Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Advanced Concepts What

Unit 5 – Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Advanced Concepts
What is the abbreviated name of this molecule? ______________
What is its purpose?
What are the three parts of this molecule?
Label each part with the proper number from
the parts you listed below.
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
Draw an arrow to where the energy is
What organelle recycles this molecule?
What is the job of this organelle in the cell? ________________________________________
Is this organelle part of photosynthesis or cellular respiration? _________________________
What type of organisms use photosynthesis? ________________________
What type of organisms use cellular respiration? _________________________
Oxygen is a waste product
Carbon dioxide is a waste product
Energy is supplied to cells
A form of nutrition in green plants
Chloroplasts are needed for this to occur
Mitochondria are needed for this to occur
Leaf cells of green plants make food
Sunlight is needed for this to occur
Animals do this
Plants do this
This is needed for cell to grow
What is the equation for photosynthesis?
What is the equation for cellular respiration?
Which process is a “build up” process? ______________________________________
Which process is a “break down” process? ___________________________________
Photosynthesis occurs in what organelle? ____________________________________
Cellular respiration occurs in what organelle? _________________________________
3 things that go in: (REACTANTS)
1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
2 things that come out: (PRODUCTS)
1. __________________
2. __________________
2 things that go in:
1. _________________
2. _________________
2 things that come out:
1. _________________
2. _________________
What is the ULTIMATE source of all energy??? _____________
Photosynthesis Organelle:
Color this oval green
Write the word SUGAR inside this oval
Cellular Respiration Organelle:
Color this oval red
Write the word ATP inside this oval
What type of organism uses this? _________________________________________
Organelle: ____________________________
1. ______________________
Products: 1. ______________________
2. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
Purpose: _______________________________________________________________
1st part of reaction: _______________________________________________________
(also called: ________________________________)
Breaks apart: ___________________________
Creates: ____________
2nd part of reaction: ______________________________________________________
Creates: _________________
Cellular Respiration:
What type of organism uses this? _________________________________________
Organelle: ____________________________
1. ______________________
Products: 1. ______________________
2. ______________________
2. ______________________
Purpose: _______________________________________________________________
1st part of reaction: _______________________________________________________
Breaks apart: ___________________________
Creates: ____________
2nd part of reaction: ______________________________________________________
Creates: _________________
Can animals use the carbon that is in the air? _____________
What would happen if plants did not pull carbon out of the air? __________________________
Can animals use light energy? ___________
___ During photosynthesis, light energy is
converted to:
A. kinetic energy
B. chemical energy
C. potential energy
D. electrical energy
___ Almost every molecule of oxygen in the
air was produced by:
A. photosynthesis
B. cellular respiration
C. photosynthesis and cellular
D. neither process
___ Metabolic processes that require
oxygen are called:
A. aerobic
B. anaerobic
___ Which of the following is NOT a part of
cellular respiration?
A. breaking of bonds
B. glycolysis
C. Calvin cycle
D. Krebs cycle
___ The energy in glucose CANNOT be
released by:
A. glycolysis
B. burning
C. respiration
D. photosynthesis
___ Anaerobic respiration makes ___ ATP
than aerobic.
A. more
B. less
___ Energy from ATP is released when an
enzyme called ATPase
A. breaks the end phosphate off an
ATP molecule
B. builds an ATP molecule
C. breaks the rechargeable
prokaryotes apart
D. builds a new prokaryote
___ Disk-shaped structures inside a
chloroplast that contain photosynthetic
pigments are called:
A. Krebs cycles
B. Thylakoids
C. Carbohydrates
D. Synthesizers
___ The process by which autotrophs
convert light energy to chemical energy is
A. photosynthesis
B. oxidation
C. pigmentation
D. photosystemizing
___ A molecule that absorbs certain light
wavelengths and reflects others is a:
A. photosystem
B. matrix
C. refraction structure
D. pigment
___ What are the most common
photosynthetic pigments in plants?
