two sided cheat sheet

Activity: normal; lethargic; hyperactive
Appetite: normal; polyphagic; anorectic
V/D/C/S (Vomiting/Diarrhea/Coughing/Sneezing)
Vomit: what it looks like (food/bile/liquid/saliva/blood); when it started;
how frequent; when was last occurrence.
Diarrhea: what it looks like (soft/liquid/mucous/blood/color); when it
started; how frequent; when was last occurrence; parasites?
Coughing: when it started; productive?; how frequent; exercise related?
Sneezing: when it started; mucous/serous discharge; color
Drinking/urinating more/less than normal
History of medical conditions/ ear infections/ allergies
Currently taking medications/ anything other than pet food
Activity: normal; lethargic; hyperactive
Appetite: normal; polyphagic; anorectic
V/D/C/S (Vomiting/Diarrhea/Coughing/Sneezing)
Vomit: what it looks like (food/bile/liquid/saliva/blood); when it started;
how frequent; when was last occurrence.
Diarrhea: what it looks like (soft/liquid/mucous/blood/color); when it
started; how frequent; when was last occurrence; parasites?
Coughing: when it started; productive?; how frequent; exercise related?
Sneezing: when it started; mucous/serous discharge; color
Drinking/urinating more/less than normal
History of medical conditions/ ear infections/ allergies
Currently taking medications/ anything other than pet food
Temp: normal (100.5-102.5); <99 or >105 needs immediate attention from a
DVM. OK to vaccinate if <103.5 and no signs of illness
Pulse: K9 normal (80-160 bpm); feline (110-200 bpm)
Resp. rate: K9 normal (15-30 bpm); feline (20-40 bpm)
Behavior: gentle; social; nervous; fearful; aggressive
Mentation: BAR (bright, alert, responsive); quiet; anxious; excited; depressed;
obtunded; stupor; coma
Hydration: adequate; decreased (5-8% if skin tent delay 2-4 sec to return to
normal, CRT 2 sec, mm slightly tacky; 8-10% if obvious delay 5-10 sec
to return to normal, eyes sunken, CRT 2 sec or greater, mm dry/tacky);
MM= mucous membrane: pink/pale/jaundiced/injected (red)/cyanotic;
CRT= capillary refill time: norm= less than 2 sec; > 2 sec may indicate
compromised circulation due to cold, shock, CV disease, anemia, etc.
Integ=integument. Check for mammary masses in females!
Hair/coat: shiny; smooth; dull; full; greasy; alopecia
Skin: clean; dirty; mass; lesion; swelling; odor; redness
Ectoparasites: none; fleas; flea dirt; ticks; mites; lice
EENT= eyes/ears/nose/throat (and mouth)
Eyes: d/c (discharge); PLR= pupillary light reflex;
clear/cloudy/ulcerated/color/hemorrhage of cornea/conjunctiva/sclera
Ears: clean; discharge; erythema; epithelial thickening; odor
Nose: clean/crusted; moist/dry; discharge (clear/mucoid/yellow/bloody)
Throat (and mouth/teeth): clean; tartar (mild/moderate/severe); all
CV= cardiovascular. Check for pulse deficit.
Rhythm: regular; irregular; varies with respiration; chaotic
Murmur: mitral/aortic/pulmonic/tricuspid; grade /VI
Pulse Quality: weak/strong/bounding; symmetrical/asymmetrical
Resp= respiratory
Pattern: eupnic; tachypnic; dyspnic; panting
Lung sound: normal; crackles; wheezes; stridor
Nerv= nervous. If no abnormalities noted, do not need full neuro exam
M/S= musculoskeletal
Gait: symmetrical; strong; coordinated; lame; stiff; painful; reluctant
Muscle: well muscled; adequate; atrophy; asymmetric
ABD= abdomen. Distended; painful
Liver/spleen: palpable; small/large
Intestine: palpable; smooth/mass/doughy/gas/painful
GU= genitourinary
Bladder: size; smooth/distended/mass/painful
Kidney: enlarged/small/firm/irregular/painful
Vulva/sheath/penis: color; swelling; discharge (creamy/yellow/bloody);
mass; ulcer
PLN= peripheral lymph nodes. Feel for mandibular, prescapular, popliteal.
