Plant Structure
& Growth
Investigation Data Sheet
4. Check every day to see that the seeds are still moist, and
record your observations when the roots begin to appear.
Geotropism In Plants
A tropism is a plant’s response to an outside influence that
directs plant growth or movement. Geotropism is a plant’s
response to gravity.
Perform an experiment to see if a plant’s roots will always
grow downward.
5. After the seeds germinate and the roots begin to grow, flip
the bag upside down and place it back in the window.
Continue observing the growth of the roots and record your
observations, making diagrams if necessary.
• Was your hypothesis (scientific guess) about the root
growth correct? Explain.
— a plastic food bag with some wet paper towels inside
— a stapler
— bean seeds
— a paperclip
Safety Notice: All applicable laboratory safety rules must be followed. Students should
not perform any experimental activity without the teacher’s supervision and express
permission. Students must follow safety guidelines and wear appropriate protective gear.
• What do you think would happen if you tried to germinate
bean seeds in the space shuttle when it was orbiting the Earth
and affected by microgravity?
1. Place four bean seeds in the food bag and position each a little differently, about three fingers-width apart. That will mean
that their position in the bag doesn’t have anything to do with
growing downwards.
2. Staple the bag shut.
3. Make sure the bag is tightly closed to seal in the moisture,
and hang it in a sunny window with a paperclip.
Data Table — Plant Observations
Bean 1
Bean 2
Bean 3
Bean 4
Day 1
Day 4
Day 7
Day 10
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