Seneca College

Student Response to the Academic Honesty Report
Student Name: ________________________ Student #: |__|__|__| - |__|__|__| - |__|__|__|
Subject Code: ____________________ Faculty Name: ________________________
Date of Incident: ______________________
The above named student is alleged to have committed a cheating/plagiarism offence
as defined by Section 9 of Academic Policy and in the circumstances described below:
Student's description of incident:
I have read the above description and agree that it represents my account of the incident. I
understand that signing in the space below does not mean that I acknowledge violating
academic policy.
Student signature: ____________________________________________________________
Faculty/Coordinator signature: __________________________________________________
Date: __________________
Voluntary Acknowledgement:
Student: please sign in space below if you acknowledge violating academic policy.
I, ______________________________ acknowledge the above violation of academic policy
(student signature)
and fully understand the penalties outlined below.
* 1st offence results in:
normally a grade of “0” on the work in which the offence occurred, and on the
recommendation of the Academic Honesty Committee, and the following will
be noted on the Student Centre: Academic Honesty - First Offence.
** 2nd offence results in:
normally an "F" in the course where the offence occurred, the following will
be noted on the Student Centre: Academic Honesty - Second Offence, and
suspension from the College for a time period determined by the Academic
Honesty Committee, normally for a minimum of three (3) terms. If you want to
return to the College, you will be placed on Academic Honesty Probation.
You must see the Coordinator/Student Advisor for reinstatement.
** 3rd offence results in:
college initiated mandatory withdrawal for academic reasons
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