Knox Notes - Insightbb

Knox Notes iii
February 2012
A Newsletter From John Knox Presbyterian Church • 9104 Westport Road • Louisville, KY 40242
‘A Work in Progress’
hat’s what we are at John Knox—and guess
what? You have a role to play in shaping our
ministry and worship for this new year! Many
great suggestions have already come out of the
survey you took last fall, for example. In particular, two
themes were mentioned more than once: nonemergency visitation and singing older hymns in
worship. In talking about these areas, the Session and
I have come up with a plan designed to help us honor
each person’s individual preferences.
Starting in February, we’ll have a survey form
where you can indicate how often you’d like to have a
scheduled visit with the pastor. This can take place at
your home, at the church, or even at your favorite
coffee shop. If you’d like to be free to just have visits
on an “as desired” basis, no problem—there will be a
way to mark that option as well. We are asking each of
you to fill out the form, sign it, and leave it in the
church office. Once we have them all, we’ll put
together a visitation schedule for the year. (Please keep
in mind that you can change your indicated preference
at any time.)
We will also have a box or basket in Fitzsimons
Hall, along with a stash of index cards, for receiving
your hymn requests. If there is a special favorite or two
that you want us to use in worship, let us know! The
cards will be collected on a regular basis and then
matched with the Sunday in 2012 that seems to fit best
with each hymn’s theme. If you sign your name to the
card, I will let you know the date that your special
hymn will be used.
As our year unfolds, I look forward to shaping
our ministry and worship together. I thank you for your
input—and I thank God for you!
— Janice
As we continue our study of the Beatitudes, the lesson
in February will led by Barbara Spiers. The key idea is
that Jesus upholds those who, with genuine hearts,
wrestle with God, are changed, and live a way that
strengthens the whole people of God.
We will be looking at the sixth Beatitude,
“Greatly honored are the pure in heart.” I think this is
an appropriate lesson to have the day after St.
Valentine’s Day. And since February is National Heart
month, I suggest that we wear something red.
To prepare for this lesson, the following are
some things to think about. Look at our newsletter or
bulletin and think about these questions.
What does John Knox do as a congregation?
What is most important to this congregation?
Does the picture you have described reflect our
congregation as you see it and as you want it to
be seen? Would you make any changes?
Remember to bring your “Brown Bag” lunch;
Dolores Jarvis will provide the dessert. If you need a
copy of the study information, let Linda Schenk know;
my number is 423-7057.
Looking forward to seeing you at the PW Bible
Study on February 15, at 12:15 p.m. in the parlor.
— Linda Schenk, PW Co-Moderator
2 Knox Notes
February 2012
TREASURER’S REPORT - 1/1/2012 - 1/21/2012
Income received:
Expenditures to date:
2011 Capital Campaign:
Memorial Gifts:
In case of inclement weather, such as snow storms
and extended power outages, the doors of John Knox Church
will be open for anyone seeking shelter. We are a community
that is open to the community, to serve and be there in time
of need. If you don’t have access to the church, please
contact me on my cell number, (502) 724-5704.
Your building & Grounds Committee stands ready
to serve.
—Bob Schenk, Committee Chair
Special Offerings:
Peace Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing
Three Cents a Meal
Kroger Gift Card funds
General Mission
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
Disaster Relief
Joy Gift
The Worship Committee would like to extend thanks to all
who helped prepare the Sanctuary for our Advent season.
The decorations were lovely and added so much to our
worship experience. Thanks, also, to those who ordered the
beautiful poinsettias. They are a reminder of the beauty of
the season.
Our committee met on January 11, 2012, and had a
very productive meeting. Among items discussed were plans
for the Lenten season. The following are some of the plans
Ash Wednesday Service – February 22, at 6:30 p.m.
St. Mary Magdalen will be invited to participate.
Orders for Easter Lilies and Tulips will be taken
beginning Sunday, March 4.
Easter Cantata, “We Were There” – Sunday, March
18, during 11:00 a.m. worship.
