0.62 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.74 0.62 0.74 0.50 E-53-0100 E-53-0500 YesCoil/Bag1000.021 0.89 YesSpool/Box500 0.021 0.80 E-64-0100 E-64-0500 E-64-1000 E-64-B-0100 E-64-B-0500 E-64-G-0100 E-64-G-0500 E-64-GRA-0500 E-64-O-0500 E-64-P-0500 E-64-R-0100 E-64-R-0500 E-64-WHT-0100 E-64-WHT-0500 E-64-Y-0100 E-64-Y-0500 YesCoil/Bag1000.025 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag1000.025 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 YesCoil/Bag1000.024 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 YesSpool/Box500 0.024 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 3000Spool/Box 500 0.025 ** YesCoil/Bag1000.025 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 YesCoil/Bag1000.024 YesSpool/Box500 0.024 YesCoil/Bag1000.025 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 1.04 0.92 0.90 1.06 1.03 1.06 1.03 1.01 1.34 1.81 1.06 1.03 1.06 1.03 1.06 1.03 E-86-0100 E-86-0500 E-86-GRA-0500 E-86-WHT-0100 E-86-WHT-0500 YesCoil/Bag1000.036 YesSpool/Box500 0.036 3000Spool/Box 500 0.034 ** YesCoil/Bag1000.034 YesSpool/Box500 0.034 1.70 1.45 1.55 1.73 1.55 E-108-0100 YesCoil/Bag1000.046 2.44 E and EB Series Polyethylene Tubing is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 44 4660 Price List Parflex Products E and EB Series Polyethylene Tubing (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price EB-43-0100 EB-43-0500 EB-43-0500-NSF EB-43-1000 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box500 0.011 YesSpool/Box500 Yes Spool/Box1000 0.011 0.61 0.51 0.56 0.47 EB-53-0100 EB-53-0500 YesCoil/Bag1000.021 0.89 YesSpool/Box500 0.021 0.80 EB-64-0100 EB-64-0500 EB-64-0500-NSF YesCoil/Bag1000.025 1.04 YesSpool/Box500 0.025 0.92 YesSpool/Box500 1.02 EB-86-0100 EB-86-0500 EB-86-0500-NSF YesCoil/Bag1000.036 1.60 YesSpool/Box500 0.036 1.46 YesSpool/Box500 1.63 EB-108-0100 YesCoil/Bag1000.046 2.46 E and EB Series Metric Polyethylene Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price E-6X1-0100 E-8X1-0100 E-10X1.5-0100 E-12X1.5-0100 YesCoil/Bag1000.010 YesCoil/Bag1000.014 YesCoil/Bag1000.025 YesCoil/Bag1000.031 0.74 0.80 1.31 1.71 EB-6X1-0100 EB-8X1-0100 EB-10X1.5-0100 EB-12X1.5-0100 YesCoil/Bag1000.010 YesCoil/Bag1000.014 YesCoil/Bag1000.025 YesCoil/Bag1000.031 0.74 0.80 1.31 1.71 PEFR Series Flame Resistant Polyethylene Tubing Part Number PEFR-2.5-0500 PEFR-4-0500 PEFR-4-1000 PEFR-6-0500 PEFR-8-0250 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box250 Lead Time 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 List Price 0.47 0.56 0.54 1.03 1.72 HDPE Series High Density Polyethylene Tubing Part Number HDPE-43-0250 HDPE-43-0500 HDPE-64-0250 HDPE-64-0500 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 45 Lead Time 0.011 0.011 0.025 0.025 List Price 0.88 0.75 1.54 1.29 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products PP Series Polypropylene Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price PP-21-1000 PP-32-0500 PP-43-0500 PP-53-0500 PP-64-0500 PP-86-0250 PP-108-0100 Yes Coil/Box10000.003 YesCoil/Box5000.007 YesCoil/Box5000.011 YesCoil/Box5000.021 YesCoil/Box5000.024 YesCoil/Box2500.035 YesCoil/Box1000.045 0.36 0.64 0.71 1.18 1.47 2.50 4.08 PPB-21-1000 PPB-32-0500 PPB-43-0500 PPB-53-0500 PPB-64-0500 PPB-86-0250 PPB-108-0100 Yes Coil/Box10000.003 YesCoil/Box5000.007 YesCoil/Box5000.011 YesCoil/Box5000.021 YesCoil/Box5000.024 YesCoil/Box2500.035 YesCoil/Box1000.045 0.36 0.81 0.71 1.18 1.47 2.50 4.08 N Series Flexible Nylon Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time N-2-031-BLU N-2-031-RED N-2.5-025-BLU N-2.5-025-GRN N-2.5-025-RED N-2.5-025-YEL N-4-035-BLU N-4-035-GRN N-4-035-RED N-4-035-YEL N-4-040-BLU N-4-040-GRN N-4-040-RED N-4-040-YEL N-6-050-BLU N-6-050-GRN N-6-050-RED N-6-050-YEL YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 NB-2.5-025 NB-2.5-025-0100 NB-2-016 NB-2-031 NB-2-031-0100 NB-3-025 NB-3-046 NB-3-046-0100 NB-4-035 NB-4-035-0100 NB-4-040 NB-4-040-0100 NB-4-062 NB-4-062-0100 NB-5-040 NB-6-050 NB-6-050-0100 NB-6-093 YesSpool/Box250 0.005 YesCoil/Bag1000.005 YesSpool/Box250 0.003 YesSpool/Box250 0.004 YesCoil/Bag1000.004 YesSpool/Box250 0.006 YesSpool/Box250 0.009 YesSpool/Box100 0.009 YesSpool/Box250 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box250 0.012 YesCoil/Bag1000.012 YesSpool/Box250 0.017 YesCoil/Bag1000.017 YesSpool/Box250 0.016 YesSpool/Box250 0.023 YesCoil/Bag1000.023 YesSpool/Box250 0.038 List Price 1.17 1.17 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 0.73 0.93 0.78 1.09 1.11 1.27 1.68 1.86 1.59 1.65 1.59 1.65 2.17 2.25 2.34 3.10 3.23 4.33 N Series Flexible Nylon Tubing is continued on the following page. *Leadtime based on length being available at time of order. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 46 4660 Price List Parflex Products N Series Flexible Nylon Tubing (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price NB-8-062 NB-8-062-0100 NB-8-124 YesSpool/Box250 0.039 4.84 YesCoil/Bag1000.039 4.99 YesSpool/Box250 0.067 7.12 NN-2.5-025 NN-2.5-025-0100 NN-2-016 NN-2-031 NN-2-031-0100 NN-3-025 NN-3-046 NN-4-035 NN-4-035-0100 NN-4-040 NN-4-040-0100 NN-4-062 NN-4-062-0100 NN4X.65 NN-5-040 NN-6-050 NN-6-050-0100 NN-6-093 NN-6-093-0100 NN-8-062 NN-8-062-0100 NN-8-124 NN-8-124-0100 YesSpool/Box250 0.005 YesCoil/Bag1000.005 YesSpool/Box250 0.003 YesSpool/Box250 0.004 YesCoil/Bag1000.004 YesSpool/Box250 0.006 YesSpool/Box250 0.009 YesSpool/Box250 0.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesSpool/Box250 0.012 YesCoil/Bag1000.012 YesSpool/Box250 0.017 YesCoil/Bag1000.017 YesCoil/Bag1000.005 YesSpool/Box250 0.016 YesSpool/Box250 0.023 YesCoil/Bag1000.023 YesSpool/Box250 0.038 YesSpool/Box100 0.038 YesSpool/Box250 0.039 YesCoil/Bag1000.039 YesSpool/Box250 0.067 YesSpool/Box100 0.067 0.72 0.93 0.78 1.09 1.13 1.27 1.68 1.59 1.65 1.59 1.65 2.17 2.25 1.09 2.29 3.10 3.20 4.33 4.76 4.84 5.04 7.12 7.85 NR Series Rigid Nylon Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price NBR-2-017 NBR-2-026 NBR-2-026-0100 NBR-3-024 NBR-3-024-0100 NBR-3-039 NBR-3-039-0100 NBR-4-035 NBR-4-035-0100 NBR-4-050 NBR-4-050-0100 NBR-5-040 NBR-5-040-0100 NBR-6-048 NBR-6-048-0100 NBR-6-075 NBR-6-075-0100 NBR-8-062 NBR-8-062-0100 NBR-8-075 NBR-8-075-0100 YesCoil Box5000.003 0.74 YesCoil Box5000.004 1.07 YesCoil Box1000.004 1.14 2000Coil Box5000.006 ** 1.17 2000Coil Box1000.006 ** 1.32 YesCoil Box5000.008 1.25 YesCoil Box1000.008 1.38 YesCoil Box2500.011 1.61 YesCoil Box1000.011 1.68 YesCoil Box2500.014 2.09 YesCoil Box1000.014 2.14 YesCoil Box2500.015 2.36 YesCoil Box1000.015 2.56 YesCoil Box2500.022 3.16 YesCoil Box1000.022 3.48 YesCoil Box2500.032 5.07 YesCoil Box1000.032 5.30 YesCoil Box2500.038 5.20 YesCoil Box1000.038 5.38 YesCoil Box2500.045 7.63 YesCoil Box1000.045 8.38 NNR-2-017 NNR-2-017-0100 NNR-2-026 YesCoil Box5000.003 0.74 YesCoil Box1000.003 0.80 YesCoil Box5000.004 1.07 NR Series Rigid Nylon Tubing is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 47 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products NR Series Rigid Nylon Tubing (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order NNR-2-026-0100 NNR-3-024 NNR-3-024-0100 NNR-3-039 NNR-3-039-0100 NNR-4-035 NNR-4-035-0100 NNR-4-050 NNR-4-050-0100 NNR-5-040 NNR-5-040-0100 NNR-6-048 NNR-6-048-0100 NNR-6-075 NNR-6-075-0100 NNR-8-062 NNR-8-062-0100 NNR-8-075 NNR-8-075-0100 Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time YesCoil Box1000.004 YesCoil Box5000.006 YesCoil Box1000.006 YesCoil Box5000.008 YesCoil Box1000.008 YesCoil Box2500.011 YesCoil Box1000.011 YesCoil Box2500.014 YesCoil Box1000.014 YesCoil Box2500.015 YesCoil Box1000.015 YesCoil Box2500.022 YesCoil Box1000.022 YesCoil Box2500.032 YesCoil Box1000.032 YesCoil Box2500.038 YesCoil Box1000.038 YesCoil Box2500.045 YesCoil Box1000.045 List Price 1.14 1.17 1.31 1.25 1.38 1.60 1.68 2.09 2.14 2.36 2.56 3.16 3.48 5.13 5.30 5.14 5.47 7.63 8.38 Metric Nylon Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price NB4X.65 NB6X1 NB8X1 NB10X1 NB12X1 NB14X1.5 NB16X1.5 NB18X1.5 NB20X1.5 YesCoil/Bag1000.005 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.015 YesCoil/Bag1000.020 YesCoil/Bag1000.024 3000Coil/Bag 100 0.041 ** 3000Coil/Bag 100 0.048 ** 3000Coil/Bag 100 0.055 ** 3000Coil/Bag 100 0.062 ** 1.06 2.34 3.62 4.24 4.70 4.94 5.34 6.56 6.87 NN4X.65 NN6X1 NN8X1 NN10X1 NN12X1 NN14X1.5 NN16X1.5 NN18X1.5 NN20X1.5 YesCoil/Bag1000.005 YesCoil/Bag1000.011 YesCoil/Bag1000.015 YesCoil/Bag1000.020 YesCoil/Bag1000.024 YesCoil/Bag1000.041 YesCoil/Bag1000.048 YesCoil/Bag1000.055 YesCoil/Bag1000.062 1.09 2.29 3.58 4.20 4.70 4.94 5.34 6.56 6.87 N4X.65-BLU N6X1-BLU N8X1-BLU N12X1-BLU N14X1.5-BLU 3000Spool/Box 100 0.005 3000Coil/Bag 100 3000Coil/Bag 100 3000Coil/Bag 100 3000Coil/Bag 100 ** ** ** ** ** 1.09 2.34 3.62 4.70 4.94 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 48 4660 Price List Parflex Products Pure Air Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price PAT4-BLK-1000 PAT4-BLK-250 PAT4-BRN-1000 PAT4-BRN-250 PAT4-SIL-1000 PAT4-SIL-250 Yes Spool/Bag/Box1000 YesSpool/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Bag/Box1000 YesSpool/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Bag/Box1000 YesSpool/Bag/Box250 1.86 2.67 1.99 2.86 1.99 2.86 PAT6-BLK-100 PAT6-BLK-500 PAT6-BRN-500 PAT6-SIL-500 YesCoil/Bag100 YesSpool/Bag/Box500 YesSpool/Bag/Box500 YesSpool/Bag/Box500 5.28 3.69 3.83 3.83 PAT8-BLK-100 PAT8-BLK-500 PAT8-BRN-500 PAT8-SIL-100 PAT8-SIL-500 YesCoil/Bag100 YesSpool/Bag/Box500 YesSpool/Bag/Box500 YesCoil/Bag100 YesSpool/Bag/Box500 6.08 4.88 5.22 6.51 5.28 PAT12-BLK-250 PAT12-BRN-250 3000Spool/Bag/Box 250 ** YesSpool/Bag/Box250 10.90 13.05 Clear Vinyl Tubing – PV-1, FDA Instrument Grade Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price PV21-1 PV32-1 PV42-1 PV43-1 PV53-1 PV54-1 PV63-1 PV64-1 PV73-1 PV74-1 PV75-1 PV84-1 PV85-1 PV86-1 PV95-1 PV96-1 PV97-1 YesBag/Box1000.005 YesBag/Box1000.005 YesBag/Box1000.019 YesBag/Box1000.014 YesBag/Box1000.026 YesBag/Box1000.015 YesBag/Box1000.043 YesBag/Box1000.032 YesBag/Box1000.064 YesBag/Box1000.053 YesBag/Box1000.038 YesBag/Box1000.077 YesBag/Box1000.062 YesBag/Box1000.045 YesBag/Box1000.089 YesBag/Box1000.072 YesBag/Box1000.051 0.45 0.44 0.82 0.90 1.18 0.93 2.18 1.35 2.52 2.44 1.66 2.38 2.97 1.94 3.63 3.37 2.85 PV106-1 PV107-1 PV108-1 PV117-1 PV118-1 PV128-1 PV129-1 PV1310-1 PV138-1 PV139-1 PV1410-1 PV1411-1 PV1510-1 PV1611-1 PV1612-1 YesBag/Box1000.102 YesBag/Box1000.081 YesBag/Box1000.057 YesBag/Box1000.115 YesBag/Box1000.091 YesBag/Box1000.122 YesBag/Box1000.100 YesBag/Box1000.110 YesBag/Box1000.168 YesBag/Box1000.140 YesBag/Box1000.153 YesBag/Box1000.119 YesBag/Box1000.200 YesBag/Box1000.215 YesBag/Box1000.179 4.07 3.78 2.96 4.89 4.25 5.00 4.82 5.31 6.55 4.87 6.06 5.71 7.90 8.64 6.90 Clear Vinyl Tubing is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 49 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Clear Vinyl Tubing – PV-1, FDA Instrument Grade (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price PV1712-1 PV1814-1 PV1914-1 YesBag/Box1000.232 8.86 YesBag/Box 50 0.204 8.11 YesBag/Box1000.263 10.34 PV2012-1 PV2014-1 PV2016-1 PV2116-1 PV2216-1 PV2218-1 PV2416-1 PV2420-1 PV2620-1 PV2820-1 YesBag/Box500.40816.72 YesBag/Box500.32513.49 YesBag/Box 50 0.230 9.05 YesBag/Box500.29511.65 YesBag/Box500.36314.35 YesBag/Box500.25512.00 YesBag/Box500.51021.03 YesBag/Box500.28113.19 YesBag/Box500.44020.31 YesBag/Box500.61228.63 PV3024-1 PV3224-1 PV3628-1 YesBag/Box500.55023.41 YesBag/Box500.75832.79 YesBag/Box500.86937.42 PV403-1 PV4032-1 YesBag/Box1000.012 0.90 Yes Bag/Box 50 **42.15 U Series Polyurethane Tubing Part Number U-21-0250 U-21-0500 U-21-1000 U-21-BLK-0250 U-21-BLK-1000 U-21-BLU-0250 U-21-BLU-1000 U-21-GRN-0250 U-21-GRN-1000 U-21-RED-0250 U-21-RED-1000 U-21-YEL-0250 U-21-YEL-1000 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 5000Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 Lead Time List Price 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.65 0.61 0.57 0.65 0.57 0.65 0.57 0.65 0.57 0.65 0.57 0.65 0.57 U-32-0250 U-32-0500 U-32-BLK-0500 YesSpool/Box250 0.008 YesSpool/Box500 0.008 YesSpool/Box500 0.008 1.44 1.40 1.40 U-42-0250 U-42-0500 U-42-1000 U-42-BLK-0250 U-42-BLK-0500 U-42-BLK-1000 U-42-BLU-0250 U-42-BLU-0500 U-42-BLU-1000 U-42-GRA-0250 U-42-GRN-0250 U-42-ORG-0250 U-42-ORG-1000 U-42-RED-0250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesSpool/Box250 1.28 1.25 1.21 1.29 1.25 1.21 1.29 1.25 1.21 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.21 1.29 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.081 0.018 0.018 U Series Polyurethane Tubing is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 50 4660 Price List Parflex Products U Series Polyurethane Tubing (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price U-42-RED-1000 U-42-TBLU-0250 U-42-TBLU-0500 U-42-TBLU-1000 U-42-TGRN-0250 U-42-TRED-0250 U-42-TYEL-0250 U-42-YEL-0250 U-42-YEL-1000 U-42.5-1000 Yes Spool/Box1000 0.018 YesSpool/Box250 0.018 YesSpool/Box500 0.018 Yes Spool/Box1000 0.018 YesSpool/Box250 0.018 YesSpool/Box250 0.018 YesSpool/Box250 0.018 YesSpool/Box250 0.018 Yes Spool/Box1000 0.018 Yes Spool/Box1000 1.21 1.29 1.25 1.21 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.21 1.37 U-64-0100 U-64-0250 U-64-0500 U-64-BLK-0100 U-64-BLK-0250 U-64-BLK-0500 U-64-BLU-0100 U-64-BLU-0250 U-64-BLU-0500 U-64-GRN-0100 U-64-GRN-0500 U-64-RED-0100 U-64-RED-0500 U-64-TBLU-0100 U-64-TBLU-0500 U-64-TRED-0100 U-64-YEL-0100 U-64-YEL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 2.36 2.18 2.02 2.36 2.18 2.03 2.36 2.18 2.03 2.36 2.03 2.36 2.03 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.03 U-85-0100 U-85-0250 U-85-BLK-0250 U-85-BLU-0250 U-85-GRA-0250 U-85-GRN-0250 U-85-ORG-0250 U-85-RED-0100 U-85-RED-0250 U-85-YEL-0250 YesSpool/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.005 4.53 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 3.84 4.12 4.12 U-86-0100 U-86-0250 U-86-BLK-0100 U-86-BLK-0250 U-86-BLU-0250 U-86-GRA-0250 U-86-GRN-0250 U-86-ORG-0250 U-86-RED-0250 U-86-TBLU-0250 U-86-YEL-0250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 3.54 3.28 3.54 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 3.28 U-96-0100 U-96-BLK-0100 YesSpool/Box100 0.068 YesSpool/Box100 0.068 4.90 4.90 U-128-0100 U-128-BLK-0100 YesSpool/Box100 0.125 10.28 YesSpool/Box100 0.125 10.28 51 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products U Series Metric Polyurethane Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price UM4X2.5-0100 UM4X2.5-0500 UM4X2.5-BLK-0100 UM4X2.5-BLK-0500 UM4X2.5-BLU-0100 UM4X2.5-BLU-0500 UM4X2.5-GRN-0500 UM4X2.5-ORG-0500 UM4X2.5-RED-0500 UM4X2.5-TBLU-0500 UM4X2.5-YEL-0100 UM4X2.5-YEL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.89 0.77 0.89 0.77 0.89 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.82 0.77 UM6X4-0100 UM6X4-0500 UM6X4-BLK-0100 UM6X4-BLK-0500 UM6X4-BLU-0100 UM6X4-BLU-0500 UM6X4-GRA-0500 UM6X4-GRN-0500 UM6X4-ORG-0500 UM6X4-RED-0500 UM6X4-TBLU-0500 UM6X4-TRED-0500 UM6X4-YEL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 1.27 1.10 1.27 1.10 1.27 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 UM8X5-0100 UM8X5-0250 UM8X5-0500 UM8X5-BLK-0100 UM8X5-BLK-0500 UM8X5-BLU-0100 UM8X5-BLU-0500 UM8X5-GRN-0500 UM8X5-ORG-0500 UM8X5-RED-0500 UM8X5-TBLU-0500 UM8X5-TRED-0500 UM8X5-TYEL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023 2.20 2.08 2.03 2.20 2.03 2.20 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 UM10X6.5-0100 UM10X6.5-0250 UM10X6.5-BLK-0100 UM10X6.5-BLK-0250 UM10X6.5-BLU-0100 UM10X6.5-BLU-0250 UM10X6.5-GRN-0250 UM10X6.5-RED-0250 UM10X6.5-TBLU-0250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 2.96 2.63 2.96 2.63 2.96 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.63 UM12X8-0250 UM12X8-BLK-0250 UM12X8-BLU-0250 UM12X8-GRN-0250 UM12X8-ORG-0250 UM12X8-RED-0250 UM12X8-TRED-0250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 52 4660 Price List Parflex Products High Durometer Polyurethane Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price HU-2-0500 HU-2-BLK-0500 HU-2-BLU-0500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 0.46 0.49 0.49 HU-2.5-0100 HU-2.5-0500 HU-2.5-BLK-0100 HU-2.5-BLK-0500 HU-2.5-BLU-0100 HU-2.5-BLU-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 0.82 0.68 0.82 0.68 0.82 0.68 HU-4-0100 HU-4-0500 HU-4-BLK-0100 HU-4-BLK-0500 HU-4-BLU-0100 HU-4-BLU-0500 HU-4-DBL-0500 HU-4-RED-0500 HU-4-YEL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 1.44 1.39 1.39 1.31 1.39 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 HU-6-0100 HU-6-0500 HU-6-BLK-0100 HU-6-BLK-0500 HU-6-BLU-0100 HU-6-BLU-0500 HU-6-DBL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 2.70 2.51 2.70 2.51 2.70 2.51 2.51 HU-8-0100 HU-8-0250 HU-8-BLK-0100 HU-8-BLK-0250 HU-8-BLU-0100 HU-8-BLU-0250 HU-8-DBL-0250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 5.76 5.62 5.76 5.62 5.76 5.62 5.62 Microweld Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price HUFR-4-045-BK-0500 HUFR-4-045-BL-0500 HUFR-4-045-GN-0500 HUFR-4-045-WH-0500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 HUFR-6-062-BK-0500 HUFR-6-062-BL-0500 HUFR-6-062-GN-0500 HUFR-6-062-WH-0500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 3.64 3.62 3.64 3.64 HUFR-8-090-BK-0250 YesSpool/Box250 HUFR-8-090-BL-0250 YesSpool/Box250 HUFR-8-090-WH-0250 YesSpool/Box250 5.41 5.36 5.41 53 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products High Durometer Metric Polyurethane Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price HUM-4-0100 HUM-4-0500 HUM-4-BLK-0100 HUM-4-BLK-0500 HUM-4-BLU-0100 HUM-4-BLU-0500 HUM-4-GRN-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 0.82 0.68 0.82 0.68 0.82 0.68 0.58 HUM-6-0100 HUM-6-0500 HUM-6-BLK-0100 HUM-6-BLK-0500 HUM-6-BLU-0100 HUM-6-BLU-0500 HUM-6-GRN-0500 HUM-6-RED-0500 HUM-6-YEL-0500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 1.39 1.31 1.39 1.31 1.39 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 HUM-8-0100 HUM-8-0250 HUM-8-BLK-0100 HUM-8-BLK-0250 HUM-8-BLU-0100 HUM-8-BLU-0250 HUM-8-RED-0250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 2.64 2.51 2.64 2.51 2.64 2.51 2.51 HUM-10-0100 HUM-10-0250 HUM-10-BLK-0100 HUM-10-BLK-0250 HUM-10-BLU-0100 HUM-10-BLU-0250 HUM-10-RED-0250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 3.21 3.10 3.21 3.10 3.21 3.10 3.10 HUM-12-0100 HUM-12-0250 HUM-12-BLK-0100 HUM-12-BLK-0250 HUM-12-BLU-0100 HUM-12-BLU-0250 HUM-12-RED-0250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 4.82 4.73 4.82 4.73 4.82 4.73 4.73 No-Mar Urethane Fast-Stor Assemblies Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price AUFS-32-TBLU-010 AUFS-32-TBLU-025 Yes Yes AUFS-42-TBLU-010 AUFS-42-TBLU-025 Yes Box Yes Box 1 0.32979.78 1109.74 AUFS-64-TBLU-010 AUFS-64-TBLU-010-R AUFS-64-TBLU-015 AUFS-64-TBLU-015-R AUFS-64-TBLU-020 AUFS-64-TBLU-025 AUFS-64-TBLU-025-R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 0.55386.84 1 0.55386.84 1 0.719104.48 1 0.553104.48 1 0.878117.99 1 1.095130.20 1 0.553130.20 No-Mar Urethane Fast-Stor Assemblies are continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH Box Box Lead Time Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.158210.85 1 0.281227.00 54 4660 Price List Parflex Products No-Mar Urethane Fast-Stor Assemblies (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price AUFS-85-TBLU-010 AUFS-85-TBLU-015 AUFS-85-TBLU-020 AUFS-85-TBLU-025 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 0.900201.99 1.161217.89 1.466237.78 1.771246.60 AUFS-86-TBLU-010 AUFS-86-TBLU-020 Yes Yes Box Box 1 0.875181.08 1 1.358249.06 AUFS-96-TBLU-010 AUFS-96-TBLU-015 AUFS-96-TBLU-020 AUFS-96-TBLU-025 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 1.229179.38 1.559217.96 1.944240.34 2.274276.51 AUFS-128-TBLU-010 AUFS-128-TBLU-015 AUFS-128-TBLU-020 AUFS-128-TBLU-025 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 1.600287.54 2.220346.10 2.840404.66 3.530486.18 AHUFS-6-BLK-015 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.64 AHUFS-6-BLK-015-R 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.64 AHUFS-6-BLK-025 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-BLK-025-R 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-BLU-015 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.20 AHUFS-6-BLU-015-R 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.20 AHUFS-6-BLU-025 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-BLU-025-R 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-RED-015 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.20 AHUFS-6-RED-015-R1Box1 2.220 ** 92.20 AHUFS-6-RED-025 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-RED-025-R1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-YEL-015 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.20 AHUFS-6-YEL-015-R 1Box1 2.220 ** 92.20 AHUFS-6-YEL-025 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 AHUFS-6-YEL-025-R 1Box1 2.220 ** 126.16 No-Mar Urethane Bulk Fast-Stor Hose Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price UFS-32-TBLU-010 UFS-32-TBLU-025 Yes Box Yes Box 1 0.07060.70 1 0.20094.93 UFS-42-TBLU-010 Yes Box 1 0.21057.26 UFS-64-TBLU-010 UFS-64-TBLU-015 UFS-64-TBLU-020 UFS-64-TBLU-025 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 1 0.36068.59 1 0.52082.56 1 0.68096.65 1 0.880110.72 UFS-85-TBLU-010 UFS-85-TBLU-015 UFS-85-TBLU-020 UFS-85-TBLU-025 UFS-86-TBLU-010 UFS-86-TBLU-020 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 0.58080.80 1 0.85090.66 1 1.150124.47 1 1.450146.32 1 0.570120.35 1 1.050134.74 UFS-96-TBLU-015 UFS-96-TBLU-020 UFS-96-TBLU-025 Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box 1 1.070147.12 1 1.450182.00 1 1.780216.34 No-Mar Urethane Bulk Fast-Stor Hose is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 55 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products No-Mar Urethane Bulk Fast-Stor Hose (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order UUFS-128-TBLU-010 UFS-128-TBLU-015 UFS-128-TBLU-020 UFS-128-TBLU-025 Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 Lead Time List Price 1.360180.19 1.980228.37 2.600280.36 3.270352.81 Ultra-Lite Superbraid Polyurethane Air Coils Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price SB-4-B-025-ML4 SB-4-B-050-ML4 SB-4-B-100 SB-4-B-100-ML4 SB-4-Y-025-ML4 SB-4-Y-050-ML4 SB-4-Y-100-ML4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 **80.49 **133.84 **226.11 **240.83 **80.49 **133.84 **240.83 SB-6-Y-025-ML4 SB-6-Y-050-MC4 SB-6-Y-050-ML4 SB-6-Y-050-ML6 SB-6-Y-100 SB-6-Y-100-MC4 SB-6-Y-100-ML6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 **130.80 **211.55 **230.38 **230.38 **385.37 **398.15 **432.28 Ultra-Lite Superbraid Hose Fittings & Accessories Part Number U06244S U06244-HS U06264RU U06264SU U06266SU U06266-HSU Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Lead Time List Price 111.51 114.21 19.57 114.49 114.49 117.23 No-Mar Urethane Fast-Stor Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price MCB-3X2-2 MCB-4X2-2 MCB-4X2-4 MCB-6X4-4 MCB-6X4-6 MCB-8X5-6 MCB-8X6-4 MCB-8X6-6 MCB-9X6-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 0.040104.05 100.04068.19 