User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 1 of 8 Revised August 2010 Reports Generated by Payroll Services Daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports are generated by Payroll Services. Most of these reports are issued electronically and are available for pickup on the Web Based Employee Services System (also known as Web PPBS). Select the “View Reports” icon on the left side of any Web PPBS page. See Section 200-10 for information on ‘ad hoc’ reports available ‘on demand’ (“WebPA Reports”). A. DEPARTMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY The home department coordinator or other designated individual (see below) is responsible for accessing the Web PPBS system daily to retrieve and review electronic reports. The home department coordinator or designated individual is responsible for reviewing all reports, paper or electronic, and taking all necessary actions. The HDC must also set up a secondary or backup recipient of all reports, so that the reports can be accessed and reviewed in case of the HDC’s absence. Electronic Reports delete from the web after seven days. If you wish to be able to view the reports beyond that limit, you must download reports to your desktop or server (recommended). Certain reports (labor distribution, check register) may be re-created after deletion via WebPA reports. Other reports, such as the Daily Log or Payroll Projection, cannot be recreated once deleted. Some reports will continue to be issued on paper as noted in Section F. The home department coordinator is responsible for ensuring that Payroll Services is visited on a timely basis to pick up materials in your Payroll in-box. B. RETENTION WebPA will automatically purge reports after 7 days. Because most of these reports will be available on WebPA reports upon demand, you may not need to retain paper copies in your department, but you should retain electronic files. Certain reports cannot be re-generated upon demand. These reports should definitely be downloaded and retained for the period required. These reports are: Daily Log: Payroll Projection: Retain for 3 months Retain until next projection report received User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 2 of 8 Revised August 2010 C. REPORTS 1. The following reports are currently available electronically: Payroll Projection Description: A projection of what the check would look like if payroll were run today. Generally the monthly projection report is available each Monday until monthly checks are generated. The Biweekly projection report only shows PA.HOURS input and not OTiS input, as of the date of the report. Handling: Review carefully to ensure all employees will be paid correctly on the coming payroll. Should be compared to internal data base, or the last check register. Watch for account number and pay amounts, missing employee names, possible overpayments, etc. Retention: Should be retained until the next projection report is received. Labor Distribution Description: A report in object code order for each account number with activity. Available after each pay cycle. Handling: Reconcile with the ASR (Account Status Report) Retention: 7 years Check Register, aka PY.RESULTS Description: Issued after each pay cycle is generated but before the actual pay day, showing all employees with pay check information for that cycle (pay checks, advice slips, account number, amount, number of hours, total gross and total net pay). Handling: Carefully review to identify employees not paid or paid incorrectly so that a Appropriate action can be initiated and a check available for employee on pay day. Retention: None required; at departmental discretion. User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 3 of 8 Revised August 2010 Daily Log Description: Lists all activity on employees in your department (changes to demographic information, funding, W-4, voluntary and involuntary deductions, etc), showing the action taken, by whom, and the date. Handling: Review to ensure you are aware of what changes are being taken on your employees to ensure no unauthorized access has occurred. Retention: 3 months PS.HRS.CTRL.R – OTiS Error Reports Description: Lists all errors, rejections, and other issue with the OTiS upload. Handling: Review immediately of the Friday afternoon after the OTiS upload occurs. Take action as needed. See User’s Guide 1100-4. Retention: Until next paycycle. Deduction/Reduction Register Description: Issued only to those departments that also serve as revenue centers. Handling: Review to ensure all deductions are accurate and correct. Retention: 7 years CWSP Reports Description: Reports of current CWSP Handling: Review status of your CWSP employees. Retention: None needed. User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 4 of 8 Revised August 2010 D. RETRIEVAL AND REVIEW 1. Retrieve from WebPA Reports. Click on “view reports”. 2. The reports will be in Excel (XLS) and PDF format. size on excel reports. You may need to make adjustments to field Note: There is extensive information to assist you in reformatting reports. Once you are on the reports page, click the “Help” button at the bottom. 3. You will see a list of reports, the name and description, the format (text “txt”; excel worksheet “xls”; or pdf) along with size and date information. Reports will appear separately for each subunit. 4. Select a report by clicking on the report number (“Report 1”, “Report 5”) etc. 5. A page will come up and offer you a choice to “click here to display report or right click to download”. 