Supplement Issue USI Newsletter December - 2015 Contents Agenda AGM 9th January 2016 Minutes: AGM held on 7th February 2015 at Ranchi Page 3 Page 4-9 Honorary Secretary's Annual Report Page 10-16 BOE Chairman’s Report Page 17-18 Hon. Treasurer’s Annual Report Page 19 Audited Statement of Accounts Page 20-28 Amended Constitution Page 29-34 Election Notification Page 35-43 List of New Members Page 44-46 Please bring this booklet with you to the AGM on 9th January 2016 at Hyderabad Agenda for the Annual General Body Meeting of the Urological Society of India to be held on 9th January 2016 at Hyderabad 1. President: Welcome & Opening Remarks. 2. Obituary 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting held on 7th February 2015, at Ranchi 5. Matters arising from the Minutes of the AGM held on 7th February 2015, at Ranchi 6. Honorary Secretary's Report 7. Honorary Treasurer's Report 8. Appointment of Auditor for the year 2015-16 9. Approval of new members 10. Report about the legal issues with the Charities Commissioner Mumbai 11. Approval of the updated Constitution with all the past amendments. 12. Report on the 48th Annual Conference of Urological Society of India (USICON 2015) by Dr. M. K. Senapati, Organizing Secretary, USICON 2015 13. Report on the 50th Annual Conference of the Urological Society of India (USICON 2017) to be held at Mumbai 14. Report on the 51st Annual Conference of the Urological Society of India (USICON 2018) to be held at Jaipur 15. Venue for USICON - 2019 16. Subject for Dr Sitharaman Memorial Essay Competition - 2016 17. Symposium Subject for USICON - 2018 18. Annual Conferences of the Zonal Chapters of the USI for 2016 19. Report of Board of Education, USI, CUE Programs, Workshops & MOCK Examinations for 2015 20. Matters pertaining to the Indian Journal of Urology 21. Awards for the Year 2016 - 2017 22. Letters from Members of the USI 23. Matters pertaining to UAA 24. Elections of Office Bearers and council members of USI for 2016 - 2017 25. Acknowledging the services of outgoing council members 26. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair Draft Minutes - General Body Meeting - 7th February 2015, Ranchi 1. President: Welcome & Opening Remarks The President Dr. Deepak Kirpekar welcomed everyone to the General Body Meeting at Ranchi. In his opening remarks he mentioned that general body meetings are important and are a place where the members discuss, debate and come to conclusions on the important matters of the society and requested the members to have the discussions in a gentlemanly manner with voices lowered down. 2. Obituary The President informed the General Body about the sad demise of Dr. Pramod Sharma, Dr. Fitzpatrick, Dr. Ranganatha Rao, Dr. U. K. Sharan, Dr. V. R. Chitale, Dr. Mallikarjun Desai, Dr. C. K. Subudhi and Dr. Srinivansan Gurumurthy. The General Body offered their condolence to the departed souls by standing in silence for one minute. 3. Approval of Agenda President requested for the approval of agenda. The agenda was approved unanimously. Proposed by Dr. S. V. Kotwal. Seconded by Dr. Anil Elhence 4. Confirmation of Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting held on 1st February 2014, at New Delhi Dr. P. Venugopal raised the matter of changing the name of Dr. G. M. Phadke Oration to Dr. Ajit Phadke Oration. Dr.Hari Bhai Patel informed that this issue had to be discussed in the matters arising from the minutes. Subsequently the minutes of the AGM held during USICON 2014 at Delhi were passed unanimously. Proposed by Dr. C. Mallikarjuna and seconded by Dr. Anil Elhence 5. Matters arising from the Minutes of the AGM held on 1st February 2014, at New Delhi The matter of changing the name of Dr. G. M. Phadke Oration was discussed. Dr. Venugopal was of the opinion that it was not reasonable to rename an oration in this manner. He stated that no family should be allowed to change the names of the orations of the society. Dr. Brig. Rautray was also of the opinion that just because the family had requested, the orations of the society cannot be renamed. Older orations can only be stopped and new orations can be started without changing the existing structure. Dr. Kirpekar informed that these decisions were taken in 2013 and resolved in the AGM at Pune, and the minutes subsequently approved at Delhi in 2014. Dr. Kirpekar informed the general body that the family of Dr. Ajit Phadke had given a new corpus with the request to change the name of the oration and it was changed with the consent of the general body and if the general body feels that there should be no change in the name of the oration a new resolution should be put forth in the AGM to be held during USICON 2016 at Hyderabad and decision should be taken after that. Since this year the oration was already delivered it would be improper to change it again without proper agenda being listed. 6. Honorary Secretary's Report Dr. D. Ramesh, Hon. Secretary, USI presented the Secretary's Report to the General Body. He informed that a detailed report had been published in the Supplement of the January issue. He thanked the council members, senior members and the members of USI for their support in the running of the society for the past two years. He informed about the academic activities of the society during the year. He informed that a lot of members participated in a plethora of international events. He informed about the webcast of live surgeries introduced this year which was well appreciated by all the members. He informed that the strength of the society rested on the unity and large numbers. He then informed about the problem areas of the society in the past year. The first was the issue with the registrar of societies. The second was the conduct of meetings and workshops by members before and after USICON and the third was the printing of newsletters. He concluded his report by expressing his gratitude to the President, President Elect, the Past President, the Treasurer, the council members and all the members of the society for their support. The matter of printing newsletters was then discussed. The secretary informed that the matter was raised in the General Body Meeting at USICON 2014 and he was instructed to send emails to all the members regarding receiving of printed newsletters. He informed that only 24 members responded for wanting printed newsletters. Discussions regarding the same were made and it was decided that the newsletter would go online from now onwards. Proposed by Dr. S. V. Kotwal and seconded by Prof. P. Venugopal. 7. Honorary Treasurer's Report Dr. R. Keshavamurthy, Treasurer USI presented his report to the general body. He informed about the membership status of the society. The current number of members of the society during USICON 2015 is 3,108 with 1727 full members, 1278 associate members and 103 international members. He informed that the full audited financial report for the year 2013-14 has been printed in the newsletter supplement. He then presented the details of the assets of the society. He also informed about the financial status of the IJU. He informed about the contributions received over the years from USICONs. Dr. Hari Bhai Patel suggested that the auditors report be signed by the President, USI rather than the accountant of the society. He also suggested about the interest from investments. He suggested that the investments can be made in UTI charitable trust schemes. Dr. Keshav informed that it is always safer to invest in government securities as there is a lot of risk involved in investing in shares and securities. Dr. Patel informed that the schemes of the UTI are registered under the registrar of charities and income tax office and are safe. Dr. Keshav informed that he will look into the same. The Treasurer Report was passed unanimously. Proposed by Dr. A. Mohan and seconded by Dr. Ashok Sharma 8. Appointment of the auditor for the year 2014 -15 The Treasurer asked the permission of the general body regarding the appointment of the auditors. Currently M/S Narang & Narang Associates are the auditors for USI. The General Body gave the permission to the treasurer to continue with the same. 9. Approval of new members The treasurer informed about the list of new members applied for membership. There were 217 applications for associate members and 36 applications for full members. The applications for conversions were 118 and four applications for international membership. Proposed by Dr. C. Mallikarjuna and seconded by Dr. R. Shivashankar 10. Report about the legal issues with the Charities Commissioner Mumbai The President informed the general body that when the office bearers had gone to the Charity Commissioner at Mumbai to register the constitutional amendment for evoting they were surprised to note that the office bearers registered with them were Dr. Ajit Phadke, Dr. Shyam Joshi and Dr. Madhav Kamat. He informed that for the past many years somehow the notification regarding the incoming and outgoing officers of the society was not registered to the charity commissioner by the previous office bearers. Dr. Keshav informed that our society was registered with the Charity Commissioner in Mumbai and the Registrar of Societies in September 1982 with the then office bearers and from then onwards not a single change report of office bearers was filled with them. He informed about the details which have to be submitted every year. He informed there were lots of problems in retrieving the file of the society. He then informed about the measures which are being taken up to solve these problems. He informed that signatures of all the office bearers from 1982 onwards are being taken up and after some formalities the society will be legalized with the changes and amendments. Dr. Kotwal informed that he had intimated the office bearers in 2011 itself and it should have been taken up by the office bearers then itself. Dr. Rajeev Sood stated that there were discussions about the same previously also and a committee was formed chaired by Dr. P. Venugopal and some senior members noted that there is no need for any new constitution. He also noted that if the society is not registered than all the decisions taken in the GBM will also not be legal. He further stated that all the offices should be centralized. He suggested that there is no charity commissioner in New Delhi where the central office is situated. Indian Societies Act is applicable in Delhi and the society can be reregistered under it. Dr. A. Mohan suggested that all the rules and regulations for the office bearers of the society should be written down so that the succeeding office bearers are made aware of them. Dr. Kirpekar informed that a hand book for the same is being prepared for this very purpose and it will be circulated after the legal matters are sorted out. Dr Mohan further suggested that an induction program should be taken up for the new office bearers. Dr. Lalmalani seconded the suggestion by Dr. Rajeev Sood to register the society in Delhi with the Indian Societies Act. Dr. Kirpekar and Dr. Keshav informed that they had taken legal opinions regarding the same and a society cannot be transferred from one commissioner to another. It has to first be dissolved by 2/3rds majority and then reregistered by any new commissioner which is not practical. Dr. Hari Bhai Patel applauded the work of the present office bearers in this regard and urged the general body to have confidence in them as they were moving in the right direction. 11. Proposals for amendments to USI Constitution Dr. Ramesh informed about the amendments brought forward by Dr. Keshav regarding creation of new posts for Secretary Elect and Treasurer Elect. These posts will act as a learning process of the new officer bearers and they can work for one year under the current office bearers and will help in the smooth transition. Discussions regarding the same were taken up by the general body. Dr. Hari Bhai Patel opined that there would be confusion both by the office bearers and the members regarding the distribution of duties. He also opined that by adopting this policy the secretary cannot be nominated for a second term of two years. He also opined that instead of the same, new posts can be created as joint secretary and joint treasurer. Dr Rautray also agreed with the views of Dr. Hari Bhai Patel. Dr. Madhu Agrawal, Dr. Rajeev Kumar and Dr P. Venugopal were of the opinion that there should be one year as secretary / treasurer elect plus a three year term. Dr. A. Mohan opined that if the term discussed in one plus two year term than it is as mentioned in the proposal for amendment but if the general body agrees for a one plus three year term it has to be put forth as a fresh proposal and can only be finalized in the next year. Dr. Rajeev Sood and Dr. T. R. Murali opined that there are only two council meetings in one year and a secretary or treasurer have already been council members before holding the posts. Many members opined that a one plus two year term is ideal. Concerns were also raised regarding the additional expenses for the same. Voting for the same was done and it was approved by 2/3rds majority by the general body to accept the proposal for a one plus two year term for both Secretary Elect and Treasurer Elect. Dr. Kirpekar informed with this proposal passed there will be election for secretary elect and treasurer elect in the next year.. Hence forth there shall be no election for the post of Secretary or Treasurer. Proposed by Dr. C Mallikarjuna and seconded by Dr. P. Venugopal. 