Belding Area Schools Standard Analysis Unit 6 Chemistry: Organic Chemistry STRAND: C STANDARD: See HSCE SUBJECT: Chem. B Unit 6 I can given the formula for a simple hydrocarbon, draw and name the isomers. (C4.2e) I can draw structural formulas for up to ten carbon chains of simple hydrocarbons. (C5.8A) I can draw isomers for simple hydrocarbons. (C5.8B) I can recognize that proteins, starches, and other large biological molecules are polymers. (C5.8C) Enduring Understanding(s): Carbon atoms can bond to one another and to other key elements in chains, rings, and branching networks to make a variety of structures, making the most numerous compounds in the world. Organic chemical are essential for human existence. Organic compounds are important because they are the basis for life. Essential Questions(s): What are examples of groups of organic compounds? What are the uses of organic compounds? Why are organic compounds important? How do organic compounds vary? Why is organic chemistry important? Vocabulary: Alkane Alkene Alkyne Bond energy Branching Network of carbon atoms Carbon Carbon bonds Carbon chain Carbon chemistry Carbon ring Revised March, 2014 Chemical bond Double bond Hydrocarbon Isomer Monomer Organic compound Polymer Structural Formula Synthetic Polymer Belding Area Schools Standard Analysis HSCE (High School Content Expectations) See above Information/Rules/Procedures/Resources/Assessments Instructional Strategies for all students: See instructors Moodle page for daily lesson plans, activities, labs, power points, homework, and tutorials. Differentiated Instruction for at-risk students: After school study sessions. Review Guides Tutorials on Moodle Retesting opportunity on all assessments Co-taught classes available Assessments: On staff share drive. Revised March, 2014