A. chloroplasts
B. stroma
C. chlorophylls
D. thylakoids
___ Leaves appear green because the
green portion of light
A. changes to heat
B. is absorbed
C. is reflected
D. is destroyted
___ All organic molecules contain carbon
atoms that ultimately can be traced back in
the food chain to:
A. the bodies of heterotrophs
B. carbon dioxide from the
C. water absorbed by plants
D. the carbon that comes from the
___ Excess sugars are usually produced
during photosynthesis and may be stored
A. starch
B. protein
C. enzymes
D. water
___ The source of oxygen produced during
photosynthesis is:
A. carbon dioxide
B. air
C. water
D. glucose
Earth’s atmosphere acts like the glass walls and roof of a greenhouse. It lets in the light of the
sun. The light energy then changes into heat energy. The heat energy does not move easily
out through the atmosphere, just as heat does not escape easily from a greenhouse. As a
result, Earth, like the greenhouse, stays warm. The way the atmosphere helps warm Earth is
called the greenhouse effect.
Perhaps you have heard that the greenhouse effect can cause a problem if too much heat is
trapped. Extra heat is trapped because Earth’s atmosphere is changing. The amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. Some of the extra carbon dioxide is produced by
burning fuels. Some of these fuels include wood, coal, oil, and natural gas. Also, when trees
and other plants are destroyed, the problem gets worse. Living plants use up some carbon
dioxide through photosynthesis. When the plants are destroyed, the carbon dioxide level
continues to rise.
Why is burning of forests a double problem? ________________________________________
How would planting trees lessen the greenhouse effect? ______________________________
In an experiment to determine whether green plants take in CO2, a biologist filled a large beaker
with aquarium water to which she added bromothymol blue. She exhaled CO2 into the solution
of bromothymol blue to turn it yellow. Then she placed a sprig of Elodea (a plant) into two test
tubes. She left a third test tube without Elodea to serve as a control. She added the yellow
bromothymol solution to all three test tubes and placed a stopper in each. Next, she placed all
the test tubes in sunlight. After several hours in sunlight, the bromothymol solution in the test
tubes with the Elodea turned blue. The bromothymol solution in the control remained yellow.
What conclusion can be drawn from the observations? Explain: ________________________
Use the following terms to finish the sentences:
In order to do biological work, the cells of organisms need a steady supply of ______________.
All the energy needed for life processes is obtained from _____________. By the time ingested
food reaches your _________________, it has been broken down into ______________
molecules that can enter your cells. Cell ________________ then break down the food
molecules, ______________ energy. All the available energy cannot be used immediately. To
balance energy ________ and _________, cells ___________ energy in the bonds of
__________. These molecules can be called the cell’s energy currency.
___ Graph A demonstrates that the rate of photosynthesis:
A. decreases in response to increasing light intensity
B. increases indefinitely in response to increasing light intensity
C. increases in response to increasing light intensity, but only to a certain point
D. is unaffected by changes in light intensity
___ Taken together, these graphs demonstrate that:
A. photosynthesis is independent of environmental influences
B. increases in light intensity cause increases in temperature
C. as the rate of photosynthesis increases, the temperature of the plant decreases
D. the rate of photosynthesis is affected by changes in the plant’s environment
What 2 things are formed when cellular respiration breaks apart a molecule of glucose?
______________ and _______________
Where is energy lost in this system? ______________________________________________
Which part of the photosynthesis / cellular respiration cycle is NOT recycled? ______________
How many carbon atoms are in a molecule of glucose? __________
Photosynthesis uses light as the energy source. What would chemosynthesis use as an energy
source? ____________
What kinds of organisms might perform chemosynthesis? ______________________
What macromolecule is produced from photosynthesis and chemosynthesis?
Label the parts of a chloroplast using the following terms: (hint: look this up in the biology
Inner Membrane
Outer Membrane
Thylakoid Space
Which element is being measured on a pH scale? ________
When the concentration of this element goes up, the value on the pH scale goes _________.
Does alkaline mean acidic or basic? ____________
___ Two species of bacteria produce different respiratory end products. Species A always
produces ATP, CO2 and H2O. Species B always produces ATP, ethyl alcohol, and CO2. Which
conclusion can correctly be drawn from this information?
A. Only species A is aerobic
B. Only species B is aerobic
C. Species A and B are both anaerobic
D. Species A and B are both aerobic
Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscle during strenuous exercise?
Why are plants necessary for animals to exist? (give 3 reasons)
1. __________________________________ 2. ____________________________________
3. __________________________________