12. Report on the 48th Annual Conference of Urological Society of India (USICON 2014) by Dr. Rajeev Sood, Organizing Secretary, USICON 2014 Dr. Rajeev Sood presented his report on USICON 2014. He informed that there was highest number of delegates who attended and a highest number of papers presented in any USICON. He then presented the financial statement for the conference. He informed that there were around 87 lacs as savings from the conference which will be distributed equally between USI, the zone and the city chapter of the society. He thanked the council for all the support received and was happy that the organizing committee was able to live upto the expectations of the members. Dr. Kirpekar thanked Dr. Rajeev Sood for conducting a very well managed conference. Dr. S. V. Kotwal asked whether the conference was conducted by USI directly. Dr. Kirpekar informed that we are moving in a step by step procedure for the same. Firstly from USICON 2013 Pune onwards the PAN Card of USI was used. Secondly from USICON 2015 onwards the registration of delegates was done by the USI Central Office and the delegate registration will be taken up completely by the USI Office for USICON 2016 and no bulk registrations will be accepted. Dr. Rajeev Kumar expressed his concerns regarding the huge amount of budget for the conferences. He expressed that stiff targets must be set regarding the expenses and the society should support the local organizers such that they are sure that if they fall short in their funds the society will back them up. 13. Report on the 49th Annual Conference of the Urological Society of India (USICON - 2016) to be held at Hyderabad Dr. Jayaram Reddy presented his report on the arrangements at Hyderabad for the 49th USICON. He informed that the venue would be the Hyderabad Convention Centre and the dates will be 7th to 10th of January 2016. He informed that it is one of the best convention centers in the country. He also informed about the places to visit in Hyderabad. He welcomed everyone to attend the conference in good numbers and have a great experience. 14. Report on the 50th Annual Conference of the Urological Society of India (USICON - 2017) to be held at Mumbai Dr. Anil Bradoo, organizing secretary USICON 2017 made an excellent presentation on USICON 2017, Mumbai. On behalf of Mumbai Urological Society he welcomed everyone for the conference. He informed that 2017 conference will be the golden jubilee conference of the society and therefore there is a need to look up all the achievements of the society in the last 50 years. He presented the details of Mumbai and the places of interest there. He asked for the support of the office bearers for the smooth conduct of the conference. He requested help and suggestions from all the members of the society. Dr. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan opined that the scientific content of the conference should be of a very good quality. 15. Venue for USICON - 2018 Dr. Kirpekar informed that the USICON 2018 will be held in the north zone and the zone has selected Jaipur to hold the conference. Dr. K. K. Sharma will be the Organizing Chairman and Dr. Vinay Tomar will be the Organizing Secretary. 16. Venue for USICON - 2019 Dr. D. Ramesh informed that the USICON 2019 will be held in the east zone and the zone has selected Bhubaneshwar as the venue for the conference. Dr. Sahu will be the organizing chairman and Dr. Datteshwar Hota will be the Organizing Secretary. The details for the same will be presented during the next USICON. 17. Conduct of conferences/ Workshops by members of USI immediately before and after USICON Dr. Kirpekar informed that a resolution had been passed in 2008 that there should be no conduct of workshops or conferences two months prior to USICON and one month after the conference by a member of the society. But there were no particular guidelines regarding the consequences if a member goes forward and conducts a workshop or conference. He further informed that many members had done the same during this year. The case of conducting a workshop just days before USICON 2015 conference dates was also discussed. Dr. Kirpekar asked the general body for a decision regarding the same. Discussions regarding the same were made. Suggestions for the guidelines were discussed. Dr. Kirpekar informed that the matter was thoroughly discussed during the council meeting and proper guidelines for the conduct will be put forth. The matter of giving powers to the council for the resolution was put to vote and the general body was of the consensus that the council should have powers regarding the same. It was decided that no member of USI can hold a conference or workshop 2 months prior and one month after USICON. Any member flouting these rules would attract an academic ban in all USI activities for 3 years. This would apply to members of USI who participate as faculty also. The GB authorized the Council to define these events appropriately and proceed with suitable action on the defaulters. . 18. Subject for Dr Sitharaman Memorial Essay Competition - 2015 Dr. D. Ramesh informed that it was decided by the council that Nano technology in Urology will be the topic for this year's essay competition. Dr Rajeev Kumar mentioned that clear rules must be mentioned in regards to publication in IJU. The rules clearly state 'No Plagiarism'. It must be reiterated. Dr A Mohan also mentioned that there are websites available to check plagiarism and articles must be checked prior to being reviewed. 19. Symposium Subject for USICON - 2017 Dr. Ramesh informed that the subject for symposium for USICON 2017 will be Vesico-Uretric Reflux: Current Perspectives. Dr Girish Nelvegi suggested that this is too broad based. Dr Ramesh clarified that it was published in the March newsletter and circulated to all the members but with no response till 3 weeks ago. Then it was again circulated as a mass mail to all the members and around 12 topics were received from the members. All the topics were discussed in the council meeting and the council decided on this topic. The convener will be informed shortly. 20. Annual Conferences of the Zonal Chapters of the USI for 2015 Dr Ramesh informed that the zonal chapters have all fixed up the dates for their annual conferences which are as following: South Zone ASUCON at Vishakhapatnam from 10th to 12th July 2015 West Zone WZUSICON at Goa from 10th to 13th September 2015 North Zone NZUSICON at Srinagar from 17th to 19th September 2015 East Zone EZUSICON at Bodhgaya from 30th October to 1st November 2015 Dr P Venugopal mentioned that the dates of the west zone and north zone are too close. No zone should change the date as and when they wish. The President asked the North zone secretary if the dates of the north zone could be altered with at least a week difference with the other zonal meetings. Dr Ramesh asked Dr Uttam Mete the north zone secretary to send an official mail regarding the news dates. 21. Proposal for new awards in USI a. IJU-Vattikutti Award b. Healthware award Dr Ramesh brought to the attention of the house that there were a couple of new proposals for awards. The first was IJU-Vattikutti Award which Dr Rajeev Kumar will be presenting during his report on IJU and the other was Healthware award which came up from Healthware company who wanted to present this award to the best resident both MCh or DNB and selected by the board of members from USI to be given a lower tract Endo Urology equipment set costing around 10 lakhs. The formalities have been worked out and they are willing to do it for the next 3 years. The only issue felt was that the selected candidate may be joining any training institute, may not be able to utilize it and attempt to sell it. It was felt that this was beyond the jurisdiction of USI or the sponsor to control the same. Members were of the opinion that the award should be of more duration around 10 years and not just 3 years. Dr Kirpekar mentioned that 3 years is a time after which we can review the award again and decide to continue the same. The GB approved the same. 22. Report of Board of Education, USI, CUE Programs, Workshops & MOCK Examinations for 2015 Dr Sabnis informed the General Body of the activities pertaining to board of education during the last year. He mentioned that all the activities have already been published. For the PGs activities during the year he mentioned mock exams in Bengaluru and Jaipur, USI-AUA Board Review course in Hyderabad and online exams for travelling fellowships carried out at 8 centres all over the country in which 170 candidates participated. This year it was an increase in 48% in the students appearing for the exam. He informed that there was a huge response for the hands on training vascular access course consisting of lectures and live demonstrations and hands on, which was initially planned for 10 candidates and later 40 members participated. He also informed that the course on renal transplantation conducted at SGPGI Lucknow was also very successful and 142 delegates participated in the same. For the first time there was a live operative workshop conducted at Jaslok hospital Mumbai 14 surgeries were shown live from simple nephrectomy to radical cystectomy and 3d laparoscopy with 3D transmission. 136 delegates registered for the course. He also mentioned that 3 webcasts were conducted this year at Nadiad, Delhi and Kochi on Urothroplasty, Radical Cystectomy and laparoscopy with a very good e-attendance. He mentioned that BOE participated in zonal conferences also. Go Green principle was adopted and all the communication was electronic. He presented his plan of events in the year 2015 and also thanked the sponsors taking care of these activities. He thanked Dr Joseph Thomas past BOE Chairman for his help all round the year. Dr A Mohan mentioned that CME credits should be given. The General Body applauded the efforts of BOE during the last year. 23. Matters pertaining to the Indian Journal of Urology Dr Rajeev Kumar presented a brief glimpse of the IJU report for the last year. He mentioned that they have carried on with what Dr Nitin Kekre the last editor had entrusted to them as it had been a very brilliant model to carry forward. He mentioned that there were about 450 submissions this year. The acceptance rates were almost the same as last year but they have cut down on timelines and have made the publication faster. They are made online on the first day of the cycle. Subscriptions have also increased in proportion to the membership numbers. He also discussed the expenses and revenues of the journal. He mentioned the IJU awards also for the year given to Dr Sanjeet Kumar Singh and Dr Sameer Nain and the Vattikutti foundation award to Dr N P Gupta. He also felt grateful the the reviewers specially Dr Suresh Bhat with special mention about Dr Rishi Nayar and Dr Mallikarjuna Reddy. He also mentioned the current issues and plans for the year. The GB appreciated the efforts of Dr Rajeev Kumar as IJU editor. 24. Awards for the Year 2015 – 2016 Dr Ramesh announced the list of awards for the year 2015-16 Urology Gold Medal - Dr Deepak Kirpekar, President USI Dr Himadri Sarkar Oration - Dr Deepak Kirpekar, President USI Dr Pinnamineni Venkateshwara Rao Memorial Oration and Gold Medal - Dr Suresh Patankar, Pune President's Gold Medal - Dr Madhu S Agrawal, Agra MIUC International Travelling Fellowship - Dr Bobby Vishwaroop, Coimbatore USI Teachers Travelling Fellowship - Dr Uttam Mete, Chandigarh He also announced the convenors for the subspecialty meetings 2016 Reconstructive Surgery – Dr H S Bhatyal, Delhi EndoUrology – Dr Manohar T, Bangalore Pediatric Urology – Dr Hemant Pathak, Mumbai Andrology – Dr Rupin Shah, Mumbai 25. Chairman Elect Board of Education President Dr Deepak Kirpekar announced the new Chairman Elect Board of Education – Dr Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy 26. Letters from Members of the USI Letters from senior member Dr P Venugopal was discussed earlier during the meeting and hence was not discussed again. 27. Elections of Office Bearers and council members of USI for 2015 – 2016 Dr Percy Chhiber announced the results of the elections. He mentiond that the elections were carried out today by paper ballots. The process went out very smoothly and there were no hitches and no objections. For the south zone council member there were two positions and the elected members are Dr Mallikarjuna Reddy, Hyderabad and Dr R B Nerli, Belgaum. For the north zone council member is Dr Uttam Mete, Chandigarh In the west zone Dr Hemant Pathak , Mumbai was elected unopposed. The other contestant retired from the elections. The honorary secretary will remain Dr D Ramesh. Honorary Treasurer will be Dr R Keshavamurthy, Bangalore selected unopposed. The President Elect for the year 2015-16 will be Dr Rajeev Sood, New Delhi 28. Acknowledging the services of outgoing council members President Dr Deepak Kirpekar congratulated all the winners of the elections. He acknowledged the support help and contribution of all outgoing office bearers and council members Dr R M Meyappan, Dr H Krishnamoorthy, Dr Pitchai Balashanmugham, Dr Jaydeep Date and Dr K K Sharma. 28. