Where did the water on Mars go? } Water is one of the conditions for life. } Water on Mars could mean life on Mars. That would be cool!!!! } } } Lots of people think Mars used to be warm and wet. (#18- There are features on the surface that show there used to be water there like channels , gullies and alluvial fans. (#5-10- } } } Curiosity found rocks that were formed in water (#3- iref=allsearch) Except for polar ice caps you can’t find water on Mars now. (#17- There is no liquid water on the surface of Mars now because of low atmospheric pressure. (#5- } } The water on Mars might have gone underground. If there was underground water on Mars then you should see features like steam vents and geysers and mud pots in the parts of Mars where all the volcanoes are (because you need heat). Cone Geyser Fountain Geyser A geyser starts as a hot spring. The water boils and there is pressure. Water from underground gets pushed up by the pressure and water and, or steam shoots out! yellowstone/WhatIs/ index.html http:// geysers.htm Water + Heat + Special Plumbing = GEYSER ~schwehr/yellowstone/WhatIs/ index.html Mud Pot http:// geysers.htm This is a dormant geyser, an example of a spot of underground water on earth. This is a dormant geyser, at Yellowstone National Park on earth. http:// marketplace. stock-photo/ DormantGeyser-atYellowstoneNational-166 1724 This is an example of a dormant geyser proving there used to be water on Mars. NASA Finds Jets Bursting From Martian Ice Cap August 16, 2006 2006/08/9bbc9448669d98c4f1498cec4d753a3e 1.jpg Fizzy water powered 'super' geysers on ancient Mars 16:15 17 March 2008 article/dn13480-fizzy-waterpowered-super-geysers-onancient-mars.html } Cerberus Fossae - youngest major volcanic eruption on Mars- released underground water? } } Athabasca Valles showing source of its water, Cerberus Fossae. Note streamined islands which show direction of flow to south. http:// wiki/ Athabasca_Valles This is a picture of Mangala Fossa. We could look here for underground water on Mars. We could look for: • Mud flows around trench • Mud pots • Cone geysers • Fountain geysers This is a picture of Cerberus Fossae. We could look here for underground water on Mars. We could look for: • Water channels around trench • Mud pots • Cone geysers • Fountain geysers What would be a better choice, Mangala Fossa or Cerberus Fossae? } Are we looking for the right things? } What kind of pictures/instruments in JMARS should we use? } Need to get from Google } 0B_c2jGFDMCRgWlVXNGowM3NnZ0E/edit? usp=sharing }