Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS COURSE TITLE WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Sains dan Teknologi Perkayuan) COURSE CODE STF2113 CREDIT 3 PREREQUISITE/S None SYNOPSIS This course deals with the micro- and macro-anatomy of wood structure and its\r\noverall wood quality in terms of wood chemistry, wood structure and formation,\r\nphysical and mechanical properties of wood. Various industrial applications of\r\nwood science concepts in wood processing, and wood products, are described and\r\nillustrated, using examples from Malaysian and overseas situations. (Kursus ini menrangkumi mikro dan makro anatomi untuk struktur kayu dan kualiti kayu secara keseluruhan dari segi kimia kayu, struktur kayu dan formasi, sifat fisikal dan mekanikal kayu.) LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course, students will be able to: o the renewability of wood as biological product and industrial material (C1) o the basic chemical components of wood in relation to timber utilization o the basic physical and anatomical properties of wood in relation to timber utilisation o the common areas of wood processing technology in relation to the principles of wood and fibre science STUDENT LEARNING HOURS Lectures Self-Study Quizzes, Tests, & Examinations Total STF2113 Wood Science and Technology 65 15 40 120 Hour/s Hour/s Hour/s Hour/s 1/3 Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS LEARNING UNITS 1. Supervised Learning Hours Tree growth and macroscopic property (Week 1 ? 2) 3 - Why study wood science and technology? - Meristem and vascular cambium - Surfaces of wood - Sapwood and heartwood 2. Anatomical properties of wood - Gross composition of wood - Softwoods and hardwoods - Reaction wood 3 3. Chemical constituents of wood Holocellulose, cellulose, hemicelluloses - Lignin, extractives - Distribution of wood constituents 3 4. Physical properties of wood - Wood and water relationship - Wood density - Wood anisotropy 3 5. Mechanical properties of wood - Stress, strain and flexure - Strength and elastic properties - Strength-specific gravity relationship 3 6. Wood technology 1 (Week 7 ) - Wood processing, sawmilling technology 3 7. Wood technology 2 (Week 8 ? 9) - Wood composites and panel products 3 8. Wood technology 3 (Week 9 ? 10) - Pulp and Paper products 3 9. Wood technology 4 (Week 11 ? 12) - Wood biodegradation and protection 3 10. Wood technology 5 (Week 13 ? 14) - Wood drying STF2113 Wood Science and Technology 3 2/3 Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, UNIMAS ASSESSMENT Assignments Mid-semester examination Field visit reports Attendance record Quizzes Final examination Total REFERENCES 25 30 10 5 5 25 100 % % % % % % % 1. Haygreen, J.G.; Bowyer, J.L. (1996). Forest products and wood science: an introduction. Iowa State University, Ames.IA. 2. Panshin, A.J.; de Zeeuw, C. (1980). Textbook of wood technology. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 3. Sjostrom, E.; Allen, R. (1999). Analytical methods in wood chemistry, pulping and papermaking. Springer Verlag. 4. Sjostrom, E. (1993). Wood chemistry: fundamentals and applications. Academic Press. 5. Lewin, M.; Goldstein, I.S. (1991). Wood structure and composition. Marcel Dekker. Last updated: May 4, 2009, Mon, 8:25 PM STF2113 Wood Science and Technology 3/3