Indonesian ualification Framework Indonesian ualification Framework KERANGKA KUALIFIKASI NASIONAL INDONESIA MEGAWATI SANTOSO IQF TEAM – DIRECTORATE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION Indonesian ualification Framework Road Map of IQF • Skills toward 2020 (2003) • Ministry of National Education & Ministry of Labor and Transmigration • IQF establishment ( September 2009 – July 2010) • Ministry of National Education & Ministry of Labor and Transmigration • Presidential Decree (July – September 2010) • IQF Handbooks (Further Implication of IQF at each Sector – July – December 2010) Indonesian ualification Framework Nine levels of qualification IQF represents the quality of formal and non formal educational and training system as well as competency - recognition system in Indonesia The nine levels and their coresponding descriptors were determined by comprehensive roadmapping of the labor condition in Indonesia from both perspectives (supply push and demand pull), as well as lesson learned from other NQF. Indonesian ualification Framework 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 9 5 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 COURTESY OF Rudy Handojo- PII Indonesian ualification Framework IQF ELEMENTs 1. Indicate content and coverage of science, knowledge, know – how, and skills acquired by individual at each level. 2. Indicate capability and capacity in utilizing scientific, knowledge, know – how and skills as well as responsibility and accountability in undertaking a work or a job 3. Indicate autonomy as well as methods to gain recognition in utilizing such scientific, knowledge, know – how< and skills. Indonesian ualification Framework Characteristic of IQF elements Science Knowledge Know-how Skill More Scientific More Skillful ualification Framework IQF LEVELS Indonesian Indonesian ualification Framework DESCRIPTORS GENERALIndonesian DESCRIPTION ualification Framework In line with the fundamental state ideology and in harmony with the culture of Indonesian people, the implementation of national education system and work training program in Indonesia that distinguish each level of qualification in the KKNI, will embrace the process of emergent character and identity of Indonesian people as follows, • devoted to One Mighty God • posses excellent moral, ethics and personal identity in carrying out her/his jobs • act as citizen who proud of and love her/his nation and have faith in world peace • capable to work in team and attest compassion to social, community and environmental issues • value diversity in culture, vision, believe and religion as well as appreciate patent and property rights • esteem law enforcement and demonstrate spirit to put priority to national and public needs Indonesian ualification Framework SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION – LEVEL 1 Capable to carry out simple task with limited range of scope and routine attribute using tool, known method and process under supervision, monitoring and responsibility of her/his supervisor Posses factual knowledge. Responsible only for her/his own job and not for other person's job Indonesian 2 ualification Framework Capable to carry out specific task using tool, information and commonly defined working procedure, and demonstrate performance with measurable quality under direct supervision of her/his supervisor. Posses basic operational and factual knowledge for being capable to choose available solutions suitable for commonly existed problems. Responsible for her/his own job and can be assigned to perform responsibility in supervising other person. Indonesian 3 ualification Framework Capable to carry out a series of specific tasks by translating information and using tool, based on a number of working procedures, and capable to demonstrate performance with measurable quality in which some are her/his own performances under indirect supervision. Posses complete operational knowledge, general principles and concepts related to a certain knowhow fact, for being capable to complete a variety of common problems using appropriate method Capable to cooperate and perform good communication skills within her/his job coverage Responsible for her/his own job and can be assigned to take responsibility of other person's performance Indonesian 4 ualification Framework Mastering several basic principles of certain knowhow and capable to align them with factual problems in within her/his job coverage. Capable to cooperate and perform good communication, construct written report within limited scope and to demonstrate initiatives Responsible for her/his own job and can be assigned to take responsibility of other person's performances Indonesian 5 ualification Framework Capable to complete wide coverage job, choose appropriate method from a variety of undefined and defined selections by analyzing data and to demonstrate performance with measurable quality Mastering general theoretical concepts of a certain knowledge and capable to formulate related problem solving procedure. Posses capacity to manage team work and construct comprehensive written report Responsible for her/his own job and can be assigned to take responsibility of the attainment of team work performances. Indonesian ualification Framework 6 Capable to apply science, technology and art within her/his expertise and adaptable to various situations faced during solving a problem