1 EXAM 1 - Technology Services

Spring 2005
SOC 385
Introduction to Gerontology
Dr. Gordon R. Hoff
McFarland 323 B
(701) 845-7511 or 1-800-532-8641
To promote an awareness and understanding of the aging process
To obtain an understanding of gerontological terminology and concepts
To provide knowledge relative to one's own aging
To examine the impact of the “Graying of America” on our society
Ability: Problem Solving - To select and use appropriate and effective approaches and tools in solving a
wide variety of problems
Skill: Problem Recognition - Identifies the nature and scope of a problem; asks appropriate questions
Level: 5 - Demonstrates an understanding of the problem and links data, knowledge and insight to
formulate the nature and scope of the problem
PORTFOLIO PROJECT: The student will prepare a digital project that demonstrates the consequences
of the "Graying of America" for US society. This is an exercise in futuring. At a minimum the project
should utilize current demographic projections to predict the impact of the “Graying of America” on at
least 2 major social institutions – family, economy, government, education, or religion (25 Points).
The digital project must also include a reflective statement. Good reflective statements make a case or
argue for the relevance of the submitted project to a particular ability and describe what learning has
taken place (25 Points).
TEXT - Cox, Harold. Later Life: The Realities of Aging. 5th ed.
1. The Emergence and Scope of Gerontology - Chap. 1 and 2 – (Emergence and Scope.ppt)
2. Historical and Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Aging - Chap. 4 – (Hist.Cross.Cult.ppt)
EXAM 1 – Assignments 1 and 2
3. Psychological, Sociological, and Social Psychological Perspectives on Aging - Chap. 3 (Theoretical.Pers.2.ppt)
4. The Biology of Aging - Chap. 5 – (Bio.Hlth.ppt)
5. The Psychology of Aging - Chap. 6 – (psychology.ppt)
EXAM 2 – Assignments 3, 4, and 5
6. Age Norms - Chap. 7 – (Age.norms.ppt)
7. Minority Elderly - Chap. 8 – (elderly.minority.ppt)
8. Family Relationships - Chap. 9 – (Family.relationships.ppt)
EXAM 3 – Assignments 6, 7, and 8
9. Work, Leisure, and Retirement - Chap. 10 – (work.leisure.retirement.ppt)
10. Death and Dying - Chap. 12 – (death.grief.ppt)
11. Exploitation and Abuse - Chap. 14 – (exploitation.abuse.ppt)
12. Politics and the Elderly - Chap. 15 – (Politics.Elderly.ppt)
13. Old Age and the Welfare State - Chap. 16 – (Welfare.State.ppt)
EXAM 4 – Assignments to be determined
FINAL EXAM – 5/ 9/ 05 at 10:00 am over chapters to be identified at a later date
A record of your attendance will be kept. If you do not attend the lectures for the class, the absences will
not be counted directly against your grade. When determining final grades, however, I will be more
likely to give students who have attended lectures "a one or two point break" in close
situations. You will be held responsible for everything that happens during the lecture sessions, whether
or not you are in attendance.
Conduct that is disruptive of the learning process will adversely affect the offender's grade. Students
should refrain from continuous talking, printing, or similar actions that distract from the learning
atmosphere. Serious problems will be referred to the appropriate academic officer.
Students who miss an exam and have an acceptable excuse may make up the exam by having their next
exam count double, taking an oral exam, or taking an essay test - whatever the instructor decides.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY - See the VCSU Student Manual
EVALUATION OF LEARNING - Your final grade will be based on the best 3 or 4 regularly scheduled
exams, the Pre/Post tests, other exercises, and the portfolio project. Tests will be primarily multiple
choice/true or false in nature. Your lowest exam score will be dropped when computing your final grade.
Test Points
Final Total Points
50 - 43 = A 86 %
42 - 38 = B 76 %
37 - 28 = C 56 %
27 - 23 = D 46 %
22 - 00 = F
100 - 86 % = A
85 - 76 % = B
75 - 56 % = C
55 - 46 % = D
45 - 00 % = F
DROP DATE – April 1, 2005
TECHNOLOGY - Power point presentations and course syllabus located on the K Drive plus videos