Palms will be ordered from EcoPalms through the
PC(USA) for use on Palm Sunday, April 1.
Wednesday evening Lenten services at 6:30 p.m.
will be planned and led by Daniel Tipton. Linda
Schenk will again prepare the Lenten Table for the
Maundy Thursday Communion Service – April 5.
Good Friday Service – April 6.
Easter Sunday – April 8. The Living Cross will be
available for decoration with fresh flowers and
palms from Palm Sunday. The Living Cross is a
tradition at John Knox. Last year, Gary Torrens
Detailed report posted on bulletin board near kitchen
I know the calendar says “its winter time” and with it come
the snow, cold weather, and the occasional strong winds. Oh
no, you are right—the winds don’t come until the spring, but
tell that to Mother Nature.
Just in case you were out of town last Tuesday the
17th, we did have a few strong winds come through town in
the form of tornados—seven to be exact—doing quite a bit
of damage not too far from John Knox Church. Power was
knocked out to several homes in the area.
What would you do if it affected you? What if your
power would be out for several days with the temps being in
the teens? What if you also did not have a telephone? Where
would you go?
John Knox Church has been very fortunate in the 20
years or so since Linda and I have been here, not to have lost
either power, heat or phone service. John Knox Church has
been a haven for anyone seeking comfort from the elements
and stands ready to help those in need. As a matter of fact,
John Knox Church has been recruited and has been approved
by the Red Cross as a shelter in case of a community-wide
(Continued on next page)
3 Knox Notes
February 2012
(Worship and Music Notes, continued from page 2)
replaced the torn netting on the Cross and repainted
it. Members of the congregation placed flowers and
flowering branches (we also used some of the palms
from Palm Sunday) into the wire on the cross. It
was lovely and added so much to the beauty of the
sanctuary. Editor’s Note: We will begin the
morning with our annual Easter Breakfast at 9:00
a.m. Details will appear in next month’s newsletter.
You will be getting more information about upcoming
events as we work out the details. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact me or any other member of our
committee. Our committee members include: Gail Maloney;
Barb Spiers; Arlene Torrens; Gary Torrens; Sue Wilder;
Janice Catron, Pastor; Angela Fitzpatrick, Music Director;
Daniel Tipton, Student Intern.
—Arlene Torrens, Committee Chair
As your EACM liaison for John Knox, I will be giving you
updates on items of interest from the EACM Board of
Directors quarterly meetings. If you would like more
information on any of the following events, please let me
On January 26, Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard
Business School Professor of Business Administration will
give two lectures on “How will you measure your life?” The
first will be at 4:00 p.m. at the University of Louisville’s
College of Business, Harry Frazier Hall, in Horn
Auditorium. (Parking is available at the Speed Museum
garage or at DuPont Manual High School). The second will
be at 7:30 p.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints, 6401 Westwind Way, Crestwood, KY.
The Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Youth Project will
be on Saturday, March 10. We are looking for volunteers to
work with the youth. They will be filling bags for the EACM
clients. Check with the EACM office if you can help. Their
number is 426-2824.
The March Madness - Spring Fund Raiser, will be
on March 24 at Founders Hall, U of L Shelby Campus. Plan
now to get your tickets, as there are only 350 available. The
cost is $50 per ticket. Our goal for this Fund Raiser is
$12,000. We are asking for donations of gift cards. The
amount can be anything that the merchant would like to give
or you can purchase a gift card yourself. If you can help, it
will be much appreciated. Individual gift cards can be
purchased at Kroger, Walgreens, and similar stores in the
Other Fund Raising events:
February 20, from 1:00-10:00 p.m. FUNDay -
Senor Iguanas, 9242 Shelbyville Road (near
Hurstbourne Parkway). EACM receives a
percentage of sales. Be sure to mention their name.
April 7, Shredding Event, Westport Road Baptist
Church, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Free shredding for
community - Donations accepted for EACM.
Located at the corner of Westport Rd. and
Hurstbourne Parkway.
October 1, 11:30 a.m. Golf Scramble at Persimmon
Ridge Golf Course. More details later.
—Linda Schenk, EACM Board Member
The January Session Meeting was a retreat, held on Sunday
the 22nd, which was after the deadline for the newsletter. So
instead of minutes from that meeting, you are getting a
preview of the business that was to be discussed.
Twice a year, once in the winter and again in the
summer, your Session meets “in retreat” to spend several
hours discussing the future of your church. While some of
the topics covered are routine business, they also do some
thinking about activities that cannot be covered during the 22.5 hour-long monthly Session meetings.
This month’s retreat will begin with a meal together,
followed by a brief business meeting. Even in retreat we have
to approve minutes and discuss items such as
Reception/Dismissal of Members, Baptisms/Deaths,
Communion and Correspondence. In January we elect the
Corporation President and Secretary, appoint the Clerk of
Session and Treasurer, approve Parish Associates and the
Communion schedule for the year. As time allows, we also
approve the two reports prepared by the Clerk for
submission to the General Assembly and Presbytery.
Session will be discussing the budget, including
opportunities for rental income and other fund raising ideas,
a new memorial gift policy and a change in our payroll
vendor. They also will discuss the Easter Breakfast, the
church newsletter and planning for a new pictorial directory.
Pastor Janice will provide an update on a hymn
request plan, a revised visitation schedule and related survey,
her office hours and a revised class schedule. Session will
also be discussing next steps for her sabbatical leave.
The retreat will wrap up with a “State of the
Church,” including updates on church committees and
exciting things they want to share. Session will be looking
at how we are doing overall and what they need to be
thinking about in the days ahead, including events to be
noted on the annual calendar, which is located on the bulletin
board outside the Choir Room. As you can see, this will be
a very busy four hours!
—Sue Wilder, Clerk of Session
4 Knox Notes
February 2012
Please remember with thoughts and prayers...
FROM WITHIN OUR CHURCH FAMILY: Gloria & Jack Bryant; Carrol Clements; Mary & Tom Cook Jr.; David Crouch;
Cathy Grant & family; Mary Scott Howser; Dan Mohn: Nilkanthi Nicholas; Judith Niles & family; Don Richardson; Jim
Rosene, Beverly Ross-Simpkins; Bonnie & Tom Skoner; Ann & Ryan Stellingwerf; Mary & Ernie Vest.
EXTENDED FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF THE CHURCH: Sue Almy (Rosemary Almy); Henry Collier ( Peggy Collier);
Doug Conley (Sally Azbill); Cathy Craig (Rev. Janice Catron); Dana Day (Donna Hubbard); Betty Dobbs (Donna Melloan);
Beverly Dolly (Dianne Foster); Carol Frazier (Sally Azbill); Peggy Harris (Linda Schenk); Mary Ellen Horton; Ray Hurley (Pat
Mills); Junior & Judy Maddox (Rosemary Almy); Suresh Mather (Chris Nicholas); Virginia McCormick (Mary Cook); Ellen
Nealy (George Street); Jed Nuss (Lis Jacobs); Candy and Steve Osteen, (Tim Reno); Lisa Schenk (Bob & Linda Schenk),
Carol Lee Seavers (Linda Schenk); Karena Smallfoot (Rev. Janice Catron); Dr. Charles Stout (Ed Mitchell); Becky Torrens
(Gary Torrens); Janet Torrens (Gary Torrens); David Tsai (Sue Wilder); Doris Yochum.
If you know of anyone needing a “Get Well” or “Sympathy” card, please give Nan Hopkins a call at 426-6889.
HOME COMMUNION: If you are homebound and wish to have home communion, please contract Pastor Janice Catron (4359693), any member of Session or, leave a message at the church (425-6770). People who are homebound are individuals who
are unable to attend worship due to health and/or physical situations.