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair Dr H S Bhatyal brought to the attention of the house that lot of parallel sessions are going during the day with the same subject. President Dr Depak Kirpekar mentioned that it shall be looked into. Dr C Mallikarjun mentioned that during subspecialty courses, AUA course and a parallel session the subject is the same and overlap is happening. Dr Ramesh clarified that the AUA faculty are utilized during the USICON, and if it is felt that some of it is overlapping it shall be considered the next time. A member was of the opinion that the morning 8 AM session may not have attendance. The President said that they will try to reschedule it. Dr Shirish Yande mentioned time has come to draw bottomline for audio visual and organization of the conference. Dr Percy Chhiber asked the general body if he has the permission to destroy the ballot papers. Dr Keshavamoorthy mentioned that it needs to be kept for 6 months. The President adjourned the meeting and requested all the members to attend the Hyderabad meeting in huge numbers. The meeting ended on a positive note. Long Live USI Dr. Percy Chibber President USI Dr. D. Ramesh Hon. Secretary, USI Annual Report of the Hon. Secretary Respected President, Past Presidents, senior members colleagues and friends. I wish to thank all of you for having bestowed on me the honor and responsibility of being the secretary of this association for a second term of two more years. I would probably be the last secretary to have this responsibility for two terms. The year 2015 has been exciting and eventful with robust academic activities especially targeting the residents and younger urologists. The zonal chapters have had their respective annual meetings and workshops successfully. The Board of education conducted 2 mock exams for the post graduates, an instructional course jointly by the AUA and USI, and an update in Pediatric Urology, Carcinoma Prostate and three live web casts. The office bearers and members of the USI also participated in the scientific program of various international organizations like AUA, EAU, BAUS, UAA and USANZ. It is my pleasure to report in detail the activities of the association over the past year. Zonal Conferences Report on SZUSICON 2015: The 26th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists (SZUSICON 2015) was held at Hotel Novotel, Visakhapatnam. Prof. Chodisetti Subbarao was the Organising Secretary for this mega show. About 825 delegates attended this conference, which witnessed unique academic fiesta of very high calibre. The pre conference CME was inaugurated on 10 July 2015 by Dr. S V Kumar, Principal, Andhra Medical College, Vizhakhapatnam. The master class by Prof. URS E Studer from 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM kept the audience spell bound. Not a single soul left his or her seat until the program was over. Prof Studer took the delegates through a wonderful journey of Radical Cystectomy punctuated by his inimitable style. This was a life time experience for most of the delegates. Hats off to the super teacher of this era…. The Board of Education, USI, inspired by the Studer show, put up an equally enviable academic celebration in the afternoon. The stalwarts from across the country demonstrated their surgical skills through educative videos on different techniques on Reconstructive Urology, Andrology and Female Urology. The delegates could see rare procedures like Kenneth Kropp Procedure, Pitcher Potter Procedure, Al Ghorab Shunt and so on. It seemed again that the delegates never wanted to move from their seats for fear of losing them. Both academic halls were jam packed throughout the 4 hours of academic sessions. Full credit to Dr. Sabnis and his academic team for crafting an excellent program, which has now become a routine in ASU meetings. The welcome dinner on 10th July was held at Hotel Taj. The academic program of SZUSICON 2015 started on 11th July 2015 with the prestigious Prof. H. S. Bhat Oration by Prof. Syam K Ramesh, Thiruvananthapuram and Khivraj Memorial Symposium moderated by Prof. Suresh Bhat, Kottayam. For the first time, in a zonal conference, video conferencing was attempted; 4 video conferences were held with Dr. Ramajayanthi from USA (Long Term Complications of Posterior Urethral Valves), Dr. K.Subramonian from UK (Management of Difficult Ureteral Strictures), Dr. Mahesh Desai from Nadiad (Tips and Tricks in Urology) and Dr. Parthasarathy from Coimbatore (Technology Update for Urologists) talking live to the audience. This was a unique experience to the delegates and many believed that this would probably be the future of our conferences in the years to come There was a Guest Lecture namely Artificial Kidney, where in the speaker Prof. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Coimbatore mesmerized the delegates with his vast research on this topic and demonstrating the latest technological advancements in RRT. Many feared that the future of kidney transplantation was bleak if these gadgets were to get popularised. Prof Ravisankar Uro Radiology Quiz conducted by AMVC Raju of Bhimavaram was a unique academic exercise to the post graduates to horn their skills. The posters were presented as E Posters in 4 plasma screens which were running on all the 3 days of conference. 134 Scientific Papers were presented throughout the conference in podium, video and poster sessions, which were all selected after preliminary screening The AGM was held in the evening and probably this could be recorded as the shortest AGM in the history of the society. Every single decision was taken by the house unanimously in double quick time and the entire AGM lasted for hardly 1 hour! The unity among the members would be worth appreciated The inaugural ceremony of SZUSICON 2015 was held at 7.00 PM. The president of ASU, Prof. K Thiyagarajan presided over the function and the Guest of Honour was Dr. T. Ravi Raju, Vice Chancellor of Dr. N.T.R University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada who stressed upon the importance of equality of training of Urologists across the country. Dr. Percy Chibber, President of USI, Dr. Ramesh D, Hon.Secretary of USI, Dr.SasiPrabha R, Ex DME of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Krishna Moorthy H, Hon. Secretry of ASU and Dr. Chodisetti Subbarao, Organising Secretary of SZUSICON 2015 also spoke during the occasion. The various awards/prizes of ASU for 2014-2015 were distributed by the President. The Gala Dinner of the Conference held at Hotel Novotel was punctuated by a musical extra vaganza by Ms. Preety Bhella, Mumbai who literally invaded the hearts of the audience. Almost the entire crowd was on the performing stage, dancing, singing and enjoying the program. Congratulations to Prof. Subbarao and his team for arranging such a lively program. After the late night show, the delegates were back to their academics again on 12 July 2015. There were podium and video presentations in addition to Guest Lecturers by Prof. Kim Mammen, Ludhiana (Surgical Complications of Renal Transplantation), Prof. Nitin Kekre (History of Urology) and Journal Scan by Prof. Dorairajan of Puducherry. There was also Prof. N. Krishna Murthy Point-Counter Point Debate for Junior, Senior and Super Senior Consultants in Urology. The prestigious Prof. P. B. Sivaraman Endowment Guest Lecture was delivered by Prof. Aneesh Srivastava of Lucknow. The academic program concluded by 12.30 noon SZUSICON 2015 will remain in the memories of the participants for a very long time to come Report on WZUSICON 2015: The silver jubilee annual conference of West Zone Chapter of USI was held at the exotic sea side resort Hotel Radisson Blue at South Goa, from 10-13 Sept 15. This was attended by a record 480 delegates from all over India. Conference kick started with a very interactive and impressive Andrology workshop by Dr. Rupin Shah. On 10th evening, the conference was Inaugurated by Deputy Chief Minister & Heath Minister of Goa, Advocate Francis D'Sousa along with the NRI Commissioner of Goa Dr. Wilfred Misquita. USI President Dr. Percy Chibber with Secretary Dr. D. Ramesh were present on the occasion. Continuing the rich tradition of inviting personalities from various walks of life who have achieved extraordinary honours, we invited Dr. Mamatha Lala from Mumbai to deliver the Keynote address on her expedition experience of 'Antarctica.' The audience was mesmerised by her very inspiring achievements. Prestigious WZ Presidents Gold Medal was awarded to Dr. Hemant Tongoankar for his contribution in developing uro-oncology services in West zone and India. Dr. Jitendra Amlani was awarded Social Services award for his contribution to poor and needy patients. West Zone is always on the forefront of scientific activities. Academic contributions from the member urologists and invited international faculty were academic feast for the delegates. Our four invited international faculty Dr. Thomas Hermann (Germany), Mr. Arun Pherwani (UK), Dr. Dinesh Aggarwal (Australlia) and Dr.Wang Zhou (China) shared their experiences with the delegates. We had an extraordinary Symposium of “Vascular Access” conducted by Dr. Arun Pherwani on 11th September. The overall quality scientific presentations from the members was very good. The highlight of the day was the Felicitation function for all the 25 Past Presidents of the West Zone, presented by Secretary Dr. Kandarp Parikh. It was really heart warming and inspiring to travel through 25 years of west zone remembering and recognizing contributions of all stalwarts of west zone urology. This was followed by grand Orchestra by our own colleague Dr. Anil Bradoo and his team, "Tuning Folks". 12th September we had prestigious Dr. Ajit Phadke oration by Dr. Dinesh Agarwal 'A Journey from Mumbai to Melbourne.' It was a tribute of this ex-student to his legendary teacher Dr. Ajit Phadke. Presidential Oration was delivered by Ex-President of zone Dr. Umesh Oza giving insight of trends in current practice in urology. The spectacular feature of scientific program was participation by young and promising urologists in various sub speciality of urology. For the first time in any zonal meetings in India, we organised special one day training program for the paramedical and nursing staff during the conference. The program was attended by participants in overwhelming numbers. The penultimate evening programme was filled with gratitude and pain of ending the funfilled and brain storming scientific sessions. During the Valedictory function there was a special thanks program to Prof. Dr P Venugopal and the out going President Dr Ravindra Sabnis handed over reins of the zone to incoming President Dr Janak Desai. Everybody thanked Dr Jayesh Kudchadkar and his team and Goa Urology Society for excellent conference. Dr. Kudchadkar has a reputation of catering great hospitality and comfort during Goa conference. On 13th September we had very interesting session on “instrument sterilization” and most awaited symposium on “Medico legal aspects”. Dr. Ajay Kumar, Ex President USI was a special invitee and he enlightened the audience with various MCI guidelines on certain issues. The conference ended on a very positive note with thanks to the organizing committee. Report on NZUSICON 2015: The 25th Annual Conference of the North Zone chapter of the Urological Society of India was held in Srinagar, also known as “The Heaven on the Earth”. This year was something special as we had celebrated the silver jubilee edition. This annual event had attracted more than 400 urologists, many accompanying persons and trade delegates. The conference venue was SKICC, Srinagar. Jenab Mufti Mohammad Syed ji , hon,ble chief minister of J&K, was the Chief guest, Ch. Lal Singh ji, Minister of health, medical education J&K , was Guest of honour. Other dignitaries on the dias were Dr. M C Mishra, Director, AIIMS Dr. Percy Chibber president USI, Dr. S K Pal president NZUSI, Dr. Uttam Mete, Secretary, NZUSI, Dr. Muneer Khan, Dr. Baldev Singh, Organizing Chairman & secretary respectively. Being the silver jubilee edition the past presidents were felicitated by the Chief minister of J&K and a video on their views about our society was played which was compiled by Dr. Rajeev Sood. Dr. D N Kalla had received “Lifetime Achievement Award”. The event was accredited by J&K Medical Council for 09 academic credit hours to the delegates. On the first day, live operative procedures were televised from four operation theatres simultaneously. One OT was totally dedicated to laparoscopic procedures where varieties of surgeries were demonstrated by world famous experts and the procedures included laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic ureterolithotomy etc. In the same theatre the other surgeries which were performed included Thulium Prostatectomy& RIRS. The day was started with a thematic session “Management of MIBC” which was moderated by Dr. P N Dogra. The last two presentations of the day were highly educative & informative. The second thematic session was on “ men's health” and the third thematic session was on “Optimising Outcome In Renal Transplantation : Beyond Text Books”. The sessions were moderated by Dr. Rajeev Sood and Dr. Aneesh Srivastava respectively. Second day of the conference started sharp at 08:00 AM with parallel sessions held in three Halls. Record number of abstracts were presented during this conference. Dr. PN Kataria, Memorial Oration was delivered by Dr. S K Singh and Dr. A L Vyas had delivered Marudhara Jodhupur Trust Oration. To motivate the delegates to take interest in neuro-urology one interesting session was kept in the main hall. The theme of the session was urinary incontinence. The session had three modules, Module 1- Botox for Refractory OAB, Module2-SUI, Module 3- DSD. Dr. Ajit Vaze had moderated the session which got lot of applause from the audience. In the Main Hall, good quality competition papers (including podium & videos) were presented. A special session on “ Clinico Pathological Correlation” was discussed by Dr. Amlesh Seth and was moderated by Dr. S V Kotwal. Our guest faculty from Germany had talked on “ Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy”. Dr. N P Gupta from Gurgaon had spoken on “Role of Mitochondrial Medicine in Male Infertility”. Good quality papers were presented for Marudhara Jodhpur best paper session. Many interesting videos including open reconstructive surgery and varieties of robotic surgeries were presented for the “Agra Urological Club best video” session. CMC Ludhiana best poster session also had high quality presentations. To encourage the presenters , award for the best poster for every poster session was declared. The day ended with the peaceful general body meeting in the main hall with Dr. S K Pal , president of the NZC USI on chair. Election for the members of the new executive