April 2011

Connecting to Connect Daily
In This Issue
Version 3.4.10 Released!
April 2011 - Vol 1, Issue 1
Connections - Connecting to Connect Daily
Integrating Connect Daily with
WordPress, Joomla & Other
CMS Sites
Welcome to Connections! This newsletter, and those that follow, will help you connect to Connect Daily. You will read articles that will help you get the most from your calendar system, get
answers to questions that many of you have asked us and learn about the newest changes and
additions to your Connect Daily Web Calendar.
Using Connect Daily with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Y! Mail
and more
What’s New?
Version 3.4.10 Released!
You asked for it... Now Connect Daily has it!
Join Our Mailing List
Quick Links
Go to the MH Software web
Learn how to quickly integrate
Connect Daily into your web
Check out all updates &
changes in Version 3.4.10
The choice is up to you, use standard recurring events
or recurring events with multi-day event banners. Banners rapidly bring attention to your multi-day events.
Non-wrapping event titles give a clean, professional
look for use in smaller IFrames and web spaces. If
you prefer you can continue to to use Connect Daily's
standard recurring events platform with full wrapping
event titles, the choice is yours. To utilize banners, log
into your Connect Daily calendar and go to SYSTEM /
Configuration / Appearance. Under Month View Calendar Format, select Bannerized View from the drop
down then save your changes.
New in Version 3.4.10! Quickly view your event details by mousing over your events! Then click
on your event for even more details. No more pop-up windows to manage, details now appear
inline on your calendar page.
Adding Connect Daily to your web site is as easy as 1, 2, & 3 with Connect Daily's new Web Site
Integration Wizard. Be able to choose how you want to display your calendar and then create
HTML code to integrate Connect Daily into your web site without knowing HTML.
Version 3.4.10 has more.... improved management of notifications and reminders; enhanced
custom fields actions; over 40 updates and changes in all!
Adding Connect Daily to your web site is as easy as 1, 2, & 3 with Connect
Daily's new Web Site Integration Wizard.
April 2011 - Vol 1, Issue 1
Page 2
Getting the Most from My Connect Daily Calendar
Integrating Connect Daily with WordPress, Joomla and other CMS Sites
Today more people are using tools like WordPress, Joomla and DotNetNuke to create their web sites. These tools often come
with calendar plug-ins and add-ons. Recently many of you have come to us after using these plug-ins and add-ons, looking for
calendar features that would better meet your needs; features you found in Connect Daily. You asked us if Connect Daily could
be used with these tools. The answer: yes!
Connect Daily easily integrates into any web site through the use of an IFrame. An IFrame acts as a "picture window". Think of
Connect Daily sitting behind the picture window looking out into the world. Now visualize that picture window sitting in the middle of your existing web page. The end result is your Connect Daily calendar sitting in your web page surrounded by your existing web site content. For a complete and professional appearance, change the colors of your calendar to match your web site
using the Change Colors feature. It's that simple.
Watch a short video & see for yourself how easy it is to integrate Connect Daily into your website.
Getting Technical
Using Connect Daily with Facebook, Twitter, MySpace
You deserve the latest tools and best technologies available and MH Software, Inc. works hard for you to keep Connect Daily current with today's
ever changing technology. You can now link your favorite and most important Connect Daily events to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Digg, Y! Mail
and more!
It's easy. First select and click on your event in your Connect Daily calendar then choose where you'd like to share your event. For example, click
on the Facebook icon. If you are not already logged into Facebook you will
need to do so. Once you are logged in you will see a link to the event you
want to share and a place to share your thoughts. Finish by clicking on
Share. That's it. You will receive a notice that your event has been posted on your Facebook profile and home.
To turn this feature on, log in and go to Setup Public Calendar Viewing on the Home page. Set the option for Enable AddThis
Social Networking Support to Yes. Remember to save your changes.
Now there's more ways to stay connected with Connect Daily!
Staying Current Made Easy!
Let us know what you think
Connect Daily just continues to get better and better! Software users - download the newest version today!
Hosted subscribers - see what's new in your Connect Daily calendar, log in and check it out!
Send us your comments. Let us know what you think!
MH Software, Inc. | 5320 W 120th Avenue, #311 | Broomfield | CO | 80020 | +1 303-438-9585