Beaverton High School: 2015-2016 Mr. Paul Webb Computer Applications 2 PCC Courses: CAS 109 (1), 170A (1), 216A (1) Room MD31 – 0.5 AA credit Computer Applications 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION Computer Applications 2 introduces students to the advanced features of Microsoft Office, Windows, and file management and further develops skills with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, email, and the Internet. This course will challenge you to work independently toward the goal of broadening your computer literacy. PCC credits are available for this course. EXPECTATIONS You are expected to: ● arrive to class on time ● share when necessary ● work effectively and efficiently ● respect each other and the equipment. Any violation of these expectations will result in a reduced grade and/or loss of classroom and computer privileges for the remainder of the semester. CLASS ASSIGNMENTS You will be required to complete three or four projects for each program, one per week, independently and by a predetermined due date. Once your project for the week is finished, you may pursue and complete extra credit exercises (see below) until we continue to the next project. Make sure your name, class period, and assignment ID (ex. Word #1) appear in the upper-right corner of the paper. If an exercise has multiple sheets, staple them together in the correct order. If there are multiple sheets to be handed in, sequence them according to the order you were told to print them in the exercise. ASSESSMENT You will be evaluated in three areas: Project Assessments (60% of total grade), Professional Behavior (20% of total grade), and the Final Assessment (20% of total grade). PROJECT ASSESSMENTS • You will receive full credit – based on accomplishment of learning targets – if you complete the assignment accurately, honestly, and on time. • Assessments will be due at the end of the final class of each week. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR You will receive full credit if you arrive to class on time, work independently and efficiently, and respect each other and the rules of the classroom. FINAL ASSESSMENT The grading scale is as follows: A >= 90% B >= 80% C >= 70% D >= 60% F < 60% NOTE If you miss class because of an excused absence, you are responsible for making up the missed activities by the following class period. No additional extensions will be granted except under extreme circumstances that are immediately discussed with the teacher. Flexibility Statement: The instructor reserves the right to modify course content and/or substitute assignments and learning activities in response to institutional, weather or class situations. PCC LEARNING OUTCOMES Beaverton High School: 2015-2016 Mr. Paul Webb Computer Applications 2 PCC Courses: CAS 109 (1), 170A (1), 216A (1) Room MD31 – 0.5 AA credit COURSE POLICIES Student Conduct In-Class Policy Any acts of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss with instructors the educational process relative to subject content will not be tolerated, in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct described in the Student Handbook. Cheating Policy Students are expected to uphold the school’s standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work, examinations, and projects must be that of the student's own work. Students shall be guilty of cheating if they: 1. Represent the work of others as their own. 2. Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work. 3. Give unauthorized assistance to other students. 4. Modify, without teacher approval, an examination, paper, record, or report to obtain additional credit. 5. Misrepresent the content of submitted work. Any student caught cheating is subject to receive a failing grade for the project and/or the course and will be referred to the office for further disciplinary action. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute cheating, the student should meet with the teacher to discuss the situation. In this class, general advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects. Those who do not will receive NO CREDIT and a written referral. PCC Grading Guidelines Statement: For specific information related to PCC grading guidelines, please refer to the PCC Dual Credit Student Handbook accessible through your high school instructor and located at: COURSE SCHEDULE Week Topic Project 1 Introduction 2-5 MS Word 6-9 MS PowerPoint 10-13 MS Excel 14-17 MS Access 18-19 Final Project Pre-Assessment 1. All Seasons Health Club sales proposal (WD201-WD259) 2. Riley Clarke resume & cover letter (WD273-WD319) 3. Riley Clark cover letter (WD329-WD386) 4. Savvy Shopper newsletter (WD401-WD459) 1. Carbon Footprint Analysis presentation (PPT201-PPT250) 2. Windstorms presentation (PPT265-PPT317) 3. Taking Care of Health at Home presentation (PPT329-PPT386) 4. Alpine Thrills Snowboarding presentation (PPT401-PPT451) 1. Loan Payment Calculator (EX225-EX280) 2. Kenson College Scholarship Fundraiser Table (EX297-EX346) 3. City of Calhoun (EX361-EX410) 4. YouBuild Computers (EX425-EX478) 1. Creating Reports & Forms (AC209-AC260) 2. Multitable Forms (AC273-AC326) 3. Advanced Report Techniques (AC337-AC402) 4. Using SQL (AC417-AC457) Capstone Project (CAP1-CAP18) TEXTBOOK Shelly Cashman Series, Microsoft Office 2010 Advanced, Cengage Learning, 2011.