100.06022.24 100.09022.80 100.12050.36 100.15099.99 10 0.120116.45 100.15095.01 10 0.250104.01 MLB-4X2-4 MLB-6X4-4 MLB-6X4-6 MLB-8X5-6 MLB-8X6-6 MLB-9X6-6 MLB-9X6-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 100.06058.71 100.08026.27 100.12065.46 100.15072.56 100.16038.32 100.21049.32 10 0.230204.80 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 56 4660 Price List Parflex Products Nylon Fast-Stor Coiled Assemblies Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price A0312-MC4-ML4 A0325-MC4-ML4 A0350-MC4-ML4 Yes Carton 1 0.34472.79 Yes Carton 1 0.540106.09 Yes Carton 1 0.830183.58 A0412-MC4-ML4 A0412-MC4-ML4-R A0425-MC4-ML4 A0425-MC4-ML4-R A0450-MC4-ML4 Yes Carton Yes Carton Yes Carton Yes Carton Yes Carton 1 0.51864.49 1 0.90064.49 1 0.83093.51 1 0.90093.51 1 1.410158.23 A0612-MC6-ML6 A0612-MC6-ML6-R A0625-MC6-ML6 A0650-MC6-ML6 Yes Carton Yes Carton Yes Carton Yes Carton 1 0.90099.15 1 0.90099.15 1 1.650150.49 1 2.870252.86 A0812-MC8-ML8 A0825-MC8-ML8 A0850-MC8-ML8 Yes Carton Yes Carton Yes Carton 1 1.600163.11 1 3.120249.47 1 4.150409.18 Fast-Stor Bulk Hose Part Number FS-03-100 FS-04-100 FS-06-100 FS-08-100 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Lead Time 1001.000 1001.875 1004.250 1007.375 List Price 1.91 2.20 3.69 5.61 Fast-Stor Fittings Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price BFC-04-4 BFL-04-4 Yes Box 100.058 6.29 Yes Box 200.02536.17 BMC-04-4 BMC-06-6 BMC-08-8 Yes Box 200.042 4.53 Yes Box 200.066 6.97 Yes Box 200.11612.36 BML-04-4 Yes Box 200.04416.10 FC-04-4 FC-06-6 Yes Box 100.11211.94 Yes Box 100.18022.56 FL-04-4 Yes Box 200.11640.44 MC-03-2 MC-03-4 MC-04-2 MC-04-4 MC-06-6 MC-08-6 MC-08-8 MC-12-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 200.06411.83 200.08214.75 200.08211.26 200.096 9.78 200.17618.85 200.23221.79 200.25428.55 100.52086.50 ME-03-4 ME-04-4 ME-06-6 ME-08-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 200.08811.77 200.11011.77 200.21216.91 200.31422.27 Fast-Stor Fittings are continued on the following page. 57 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Fast-Stor Fittings (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price ML-03-4 ML-04-4 ML-06-6 ML-08-8 Yes Yes Yes Yes 200.08826.01 200.10217.55 200.20223.52 200.27843.34 UC-04-4 UC-06-6 Yes Box 100.06214.40 Yes Box 100.15222.33 Fast-Stor Replacement Parts Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price FN-03 FN-04 FN-06 FN-08 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 200.006 4.46 10.009 4.45 10.021 6.60 1 0.02511.83 FR-03 FR-04 FR-06 FR-08 FR-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 500.000 1.52 1000.000 1.01 1000.001 1.44 1000.005 1.44 100.00710.18 SG-03 SG-04 SG-06 SG-08 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 200.029 200.034 200.050 200.100 1.02 1.00 2.25 2.84 TS-03 TS-04 TS-06 TS-08 Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 1000.001 1000.001 1000.002 1000.004 2.78 2.13 1.78 3.46 Parflex Tools & Accessories Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Box Box Box Box Box Box Lead Time List Price 55AG-3 55AG-4 55AG-5 55AG-8 55AG-12 55AG-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 55PG-4 55PG-6 55PG-7 55PG-12 Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box Yes Box 10.040 6.02 10.040 6.79 16.91 1 0.06010.29 55SG-3 55SG-4 55SG-5 55SG-6 55SG-8 55SG-12 55SG-16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 0.09592.17 1 0.10995.15 1 0.120113.38 1 0.130110.70 1 0.203137.59 1 0.14890.55 1 0.186105.46 Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 2.160262.89 1279.38 1 2.450299.03 1320.15 1 2.880163.07 1 3.290256.83 Parflex Tools & Accessories are continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 58 4660 Price List Parflex Products Parflex Tools & Accessories (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 55SSG-3 55SSG-4 55SSG-5 55SSG-6 55SSG-8 55SSG-12 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 10.084 9.88 10.099 8.63 1 0.11418.76 10.128 6.38 10.163 6.64 1 0.24059.48 58AG-12 58AG-16 Yes Yes Box Box 1281.20 1281.20 58SG-12 58SG-16 Yes Yes Box Box 1 0.164219.19 1 0.351305.55 58SSG-4 Yes Box 15.01 HBR-4 HBR-6 Yes Box 100.060 9.39 Yes Box 100.10010.39 HTC HTC-RB Yes Box 1 0.30036.48 Yes Box 10.300 7.28 PSG-12 PSG-16 PSG-20 PSG-25 PSG-32 PSG-40 PSG-50 PSG-63 PSG-75 PSG-90 PSG-110 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PTC PTC-001-RB Yes Box 10.027 7.13 Yes Box 10.002 5.46 VBL VBS Yes Box Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.034251.16 0.040280.25 0.060325.19 0.101416.40 0.151893.60 0.2351,509.61 0.2701,570.40 0.4022,207.57 0.6371,235.98 0.7711,838.76 1.0062,208.86 1 1.34019.74 1 0.59019.64 Crimp Tooling & Equipment Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 80C-M05 80C-M06 80C-M0850 80C-M1010 80C-M1170 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 1 1 1 1 1 5.780171.01 5.060171.01 5.540171.01 5.540171.01 5.540171.01 80C-P02H 80C-P03 80C-P04 80C-P04H 80C-P04J 80C-P05 80C-P05R 80C-P06 80C-P06H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 5.910171.01 1 5.890169.36 1 5.870169.36 1 5.790170.11 1 5.840171.01 1 5.770171.01 1171.01 1169.36 1 5.810171.01 Crimping Tooling & Equipment are continued on the following page. 59 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Crimp Tooling & Equipment (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 80C-P08 80C-P08H 80C-P08J 80C-P10 80C-P10H 80C-P12 80C-P12H 80C-P16 80C-P16H 80C-P16J 80C-P0505 80C-P0550 80C-P0705 80C-P0368 80C-P0570 80C-P0665 80C-P0945 80C-P1100 80C-P1130 80C-P1150 80C-P1245 80C-P1285 80C-P1395 80C-P1490 80C-P715H 80C-P735H 80C-P740H Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1 5.690169.36 1 5.710171.01 1 5.400171.01 1171.01 1 5.620171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.470171.01 1 5.450171.01 1 4.980171.01 1 5.150171.01 1171.01 1171.01 1171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1 5.540171.01 1171.01 1171.01 1171.01 80C-R0530 80C-R0595 80C-R0650 80C-R0790 80C-R0805 80C-R1075 80C-R1340 80C-R1410 80C-544F 83C-P1258H 83C-P1258K 83C-P1658H 80C-T03 80C-T04J 80C-T04N 80C-T05 80C-T05N 80C-T06J 80C-T06N 80C-T08J 80C-T08N 80C-T10J 80C-T10N 80C-T12J 80C-T12N 80C-T16H 80C-T16HJ 80C-T16N 80C-T20 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 1167.66 1167.66 1167.66 1167.66 1167.66 1167.66 1167.66 1167.66 1169.00 1197.32 1198.28 1 4.700211.13 1200.79 1200.79 1200.79 1200.79 1200.79 1268.48 1200.79 1301.17 1200.79 1301.17 1200.79 1301.17 1200.79 1200.79 1301.16 1200.79 1200.79 Crimping Tooling & Equipment are continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 60 4660 Price List Parflex Products Crimp Tooling & Equipment (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 015301 015306 015307 015308 015736 025411 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box Box 1554.51 136.51 138.23 156.61 171.52 1561.00 80C-061-PFD 80C-181-PFD 80C-101-PFD 80C-R01-PFD Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box 1 330.0004,215.81 1 330.0004,075.19 1 370.0004,839.61 1 3.60070.31 82C-061-PFD 82C-0HP-PFD Yes Yes Box Box 1 63.0001,493.31 1 18.000286.91 83C-081-PFD Yes Box 111,832.39 85C-061-PFD 85C-KKB-PFD 85C-R01-PFD Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box 13,078.65 15,826.18 1123.63 94C-001-PFD 94C-001-PFD-WS 94C-002-PFD 94C-002-PFD-WS 94C-MKS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Box Box Box Box Box 11,781.30 12,030.58 12,120.58 12,216.67 1177.76 SQ-101-12P SQ-101-12S6/S9 SQ-101-16P SQ-101-16S6 SQ-101-16S9 SQ-101-SW TH9-1-56 1Box1 1Box1 1Box1 1Box1 1Box1 1Box1 Yes Box ** 136.59 ** 256.28 ** 154.54 ** 316.18 ** 256.28 ** 470.24 1290.60 Coiled Air Lines Part Number 731512-BLU 731512-RED 731513-BLU 731513-RED 731514 731516 731516-BP-25 731516H 731522 731527 731611-BLU 731611-RED 751641 771164 811537 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price Box 1 1.93099.46 Box 1 1.93099.46 Box 1 2.580131.22 Box 1 2.580131.22 Box 1 0.37014.70 Box 1 3.870180.88 Box 25203.57 Box 1255.95 Box 1 5.160231.53 Box 1 0.93037.82 Box 1 1.870109.72 Box 1 1.870109.72 Box 1 3.250166.91 Box 1 0.50064.71 Box 1 0.27035.81 **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 61 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Nylon SAE J844 Air Brake Tubing Part Number 1120-2.5-BLK-100 1120-2.5-BLK-250 1120-2A-BLK-100 1120-2A-BLK-1000 1120-2A-BLU-100 1120-2A-BLU-1000 1120-2A-GRN-100 1120-2A-GRN-1000 1120-2A-RED-100 1120-2A-YEL-100 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time YesCoil/Bag/Box100 0.006 YesSpool/Box250 0.006 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 Yes Spool/Box1000 5000Coil/Bag/Box 100 5000Spool/Box1000 5000Coil/Bag/Box 100 5000Spool/Box1000 5000Coil/Bag/Box 100 5000Coil/Bag/Box 100 0.003 0.003 0.003 ** 0.003 ** 0.003 ** 0.003 ** 0.003 ** 0.003 ** List Price 1.75 1.55 1.10 0.69 1.11 0.69 1.11 0.69 1.10 1.10 1120-3A-BLK 1120-3A-BLK-100 Yes Spool/Box1000 0.008 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 0.008 1.22 1.89 1120-4A-BLK-100 1120-4A-BLK-1000 1120-4A-BLK-250 1120-4A-BLU-1000 1120-4A-BLU-250 1120-4A-BRN-1000 1120-4A-GRN-1000 1120-4A-GRN-250 1120-4A-ORG-1000 1120-4A-ORG-250 1120-4A-PUR-1000 1120-4A-RED-1000 1120-4A-RED-250 1120-4A-SIL-1000 1120-4A-SIL-250 1120-4A-YEL-1000 1120-4A-YEL-250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 0.027 0.012 0.027 0.012 0.012 0.027 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 1.41 1.32 1.36 1.36 1.63 1.38 1.36 2.04 1.38 2.04 1.38 1.36 1.63 1.38 2.04 1.38 2.04 PFT-5A-BLK-500 YesSpool/Box500 0.027 2.02 1120-6B-BLK-100 1120-6B-BLK-1000 1120-6B-BLK-250 1120-6B-BLK-500 1120-6B-BLU-250 1120-6B-BLU-500 1120-6B-BRN-500 1120-6B-GRN-250 1120-6B-GRN-500 1120-6B-ORG-250 1120-6B-ORG-500 1120-6B-RED-250 1120-6B-RED-500 1120-6B-SIL-250 1120-6B-SIL-500 1120-6B-YEL-250 1120-6B-YEL-500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 Yes Spool/Box1000 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box250 YesSpool/Box500 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 0.027 2.60 2.40 2.55 2.48 2.57 2.48 2.64 2.57 2.48 3.29 2.64 2.57 2.48 3.29 2.64 3.29 2.64 1120-8B-BLK-100 1120-8B-BLK-500 1120-8B-BLU-100 1120-8B-BLU-500 1120-8B-BRN-500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesSpool/Box500 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 3.63 3.26 3.67 3.28 4.60 Nylon SAE J844 Air Brake Tubing is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 62 4660 Price List Parflex Products Nylon SAE J844 Air Brake Tubing (Continued) Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price 1120-8B-GRN-100 1120-8B-GRN-500 1120-8B-ORG-100 1120-8B-ORG-500 1120-8B-RED-100 1120-8B-RED-500 1120-8B-SIL-100 1120-8B-SIL-500 1120-8B-YEL-100 1120-8B-YEL-500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 5000Coil/Bag/Box 100 5000Spool/Box 500 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box500 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 ** 0.039 ** 0.039 0.039 3.67 3.28 4.60 3.71 3.67 3.28 4.60 3.71 4.60 3.71 1120-10B-BLK-100 1120-10B-BLK-250 1120-10B-BLU-250 1120-10B-GRN-100 1120-10B-GRN-250 1120-10B-RED-100 1120-10B-RED-250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 6.15 5.81 5.87 6.18 5.84 6.18 5.84 1120-12B-BLK-100 1120-12B-BLK-250 1120-12B-GRN-100 1120-12B-GRN-250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 YesCoil/Bag/Box100 YesSpool/Box250 0.086 0.086 0.086 0.086 8.32 7.90 8.36 7.94 Nylon – High Temperature Diesel Fuel Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order HTFL-6B-BRN-500 HTFL-8B-BRN-500 HTFL-10B-BRN-250 Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time List Price YesSpool/Box500 0.028 4.42 YesSpool/Box500 0.039 5.58 YesSpool/Box250 0.071 10.09 Nylon – Diesel Fuel Tubing Part Number Stock (Yes) or Min. Order PFT-6B-BLU-500-FL PFT-10B-BLU-250-FL Package Type Std. Pack Qty. Weight Lead Time YesSpool/Box500 0.027 YesSpool/Box250 0.070 List Price 2.82 9.52 Series 105 – HP PFA Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 105-0125031-NT-25 105-0125031-NT-50 105-0125031-NT-100 105-0125031-NT-1000 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 2.71 2.71 2.71 2.71 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.860 105-0188031-NT-25 105-0188031-NT-50 105-0188031-NT-100 105-0188031-NT-1000 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 1.440 1.440 1.440 1.440 105-0250031-NT-25 105-0250031-NT-50 105-0250031-NT-100 105-0250031-NT-1000 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Series 105 – HP PFA Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing is continued on the following page. **Non-stocked Item. Pricing based on Min. Order Qty. Contact Division for leadtime and pricing on deviations from Min. Order Qty. 63 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 105 – HP PFA Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing (Continued) Part Number Description Inch 105-0375031-NT-25 105-0375031-NT-50 105-0375031-NT-100 105-0375031-NT-1000 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 8.70 8.70 8.70 8.70 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 Series 105 – HP PFA Heavy Wall Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 105-0250047-NT-25 105-0250047-NT-50 105-0250047-NT-100 105-0250047-NT-500 105-0250047-NT-1000 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 2 2 2 2 2 YES YES YES YES YES 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 2.780 2.780 2.780 2.780 2.780 105-0250062-NT-25 105-0250062-NT-50 105-0250062-NT-100 105-0250062-NT-1000 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 9.61 9.61 9.61 9.61 3.420 3.420 3.420 3.420 105-0375062-NT-25 105-0375062-NT-50 105-0375062-NT-100 105-0375062-NT-500 105-0375062-NT-1000 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 2 YES YES YES YES YES 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 14.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 5.710 5.710 5.710 5.710 5.710 105-0500062-NT-25 105-0500062-NT-50 105-0500062-NT-100 105-0500062-NT-500 105-0500062-NT-1000 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 2 YES YES YES YES YES 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 19.34 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 105-0750062-NT-25 105-0750062-NT-50 105-0750062-NT-100 105-0750062-NT-500 105-0750062-NT-1000 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 2 YES YES YES YES YES 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 29.22 29.22 29.22 29.22 29.22 12.560 12.560 12.560 12.560 12.560 105-1000062-NT-25 105-1000062-NT-50 105-1000062-NT-100 105-1000062-NT-1000 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 42.23 42.23 42.23 42.23 17.120 17.120 17.120 17.120 Nom. Wall (mm) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Series 205 – Metric HP PFA Tubing Part Number Description mm Nom. OD (mm) Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 205-0600100-NT-25 205-0600100-NT-50 205-0600100-NT-100 205-0600100-NT-1000 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 205-0800100-NT-25 205-0800100-NT-100 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8 8 1 1 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 7.47 7.47 4.060 4.060 205-1000100-NT-50 205-1000100-NT-100 10mm x 8mm 10 10mm x 8mm 10 1 1 4 4 500 500 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 9.41 9.41 4.970 4.970 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 64 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 104 – PFA Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 104-0125031-NT-25 104-0125031-NT-50 104-0125031-NT-100 104-0125031-NT-1000 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.860 104-0156031-NT-25 104-0156031-NT-50 104-0156031-NT-100 104-0156031-NT-1000 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.59 3.59 3.59 3.59 1.160 1.160 1.160 1.160 104-0188031-NT-25 104-0188031-NT-50 104-0188031-NT-100 104-0188031-NT-1000 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.86 1.440 1.440 1.440 1.440 104-0250031-NT-25 104-0250031-NT-50 104-0250031-NT-100 104-0250031-NT-1000 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 104-0312031-NT-25 104-0312031-NT-50 104-0312031-NT-100 104-0312031-NT-1000 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.93 5.93 5.93 5.93 2.570 2.570 2.570 2.570 104-0375031-NT-25 104-0375031-NT-50 104-0375031-NT-100 104-0375031-NT-1000 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 7.06 7.06 7.06 7.06 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 104-0438031-NT-25 104-0438031-NT-50 104-0438031-NT-100 104-0438031-NT-1000 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 8.56 8.56 8.56 8.56 3.760 3.760 3.760 3.760 104-0500031-NT-25 104-0500031-NT-50 104-0500031-NT-100 104-0500031-NT-1000 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 10.02 10.02 10.02 10.02 4.280 4.280 4.280 4.280 Series 104 – PFA Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 104-0188062-NT-25 104-0188062-NT-50 104-0188062-NT-100 104-0188062-NT-1000 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 2.290 2.290 2.290 2.290 104-0250040-NT-25 104-0250040-NT-50 104-0250040-NT-100 104-0250040-NT-500 104-0250040-NT-1000 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 2 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 2.450 2.450 2.450 2.450 2.450 104-0250047-NT-25 104-0250047-NT-50 104-0250047-NT-100 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.047 0.047 0.047 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 7.11 7.11 7.11 2.780 2.780 2.780 Series 104 – PFA Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing is continued on the following page. 65 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 104 – PFA Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing (Continued) Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 104-0250047-NT-500 104-0250047-NT-1000 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 0.250 0.250 0.047 0.047 2 2 Yes Yes 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 7.11 7.11 2.780 2.780 104-0250062-NT-25 104-0250062-NT-50 104-0250062-NT-100 104-0250062-NT-1000 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 3.420 3.420 3.420 3.420 104-0312062-NT-25 104-0312062-NT-50 104-0312062-NT-100 104-0312062-NT-1000 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 9.41 9.41 9.41 9.41 4.590 4.590 4.590 4.590 104-0375062-NT-25 104-0375062-NT-50 104-0375062-NT-100 104-0375062-NT-1000 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 12.84 12.84 12.84 12.84 5.710 5.710 5.710 5.710 104-0438062-NT-25 104-0438062-NT-50 104-0438062-NT-100 104-0438062-NT-1000 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 13.33 13.33 13.33 13.33 6.850 6.850 6.850 6.850 104-0500062-NT-25 104-0500062-NT-50 104-0500062-NT-100 104-0500062-NT-1000 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 17.84 17.84 17.84 17.84 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 104-0750062-NT-25 104-0750062-NT-50 104-0750062-NT-100 104-0750062-NT-1000 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 27.70 27.70 27.70 27.70 12.560 12.560 12.560 12.560 104-1000062-NT-25 104-1000062-NT-50 104-1000062-NT-100 104-1000062-NT-1000 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 38.17 38.17 38.17 38.17 17.120 17.120 17.120 17.120 Series 204 – Metric PFA Tubing Part Number Description mm Nom. OD (mm) Nom. Wall (mm) Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 204-0400100-NT-25 204-0400100-NT-50 204-0400100-NT-100 204-0400100-NT-1000 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 500 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Coil 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 204-0600100-NT-25 204-0600100-NT-50 204-0600100-NT-100 204-0600100-NT-1000 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 204-0800100-NT-25 204-0800100-NT-50 204-0800100-NT-100 204-0800100-NT-1000 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 4.060 4.060 4.060 4.060 204-1000100-NT-25 10mm x 8mm 10 1 4 500 25 ft. Coil 9.06 4.970 Series 204 – Metric PFA Tubing is continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 66 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 204 – Metric PFA Tubing (Continued) Part Number 204-1000100-NT-50 204-1000100-NT-100 204-1000100-NT-1000 Description mm Nom. OD (mm) 10mm x 8mm 10 10mm x 8mm 10 10mm x 8mm 10 Nom. Wall (mm) 1 1 1 Stock (Yes) or Min. Order 4 4 4 500 500 500 Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Coil 9.06 9.06 9.06 4.970 4.970 4.97 Series 103 – FEP Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 103-0125031-NT-25 103-0125031-NT-50 103-0125031-NT-100 103-0125031-NT-1000 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.860 103-0156031-NT-25 103-0156031-NT-50 103-0156031-NT-100 103-0156031-NT-1000 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.32 3.32 3.32 3.32 1.160 1.160 1.160 1.160 103-0188031-NT-25 103-0188031-NT-50 103-0188031-NT-100 103-0188031-NT-1000 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.36 1.440 1.440 1.440 1.440 103-0250031-NT-25 103-0250031-NT-50 103-0250031-NT-100 103-0250031-NT-500 103-0250031-NT-1000 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 103-0312031-NT-25 103-0312031-NT-50 103-0312031-NT-100 103-0312031-NT-1000 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 2.570 2.570 2.570 2.570 103-0375031-NT-25 103-0375031-NT-50 103-0375031-NT-100 103-0375031-NT-1000 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 103-0438031-NT-25 103-0438031-NT-50 103-0438031-NT-100 103-0438031-NT-1000 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 3.760 3.760 3.760 3.760 Series 103 – FEP Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 103-0500031-NT-25 103-0500031-NT-50 103-0500031-NT-100 103-0500031-NT-1000 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 8.59 8.59 8.59 8.59 4.280 4.280 4.280 4.280 103-0563031-NT-25 103-0563031-NT-50 103-0563031-NT-100 103-0563031-NT-1000 9/16 x 1/2 9/16 x 1/2 9/16 x 1/2 9/16 x 1/2 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 9.57 9.57 9.57 9.57 4.870 4.870 4.870 4.870 Series 103 – FEP Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing is continued on the following page. 67 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 103 – FEP Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing (Continued) Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 103-0188062-NT-25 103-0188062-NT-50 103-0188062-NT-100 103-0188062-NT-1000 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 4.71 4.71 4.71 4.71 2.290 2.290 2.290 2.290 103-0250040-NT-25 103-0250040-NT-50 103-0250040-NT-100 103-0250040-NT-500 103-0250040-NT-1000 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 1/4 x .170 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 2 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.59 2.450 2.450 2.450 2.450 2.450 103-0250047-NT-25 103-0250047-NT-50 103-0250047-NT-100 103-0250047-NT-500 103-0250047-NT-1000 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 2 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 2.780 2.780 2.780 2.780 2.780 103-0250062-NT-25 103-0250062-NT-50 103-0250062-NT-100 103-0250062-NT-1000 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 6.78 6.78 6.78 6.78 3.420 3.420 3.420 