council of the Zone was held peacefully. The last day also had tight academic schedule. A symposium on “Proximal hypospadias ” was also conducted by Dr. M S Ansari. Dr. GS Kochhar and Dr. Anup Kumar had debated on the topic entitled, “For treatment of localised prostate cancer, open radical prostatectomy is better than robotic surgery for the Indian patient”. Dr. Anil Varshney had taken over as the president of the zone. Dr. Anil Goyal was elected as “President Elect” and Dr. Uttam Mete was re-elected for the post of Honorary Secretary. Dr. Anup Kumar, Dr. Harjinder Singh and Dr. Rishi Nayyar were elected as new council members. The zone is looking forward for the next successful annual event to be held from 14th-16th October, 2016 , in Agra, under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Madhu Sudan Agrawal as the Organising Chairman and Dr. Vijay Bora as Organising Secretary. Report on EZUSICON 2015: The Silver Jubilee (25th) Annual Conference of Urological Society of India – East Zone Chapter, 2015 was held at Sambodhi Retreat, Bodh Gaya, Bihar from 3rd Oct. to 5th Oct. 2015 hosted jointly by Dept. of Urology, IGIMS, Patna and Bihar Urological Society. Under the able guidance of Patron in Chief Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Ambasta & Dr Ajay Kumar; dynamic leadership of Org. Chairman Prof. (Dr.) Mahendra Singh, Chairman Reception Committee Dr A. P. Sinha, Chairman Finance, Food and Entertainment Committee Dr. Ashutosh Sharan (Motihari); the whole organizing committee Org. Secretary Dr. Amitabh Kumar Sinha, Joint Org. Secretary Dr. Sudhis Kumar, Treasurer Dr. Khalid Mehmood, worked hard to make this mega event a memorable one. About 207 delegates, including 30 postgraduate students and 150 trade peoples from 40 pharmaceuticals & surgical companies attended this conference. Conference started with an unedited video workshop, followed by Board Of Education, (BOE ) USI short videos on point of technique, 9 guest lectures on varied topics, 1 panel discussion, symposium, and debate each, ended with masterly lecture by Chairman Elect BOE, Dr Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy on VUR. This time it was heartening to see lots of participation by postgraduate students. All together 67 abstracts have been received, in different categories, podium, poster and video presentation. On 3rd October there was unedited video workshop in which Dr Malay Bera demonstrated Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty, Dr Ajay Bhandarkar showed HOLEP & Mini Perc, Dr. Shivaji Basu – Bipolar Enucleation of prostate and Dr. T. B. Yuvaraja – Urinary diversion step by step. BOE USI workshop included short videos of 8 minutes on different point of techniques, Dorsal Buccal graft uretheroplasty- by Dr Dilip Karamkar, Different types of VVF repair – by Dr Mahendera Singh, Tips in Thulium Laser prostatectomy – by Dr Bhibash Kundu, Tips and Tricks in RIRS- Shivaji Basu, Tips in Bipolar TURP- by Dr Rajeev TP, Green Light Laser-by Dr Datteswar Hota/ Dr SS Panda. Dr Venkatesh moderated the session, and gave the brief about BOE, its objectives and its role in promoting Urology in coming years. In evening guest lecture by Dr Shivaji Basu on Renal Stone Management - Last Decade, Dr Rajeev Sood on Emergence of Men's Health as an integrated specialty, and Dr Ajit Vaze on Newer Anatomical Concept of SUI and Prolapse. It was followed by inauguration programme participated by our Chief Guest – Chief Monk of main Mahabodhi Temple, Guest of Honour Dr. N. R. Biswas, Director, IGIMS, Patna, Dr. Percy J. Chibber – President USI, Dr. D. Ramesh – Hon. Secretary USI, Dr. S.J.Baruah – President USI-EZ, Dr. Harprit Singh – Hon. Secretary USI-EZ, Dr. Mahendra Singh – Chairman Org. Committee and Dr. Amitabh Kumar Sinha – Org. Secretary USICON-EZ 2015. During this function various mementos were gifted to all past presidents of USI-East Zone, all guest faculties, and Scroll of Honour given to Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Ambasta, Dr. A. P. Sinha, Dr. R. K.Verma and Dr. Pande Rajeshwari Prasad for their contributions towards development of urology in Bihar and Eastern India. Thereafter the prestigious Prof. (Dr.) R.V.P. Sinha Memorial Oration by Prof. (Dr.) Anup Kundu, President Elect USI-EZ and Urology Trust of Orissa Oration by Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Tiwari, IGIMS, Patna were followed by colorful evening with cultural programme and lavish dinner. On 4th Oct. scientific session started with guest lectures by Dr. Sanjay Sinha on A simplified Approach to Neurogenic Bladder, Dr. Sudhir Rawal on Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in muscle invasive Bladder Cancer, Dr. Kalyan K. Sarkar on Underactive Detrusor, and Dr. Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy on what we look for when we write, much appreciated by the postgraduates as well as young urologists. Then there was fierce debate on “Is Open Radical Prostatectomy on its way out? Dr Sudhir Rawal spoke against the motion and Dr Yuvaraja for the motion. Symposium on Lower UTI moderated by Dr Animesh Das, participated by Dr Shyam Babu, Dr Prem Kumar, Dr Somarendera Khumukcham, Dr Debadarshi Rath, and Dr Sunirmal Choudhury. Panel discussions on Ejaculatory Dysfunctions, moderated by Dr Ranbir Singh, panelists were Dr Rohit Uphadhyay, Dr Samir Swain, Dr Sasanka Barua and Dr Harprit Singh, followed by Podium Session, Poster Session and Video Session. Highlights of evening session were two dynamic ladies, the stalwarts of their field Padamshree Prof. (Dr.) S.C. Gopal – Pediatric Surgeon, who spoke on The saga of Malody- PU valves in children and Dr. (Mrs.) B.K. Dastur on Current Trends in Evaluation of Female Incontinence. Late evening was decorated with live musical bands followed by Gala banquet dinner at Hotel Mahabodhi Resort. 5th October morning was welcomed with Board of Education update by Dr. Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy on VUR, followed by Uroquiz for post graduates by Dr. S.S.Panda. Winners of the 25th Annual conference were Dr Deepak Bera and Dr Jyoti Prasad Morong, for the best podium, Dr Pranjit D Phookan, Dr Saptarishi Mukherjee for the best posters and Dr Kapil Jain and Dr Paresh Chandra Majhi for the best videos. Dr Barun Saha won the MIUC fellowship and Dr Kangjam Solay Meitei got the Siliguri Fellowship, and best essay gone to Dr Jay Kumar. Dr Sanjay and DrHanuwant won the quiz Session was concluded with valedictory function; Dr Anup Kumar Kundu had become President and Dr S J Baruah, immediate past president, DrVijoy Kumar president Elect. USI Awards 2015-16 Urology Gold Medal: Dr. Deepak Kirpekar, Pune Presidents Gold Medal: Dr. Madhu S. Agrawal , Agra Himadri Sarkar Oration: Dr. Deepak Kirpekar, Pune Dr. Pinnamineni Venkateswara Rao Gold Medal & Oration: Dr. Suresh Patankar, Pune MIUC International Fellowship: Dr. Bobby Vishwaroop, Coimbatore USI Teacher Travelling Fellowship: Dr. Uttam Mete, Chandigarh Dr. G M Phadke Travelling Fellowship: Dr. Chirra Raveendra Reddy NIMS, Hyderabad Dr. Vidya Sagar Baheti KEM, Mumbai Dr. Sitharaman Memorial Essay Competition: Dr. Karthikeyan VS INU, Bengaluru CKP Menon Best Paper Prize: Dr. Abhishek Laddha MPUH, Nadiad Brij Kishore Patna Best Paper Prize: Dr. Pankaj Joshi, Pune Chandigarh Best Video Prize First Prize: Dr. T. B. Yuvaraja, Mumbai Second Prize: Dr. Shashikant Mishra MPUH, Nadiad Vijayawada Best Poster Prize: First Prize: Dr. Pankaj Joshi, Pune Second Prize: Dr. Saurabh Gupta KGMU, Lucknow Dr SS Bapat Best Prize for Innovations & New Technology in Urology: Dr. Madhu S. Agrawal, Agra IPCA Urosciences Quiz 2014 First Prize: Dr. Ashish Kumar AIIMS, Delhi Second Prize: Dr. Chiraa Ravindran NIMS, Hyderabad USI-OLYMPUS International Travel Fellowships 2015 Urology residents who had successfully completed the International Travel Fellowships AUA USI Traveling Fellowships Sohrab Arora, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences Lucknow Mittal Ankur, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh Mittal Varun, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences Lucknow KarthikeyanNagnath, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal BAUS Traveling Fellowships Vijay Bhaskar Reddy, Narayana Medical College Nellore Sathish BabuPigilam, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati EUREP Traveling Fellowships Mallya Ashwin, Institute of Nephro Urology, Bangalore Vedala Suresh Babu, Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad Bansal Ankur, King George's Medical University, Lucknow Parmar Kalpesh, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chndigarh Karthikeyan V S, Institute of Nephro Urology, Bangalore Tanwar Raman, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi Singapore Traveling Fellowships Ashish Kumar, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Rana Pratap Singh, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Science Patna NAUS Traveling Fellowship Darshan Shah, Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Nadiad Mittal Ruchi, S.P. Medical College Bikaner AUS-NZ Traveling Fellowships Prakash Gaurav, King George's Medical University, Lucknow Mitra Nilanjan, Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata International activities Of USI: The annual meeting of the American Urological Association was held in New Orleans between 15th-19th May 2015. A large number of our members participated in the scientific and social programs at this meeting. There was a leadership meeting between the AUA and USI. It was a pleasure to greet Drs. ManojMonga and Dr.Inderbir Gill who have taken over as Secretary of AUA and Chairman International education respectively. Fruitful discussions were held between both delegations focusing upon residents education and collaborative work in basic and clinical research . A large number of our members delivered lectures, Presented papers and chaired sessions at the meeting. The IAUA meeting was held on 16th May with active participation by our members. The USI-Olympus resident and the Chakroborthy travelling fellowship winners participated at the meeting and they all will carry pleasant memories of their stay in USA. The high light was a live operative demonstration in the plenary session, on the various types of PCNL from MPUH Nadiad. This session made a major impact showcasing Indian Urology in a global platform making all the participants from India very proud. The scientific content of the meeting was very informative with a lot of new and interesting sessions for all to attend. The 30th annual conference of European Urology association was held in Madrid the capital city of Spain between 20th -24th March at the sprawling IFEMA convention center. More than 12000 delegates participated in this scientific feast. Nearly 30 members of USI participated in this conference and presented papers. Urological society and the EAU had a joint session –Urology beyond Europe chaired by the President of USI Dr. Percy Chibber and Dr. Catto JWF from Sheffield. There were presentations by Dr. Percy, Dr. Sanjay Sinha and Dr. Rajesh Ahalawat from India. The session was interesting and well appreciated by the attendees. This session which is held every year provides a platform for USI to showcase the work done by our members in India. The leadership meeting was held on 21st afternoon between Dr. ChistopherChapple the Secretary General EAU, Dr. Percy Chibber President USI and Dr. D. Ramesh Honorary Secretary. It was reiterated that the relationship between both the organizations have been mutually beneficial and would grow in strength in the future. The EAU leadership agreed to help out in creating Practice guidelines for our members. The EAUREP Residents program is going on well and would continue in the same fashion. The president attended the international friendship dinner on behalf of USI. The BAUS meeting was held at Liverpool and was attended by the President of USI Dr. Chibber. The annual conference of USANZ was held in Adelaide and the President attended the meeting and delivered the USI lecture there. USICON 2016 The 49th annual conference of the Urological society of India is being held at Hyderabad between 7th-10 January 2016. I had received an overwhelming response to the call for abstracts and the scientific committee has selected 599 papers to be presented in various categories. I thank the members who have helped me in the process of selecting the papers for presentation. This year we are having a galaxy of international speakers sharing their experiences with us. The organizing committee has put in a lot of effort to make this a great conference. Epilogue: The Urological Society of India is growing in strength every year and it is not easy for us professionals to take care of the day to day requirements of the members. We need to look towards technology to help us in this. One proposal was to go digital in all our communications and do away with printing of newsletter. Currently we have done away with the printing of the newsletter which is now completely online. This has saved a lot of money for the society. The present council has been working to establish systems in the running of the society. We have continued to promote academic and educational activities for the residents & its members. The Board of Education-USI is now in place and actively involved to take this responsibility. It has been a pleasure working as a team with the Office bearers of USI, President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President and Honorary Treasurer, all the members of Governing Council and the officials of Central Office-USI Mrs. Kiran Arora& Mr. Navneet Arora. The guidance from the senior and junior members has been of immense value and of great help in execution of my duties. I am thankful to each and every one of you for giving me this opportunity to serve this wonderful organization. BOE Chairman Report I have great pleasure in tabling this summery report for the whole year 2015-16. Details of all the activities are already published time to time in each newsletter. BOE-USI remained busy all throughout the year organizing academic activities almost every month. Some of these activities were targeted towards PG students &while others were for full members. Most activities were focused & topic oriented, which was largely appreciated by everyone. Month wise summery is as follows: 1) March 7th, 8th 2015 – Mock exam Ahmedabad, Convener: Dr. Shrenik Shah, BJ Medical college Ahmedabad 2) April 16 2015 – Hands on training workshop on Renal access & RIRS – Nadiad. 