1684_F13_ Ruiz Silva

LATTC Chemistry 211 Fall 2013 Organic Chemistry I Dr. Beatriz E. Ruiz Silva Sections 1684 This 5-­‐unit course studies structure, dynamics, equilibrium and nomenclature of organic compounds including: conformational analysis, potential energy plots, hybridization, reaction mechanisms and molecular modeling. Students employ modern synthetic and chromatographic techniques while performing multistep synthesis in the laboratory. Guest speakers enhance the topics covered in class. This course is part of the transfer sequence for careers in the physical, biological, and health sciences and a requirement for the Associate of Sciences Degree in Chemistry. Chem. 102 is the prerequisite for this class. Contact the Instructor Moodle: https://moodle.lattc.edu E-­‐mail: ruizsibe@lattc.edu Office Hours: M&W 4:25-­‐P-­‐7:00P & TTh 3:00:4:00 AH/TE-­‐120 Class Schedule Lecture TTh.9:00A-­‐10:45A AH(TE)-­‐120 Lab TTh.12:00P-­‐3:00P CH(K)-­‐464 Required Lecture Materials Textbook with OWL Organic Chemistry, 7th Edition; William H. Brown; Christopher S. Foote; Brent L. Iverson and Card and Solutions Eric Anslyn © 2014. There are several formats. The bookstore has a cheap bundle. Shop Manual. around. E-­‐book: http://www.coursesmart.com/IR/1265531/9781133952848?__hdv=6.8 Pushing Electrons: A Guide for Students in Organic Chemistry. ISBN: 0030206936; Weeks; Saunders College Publishing; 3rd or 4th edition. The Flexible Organic Students can use any molecular model kit but the instructions in class will refer to Molecular Model Kit Darling Models. Kit #3 ISBN978-­‐09648837-­‐4-­‐1 Check your school e-­‐ The Professor uses Moodle to send e-­‐mails to the students, to post unofficial grades and mail listed in Moodle handouts. The dates and deadlines in Moodle are only a guide. This syllabus contains official information Lecture notes Will be provided free of charge during the lecture. The instructor can not e-­‐mail copies of the lecture. If you miss a class, ask a friend to get them during the lecture. Calculator Only non programmable calculators are allowed Required Laboratory Materials Laboratory Manual Chem 30BL Fall 2013 reader from UCLA adapted to Trade-­‐Tech labs. With Techniques Kit Bound lab notebook with LATTC bookstore sells them for $ 5 dls. carbon copy Safety goggles and Students can not perform experiments without safety goggles, long laboratory coat sleeves, knee-­‐length, lab coat, closed toe shoes, and long hair tied back. Small lock One per team. Check proper size in the lab Optional Materials Organic chemistry fundamentals quick study guide BigCharts Publishing Inc. EAN 9781572225541 Mark Jackson, Ph.D. Laminated Organic chemistry reactions quick study guide BigCharts Publishing Inc. EAN 9781572225893 Mark Jackson, Ph.D. Laminated Library Reserves The textbook and other organic chemistry books have been placed on reserve at the Library Homework options
OWL- On line web learning
Electronic code sold by the editorial to solve problems on line (a version
of the text includes it) please shop around. Due every exam.
Hand in written questions AND answers for ALL end of chapter
All end of Chapter problems
problems. Due the meeting after the chapter is covered in class.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES who need assistance or accommodations should notify the Professor and contact the Disabled Student Programs and Services Center Located at MA-­‐100. TEL: 213-­‐763-­‐3773 http://college.lattc.edu/dsps/ Marking Scheme Points 3 Tests (150 points each) 450 Assignments 50 Molecular Models 50 Laboratory (passing grade required) 100 Pushing electrons 20 Seminar 30 Study group (optional) 50 points Final exam 300 TOTAL 1000 The point score corresponds to the following letter grades 900-­‐1000 = A 800-­‐899 = B 700-­‐799 = C 600-­‐699 = D <600 = F CELLULAR PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Ringing of such items during class or during the lab will result in a deduction of 50 points from the student grade. Ringing during the exams will result in a grade of zero for the exam. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY. Students who violate the academic standards-­‐2013-­‐2014 College Catalog, http://college.lattc.edu/catalog/ will be referred to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and may be expelled from the course and/or the College. Students Learning Outcomes (SLOs) 1. Students will describe structure dynamics and equilibrium of organic compounds using a mechanistic approach. a) Describe bonding and structure of functional groups in organic compounds. b) Name compounds using IUPAC and common rules. c) Relate structure to physical properties and reactivity. d) Inspect conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes. e) Describe chirality, optical activity and inspect properties of stereoisomers. f) Evaluate acidity of organic compounds and illustrate the thermochemistry of acid-­‐base reactions. g) Describe preparation and reactions of organic compounds including mechanisms, reaction intermediates and potential energy diagrams. h) Determine organic structures using different spectroscopies 2. Employ multi-­‐step organic synthesis and retro-­‐synthesis to produce the functional groups learned in class. Students will employ modern spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques to characterize organic compounds. Pointers to succeed in class This is a 5 units (9 h/w) advanced chemistry class. Students should assign at least 18 h of independent study per week, or more if necessary. The goal is to master the material not to “complete” certain hours of study. Mastery of the subject will help you to succeed not only in this class but in Chem 212, Chem 221, standardized exams and in your future career. Read the chapter before class and during the lecture participate with appropriate questions and answers. After the class, read the lecture notes and the text and solve problems to test your knowledge in a timely manner. Use assignments to test your knowledge and take advantage of the time you spend solving them:
First review the topic covered, then attempt the problems. If you can not solve a problem, go back to the textbook and lecture
notes and attempt it again. Do not look at the answer until you have tried at least twice. Remember: you learn more solving a
problem by yourself than copying ten.