6. Click. A window will open up offering you a 2nd choice to open or save. Note: time. 7. If you opt to “open”, you still have the option to “save” to your desktop at any XLS format reports: To open an XLS report you must have Microsoft Excel on your computer. You will find that xls format reports often need the columns resized, leading zeroes added, margins adjusted, and so forth. You can adjust the sorting of these reports or delete fields as needed to provide you with the useful reports for your individual needs. 8. PDF format reports: To open and read a PDF report you must have a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat on your computer. Most reports are also available in PDF. This is ideal for printing and distribution. However you cannot edit a PDF file easily. User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 5 of 8 Revised August 2010 E. DISTRIBUTION OF REPORTS 1. There will not be email notifications to remind the home department coordinator or designated individual to pick up the reports. If you would desire an email notification, you may request that via PA.DEPT.U (see below). 2. Reports will be automatically deleted after seven days. 3. All reports will go to the home department coordinator. However the coordinator may direct certain reports to other individuals as outlined below. 4. To update or change report distribution: a. b. c. d. e. Access ais-c2000 Go to PA Menu Select PA.UPDATE Select PA.DEPT.U and enter the 10-digit home department number You will see a display of the reports and the current designated recipient. Note that some reports are listed twice, for xls and pdf format (Continued on next page) User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 6 of 8 Revised August 2010 PA.DEPT.U Personnel System USC Payroll/Personnel/Benefits System1 of 1 04/02/2010 PS_DEPT Coordinator Process Ver: 1.0.20070123 Home Dept No. 2510250000 Dept Name Coord Empl ID Coord Name Mail Code University Payroll Services 0016758 Rosilund Morgan 8003 University Gardens Building 46 Report Name 1. DAILY.LOG.DEPT 2. DAILY.LOG.DEPT 3. DAILY.LOG.DEPT 4. DAILY.LOG.DEPT 5. PS.HRS.CTL.R.DEPT Empl Id Name 0116748 Mears, Aimee R. 0116748 Mears, Aimee R. 0016758 Morgan, Rosilund 0016758 Morgan, Rosilund 0116748 Mears, Aimee R. Description Dept Daily Log Report Dept Daily Log Report Dept Daily Log Report Dept Daily Log Report PS.HRS.CTL.R.DEPT Ext Type Notify xls email Y pdf email Y pdf email N xls email N xls email Y New/Old U=Update, X=No update, #=Item, Q=Quit, T=Top, WI#=Window, P#=Page “Notify” Column: You may opt to receive an email notification of the report by entering “Y” or “N”. Some reports will come as an attachment. Others are too big to send via email, as so must be retrieved at WebPA Reports. New/Old Column: If you are not receiving reports, or if you have a new unit, check this column. If it says “new”, just press “U” to update the screen, and the ‘new’ will disappear. Otherwise, this column should be blank. HANGE: i. ii. iii. iv. To change the person to whom the report is sent: Place cursor on the line below “Empl ID” Enter 7 digit employee number. Employee must be active. Be sure to change both the pdf and xls versions of each report. Update. ADD: To add a second or alternate recipient i. ii. The report name must be input EXACTLY. You may either TYPE the report name on the first blank line, or a) Place the curson on the line below the existing report b) Type + (a plus sign). This will insert a blank line. c) Under Report Name enter “ (ditto sign). This will copy the information on the line immediately above. This ensures you enter the Report Name correctly. d) Enter the 2nd recipient’s employee number. e) You may also use the ditto sign in the EXT Type ant Notify columns Be sure to add both the pdf and xls versions of each report. Update iii. iv. User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 7 of 8 Revised August 2010 DELETE: i. ii. iii. To delete a second or alternate recipient At least one person must receive all standard reports. You may only delete a report if there is a 2nd person set up to receive that report. To delete a recipient, place the cursor on the “Report Name” line, and use the backslash (\) key, and hit enter. The entire line will delete. Update. User’s Guide Section 200-9 Page 8 of 8 Revised August 2010 F. THE FOLLOWING REPORTS WILL REMAIN ON PAPER: 1. Check Transmittal: 2. 3. 4. Description: This is the report which comes attached to the checks and advice slip. Handling: Review to ensure that all checks and advice slips are present. Use as a ‘sign out sheet’ to track routing of the checks and advice slips. Retention: 7 years. Expiring Work Authorizations: Description: Issued monthly; a manually generated list of employees whose work authorizations have expired or will expire in the next 120 days. Handling: Contact employees immediately as Immigration is taking at least 120 days to process extensions. Ensure employee begins renewal process. If report says “employee must not work” beyond a certain date, ensure those instructions are followed. Retention: None required. List of Missing Social Security Numbers/ITIN: Description: Issued monthly; a manually generated list of those with an “I0” placeholder social security number. Handling: Contact individual and ensure that employee presents the social security Number/ITIN as soon as possible. If report says “employee must not work” beyond a certain date, ensure those instructions are followed. Retention: None required. List of employees in “IA” status improperly: Description: Manually generated list of all non-student employees in “IA” status. Handling: Staff, Faculty, and Resource Employees not be IA. Take appropriate action (terminate, move to IW, LW, or SP status) as described in cover memo. Retention: None required.