20 urologists were accepted for course. All seats were full within 2 days of announcement. Course Director: Dr. Jean De La Rosette, Dr. R. B. Sabnis 3) May 2nd, 3rd 2015 – Master class on Neurogenic bladder, Incontinence &Urodynamics. This focused program got overwhelming response as attendance touching 236 number. Live demonstration of UDM was the highlight. All sessions were interactive as audience participated in big way. Convener – Dr. Pawan Vasudeva – Safdarjang Hospital & VM Medical College – New Delhi. 4) June 6th, 7th 2015 – Best Practices in Ca prostate – Indian Perspective. Focused CME in the form of cases discussion. Convener: Dr. Amit Ghose, Kolkata International faculty – Dr. Prokar Dasgupta, Dr. John Devis 5) July 10th 2015 – BOE participation in SZUSICON – Vishakhapattanam. Video sessions & Symposium o n Reconstructive Urology, Pediatric Urology, Female Urology &Andrology – Conducted 4 hrs sessions each in 2 parallel halls 6) August15th,16th – Consensus & Controversies in Pediatric urology – Focused CME at Bangalore – Convener – Dr. A. Mohan 7) August 21st to 23rd – AUA-USI Board review course. Attended by more than 100 PG students. AUA faculty – Dr. K.C, Balaji & Dr. John Berry 8) September 5th, 6th 2015 – Mock Exam Kolkata – Convener – Dr. Dilip Karmakar. 9) September 10th 2015 – BOE participation in WZUSICON, Goa – Dialogue in Andrology – Convener: Dr. Rupin Shah 10) September 17th 2015 - BOE participation in NZUSICON Convener: Dr A Mandal, Dr. Rajeev Sood 11) October 4th 2015 – BOE participation in EZUSICON Convener: Dr. Venkatesh K. 12) October 9th,10th 2015 – Live operative workshop, Chandigarh. Theme: Urolithiasis – All different modalities of minimally invasive PCNL was demonstrated. Convener – Dr. A. K. Mandal 13) November 28th 2015 – Web cast on Female Urology surgeries. Convener: Dr. Deepak Dubey, Manipal, Hospital Bangalore 14) November 29th 2015 – Online exam for Travelling fellowships – Conducted simultaneously at 8 centers across the country. 178 eligible residents participated. 15) December 5th 2015 – Web cast on Advanced laparoscopic surgeries. Convener: Dr PP Rao, Global Hospital, Mumbai 16) December 12th 2015 – Web cast on different surgeries for BPH, Convener: Dr. C. Mallikarjun 17) January 8th 2016 – Paid Instructional course on TRUS biopsy at Hyderabad USICON. 18) January 9th 2016 – Paid Instructional course on Stress incontinence in women at Hyderabad USICON In all this year BOE organized, 1) Mock exam -2 2) Online exam – MCQ – 1 3) AUA-USI Board Review Course – 1 4) Focused CME – 3 5) Hands on training – 1 6) Live operative workshop – 1 7) Web casts – 3 8) Paid instructional courses at USICON – 2 9) Participation in all zonal annual conferences. BOE appreciates encouragement & support of USI council & thanks all members for actively participating in all BOE activities. Dr. R. B. Sabnis Chairman, BOE-USI USI wishes all its members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Treasurer Report Dear Members Greetings from Bangalore Wishing all of you a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New year 2016 It is my pleasant duty to present to you the audited statement of accounts for year ending 31st March 2015. The total membership of USI has been increasing every year and presently it is 3311 and few more would be added before I present it in the AGM. The financial health of the society is in good health with the total assets reaching 6crores. This year we had good number of academic activities done by the Board of Education, USI. The USI has been able to finance all these activities with academic grants The issue of amendments being filed with the charity commissioner of Mumbai has seen some progress although we had to face lot of hurdles. I would like to thank our President Dr Percy Chibber , Hon Secretary Prof D Ramesh and all the council members for the help and support extended to me during the last year. I would like to thank staff of the central office and Mr Rahul for their help. Looking forward to meet all of you at Hyderabad for USICON 2016 Dr Keshavamurthy R Treasurer, USI Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Audited Accounts Amended Constitution UROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA CONSTITUTION ( AMENDED ) 1. Title: The name will be 'The Urological Society of India' hereafter referred to as 'The Society'. 2. Registered Office: The Office of the Society will be as determined from time to time by the Council of the Society, with the provision to establish a 'permanent' office eventually. 3. Objects: a) To promote high standard in the practice of Urology. b) To associate together in one corporate body all scientific personnel actively interested in the practice of Urology in India. c) To foster high and uniform standards of undergraduate and postgraduate training in Urology in India d) To promote research in Urology or other disciplines for improving the practice of Urology. e) To promote, establish or support any institution, scientific association or research organization which is directed towards raising the standards of Urological practice or teaching or research in Urology in India. f) To promote the publication of scientific literature pertaining to Urological practice or research. g) To endeavor to establish and maintain liaison with other associations or organized bodies, in India or abroad, whose objects are in keeping with those of the Society. h) To carry out any other activities which are identical or conducive to the furtherance of the objects of the Society. 4. Membership: Qualification Criteria Members will be registered medical practitioners (Allopathy) and be either practicing Urology or other branches of Medicines related to Urology. There will be following classes of members: A. Full Members Surgeons holding recognized postgraduate qualifications in Urology- e.g. MCh (Urology), DNB (Genito-Urinary Surgery) or foreign qualifications in Urology equivalent to MCh or DNB recognized by MCI, and who are practicing Urological specialty in India at the time of their election are eligible to become full member No surgeon will be made full member without recognized qualification in Urology B. Associate Members i) Associate Members who shall be : (a) General Surgeons in India devoting a large part of their time to Urology. (b) Post graduates of resident Cadre under training for any recognized postgraduate degree in Urology. They should at the time of nomination for membership be working in a recognized department of Urology in India. Associate Membership in this category shall cease after 3 years unless a fresh application is made or the Council otherwise deems fit to continue the membership for a period of time which it considers desirable in each case. (c) Consultants in other disciplines of medicine related to Urology and practicing in India. (d) Any surgeon undergoing training in Urology towards a recognized postgraduate qualification e.g M.Ch or DNB ( Urology) or foreign qualification equivalent to M.Ch or DNB. C. InternationalMembers International Members are who shall be practicing Urology in foreign countries. Life Member of the society is a person who pays Rs.10,000/- as his subscription for becoming member. This membership shall be for life time. He may belong to the category of full members, Associate Member or International member.His rights will be the same as the rights of the category to which he has been elected by the council viz. Full Member, Associate Member , International Member D. Honorary Members Honorary members will be Urological Surgeons of good standing in foreign countries who have shown an interest in Urological Society of India. Their contribution to Urology in India should be of exceptional merit. 5. Mode of Election: a) Full members: Nominees will be sponsored by two Full members of the Society and elected by the Council. b) Associate members: Nominees will be sponsored by two Full members and elected by the Council. c) International members: Nominees will be sponsored by two Full members of USI and elected by the Council. d) Honorary members: Nominees will be sponsored by two members and elected by the Council. 6. Rights of Members: a) Only Full members will be eligible to vote at any Annual or Special General meeting, b) All classes of members will have right to attend any Scientific or general meeting of the Society. c) Only members or those whose application is pending with the council can attend USI sponsored CUE'S or Mock exam. d) A Urologist who is a full member or a urology trainee who is eligible for Associate membership may make presentation at the USI sponsored conferences only if he/she is either a member or if the application is pending with the council. e) A Urologist practicing in India and eligible to be full member can conduct CUE, Workshops, Mock exam etc in USI sponsored activities only if he/she is a full member. To encourage the trainees to become Associate members while still in training, The fee for full membership be increased to Rs 10000/-. Those joining while still training will be upgraded to full members without any further payment. 7. Cessation of Membership a) Any member may resign from his membership at any time by serving a notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary. Such resignation will not relieve the member from the responsibility to pay any dues to the Society prior to ceasing to be a member. b) The Council will have the right to terminate the membership or alter the class of any individual member, even after the election, if it is subsequently found that material facts supplied in the application were incorrect, false or misleading. c) The Council will have the powers to suspend a member till the next general meeting, if the member is found guilty of unprofessional behavior or of working against the interest of the Society, provided that member concerned is offered full opportunity to present his case to the Council. d) The Council will have right to recommend, to the general body, termination of any such members membership as mentioned in para (d), subject to confirmation at the Annual General Meeting by the twothird majority of members present and voting. During this interval all rights of member will remain suspended. 8. Subscription: Life Membership: a) Full & Associate Members: Membership Subscription will be Rs. 10,000/-for Full and Associate members. Associate members who have paid Rs.10,000/- at the time of becoming associate member need not pay any additional fee on conversion to Full membership. b) International Members (they would receive the online subscription of IJU only; to receive hard copy of IJU, they will have to pay additional subscription fees as decided by the editor.) Non SAARC countries - US$ 500 SAARC and OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) - US$ 250 c) Hon. Members : Nil d) All subscriptions will be due on election. e) Membership fees to be changed on recommendation of the Governing Council and ratified by the General Body in future. 9. Financial year: The financial year of the Society will be 1st April to 31st March. The financial year will close on 31st March every year. 10. Bank Account : The bank account will be operated by the Honorary Treasurer. All cheques will be signed by two Officers of the Society of whom one will be the Honorary Treasurer and the other either the Honorary Secretary or any other officer nominated for the year by the Council. 