3.420 103-0312062-NT-25 103-0312062-NT-50 103-0312062-NT-100 103-0312062-NT-1000 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 4.590 4.590 4.590 4.590 103-0375062-NT-25 103-0375062-NT-50 103-0375062-NT-100 103-0375062-NT-1000 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 11.49 11.49 11.49 11.49 5.710 5.710 5.710 5.710 103-0438062-NT-25 103-0438062-NT-50 103-0438062-NT-100 103-0438062-NT-1000 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 6.850 6.850 6.850 6.850 103-0500062-NT-25 103-0500062-NT-50 103-0500062-NT-100 103-0500062-NT-500 103-0500062-NT-1000 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 500 ft. Spool 1000 ft. Spool 15.58 15.58 15.58 15.58 15.58 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 103-0625062-NT-25 103-0625062-NT-50 103-0625062-NT-100 103-0625062-NT-1000 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 19.98 19.98 19.98 19.98 10.240 10.240 10.240 10.240 103-0750062-NT-25 103-0750062-NT-50 103-0750062-NT-100 103-0750062-NT-1000 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 24.79 24.79 24.79 24.79 12.560 12.560 12.560 12.560 103-1000062-NT-25 103-1000062-NT-50 103-1000062-NT-100 103-1000062-NT-1000 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 x 7/8 1 1 1 1 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 33.74 33.74 33.74 33.74 17.120 17.120 17.120 17.120 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 68 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 203 – Metric FEP Tubing Part Number Description mm Nom. OD (mm) Nom. Wall (mm) Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 203-0300100-NT-50 3mm x 1mm 3 1 4 500 50 ft. Coil 2.77 1.830 203-0400100-NT-25 203-0400100-NT-50 203-0400100-NT-100 203-0400100-NT-1000 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 203-0500100-NT-50 203-0500100-NT-1000 5mm x 3mm 5mm x 3mm 5 5 1 1 4 4 500 1000 50 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.88 3.88 2.710 2.710 203-0600100-NT-25 203-0600100-NT-50 203-0600100-NT-100 203-0600100-NT-1000 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 5.12 5.12 5.12 5.12 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 203-0700100-NT-25 203-0700100-NT-100 7mm x 5mm 7mm x 5mm 7 7 1 1 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 5.59 5.59 3.610 3.610 203-0800100-NT-25 203-0800100-NT-50 203-0800100-NT-100 203-0800100-NT-1000 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 6.68 6.68 6.68 6.68 4.060 4.060 4.060 4.060 203-0900100-NT-50 9mm x 7mm 9 1 4 500 50 ft. Coil 7.19 4.510 203-1000100-NT-25 203-1000100-NT-50 203-1000100-NT-100 203-1000100-NT-1000 10mm x 8mm 10mm x 8mm 10mm x 8mm 10mm x 8mm 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 500 500 500 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 7.81 7.81 7.81 7.81 4.970 4.970 4.970 4.970 203-1200100-NT-25 203-1200100-NT-50 203-1200100-NT-100 12mm x 1mm 12 12mm x 1mm 12 12mm x 1mm 12 1 1 1 4 4 4 500 500 500 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 9.83 9.83 9.83 5.860 5.860 5.860 Series 101 – PTFE Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 101-0125031-NT-25 101-0125031-NT-50 101-0125031-NT-100 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1.98 1.98 1.98 0.860 0.860 0.860 101-0156031-NT-25 101-0156031-NT-100 5/32 x 3/32 5/32 x 3/32 0.156 0.156 0.031 0.031 4 4 Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 2.75 2.75 1.160 1.160 101-0188031-NT-25 101-0188031-NT-50 101-0188031-NT-100 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 3.20 3.20 3.20 1.440 1.440 1.440 101-0250031-NT-25 101-0250031-NT-50 101-0250031-NT-100 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 4.22 4.22 4.22 2.000 2.000 2.000 101-0312031-NT-25 101-0312031-NT-50 101-0312031-NT-100 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 5/16 x 1/4 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 5.92 5.92 5.92 2.570 2.570 2.570 101-0375031-NT-25 101-0375031-NT-50 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 0.375 0.375 0.031 0.031 2 2 Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 7.40 7.40 3.150 3.150 Series 101 – PTFE Industrial Wall Fractional Tubing is continued on the following page. 69 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 101 – PTFE Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing (Continued) Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 101-0375031-NT-100 3/8 x 5/16 0.375 0.031 2 Yes 100 ft. Coil 7.40 3.150 101-0438031-NT-25 101-0438031-NT-50 101-0438031-NT-100 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 7/16 x 3/8 0.438 0.438 0.438 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 7.76 7.76 7.76 3.760 3.760 3.760 101-0500031-NT-25 101-0500031-NT-50 101-0500031-NT-100 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 9.11 9.11 9.11 4.280 4.280 4.280 101-0563031-NT-25 101-0563031-NT-50 101-0563031-NT-100 9/16 x 1/2 9/16 x 1/2 9/16 x 1/2 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.031 0.031 0.031 2 2 2 1000 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 10.51 10.51 10.51 4.870 4.870 4.870 101-0625031-NT-25 101-0625031-NT-100 5/8 x 9/16 5/8 x 9/16 0.625 0.625 0.031 0.031 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 12.16 12.16 5.450 5.450 101-0688031-NT-25 101-0688031-NT-100 11/16 x 5/8 11/16 x 5/8 0.688 0.688 0.031 0.031 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 12.78 12.78 6.020 6.020 101-0750032-NT-25 101-0750032-NT-100 3/4 x 11/16 3/4 x 11/16 0.75 0.75 0.032 0.032 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 14.02 14.02 6.590 6.590 101-0830040-NT-25 101-0830040-NT-100 .830 x .740 .830 x .740 0.83 0.83 0.04 0.04 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 15.42 15.42 9.280 9.280 101-0965045-NT-25 101-0965045-NT-100 .965 x .875 .965 x .875 0.965 0.965 0.045 0.045 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 23.03 23.03 12.150 12.150 101-1100050-NT-25 101-1100050-NT-100 1 .1 x 1 1 .1 x 1 1.1 1.1 0.05 0.05 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 35.19 35.19 15.410 15.410 Series 101 – PTFE Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 101-0188062-NT-25 101-0188062-NT-100 3/16 x 1/16 3/16 x 1/16 0.188 0.188 0.062 0.062 4 4 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 5.52 5.52 2.290 2.290 101-0250047-NT-25 101-0250047-NT-50 101-0250047-NT-100 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.047 0.047 0.047 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 5.54 5.54 5.54 2.780 2.780 2.780 101-0250062-NT-25 101-0250062-NT-50 101-0250062-NT-100 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 7.55 7.55 7.55 3.420 3.420 3.420 101-0312062-NT-25 101-0312062-NT-50 101-0312062-NT-100 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 10.14 10.14 10.14 4.590 4.590 4.590 101-0375062-NT-25 101-0375062-NT-50 101-0375062-NT-100 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.062 0.062 0.062 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 12.77 12.77 12.77 5.710 5.710 5.710 101-0438062-NT-25 101-0438062-NT-100 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 5/16 0.438 0.438 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 15.63 15.63 6.850 6.850 101-0500062-NT-25 1/2 x 3/8 0.500 0.062 2 Yes 25 ft. Coil 18.21 7.990 Series 101 – PTFE Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing is continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 70 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 101 – PTFE Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing (Continued) Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 101-0500062-NT-50 101-0500062-NT-100 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 0.500 0.500 0.062 0.062 2 2 Yes Yes 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 18.21 18.21 7.990 7.990 101-0563062-NT-25 101-0563062-NT-100 9/16 X 7/16 9/16 X 7/16 0.563 0.563 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 27.45 27.45 9.030 9.030 101-0625062-NT-25 101-0625062-NT-100 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 0.625 0.625 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 25.02 25.02 10.240 10.240 101-0688062-NT-25 101-0688062-NT-100 11/16 X 9/16 11/16 X 9/16 0.688 0.688 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 27.35 27.35 11.470 11.470 101-0750062-NT-25 101-0750062-NT-100 3/4 X 5/8 3/4 X 5/8 0.750 0.750 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 31.14 31.14 12.560 12.560 101-0875062-NT-25 101-0875062-NT-100 7/8 X 3/4 7/8 X 3/4 0.875 0.875 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 36.69 36.69 14.800 14.800 101-1000062-NT-25 101-1000062-NT-100 1 X 7/8 1 X 7/8 1.000 1.000 0.062 0.062 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 43.29 43.29 17.120 17.120 Nom. Wall (mm) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Series 201 – Metric PTFE Tubing Part Number Description mm Nom. OD (mm) 201-0400100-NT-25 201-0400100-NT-50 201-0400100-NT-100 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4mm x 2mm 4.000 4.000 4.000 1 1 1 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 3.75 3.75 3.75 2.250 2.250 2.250 201-0500100-NT-100 5mm x 3mm 5.000 1 4 500 100 ft. Coil 7.21 2.710 201-0600100-NT-25 201-0600100-NT-50 201-0600100-NT-100 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6mm x 4mm 6.000 6.000 6.000 1 1 1 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 6.57 6.57 6.57 3.150 3.150 3.150 201-0700100-NT-100 7mm x 5mm 7.000 1 4 1000 100 ft. Coil 8.75 3.610 201-0800100-NT-25 201-0800100-NT-50 201-0800100-NT-100 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8mm x 6mm 8.000 8.000 8.000 1 1 1 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 8.85 8.85 8.85 4.060 4.060 4.060 201-0900100-NT-25 201-0900100-NT-100 9mm x 7mm 9mm x 7mm 9.000 9.000 1 1 4 4 500 500 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 13.04 13.04 4.510 4.510 201-1000100-NT-25 201-1000100-NT-50 201-1000100-NT-100 10mm x 8mm 10.000 10mm x 8mm 10.000 10mm x 8mm 10.000 1 1 1 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 13.51 13.51 13.51 4.970 4.970 4.970 201-1200100-NT-25 201-1200100-NT-50 201-1200100-NT-100 12mm x 10mm 12.000 12mm x 10mm 12.000 12mm x 10mm 12.000 1 1 1 2 2 2 Yes Yes Yes 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 15.95 15.95 15.95 5.860 5.860 5.860 201-1400100-NT-25 201-1400100-NT-100 14mm x 12mm 14.000 14mm x 12mm 14.000 1 1 4 4 300 300 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 20.18 20.18 6.770 6.770 201-1600100-NT-25 201-1600100-NT-100 16mm x 14mm 16.000 16mm x 14mm 16.000 1 1 4 4 300 300 25 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 27.07 27.07 7.670 7.670 71 Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 110 – PVDF Flex® Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 110-0125031-NT-25 110-0125031-NT-50 110-0125031-NT-100 110-0125031-NT-1000 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 1/8 x 1/16 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 0.860 0.860 0.860 0.860 110-0188031-NT-25 110-0188031-NT-50 110-0188031-NT-100 110-0188031-NT-1000 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 3/16 x 1/8 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.440 1.440 1.440 1.440 110-0250031-NT-25 110-0250031-NT-50 110-0250031-NT-100 110-0250031-NT-1000 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 110-0375031-NT-25 110-0375031-NT-50 110-0375031-NT-100 110-0375031-NT-1000 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 3/8 x 5/16 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.150 3.150 3.150 3.150 110-0500031-NT-25 110-0500031-NT-50 110-0500031-NT-100 110-0500031-NT-1000 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 1/2 x 7/16 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.280 4.280 4.280 4.280 Series 110 – PVDF Flex® Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 110-0250047-NT-25 110-0250047-NT-50 110-0250047-NT-100 110-0250047-NT-1000 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 1/4 x 5/32 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.02 3.02 3.02 3.02 2.780 2.780 2.780 2.780 110-0250062-NT-25 110-0250062-NT-50 110-0250062-NT-100 110-0250062-NT-1000 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.420 3.420 3.420 3.420 110-0312062-NT-25 110-0312062-NT-50 110-0312062-NT-100 110-0312062-NT-1000 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 5/16 x 3/16 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 4.590 4.590 4.590 4.590 110-0375062-NT-25 110-0375062-NT-50 110-0375062-NT-100 110-0375062-NT-1000 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 5.710 5.710 5.710 5.710 110-0500062-NT-25 110-0500062-NT-50 110-0500062-NT-100 110-0500062-NT-1000 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 8.99 8.99 8.99 8.99 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 110-0625062-NT-25 110-0625062-NT-50 110-0625062-NT-100 110-0625062-NT-1000 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 5/8 x 1/2 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1000 1000 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 13.16 13.16 13.16 13.16 10.240 10.240 10.240 10.240 Series 110 – PVDF Flex® Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubingis continued on the following page. Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 72 4660 Price List Parflex Products Series 110 – PVDF Flex® Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing (Continued) Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 110-0750062-NT-25 110-0750062-NT-50 110-0750062-NT-100 110-0750062-NT-1000 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 3/4 x 5/8 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1000 1000 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 15.29 15.29 15.29 15.29 12.560 12.560 12.560 12.560 110-1000062-NT-25 110-1000062-NT-50 110-1000062-NT-100 110-1000062-NT-1000 1 x 3/4 1 x 3/4 1 x 3/4 1 x 3/4 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1000 1000 1000 1000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 20.90 20.90 20.90 20.90 17.120 17.120 17.120 17.120 Series 111 – PVDF SuperFlex® Industrial Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number 111-0250031-NT-25 111-0250031-NT-50 111-0250031-NT-100 111-0250031-NT-1000 Description Inch 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 1/4 x 3/16 Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 Std. Pack Qty. Weight List Price Appx. Weight Per Foot Per Foot lb./100 Ft. 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Spool 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 List Price Appx. Weight lb./100 Ft. Series 111 – PVDF SuperFlex® Heavy Wall Fractional Size Tubing Part Number Description Inch Nom. Nom. OD (Inch) Wall (Inch) Stock Policy Stock (Yes) or Min. Order Std. Pack Qty. Weight 111-0250062-NT-25 111-0250062-NT-50 111-0250062-NT-100 111-0250062-NT-1000 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 1/4 x 1/8 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 2000 2000 2000 2000 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Coil 7.61 7.61 7.61 7.61 3.420 3.420 3.420 3.420 111-0375062-NT-25 111-0375062-NT-50 111-0375062-NT-100 111-0375062-NT-1000 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 3/8 x 1/4 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.312 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 1500 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 100 ft. Coil 1000 ft. Coil 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 5.710 5.710 5.710 5.710 111-0500062-NT-25 111-0500062-NT-50 111-0500062-NT-100 111-0500062-NT-1000 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 1/2 x 3/8 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 4 4 4 4 1500 1500 1500 1500 25 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 50 ft. Coil 16.92 16.92 16.92 16.92 7.990 7.990 7.990 7.990 73 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Notes Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 74 4660 Price List Notes 75 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Notes Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 76 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 015301.......................................... 61 015306.......................................... 61 015307.......................................... 61 015308.......................................... 61 015736.......................................... 61 025411.......................................... 61 090-10B......................................... 38 090-10C......................................... 38 090-12B......................................... 38 090-12C......................................... 38 090-16B......................................... 38 090-16C......................................... 38 090-20B......................................... 38 090-4B........................................... 38 090-4C........................................... 38 090-5B........................................... 38 090-5C........................................... 38 090-6B........................................... 38 090-6C........................................... 38 090-8B........................................... 38 090-8C........................................... 38 101-0125031-NT-100.................... 69 101-0125031-NT-25...................... 69 101-0125031-NT-50...................... 69 101-0156031-NT-100.................... 69 101-0156031-NT-25...................... 69 101-0188031-NT-100.................... 69 101-0188031-NT-25...................... 69 101-0188031-NT-50...................... 69 101-0188062-NT-100.................... 70 101-0188062-NT-25...................... 70 101-0250031-NT-100.................... 69 101-0250031-NT-25...................... 69 101-0250031-NT-50...................... 69 101-0250047-NT-100.................... 70 101-0250047-NT-25...................... 70 101-0250047-NT-50...................... 70 101-0250062-NT-100.................... 70 101-0250062-NT-25...................... 70 101-0250062-NT-50...................... 70 101-0312031-NT-100.................... 69 101-0312031-NT-25...................... 69 101-0312031-NT-50...................... 69 101-0312062-NT-100.................... 70 101-0312062-NT-25...................... 70 101-0312062-NT-50...................... 70 101-0375031-NT-100.................... 70 101-0375031-NT-25...................... 69 101-0375031-NT-50...................... 69 101-0375062-NT-100.................... 70 101-0375062-NT-25...................... 70 101-0375062-NT-50...................... 70 101-0438031-NT-100.................... 70 101-0438031-NT-25...................... 70 101-0438031-NT-50...................... 70 101-0438062-NT-100.................... 70 101-0438062-NT-25...................... 70 101-0500031-NT-100.................... 70 101-0500031-NT-25...................... 70 101-0500031-NT-50...................... 70 101-0500062-NT-100.................... 71 101-0500062-NT-25...................... 70 Part Number Page 101-0500062-NT-50...................... 71 101-0563031-NT-100.................... 70 101-0563031-NT-25...................... 70 101-0563031-NT-50...................... 70 101-0563062-NT-100.................... 71 101-0563062-NT-25...................... 71 101-0625031-NT-100.................... 70 101-0625031-NT-25...................... 70 101-0625062-NT-100.................... 71 101-0625062-NT-25...................... 71 101-0688031-NT-100.................... 70 101-0688031-NT-25...................... 70 101-0688062-NT-100.................... 71 101-0688062-NT-25...................... 71 101-0750032-NT-100.................... 70 101-0750032-NT-25...................... 70 101-0750062-NT-100.................... 71 101-0750062-NT-25...................... 71 101-0830040-NT-100.................... 70 101-0830040-NT-25...................... 70 101-0875062-NT-100.................... 71 101-0875062-NT-25...................... 71 101-0965045-NT-100.................... 70 101-0965045-NT-25...................... 70 101-1000062-NT-100.................... 71 101-1000062-NT-25...................... 71 101-1100050-NT-100.................... 70 101-1100050-NT-25...................... 70 10155-12-12.................................. 21 10155-2-3...................................... 21 10155-2-4...................................... 21 10155-4-3...................................... 21 10155-4-3B.................................... 21 10155-4-4...................................... 21 10155-4-4B.................................... 21 10155-4-4C.................................... 21 10155-4-5...................................... 21 10155-4-6...................................... 21 10155-4-6C.................................... 21 10155-6-4...................................... 21 10155-6-5...................................... 21 10155-6-6...................................... 21 10155-6-6B.................................... 21 10155-6-6C.................................... 21 10155-6-8...................................... 21 10155-8-6...................................... 21 10155-8-8...................................... 21 10155-8-8C.................................... 21 10156-12-12.................................. 25 10156-16-16.................................. 25 10156-2-3...................................... 25 10156-2-4...................................... 25 10156-4-3...................................... 25 10156-4-4...................................... 25 10156-4-4C.................................... 28 10156-4-5...................................... 25 10156-4-6...................................... 25 10156-4-6C.................................... 28 10156-6-4...................................... 25 10156-6-5...................................... 25 10156-6-6...................................... 25 10156-6-6C.................................... 28 Part Number Page 10156-6-8...................................... 25 10156-8-6...................................... 25 10156-8-8...................................... 25 10156-8-8C.................................... 28 10157-2-2...................................... 31 10157-4-2...................................... 31 10158-12-12.................................. 31 10158-16-16.................................. 31 10158-4-4...................................... 31 10158-6-8...................................... 31 10158-8-8...................................... 31 10158-8-8C.................................... 31 10158H-12-12............................... 32 10158H-12-12C............................. 32 10158H-16-16............................... 32 10158H-16-16C............................. 32 10191-20-20.................................. 39 10191N-12-12............................... 39 10191N-12-12C............................. 39 10191N-16-16............................... 39 10191N-16-16C............................. 39 10191N-2-4................................... 39 10191N-2-4B................................. 39 10191N-2-4C................................. 39 10191N-4-4................................... 39 10191N-4-4C................................. 39 10191N-4-5................................... 