CITY OF LANDER REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS – CITY HALL 240 LINCOLN STREET LANDER, WY 82520 OCTOBER 13, 2015 THE CITY OF LANDER IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Governing Body Present: Mayor Del McOmie, Council President Cade Maestas, Council Vice President Monte Richardson-Late, Council Members Melinda Cox, Dan Hahn, Dick Hudson-Late, Mark Calhoun Governing Body Absent: City Staff Present: City Clerk Robin Griffin, City Attorney Adam Phillips, Mayor’s Assistant RaJean Strube Fossen, Engineer/Public Works Director Lance Hopkin, Police Chief Bob Cecrle, City Treasurer Charri Lara CALL TO ORDER Mayor McOmie called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Council Vice President Richardson moved to approve the agenda. Motion passed. ORAL COMMENTS (a) Personal Privilege – Mayor and Council Council Member Richardson stated how great the work on McDougall looks. Mayor McOmie explained the concrete portion of the project and stated the utility work should be mostly completed at the end of next week. Mayor McOmie and the City Council thanked the residents of the McDougall and Cliff area for their patience. Public Works Director/Engineer Lance Hopkin explained some of the issues with the project. He stated the contractor is working to open South 9th Street by the middle of next week. Mayor McOmie stated the High Pressure Water Line is progressing nicely. Council President Maestas stated he discussed the City’s GIS with the Fremont County Assessor. He stated the County would be interested in sharing the GIS information that the City will have after these projects. Public Works Director/Engineer Hopkin stated the intent is to share as much information as possible. Mayor’s Assistant RaJean Strube Fossen asked if the Council was aware of the Community Dialogues. There will be a series of four community meetings to be held in the county to define issues that exist and come up with recommendations. The first meeting will be October 21, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Rocky Mountain Hall in Fort Washakie. (b) Proclamation – Lights On After School Day – October 22, 2015 Mayor McOmie read the proclamation. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes a. Regular Council Meeting –September 22, 2015 b. Special Meeting – September 29, 2015 c. Work Session - September 29, 2015 d. Work Session – October 6, 2015 CITY OF LANDER MISSION STATEMENT To provide a safe, stable and responsive environment that promotes And supports a traditional yet progressive community Resulting in a high quality of life. VISION Preserving the past while providing for the future Page 1 of 5 10/13/15 MOTION: Council Member Cox moved to approve. Motion passed. ORDINANCES Ordinance 1193 – First Reading – Bonds, Fines and Fees a. MOTION: Council Member Hudson moved to approve. Motion passed. Ordinance 1198 – Second Reading – Amending Title 4 – Zoning b. MOTION: Council Member Hudson moved to approve. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Pay Request #3 from Wilson Brothers for Lander Streets & Utilities project for $448,480.24 MOTION: Council President Maestas moved to approve. Motion passed. b. Approve Pay Request #5 from Patrick Construction for High Pressure Water Line project for $243,931.89 MOTION: Council Member Cox moved to approve. Motion passed. c. Award bid for Hunt Field Snow Removal Equipment to Honnen Equipment for $206,201.12 MOTION: Council President Maestas moved to approve. Motion passed. d. Appoint Heather Ley and Mandy Fabel to the Parks and Recreation Commission MOTION: Council Vice President Richardson moved to approve. Motion passed. e. Approve Amendment #2 with Dowl for the Waste Water Lagoon Upgrades MOTION: Council Vice