Chemistry is cumulative and new material is given every class. If you get behind is better to drop the class since there is no “catch up” in organic chemistry. Study groups (BONUS activity) Form a study group the first week of classes (3 to 4 students per group) and meet three hours per week at a specified location. Every week hand in a piece of paper to the professor with the name of the students, that attended, the place, the times and the topics discussed. Credit will be given proportionally to the weeks that the group met. 2 Syllabus (tentative) Date Experiment (LDT= Last day to) Aug. Ch1. Covalent bonding and shape of molecules Graduation Application Opens 27&29 Summarize (one page each) 1.1,1.2,1.4,1.5 Safety Video, Thermometers and Distribution Students not attending will be excluded of Equipment. Sept. Monday is Labor Day Holiday LDT Drop in person w/o W Sept.6; by web 3&5 Ch2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes sept.8; to add sept.7 Laboratory Notebook 10&12 Ch3. Stereochemistry and Chirality Exp 1. Coenzyme synthesis of benzoin And Molecular Models 17&19 Ch4. Acids and Bases Melting points, Post –lab and MM 24&26 Test # 1 Exp.2 Elimination reaction: Cyclohexene from Ch5. Alkenes cyclohexanol Oct. Ch6. Reactions of alkenes LDT apply for degrees Oct.4 1&3 Exp.3 Reduction of Camphor 8&10 Cont. Ch6. Cont. Exp. 3 Ch7. Alkynes Exp4. Oxidation of benzoin with bleach 15&17 Cont. Ch7 Cont. Exp 4 Exp.5 Aldol condensation 22&24 Test # 2 Cont. Exp. 5 Ch8. Haloalkanes, Halogenation and Radical Reactions 29&31 Cont Ch8 Exp.6 Synthesis of an ester Ch9. Nucleophilic Substitution and b-­‐Elimination Nov. Cont Ch9 5&7 Ch10. Alcohols Exp 7 photochemistry 12&14 Monday is Veteran’s Day LDT drop in person w W Nov.15; by web TEST # 3 Nov.17 Cont. Ch10 Seminars 19&21 Ch 11. Ethers Seminars Cont. Photochemistry experiment Thursday, Friday and Saturday Thanksgiving Thursday, Friday and Saturday 26&28 Cont Ch 11 Thanksgiving Lab notebooks due Dec. Synthesis Clean up 3&5 12 FINAL EXAMINATION (Comprehensive) Finals’ Week Three mid-­‐terms will be given from 9:00A-­‐10:30A (sharp) the Tuesdays indicated in the schedule. Make up examinations ARE NOT permitted for any reason. Under extenuating circumstances, paperwork required, the missing exam will not be taken into account. The final exam is scheduled for Thursday Dec 12th from 9:00A to 12:00A. According to final exam schedule in LATTC catalog it is from 9:30 to 11:30, we will allot one more hour. The final exam has to be taken at the time and date indicated in the schedule. No exceptions. Check grades in Moodle before they are submitted to the Registrar’s office. Once grades are submitted, they will not be changed, except for typographical errors. Absences: Students will be excluded for failure to attend the first day of classes. The Professor may drop students with two unjustified absences. Students who plan to stop attending should notify the Professor and/or withdraw from the course. Students whose names appear in the final roster and are not attending will receive an F grade. Incomplete grade will be granted ONLY to students who are obtaining a B or better in class but can not take the final for unforeseeable and justifiable circumstances. Paperwork required. No incompletes will be granted to students who want to avoid the class counted as an attempt, who “forgot to drop” or who want to avoid a “low” grade. The three-­‐attempt rule: Students have three attempts to successfully pass a course with a C or better grade. Check college catalog for details. Students: If you think it is likely that you will not pass a class, drop the class before the “W” penalty date. Lecture 3 Assignments OWL is due every exam. All work performed by students will be checked on line before every exam. OR End of Chapter Problems are due the meeting after the chapter is covered in class. a) Place your assignment on the front desk BEFORE the lecture/test starts. If you come late, go to the front and submit your work. No assignment will be accepted after the class/test. Late assignments, or assignments finished in class ARE NOT accepted for any reason b) Only few, randomly selected, assignments will be graded right or wrong. The reminder of the assignments will be graded according to how well these instructions are followed c) Format: Write your last name, then name on the top right corner of the assignment Write the title of the assignment (chapter, section, book, etc.) Write both the question and the answer to the end of chapter Write in ink and show all work to obtain credit Staple all pages. Loose papers will not be graded. 4 