39 10191N-4-5C................................. 39 10191N-4-6................................... 39 10191N-4-6C................................. 39 10191N-6-6................................... 39 10191N-6-6C................................. 39 10191N-6-8................................... 39 10191N-6-8C................................. 39 10191N-8-10................................. 39 10191N-8-10C............................... 39 10191N-8-8................................... 39 10191N-8-8C................................. 39 10193N-12-12............................... 43 10193N-12-12C............................. 43 10193N-16-16............................... 43 10193N-16-16C............................. 43 10193N-20-20............................... 43 10193N-20-20C............................. 43 10193N-24-24............................... 43 10193N-24-24C............................. 43 10193N-32-32............................... 43 10193N-32-32C............................. 43 10193N-8-8................................... 43 10193N-8-8C................................. 43 101CY-2-2...................................... 33 101CY-2-3...................................... 33 101CY-4-2...................................... 33 101CY-4-3...................................... 33 101SF-2-1...................................... 34 101SQ-12-12................................. 34 101SQ-16-16................................. 34 101SQ-20-20................................. 34 10255-4-3...................................... 22 10255-4-4...................................... 22 10255-4-4C.................................... 22 10255-6-6...................................... 22 77 Part Number Page 10255-8-8...................................... 22 10256-4-4...................................... 26 10256-4-4C.................................... 28 10256-6-6...................................... 26 10256-8-8...................................... 26 103-0125031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0125031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0125031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0125031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0156031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0156031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0156031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0156031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0188031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0188031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0188031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0188031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0188062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0188062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0188062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0188062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0250031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0250031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0250031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0250031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0250031-NT-500.................... 67 103-0250040-NT-100.................... 68 103-0250040-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0250040-NT-25...................... 68 103-0250040-NT-50...................... 68 103-0250040-NT-500.................... 68 103-0250047-NT-100.................... 68 103-0250047-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0250047-NT-25...................... 68 103-0250047-NT-50...................... 68 103-0250047-NT-500.................... 68 103-0250062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0250062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0250062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0250062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0312031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0312031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0312031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0312031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0312062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0312062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0312062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0312062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0375031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0375031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0375031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0375031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0375062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0375062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0375062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0375062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0438031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0438031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0438031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0438031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0438062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0438062-NT-1000.................. 68 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 103-0438062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0438062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0500031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0500031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0500031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0500031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0500062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0500062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0500062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0500062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0500062-NT-500.................... 68 103-0563031-NT-100.................... 67 103-0563031-NT-1000.................. 67 103-0563031-NT-25...................... 67 103-0563031-NT-50...................... 67 103-0625062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0625062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0625062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0625062-NT-50...................... 68 103-0750062-NT-100.................... 68 103-0750062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-0750062-NT-25...................... 68 103-0750062-NT-50...................... 68 103-1000062-NT-100.................... 68 103-1000062-NT-1000.................. 68 103-1000062-NT-25...................... 68 103-1000062-NT-50...................... 68 10355-10-8.................................... 22 10355-12-12.................................. 22 10355-4-3...................................... 22 10355-4-4...................................... 22 10355-5-4...................................... 22 10355-5-5...................................... 22 10355-5-6...................................... 22 10355-6-4...................................... 22 10355-6-5...................................... 22 10355-6-6...................................... 22 10355-8-6...................................... 22 10355-8-8...................................... 22 10356-10-8.................................... 26 10356-12-12.................................. 26 10356-4-3...................................... 26 10356-4-4...................................... 26 10356-4-4C.................................... 28 10356-5-4...................................... 26 10356-5-5...................................... 26 10356-5-6...................................... 26 10356-6-4...................................... 26 10356-6-5...................................... 26 10356-6-6...................................... 26 10356-6-6C.................................... 28 10356-8-6...................................... 26 10356-8-8...................................... 26 10356-8-8C.................................... 28 10358-16-16.................................. 31 10358-8-8...................................... 31 10358H-12-12............................... 32 1035A-4......................................... 14 1035A-6......................................... 14 1035HT-4....................................... 14 1035HT-4-500-CL.......................... 14 1035HT-4-SL................................. 14 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH Part Number Page 104-0125031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0125031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0125031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0125031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0156031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0156031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0156031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0156031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0188031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0188031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0188031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0188031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0188062-NT-100.................... 65 104-0188062-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0188062-NT-25...................... 65 104-0188062-NT-50...................... 65 104-0250031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0250031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0250031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0250031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0250040-NT-100.................... 65 104-0250040-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0250040-NT-25...................... 65 104-0250040-NT-50...................... 65 104-0250040-NT-500.................... 65 104-0250047-NT-100.................... 65 104-0250047-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0250047-NT-25...................... 65 104-0250047-NT-50...................... 65 104-0250047-NT-500.................... 66 104-0250062-NT-100.................... 66 104-0250062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0250062-NT-25...................... 66 104-0250062-NT-50...................... 66 104-0312031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0312031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0312031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0312031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0312062-NT-100.................... 66 104-0312062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0312062-NT-25...................... 66 104-0312062-NT-50...................... 66 104-0375031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0375031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0375031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0375031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0375062-NT-100.................... 66 104-0375062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0375062-NT-25...................... 66 104-0375062-NT-50...................... 66 104-0438031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0438031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0438031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0438031-NT-50...................... 65 104-0438062-NT-100.................... 66 104-0438062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0438062-NT-25...................... 66 104-0438062-NT-50...................... 66 104-0500031-NT-100.................... 65 104-0500031-NT-1000.................. 65 104-0500031-NT-25...................... 65 104-0500031-NT-50...................... 65 Part Number Page 104-0500062-NT-100.................... 66 104-0500062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0500062-NT-25...................... 66 104-0500062-NT-50...................... 66 104-0750062-NT-100.................... 66 104-0750062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-0750062-NT-25...................... 66 104-0750062-NT-50...................... 66 104-1000062-NT-100.................... 66 104-1000062-NT-1000.................. 66 104-1000062-NT-25...................... 66 104-1000062-NT-50...................... 66 10455-4-3...................................... 22 10455-6-6...................................... 22 10456-4-3...................................... 26 10456-6-6...................................... 26 105-0125031-NT-100.................... 63 105-0125031-NT-1000.................. 63 105-0125031-NT-25...................... 63 105-0125031-NT-50...................... 63 105-0188031-NT-100.................... 63 105-0188031-NT-1000.................. 63 105-0188031-NT-25...................... 63 105-0188031-NT-50...................... 63 105-0250031-NT-100.................... 63 105-0250031-NT-1000.................. 63 105-0250031-NT-25...................... 63 105-0250031-NT-50...................... 63 105-0250047-NT-100.................... 64 105-0250047-NT-1000.................. 64 105-0250047-NT-25...................... 64 105-0250047-NT-50...................... 64 105-0250047-NT-500.................... 64 105-0250062-NT-100.................... 64 105-0250062-NT-1000.................. 64 105-0250062-NT-25...................... 64 105-0250062-NT-50...................... 64 105-0375031-NT-100.................... 64 105-0375031-NT-1000.................. 64 105-0375031-NT-25...................... 64 105-0375031-NT-50...................... 64 105-0375062-NT-100.................... 64 105-0375062-NT-1000.................. 64 105-0375062-NT-25...................... 64 105-0375062-NT-50...................... 64 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10555-6-6...................................... 22 10555-8-6...................................... 22 10555-8-8...................................... 22 10556-10-8.................................... 26 10556-4-3...................................... 26 10556-4-4...................................... 26 10556-5-4...................................... 26 10556-5-5...................................... 26 10556-6-4...................................... 26 10556-6-6...................................... 26 10556-8-6...................................... 26 10556-8-8...................................... 26 10654-4-4...................................... 21 10654-6-6...................................... 21 10655-10-10.................................. 23 10655-10-8.................................... 22 10655-10-8C.................................. 22 10655-12-12.................................. 23 10655-12-12C................................ 23 10655-12-8.................................... 23 10655-16-16.................................. 23 10655-3-3...................................... 22 10655-4-3...................................... 22 10655-4-3C.................................... 22 10655-4-4...................................... 22 10655-4-4B.................................... 22 10655-4-4C.................................... 22 10655-5-3...................................... 22 10655-5-4...................................... 22 10655-5-4C.................................... 22 10655-5-5...................................... 22 10655-5-6...................................... 22 10655-6-4...................................... 22 10655-6-4C.................................... 22 10655-6-5...................................... 22 10655-6-5C.................................... 22 10655-6-6...................................... 22 10655-6-6B.................................... 22 10655-6-6C.................................... 22 10655-6-8...................................... 22 10655-8-6...................................... 22 10655-8-6C.................................... 22 10655-8-8...................................... 22 10655-8-8B.................................... 22 10655-8-8C.................................... 22 10656-10-10.................................. 26 10656-10-12.................................. 26 10656-10-8.................................... 26 10656-10-8C.................................. 28 10656-12-10.................................. 26 10656-12-12.................................. 26 10656-12-12C................................ 28 10656-12-8.................................... 26 10656-16-12.................................. 26 10656-16-16.................................. 26 10656-16-16C................................ 28 10656-20-16.................................. 26 10656-3-3...................................... 26 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 10656-4-3...................................... 26 10656-4-3C.................................... 28 10656-4-4...................................... 26 10656-4-4C.................................... 28 10656-5-3...................................... 26 10656-5-4...................................... 26 10656-5-4C.................................... 28 10656-5-5...................................... 26 10656-5-6...................................... 26 10656-6-4...................................... 26 10656-6-4C.................................... 28 10656-6-5...................................... 26 10656-6-5C.................................... 28 10656-6-6...................................... 26 10656-6-6C.................................... 28 10656-6-8...................................... 26 10656-8-6...................................... 26 10656-8-6C.................................... 28 10656-8-8...................................... 26 10656-8-8C.................................... 28 10657-2-2...................................... 31 10657-3-2...................................... 31 10657-4-2...................................... 31 10658-10-10.................................. 31 10658-10-12.................................. 31 10658-10-8.................................... 31 10658-12-10.................................. 31 10658-12-12.................................. 32 10658-12-12C................................ 32 10658-12-8.................................... 32 10658-16-12.................................. 32 10658-16-16.................................. 32 10658-16-16C................................ 32 10658-20-16.................................. 32 10658-4-4...................................... 31 10658-5-4...................................... 31 10658-6-4...................................... 31 10658-6-6...................................... 31 10658-8-8...................................... 31 10658-8-8C.................................... 31 10658H-12-12............................... 32 10658H-12-12C............................. 33 10658H-16-16............................... 33 10658H-16-16C............................. 33 10691-20-20.................................. 40 10691-20-20C................................ 40 10691N-10-10............................... 40 10691N-10-10C............................. 40 10691N-10-10-RD......................... 40 10691N-10-10S............................. 40 10691N-12-12............................... 40 10691N-12-12C............................. 40 10691N-12-12S............................. 40 10691N-16-16............................... 40 10691N-16-16C............................. 40 10691N-16-16S............................. 40 10691N-4-4................................... 39 10691N-4-4B................................. 39 10691N-4-4C................................. 39 10691N-4-4S................................. 39 10691N-5-5................................... 39 10691N-5-5C................................. 39 Part Number Page 10691N-5-5S................................. 39 10691N-6-6................................... 39 10691N-6-6B................................. 39 10691N-6-6C................................. 39 10691N-6-6S................................. 39 10691N-6-8................................... 39 10691N-8-10................................. 40 10691N-8-10C............................... 40 10691N-8-8................................... 40 10691N-8-8C................................. 40 10691N-8-8S................................. 40 10693N-10-10............................... 43 10693N-10-10C............................. 43 10693N-12-12............................... 43 10693N-12-12C............................. 43 10693N-16-16............................... 43 10693N-16-16C............................. 43 10693N-20-20............................... 43 10693N-20-20C............................. 43 10693N-24-24............................... 43 10693N-24-24C............................. 43 10693N-32-32............................... 43 10693N-32-32C............................. 43 10693N-6-6................................... 43 10693N-8-8................................... 43 10693N-8-8C................................. 43 10694-10-10.................................. 43 10694-10-10C................................ 43 10694-12-12.................................. 43 10694-12-12C................................ 43 10694-16-16.................................. 43 10694-16-16C................................ 43 10694-6-6...................................... 43 10694-6-6C.................................... 43 10694-8-8...................................... 43 10694-8-8C.................................... 43 10695-12-12.................................. 43 10695-16-16.................................. 43 10695-4-4...................................... 43 10695-6-6...................................... 43 10695-8-8...................................... 43 106CY-2-2...................................... 33 106CY-3-2...................................... 33 106CY-4-2...................................... 33 106CY-4-3...................................... 33 106LV-12-12.................................. 34 106LV-12-12C................................ 34 106LV-16-16.................................. 34 106LV-16-16C................................ 34 106LV-4-3C.................................... 34 10755-4-4...................................... 23 10755-6-6...................................... 23 10755-8-8...................................... 23 10756-12-12.................................. 26 10756-16-16.................................. 26 10756-4-4...................................... 26 10756-6-6...................................... 26 10756-8-8...................................... 26 10758-12-12.................................. 32 10758-16-16.................................. 32 10791N-12-12............................... 40 10791N-12-12C............................. 40 Part Number Page 10791N-16-16C............................. 40 10791N-4-4................................... 40 10791N-4-4C................................. 40 10791N-6-6................................... 40 10791N-6-6C................................. 40 10791N-8-8................................... 