President Richardson moved to approve. Motion passed. f. Bills and Claims 71 CONSTRUCTION CO ACE HARDWARE LANDER ADAM E PHILLIPS ATTORNEY AT LAW ALSCO ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION AT & T BILL JONES PLUMBING & HEAT BLOEDORN LANDER LUMBER BOLGER BOMGAARS BRAD WURSTEN AIRSHOWS CD SIGNS & SUPPLY CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CENTURY LINK CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS CHIEF SUPPLY CITY OF RIVERTON CITY PLUMBING & HEATING MAINTENANCE - WATER ALL DEPTS ATTORNEY - GEN GOVT/WATER LINENS - LCCC MEMBERSHIP - PARKS PHONE - POLICE REPAIR - SEWER REPAIR - LCCC ADVERTISING - LCCC ALL DEPTS FLY IN - AIRPORT MAINTENANCE - WATER PETTY CASH PHONE - ALL DEPTS CAMERAS SKATEPARK - PARKS UNIFORMS - POLICE GRANT FLY IN SUPPLIES - WEED & PEST 37,944.58 1148.58 4,202.00 675.04 25 6.15 150 151.34 917 142.52 5,608.00 850.5 799.65 1792.01 62.94 159.45 400 343 CITY OF LANDER MISSION STATEMENT To provide a safe, stable and responsive environment that promotes And supports a traditional yet progressive community Resulting in a high quality of life. VISION Preserving the past while providing for the future Page 2 of 5 10/13/15 CLARKS LANDSCAPING CNA SURETY COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES CORE OF ENGINEERS CPS DISTRIBUTORS INC DEALERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLY DOWL ENERGY LABORATORIES INC FASTENAL FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FLEX SHARE BENEFITS FREMONT CHEVROLET-GMC FREMONT CO SOLID WASTE DISPOS FREMONT COMMUNICATIONS FREMONT COUNTY TREASURER FREMONT MOTOR COMPANY FRONT RANGE FIRE APPARATUS LTD GDA ENGINEERS HACH COMPANY HEMKEN, MELISSA HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - ROCK SPRINGS ICOP SAFETY VISION COMPANY L N CURTIS & SONS LANDER ONE SHOT CLUB LANDER SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER LANDER SWIM CLUB LANDER VALLEY ANIMAL HOSPITAL LEAFGREEN, JEFF M & R WINDOW CLEANING MASTERCARD MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC MCKEE MARBURGER & FAGNANT P C MED TECH RESOURCE INC MEDIA WORKS INC MISC ONE TIME PAYMENTS MR D'S FOOD STORES MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES MUNIZ, MANNY NALCO COMPANY NAPA AUTO PARTS - LANDER NEWEGG INC NFPA NORCO INC NORMONT EQUIPMENT NORTHWEST POWER SYSTEM ONE CALL OF WYOMING O'REILLY AUTO PARTS OWEN, CATHY PATRICK CONSTRUCTION INC PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE INC PITNEY BOWES PITT, ORLEY POSTMASTER PRECISION ANALYSIS RDJ SPECIALTIES MAINTENANCE - PARKS BOND - GEN GOVT REPAIR - FIRE PROF FEES SECTION 205 MAINTENANCE - PARKS LIGHTING - BLDG MAINT CLEAN WATER DRINKING PROJECT SAMPLE ANALYSIS - WATER TREAT SUPPLIES - SHOP MAINTENANCE - WATER FLEX SHARE - GENERAL/WATER REPAIR - SHOP DISPOSAL - STREETS PHONE - ALL DEPTS PRISIONER CARE /JAIL REPAIR - SHOP REPAIR - FIRE PROF FEES - MASTERPLAN TUITION /CHEMICALS -WTP PROF FEES - ART CENTER TRAVEL - WTP SUPPLIES - POLICE REPAIR - FIRE REFUND COMMUNITY CENTER DEPOSIT BLDG MAINT - LANDER SENIOR CEN ADVERTISING - GEN GOVT K9 - POLICE K9 EXPENSE - POLICE CLEANING WINDOWS - LCCC TRAVEL - GEN GOVT SUPPLIES - MUNI COURT/POLICE ACCOUNTING - GEN GOVT/WATER UNIFORMS - FIRE SUPPLIES - POLICE SUPPLIES - LCCC ALL DEPTS UNIFORMS - FIRE FLY IN - AIRPORT CHEMICALS - WTP ALL DEPTS SUPPLIES - POLICE FIRE PREVENTION WEEK - FIRE REPAIR - FIRE SIGNS - STREETS REPAIR - SHOP LOCATES - WATER SUPPLIES - POLICE MAINTENANCE - COMM CNTR/BLDG HIGH PRESSURE WATERLINE STRIPPING - STREETS RENTAL - POLICE CLEANING SERVICES - FIRE POSTAGE - WATER TESTING - WATER/STP FIRE PREVENTION - FIRE 436 50 441 80,000.00 1,924.54 308 221,935.64 2760 303.53 496.18 234 32.47 3,636.80 316.5 18,890.40 100 59.55 23,833.98 1702.52 462.5 329.97 237.4 364.04 