NSW IT{DEPENDENTTRIAL EXAMS _2009 CHEMISTRY TRIAL HSC EXAMINATION MARIflNG GUIDELINES Sectionl-PartA ) I 3 A C D 4 A f, B 6 D C 8 9 A B 10 C tl D t2 D 13 C l5 B L4 A Sectionl-PartB a Criteria Ethylene is obtained by the cataly'ticcracking of longer chainedfractions of petroleum. These hydrocarbonsare heatedstrongly in the absenceofair but in the presenceofa catalyst. The carbon chains are broken into shorter chain lengths.Continued cracking ultimatelv results in the formation of ethvlene. Marks ., Marks Criteria CHz: CHz + HzO ----------------CH:CHzOH 2 Thecatalvstusedis dilutesulfuricacid. Criteria Marks 3 Ethanol can be dehydratedto form ethylene. CHTCHzOH ------> CHz: CHz + HzO This reaction can be performed in the presenceof a strong dehydratingagent such as concentratedsulfuric acid. Ethanol can be obtainedby the fermentation of sugarsfrom renewablesourcessuch as sugar cane. 2 CH3CH2OH + 2COz The use of non-renewablepetroleum resourcescan be reducedby obtaining ethylene via the dehvdration of ethanol formed by fermentation using renewableresourcesof sugars. CoHrzOo t7 Marks Criteria Alkenes contain a reactive double bond in their carbon chain and so readily react with bromine in aqueoussolution. The double bond opensup allowing bromine atoms to bond with the carbon atoms in an addition reaction. eg CHz:CH2 + Brz(uq) CHzBTCI{zBr Alkanes have only single bonds between carbon atoms. Hence, in the absenceof IfV light, bromine in aqueoussolution doesnot react with alkanes. Bromine water is a yellow/brown colour due to the presenceof the Br2 molecules. When the Brz reacts with alkenes,the bromine water loses its colour. This allows the factthat a reaction has occurred to be easily identifred. In the presenceof alkanes,bromine water retains its yellow/brown colour as there is no reaction. Bromine water is therefore most suitable for the purpose of distinguishing between alkanes and alkenes as it readily undergoesan easily identified reaction with alkenes but does not react with alkanes. NSW Independent Triql Exams 2009 - Chemistry Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteia - Page I 8(a Criteria Atoms of zinc are ionised and acceleratedto very high speedsin a particle accelerator before smashinginto a lead target.If the zinc nuclei have sufficient energyto overcome repulsive forces, they combine with lead nuclei forming a superheavyelementsuch as Marks 2 tt2. Marks Criteria 2 This type of researchincreasesour understandingof the structure of the atomic nucleus and may produce new isotopesfor use in areassuch as industry and medicine. t9 Mark Criteria 3 The chemical reactions that take place in a battery involve electron transfer between oxidant and reductant species.Thesereactionscan be consideredas separateoxidation (electron loss) and reduction (electron gain) reactions. Electrons from the reductantare transferredto the oxidant during the reactions. ln the construction of a battery, thesetwo processesare physically separatedso that the electrons must move through an externalcircuit for the transfer to take place, allowing usable electrical energy to be generated. In the battery, the oxidant and reductant are separatedby a barrier that allows ions to move through it to complete the electrical circuit and thus keep the two sidesof the battery electrically neutral. The reductant forms the anode or nesativeterminal of the battery. while the oxidant forms the cathode or positive terminal. a Marks Criteria COzret+ 2OH' ) COr'- + HzO (or molecularform with 2NaOFf) Caz* +COzz ) ) CaCogr.) Criteria Molemassof CaCO: : 40 + 12+ 48: 100g .'.1000kg: 10,000moles Molesof COz needed: 10,000moles .'.Volumeof COz needed:10,000x24.79:247,900L Volumeof air to passthrough"tred' : 247,900/ 0.00038: 6.52x 108L 20(c) Criteria 1000kg CaCO:: 10,000moles .'.I 80 kJ mol-l x 10,000moles: 1.8 x 106kJ energyrequired 1.8x 106kJ / 1 000 kJ mol-r: 1.8x 103mol naturalgas .'