40 10791N-8-8C................................. 40 10855-6-4...................................... 23 10855-6-6...................................... 23 10856-6-4...................................... 27 10856-6-6...................................... 27 10891N-12-12............................... 40 10891N-6-6................................... 40 108MS-6-5B.................................. 34 108MS-6-6B-100........................... 34 110-0125031-NT-100.................... 72 110-0125031-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0125031-NT-25...................... 72 110-0125031-NT-50...................... 72 110-0188031-NT-100.................... 72 110-0188031-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0188031-NT-25...................... 72 110-0188031-NT-50...................... 72 110-0250031-NT-100.................... 72 110-0250031-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0250031-NT-25...................... 72 110-0250031-NT-50...................... 72 110-0250047-NT-100.................... 72 110-0250047-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0250047-NT-25...................... 72 110-0250047-NT-50...................... 72 110-0250062-NT-100.................... 72 110-0250062-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0250062-NT-25...................... 72 110-0250062-NT-50...................... 72 110-0312062-NT-100.................... 72 110-0312062-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0312062-NT-25...................... 72 110-0312062-NT-50...................... 72 110-0375031-NT-100.................... 72 110-0375031-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0375031-NT-25...................... 72 110-0375031-NT-50...................... 72 110-0375062-NT-100.................... 72 110-0375062-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0375062-NT-25...................... 72 110-0375062-NT-50...................... 72 110-0500031-NT-100.................... 72 110-0500031-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0500031-NT-25...................... 72 110-0500031-NT-50...................... 72 110-0500062-NT-100.................... 72 110-0500062-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0500062-NT-25...................... 72 110-0500062-NT-50...................... 72 110-0625062-NT-100.................... 72 110-0625062-NT-1000.................. 72 110-0625062-NT-25...................... 72 110-0625062-NT-50...................... 72 110-0750062-NT-100.................... 73 110-0750062-NT-1000.................. 73 110-0750062-NT-25...................... 73 79 Part Number Page 110-0750062-NT-50...................... 73 110-1000062-NT-100.................... 73 110-1000062-NT-1000.................. 73 110-1000062-NT-25...................... 73 110-1000062-NT-50...................... 73 111-0250031-NT-100.................... 73 111-0250031-NT-1000.................. 73 111-0250031-NT-25...................... 73 111-0250031-NT-50...................... 73 111-0250062-NT-100.................... 73 111-0250062-NT-1000.................. 73 111-0250062-NT-25...................... 73 111-0250062-NT-50...................... 73 111-0375062-NT-100.................... 73 111-0375062-NT-1000.................. 73 111-0375062-NT-25...................... 73 111-0375062-NT-50...................... 73 111-0500062-NT-100.................... 73 111-0500062-NT-1000.................. 73 111-0500062-NT-25...................... 73 111-0500062-NT-50...................... 73 11155-6-4...................................... 23 11156-6-4...................................... 27 1120-10B-BLK-100........................ 63 1120-10B-BLK-250........................ 63 1120-10B-BLU-250........................ 63 1120-10B-GRN-100....................... 63 1120-10B-GRN-250....................... 63 1120-10B-RED-100....................... 63 1120-10B-RED-250....................... 63 1120-12B-BLK-100........................ 63 1120-12B-BLK-250........................ 63 1120-12B-GRN-100....................... 63 1120-12B-GRN-250....................... 63 1120-2.5-BLK-100......................... 62 1120-2.5-BLK-250......................... 62 1120-2A-BLK-100.......................... 62 1120-2A-BLK-1000........................ 62 1120-2A-BLU-100.......................... 62 1120-2A-BLU-1000........................ 62 1120-2A-GRN-100......................... 62 1120-2A-GRN-1000....................... 62 1120-2A-RED-100......................... 62 1120-2A-YEL-100.......................... 62 1120-3A-BLK................................. 62 1120-3A-BLK-100.......................... 62 1120-4A-BLK-100.......................... 62 1120-4A-BLK-1000........................ 62 1120-4A-BLK-250.......................... 62 1120-4A-BLU-1000........................ 62 1120-4A-BLU-250.......................... 62 1120-4A-BRN-1000....................... 62 1120-4A-GRN-1000....................... 62 1120-4A-GRN-250......................... 62 1120-4A-ORG-1000....................... 62 1120-4A-ORG-250......................... 62 1120-4A-PUR-1000....................... 62 1120-4A-RED-1000....................... 62 1120-4A-RED-250......................... 62 1120-4A-SIL-1000......................... 62 1120-4A-SIL-250........................... 62 1120-4A-YEL-1000........................ 62 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 1120-4A-YEL-250.......................... 62 1120-6B-BLK-100.......................... 62 1120-6B-BLK-1000........................ 62 1120-6B-BLK-250.......................... 62 1120-6B-BLK-500.......................... 62 1120-6B-BLU-250.......................... 62 1120-6B-BLU-500.......................... 62 1120-6B-BRN-500......................... 62 1120-6B-GRN-250......................... 62 1120-6B-GRN-500......................... 62 1120-6B-ORG-250......................... 62 1120-6B-ORG-500......................... 62 1120-6B-RED-250......................... 62 1120-6B-RED-500......................... 62 1120-6B-SIL-250........................... 62 1120-6B-SIL-500........................... 62 1120-6B-YEL-250.......................... 62 1120-6B-YEL-500.......................... 62 1120-8B-BLK-100.......................... 62 1120-8B-BLK-500.......................... 62 1120-8B-BLU-100.......................... 62 1120-8B-BLU-500.......................... 62 1120-8B-BRN-500......................... 62 1120-8B-GRN-100......................... 63 1120-8B-GRN-500......................... 63 1120-8B-ORG-100......................... 63 1120-8B-ORG-500......................... 63 1120-8B-RED-100......................... 63 1120-8B-RED-500......................... 63 1120-8B-SIL-100........................... 63 1120-8B-SIL-500........................... 63 1120-8B-YEL-100.......................... 63 1120-8B-YEL-500.......................... 63 11355-12-12.................................. 23 11355-4-3...................................... 23 11355-4-4...................................... 23 11355-4-5...................................... 23 11355-6-6...................................... 23 11355-8-6...................................... 23 11355-8-8...................................... 23 11356-12-12.................................. 27 11356-4-3...................................... 27 11356-4-4...................................... 27 11356-6-6...................................... 27 11356-8-6...................................... 27 11356-8-8...................................... 27 11357-2-2...................................... 31 11358H-12-12............................... 33 113CY-2-2...................................... 33 113CY-2-3...................................... 33 11D56-10-5................................... 28 11D56-10-6................................... 28 11D56-12-6................................... 28 11D56-15-8................................... 28 11D56-6-3..................................... 28 11D56-8-4..................................... 28 11D91N-10-6................................. 42 11D91N-12-8................................. 42 11D91N-15-10............................... 42 11D91N-6-4................................... 42 11D91N-8-5................................... 42 11L55-4-4...................................... 23 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH Part Number Page 11L56-4-4...................................... 27 12891N-10-10............................... 40 12891N-12-12............................... 40 12891N-4-4................................... 40 12891N-5-5................................... 40 12891N-5-6................................... 40 12891N-6-6................................... 40 12891N-8-8................................... 40 12892-3-3C.................................... 33 13491N-10-10............................... 40 13491N-12-12............................... 40 13491N-8-10................................. 40 13491N-8-8................................... 40 134MS-6-5B.................................. 34 13754-4-4...................................... 21 13755-10-8.................................... 23 13755-12-12.................................. 23 13755-4-3...................................... 23 13755-4-4...................................... 23 13755-5-4...................................... 23 13755-6-4...................................... 23 13755-6-5...................................... 23 13755-6-6...................................... 23 13755-8-6...................................... 23 13755-8-8...................................... 23 13756-10-10.................................. 27 13756-10-8.................................... 27 13756-12-12.................................. 27 13756-4-3...................................... 27 13756-4-4...................................... 27 13756-5-4...................................... 27 13756-6-4...................................... 27 13756-6-5...................................... 27 13756-6-6...................................... 27 13756-8-6...................................... 27 13756-8-8...................................... 27 13758H-16-16............................... 33 13791-20-20.................................. 40 13791N-10-10............................... 40 13791N-10-10C............................. 40 13791N-12-12............................... 40 13791N-16-16............................... 40 13791N-4-4................................... 40 13791N-4-4C................................. 40 13791N-5-5................................... 40 13791N-6-6................................... 40 13791N-6-6C................................. 40 13791N-8-8................................... 40 13791N-8-8C................................. 40 13954-4-4...................................... 21 13954-6-6...................................... 21 13955-10-8.................................... 23 13955-12-12.................................. 23 13955-4-3...................................... 23 13955-4-4...................................... 23 13955-5-4...................................... 23 13955-6-4...................................... 23 13955-6-5...................................... 23 13955-6-6...................................... 23 13955-8-6...................................... 23 13955-8-8...................................... 23 13956-10-10.................................. 27 Part Number Page 13956-10-8.................................... 27 13956-12-12.................................. 27 13956-16-16.................................. 27 13956-4-3...................................... 27 13956-4-4...................................... 27 13956-5-4...................................... 27 13956-6-4...................................... 27 13956-6-5...................................... 27 13956-6-6...................................... 27 13956-8-6...................................... 27 13956-8-8...................................... 27 13956-8-8C.................................... 28 13957-4-2...................................... 31 13958-12-12.................................. 32 13958-16-16.................................. 32 13991-20-20.................................. 41 13991N-10-10............................... 41 13991N-10-10C............................. 41 13991N-12-12............................... 41 13991N-16-16............................... 41 13991N-4-4................................... 40 13991N-4-4C................................. 40 13991N-5-5................................... 41 13991N-6-6................................... 41 13991N-8-8................................... 41 13991N-8-8C................................. 41 13993N-16-16............................... 43 139CY-4-2...................................... 33 139CY-4-3...................................... 33 13D91N-10-5................................. 42 13D91N-8-4................................... 42 13E55-4-4...................................... 23 13E55-6-6...................................... 23 13E55-8-8...................................... 23 13E56-4-4...................................... 27 13E56-6-6...................................... 27 13E56-8-8...................................... 27 14155-10-8.................................... 23 14155-4-3...................................... 23 14155-4-4...................................... 23 14155-5-4...................................... 23 14155-6-5...................................... 23 14155-6-6...................................... 23 14155-8-6...................................... 23 14155-8-8...................................... 23 14156-10-8.................................... 27 14156-12-12.................................. 27 14156-4-3...................................... 27 14156-4-4...................................... 27 14156-5-4...................................... 27 14156-6-5...................................... 27 14156-6-6...................................... 27 14156-8-6...................................... 27 14156-8-8...................................... 27 14191N-10-10............................... 41 14191N-12-12............................... 41 14191N-16-16............................... 41 14191N-4-4................................... 41 14191N-4-4C................................. 41 14191N-5-5................................... 41 14191N-6-6................................... 41 14191N-8-8................................... 41 80 Part Number Page 15555-12-12.................................. 24 15555-16-16.................................. 24 15555-5-5...................................... 24 15555-6-6...................................... 24 15555-8-8...................................... 24 15858-16-16.................................. 32 16191N-10-10............................... 41 16191N-12-12............................... 41 16191N-8-10................................. 41 16191N-8-8................................... 41 16791N-10-10............................... 41 16791N-4-4................................... 41 16791N-5-5................................... 41 16791N-6-6................................... 41 16791N-8-8................................... 41 16792-3-3C.................................... 33 16991N-10-10............................... 41 16991N-12-12............................... 41 16991N-4-4................................... 41 16991N-5-5................................... 41 16991N-6-6................................... 41 16991N-8-8................................... 41 16992-3-3C.................................... 33 17791N-12-12............................... 41 17791N-6-6................................... 41 17991N-12-12............................... 41 17991N-6-6................................... 41 19255-4-4...................................... 24 19255-6-6...................................... 24 19255-8-8...................................... 24 19256-4-4...................................... 28 19256-6-6...................................... 28 19256-8-8...................................... 28 19291N-12-12............................... 42 19291N-8-8................................... 42 1AL55-4-4C................................... 24 1AL55-6-6C................................... 24 1AL55-8-8NC................................. 24 1AL56-4-4C................................... 28 1AL56-6-6C................................... 28 1AL58-4-4NC................................. 24 1AL91N-12-12C............................. 41 1AL91N-12-12NC........................... 41 1AL91N-16-16C............................. 41 1AL91N-4-4C................................. 41 1AL91N-4-4NC............................... 41 1AL91N-6-6C................................. 41 1AL91N-6-6NC............................... 41 1AL91N-8-8C................................. 41 1AL91N-8-8NC............................... 41 1B255-4-4...................................... 24 1B255-6-6...................................... 24 1B255-8-8...................................... 24 1B256-4-4...................................... 29 1B256-6-6...................................... 29 1B291N-8-8................................... 42 1C356-10-5.................................... 29 1C356-12-6.................................... 29 1C356-15-8.................................... 29 1C356-6-3...................................... 29 1C356-8-4...................................... 29 1C456-6-3...................................... 29 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 1C556-10-6.................................... 29 1C656-12-5.................................... 29 1C656-16-8.................................... 29 1C956-10-4.................................... 29 1C956-12-5.................................... 29 1C956-12-6.................................... 29 1C956-16-8.................................... 29 1C956-25-12.................................. 29 1C956-8-3...................................... 29 1CA56-10-4................................... 29 1CA56-10-5................................... 29 1CA56-10-6................................... 29 1CA56-12-6................................... 29 1CA56-15-8................................... 29 1CA56-18-10................................. 29 1CA56-18-12................................. 29 1CA56-22-12................................. 29 1CA56-28-16................................. 29 1CA56-6-3..................................... 29 1CA56-8-4..................................... 29 1CE56-10-5.................................... 29 1CE56-12-6.................................... 29 1CE56-15-8.................................... 29 1CE56-22-12.................................. 29 1CE56-6-3...................................... 29 1CE56-8-4...................................... 29 1CF56-10-5.................................... 29 1CF56-12-6.................................... 29 1CF56-15-8.................................... 29 1CF56-22-12.................................. 29 1CF56-28-16.................................. 29 1CF56-6-3...................................... 29 1CF56-8-4...................................... 29 1D056-10-5................................... 29 1D056-10-6................................... 29 1D056-12-6................................... 29 1D056-6-3..................................... 29 1D056-8-4..................................... 29 1D256-12-5................................... 29 1D256-12-6................................... 29 1D955-4-4..................................... 24 1D955-6-6..................................... 24 1D955-8-8..................................... 24 1D956-6-6..................................... 29 1FU55-4-4...................................... 24 1FU55-6-6...................................... 24 1FU55-8-8...................................... 24 1FU56-12-12.................................. 30 1FU56-4-4...................................... 30 1FU56-6-6...................................... 30 1FU56-8-8...................................... 30 1FU58-6-6...................................... 32 1GKCY-2-2..................................... 33 1GKCY-2-3..................................... 33 1GU55-4-4..................................... 24 1GU55-6-6..................................... 24 1GU55-8-8..................................... 24 1GU56-4-4..................................... 30 1GU56-6-6..................................... 30 1GU56-8-8..................................... 30 1HUSQ-12-12................................ 34 1HUSQ-16-16................................ 34 Part Number Page 1HUSQ-20-20................................ 34 1J055-6-6...................................... 25 1J056-6-6...................................... 30 1J155-4-4...................................... 25 1J155-6-6...................................... 25 1J155-8-6...................................... 25 1J155-8-8...................................... 25 1J156-16-16.................................. 30 1J156-4-4...................................... 30 1J156-6-6...................................... 30 1J156-8-6...................................... 30 1J156-8-8...................................... 30 1J191N-4-4.................................... 42 1J191N-4-4C................................. 42 1J191N-6-6.................................... 42 1J191N-8-8.................................... 42 1J256-8-8...................................... 30 1J755-4-4...................................... 25 1J755-6-6C.................................... 25 1J755-8-6...................................... 25 1J755-8-8...................................... 25 1J756-10-10.................................. 30 1J756-12-12.................................. 30 1J756-16-16.................................. 30 1J756-4-4...................................... 30 1J756-6-4...................................... 30 1J756-6-6...................................... 30 1J756-8-6...................................... 30 1J756-8-8...................................... 30 1J758-10-10.................................. 32 1J758-12-12.................................. 32 1J758-8-8...................................... 32 1J791N-10-10................................ 42 1J791N-12-12................................ 42 1J791N-4-4.................................... 42 1J791N-6-6.................................... 42 1J791N-8-8.................................... 42 1J955-4-3...................................... 25 1J955-4-4...................................... 25 1J955-6-4...................................... 25 1J955-6-6...................................... 25 1J955-8-6...................................... 25 1J955-8-8...................................... 25 1J956-10-10.................................. 30 1J956-12-12.................................. 30 1J956-16-16.................................. 30 1J956-4-3...................................... 30 1J956-4-4...................................... 30 1J956-6-4...................................... 