VW, Porsche and Hedge Funds -The Good, The Goodlooking and the Naughty?Professor Jan Simon The Case 1 The Case On Oct. 28th 2008 Volkswagen’ Volkswagen’s market cap. > EUR 300B (300.000.000.000). The Good! Good! More expensive than IBEX 35. More than the ENTIRE car industry (ex(ex-VW). The most expensive stock in the universe (world). world). 10, 5 or may be 1 times the Greek deficit? deficit? What happened? happened? The GoodGood-Looking and The Naughty! Naughty! ‘A couple of gamblers on the market got their odds wrong and now they are pointing the finger at us. us.’ Porsche Representative ‘Porsche cornered the market in VW shares (1) with false denials of its intent to take over VW and (2) by engaging in a series of manipulative derivatives trades to hide the extent to which Porsche controlled VW shares. shares. Plaintiffs in Jan. 25 2010 case 10 CIV 0532 US District Court Southern District of New York Social Studies of Finance How to get a better insight into their DMP? Financial Economics: Economics: Homo Economicus: Economicus: Is rational, rational, supremely informed and optimizes his own utility. utility. Even if not true, true, he behaves like it (Friedman 1953). Behavioral Economics: Economics: Homo Psychologicus: Psychologicus: Decisions influenced by heuristics and biases (Tversky and Kahneman, 1974). Economic Sociology: Sociology: Homo Sociologicus: Sociologicus: Behaviour nested in concrete social context and economic outcomes are a function of this social context (Granovetter, Granovetter, 1985). SSF: Social Studies of Finance is the application to financial markets of socialsocial-science disciplines such as sociology, sociology, anthropology, anthropology, and social studies of science. science. (ESRC) 2 Methodology (*) Interviews (12/07 - 06/09 ): 60 interviews in London, NY, HongHong-Kong and 3 other European cities. cities. 36 Hedge fund professionals representing firms holding 15% of global hedge funds assets under management. management. 24 Brokers representing 9 of the 10 largest global brokers. Ethnographic Research (12/07 - 06/09): 8 hedge funds 2 brokers Network Analysis: Analysis: 21 hedge fund professionals (15 in London, 3 in New York, 1 in Geneva and 2 in an European city), representing 13% WWWW-AUM 5 brokers (*) Focus on longlong-short and eventevent-driven strategies. strategies. The Trade Jan ’08- Mar ’08: Market Cap VW: ~ EUR 40 B Market Cap Porsche: ~ EUR 11 B Stake Porsche in VW: 27% (Val.: ~EUR 11 B) Capture Value by buying Porsche and selling short VW, an ‘arbitrage’ operation where one ‘gets’ Porsche for free! Condition: no acquisition of VW by Porsche Condition: no domination agreement (w/ 75% of shares acquiring firm controls decisions. 3 Porsche Selling short: operation whereby one sells a financial asset without owning it. it. This is done by borrowing the financial asset for the period of the short sell. sell. When buying back the asset it is delivered to the lender. lender. No acquisition riskrisk- No domination agreement : Mar. ’07: ‘We don’ don’t want a majority in VW Mar. ’08: Supervisory board Porsche: will take majority stake but will NOT raise to 75% May. ’08: 31% of VW, 20% of options but no intention of getting to 75% Sept. 18, ’08: ‘Domination agreement is totally unrealistic’ unrealistic’ Oct. 22, ’08: ‘No intention to go much above 51%’ 51%’ Porsche Oct. 26, ’08: Announcement of agreement with VW Chairman Piech on terms of a Porsche takeover. Porsche reveals it controls almost 75% of VW. 42.6% of ordinary shares 31.5 % of cash settled options Lower Saxony State owns 20.1% of VW Maximum theoretical free float VW: 5.8% Total short interest VW: 12.8% 4 The Hedge Funds Jan. 25, ’10: 17 Hedge Funds sue Porsche AH SE, Dr. W. Wiendeking, Wiendeking, Dr. H. Haerter for: for: False denials of its intent to take over VW Series of manipulative derivatives trades. trades. Evidence: Evidence: Previously mentioned denials upto 4 days before official announcement. announcement. Option stake was in existnce by midmid-2008 ‘Cash settled options’ options’ give opportunity to physical delivery and are thus disguised physical delivery options. options. VW counts cash settled options when calculating stake. stake. Banks parceled out so that hedging would not trigger public announcement of banks. banks. Porsche capitalized on the short squeeze by cornering free float, float, announcing it and then lending out at high rates. rates. The Hedge Funds DMP IS DISTRIBUTED (not atomic). Brokers bring information flow and basic ideas. ‘What is absolutely crucial is what is called flow information. These hedge funds want to get an idea who is active. They want to get a flavor of what the real money [traditional asset manager] or other hedge funds are doing as well as what is driving the price action. Is it the real money, is it the faster money, is it corporate flows or central banks? That kind of information is clearly sought after from the hedge fund community.’ BR10 community.’ ‘The way I see brokers is a process of scanning for money making ideas. That is basically what you pay for. You pay for research where they scan companies and they filter all the valuation cases for you…’ HFM9 you…’ 5 The Hedge Funds DMP IS DISTRIBUTED (not atomic). Other HFM bring knowknow-how, complex knowledge and knowknow-how, support. support. ‘There are three or four former [name of investment bank HFM2 used to work for] people who are now hedge fund managers who I stay in touch with… with… We discuss ideas or when I have a big position in a stock and it has been a complete disaster, I will ask “Do you think that I am a complete imbecile?” imbecile?” And then he could say, “Yes because you missed this point.” point.” Or he might say, “I agree with you. I think that it is where the market is missing the point” point”, it is just a kind of reassurance thing.’ ’ HFM2 thing. The Hedge Funds DMP IS DISTRIBUTED (not (not atomic). atomic). ‘I trust their opinion about stocks. I have had recently a situation situation where we were short one stock and the guy at [name of a competing hedge fund] was long. So we met up inside our offices with him to discuss why we had different opinions about the stock. stock. He is very smart, so I wanted to pick his brains and share my views views to see who was missing what.’ ANAB3 what.’ ‘I was in a meeting recently where an executive of this hedge fund fund had invited 10 or 15 other hedge funds he knew well to discuss a potential position. They were very open and they said basically they wanted to buy this company and split it up. They put forth their their entire valuation models and we discussed it together. They then explained how they were going to unlock the value in it. They then then asked: what do you think? Will you help us doing it?’ HFM9 it?’ 6 The Hedge Funds HF-HF tie is an ET (Embedded Tie). ‘If you have a relationship with some other [hedge fund] managers and can share ideas, it is worth a lot. For one guy at a hedge fund to tell another guy what his actual position is, whether it’ it’s large or small, is based on trust… trust… HFM15 ‘For hedge funds to have a good beneficial relationship for both sides, you have to know each other and trust each other and that is impossible without having that personal relation.’ relation.’ HFM24 ‘There’ There’s always a degree of brotherhood; brotherhood; you try to share information and ideas. It is reciprocity, actually. You will not keep those people as friends if you don’ don’t have something else to offer.’ HFM15 offer.’ The Hedge Funds First there is intellectual trust, trust, people where you trust their judgments. By discussing with them, you know that you are discussing with people who have done their work, have a sharp view on numbers, cannot be messed around with by management, are themselves smart investors, have a smart way of looking at things things, a certain vision and so and so, and then equally moral trust, trust, people that you would trust sharing your positions with and so on, you know. While you are not discussing anything that’ that’s illegal you’ you’d still know that it’ it’s information that is reasonably confidential and should stay so.’ HFM1 so.’ ‘It is mainly cross checking intelligence with somebody you trust, trust, somebody who actually shows integrity and he does want to compare the notes with you.’ HFM10 you.’ ‘What does trust mean? I guess I’I’ve never thought about that but I suspect it is probably quite complicated. I suspect that each one one of us has a set of values that we operate under and I suspect that trust really means that the person that you are interacting with shares shares those same values as you or has even higher values. values.’ HFM22 7 Findings: Networks are dense (338 ties) BR6 H1 BR3 H2 H16 H6 H17 H25 BR7 T3 H9 H18 H10 H20 T4 Broker TRS6 H11 H22 T6 T5 H: HFM H12 H23 H19 H24 T7 Same HF T: TRB Hedge Fund TRS1 Tie Findings: Networks are dense (101 HF vs 237 BR/ 4.8 HFM vs 11.3 BR) H1 H2 T7 New York T5 H6 T6 H9 T4 H10 T3 H11 H25 H24 H12 H23 H19 Geneva European city H16 H22 H20 H17 H18 All others: London 8 Findings: ET are same strategy (7/101 Ex-Strategy) H1 Long-Short Strategy H2 Event-Driven Strategy Other Strategy T7 New York T5 H6 T6 H9 T4 H10 T3 H11 H25 H24 H12 Geneva H23 H19 European city H16 H22 H20 H17 H18 All others: London Findings: (83: work, 10 Soc., 9 Other) H1 Prev. work exp. Other T7 H2 Socializing T5 H6 T6 H9 T4 H10 T3 H11 H25 H24 H12 H23 H19 H16 H22 H20 H17 H18 9 The Hedge Funds ‘Yes, there are many people that have similar kind of trades. There is a certain universe of consensus trades, everyone has those trades... Because if one hedge fund manager knows that something is cheap he is likely to let another hedge fund manager know it is cheap. People share information, especially amongst hedge funds.’ PBS1 The Hedge Funds Interviewer: Are you familiar with the term ‘consensus trade’ trade’? Interviewee: Sure, the big one now is PorschePorsche-Volkswagen...You Volkswagen...You know Porsche got a chunk of Volkswagen. So a lot of people make valuation valuation of these two and then strip out one to see what the rest is worth. But indeed, a lot of hedge funds have that trade on now. Interviewer: Are these trades across strategies or within strategy? Interviewee: Almost always within. within. Those trades are mostly a function of hedge fund managers talking to other hedge fund managers and brokers brokers talking to the same hedge fund managers. Most hedge fund managers managers only talk to people within the same strategy. What do I have to say to to an emerging markets guy? Don’ Don’t really know what he does and vice versa. Also, what does an emerging market hedge fund care in Porsche? So So his broker will not even talk to him about it. HFM8 ‘I tell you something like Volkswagen and Porsche is broked by everybody. everybody.’ HFM16 10 Conclusion VW: The Good? Good? Meeting with Dr. Piech midmid-’08. What did he know? Respons.? Respons.? Not sued! sued! Porsche: The GoodGood-Looking? Looking? Are the cashcash-settled options in reality delivery options? options? Legal obligation! obligation! But even if they weren’ weren’t, squeeze was predictable (hedging). hedging). Moral obligation? obligation? When was decision taken to acquire/ acquire/dominate and should that have been made apparent? apparent? Is Porsche’ Porsche’s 2008 PTP of EUR 8.6 B (6.8B on VW stake) stake) anything to go by? Hedge Funds: Funds: The Naughty? Naughty? DecisionDecision-making process is distributed over several hedge funds. funds. At times competing hedge funds sit together to make and implement investment decisions The network risk reflected in consensus trades is not represented in their risk management models. models. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY! Questions ? 11