11.Officers of the Society: a) Officers of the Society will be the President, President-elect, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer , Secretary Elect, Treasurer Elect and Immediate Past President. b) No member of the Society will be eligible for election to the office of President, President-elect, Honorary Secretary ,Treasurer, Secretary Elect & Treasurer Elect unless he has completed in the past one full term as a member of the Council. c) The officers will be elected at the Annual General Meeting from a list of suggested nominations submitted to the Council. d) Officers: i) President: The President-elect for the given year will automatically become the President for the next year. He will hold the office for one year. An election for the post of the President will be held only if the President-elect for the previous year does not wish to or is not available to take over the office of the President. The President will hold office from the day following the termination of Annual General meeting at which he is installed to the termination of the next Annual meeting. ii) President-Elect: The President-Elect will be elected for one year. He will automatically become the President the following year. The President-elect will hold office from the day following termination of Annual General meeting at which he is elected to the termination of the next annual meeting. iii) Honorary Secretary: The Honorary Secretary will be elected for two years The Honorary Secretary will hold Office from the day following termination of Annual General meeting at which he is elected to the termination of the second annual meeting. ( This is applicable only for one term of Hon Secretary for two years from 2017) iv) Honorary TreasurerThe Honorary Treasurer will hold office for two years The Honorary Treasurer will hold Office from the day following termination of Annual General meeting at which he is elected to the termination of the second annual meeting. ( This is applicable only for one term of Hon Treasurer for two years from 2017) After the implementation of the Secretary Elect and Treasurer Elect, the election to the Post of Hon Secretary and Treasurer would cease. e. Secretary Elect. The eligibility would be as for the existing Hon Secretary. Initially the post of Secretary Elect shall be for one year and the election to be held one year before the end of the term of Hon secretary who is elected in 2017. The Secretary Elect would become the Hon Secretary after the completion of the term of Hon Secretary in 2019. The term of the Hon Secretary would be for two years after the post of the Secretary Elect comes into force. The Hon Secretary will not be eligible for immediate reelection after completing the term of Hon Secretary for two years. f. Treasurer Elect. The eligibility would be as for the existing Hon Treasurer. Initially the post of Treasurer Elect shall be for one year and the election to be held one year before the end of the term of Hon Treasurer who is elected in 2017. The Treasurer Elect would become the Hon Treasurer after the completion of the term of Hon Treasurer in 2019. The term of the Hon Treasurer would be for two years after the post of the Treasurer Elect comes into force. The Hon Treasurer will not be eligible for immediate reelection after completing the term of Hon Treasurer for two years. g. The President will not be eligible for re-election. The President-Elect will automatically become President at the end of one year. 12. Duties of the Officers: a) The President will preside at the Annual General meetings and at all the meetings of the Council. b) The President-elect will perform all duties of the President in the absence of the later or at his request. The President elect will have such other powers and functions as may be assigned by the Council. c) The Honorary Secretary will look after the day to day affairs of the Society under the direction of the Council. He will be responsible for summoning all meetings, preparing the agendas and keeping minutes of the proceedings. He will be in charge of all files, documents, books and other papers of the Society. He will be responsible of maintaining a register of members. He will be responsible for formulating the annual report to be presented to the Council and the Annual General meeting. d) The Honorary Treasurer will be responsible for receiving all subscriptions and other dues from the members, for paying all bills and for preparing an audited statement of accounts and balance sheet annually to the Council and the Annual General meeting, He will keep true and accurate records of all financial transactions of the Society. On request from the Honorary Secretary, he will pay authorized bills of the Secretary. He will be responsible for notifying all members regarding their dues to the Society. e) The Secretary Elect will assist the Hon Secretary in the running of the Office of the Hon Secretary and will carry out the work assigned to him. f) The Treasurer Elect will assist the Hon Treasurer in the running of the Office of the Hon Treasurer and will carry out the work assigned to him 13. Council: A. The Council of the Society will consist of following Elected and Ex-Officio members: a) Elected Members: President, President-Elect, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Secretary Elect , Treasurer Elect ,Immediate Past President, and zonal Representatives as Council members. b) Ex-Officio Members: Presidents of the four zonal chapters. B. The Council will be elected on zonal basis as per following method: i. Each of four zones (viz. North, East, West& South) will have at least one member on the council, irrespective of the number of full members present in the zone. ii. Any zone which has more than 150 members will have 2 members in the Council. iii. Each zone will be represented on the USI Council by not more than two members. iv Council members from any zone will be elected by the full members of the USI at the Annual General Body Meeting. v For any causal vacancy in the Council that may occur, the council will be empowered to nominate either a council Member as the Officer of the Society, or an ordinary member as Council member, in a nominated capacity only, until the next Annual General meeting. vi The Chairman and the Editor of the Editorial committee of the Indian Journal of Urology will be special invitees of the Council when journal matters are discussed. vii The Chairman , Board of Education will be special invitee of the council when Board of Education matters are discussed viii No member of the Society will be eligible for election of Member of the Council unless he/she has served for at least five years at the time of election as a member of the Society. ix The representatives in the council will be elected for two years. x Council nominations for members will be made by two Full members, along with a written consent by the candidate agreeing to the nomination. xi No member of the Society will be eligible for election as member of the USI Council unless he or she has completed a full term as a Council Member of the Zonal Chapter. xii All nominations for council election should reach the President-elect of Urological Society of India by the date fixed by the Hon. Secretary. 14. Duties of the Council: a. The Council will constitute the executive authority of the Society in all matters scientific, business and financial. b. The Council will be responsible for arrangement for the business and scientific parts of the Annual General Meeting. c. The Council will have the powers to appoint any Sub-Committee for any specific purpose of any aspect of the functioning of the Society. Such committees will be responsible to the Council. The reports of such committees will be incorporated in the reports of the Council and submitted by the Council at the General Meeting. d. The Council will have powers to invest money of the Society with due regard for existing laws. e. The Council will be executive body to review the application forms of the Associate members to be promoted as full members as and when occasion arises. f. The Council will meet at the call of the President. Five members will constitute a quorum. g. The Council will have powers to elect the members of the editorial committee and the Officers of the Indian Journal of Urology as laid in the rules and regulations of the journal. h. The council will have powers to elect the Chairman, Board of Education and the members of Board of Education as per the rules & regulations laid down for Board of Education. i. An Officer or a Council Member who fails to attend two consecutive Council meetings without valid reason and without prior intimation will be deemed to have forfeited his post. 15. General Meeting: a. The Annual General meeting will consist of two parts, viz., business and scientific. b. The Annual General business Meeting will be held not later than ten months after the date of the termination of the financial year of the Society. c. The Council will have the powers to convene such other business meeting it deems necessary, when it will be called a special general meeting. d. The Council will have the powers to decide to convene such other Scientific meetings besides the annual one as it deems desirable. e. The agenda for the Annual General Business meeting will be: i. To receive the report of the Honorary Secretary. ii. To receive the report of the Honorary Treasurer and the audited statement of accounts and balance sheet. iii. To approve new members to the Society as recommended by the council. iv. To elect officers and members of the Council. v. To appoint the auditors. vi) To consider other business as the Council may determine. vii) To consider any resolution or amendments to the rules submitted by members in accordance with Rules 15(g) & 19. Quorum of the Annual General Body Meeting will be constituted by fifty full members. If the Quorum is not formed in the first instance, the meeting will be dissolved immediately and reassembled after 15 minutes, when the presence of a minimum of 15 full members will fulfill the requirement of the Quorum. ix) Resolution: Any member desirous of moving a resolution at the Annual General meeting will notify the same in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least six weeks before the date of such meeting. 16. Journal of the Society: a. The Indian Journal of Urology will be the Official journal of the Society. b. The management and functioning of the journal will be as per rules and regulations already laid down and approved by the Council of USI 17. Takeover of the Assets and Liabilities: The assets and liabilities and other accounts of the existing Association of persons known as the Urological Society of India at the time of adoption these rules and regulations and registration Act, 1860 will be taken over by the Society and the account will continue to be operated in the same manner as earlier. 18. Dissolution: Any number not less than three-fifths of the members of the Society may determine that the Society will be dissolved, and thereupon it will be dissolved forthwith, or at the time then agreed upon, and all necessary steps will be taken for the disposal and settlement of property of the Society, its claims and liabilities. If upon dissolution or termination of the Society there will remain after discharge of all the debts and liabilities any property or funds what so ever they will be given or transferred to an institution or institutions having similar objectives as the Society which will be determined by the votes of not less than three-fifth of the members of the group at the meeting at the time of dissolution. 19. Amendments of Rules: Notice of a proposal to repeal, amend, or add to the existing rule/rules will be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary, in writing, not later than six weeks before the date of the Annual General Body Meeting. All the amendments to the rules suggested by the member, by the members, or by the Council will be circulated to the members at least two weeks prior to the Annual meeting by the Hon. Secretary. The proposal will appear in the agenda of the meeting in the form of a resolution duly proposed and seconded. No proposal will be considered passed unless it is approved by a majority comprising of at least three-fifth of the full members present during voting. 20. Zonal Chapters will be constituted as follows: North Zone - Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi & Chandigarh, Uttarakhand South Zone - Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Pondicherry, & Lakshadweep West Zone - Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, Daman and Diu, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli East Zone - Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Manipur, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Election Notification Election 2016-2017, USI Date of Election - 9th January 2016 Venue: HICC Hyderabad Time 9.30 AM - 5.00 PM The final list of candidates eligible for the election after scrutiny is as follows: President Elect 1. Dr P N Dogra 2. Dr Madhu S Agrawal 3. Dr Prof PVLN Murthy 4. Dr R Shivashankar Council Member (West Zone) 1. Dr Pradeep Prabhakar Rao 2. Dr Ashish Rawandale Patil Council Member (East Zone) 1. Dr Dilip Kumar Pal Council Member (North Zone) 1. Dr Trilok Chandra Sadasukhi 2. Dr Pamposh Raina 3. Dr Rajeev Kumar -----sd------- Dr Rajeev Sood President (E), USI Election Officer, USI Election (2016-2017) (Note: Any further suggestions / direction / observation, if any, on this should be sent within reasonable time) Nominations for the Post of President Elect Prof (DR) Madhu Sudan Agrawal DESIGNATION: Head, Department of Urology & Centre for Minimally-Invasive Endourology, Global Rainbow Healthcare, Agra, India Formerly Professor, S N Medical College, AGRA QUALIFICATIONS: M.B.B.S. M.S. (SURGERY) M.Ch. (UROLOGY) M.N.A.M.S. (UROLOGY) 1979 1983 1989 2004 MLB Medical College, Jhansi AIIMS, New Delhi SMS Medical College, Jaipur NAMS, N Delhi HIGHLIGHTS: l Topper of Medical College and University throughout the course of MBBS, with distinction/ honors in all subjects. l More than 100 publications in National & International Journals. Written several chapters for national and international text books. l More than 200 papers presented, more than 200 guest lectures delivered,in National & International Conferences. l Received various Best Paper and Best Poster awards in National & International conferences. l PG examiner to the National Board of Examinations (DNB) and several Universities. l Reviewer for multiple National & International Journals, including: AUA, British J Urology, J Endourology, Indian J Urology, Indian J Surgery, Indian J Med Res, etc. l One of the pioneers in Endourology in India since 1980's, popularized several new techniques including Tubeless PCNL, Ultrasound-guided puncture, MIP (Minimally-invasive PCNL). l Conducted many operative workshops and teaching programs in Endourology at National and International level, and at Agra highlighting innovative technology. l ‘Best Paper' award at the World Congress of Endourology, 2014. USI CONTRIBUTION: l Held various positions in NZCUSI, including Council member, Honorary Treasurer, Convener of various cells. l President of NZCUSI, 2006-2007. l Held various positions in USI, including Council member. l Convener of Services Cell, Convener of 'Endourology Section'. l Organizing Secretary of USICON 2010, Agra. l Honorary Treasurer of USI, 2009-2013. l PV Rao Oration & Gold Medal of USI, 2006-2007. l PN Kataria Memorial Oration & Gold Medal of NZCUSI, 2011. l Marudhar Jodhpur Urology Oration Award of NZCUSI, 2013-2014. l President's Gold Medal of USI,2015-2016. Nominations for the Post of President Elect Dr. Prem Nath Dogra, MBBS, MS, M.Ch., D.Sc.