30 1J956-6-5...................................... 30 1J956-6-6...................................... 30 1J956-8-6...................................... 30 1J956-8-8...................................... 30 1J958-10-10.................................. 32 1J958-12-12.................................. 32 1J958-16-16.................................. 32 1J958H-12-12................................ 33 1J991N-10-10................................ 42 1J991N-12-10................................ 42 1J991N-12-12................................ 42 1J991N-16-16................................ 42 1J991N-4-4.................................... 42 Part Number Page 1J991N-6-6.................................... 42 1J991N-8-8.................................... 42 1J9CY-4-2...................................... 33 1JBSF-4-1...................................... 34 1JC54-4-4...................................... 21 1JC54-6-6...................................... 21 1JC55-10-8.................................... 25 1JC55-4-3...................................... 25 1JC55-4-3C.................................... 25 1JC55-4-4...................................... 25 1JC55-4-4C.................................... 25 1JC55-6-4...................................... 25 1JC55-6-5...................................... 25 1JC55-6-6...................................... 25 1JC55-6-6C.................................... 25 1JC55-8-6...................................... 25 1JC55-8-8...................................... 25 1JC56-10-10.................................. 30 1JC56-10-8.................................... 30 1JC56-12-10.................................. 30 1JC56-12-12.................................. 30 1JC56-16-16.................................. 30 1JC56-4-3...................................... 30 1JC56-4-4...................................... 30 1JC56-4-4C.................................... 31 1JC56-6-4...................................... 30 1JC56-6-5...................................... 30 1JC56-6-6...................................... 30 1JC56-6-6C.................................... 31 1JC56-8-6...................................... 30 1JC56-8-6C.................................... 31 1JC56-8-8...................................... 30 1JC56-8-8C.................................... 31 1JC57-4-2...................................... 31 1JC58-10-10.................................. 32 1JC58-10-8.................................... 32 1JC58-12-10.................................. 32 1JC58-12-12.................................. 32 1JC58-16-16.................................. 32 1JC58-6-4...................................... 32 1JC58-8-8...................................... 32 1JC58-8-8C.................................... 32 1JC58H-12-12............................... 33 1JC58H-12-12C............................. 33 1JC58H-16-16............................... 33 1JC58H-16-16C............................. 33 1JC91-20-20.................................. 42 1JC91N-10-10............................... 42 1JC91N-10-10C............................. 42 1JC91N-12-10C............................. 42 1JC91N-12-12............................... 42 1JC91N-12-12C............................. 42 1JC91N-16-16............................... 42 1JC91N-16-16C............................. 42 1JC91N-20-16............................... 42 1JC91N-4-4................................... 42 1JC91N-4-4C................................. 42 1JC91N-6-6................................... 42 1JC91N-6-6C................................. 42 1JC91N-8-8................................... 42 1JC91N-8-8C................................. 42 1JC93N-16-16............................... 43 81 Part Number Page 1JC93N-20-20............................... 43 1JCCY-4-2...................................... 33 1JS55-4-3...................................... 25 1JS55-4-4...................................... 25 1JS55-6-4...................................... 25 1JS55-6-5...................................... 25 1JS55-6-6...................................... 25 1JS55-8-6...................................... 25 1JS55-8-8...................................... 25 1JS56-12-12.................................. 31 1JS56-16-16.................................. 31 1JS56-4-3...................................... 30 1JS56-4-4...................................... 30 1JS56-6-4...................................... 31 1JS56-6-5...................................... 31 1JS56-6-6...................................... 31 1JS56-8-6...................................... 31 1JS56-8-8...................................... 31 1JS58-12-12.................................. 32 1JS58-16-16.................................. 32 1JS58H-12-12............................... 33 1L755-6-6...................................... 24 1L755-8-6...................................... 24 1L756-6-6...................................... 27 1L955-10-8.................................... 24 1L955-12-12.................................. 24 1L955-4-3...................................... 24 1L955-4-4...................................... 24 1L955-5-4...................................... 24 1L955-6-5...................................... 24 1L955-6-6...................................... 24 1L955-8-6...................................... 24 1L955-8-8...................................... 24 1L956-12-12.................................. 28 1L956-4-3...................................... 27 1L956-4-4...................................... 27 1L956-5-4...................................... 27 1L956-6-6...................................... 28 1L956-8-6...................................... 28 1L956-8-8...................................... 28 1TFMS-6-5B................................... 34 1TU55-4-4..................................... 24 1TU55-4-4C................................... 24 1TU55-6-6..................................... 24 1TU55-6-6C................................... 24 1TU55-8-8C................................... 24 1TU56-12-12C............................... 28 1TU56-4-4..................................... 28 1TU56-4-4C................................... 28 1TU56-6-6..................................... 28 1TU56-6-6C................................... 28 1TU56-8-8C................................... 28 1TU58H-12-12C............................. 33 1TU91N-12-12C............................. 41 1TU91N-16-16C............................. 41 1TU91N-4-4C................................. 41 1TU91N-4-5C................................. 41 1TU91N-6-6C................................. 41 1TU91N-8-8C................................. 41 1WU54-4-4.................................... 21 1WU54-6-6.................................... 21 1WW54-4-4................................... 21 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 1WW54-6-6................................... 21 1WY54-4-4.................................... 21 1WY54-6-6.................................... 21 20051-3......................................... 19 20051-4......................................... 19 20051-5......................................... 19 20051-6......................................... 19 20051-8......................................... 19 20090-10....................................... 38 20090-10C..................................... 38 20090-12....................................... 39 20090-12C..................................... 39 20090-16....................................... 39 20090-16C..................................... 39 20090-20....................................... 39 20090-4......................................... 38 20090-4C....................................... 38 20090-5......................................... 38 20090-5C....................................... 38 20090-6......................................... 38 20090-6C....................................... 38 20090-8......................................... 38 20090-8C....................................... 38 201-0400100-NT-100.................... 71 201-0400100-NT-25...................... 71 201-0400100-NT-50...................... 71 201-0500100-NT-100.................... 71 201-0600100-NT-100.................... 71 201-0600100-NT-25...................... 71 201-0600100-NT-50...................... 71 201-0700100-NT-100.................... 71 201-0800100-NT-100.................... 71 201-0800100-NT-25...................... 71 201-0800100-NT-50...................... 71 201-0900100-NT-100.................... 71 201-0900100-NT-25...................... 71 201-1000100-NT-100.................... 71 201-1000100-NT-25...................... 71 201-1000100-NT-50...................... 71 201-1200100-NT-100.................... 71 201-1200100-NT-25...................... 71 201-1200100-NT-50...................... 71 201-1400100-NT-100.................... 71 201-1400100-NT-25...................... 71 201-1600100-NT-100.................... 71 201-1600100-NT-25...................... 71 20151-12-12.................................. 20 20151-16-16.................................. 20 20151-2-3...................................... 19 20151-2-4...................................... 19 20151-4-3...................................... 19 20151-4-4...................................... 19 20151-4-5...................................... 19 20151-4-6...................................... 19 20151-6-5...................................... 19 20151-6-6...................................... 19 20151-6-8...................................... 19 20151-8-6...................................... 20 20151-8-8...................................... 20 20190-12-12.................................. 37 20190-12-16.................................. 37 20190-16-16.................................. 37 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH Part Number Page 20190-20-20.................................. 37 20190-2-4...................................... 36 20190-2-4C.................................... 36 20190-4-4...................................... 36 20190-4-5...................................... 36 20190-4-6...................................... 36 20190-6-6...................................... 36 20190-6-8...................................... 37 20190-8-10.................................... 37 20190-8-8...................................... 37 201BA-12-12................................. 20 201BA-16-16................................. 20 201BA-4-4..................................... 20 201BA-6-6..................................... 20 201BU-2-2..................................... 21 203-0300100-NT-50...................... 69 203-0400100-NT-100.................... 69 203-0400100-NT-1000.................. 69 203-0400100-NT-25...................... 69 203-0400100-NT-50...................... 69 203-0500100-NT-1000.................. 69 203-0500100-NT-50...................... 69 203-0600100-NT-100.................... 69 203-0600100-NT-1000.................. 69 203-0600100-NT-25...................... 69 203-0600100-NT-50...................... 69 203-0700100-NT-100.................... 69 203-0700100-NT-25...................... 69 203-0800100-NT-100.................... 69 203-0800100-NT-1000.................. 69 203-0800100-NT-25...................... 69 203-0800100-NT-50...................... 69 203-0900100-NT-50...................... 69 203-1000100-NT-100.................... 69 203-1000100-NT-1000.................. 69 203-1000100-NT-25...................... 69 203-1000100-NT-50...................... 69 203-1200100-NT-100.................... 69 203-1200100-NT-25...................... 69 203-1200100-NT-50...................... 69 20351-4-3...................................... 20 20351-5-4...................................... 20 20351-6-5...................................... 20 20351-6-6...................................... 20 20351-8-6...................................... 20 20351-8-8...................................... 20 204-0400100-NT-100.................... 66 204-0400100-NT-1000.................. 66 204-0400100-NT-25...................... 66 204-0400100-NT-50...................... 66 204-0600100-NT-100.................... 66 204-0600100-NT-1000.................. 66 204-0600100-NT-25...................... 66 204-0600100-NT-50...................... 66 204-0800100-NT-100.................... 66 204-0800100-NT-1000.................. 66 204-0800100-NT-25...................... 66 204-0800100-NT-50...................... 66 204-1000100-NT-100.................... 67 204-1000100-NT-1000.................. 67 204-1000100-NT-25...................... 66 204-1000100-NT-50...................... 67 Part Number Page 205-0600100-NT-100.................... 64 205-0600100-NT-1000.................. 64 205-0600100-NT-25...................... 64 205-0600100-NT-50...................... 64 205-0800100-NT-100.................... 64 205-0800100-NT-25...................... 64 205-1000100-NT-100.................... 64 205-1000100-NT-50...................... 64 20651-10-8.................................... 20 20651-12-12.................................. 20 20651-16-16.................................. 20 20651-4-3...................................... 20 20651-4-4...................................... 20 20651-5-4...................................... 20 20651-6-4...................................... 20 20651-6-5...................................... 20 20651-6-6...................................... 20 20651-8-6...................................... 20 20651-8-8...................................... 20 20690-10-10.................................. 37 20690-10-10C................................ 37 20690-12-12.................................. 37 20690-12-12C................................ 37 20690-16-16.................................. 37 20690-16-16C................................ 37 20690-20-20.................................. 37 20690-20-20C................................ 37 20690-4-4...................................... 37 20690-4-4C.................................... 37 20690-5-5...................................... 37 20690-5-5C.................................... 37 20690-6-6...................................... 37 20690-6-6C.................................... 37 20690-8-10.................................... 37 20690-8-6...................................... 37 20690-8-8...................................... 37 20690-8-8C.................................... 37 206BA-6-4..................................... 20 206BA-6-6..................................... 20 206BU-4-2..................................... 21 206BU-4-3..................................... 21 20851-6-6...................................... 20 20890-12-12.................................. 37 20890-6-6...................................... 37 208MS-6-5B.................................. 34 208MS-6-6B.................................. 34 213BU-2-2..................................... 21 21D51-10-5................................... 20 21D51-12-6................................... 20 21D51-6-3..................................... 20 22890-10-10.................................. 37 22890-12-12.................................. 37 22890-4-4...................................... 37 22890-5-5...................................... 37 22890-5-6...................................... 37 22890-6-6...................................... 37 22890-8-8...................................... 37 23490-10-10.................................. 37 23490-12-12.................................. 37 23490-8-10.................................... 37 23490-8-8...................................... 37 23790-10-10.................................. 37 82 Part Number Page 23790-12-12.................................. 37 23790-16-16.................................. 37 23790-20-20.................................. 37 23790-4-4...................................... 37 23790-5-5...................................... 37 23790-6-6...................................... 37 23790-8-6...................................... 37 23790-8-8...................................... 37 23951-4-3...................................... 20 23951-6-6...................................... 20 23951-8-6...................................... 20 23990-10-10.................................. 38 23990-12-12.................................. 38 23990-16-16.................................. 38 23990-20-20.................................. 38 23990-4-4...................................... 37 23990-5-5...................................... 37 23990-6-6...................................... 37 23990-8-6...................................... 37 23990-8-8...................................... 37 26190-10-10.................................. 38 26190-12-12.................................. 38 26190-8-10.................................... 38 26190-8-8...................................... 38 26790-4-4...................................... 38 26790-5-5...................................... 38 26790-5-6...................................... 38 26790-6-6...................................... 38 26790-8-8...................................... 38 26990-4-4...................................... 38 26990-5-5...................................... 38 26990-5-6...................................... 38 26990-6-6...................................... 38 26990-8-8...................................... 38 27790-12-12.................................. 38 27790-6-6...................................... 38 27990-12-12.................................. 38 27990-6-6...................................... 38 29251-6-6...................................... 20 2GK-NUT........................................ 34 2J951-4-4...................................... 20 2JC51-4-4...................................... 20 2TFMS-6-5B................................... 34 3PSG-4.......................................... 34 510A-3............................................. 7 510A-4............................................. 7 510A-6............................................. 7 510A-8............................................. 7 510C-16........................................... 7 510C-3............................................. 7 510C-3-500-CL................................ 7 510C-3-SL....................................... 7 510C-4............................................. 7 510C-4-250-CL................................ 7 510C-4-4.......................................... 7 510C-4-4-SL.................................... 7 510C-4-RL....................................... 7 510C-4-SL....................................... 7 510C-5............................................. 7 510C-5-250-CL................................ 7 510C-6............................................. 7 510C-6-500-CL................................ 7 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 510C-6-6.......................................... 7 510C-6-RL....................................... 7 510C-6-SL....................................... 7 510C-8............................................. 7 510C-8-400-CL................................ 7 510C-8-8.......................................... 7 510C-8-8-SL.................................... 7 510C-8-SL....................................... 7 515H-4............................................. 7 515H-6............................................. 7 518C-12........................................... 8 518C-12-SL..................................... 8 518C-16........................................... 8 518C-2............................................. 7 518C-2-250-CL................................ 7 518C-2-SL....................................... 7 518C-3............................................. 8 518C-3-500-CL................................ 8 518C-3-SL....................................... 8 518C-4............................................. 8 518C-4-4.......................................... 8 518C-4-500-CL................................ 8 518C-4-SL....................................... 8 518C-5............................................. 8 518C-5-500-CL................................ 8 518C-5-SL....................................... 8 518C-6............................................. 8 518C-6-500-CL................................ 8 518C-6-6.......................................... 8 518C-6-6-SL.................................... 8 518C-6-SL....................................... 8 518C-8............................................. 8 518C-8-400-CL................................ 8 518C-8-8.......................................... 8 518C-8-8-SL.................................... 8 518C-8-SL....................................... 8 518D-3............................................. 8 518D-4............................................. 8 518D-5............................................. 8 518D-6............................................. 8 518D-8............................................. 8 520N-3............................................. 8 520N-3-250-CL................................ 8 520N-3-SL....................................... 8 520N-4............................................. 8 520N-4-250-CL................................ 8 520N-4-SL....................................... 8 520N-5............................................. 8 520N-6............................................. 9 520N-6-250-CL................................ 9 520N-6-RL....................................... 9 520N-6-SL....................................... 9 520N-8............................................. 9 520N-8-250-CL................................ 9 520N-8-SL....................................... 9 526BA-3........................................... 9 526BA-3-250-CL.............................. 9 526BA-4........................................... 9 526BA-4-500-CL.............................. 9 526BA-4-SL..................................... 9 526BA-6........................................... 9 527BA-3........................................... 9 Part Number Page 527BA-4........................................... 9 528N-4............................................. 9 528N-4-250-CL................................ 9 528N-4-SL....................................... 9 528N-6............................................. 9 528N-6-250-CL................................ 9 528N-6-SL....................................... 9 528N-8............................................. 9 528N-8-250-CL................................ 9 528N-8-SL....................................... 9 53DM-10........................................ 10 53DM-12........................................ 10 53DM-3.......................................... 10 53DM-4.......................................... 10 53DM-5.......................................... 10 53DM-6.......................................... 10 53DM-6-6...................................... 10 53DM-6-SL.................................... 10 53DM-8.......................................... 