LAB 9: VISCERA/DIGESTIVE SYSTEM EEB 3273/Schwenk Preparation: Homberger & Walker, Ch. 10, small print. Background: The evolution of an active-feeding lifestyle (as opposed to a filter-feeding one) required several changes in what was ancestrally an uncomplicated digestive system. Active feeders generally take relatively large food items at infrequent intervals. This food is consumed faster than it can be digested and so must be stored. In most vertebrates, the stomach is the major storage organ. In birds, the crop also serves to store food. A large food bolus must also be highly distensible to allow passage of the bolus and to increases storage volume as needed. The main role of the digestive system, of course, is to reduce food items to molecular nutrients that can be absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream. Mechanical reduction of food occurs in the mouth in species that chew their food. Birds do not chew, but often soften food in the crop (an expanded part of the esophagus) and then mechanically process it in the first part of the stomach (the gizzard). Most chemical digestion occurs within the gut tube, but in some tetrapods, particularly mammals, chemical digestion begins in the mouth with the introduction of salivary enzymes (e.g., salivary amylase, which begins the conversion of complex carbohydrates—starches—into simpler sugars). In addition to its storage function, the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid to break down large molecules and enzymes to begin protein digestion. However, most chemical digestion occurs within the small intestine. This is also where nutrient absorption takes place Taken all together, it is often possible to get a good idea of an animal's diet from the shape and complexity of the gut. In general, carnivores tend to have relatively short guts, although stomach capacity is large (they typically feed infrequently, but consume large quantities when food is available after a kill). In contrast, herbivores typically have long, convoluted guts with vastly increased internal surface area that slows down passage time of plant food to provide additional time for digestion. In herbivores, the gut also usually contains a specialized area for cellulose digestion in which symbiotic bacteria and other microbes live in large numbers. No vertebrate produces the enzymes necessary to break down cellulose directly, so the microbes do it for them, releasing nutrients into the gut for absorption (as well as their own bodies as they perish). Microbial digestion within the gut occurs in the absence of oxygen using an anaerobic metabolic process called fermentation. In a group of mammals known as ruminants, fermentation occurs in a multi-chambered, complex stomach (artiodactyls, e.g., cows, goats, sheep, antelope—also, one bird, the hoatzin), hence these animals are called foregut fermenters (the term ‘ruminant’ comes from their habit of ‘ruminating’ or ‘chewing the cud’). Other herbivores use a blind sac or diverticulum off the large intestine called the caecum for the same function. These are called hindgut fermenters because the fermentation process occurs in the posterior part of the gut (rodents, rabbits, horses, tapirs, rhinos). The human vermiform appendix is a vestigial caecum (suggesting that our ancestors were much more herbivorous than we are) that has taken on a new and important immune function). Two basic sections of the gut tube can be recognized developmentally—the foregut and hindgut. The foregut differentiates into the pharynx, esophagus, and stomach, while the hindgut becomes the small and large intestines, and cloaca (Latin for ‘sewer’ because it receives the openings of the gut tube, urinary and reproductive ducts). Additional folds and outpocketings (diverticula) of the embryonic gut tube become respiratory structures (lungs and/or swim bladder) and digestive organs associated with the gut tube (liver, gall bladder and pancreas). The bulk of the tissue of the digestive system is muscle and connective tissue derived from embryonic splanchnic mesoderm (remember, it is only the lining of the gut that is endodermal in origin). The basic structure and pattern of the digestive system is phylogenetically quite conservative, with differences among species representing ‘variations on a theme.’ Many of the terms for which you are responsible will be familiar. In addition, very little actual dissection is required. Apart from opening up the body cavity with ventral incisions, your will primarily be occupied with manipulating the organs and identifying them. EEB 3273—Lab 9—Page 1 Today's Lab: Cut open your shark and your cat to examine the digestive system. We will not focus on the mouth and pharynx, but rather on the posterior parts—those organs termed the viscera (Latin for "guts"). When doing your dissections, be sure to preserve the material of the urogenital system (kidneys, bladder, reproductive organs and various connecting tubes) for a future lab. Also be sure to preserve the blood vessels, most of which are injected with colored latex. For today, focus specifically on comparison of the shark and cat digestive tracts. Know the function of each organ. I. SHARK DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Material: preserved sharks Identify: esophagus valvular intestine (‘spiral valve’) pancreas pylorus spleen liver (stores energy as fat) dorsal mesentery —pyloric region bile duct puboischiadic bar —cardiac region gall bladder gill raker —esophageal papillae stomach —internal rugae (folds) II. CAT DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Material: preserved cats Identify: PLEURAL CAVITY parietal pleura (covers body wall) visceral pleura (covers lungs) esophagus PERITONEAL CAVITY diaphragm liver parietal peritoneum (covers body wall) gall bladder —transverse visceral peritoneum (covers visceral organs) bile duct —colon greater omentum (dorsal mesentery) spleen —rectum esophagus pancreas —anus stomach small intestine —body —duodenum —fundus —jejunum —cardiac region —ileum —pyloric region/pylorus —intestinal folds (internal) —internal rugae —intestinal villi (internal) EEB 3273—Lab 9—Page 2 large intestine caecum (cecum) appendix Transverse section of human thorax through pleural cavity. The lungs lie within the cavity, which represents a space between two layers of pleura—a thin layer of tissue derived from the somatic layer of the lateral plate mesoderm (parietal pleura) and the splanchnic layer of the lateral plate mesoderm (visceral pleura). The space between the two is exaggerated in this picture—in life, the lungs virtually fill the space and the two layers of pleura are pushed against one another. Fortunately, the pleural membranes (and the peritoneal membranes in the main (abdominal) body cavity (coelom) secrete a watery, ‘serous’ fluid that lubricates all surfaces, preventing adhesions. "2313 The Lung Pleurea" by OpenStax College - Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site., Jun 19, 2013.. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. For color version, click on link: - mediaviewer/File:2313_The_Lung_Pleurea.jpg EEB 3273—Lab 9—Page 3