Normal is under 1cm in diameter
Temp: normal (100.5-102.5); <99 or >105 needs immediate attention from a
DVM. OK to vaccinate if <103.5 and no signs of illness
Pulse: K9 normal (80-160 bpm); feline (110-200 bpm)
Resp. rate: K9 normal (15-30 bpm); feline (20-40 bpm)
Behavior: gentle; social; nervous; fearful; aggressive
Mentation: BAR (bright, alert, responsive); quiet; anxious; excited; depressed;
obtunded; stupor; coma
Hydration: adequate; decreased (5-8% if skin tent delay 2-4 sec to return to
normal, CRT 2 sec, mm slightly tacky; 8-10% if obvious delay 5-10 sec
to return to normal, eyes sunken, CRT 2 sec or greater, mm dry/tacky);
MM= mucous membrane: pink/pale/jaundiced/injected (red)/cyanotic;
CRT= capillary refill time: norm= less than 2 sec; > 2 sec may indicate
compromised circulation due to cold, shock, CV disease, anemia, etc.
Integ=integument. Check for mammary masses in females!
Hair/coat: shiny; smooth; dull; full; greasy; alopecia
Skin: clean; dirty; mass; lesion; swelling; odor; redness
Ectoparasites: none; fleas; flea dirt; ticks; mites; lice
EENT= eyes/ears/nose/throat (and mouth)
Eyes: d/c (discharge); PLR= pupillary light reflex;
clear/cloudy/ulcerated/color/hemorrhage of cornea/conjunctiva/sclera
Ears: clean; discharge; erythema; epithelial thickening; odor
Nose: clean/crusted; moist/dry; discharge (clear/mucoid/yellow/bloody)
Throat (and mouth/teeth): clean; tartar (mild/moderate/severe); all
CV= cardiovascular. Check for pulse deficit.
Rhythm: regular; irregular; varies with respiration; chaotic
Murmur: mitral/aortic/pulmonic/tricuspid; grade /VI
Pulse Quality: weak/strong/bounding; symmetrical/asymmetrical
Resp= respiratory
Pattern: eupnic; tachypnic; dyspnic; panting
Lung sound: normal; crackles; wheezes; stridor
Nerv= nervous. If no abnormalities noted, do not need full neuro exam
M/S= musculoskeletal
Gait: symmetrical; strong; coordinated; lame; stiff; painful; reluctant
Muscle: well muscled; adequate; atrophy; asymmetric
ABD= abdomen. Distended; painful
Liver/spleen: palpable; small/large
Intestine: palpable; smooth/mass/doughy/gas/painful
GU= genitourinary
Bladder: size; smooth/distended/mass/painful
Kidney: enlarged/small/firm/irregular/painful
Vulva/sheath/penis: color; swelling; discharge (creamy/yellow/bloody);
mass; ulcer
PLN= peripheral lymph nodes. Feel for mandibular, prescapular, popliteal.
Normal is under 1cm in diameter
For FeLV/FIV test and Heartworm test, use a heparinzed syringe to get the
sample. Heparinze the syringe by drawing up heparin and then squirting
it back into the bottle. This way, only a small amount of heparin remains
in the syringe. Try to get 0.5 to 1 mL of blood.
Cats/Kittens over 12 weeks of age: FeLV/FIV Test
Dogs/Puppies over 6 months of age: Heartworm Test if clinical signs
(exercise intolerance, coughing, etc.)
For FeLV/FIV test and Heartworm test, use a heparinzed syringe to get the
sample. Heparinze the syringe by drawing up heparin and then squirting
it back into the bottle. This way, only a small amount of heparin remains
in the syringe. Try to get 0.5 to 1 mL of blood.