10 540N-12......................................... 10 540N-12-SL................................... 10 540N-2........................................... 10 540N-2-250-CL.............................. 10 540N-2-SL..................................... 10 540N-3........................................... 10 540N-3-250-CL.............................. 10 540N-3-RL..................................... 10 540N-3-SL..................................... 10 540N-4........................................... 10 540N-4-250-CL.............................. 10 540N-4-RL..................................... 10 540N-4-SL..................................... 10 540N-5........................................... 10 540N-5-RL..................................... 10 540N-6........................................... 10 540N-6-500-CL.............................. 10 540N-6-RL..................................... 10 540N-6-SL..................................... 10 540N-8........................................... 10 540N-8-400-CL.............................. 10 540N-8-RL..................................... 10 540N-8-SL..................................... 10 540P-12......................................... 10 540P-4........................................... 10 540P-6........................................... 10 540P-8........................................... 10 55AG-12......................................... 58 55AG-16......................................... 58 55AG-3........................................... 58 55AG-4........................................... 58 55AG-5........................................... 58 55AG-8........................................... 58 55LT-2............................................ 11 55LT-3............................................ 11 55LT-3-250-CL............................... 11 55LT-4............................................ 11 55LT-4-250-CL............................... 11 55LT-4-4........................................ 11 55LT-4-SL...................................... 11 55LT-5............................................ 11 55LT-5-250-CL............................... 11 55LT-5-5........................................ 11 Part Number Page 55LT-5-5-SL................................... 11 55LT-6............................................ 11 55LT-6-250-CL............................... 11 55LT-6-6........................................ 11 55LT-6-6-SL................................... 11 55LT-6-SL...................................... 11 55LT-8............................................ 11 55LT-8-250-CL............................... 11 55LT-8-8........................................ 11 55LT-8-REEL.................................. 11 55LT-8-SL...................................... 11 55PG-12......................................... 58 55PG-4........................................... 58 55PG-6........................................... 58 55PG-7........................................... 58 55SG-12......................................... 58 55SG-16......................................... 58 55SG-3........................................... 58 55SG-4........................................... 58 55SG-5........................................... 58 55SG-6........................................... 58 55SG-8........................................... 58 55SSG-12...................................... 59 55SSG-3........................................ 59 55SSG-4........................................ 59 55SSG-5........................................ 59 55SSG-6........................................ 59 55SSG-8........................................ 59 560-12........................................... 11 560-3............................................. 11 560-4............................................. 11 560-4-500-CL................................ 11 560-4-SL........................................ 11 560-5............................................. 11 560-6............................................. 11 560-6-500-CL................................ 11 560-6-6.......................................... 11 560-6-6-SL.................................... 11 560-6-SL........................................ 11 560-8............................................. 11 560-8-400-CL................................ 11 560-8-8.......................................... 11 560-8-8-SL.................................... 11 560-8-SL........................................ 11 560R-8........................................... 12 560R-8-8....................................... 12 563-4-250-RL................................ 12 563-6-250-RL................................ 12 563-8-250-RL................................ 12 569-4............................................. 12 569-4-4.......................................... 12 56DH-1.5....................................... 12 56DH-2.......................................... 12 575X-12......................................... 12 575X-16......................................... 12 575X-3........................................... 12 575X-4........................................... 12 575X-4-SL..................................... 12 575X-6........................................... 12 575X-6-SL..................................... 12 575X-8........................................... 12 575X-8-SL..................................... 12 83 Part Number Page 580N-12......................................... 13 580N-16......................................... 13 580N-16-SL................................... 13 580N-4........................................... 13 580N-6........................................... 13 580N-6-SL..................................... 13 580N-8........................................... 13 588N-10......................................... 13 588N-10-SL................................... 13 588N-12......................................... 13 588N-12-SL................................... 13 588N-16......................................... 13 588N-4........................................... 13 588N-4-SL..................................... 13 588N-6........................................... 13 588N-8........................................... 13 588N-8-SL..................................... 13 58AG-12......................................... 59 58AG-16......................................... 59 58SG-12......................................... 59 58SG-16......................................... 59 58SSG-4........................................ 59 590-10........................................... 13 590-12........................................... 13 590-16........................................... 13 590-4............................................. 13 590-6............................................. 13 590-6-500-CL................................ 13 590-6-6.......................................... 13 590-6-6-SL.................................... 13 590-6-SL........................................ 13 590-8............................................. 13 590-8-400-CL................................ 13 590-8-8.......................................... 13 590-8-8-SL.................................... 13 590-8-SL........................................ 13 593-12........................................... 14 593-16........................................... 14 60HAB-10...................................... 39 60HAB-12...................................... 39 60HAB-4........................................ 39 60HAB-6........................................ 39 60HAB-8........................................ 39 61HAB-10...................................... 39 61HAB-12...................................... 39 61HAB-4........................................ 39 61HAB-6........................................ 39 61HAB-8........................................ 39 685RA-4-4..................................... 21 685RA-4-6..................................... 21 685RA-6-6..................................... 21 731512-BLU................................... 61 731512-RED.................................. 61 731513-BLU................................... 61 731513-RED.................................. 61 731514.......................................... 61 731516.......................................... 61 731516-BP-25............................... 61 731516H........................................ 61 731522.......................................... 61 731527.......................................... 61 731611-BLU................................... 61 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page 731611-RED.................................. 61 751641.......................................... 61 771164.......................................... 61 80C-061-PFD................................. 61 80C-101-PFD................................. 61 80C-181-PFD................................. 61 80C-544F....................................... 60 80C-M05........................................ 59 80C-M06........................................ 59 80C-M0850.................................... 59 80C-M1010.................................... 59 80C-M1170.................................... 59 80C-P02H...................................... 59 80C-P03......................................... 59 80C-P0368..................................... 60 80C-P04......................................... 59 80C-P04H...................................... 59 80C-P04J....................................... 59 80C-P05......................................... 59 80C-P0505..................................... 60 80C-P0550..................................... 60 80C-P0570..................................... 60 80C-P05R...................................... 59 80C-P06......................................... 59 80C-P0665..................................... 60 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MC-06-6......................................... 57 MC-08-6......................................... 57 MC-08-8......................................... 57 MC-12-12....................................... 57 MCB-3X2-2.................................... 56 MCB-4X2-2.................................... 56 MCB-4X2-4.................................... 56 MCB-6X4-4.................................... 56 MCB-6X4-6.................................... 56 MCB-8X5-6.................................... 56 MCB-8X6-4.................................... 56 MCB-8X6-6.................................... 56 MCB-9X6-8.................................... 56 ME-03-4......................................... 57 ME-04-4......................................... 57 ME-06-6......................................... 57 ME-08-8......................................... 57 ML-03-4......................................... 58 ML-04-4......................................... 58 ML-06-6......................................... 58 ML-08-8......................................... 58 MLB-4X2-4.................................... 56 MLB-6X4-4.................................... 56 MLB-6X4-6.................................... 56 MLB-8X5-6.................................... 56 MLB-8X6-6.................................... 56 MLB-9X6-6.................................... 56 MLB-9X6-8.................................... 56 MSH-5........................................... 18 MSH-5-100.................................... 18 MSH-5-600-CL............................... 18 MSH-6........................................... 18 MSXL-5.......................................... 18 N12X1-BLU.................................... 48 N14X1.5-BLU................................. 48 N-2.5-025-BLU.............................. 46 N-2.5-025-GRN.............................. 46 N-2.5-025-RED.............................. 46 N-2.5-025-YEL............................... 46 N-2-031-BLU................................. 46 N-2-031-RED................................. 46 N-4-035-BLU................................. 46 N-4-035-GRN................................. 46 N-4-035-RED................................. 46 N-4-035-YEL.................................. 46 N-4-040-BLU................................. 46 N-4-040-GRN................................. 46 N-4-040-RED................................. 46 N-4-040-YEL.................................. 46 N4X.65-BLU................................... 48 N-6-050-BLU................................. 46 N-6-050-GRN................................. 46 N-6-050-RED................................. 46 N-6-050-YEL.................................. 46 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH Part Number Page N6X1-BLU...................................... 48 N8X1-BLU...................................... 48 NA-6520......................................... 34 NB10X1.......................................... 48 NB12X1.......................................... 48 NB14X1.5....................................... 48 NB16X1.5....................................... 48 NB18X1.5....................................... 48 NB-2.5-025.................................... 46 NB-2.5-025-0100........................... 46 NB-2-016....................................... 46 NB-2-031....................................... 46 NB-2-031-0100.............................. 46 NB20X1.5....................................... 48 NB-3-025....................................... 46 NB-3-046....................................... 46 NB-3-046-0100.............................. 46 NB-4-035....................................... 46 NB-4-035-0100.............................. 46 NB-4-040....................................... 46 NB-4-040-0100.............................. 46 NB-4-062....................................... 46 NB-4-062-0100.............................. 46 NB4X.65......................................... 48 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NN20X1.5...................................... 48 NN-3-025....................................... 47 NN-3-046....................................... 47 NN-4-035....................................... 47 NN-4-035-0100.............................. 47 NN-4-040....................................... 47 NN-4-040-0100.............................. 47 NN-4-062....................................... 47 NN-4-062-0100.............................. 47 NN4X.65........................................ 47 NN4X.65........................................ 48 NN-5-040....................................... 47 NN-6-050....................................... 47 NN-6-050-0100.............................. 47 NN-6-093....................................... 47 NN-6-093-0100.............................. 47 NN6X1........................................... 48 NN-8-062....................................... 47 NN-8-062-0100.............................. 47 NN-8-124....................................... 47 NN-8-124-0100.............................. 47 NN8X1........................................... 48 NNR-2-017..................................... 47 NNR-2-017-0100........................... 47 NNR-2-026..................................... 47 NNR-2-026-0100........................... 48 NNR-3-024..................................... 48 NNR-3-024-0100........................... 48 NNR-3-039..................................... 48 NNR-3-039-0100........................... 48 NNR-4-035..................................... 48 NNR-4-035-0100........................... 48 NNR-4-050..................................... 48 NNR-4-050-0100........................... 48 NNR-5-040..................................... 48 NNR-5-040-0100........................... 48 NNR-6-048..................................... 48 NNR-6-048-0100........................... 48 NNR-6-075..................................... 48 NNR-6-075-0100........................... 48 NNR-8-062..................................... 48 NNR-8-062-0100........................... 48 NNR-8-075..................................... 48 NNR-8-075-0100........................... 48 PAT12-BLK-250............................. 49 PAT12-BRN-250............................. 49 PAT4-BLK-1000............................. 49 PAT4-BLK-250............................... 49 PAT4-BRN-1000............................. 49 PAT4-BRN-250............................... 49 PAT4-SIL-1000.............................. 49 PAT4-SIL-250................................ 49 PAT6-BLK-100............................... 49 PAT6-BLK-500............................... 49 PAT6-BRN-500............................... 49 PAT6-SIL-500................................ 49 PAT8-BLK-100............................... 49 PAT8-BLK-500............................... 49 PAT8-BRN-500............................... 49 PAT8-SIL-100................................ 49 86 Part Number Page PAT8-SIL-500................................ 49 PEFR-2.5-0500.............................. 45 PEFR-4-0500................................. 45 PEFR-4-1000................................. 45 PEFR-6-0500................................. 45 PEFR-8-0250................................. 45 PFT-10B-BLU-250-FL..................... 63 PFT-5A-BLK-500............................ 62 PFT-6B-BLU-500-FL....................... 63 PP-108-0100................................. 46 PP-21-1000................................... 46 PP-32-0500................................... 46 PP-43-0500................................... 46 PP-53-0500................................... 46 PP-64-0500................................... 46 PP-86-0250................................... 46 PPB-108-0100............................... 46 PPB-21-1000................................. 46 PPB-32-0500................................. 46 PPB-43-0500................................. 46 PPB-53-0500................................. 46 PPB-64-0500................................. 46 PPB-86-0250................................. 46 PSG-110........................................ 59 PSG-12.......................................... 59 PSG-16.......................................... 59 PSG-20.......................................... 59 PSG-25.......................................... 59 PSG-32.......................................... 59 PSG-40.......................................... 59 PSG-50.......................................... 59 PSG-63.......................................... 59 PSG-75.......................................... 59 PSG-90.......................................... 59 PTC................................................ 59 PTC-001-RB................................... 59 PTH-3............................................. 18 PTH-3-250..................................... 18 PV106-1......................................... 49 PV107-1......................................... 49 PV108-1......................................... 49 PV117-1......................................... 49 PV118-1......................................... 49 PV128-1......................................... 49 PV129-1......................................... 49 PV1310-1....................................... 49 PV138-1......................................... 49 PV139-1......................................... 49 PV1410-1....................................... 49 PV1411-1....................................... 49 PV1510-1....................................... 49 PV1611-1....................................... 49 PV1612-1....................................... 49 PV1712-1....................................... 50 PV1814-1....................................... 50 PV1914-1....................................... 50 PV2012-1....................................... 50 PV2014-1....................................... 50 PV2016-1....................................... 50 PV21-1........................................... 49 PV2116-1....................................... 50 PV2216-1....................................... 50 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page PV2218-1....................................... 50 PV2416-1....................................... 50 PV2420-1....................................... 50 PV2620-1....................................... 50 PV2820-1....................................... 50 PV3024-1....................................... 50 PV32-1........................................... 49 PV3224-1....................................... 50 PV3628-1....................................... 50 PV403-1......................................... 50 PV4032-1....................................... 50 PV42-1........................................... 49 PV43-1........................................... 49 PV53-1........................................... 49 PV54-1........................................... 49 PV63-1........................................... 49 PV64-1........................................... 49 PV73-1........................................... 49 PV74-1........................................... 49 PV75-1........................................... 49 PV84-1........................................... 49 PV85-1........................................... 49 PV86-1........................................... 49 PV95-1........................................... 49 PV96-1........................................... 49 PV97-1........................................... 49 R604-500....................................... 18 R606-500....................................... 18 R608-500....................................... 18 R612-250....................................... 18 R616-250....................................... 18 S508N-400..................................... 18 S508N-500..................................... 18 S508N-600..................................... 18 S612-400....................................... 18 S612-500....................................... 18 S612-600....................................... 18 S612-800....................................... 18 S616-300....................................... 18 S616-400....................................... 18 S616-500....................................... 18 S616-600....................................... 18 S616-700....................................... 18 S616-800....................................... 18 S912-300....................................... 19 S912-400....................................... 19 S912-500....................................... 19 S912-600....................................... 19 S912-800....................................... 19 S916-300....................................... 19 S916-400....................................... 19 S916-500....................................... 19 S916-600....................................... 19 S916-800....................................... 19 SB-4-B-025-ML4........................... 56 SB-4-B-050-ML4........................... 56 SB-4-B-100.................................... 56 SB-4-B-100-ML4........................... 56 SB-4-Y-025-ML4............................ 56 SB-4-Y-050-ML4............................ 56 SB-4-Y-100-ML4............................ 56 SB-6-Y-025-ML4............................ 