Digital Elevation Model 1 (i) Introduction Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Objectives 2 Introduction to Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Types of DEM Sources of DEM data Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Introduction 3 DEM of the Malaprabha Catchment in India A digital representation of the land surface elevation with respect to any reference datum Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Definitions of DEM 4 Burrough (1986) defined DEM as “Any digital representation of the continuous variation of relief over space” where relief refers to the height of earth’s surface with respect to the datum considered It can also be considered as regularly spaced grids of the elevation information, used for the continuous spatial representation of any terrain Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Difference between DTM, DSM and DEM 5 Digital Elevation Model (DEM): Elevation of the surface with reference to a datum such as Mean Sea Level (MSL) Free of vegetation, buildings and other non ground objects Digital Surface Model (DSM): Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Includes the tops of buildings, power lines, trees and all objects as seen in a synoptic view. Digital Terrain Model (DTM): Elevation and other additional information viz., slope, aspect, curvature and skeleton. Gives a continuous representation of the smoothed surface. Remote Sensing: M7L1 Digital Terrain Model (DTM) (Source: D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc How a DEM is Generated? 6 Using elevation information from several points on the ground Points may be regularly or irregularly placed Elevation information may be obtained from field surveys Contours marked in the topographic sheets may also be used for the elevation information Point elevation information are interpolated to generate the DEM Using photogrammetric techniques Photogrammetric techniques are used to derive DEM from the stereo pairs of the areal photographs or satellite imageries Stereo pairs of the radar imageries are also used for generating DEM Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Types of DEMs 7 Three main types of DEMs based on the data structure used to acquire and store the elevation information a) Regular square grids (Gridded DEM) b) Triangulated irregular network (TIN)-DEM c) Contour based DEM (a) Remote Sensing: M7L1 (b) (c) D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Gridded DEM (GDEM) 8 Regularly placed uniform grids with elevation information for each grid Elevation of the surface as a function of geographic location at regularly spaced grids. Values can be accessed without any interpolation Accuracy and the data size depend on the grid size Small grids fine resolution, but large data size computational difficulties Large grids coarse resolution but smaller data size Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)-DEM 9 TIN structure Irregular sampling points connected through nonoverlapping triangles The triangles (facets) represent the plane connecting the points. Dense network of triangles for a rough terrain Sparse network of triangles for a smooth terrain TIN data size is generally much less than the gridded DEM The Delaunay triangulation is the most preferred method for generating TIN Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Contour Based DEM 10 Contour Line joining points of equal elevations Contour based DEM Contour lines are traced from the topographic maps and are stored with their location (x, y) and elevation information Polygons are generated using the contours Each polygon is tagged with the elevation information from the bounding contour Using the contour based DEM, water flow paths can be easily identified (which are the orthogonals to the contours) Drawback: Infinite number of points along the contour lines, whereas not many smapling points between the contours. Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Sources of Digital Elevation Data 11 GTOPO30 Global elevation data set published by the United State Geological Survey (USGS) Spatial resolution of the data is 30 arc second (approximately 1 Kilometer). The data for the selected areas can be downloaded from the following website. Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Sources of Digital Elevation Data… 12 NOAA GLOBE DEM GLOBE : Global Land One-km Base Elevation GLOBE project was undertaken by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Global DEM is generated by combining data from several sources GLOBE DEM spatial resolution: 3 arc second (approximately 1 kilometer) The GLOBE DEM can be obtained from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Centre. Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Sources of Digital Elevation Data… 13 Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Data Near global scale (56° S to 60° N) elevation data using the radar images taken from the space Jointly run by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the NASA SRTM DEM for the world at 3 arc seconds (approximately 90 m) spatial resolution is available from . For the United States and Australia, 30m resolution data is also available Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Sources of Digital Elevation Data… 14 ASTER Global DEM Near global ( between 83oN and 83oS) elevation data at 30m spatial resolution Generated from the stereo pair images collected by the Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument onboard the sun-synchronous Terra satellite The ASTER GDEM in the GeoTIFF format is distributed by METI (Japan) and NASA (USA) and can be obtained from the following website. Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Sources of Digital Elevation Data… 15 LIDAR DEM Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors operate on the same principle as that of radar equipment Generated using the stereo pairs of LIDAR images. LIDAR uses a sharp beam with high energy and hence high resolution can be achieved. It also enables DEM generation of a large area within a short period of time with minimum human dependence The disadvantage of LIDAR data is the expense involved in data collection. 5m resolution Lidar DEM for the downtown area of Austin Source: Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Applications of DEM 16 DEMs are used to extract Terrain attributes such as elevation, slope, aspect To identify terrain features like drainage basins, channel networks Applications of DEMs Hydrologic and geologic analyses Hazard monitoring Natural resources exploration Agricultural management etc. Hydrologic applications of the DEM Groundwater modeling Estimation of the volume of proposed reservoirs Flood prone area mapping …etc. Remote Sensing: M7L1 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc Thank You Remote Sensing: M7L1 17 D. Nagesh Kumar, IISc