Mastering in-depth general and specific theoretical concepts of a certain knowledge and capable to formulate related problem solving procedure. Capable to take strategic decision based on information and data analysis and provides direction in choosing several alternative solutions. Responsible for her/his own job and can be assigned to take responsibility of the attainment of organization's performances. Indonesian 7 ualification Framework Capable to carry out planning and managing resources under her/his responsibility and comprehensively evaluate her/his performance by using science, technology and art to establish the organization's strategic development steps. Capable to solve science, technology or/and art problems within her/his scientific expertise through mono-discipline approach. Capable to carry out research and take strategic decision with accountability and full responsible on all aspects under her/his expertise's domain. Indonesian ualification Framework 8 Capable to flourish science, technology, or/and art within her/his expertise's or professional domain through research for producing innovative and reputable creation Capable to solve science, technology or/and art problems within her/his scientific expertise through inter- or multidiscipline approach. Capable to organize research and development useful to science and society as well as obtain national and international recognitions. Indonesian 9 ualification Framework Capable to cultivate new knowledge, technology, or/and art within her/his expertise's or professional domain through research for producing creative, original and reputable creation. Capable to solve science, technology or/and art problems within her/his scientific expertise through inter-, multi- or trans-discipline approach. Capable to organize, lead and flourish research and development useful to science and valuable to human civilization as well as obtain national and international recognitions. Indonesian ualification Framework IMPLICATION OF IQF AT FORMAL EDUCATION SECTOR 1. Equivalency of learning outcomes 2. Recognition of Prior Learning 3. Change of Education Pathways 4. QA System based on IQF 5. Mutual Recognition Indonesian ualification Framework IQF S3 Sub Spesialis 9 S2 Spesialis 8 Profesi 7 S1 D IV 6 D III 5 D II 4 3 Sekolah Menengah Umum 2 1 DI Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan IQF curriculum HEIs QA NATIONAL STANDARD National Accreditation accreditation agency 21 QA DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Indonesian EQAualification Framework LEARNING OUTCOMES IQF Standard of job competencies Work fields Learning Process HEIs New Students Civitas academica Job Market IQA Rector/ Vice Chancellor Lectures & Deans Recognition by User/society curriculum Organization Staff Funding Resources Laboratorium References Association of Profession Indonesian ualification Framework AQF NQF IQF EQF SQF •Understanding each NQF • Partial equalitation among NQF Indonesian ualification Framework LO based leveling LEARNING LEARNING Process- Process Outcomes - Outcomes 1. Competent Recognition Authority 2. Legal Aspect 3. Leveling process Indonesian ualification Framework Thank You for your kind attention TERIMA KASIH Indonesian ualification Framework PENGAKUAN MAKSIMUM PAKET C + RPL D 2 (Level 4) D 1 + RPL D 3 (Level 5) D 2 + RPL D 4 (Level 6) D 3 + RPL D4,Prof (Level 7) D 4/S1 + RPL Profesi , S2 (Level 8) S2 + RPL Doktor (Level 9) Sp 1 + RPL SubSp (LEVEL 9) RPL Indonesian CONTOH PENGAKUAN MAKSIMUM RPL ualification Framework Pendidikan Vokasi Lulusan D2 Pendidikan Akademik 9 Subspesialis S3 8 Spesialis S2 7 Profesi umum 6 RPL Pendidikan Profesi 5 4 3 2 1 D4 D4 D3 D3 D2 D1 S1 D2 D1 SMU/ SMK SMA/SMK Indonesian RPL Lulusan Sp ualification Framework Pendidikan Vokasi 9 8 7 CONTOH PENGAKUAN MAKSIMUM Pendidikan Profesi Pendidikan Akademik Subspesialis Subspesialis S3 Spesialis Spesialis S2 Profesi Profesi umum Umum 6 D4 5 D3 4 D2 3 D1 2 1 S1 SMU/ SMK SMA/SMK Indonesian RPL Lulusan S1 CONTOH PENGAKUAN MAKSIMUM ualification Framework Pendidikan Vokasi Pendidikan Profesi Pendidikan Akademik 9 Subspesialis S3 S3 8 Spesialis S2 7 Profesi umum S2 6 D4 5 D3 4 D2 3 D1 2 1 S1 S1 SMU/ SMK SMA/SMK Indonesian ualification Framework Standardized core content of curriculum based on IQF Application of standard to input & process - Internal QA - Tracer Study BSNP HEI Qualification (IQF) External Quality Asurance BAN - PT Indonesian Penjaminan Mutu ualification Framework KURIKULUM BERBASIS KOMPETENSI L DESKRIPTOR HASIL PEMBELAJARAN (Learning Outcomes) Indonesian ualification Framework 5 Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan berlingkup luas, memilih metode yang sesuai dari D3 beragam pilihan yang sudah maupun belum baku dengan menganalisis data, serta mampu menunjukkan kinerja dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur terhadap hasil kerja sendiri, orang lain, dan kelompok, yang menjadi tanggung jawab pengawasan di lingkup bidang kerjanya: a. Mampu melakukan tindakan teknis dalam lingkup pelayanan jasa, salah satu diantaranya; medik veteriner, zooteknis, kesmavet, medik reproduksi, produksi ternak, karantina hewan, penyuluhan dan promosi kesehatan hewan, teknologi limbah ternak dan sanitasi lingkungan, penyakit non infeksius, farmakologi dan obat tradisional, teknisi kesehatan unggas, teknisi bedah veteriner sesuai dengan pedoman operasi baku. b. Mampu berkerja sebagai teknisi di laboratorium biomedik untuk mendukung lingkup layanan di bidang veteriner. Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan secara umum tetapi mendalam di bidangbidang tertentu, serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural: a. Menguasai pengetahuan tentang konsep dasar, prinsip, dan teori yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan hewan. b. Menguasai konsep teoritis tentang sistem kesehatan hewan nasional, legislasi veteriner serta batasan-batasan kewenangan paramedik veteriner. L 5 DESKRIPTOR HASIL PEMBELAJARAN (Learning Outcomes) Indonesian ualification Framework Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan berlingkup luas, memilih metode yang sesuai dari D-III beragam pilihan yang sudah maupun belum baku dengan menganalisis data, serta mampu menunjukkan kinerja dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur terhadap hasil kerja sendiri, orang lain, dan kelompok, yang menjadi tanggungjawab pengawasan di lingkup bidang kerjanya. 1. Mampu menyusun laporan keuangan sesuai dengan Standard Akuntansi Keuangan secara manual; 2. Mampu memilih dan menggunakan metode akuntansi yang sesuai untuk melakukan pencatatan transaksi keuangan; 3. Mampu mengoperasikan piranti lunak akuntansi dan pengolah angka/ spreadsheet dalam menyajikan, mengendalikan, dan mempertanggungjawabkan informasi bagi manajemen. Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan secara umum tetapi mendalam di bidangbidang tertentu, serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural. 1. Menguasai pengetahuan dan mampu memilih teori bidang akuntansi yang dapat diterapkan di lapangan kerja untuk menyelesaikan masalah akuntansi; 2. Mempunyai konsep teoritis dan keterampilan dalam melakukan pengauditan terhadap laporan keuangan pada perusahaan kecil dan menengah sesuai dengan standar pengauditan. 9 Mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan, teknologi, dan Indonesian ualification Framework atau seni baru di dalam bidang keilmuannya atau praktek profesionalnya melalui riset, hingga menghasilkan karya kreatif, original, dan teruji. Mampu memecahkan permasalahan sains, teknologi, dan atau seni di dalam bidang keilmuannya melalui pendekatan inter, multi, atau transdisipliner Mampu mengelola, memimpin, dan mengembangkan riset dan pengembangan yang bermanfaat bagi ilmu pengetahuan dan kemaslahatan umat manusia, serta mampu mendapat pengakuan nasional maupun internasional. Indonesian ualification Framework • Transdisciplinary studies are related to a set of ideas such as interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and integrative studies. What sets transdisciplinary studies apart from the others is a particular emphasis on engagement, investigation, and participation in addressing present-day issues and problems in a manner that explicitly destabilizes disciplinary boundaries while respecting disciplinary expertise. They are built around three key concepts: transformative praxis, constructive problem-solving and real-world engagement. • It brings together academic experts, field practitioners, community members, research scientists, political leaders, and business owners among others to solve some of the pressing problems facing the world, from the local to the global. 9 Mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan, teknologi, dan atau seni baru di Indonesian ualification Framework (S3) dalam bidang keilmuannya atau praktek profesionalnya melalui riset, hingga menghasilkan karya kreatif, original, dan teruji. a. Mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan baru dalam bidang pendidikan atau memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan konsep penguasaan kompetensi profesional pendidik berdasarkan pengetahuan baru. b. Mampu menghasilkan temuan pengetahuan baru di bidang pendidikan yang original dan teruji melalui riset Mampu memecahkan permasalahan sains, teknologi, dan atau seni di dalam bidang keilmuannya melalui pendekatan inter, multi, dan atau transdisipliner. a. Mampu mengkaji secara kritis terhadap suatu permasalahan pendidikan yang kompleks dan mampu memecahkan masalah tersebut dengan menerapkan pengetahuan pendidikan yang baru melalui pendekatan inter, multi-, atau transdisiplin. b. Mampu mempromosikan pemajuan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang pendidikan dalam konteks akademik dan profesional Indonesian ualification Framework 9 Mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan, teknologi, dan atau seni baru di (S3) dalam bidang keilmuannya atau praktik profesionalnya melalui riset, hingga menghasilkan karya kreatif, original, dan teruji. 1. Mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan baru di bidang rekayasa atau memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan penguasaan profesionalisme berdasarkan kearifan (wisdom) pengetahuan baru tersebut; 2. Mampu menghasilkan inovasi teknologi yang original melalui pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan teknologi mutakhir, dan teruji oleh pakar di tingkat nasional atau internasional. Mampu memecahkan permasalahan sains, teknologi, dan atau seni di dalam bidang keilmuannya melalui pendekatan inter-, multi-, atau transdisiplin. 1. Mampu memecahkan masalah rekayasa yang kompleks melalui pendekatan inter-, multi-, atau transdisiplin; 2. Mampu mempromosikan pemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam konteks akademik dan profesional.