(Hon.) Professor & Head, Department of Urology, AIIMS: New Delhi Born on 4th November, 1953. After finishing his graduation (MBBS) in December 1978 from Government Medical College, Jammu did his Master of Surgery (General Surgery) and M.Ch (Urology) from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, in December 1982 and 1984 respectively. In April 1985 joined Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and in August 1985, Sher-E-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar as Lecturer in Urology. Joined as an Assistant Professor, Urology on June 19th, 1986 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Presently holding position of Professor & Head, Department of Urology, AIIMS. During my long and distinguished career, I have contributed immensely to the growth of science of Urology at both national & international levels, has established myself as an academician of repute, and my contribution has been widely recognized. In the field of research, I have 150 publications in various national & international journals of repute, has contributed chapters in 10 books. My interest in the field of Urology besides Core General Urology are Endo-urology Reconstructive Surgery, Urooncology, Surgery of the Pheo-Chromocytoma, Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery. I am pioneer in the field of Lasers, Urethral-stricture surgery, Endourology Laparoscopic and Robot-assisted Urological procedures. As a scholar and teacher of outstanding merit, trained over 100 M.Ch postgraduates in Urology working all over the country and some have made a mark abroad by occupying professional chairs. Trained visiting observers from national and international universities. Involved as a subject expert for reframing the curriculum for urology training by the Medical Council of India, National Board of Examination and BP Koirala Institute of Medical Sciences, Nepal. I am Chairman of the Hospital Management Board at AIIMS and assisting AIIMS administration in various capacities. Organized various national and international conference, symposia, workshops and CME; chief investigator & coinvestigator of various research projects funded by ICMR and other Institutions. Delivered invited talks, demonstrated live operative procedures in workshops and won best paper / video prizes in various conferences. I am active life member of numerous academic societies / associations and was elected as a President – USI North Zone Chapter (2004 – 2005). Apart from the various prestigious awards I was recently awarded “Rashtriya Gaurav Award”,“Glory of India Award” by India International Friendship Society and “Prof. B.B. Ohri Memorial Oration Award by MP ASICON, Bhopal. I was conferred honorary D.Sc. by University of Kolkatta. Special honours conferred by Urological Society of India-NZ, Bengal Urological Society of India and other Zonal Urological Societies recognising my services in the field of Urology. Nominations for the Post of President Elect Prof. P. VLN Murthy I did my MBBS and M.S. (Surgery) from S.V. Medical College, Tirupati. I was subsequently a Senior Registrar in Urology at C.M.C Vellore and completed my M.Ch (Urology) from Medical College Trivandrum. As a teacher & Urologist,I have served at St John's Medical College, SVIMS. (Tirupati) and NIMS. (Hyderabad),besides working in the Ministry of Health hospitals in Bahrain, supporting Renal Transplantation programme in its early stages.I have performed Urologic surgery in all sub-speciality areas including Endourology, Uro-oncology, Reconstructive Urology, Paediatric Urology, Female Urology and Renal transplantation. I have trained over 27 M.Ch trainees. Conducted CMEs, Workshops and Annual conferences. Peer reviewer, J.Endourology and IJU. Pioneering contributions: l Renal transplantation programme in St John's Medical College as part of the transplant team l Urology services at S.V.I.M.S. from its inception, including starting the renal transplantation services l Consolidating & expansion into emerging frontiers and establishing the Renal Transplant programme at N.I.M.S l First successful Cadaver Renal Transplant in A.P; assisted other Institutions in starting the same l Transplant programme in the Ministry of Health hospitals, State of Bahrain l Helping formulate the Government-sponsored Transplant programme, 'Jeevandaan' Publications:45 (3 best; full list on request) l Uretrescopic Lithotripsy using miniscope&lithocast – Our experience. J Endourol, 11(5), 1997 (cited in Campbell, 10th ed. Vol.2,1387). l Efficacy of Peritubal Local Anesthetic Infiltration in Alleviating Postoperative Pain in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. J Endourol 23(5), 2009(max. citations). l Dorsal Buccal Mucosal Graft Urethroplasty for Anterior Urethral Stricture by Asopa Technique. EurUrol 56 (2009) 201- 206. Orations & Awards: l Dr. G. P. Ramaiah Memorial Oration, 2012 l Prof. P. Venugopal Oration, 2012 l Prof. HS Bhat Oration, 2016 l Dr Pinnamaneni Venkateswara Rao Oration, 2013 l Dr N Krishnamurthy Gold Medal l Jeyasekharan Gold Medal – Ideas & Innovations l Best posters – 5;Best papers – 3 Organization: l Hon' Secretary, APSOGUS& President APSOGUS l President, ASU l Council Member, USI l Member, B.O.E, USI Nominations for the Post of President Elect Dr R Shivashankar MS. MCh. FICS Head of the Department of Urology Manipal Hospital Bangalore · M. S. (General Surgery) Government Stanley Medical College. · MCh (Urology) Government Chennai Medical College. · Assistant Professor Urology- Chennai Medical College. · HOD Manipal Hospital Bangalore till date. · Presented and published National and International papers. · Started DNB (Urology) at Manipal Hospital Bangalore. · Been Examiner for DNB Urology. · Been Appraiser for many DNB centers all over the country. · Served President of Bangalore Urology Society. · Served as council member SZUSI. · Served as President of South Zone Urological Society of India. · Served as Council Member USI. · Served as Ex. Officio Member as President of SZUSI at USI governing council. · Organising Secretary South Zone Urological Conference. · Organising Chairman of USI Conference. · Conducted and demonstrated many Urological Workshops. Nominations for the Post of Council Member - North Zone Dr. Pamposh Raina Dr Pamposh Raina did MBBS and MS (General Surgery) from Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. He Completed MCh (Urology) from PGIMER Chandigarh in 2002 and Post Doctoral Fellowship in Kidney Transplant Surgery from SGPGIMS Lucknow in 2005. His areas of interest are Andrology, Endourology and Kidney Transplantation. He is presently working as Associate Professor of Urology and Incharge of Kidney Transplant Surgery Unit in IGMC Shimla. He has earlier served as a Senior Consultant Urologist and Transplant Surgeon in SPS Apollo Hospitals Ludhiana, Panjab from 2006 to 2009. He has organized 21st annual conference of the North Zone Chapter of the Urological Society of India, NZ-USICON 2011, from 8th to 10th of October 2011 in IGMC Shimla successfully. He is a life member of many urological societies and ISOT. He has won second best paper award in the 16th annual conference of Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT) in Jaipur in 2005. He gave live demonstration of Microsurgical Varicocele Ligation in 23rd annual conference and live operative workshop of north zone chapter of the Urological Society of India NZ-USICON 2013 in Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh on 15th of November 2013. He has participated in over 80 Urology and allied Conferences in India and abroad and chaired scientific sessions in various conferences. He has presented over 20 papers in different conferences and has 16 publications in reputed national and international journals. He has also served as a council member of North Zone Chapter of Urological Society of India from 2011 to 2013 and has actively participated in all the council meetings during his tenure. Dr Rajeev Kumar Additional Professor of Urology All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi I obtained my medical training at AIIMS, New Delhi and received gold medals for being the best graduate (MBBS) and best post graduate in Urology (MCh). I joined the faculty at AIIMS in 2003. My principal areas of clinical work are microsurgery for male infertility, laparoscopy and robotics, and my research focus is genetics of male infertility and magnetic resonance techniques for prostate cancer. I have published over 200 articles/book chapters and delivered over 100 invited lectures/surgical demonstrations in India and abroad. I am Chief Editor of the Indian Journal of Urology and serve in various editorial capacities for the Journal of Urology, National Medical Journal of India, International Journal of Urology and Journal of Men's Health. I am a member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, Strategic Planning Committee member and Co-Chair of the Male Sexual Health committee of the International Consultation on Urological Diseases and a member of the ICUD-EAU committee on minimally invasive nephrectomy. I am also co-opted executive member of the Urological Association of Asia. I have served the USI in various positions including as member of the Board of Education, convenor for guidelines on male infertility, and organizing secretary for the 9th Asian Congress of Urology. As honorary secretary of the North Zone Chapter from 2010-2013, my focus was on promoting participation from all members and increasing accountability. I was also responsible for revamping and developing guidelines for the scientific program of the annual conference of the society. I aim to contribute to making the USI a transparent and fair professional organization that listens to its members, provides equal opportunities, and acts as a voice for what is best in urological education and practice. Nominations for the Post of Council Member - North Zone Dr. T. C. Sadasukhi Professor & Head, Urology Department, Chief Renal Transplant Surgeon Medical Director Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital Sitapura Jaipur Working as Professor & Head of Department for last 15 years. Had Published more than 30 papers in National and International Medical Journals. Recipient of G.M. Phadke Memorial Travelling Fellowship of USI 1981, fellowship from national kidney foundation. Master Trainer for no scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) of state, in which, he trained Surgeons in micro Surgery. Had done Ist Cadaver kidney transplant in State of Rajasthan. Had done more than thousand Renal Transplants. Presently involved in Cadaveric transplant programme in Rajasthan. Had worked with NGO & mobile surgical unit - done TURP , other Endoscopic urological Surgery in remote area and did more than 10000 Operations. Involved in phase III trial of injectable intravesical and RISUG for male contraceptive Surgery with ICMR, Delhi. Newer tumor maker in CA prostate with national institute of immunology, Delhi. Nominations for the Post of Council Member - East Zone Prof. Dilip Kumar Pal Dr. Dilip Kumar Pal was born in 28th December 1962. He graduated from North Bengal Medical College, West Bengal in 1988. Post Graduation done in 1992 from Shyam Shah Medical College in Rewa (M.P.). He obtained his M. Ch (Urology) degree in 1999 from Institute of Medical Sciences, Benaras Hindu University (UP). He joined in West Bengal Medical Education Service in 1997.Since then he has worked in North Bengal Medical College, Bankura Sammilani Medical College, R G Kar Medical College, Medical College Hospital and IPGMER. Now working as professor & Head, Dept of Urology in Post Graduate Medical Education & Research, Kolkata. He obtained Nadia Award for best publication in the year in 2000 and 2001 by ASI WB state chapter. He is life member of ASI, USI, ACRSI, IMA and AMASI. He attended various conferences and workshops throughout the country and chaired various sessions and participated in symposiums in USI East Zonal conferences and national conferences. He has published 136 Papers in National & International peer reviewed journals and served as reviewer of so many National & International journals. At present he is the principal investigator of three research projects funded by West Bengal Department of Biotechnology & Indian Council of Medical research. He is M.Ch (Urology) Examiner in West Bengal University of Health Sciences since 2013 and External examiner for M.Ch (Urology) in Manipur University and also DNB (Urology) examiner. He was Inspector of Medical Council of India to start M.Ch (Urology Course in Pt. B D Sharma Medical College, Rohtak in 2012 He served the Urological Society of India (East Zone) as Council Member from 2008-2010. Nominations for the Post of Council Member - West Zone Dr Ashish Rawandale-Patil (MBBS, MS, MCh, DNB Urology) A graduate and post graduate from BJ Medical Pune and MCh from Bombay Hospital, at present practices urology in Dhule, a rural part of North Maharashtra. Dr. Ashish has been primarily responsible for rearing the Institute of Urology Dhule to a international standard kidney care center of north Maharashtra. An ardent believer in innovations, he has invented and patented 26 urology instruments and procedures, has 110 research publications, has hosted 10 conferences and workshops and is faculty for various meetings. A recepient of many awards and fellowships like the prestigious SS Bapat award for innovations, EAU and EUS best poster prizes, Chakrabortty fellowship, SUA fellowship he also holds numerous records in the Guinness World Records (multiple records), Ripley's believe it or not, Limca book, India book (multiple records), Asia book, World amazing, World