.V: 1.8x 103mol It24-79 L mol-r: 4.46x 104L naturalgasneeded 21(a Criteria In the reactionmagnesiumatomsareoxidisedto form magnesiumions,showingthat it reaction. is an oxidation-reduction Carbonatomsare reducedin thereaction(from +2 to 0). Marks I I Marls I I NSW Independent Trial Exams 2009 - Chemistry Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria ' Page 2 2I ( b Criteria The monomeric tetrafluoroethyleneis a low boiling substance(non-polar and low molecular mass)and chemically reactive owing to its double C=C bond. Marks I The polymer is a plastic which is stableand unreactive,as it has no multiple bonds, making it much more suitable for packins into a flare canister. I a Criteria Start Point (mI.) 0.0 18.6 12.8 End Point (mI.) 18.6 37.3 31.5 Mean Volume: Vol HzSOa(mI.) Marks I 18.6 18.7 18.7 18.7 2 Criteria MolesNaOH= 2 x molesHzSOoor CuVu= 2xCuY^ 25 x 0.220: 2 x 18.7x Cu and C": 0.147molL-l Concentration of HzSO a: 0.147mol L-r 22(c Criteria Marks I I Marks Initial Moles H2SO4 = 0.5 x 0.25: 0.125mol Moles usedto dissolveMg: 0.125- molesremaining:0.125 - 0.0735= 0.0515mol Molesof Mg: molesH2SO4:0.0515 mol Massof Mg:0.0515 x24.31:1.251965 s (59.1%to 3 sf.) .'. Percentage of Mg by mass : 1.251965x 10012.12: 59.05o/o I I 22(d) Criteria A25.0 mL pipetteis used. Marlis I Criteria Marks A measuredmass of flare mixture is reactedwith sulfuric acid under an inverted measuring cylinder, initially filled with water. After equalising water levels the volume of hydrogen gas collected is measuredand convertedto moles, using the molar volume of a gas under collection conditions. As one mole of Mg produces one mole of hydrogen, the mass of magnesiumcan be determined. 2 a Criteria CHTCH2OOCH (in expandedform showineall bonds). Marks I 23 Criteria o o o o Marl<s Small quantities (approximately equimolar) of ethanol and formic acid are mixed together in a boiling flask A little concentratedsulfuric acid is added. The flask is connectedvertically to a condenser. The mixture is boiled under reflux. ., NSW Independent Trial Exams 2009 - Chemistry Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 3 23(c) Marks I Criteria The isomericcompound is propanoicacid. (formula C3H6O2). Propanoicacid will changethe colour of an acid-baseindicator,suchas litmus. Ethyl formate has no acid-baseproperties. (or any other weak acid property such as effervescenceof COz with a carbonate) 24(a) Criteria Phosphorusis^presentas phosphateion, and iron (III) ion forms a precipitateof iron(Il! phosphate.Fe" + PO4'- ) FePOal.;. It is important to remove the phosphateion from the effluent to minimise fertilising action, which would promote growth of aquatic and eutrophication. I Marks I I 24(b) Marks I Criteria n. The purpose is to destroy bacteriaby strong oxidation (or LIV exposure)to ensureno harmful Dathosenicbacteria are presentin the effluent. Criteria Add excessdilute silver nitrate solution to a 100 mL sample of the effluent. Separatethe silver chloride precipitate by filtration, dry and weigh the solid. Ag* + Cf ) AgCl le The mass and concentration of chloride ion can be calculated from the formula AsCl. I Marks 1 I 1 Criteria Na' Concentration(mg L-') +: : x: standards. ver. * : downriver [Na-]/ppm NSWIndependentTrial Exams2009- ChemistryTrial HSCExamination:Marking Criteria - Page4 25(c) Criteria These downriver sodium concentrationsare within safe limits for freshwater organisms. During low rainfall periods the river flow will decrease,reducing the dilution effect. As a result the downriver sodium concentrationswill increase,possibly above the maximum level. Marks 2 a Marhs Criteria 2 :o: Q::Q oxygen molecule The oxygen free radical is much less stablethan the oxygen molecule 26( b Marks Criteria An oxygen free radical combines with an oxygen molecule by means of a coordinate covalent bond. ., gr.---Coordinate Bond O Section II Question 27 - Industrial Chemistry 27(a Marks Criteria Sodium hydroxide is produced by the electrolysis ofbrine, a concentratedsolution of sodium clrloride in water. The sodium chloride is obtainedby evaporation of seawater. In the modern membrane electrolytic cell, the brine is electrolysedusing a titanium anode and steel mesh cathode,supporting a membranewhich separatesthe electrolle into anode and cathodecompartments.The membraneallows sodium ions to pass through to the cathode,where water is reduced to hydrogen gas and hydroxide ions. 7 H2O+€)YrHz(s)+OHThe solution of sodium hydroxide is collected as it passesthrough the steel mesh cathode and is then concentratedor obtained as the solid by evaporation.The anodereaction produces chlorine by oxidation ofchloride ions. Cf)YzC121ry+eSodium hydroxide is a white waxy solid which is extremely soluble in water. It is a very strong base,and is the most widely used alkali in industry. Domestically it is used in drain and oven cleaners,for its ability to dissolve fatty depositsby the saponification reaction. Saponification is also the largest industrial use. It is used in the process of soap-making, where sodium hydroxide is used to convert fats and oils to soapand glycerol. A soap is a mixture of the sodium salts of fattv acids. 2 1 Criteria For the reaction 2SOag1 + ort*l ) 2SO31g1 Marks 2 K" : tSOrl2+ ([SO2l2[O2l) : 6262- (2232x 114) : 0.069 NSW Independent Trial Exams 2009 - Chemistry Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 5 27 1l Criteria Propertv Graph (A,B,C,orD) Total pressure A Kp Yield of SOr C D Marks ) At 25"C the reaction would be extremelv slow and it would take millions of years to reach 27(c Criteria Marks Three endothermicreactions are: 1. Decompositionof calciumcarbonate: CaCOn,y ) CaOi,y+ COztei 2. Ammonia recovery: Ca(OH), + 2NI{4CI ) 2NH3@ + CaClz + zHzO 3. Productionof sodiumcarbonate 2NaHCOv"r ) NarCOrrsr*COzror *HzOror J The most suitable fuel is natural gas which is easily transpoftedby pipeline, has a high heat of combustionand bums cleanly, producing less carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels such as coal. a L Marks Criteria Soap is a mixture of sodium salts of long chain fatty (carboxylic) acids. Each anionic molecule consist of a long non-polar alkyl chain which is hydrophobic and a highly polar and negatively chargedcarboxyl group which is strongly hydrophilic. ,/\,A.,n',a.,rr.,/\./\ 2 /\/coo' Mixed with water soapmolecules form clusters called micelles forming an emulsion. Each micelle has a non-polar interior comprising alkyl groups and a surfacelayer of polar hydroxyl groups which form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.Greaseand other nonpolar moleculesand are dissolved into the non-polar interior of the micelles, hencethe cleansins effect of soap. ). '2'/k Marls Criteria A galvanic cell produces energy while an electrolytic cell consumesenergy. In a galvanic cell an exothermic chemical reaction occurs to create a voltage and deliver current and energy to an external circuit. e.g. electrodesof copper and magnesiumimmersed in a potassium nitrate solution. The magnesium anode is oxidised to magnesium ions while water is reducedto hydrogen at the copper cathode. t An electrolytic cell can be made of stainlesssteel electrodesin a sodium chloride solution. An external voltage source drives current through the cell. Water is reduced at the cathode and the chloride ion is oxidised to chlorine at tle anode. 2 Question28 - Shipwrecks,Corrosionand Conservation a Criteria provides Steel-hulledshipsoperatein a stronglyoxidisingenvironmentin which seawater a highly conductingelectrolytefor electrochemicalcorrosion. Oxygenin the atmospherg and dissolvedin the surfacelayersof the ocean,is theprincipaloxidisingagent,andall metalsarereducingagents. kon, the most widely usedmetal is a strongreductantin this situation,initially undergoingoxidationto iron(Il) ions. Fer"r ; Marks 7 P{+ +2€ Question 28(a) continues on the nextpage NSWIndependentTrial Exams2009 - ChemistryTrial HSC Examination:Marking Criteria - Page6 Question2B(a) continued The primary reduction reaction, which occurs on a suitablecathodic surface,is of oxygen tohydroxideion. YzOz + HzO +2e ) 2OH- The ultimate product is hydrated iron(III) oxide, or rust. Measurestaken to combat corrosion include: 1) Preventing contact of the seawaterwith the steel using impervious coatings such as grease,paint or a passivating metal. 2) Cathodic protection by embeddingslabs of a more reactive metal which becomesa sacrificial anode. In this situation the steel becomesa cathodeand oxidation of iron is prevented. Using an inert metal such as titanium, an external voltage can be applied from the ship's generatorsto make the steel hull a cathodein the cell so created. 3) Use of passivating metals, such as aluminium alloys, in place of steel for fittings and superstructurecan also reducethe problem of corrosion. 4) Taking care to prevent contact of seawaterwith less active metals or alloys, such as copper andbronze, which act as cathodesand acceleratethe electrochemicalcorrosion of steel. Marks Criteria Together with salt spray the copper plate and galvanisedbracket createan electrochemical cell in which the bracket is the anode.Corrosion of the bracket is accelerateddue to contact with the copper, with both zinc and iron being oxidised to 2n ions, while oxygen is reduced at the copper cathode. kon(Il) ions then react with oxygen to form a deposit of rust. a 3 Xu Criteria If suffrciently strong for the purpose a plastic bracket could be used, such as high density PVC, which is unreactive. Otherwise a passivating metal such as stainlesssteel or titanium could be used. Thesemetals develop a tough and impervious oxide layer, which minimises or Dreventscorrosion under theseconditions. Marlis 2 cxl Marls Criteria voltage source 2 steel Stainless anode Horseshoe Cathode 2E c Sodium rbonate solution l1 Marls 2 Criteria + 2I{ +2€ Anode: 2OH- ) YzOzret+ H2O +2€ or IIrO ) YzOz<g) + + 6OH- or Fe3*+ 3e ) Cathode: e.g., Fe2Oys)+ 3H2O 6e ) 2Fqe Fele NSW Independent Trial Exams 2009 - Chemistry Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 7 When reduction of rust to iron is complete the cathodereactionbecomesthe reduction of water producinqbubblesofhydrosen eas. 28(d Criteria Three iron nails were placed in a sodium chloride solution containing an indicator for the presenceof iron(Il) ions (e.g., potassiumhexacyanofcrrate(Ill)). The first nail was wrapped with a spiral strip of magnesiumribbon and the secondwith bare copper wire. The third nail was left bare. Marks 4 Aft"era short time the indicator changedto blue around the secondand third nails showing corrosion was occurring. Corrosion was much more rapid for the nail wrapped in copper wire. Corrosion took place mostly at the ends of the bare nail where the metal had been stressed. There was no observablecorrosion of the frst nail, however a white suspension of magnesium hydroxide formed, showing that sacrificial protection was occurring. The magnesium acted as an anodg with the iron becoming a cathodein the galvanic cell formed. e Criteria Marlis 4 Volta followed up Galvani's work with frog's legs and showedthat the electrical stimulus came from a combination of two different metals (brassand iron) in contact with the frog's leg. This led him to investigatedifferent electrochemicalcells. He invented the voltaic pile, or battery to gain increasedvoltage. The pile consistedof discs of zinc and silver or copper with cardboardseparatorssoakedin brine. Faraday used Volta's batteriesto investigate electrolysis and the relationship between the electric current of electrochemicalcells and the chemical reactionsat the electrodes. He discovered the quantitative laws of electrolysis and introducedterminology such as anode, cathode and electrolyte. Question29 -The Biochemistryof Movement a Criteria Marks Provides a comprehensivedescription of the formation and importance of glycogen. Provides an accurateillustration of slvcosen and slucose. Provides a description ofthe formation and importance of glycogen. 5-6 Provides an accurateillustration of slvcosen and slucose. Provides a basic outline of the formation and importance of glycogen. 3-4 Provides a rudimentary illustration of glycogen and glucose. Provides some relevant information. t-2 Answer may include: r Glycogen is a condensationpolymer formed from glucosethrough glycogenesis. . Initially glucose is converted to Glucose-6-phosphateby glucokinase or hexokinase. Question 29(a) continueson the next page NSW Independent Trial Exams 2009 - Chemistry Trial HSC Examination: Marking Criteria - Page 8