56 Part Number Page SB-6-Y-050-MC4........................... 56 SB-6-Y-050-ML4............................ 56 SB-6-Y-050-ML6............................ 56 SB-6-Y-100.................................... 56 SB-6-Y-100-MC4........................... 56 SB-6-Y-100-ML6............................ 56 SG-03............................................. 58 SG-04............................................. 58 SG-06............................................. 58 SG-08............................................. 58 SLH-12........................................... 19 SLH-16........................................... 19 SQ-101-12P................................... 61 SQ-101-12S6/S9............................ 61 SQ-101-16P................................... 61 SQ-101-16S6................................. 61 SQ-101-16S9................................. 61 SQ-101-SW.................................... 61 TH9-1-56....................................... 61 TS-03............................................. 58 TS-04............................................. 58 TS-06............................................. 58 TS-08............................................. 58 U06244-HS.................................... 56 U06244S........................................ 56 U06264RU..................................... 56 U06264SU..................................... 56 U06266-HSU.................................. 56 U06266SU..................................... 56 U-128-0100................................... 51 U-128-BLK-0100............................ 51 U-21-0250..................................... 50 U-21-0500..................................... 50 U-21-1000..................................... 50 U-21-BLK-0250.............................. 50 U-21-BLK-1000.............................. 50 U-21-BLU-0250............................. 50 U-21-BLU-1000............................. 50 U-21-GRN-0250............................. 50 U-21-GRN-1000............................. 50 U-21-RED-0250............................. 50 U-21-RED-1000............................. 50 U-21-YEL-0250.............................. 50 U-21-YEL-1000.............................. 50 U-32-0250..................................... 50 U-32-0500..................................... 50 U-32-BLK-0500.............................. 50 U-42.5-1000.................................. 51 U-42-0250..................................... 50 U-42-0500..................................... 50 U-42-1000..................................... 50 U-42-BLK-0250.............................. 50 U-42-BLK-0500.............................. 50 U-42-BLK-1000.............................. 50 U-42-BLU-0250............................. 50 U-42-BLU-0500............................. 50 U-42-BLU-1000............................. 50 U-42-GRA-0250............................. 50 U-42-GRN-0250............................. 50 U-42-ORG-0250............................. 50 U-42-ORG-1000............................. 50 U-42-RED-0250............................. 50 Part Number Page U-42-RED-1000............................. 51 U-42-TBLU-0250........................... 51 U-42-TBLU-0500........................... 51 U-42-TBLU-1000........................... 51 U-42-TGRN-0250........................... 51 U-42-TRED-0250........................... 51 U-42-TYEL-0250............................ 51 U-42-YEL-0250.............................. 51 U-42-YEL-1000.............................. 51 U-64-0100..................................... 51 U-64-0250..................................... 51 U-64-0500..................................... 51 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U-85-ORG-0250............................. 51 U-85-RED-0100............................. 51 U-85-RED-0250............................. 51 U-85-YEL-0250.............................. 51 U-86-0100..................................... 51 U-86-0250..................................... 51 U-86-BLK-0100.............................. 51 U-86-BLK-0250.............................. 51 U-86-BLU-0250............................. 51 U-86-GRA-0250............................. 51 U-86-GRN-0250............................. 51 U-86-ORG-0250............................. 51 U-86-RED-0250............................. 51 U-86-TBLU-0250........................... 51 U-86-YEL-0250.............................. 51 U-96-0100..................................... 51 U-96-BLK-0100.............................. 51 UC-04-4......................................... 58 UC-06-6......................................... 58 UFS-128-TBLU-015....................... 56 UFS-128-TBLU-020....................... 56 UFS-128-TBLU-025....................... 56 UFS-32-TBLU-010......................... 55 UFS-32-TBLU-025......................... 55 UFS-42-TBLU-010......................... 55 UFS-64-TBLU-010......................... 55 UFS-64-TBLU-015......................... 55 UFS-64-TBLU-020......................... 55 UFS-64-TBLU-025......................... 55 87 Part Number Page UFS-85-TBLU-010......................... 55 UFS-85-TBLU-015......................... 55 UFS-85-TBLU-020......................... 55 UFS-85-TBLU-025......................... 55 UFS-86-TBLU-010......................... 55 UFS-86-TBLU-020......................... 55 UFS-96-TBLU-015......................... 55 UFS-96-TBLU-020......................... 55 UFS-96-TBLU-025......................... 55 UM10X6.5-0100............................ 52 UM10X6.5-0250............................ 52 UM10X6.5-BLK-0100..................... 52 UM10X6.5-BLK-0250..................... 52 UM10X6.5-BLU-0100.................... 52 UM10X6.5-BLU-0250.................... 52 UM10X6.5-GRN-0250.................... 52 UM10X6.5-RED-0250.................... 52 UM10X6.5-TBLU-0250.................. 52 UM12X8-0250............................... 52 UM12X8-BLK-0250........................ 52 UM12X8-BLU-0250....................... 52 UM12X8-GRN-0250....................... 52 UM12X8-ORG-0250....................... 52 UM12X8-RED-0250....................... 52 UM12X8-TRED-0250..................... 52 UM4X2.5-0100.............................. 52 UM4X2.5-0500.............................. 52 UM4X2.5-BLK-0100....................... 52 UM4X2.5-BLK-0500....................... 52 UM4X2.5-BLU-0100...................... 52 UM4X2.5-BLU-0500...................... 52 UM4X2.5-GRN-0500...................... 52 UM4X2.5-ORG-0500...................... 52 UM4X2.5-RED-0500...................... 52 UM4X2.5-TBLU-0500.................... 52 UM4X2.5-YEL-0100....................... 52 UM4X2.5-YEL-0500....................... 52 UM6X4-0100................................. 52 UM6X4-0500................................. 52 UM6X4-BLK-0100.......................... 52 UM6X4-BLK-0500.......................... 52 UM6X4-BLU-0100......................... 52 UM6X4-BLU-0500......................... 52 UM6X4-GRA-0500......................... 52 UM6X4-GRN-0500......................... 52 UM6X4-ORG-0500......................... 52 UM6X4-RED-0500......................... 52 UM6X4-TBLU-0500....................... 52 UM6X4-TRED-0500....................... 52 UM6X4-YEL-0500.......................... 52 UM8X5-0100................................. 52 UM8X5-0250................................. 52 UM8X5-0500................................. 52 UM8X5-BLK-0100.......................... 52 UM8X5-BLK-0500.......................... 52 UM8X5-BLU-0100......................... 52 UM8X5-BLU-0500......................... 52 UM8X5-GRN-0500......................... 52 UM8X5-ORG-0500......................... 52 UM8X5-RED-0500......................... 52 UM8X5-TBLU-0500....................... 52 UM8X5-TRED-0500....................... 52 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 4660 Price List Alphanumeric Index Part Number Page Part Number Page Part Number UM8X5-TYEL-0500........................ 52 UUFS-128-TBLU-010..................... 56 VBL................................................ 59 VBS................................................ 59 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH 88 Page Part Number Page 4660 Price List Offer of Sale PARKER-HANNIFIN CORPORATION OFFER OF SALE The goods, services or work (referred to as the “Products”) offered by Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries, groups, divisions, and authorized distributors (“Seller”) are offered for sale at prices indicated in the offer, or as may be established by Seller. The offer to sell the Products and acceptance of Seller’s offer by any customer (“Buyer”) is contingent upon, and will be governed by all of the terms and conditions contained in this Offer of Sale. Buyer’s order for any Products specified in Buyer’s purchase document or Seller’s offer, proposal or quote (“Quote”) attached to the purchase order, when communicated to Seller verbally, or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer. 1. Terms and Conditions. Seller’s willingness to offer Products for sale or accept an order for Products is subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Offer of Sale or any newer version of the same, published by Seller electronically at Seller objects to any contrary or additional terms or conditions of Buyer’s order or any other document or other communication issued by Buyer. infringement or any other claim, brought by or incurred by Buyer, Buyer’s employees, or any other person, arising out of: (a) improper selection, application, design, specification or other misuse of Products purchased by Buyer from Seller; (b) any act or omission, negligent or otherwise, of Buyer; (c) Seller’s use of patterns, plans, drawings, or specifications furnished by Buyer to manufacture Products; or (d) Buyer’s failure to comply with these terms and conditions. Seller shall not indemnify Buyer under any circumstance except as otherwise provided. 2. Price; Payment. Prices stated on Seller’s Quote are valid for thirty (30) days, except as explicitly otherwise stated therein, and do not include any sales, use, or other taxes or duties unless specifically stated. Seller reserves the right to modify prices to adjust for any raw material price fluctuations. Unless otherwise specified by Seller, all prices are F.C.A. Seller’s facility (INCOTERMS 2010). Payment is subject to credit approval and payment for all purchases is due thirty (30) days from the date of invoice (or such date as may be specified by Seller’s Credit Department). Unpaid invoices beyond the specified payment date incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month or the maximum allowable rate under applicable law. 12. Cancellations and Changes. Buyer may not cancel or modify or cancel any order for any reason, except with Seller’s written consent and upon terms that will indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless against all direct, incidental and consequential loss or damage. Seller may change Product features, specifications, designs and availability. 13. Limitation on Assignment. Buyer may not assign its rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of Seller. 14. Force Majeure. Seller does not assume the risk and is not liable for delay or failure to perform any of Seller’s obligations by reason of events or circumstances beyond its reasonable control (hereinafter “Events of Force Majeure”). Events of Force Majeure shall include without limitation: accidents, strikes or labor disputes, acts of any government or government agency, acts of nature, delays or failures in delivery from carriers or suppliers, shortages of materials, or any other cause beyond Seller’s reasonable control. 3. Shipment; Delivery; Title and Risk of Loss. All delivery dates are approximate. Seller is not responsible for damages resulting from any delay. Regardless of the manner of shipment, delivery occurs and title and risk of loss or damage pass to Buyer, upon placement of the Products with the shipment carrier at Seller’s facility. Unless otherwise stated, Seller may exercise its judgment in choosing the carrier and means of delivery. No deferment of shipment at Buyers’ request beyond the respective dates indicated will be made except on terms that will indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless against all loss and additional expense. Buyer shall be responsible for any additional shipping charges incurred by Seller due to Buyer’s acts or omissions. 15. Waiver and Severability. Failure to enforce any provision of this agreement will not invalidate that provision; nor will any such failure prejudice Seller’s right to enforce that provision in the future. Invalidation of any provision of this agreement by legislation or other rule of law shall not invalidate any other provision herein. The remaining provisions of this agreement will remain in full force and effect. 4. Warranty. Seller warrants that the Products sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery or 2,000 hours of normal use, whichever occurs first. All prices are based upon the exclusive limited warranty stated above, and upon the following disclaimer: DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THIS WARRANTY IS THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WARRANTY PERTAINING TO PRODUCTS PROVIDED. SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 16. Termination. Seller may terminate this agreement for any reason and at any time by giving Buyer thirty (30) days prior written notice. Seller may immediately terminate this agreement, in writing, if Buyer: (a) breaches any provision of this agreement (b) appoints a trustee, receiver or custodian for all or any part of Buyer’s property (c) files a petition for relief in bankruptcy on its own behalf, or one if filed by a third party (d) makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (e) dissolves its business or liquidates all or a majority of its assets. 5. Claims; Commencement of Actions. Buyer shall promptly inspect all Products upon receipt. No claims for shortages will be allowed unless reported to the Seller within ten (10) days of delivery. No other claims against Seller will be allowed unless asserted in writing within thirty (30) days after delivery. Buyer shall notify Seller of any alleged breach of warranty within thirty (30) days after the date the defect is or should have been discovered by Buyer. Any claim or action against Seller based upon breach of contract or any other theory, including tort, negligence, or otherwise must be commenced within twelve (12) months from the date of the alleged breach or other alleged event, without regard to the date of discovery. 17. Governing Law. This agreement and the sale and delivery of all Products are deemed to have taken place in, and shall be governed and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Ohio, as applicable to contracts executed and wholly performed therein and without regard to conflicts of laws principles. Buyer irrevocably agrees and consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of Cuyahoga County, Ohio with respect to any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this agreement. 18. Indemnity for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. Seller is not liable for infringement of any patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in this Section. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement of U.S. patents, U.S. trademarks, copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (“Intellectual Property Rights”). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought against Buyer based on an allegation that a Product sold pursuant to this agreement infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party. Seller’s obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes aware of such allegations of infringement, and Seller having sole control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all negotiations for settlement or compromise. If a Product is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure for Buyer the right to continue using the Product, replace or modify the Product so as to make it noninfringing, or offer to accept return of the Product and refund the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller is not liable for claims of infringement based on information provided by Buyer, or directed to Products delivered hereunder for which the designs are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting from the modification, combination or use in a system of any Product sold hereunder. The foregoing provisions of this Section constitute Seller’s sole and exclusive liability and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN THE EVENT OF A BREACH OF WARRANTY, SELLER WILL, AT ITS OPTION, REPAIR OR REPLACE A DEFECTIVE PRODUCT, OR REFUND THE PURCHASE PRICE WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD OF TIME. IN NO EVENT IS SELLER LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF, OR AS THE RESULT OF, THE SALE, DELIVERY, NON-DELIVERY, SERVICING, USE OR LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCTS OR ANY PART THEREOF, OR FOR ANY CHARGES OR EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE INCURRED WITHOUT SELLER’S WRITTEN CONSENT, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER’S LIABILITY UNDER ANY CLAIM MADE BY BUYER EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCTS. 7. User Responsibility. The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and Product and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application and follow applicable industry standards and Product information. If Seller provides Product or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the Products or systems. 8. Loss to Buyer’s Property. Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings, confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other items which become Buyer’s property, will be considered obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer ordering the items manufactured using such property. Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such property while it is in Seller’s possession or control. 19. Entire Agreement. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the Buyer and Seller and constitutes the final, complete and exclusive expression of the terms of sale. All prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements or negotiations with respect to the subject matter are herein merged. The terms contained herein may not be modified unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Seller. 9. Special Tooling. A tooling charge may be imposed for any special tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns, acquired to manufacture Products. Such special tooling shall be and remain Seller’s property notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the manufacture of the Products, even if such apparatus has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstanding any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller has the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time. 20. Compliance with Laws. Buyer agrees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry and professional standards of care, including those of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the country or countries in which Buyer may operate, including without limitation the U. K. Bribery Act, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), the U.S. Anti-Kickback Act (“Anti-Kickback Act”) and the U.S. Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”),each as currently amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Seller from the consequences of any violation of such provisions by Buyer, its employees or agents. Buyer acknowledges that it is familiar with the provisions of the U. K. Bribery Act, the FCPA, the FDA, and the Anti-Kickback Act, and certifies that Buyer will adhere to the requirements thereof. In particular, Buyer represents and agrees that Buyer will not make any payment or give anything of value, directly or indirectly to any governmental official, any foreign political party or official thereof, any candidate for foreign political office, or any commercial entity or person, for the purpose of influencing such person to purchase Products or otherwise benefit the business of Seller. 10. Buyer’s Obligation; Rights of Seller. To secure payment of all sums due or otherwise, Seller retains a security interest in all Products delivered to Buyer and this agreement is deemed to be a Security Agreement under the Uniform Commercial Code. Buyer authorizes Seller as its attorney to execute and file on Buyer’s behalf all documents Seller deems necessary to perfect its security interest. 11. Improper Use and Indemnity. Buyer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Seller harmless from any losses, claims, liabilities, damages, lawsuits, judgments and costs (including attorney fees and defense costs), whether for personal injury, property damage, patent, trademark or copyright 05/14 89 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division Ravenna, OH Parker Fluid Connectors Group North American Divisions & Distribution Service Centers Your complete source for quality tube fittings, hose & hose fittings, brass & composite fittings, quickdisconnect couplings, valves and assembly tools, locally available from a worldwide network of authorized distributors. Fittings: Available in inch and metric sizes covering SAE, BSP, DIN, GAZ, JIS and ISO thread configurations, manufactured from steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, nylon and thermoplastic. Hose, Tubing and Bundles: Available in a wide variety of sizes and materials including rubber, wire-reinforced, thermoplastic, hybrid and custom compounds. Worldwide Availability: Parker operates Fluid Connectors manufacturing locations and sales offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. North American Divisions Distribution Service Centers Fluid System Connectors Division Otsego, MI phone 269 694 9411 fax 269 694 4614 Buena Park, CA phone 714 522 8840 fax 714 994 1183 Hose Products Division Wickliffe, OH phone 440 943 5700 fax 440 943 3129 Industrial Hose Division Wickliffe, OH phone 440 833 2120 fax 440 833 2230 Conyers, GA phone 770 929 0330 fax 770 929 0230 Lakeville, MN phone 952 469 5000 fax 952 469 5729 Louisville, KY phone 502 937 1322 fax 502 937 4180 Parflex Division Ravenna, OH phone 330 296 2871 fax 330 296 8433 Portland, OR phone 503 283 1020 fax 503 283 2201 Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MN phone 763 544 7781 fax 763 544 3418 Toledo, OH phone 419 878 7000 fax 419 878 7001 fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations) Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OH phone 614 279 7070 fax 614 279 7685 For information, call toll free... Canada Grimsby, ONT phone 905 945 2274 fax 905 945 3945 (Contact Grimsby for other Service Center locations.) 1-800-C-PARKER (1-800-272-7537) PL 4660 11/2014 © 2014 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Parflex Division 1300 North Freedom Street Ravenna, OH 44266-1212 USA phone 330 296 2871 fax 330 296 0675