amateur and World record academy. Presently he is a faculty and abstract reviewer for the AUA annual meeting, Board member for the International Young Urology Society and New English Surgical Society. A recognised UG and PG teacher, Member of the Board of Research of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, he is also a urology guide, recognised by the National Board of Examinations. He has been a council member for the WZ-USI and is on management body of 11 educational institutions and is well equipped with managerial skills. He is the founder of: Uroinnovation foundation- An innovation think tank for researchers with new ideas Stringstrasse - A music band comprising urologists Tejarogya - a Marathi health magazine of North Maharashtra He is also a lead Guitarist, Vocalist, Music composer, Photographer, Cyclist, Marathoner Blogger and Technocrat. An ardent believer in the philosophy of giving back to the society he conducts free camps for the patients and CMEs for family physicians and has solely devoted himself and his skills to academics and serving the rural population of North Maharashtra. He expressed "With the kind support of all the members, I wish to apply for the Council's post of our Urological Society of India; and wish to be a helping hand to the society. I think that I would be able to stand up to the mark" Nominations for the Post of Council Member - West Zone Dr. P. P. Rao Medical School Surgical Training Urological Training Awards Current Positions Achievements Publications Grant Medical College, Mumbai Lokamanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion, Mumbai Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad Dr R Seetharaman Essay Competition. USI Dr G M Phadke Travelling Fellowship, USI Best Poster Prize –USICON Mumbai Best Podium Paper – WZ USICON, Goa Director & Head, Dept of Urology, Global Hospital, Mumbai Faculty Director, ceMAST Mumbai Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Endourology, Part B (Videourology) Member, International Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Endourology Visiting Consultant Urologist, MPUH and Faculty, JPAC, Nadiad Early adopter of Laparoscopic Urology in Mumbai Pioneer of LESS and Single Port Surgery Member of LESSCAR Initial Clinical trials of Stonebreaker and BackStop Guest Editor Indian Journal of Urology Chapter in latest edition, Smith's textbook of Endourology Chapter in BPH book, MacMillan Article in UCNA on LESS Chapter in ICUD on Reconstructive Minimal Access Surgery More than 25 in peer reviewed Journals including Journal of Urology, Urology, British Journal of Urology, Indian Journal of Urology I was a Member of the WZ Council from 2009 to 2011. During this time, I was instrumental in setting up the website of the WZ USI. I organized a workshop on RIRS at Thane called Uroflexicon. I have been an invited faculty and plenary speaker in many organizations across the world including at the BAUS, the EAU, the SIU and the WCE. I have demonstrated LESS and Endourological surgeries in many countries across the world including Japan, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Venezuela, Colombia, Germany and Bangladesh List of New Associate Members during 2015 S. No. Members Name 1 Dr Abhay Kalra 2 Dr Abhinav Kumar 3 Dr Abhishek Jaysukhbhai Savalia 4 Dr Abhishek Kumar Shukla 5 Dr Abzal Basha Dhafedhar 6 Dr Aditya Avinash Yelikar 7 Dr Aditya Kumar Singh 8 Dr Aditya Prakash Sharma 9 Dr Ajay Padmakar Choudhary 10 Dr Althaf Hussain Khadakhadi 11 Dr Amit Verma 12 Dr Amitsinh P Desai 13 Dr Amol Chandrakantrao Londhe 14 Dr Ananda Kumar Ilangovan 15 Dr Ankit Fusakele 16 Dr Archis Vinayak Nerlikar 17 Dr Arif Akhtar 18 Dr Arun Antony 19 Dr Arvind Kumar Gupta 20 Dr Arvind Nayak K 21 Dr Aseem Kapadia 22 Dr Ashish Chaurasia 23 Dr Ashok Kumar Gupta 24 Dr Ashok Kumar Sokhal 25 Dr Ashwin Giridhar 26 Dr Avinash Pratap Singh Thakur 27 Dr Bala Prasanna Antony Samy 28 Dr Barani Somasundaram 29 Dr Baskaran Palanisamy 30 Dr Bharath Kumar Nagarajan 31 Dr Bhargavi R 32 Dr Bimalesh Purkait 33 Dr Brijesh Kumar 34 Dr Chandranath Mukhopadhyay 35 Dr Debashish Kumar Das 36 Dr Debi Prasad Das 37 Dr Deepak Jayaprakash Kaddu 38 Dr Devendra Garg 39 Dr Devi Prasad Tiwari 40 Dr Dhanasekaran Durisamy 41 Dr Dhiraj Nandi Choudhary 42 Dr Dipak Kumar Bera 43 Dr Durgesh Kumar Saini 44 Dr Gaurav Aggarwal 45 Dr Gaurav Kochhar 46 Dr Gaurav Kumar 47 Dr Gaurav Mohan Sali 48 Dr Gautam Kumar Bhikhalal Suthar 49 Dr Gnana Prakash Polumtla 50 Dr Gopi Saravanan Ramchandran 51 Dr Harbinder Singh 52 Dr Harish Bhagchandra 53 Dr Harsh Gupta City Chandigarh Trivandrum Mumbai New Delhi Hyderabad Ernakulam Varanasi Ghaziabad Indore Anantpur Jaipur Dist: Ananthpur Latur Dist: Thiruvallur Hydrabad Nashik New Delhi Cochin Farrukhabad Bangalore Manipal Bangalore Lucknow Bikaner, Mangalore Sagar Dindigul Dist: Namakkal Villapuram New Delhi Chennai Lucknow Auriaya Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Mumbai Bareilly New Delhi Chennai Darjeeling Kolkata Lucknow Bhubaneshwar Bangalore Faridabad Kochi Vijapur Guntur Dist: Namakkal New Delhi New Delhi Jodhpur S. No. Members Name 54 Dr Harshavardhan Amancherla 55 Dr Himadri Sekhar Kar 56 Dr Jaisukh Arjanbhai Kalathia 57 Dr Jamalakhatar Shabuddin Azhi 58 Dr Jay Kumar 59 Dr Jaydeep R Shah 60 Dr Jiten Jaipuria 61 Dr K Saravanan 62 Dr Kalyan Gudaru 63 Dr Karthik Rajan 64 Dr Kartik Sridhar 65 Dr Kawaljit Singh 66 Dr Kshitiz Ranka 67 Dr Kuldeep Aggarwal 68 Dr Lakshmi Narayan Kr 69 Dr Lalith Sagar Kadiyala 70 Dr Madan Mohan Agarwal 71 Dr Mahendra Kumar Sharma 72 Dr Manish Kumar Misra 73 Dr Manjunatha S 74 Dr Manu Gupta 75 Dr Md. Dawood Khan 76 Dr Mohan B A 77 Dr Mohd. Sarfaraz Ansari 78 Dr Mukhilesh R 79 Dr Naresh Kumar Garg 80 Dr Naresh Kumar Goyal 81 Dr Nishant Rajaram Kathale 82 Dr Nitin Shrivastava 83 Dr Nitin Devidas 84 Dr Om Prakash Prasad 85 Dr Omar Salim Akhtar 86 Dr Omkar Vinay Joglekar 87 Dr Pankaj 88 Dr Partha Pratim Das 89 Dr Partha Pratim Deb 90 Dr Pawan Pramodkumar Rahangdale 91 Dr Piara Singh 92 Dr Prabhu Ponnachettiyar Kalidoss 93 Dr Pradeep Kumar Kasi 94 Dr Pradeepa M G 95 Dr Pragatheeswarane M 96 Dr Pramod Makannavar 97 Dr Prasanna Kumar Kamble 98 Dr Prashant Shrivastava 99 Dr Priyank Ashokkumar Salecha 100 Dr Puneet Aggarwal 101 Dr Pushpendra Kumar Shukla 102 Dr Rahul Ramdas Ghule 103 Dr Raj Gopal Venkat Godavarthy 104 Dr Raja Ramesh 105 Dr Rajat Arora 106 Dr Rajeev Ayyappan R City Kakinda Purba Medinipur New Delhi Sakinaka Kolkata Ahmedabad New Delhi Chennai Manipal Chennai Kolkata Lucknow Bijapur Bangalore Dist: Kanchipuram Guntur Jaipur New Delhi Pilibhit Chkkaballapur Dt Mumbai Kolkata Bangalore Siddharth Nagar Dist: Erode Jaipur Karim Nagar Navi Mumbai New Delhi Belgaon New Delhi Mumbai Pune New Delhi Kolkata Kolkata Mumbai Ludhiana Dist: Theni Chennai Bangalore Chandigarh Hubli Bengaluru New Delhi Ammedabad Delhi Varanasi Washim Secunderabad Chennai Panipat Madurai List of New Associate Members during 2015 S. No. Members Name 107 Dr Rajesh Kumar Reddy Adapala 108 Dr Raju Sundara Raj 109 Dr Rajwardhan Singh 110 Dr Rakesh B.H 111 Dr Ram Naresh Daga 112 Dr Ramesh Arumugam 113 Dr Ranil Johann Boaz 114 Dr Ranjeet Kumar Singh 115 Dr Ranjeet Singh Rathore 116 Dr Rishi Raj Vohra 117 Dr Ritesh Kumar Singh 118 Dr Rohit Kaushal 119 Dr Rupesh Gupta 120 Dr Sachin Ravindra Sarode 121 Dr Saisriharsha Pakalapati 122 Dr Sajal Kumar 123 Dr Sandipkumar S Chaudhary 124 Dr Sangameswaran P 125 Dr Sanjay Kumar 126 Dr Sanjay Kumar 127 Dr Sanjay Kumar Singh 128 Dr Sanjeev Kumar S 129 Dr Sankar Gnanagurusamy 130 Dr Saptarshi Mukherjee 131 Dr Sasi Kumar Chandran 132 Dr Sasikumar Sinnathambi 133 Dr Saurabh Gaur 134 Dr Saurabh Ramesh Patil 135 Dr Sayak Roy 136 Dr Shailendra Mohan Shukla 137 Dr Shankar Tanaji Mundhe 138 Dr Shanmuga Aravind Ponraj 139 Dr Shantajit Nameirakpam 140 Dr Sharmad Jayesh Kudchadker 141 Dr Shashank Abhishek 142 Dr Shashi Kant Tewary 143 Dr Shravan Kumar Malvi 144 Dr Siddharth Jain 145 Dr Siddharth Yadav City Mangalore Chennai Rohtak Mangalore Jaipur Coimbatore Vellore Lucknow Kishtwar New Delhi Gorakhpur New Delhi Firozabad Mumbai Bangalore Chapra Mehsana Chennai Dist-Alipur Dwar Ranchi Bhagalpur Trichy Sivakasi Kolkata Vellore Trichy Manipal Jalgaon, Kolkata Trivendrum Mumbai Dist: Theni Imphal Goa Nadiad Kolkata Hoshangabad New Delhi Gurgaon S. No. Members Name 146 Dr Soumya Mondal 147 Dr Sridhar Parnandi 148 Dr Srikanth Reddy Dadi Reddy 149 Dr Subeesh P 150 Dr Sujit Nayak 151 Dr Sumeet Devgan 152 Dr Sunil Raghunath Patil 153 Dr Surajit Sasmal 154 Dr Surendra Reddy Banka 155 Dr Suresh Durairaj 156 Dr Suresh Bhalaji Shanmuganathan 157 Dr Suresh Jairam Yadav 158 Dr Syed Zahid Raza 159 Dr Thallur Ramakrishnan Rajkumar 160 Dr Thejas Savasere 161 Dr Thomas Pudukadan 162 Dr Ujwal Kumar 163 Dr Ved Bhaskar 164 Dr Vedant Vilas Lakhe 165 Dr Venkata Narendra Kesana 166 Dr Vigneswara Srinivasan Sokkalingam 167 Dr Vijay Sharma 168 Dr Vijay Kumar Sarma Madduri 169 Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta 170 Dr Vijayasankar Subramaneyan 171 Dr Vikas Gupta 172 Dr Vikash Kumar 173 Dr Vineet Sakhireddy 174 Dr Vinod Kumar P 175 Dr Vipin Chandra 176 Dr Vipin Jain 177 Dr Virender Sekhon 178 Dr Vishakha Kaushik Shah 179 Dr Vishal Kadappa Kadeli 180 Dr Vishruth K Raj 181 Dr Vivek Sharma 182 Dr Vivek Kumar Singh 183 Dr Yaser Ahmad 184 Dr Yateesh Srinivasa CityNew 24 Parganas (S) Guntur Nellore Trivandrum Cuttack Chandigarh Dist: Palghar Kolkata Nandyal Trichy Madurai Jaipur Bangalore Chennai Bangalore Thrissur Jaipur Lucknow Mumbai Guntur Kochi Lucknow Kolkata New Delhi Dist: Karur Ajmer Dist: Garhwa Kakinade Bangalore Kolkata Jaipur Gurgaon Surat Belgaon Bangalore Dist: Solan Jaipur Srinagar Kottayam List of New Full Members during 2015 S. No. Members Name 1 Dr Amit Bhausaheb Kolekar 2 Dr Arvind Kumar Dhanjibhai T 3 Dr Ashish Sabharwal 4 Dr Dhanumjaydae Ravatarapu 5 Dr G Ravi Chandar 6 Dr Gowri Shankar Senthilvel 7 Dr Jayaraj Karunanioh 8 Dr Manu Sharma City Mumbai Bhavnagar New Delhi Srikakulam Hyderabad Erode Chennai Alwar S. No. Members Name 9 Dr Raghavender Goud Kosgi 10 Dr Ramchandra Nagindas Patel 11 Dr Sampath Kumar Pothuganti 12 Dr Senthil Kumar Sundararajan 13 Dr Shashikant Ramrao Bhange 14 Dr Sugna Ram 15 Dr Vethachalam Kandasamy City Hyderabad Surat Nalgonda Trichy Pune Jodhpur Chennai List of Conversions to Full Members during 2015 S. No Members Name 1 Dr Abdul Azeem Jaffer 2 Dr Abhijit Shridhar Dhale 3 Dr Ahmed Kamaal 4 Dr Ajay Kumar Parashar 5 Dr Ajaykumar Ramachandram Gajengi 6 Dr Alap Vinay Mehendale 7 Dr Amir Mahmud Ali 8 Dr Amit Agrawal 9 Dr Amit Suri 10 Dr Amit Roop Kumar Sharma 11 Dr Anand Kalyan Kashid 12 Dr Anant Dalal 13 Dr Ankur Suresh Kumar Arya 14 Dr Anupam Kumar Sharma 15 Dr Arshad Jamal 16 Dr Arun Kerketta 17 Dr Bhargava Vardhana Redoy Kareddy 18 Dr Bhupender Kadyan 19 Dr Biju Sukumaran Pillai 20 Dr Chetan Goudappa Baragi 21 Dr Debadarshi Rath 22 Dr Deepak Bachu 23 Dr Gautam Ram Choudhary 24 Dr Girdhar Singh Bora 25 Dr Hidayathullah Gulfarosh 26 Dr I N Verma 27 Dr Karun Singla 28 Dr Kiran Kumar Duddu 29 Dr Kishore Venkata Krishna Akula 30 Dr Kunal Hemant Aterkar 31 Dr Mahantesh Gudleppa Todakar 32 Dr Manoj Biswas 33 Dr Nabankur Ghosh City Bangalore Yavatmal New Delhi Raipur Mumbai Mumbai Goa Pune Jammu Nagpur Ahmednagar Rohtak Dist-Hisar Ghaziabad Ranchi Ravigram Kurnool Panipat Jamnagar Bagalkot Bhuvaneshwar Hyderabad Jodhpur Chandigarh Hyderabad Gurgaon Chandigarh Vijayawada Vijayawada Ahmedabad Belgaum Haridwar Kolkata S. No Members Name 34 Dr Narendra Kumar Ramanlal Parekh 35 Dr Nasreen Anwar Gite 36 Dr Navin Kumar Ram 37 Dr Nikil K Shah 38 Dr Nimit Oza 39 Dr Nitin Garh 40 Dr Ponnusamy Kathamuthu 41 Dr Pramod Baluvaneralu Ramamurthy 42 Dr Praveen Kumar S 43 Dr Pritam Sharma 44 Dr Puneet Ahluwalia 45 Dr PV. Srinivasan 46 Dr Rahul Arun Chirmade 47 Dr Raj Kumar Sharma 48 Dr Rajesh Mukundrai Ganatra 49 Dr Rajiv Yadav 50 Dr Rohit Upadhyay 51 Dr Rupesh Priya 52 Dr Sagar Sudhir Bhalerao 53 Dr Sanjeet Kumar Singh 54 Dr Sarika Harishkumar Pandya 55 Dr Sathish Kumar Raamya Mothilal 56 Dr Sohrab Arora 57 Dr Sreerag Kodakkattil Sreennasan 58 Dr Srinivasa Reddy Badduri 59 Dr Sudheer Kumar Devana 60 Dr Surendra Kumar N 61 Dr Suresh Mahadevappa Kagalkar 62 Dr Venkteshwara Rao K 63 Dr Vikram Uddhav Deshmukh 64 Dr Vinayak Gorakhanath Wagaskar 65 Dr Vishwas Baheti 66 Dr Yusuf Ali Saifee List of New International Members during 2015 S. No. 1 2 3 Members Name Dr Abdul Kashem Sarkar Dr Md. Shawkat Alam Dr Prodyut Kumar Saha City Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh City Surat Mumbai Bhilai Sangli Bhavnagar Agra Coimbatore Bengaluru Salem Mangalore Ludhiana Pondicherry Jalgaon Ranchi Rajkot Gurgaon Patna Varansi Pune Lucknow Hyderabad Madurai Patiala Pondicherry Guntur Chandigarh Secunderabad Bijapur Bangalore Amravati Ahmednagar Udaipur Indore Governing Council Urological Society of India 2015 - 2016 President : Percy Chibber (Mumbai) President-Elect : Rajeev Sood (New Delhi) Immediate Past-President : Deepak Kirpekar (Pune) Honorary Secretary : D Ramesh (Bengaluru) Honorary Treasurer : R Keshavamurthy (Bengaluru) Members : Anil Varshney (New Delhi) Uttam Mete (Chandigarh) Datteshwar Hota (Cuttack) Hemant Pathak (Mumbai) Shailesh Raina (Mumbai) Rajendra B Nerli (Belgaum) N Mallikarjuna Reddy (Hyderabad) Ex-Officio Members : President : NZ – Anil Varshney (New Delhi) President : EZ – Anup Kumar Kundu (Kolkata) President : WZ – Janak Desai (Ahmedabad) President : SZ – Mohan A (Bangalore) Editor, IJU : Rajeev Kumar (New Delhi) Chairman, Board of Education : Ravindra B Sabnis (Nadiad) All Correspondence may be addressed to: Dr D Ramesh Honorary Secretary, Urological Society of India Professor of Urology, N0 268, 17th Cross, Sadashiv Nagar Bangalore 560080, Karnataka Cell: 9341223663 Office: 080 22183065 E mail : The Urological Society of India 19,1st Floor, South Patel Nagar Above HDFC Bank Opp Metro Pillar No.195 Near Patel Nagar Metro Station Delhi - 110008 Email: