Viewing and Editing a Student's Academic Information

Viewing and Editing
a Student’s Academic
Last Updated: 22-Nov-2010
Table of Contents
Viewing Student Course Records and Grades ........................................................................ 3
Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records ...................................................................... 5
Deleting Transfer Record Information ................................................................................ 11
Troubleshooting Transfer Record Errors .............................................................................. 13
Changing a Repeat Indicator .............................................................................................. 15
Changing Grades in Academic History ................................................................................ 17
Entering Transcript Comments ........................................................................................... 21
Viewing Academic Standing .............................................................................................. 24
Updating Academic Standing ............................................................................................. 26
Updating a Student’s Graduation Status ............................................................................. 27
Approving a Student’s Graduation Status ........................................................................... 29
Viewing Student Course Records and Grades
Viewing Student Course Records and Grades
The Course Summary form (SHACRSE) is used to view a list of all courses for one specified term or for
all terms. Course details are accessible through the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN). The following
information can be viewed on Minerva for Faculty and Staff, under the Student Records Administration
menu, from the Student Advising Transcript (Unofficial) option.
Open the Course Summary form (SHACRSE) and access courses for all terms.
Filter the list for a specified course.
Open the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN) to view course details.
1. Open the Course Summary form (SHACRSE) and access courses for all terms.
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHACRSE in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the McGill ID of the student in the Key block.
c. Leave the Term field empty to view the complete course list for all terms.
For a list of courses in a specific term, enter the term in the term field.
d. Next Block.
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Viewing Student Course Records and Grades
2. Filter the list for a specified course.
a. Enter Query.
a. Enter your search criteria. (i.e. Subject = LAWG)
b. Execute Query.
3. Open the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN) to view course details.
a. Press the <F4> function key or the Select button
b. Banner may display:
The Section-Dependent Course Maintenance form (SHATCKS) if the course was
entered on a student’s record using an existing CRN.
The Pre-Catalog Course Maintenance form (SHATCKP) if the course was
converted into Banner from legacy.
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Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
To enter or update transfer course information, use the Transfer Course Information form (SHATRNS).
When entering or updating information, always keep in mind, that information on this form affects a
student’s academic history and is displayed on the student transcript.
Open the Transfer Course Information form (SHATRNS) and access the student’s transfer
Create or update transfer records.
Verify transfer record.
1. Open the Transfer Course Information form (SHATRNS) and access the student’s transfer
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHATRNS in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the student’s McGill ID.
c. Enter the Transfer Institution Number by clicking the drop-down arrow
search for a TIN.
If the Transfer Institute exists in the Transfer Institutions by Person Query form
From the Transfer Institutions by Person Query form (SHQTRIT), select the
Sequence Number (double-click on the sequence number) of the desired
transfer institution.
Click the Attendance Period Number drop-down arrow
Select the Attendance Period (double-click on the attendance period number).
If the desired Attendance Period does not exist, exit the Transfer Attendance
Periods by person Query form (SHQTRAM).
Enter the next available Attendance Period Number. (i.e. If the last attendance
period number in the transfer Attendance Periods by person Query form
(SHQTRAM) is a 1, then enter 2 as the Attendance Period Number.
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Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
If the Transfer Institute does not exist in the Transfer Institutions by Person Query form
Exit the Transfer Institutions by Person Query form (SHQTRIT).
Enter the next available Sequence Number in the Transfer Institution Number.
(i.e. If the last sequence number in the Transfer Institutions by Person Query
form (SHQTRIT) is a 2, then enter 3 as the Transfer Institution number.
Enter 1 as the Attendance Period Number.
d. Next Block
2. Create or update the transfer record.
a. The Institution will default if a Transfer Institution Number was selected in the
to select an
key block, otherwise click the Institution drop-down arrow
b. Save
c. Next Block
d. Enter or update the Attendance Period.
A: transfer credit relates to admissions
P: post-admission
T: post-admission but prior to Inter-Faculty transfer where the transfer
alters transfer credits (such as the transfer credits taken by a student
during summer after first year at McGill that are were recognized for
credit by faculty at the time)
e. Enter the term to which transfer credits will be applied in the Effective Term.
The student does not need to be registered in institutional courses for the term
to which transfer credits are applied.
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Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
For pre-admission transfer credits, enter the term of admission to the program
to which the transfer credits apply. Transfer credits will display on other parts of
the system for the term that has been selected as the effective term.
Enter the level to which transfer credits will be applied in Apply To Level.
g. Save
h. Next Block
If Sequence Number field in Transfer Course Detail form (SHATRNS) is populated.
Next Block
If Sequence Number field in Transfer Course Detail form (SHATRNS) is not populated.
Enter 000 as the Sequence Number.
Next Block
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Create or update transfer records.
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Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
Create Transfer records.
If current records exist then, click Insert Record
Enter Subject, Course and Hours.
Check Count in GPA.
Ensure Grade is set to TR, EX, XTR or XEX.
TR: Credits granted to a student’s McGill record for the course which is
being entered on the system.
EX: Credits not granted, but student is exempted from the McGill
equivalent course. The degree audit system (CAPP) will not be able
to use any course that has been entered with EX grade. The EX grade
should be used only in specialized circumstances. It should not be used
as replacement for the legacy ‘Exemptions without Credits’
XTR: Transfer courses excluded from credit count at the time of faculty
XEX: Exemption from McGill equivalent course excluded at the time of
faculty transfer.
The convention for entering transfer grades requires that all EX and XEX grades
correspond to exactly 0.000 credits in the Hours field.
Enter T as Grading Mode.
Enter “T” as the Title. Do not edit or delete the title, if the title auto-populates
based on the Course.
Update Transfer records.
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Update the information for each equivalent course entry, by modifying the
Subject, Course and Hours.
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Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
Verify the Count in GPA is checked.
Ensure Grade is set to TR, EX, XTR or XEX.
TR: Credits granted to a student’s McGill record for the course which is
being entered on the system.
EX: Credits not granted, but student is exempted from the McGill
equivalent course. The degree audit system (CAPP) will not be able
to use any course that has been entered with EX grade. The EX grade
should be used only in specialized circumstances. It should not be used
as replacement for the legacy ‘Exemptions without Credits’
XTR: Transfer courses excluded from credit count at the time of faculty
XEX: Exemption from McGill equivalent course excluded at the time of
faculty transfer.
Mode is set to T.
Title should be “T” or auto-populated course Title.
Next Block
. If necessary, delete
k. Select the Attribute by clicking the drop-down arrow
any automatically-generated code that you do not wish to apply.
The Attribute is used in the degree audit system (CAPP). Attributes added to
a particular transfer course in the Degree Program Attribute Validation table
automatically generate for you, such as ARAM or RMCH. These appear in the
case of McGill Degree Evaluation courses.
m. Next Block
3. Verify transfer record.
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Creating or Updating Transfer Course Records
a. The Attendance Period GPA form (SHATRNS) will display the created or updated transfer record.
b. Verify that the correct amount of credits have been applied by reviewing the
Earned Hours field.
c. Exit the form.
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Deleting Transfer Record Information
Deleting Transfer Record Information
In some cases, data errors may occur and transfer records will need to be deleted. In order to remove
transfer record information, we must delete the record, starting with information entered in the last
Open the Transfer Course Information form (SHATRNS) and access the student’s transfer
Select the record to delete.
Delete the transfer information.
Example: You realize you entered the wrong transfer institution after saving and verifying
the record in the Attendance Period GPA block. As a result, you would:
1. Open the Transfer Course Information form (SHATRNS) and access the student’s transfer
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHATRNS in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the student’s McGill ID.
c. Search for the Transfer Institution Number by clicking the drop-down arrow
d. Search for the Attendance Period Number by clicking the drop-down arrow
e. Next Block
2. Select the record to delete.
The Transfer Institution information will automatically default.
g. Next Block
h. The Transfer Attendance Period information will automatically default.
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Next Block
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Deleting Transfer Record Information
The Sequence Number will be set to 0.
k. Next Block
In the Equivalent Course Detail block, find the record that should be removed
and click once in the Subject to select it.
3. Delete the transfer information.
m. In the Equivalent Course Detail block, delete the record by clicking Remove
n. Previous Block
from the Sequence Number block.
o. Remove Record
p. Save
q. Previous Block.
from the Transfer Attendance Period block.
Remove Record
s. Save
t. Previous Block
u. Remove Record
v. Save
from the Transfer Institution block.
w. Enter the correct transfer information.
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Troubleshooting Transfer Record Errors
Troubleshooting Transfer Record Errors
The following list of error messages can assist you when troubleshooting problems entering data and
navigating in the SHATRNS form.
Probable Cause
*ERROR* Can’t
Attempt to change Effective Term
copy over field
or Apply to Level for an existing
that is protected record.
from update
Create a new record with new
Effective Term or Apply to Level
information, or remove associated
record in Transfer Course Detail
window to allow the modification
of Transfer Attendance Period
block information.
Field is
against update
Attempt to change the value in the
Sequence No field.
The system assigns a transcript
sequence number automatically
(if you have not entered 000).
Ignore the Sequence No or refer
to “How to remove information”
on page 10 to delete this entire
block of information.
fields are
required except
for Count
Attempt to save a record from the
Equivalent Course Detail block
without a Title entered in the
field, which remains out of view
until you scroll.
Any empty field in this block will
create the error, so also make
sure that Subject, Course, Hours,
Grade, and Mode are entered
as well as the often hidden Title
*ERROR* Invalid
Attempt to enter a value in Grade
and Mode that do not correspond
to the grade value already entered
in the adjacent field.
Ensure that grade value
corresponds with the Grade and
*ERROR* Grade Attempt to save a record without
mode invalid for values in Grade and Mode.
grade entered.
Enter Grade and Mode values.
Attempt to enter Hour values that
Must be in range do not conform to range standards.
0 to 9999.999
Enter a value more than 0 but less
than 1000 in the Hours field.
ORACLE error:
unable to
INSERT record.
You probably are trying to delete
values from Equivalent Course
Attributes and then save. You
should select Record > Clear from
the Menu bar.
Attempt to delete values from
Equivalent Course Attributes
and then save. You should select
Record > Clear from the Menu
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Troubleshooting Transfer Record Errors
NOTE: Transfer
detail exists.
Institution code,
effective term
and level cannot
be updated
without deleting
course detail
A general warning as you Next
Block out of Transfer Institution
when a record exists. However, it
could also be an attempt to delete
Transfer Course Form information
once a record exists in Transfer
Course Detail.
Note the former.
ORACLE error:
unable to
DELETE record.
Attempt to delete a record.
Remove saved values systemically
by deleting recorded information
across each block from last added
to first added (as described in
“How to remove information” on
page 10).
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If the latter:
Remove the record before
changing Transfer Attendance
Period block information.
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Changing a Repeat Indicator
Changing a Repeat Indicator
Repeat Indicators can be used to include or exclude courses from GPA and/or credits (for any course, not
necessarily repeated courses).
If a repeated course is added on SFAREGS before a course is graded and rolled to Academic History, the
course will be displayed automatically on the advising transcript. Otherwise, you must select the repeat
status in SHATCKN, which indicates whether a course was repeated and, if so, how credits and GPA are to
be calculated.
Open the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN) and access the student’s course detail.
Find the repeated course and edit the repeat indicator.
1. Open the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN) and access the student’s course detail.
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHATCKN in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the McGill ID of the student and the Term in the Key block.
c. Next Block
2. Find the repeated course and edit the repeat indicator.
a. Locate the CRN of the repeated course by clicking Next Record
as needed.
b. When the correct course is found, enter the Repeat indicator.
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Include: Include in GPA and credits
Exclude: Exclude from GPA and credits
Include GPA: Include in GPA but not credits
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Changing a Repeat Indicator
c. Save
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Changing Grades in Academic History
Changing Grades in Academic History
The Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN) is used to update or change grades in academic history.
These are grades that have been entered on Minerva, submitted and reviewed by the Student Affairs or
Enrollment Services staff and moved into academic history by an overnight process, posting the grades
on the Advising Transcript.
Open the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN), from the Term Course Maintenance form
Edit the grade.
A mistake is made when entering the new grade.
1. Open the Course Maintenance form (SHATCKN), from the Term Course Maintenance form
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHAINST in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the McGill ID of the student and the Term in the Key block and press
Next Block
c. Press the <F4> function key or select Options>Course Maintenance.
d. The McGill ID of the student and the Term will automatically default.
The Course Detail block will list all graded courses for the specified term and the
Grades Sequence block will display the corresponding grade.
2. Edit the Grade.
a. Scroll through the Courses to find the course whose grade needs editing.
b. Next Block
c. Insert Record
d. Enter the new grade.
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Changing Grades in Academic History
For Numeric Grades:
The numeric grade is entered in the Grade field.
The Grade Mode is set to “Q” (Conversion Grade).
TIP: You can select the appropriate Grade Mode from a list by clicking on the
Grade Mode Down Arrow
Enter the credit hours.
Select the Change Reason code that best suits your entry. (i.e. Instructor
Insert Record
Enter the corresponding letter grade in the Grade field.
TIP: You can select the equivalent letter grade from a list by clicking on the
Grade Down Arrow
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The Grade Mode is set to “C” (Common Grade).
Enter the credit hours.
Select the Change Reason code “SG” (Substitute grade).
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Changing Grades in Academic History
For Letter Grades:
The letter grade is entered in the Grade field.
The Grade Mode is set to “C” (Common Grade).
You can select the appropriate Grade Mode from a list by clicking on the Grade
Mode Down Arrow
Select the Change of Reason code that best suits your entry. (i.e. Exam
Enter the credit hours.
The highest sequence number will appear on the transcript and should always
be a letter grade.
3. A mistake is made when entering the new grade.
a. Grade entries cannot be deleted. If an error has been made, enter the corrected grade as a new record.
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Changing Grades in Academic History
b. Follow the above steps for Letter Grades of Numeric Grades.
The correct letter grade is entered in the Grade field.
The Grade Mode is set to “C” (Common Grade).
You can select the appropriate Grade Mode from a list by clicking on the Grade
Mode Down Arrow
Enter the credit hours.
Select the Change of Reason code “EE” (Entry Error).
c. Enter the comment KLERROR, only if a grade of KE, K, L or LE has been added as
an error.
d. Save
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Entering Transcript Comments
Entering Transcript Comments
The Transcript Events and Comments form (SHATCMT) in Banner is used to capture events and
comments relevant to the student, and posts them on the student’s transcript (both Advising and
Open the Transcript Events and Comments form (SHATCMT).
Enter unique comments for one term or multiple terms.
Verify your comments in Minerva.
1. Open the Transcript Events and Comments form (SHATCMT).
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHATCMT in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the Level code of the student’s program (i.e. UG for undergraduate). If
the student is in two programs at different levels, enter the program to which
the comment applies.
c. Enter the Originator code by clicking the Down Arrow
to search for codes.
The table below displays the originator codes and their descriptions.
Originator Code Description
For an admissions comment for the term of admission. The
comment will appear prior to course information on the
For a general comment that relates to a term. The comment will
appear after course and other information for the term.
For any admission scholarship information that needs to be
recorded as a comment.
For recording a third major on the students’s primary curriculum
For recording a third major on the student’s secondary
For recording a third minor on the student’s primary curriculum.
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Entering Transcript Comments
For recording a third minor on the student’s secondary
2. Enter unique comments for one term or multiple terms.
Comments for one term.
a. Enter the Term (e.g. 200709) to which the comments are to be applied.
b. Next Block
a. Select the Transcript Comments by Term tab.
b. In the Transcript Comments by Term block, enter the appropriate comment in
the Comment field.
Each line allows a maximum of 50 characters, and does not wrap text to the next
c. Save
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Entering Transcript Comments
Enter similar comments for multiple terms with the same originator code.
a. Leave the Term field, in the key block blank.
b. Next Block
a. Select the Transcript Comments by Term tab.
b. In the Transcript Comments by Term block, enter the appropriate comment in
the Comment field.
Each line allows a maximum of 50 characters, and does not wrap text to the next
c. Enter the Term for each comment.
d. Save
3. Verify your comments in Minerva: Access the student’s Advising Transcript in the Student
Administration Menu > Academic History Menu to verify that the comments appear as
you intended.
Do NOT enter comments in the Transcript Comments by Level block, as they will not appear on the transcript.
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Viewing Academic Standing
Viewing Academic Standing
Academic Standing can be viewed using the Academic Standing Query form (SHASTAT). Academic standing is determined through an automated Standing Decision Process, which is run shortly after final grade
submission for the term. Manual decisions should NOT be entered until the standing decision process is
Open the Academic Standing Query form (SHASTAT) to access the academic standings.
Enter search criteria.
Save the list in an Excel spreadsheet.
1. Open the Academic Standing Query form (SHASTAT) to access the academic standings.
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHASTAT in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the Level for the standing you wish to view.
You can further narrow your search by selecting Campus, College, Degree or
c. Next Block
2. Enter search criteria.
a. Enter Query.
The academic Standing block will clear.
b. Search for a Status by clicking the drop-down arrow
c. Execute Query.
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Viewing Academic Standing
The list of students will appear in the Academic Standing block.