Cats/Kittens over 12 weeks of age: FeLV/FIV Test
Dogs/Puppies over 6 months of age: Heartworm Test if clinical signs
(exercise intolerance, coughing, etc.)
DHPP (Distemper Hepatitis Parainfluenza Parvovirus)
Give SQ intrascapular area
Puppies: minimum age= 6 weeks; give booster vaccines every month, so
that last vaccine is given when puppy is over 16 weeks old.
Dogs: will need a booster one month later, then one year later, then
vaccine can be given every three years
DHPP (Distemper Hepatitis Parainfluenza Parvovirus)
Give SQ intrascapular area
Puppies: minimum age= 6 weeks; give booster vaccines every month, so
that last vaccine is given when puppy is over 16 weeks old.
Dogs: will need a booster one month later, then one year later, then
vaccine can be given every three years
FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia)
Give SQ right front leg as distal as possible
Kittens: minimum age= 6 weeks; give booster vaccines every month, so
that last vaccine is given when kitten is over 16 weeks old.
Cats: will need a booster one month later, then one year later, then
vaccine can be given every three years.
FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia)
Give SQ right front leg as distal as possible
Kittens: minimum age= 6 weeks; give booster vaccines every month, so
that last vaccine is given when kitten is over 16 weeks old.
Cats: will need a booster one month later, then one year later, then
vaccine can be given every three years.
FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus)
Give SQ left hind leg as distal as possible
Cats and kittens (minimum age of 12 weeks); will need a booster vaccine
one month later, then one year later, then vaccine can be given every
three years.
FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus)
Give SQ left hind leg as distal as possible
Cats and kittens (minimum age of 12 weeks); will need a booster vaccine
one month later, then one year later, then vaccine can be given every
three years.
RABIES: Give SQ right hind leg as distal as possible
All animals: First vaccine can be given once animal is 16 weeks of age.
Next vaccine is given one year later, then every three years.
RABIES: Give SQ right hind leg as distal as possible
All animals: First vaccine can be given once animal is 16 weeks of age.
Next vaccine is given one year later, then every three years.
DEWORMING: all animals over 8 weeks of age will get oral Pyrantel
Pamoate (Strongid) liquid at the time of vaccination (every time they get
Pyrantel Pamoate: (1 mL/10 lbs body weight); gets roundworms, which
look like spaghetti, and are most common.
Praziquantel (See doctor): If there is evidence of tapeworms (look like
rice granules in feces). Can use Drontal or Drontal Plus for dogs or
cats (check bottle), or Droncit injectable for cats.
Fenbendazole (See doctor): If there is evidence of whipworms (fresh
blood in feces). Can use Drontal Plus for dogs or cats (check bottle).
DEWORMING: all animals over 8 weeks of age will get oral Pyrantel
Pamoate (Strongid) liquid at the time of vaccination (every time they get
Pyrantel Pamoate: (1 mL/10 lbs body weight); gets roundworms, which
look like spaghetti, and are most common.
Praziquantel (See doctor): If there is evidence of tapeworms (look like
rice granules in feces). Can use Drontal or Drontal Plus for dogs or
cats (check bottle), or Droncit injectable for cats.
Fenbendazole (See doctor): If there is evidence of whipworms (fresh
blood in feces). Can use Drontal Plus for dogs or cats (check bottle).
All puppies/dogs should get monthly heartworm preventative. Make sure
to stress the importance of giving the preventative EVERY month to
prevent the disease
Heartgard Plus minimum age= 6 weeks
All puppies/dogs should get monthly heartworm preventative. Make sure
to stress the importance of giving the preventative EVERY month to
prevent the disease
Heartgard Plus minimum age= 6 weeks
Advantage minimum age= 7 weeks. All animals should get flea
treatment every month.
Advantage minimum age= 7 weeks. All animals should get flea
treatment every month.