250 2,932.88 50 252.45 197 890 1434.51 644.19 3,500.00 302.89 11.98 133.77 218.07 164 400 1,277.88 706.31 56.25 372.65 975.62 2,524.20 207 51 62.64 3,000.00 987,052.95 8,020.65 452.38 300 5,450.00 980 1,173.87 CITY OF LANDER MISSION STATEMENT To provide a safe, stable and responsive environment that promotes And supports a traditional yet progressive community Resulting in a high quality of life. VISION Preserving the past while providing for the future Page 3 of 5 10/13/15 REED MOGHAUN SUPPLIES RIVERTON RANGER INC RIVERTON TIRE & OIL CO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ROCKY MOUNTAIN PRE-MIX SAFEWAY INC SANITARY SYSTEMS INC SECRETARY OF STATE SIX ROBBLEES INC SORENSEN, DANNY SOURCE GAS SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS STOTZ EQUIPMENT SWEETWATER AIRE SYSCO TEAM LABORATORY CHEM. CO. TEGLER INSURANCE THATCHER COMPANY THE COMPANY THE OFFICE SHOP TWEEDS WHOLESALE CO. UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY USA BLUE BOOK VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY VEHICLE LIGHTING SOLUTIONS INC VERNON MANUFACTURING VISA CHARGE ACCOUNT CB&T WAM - WCCA WARNE CHEMICAL & EQUIPMENT CO. WATER REFUNDS WAVING AT YOU.COM WESTERN LAW ASSOCIATES WESTERN PRINTING CO. WHITING LAW PC WILSON BROTHERS WIND RIVER AUTO PARTS WIND RIVER AVIATION WIND RIVER POWER SPORTS WIND RIVER VETERINARY WORLDWASH LLC WYOMING ASSN OF RURAL WATER WYOMING DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION WYOMING INC WYOMING LAW ENFORCEMENT ACAD WYOMING MACHINERY CO. WYOMING RECYCLING LLC WYOMING RETIREMENT SYSTEM WYOMING WASTE SYSTEMS WYOMING.COM LLC SUPPLIES - WATER ADVERTISING - GEN GOVT TIRES - AIRPORT ALL DEPTS REPAIR VALLEY PAN - STREETS SUPPLIES - GEN GOVT VIDEO & CLEANING - SEWER DUES - GEN GOVT TIRE REPAIR - SHOP Grant - Fly In ALL DEPTS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT - GEN GOVT REPAIR - SHOP MAINTENANCE - WTP/AIRPORT CONCENSSIONS ICE RINK/PARKS MAINTENANCE - LAGOON INSURANCE - GEN GOVT CHEMICALS - WATER TREAT PROF FEE - PARKS RENT - PARKS & REC SUPPLIES - GEN GOVT/PARKS PHONE -ALL DEPTS MAINTENANCE - WATER TRAINING - FIRE REPAIR - POLICE REPAIR - WATER ALL DEPTS LEASE ENERGY - GEN GOVT SUPPLIES - WEED & PEST REFUND - WATER MAINTENANCE - PARKS PROFESSIONAL FEES - GEN GOVT FLYIN - AIRPORT/PARKS COURT APPT LEGAL - MUNI COURT OPTIONAL TAX PROJECT SUPPLIES - SHOP CONTRACT - AIRPORT REPAIR - SHOP IMPOUNDING - POLICE CLEANING - LCCC TUITION - ENTERPRISE FUEL - ALL DEPTS ADVERTISING - LCCC TUITION - POLICE REPAIR - SHOP RECYCLING - GEN GOVT RETIREMENT - FIRE TRASH COLLECTION - BLDG MAIN PHONE/INTERNET - ALL DEPTS 1335.67 2,999.26 10,259.98 16386.31 2,053.00 144.98 1,340.40 30 39.01 4,100.00 1002.89 50 57 297.82 56.65 3,121.00 101 10,167.83 357.5 577 935.49 731.74 6,843.58 57.35 969.26 150 6.47 4091.15 122.58 1,678.11 120 2,901.39 1461.67 1,420.00 485,783.64 860.23 1,800.00 125.99 590 575 2450 16932.41 1,500.00 185 10.28 30 735 1,492.94 3015.46 2,030,329.96 MOTION: Council Member Hudson moved to approve. Motion passed. CITY OF LANDER MISSION STATEMENT To provide a safe, stable and responsive environment that promotes And supports a traditional yet progressive community Resulting in a high quality of life. VISION Preserving the past while providing for the future Page 4 of 5 10/13/15 ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m. The City of Lander ATTEST: By: _______________________________ Del McOmie, Mayor ________________________________ Robin Griffin, City Clerk CITY OF LANDER MISSION STATEMENT To provide a safe, stable and responsive environment that promotes And supports a traditional yet progressive community Resulting in a high quality of life. VISION Preserving the past while providing for the future Page 5 of 5 10/13/15