ODDS & ENDS: Announcements for the bulletin need to be to Sue Wilder by noon on Monday. Also, send your prayer
concerns to Sue Wilder and please let her know when they should be taken off the bulletin list. Names of those with longer term
needs should also be given to Sue for Knox Notes. We want to keep both lists current and to continue praying for those in need
of our prayers. Call Sue at 244-5456 or e-mail her at If you want to receive news of the church via e-mail,
send your e-mail address to Sue at this same address. NOTE: If you are on Sue’s e-mail news, but prefer to be called, please
let Sue know.
Church Web-Site:
John Knox Presbyterian Church
9104 Westport Road
Louisville, KY 40242
January 29, 2012 - March 03, 2012
Jan 29
Jan 30
Jan 31
Feb 5
Feb 6
11:00 AM Worship
7:45 PM Westw ood
*Dan Mclean
**The Farrs
9:30 AM Church School
Feb 7
12:30 PM Tuesday
Discussion Group
Feb 1
Feb 2
Feb 3
Feb 4
6:30 PM Prayer Circle
*Anita Reno
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
*Sahab Bolhari
Feb 8
5:30 PM Worship
Comm ittee (Parlor)
Feb 9
7:00 PM Islam Study
Feb 10
*Harry Bolhari
Feb 11
*Linda Schenk
6:30 PM Prayer Circle
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
*Evelyn Farr
Food for First
Feb 12
Feb 13
9:30 AM Church School
11:00 AM Worship
Feb 14
Feb 15
12:30 PM Tuesday
Discussion Group
12:15 PM PW Bible Study
7:30 PM Rolling Hills
6:30 PM Prayer Circle
Feb 16
Feb 17
Feb 18
Feb 24
Feb 25
Mar 2
Mar 3
*Beverly Simpkins
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
Transfiguration of the
Feb 19
Feb 20
9:30 AM Church School
6:45 PM Session (Parlor)
11:00 AM Worship
3 Cents a Meal Offering
Feb 26
Feb 27
9:30 AM Church School
7:00 PM Harm ony Place
III & IV (Fitzsimons Hall)
11:00 AM Worship
Feb 21
Feb 22
12:30 PM Tuesday
Discussion Group
6:30 PM Ash Wednesday
6:00 PM LaLeche
League (Parlor)
7:15 PM Choir Rehearsal
Feb 28
12:30 PM Tuesday
Discussion Group
Feb 29
Feb 23
*Adam Farr
Mar 1
6:30 PM Prayer Circle
*Gary Torrens
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal
*Jane Niem an
World Day of Prayer
To help as you prepare to worship God on Sundays among the folk of John Knox PC(USA), here are one suggested Old Testament and one New
Testament reading for each week. Make these readings a part of your weekly schedule.
February 05, 2011, Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - Psalm 30; Mark 1:29-34
February 12, 2011, Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany- Psalm 147:1-11, 20c; Mark 1:21-28
February 19, 2011, Transfiguration Sunday - Psalm 50:1–6; Mark 9:2–9
February 26, 2011, First Sunday in Lent - Psalm 25:1–7; Mark 1:9–15
February 05 - Sue Wilder
February 12 - Linda & Bob Schenk
February 19 - Vicki Campbell, Donna Hubbard, Lori LeBeau
February 26 - NEED A VOLUNTEER
REFRESHMENTS NOTE: A refreshment sign-up sheet for future Sundays is on a bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. If you want to help or have
questions about volunteering in February, you can contact Nan Hopkins (426-6889) or Sue Wilder (244-5456). Refreshments can be as simple
as cookies or donuts from a bag. They merely give us something to munch on as we take time to catch up on news of the church after worship.
MOWING NOTE: The mowing schedule will resume in spring, 2012.
February 05
February 12
February 19
February 26
Nilkanthi Nicholas
Bonnie Skoner
Vivian Simms
Dolores Jarvis
Chris Nicholas
Vivian Simms
Pat Mills
Sandy Broderick
BREAD MINISTRY NOTE: This list is subject to change. If you are unable to participate on your scheduled day/week, feel free to trade dates
with another committee member or contact Pat Mills (893-8490). Sue Wilder (244-5456) is the back-up baker (please give 48 hours notice) and
the back-up bread giver is George Street (426-3096).