To view the Curricula Summary click once on the Status field, in the Academic
Standing block, for the student. The Curricula Summary - Primary block
information will change based on the student.
To view the Field of Study click on the Status field, in the Academic Standing
block, for the student. The Field of Study Summary block information will
change based on the student.
3. Save the list in an Excel spreadsheet.
a. Select Help > Extract Data No Key from the main menu.
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Updating Academic Standing
Updating Academic Standing
Academic Standing is entered using the Term Course Maintenance form (SHAINST). It is required to update a graduating student’s standing, after the standing process has run.
Open the Term Course Maintenance form (SHAINST).
Edit the academic standing.
1. Open the Term Course Maintenance form (SHAINST).
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHAINST in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the student’s McGill ID.
c. Enter the Term provided by the instructor.
d. Next Block
2. Edit the academic standing.
a. Search for the correct End of Term Academic Standing by click the drop-down
b. Save
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Updating a Student’s Graduation Status
Updating a Student’s Graduation Status
To update a student’s graduating status or to add or remove students from the graduation list, use the
Degree and Other Formal Awards form (SHADEGR). This form is also used by the Enrollment Services
office to add honours and awards when the Student Affairs office can no longer perform this task using
the Faculty Approval form on Minerva (i.e., in cases when deadlines have passed).
Open the Degree and Other Formal Awards form (SHADEGR) and access the student’s
degree information.
Update the Degree Status from Not Graduating to Applying to Graduate (Changing an
outcome status from SO to AG).
Update the Degree Status from Applying to Graduate to Not Graduating (Changing an
outcome status from AG to SO).
1. Open the Degree and Other Formal Awards form (SHADEGR) and access the student’s degree information.
a. From the Banner main page, enter SHADEGR in the Go To... field and press
b. Enter the McGill ID of the student in the Key block.
next to Degree Sequence field to look up the dec. Click the Search button
gree sequence number of the record you want to update.
d. Next Block.
2. Update the Degree Status from Not Graduating to Applying to Graduate. (Changing an
outcome status from SO to AG).
The Curricula Summary - Primary and the Field of Study Summary blocks display the
curricula of the record that is selected in the Learner Outcome Summary block.
a. Edit the Outcome Status by entering code “AG” Applying to Graduate.
b. In the Graduation Information box, enter the graduation term (i.e. the term
the student has finished all their courses).
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Updating a Student’s Graduation Status
c. Hit the Tab key. The Graduation Year will auto-populate.
d. Save
Values in the Graduation Status field of FA - Approved or RE - Not Approved are populated
when Student Affairs submits their decision on the Graduation Approval Form on Minerva.
3. Update the Degree Status from Applying to Graduate to Not Graduating (Changing an outcome status from AG to SO).
a. Edit the Outcome Status by entering code “SO” Not Graduation.
b. In the Graduation Information box, remove values from Graduation Term and
Graduation Year.
c. Save
If a Graduation Status has been added (i.e., the field is populated with either FA or RE),
then the decision must be changed to “Pending” by Student Affairs on the Graduation
Approval Form on Minerva.
If the form has been closed for updates a request must be made to the records department
in Enrollment Services to have this field cleared centrally.
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Approving a Student’s Graduation Status
Approving a Student’s Graduation Status
After the graduating status is entered, the Student Affairs Office must approve the decision. The
Graduation Approval Form on Minerva is used by the Student Affairs Office for approval.
Access the Graduation Approval Form in Minerva.
Enter search criteria.
Approve the decision.
1. Access the Graduation Approval Form in Minerva.
a. After signing in to Minerva, click Students Record Administration Menu.
b. Click Graduation Menu.
c. Click Graduation Approval (Faculty).
2. Enter search criteria.
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Approving a Student’s Graduation Status
a. To review and approve an individual student, enter the McGill ID and click the
corresponding Submit button.
b. To generate a list of students for review and approval, select the Term from the
Graduation Term drop-down.
c. You can further refine your search by selecting the Department, Degree,
Category, Recommendation Status or Faculty Approval.
d. Click the Submit button to display the list of students on the graduation list,
awaiting approval.
3. Approve the decision.
a. Click on the Advising Transcript (AT) or Degree Evaluation Report (DER) link
before approving the student.
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Approving a Student’s Graduation Status
b. Select “Approved” from the Fac Appr. drop down box.
c. Click on the student’s ID link for Status Details
and edit the details
as required.
d. Click the Submit button.
e. Click Back to List.
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