Defer and Amortize Approach (ASPE)

Module 1 - Financial Accounting - Powerpoint Slides
Defer and Amortize Approach (ASPE)
§  actuarial revaluations and plan amendments on the
accrued benefit obligations and experience gains and
losses on plan assets are deferred and amortized
-  experience gains and losses on plan assets =
difference between expected return on plan assets
and the actual return
§  plan amendments are amortized straight-line over the
period to full vesting of benefits
Defer and Amortize Approach (ASPE)
§  actuarial revaluations and experience gains & losses
are combined into ‘actuarial gains and losses and kept
off balance sheet
§  if they grow too large, they are amortized based on
the corridor test
Module 1 - Financial Accounting - Powerpoint Slides
Corridor Test (ASPE)
§  corridor = the greater of 10% of the beginning ABO
or the plan assets
§  the sum total of the accumulated actuarial &
experience gains/losses at the beginning of the year is
compared to the corridor
-  if the corridor is exceeded, amortize the excess
over the average remaining service life of the
-  if not, do nothing
Accrued Benefit Obligation
Defer & Amortize Approach (ASPE)
Balance at the beginning of year
Accrued Interest
Current Service Cost
Benefit Payments to retirees
Actuarial revaluations
Plan amendments (Past Service Cost)
Balance at the end of the year
Module 1 - Financial Accounting - Powerpoint Slides
Pension Plan Assets
Defer & Amortize Approach (ASPE)
Balance at the beginning of year
Expected return on plan assets
Funding payments
Benefit payments
Experience gain or loss (difference between
the actual and expected return)
Balance at the end of the year
Pension Expense
Defer & Amortize Approach (ASPE)
Current Service Cost
Interest on the ABO
Expected return on plan assets
Amortization of past service costs (amortized
over the expected period to full vesting)
Amortization of actuarial gains/losses
(experience gains or losses and actuarial
revaluations), if warranted by the corridor
Module 1 - Financial Accounting - Powerpoint Slides
Reconciliation of Funded Status
Defer & Amortize Approach (ASPE)
§  the funded status is the true economic liability to the
firm and is equal to the difference between the
defined benefit obligation and the fair value of the
plan assets
§  deduct the accrued pension liability (or add the
pension asset) from the funded status to determine
the unrecorded liability/asset
§  the unrecorded liability/asset is equal to the sum of:
-  the unamortized past service costs, and
-  the accumulated actuarial gains and losses
(actuarial revaluations and experience gains/losses)