Bekende Vermaak sterf

Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
VOLUME 38 NO. 28
PIET Vermaak (51) is Saterdagmiddag na ‘n kort siekbed oorlede.
R3.00 incl.
ANDRé Vermaak (44) is net meer as twee weke voor Piet aan ‘n
hartaanval oorlede.
Bekende Vermaak sterf
TZANEEN is vandeesweek geruk deur die
dood van ‘n bekende inwoner van die dorp.
Piet Vermaak (51), veral bekend onder tuiniers
maar gewild onder die breër gemeenskap, is
Saterdagmiddag na ‘n kort siekbed oorlede.
Dit is die tweede tragedie wat die Vermaak-familie in sowat twee weke tref. Die
jongste van die vier Vermaak-kinders, André
(44,) ‘n oud-Tzaneener, het op 25 Junie aan ‘n
hartaanval na aksie-krieket gesterf.
Beide broers het hier groot geword en op
Laerskool Tzaneen en Hoërskool Ben Vorster
skool gegaan.
André was ‘n goeie sportman en het uitgeblink in o a krieket en tennis. Hy het ‘n paar
jaar gelede, toe die Saterdag-krieketliga in
volle swang was, vir die Dorp-span gespeel.
Gedurende die tyd het hy vir Fox gewerk en
later ook sy eie besigheid begin. André en sy
gesin was ten tye van sy dood in Alberton
Piet Vermaak Garden Design is ‘n
huishoudelike naam onder tuiniers. Piet is ‘n
tuin-legende en daar is sekerlik iets van hom in
die meeste van Tzaneen se tuine - hetsy die
ontwerp, ‘n plant, ‘n stomp, ‘n klip of sommer
net ‘n mooi herinnering. Hy was behalwe vir sy
kreatiwiteit ook ‘n mense-mens en het baie
vriende gehad. Dit was vir hom belangrik dat
almal om hom gelukkig moes wees. Hy het
graag gegee en baie min terug verwag.
‘n Roudiens is Dinsdagmiddag om 15:00 vir
hom uit die NG Moedergemeente gehou.
Piet en André word oorleef deur hulle ouers,
Piet en Una Vermaak, hulle broer, Leon, sy
vrou Alida en hulle kinders, sy suster Karen,
haar man Dries Teubes en hulle kinders.
André laat ook sy vrou, Bibi en hulle drie
kinders, Carla, Dian en Ewan na.
Vlieg-pret ...
DIE afgelope naweek se Fly-In het vir
vermaak gesorg vir oud en jonk. Morné en
Dehan Jacobs het in die winterson
afgekoel met ‘n lekker snofreez.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Mother of four loses all kids
A DARK cloud is hanging over the Mhangwane
family once again, with their fourth major loss
in four years.
A devastated mother of four has lost all her
children. Her two daughters died from illnesses
at two different times in 2006. In 2007, one of
her sons died in a car accident. This weekend,
two years later, this mother will bury her last
Mabedle Ritchard Mhangwana (36) from
Dan village died in a car accident on Friday.
His family is still traumatized and describes the
loss as unexpected and a painful setback for the
The family's spokesperson and the deceased's uncle, College Mhagwana, said they
are not sure where Mabedle was driving from
on the day of his death. What they do know is
that he was driving on the Magoebaskloof
road, approaching Tzaneen, with four passengers.
He said it is still unknown who the other
Prysskok in Wildtuin
KOOS du Plessis (74) is op 6 Julie oorlede. By
hom op die foto is sy vrou Rima.
Koos sterf
KOOS du Plessis (74) is op 6 Julie oorlede.
Hy was die eggenote van Rima, dogter van
Kosie Booysen.
Die egpaar is op 1 November 2008 in die
huwelik bevestig en vir die kort rukkie baie
gelukkig getroud. Die Du Plessis-egpaar was
die afgelope twee maande by sy seun, Kobus in
Polokwane woonagtig, waar Koos deur ‘n
onkoloog behandel is.
Hy is met limfkleirkanker gediagnoseer en na
twee chemo-sessies uiteindelik oorlede aan
longontsteking, hart- en nierversaking.
Koos is in Randfontein, waar hy die grootste
deel van sy lewe gewerk en gebly het, begrawe. Hy het daar by verskillende myne, boen ondergronds gewerk en kon ‘n hyskraan
meesterlik hanteer.
Die begrafnis het op 9 Julie uit die AGS
Greenhills kerk plaasgevind. Dit is deur pastoor Tokkie Smit gelei.
Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou, Rima, sewe
kinders, kleinkinders, agterkleinkinders, twee
susters en drie broers.
BESOEKERS aan die Krugerwildtuin en ander
nasionale parke moet hulle staal vir ’n prysskok
op 1 September wanneer verblyfkoste hier met
tot soveel as 15% kan styg, volgens 'n bekende
Sondag koerant.
Dit is die grootste eenmalige styging tot nog
’n Rondawel in die Krugerwildtuin se
Letaba-ruskamp wat tans R640 per nag kos, sal
besoekers voortaan R740 per nag uit die sak
Die oornagtarief vir ’n gesinskothuis by die
Tsitsikamma- Nasionale Park se Stormsrivier-ruskamp styg van R950 tot R1 095. Sanparke
spook vanjaar om sy geldsake te laat klop.
Besoekersgetalle aan die wildtuin en ander
nasionale parke het vanjaar met 7% gedaal.
Sanparke skryf dit toe aan afdankings by
maatskappye regoor die land. Dr. David
Mabunda, uitvoerende hoof van Sanparke, het
onlangs drastiese interne besparingsmaatreëls
vir al die nasionale parke aangekondig.
Oortyd is gekanselleer en personeellede is
gevra om te help bespaar. Mabunda het vroeër
vanjaar by die Krugerwildtuin se jaarlikse
aangekondig besoekersgetalle by nasionale
parke kan binnekort met tot 15% daal weens
die wêreldwye ekonomiese afswaai. Sanparke
het die afgelope twee jaar onder kritiek deurgeloop oor beweerde buitensporige salarisse
en oordadige onthale. Mabunda se totale jaarlikse vergoedingspakket beloop R1,7 miljoen.
Die vorige hoof van die Krugerwildtuin, dr.
Bandile Mkhize, het jaarliks net meer as R1
miljoen verdien.
Die nuwe hoof, Abe Sibiya, se salaris is nie
bekend nie. Sowat 550 mense, onder wie
honderde van buite die wildtuin, is vroeër
vanjaar na die Krugerwildtuin se jaarlikse
interne prysuitdelingsgeleentheid genooi.
Die drank was gratis en gaste is getrakteer op
’n viergangmaaltyd in markiestente
people were or if they were males or females.
"We are waiting for the postmortem results to
reveal their identity," he said.
He said the family is devastated as they were
still expecting a lot from him.
The deceased leaves behind his wife, Cornelia Mushwana (32), two daughters, aged 9
and 14, and his mother.
His mourning wife said she has lost a friend,
lover, and the father of her children. "I will
always miss his presence," she said.
4 in Court
THE four suspects accused of Doctor Meyer’s death appeared in Phalaborwa court last
No bail was granted and the suspects
remain in custody. Their court date was
postponed to August 11 pending further
investigation on the matter.
Vlieg saam
‘n VERSLAGGEWER van Letaba Herald het die
voorreg gehad om tydens die afgelope Fly-in
naweek saam met Siem Venter ‘n arends-oog
oor die Letaba-distrik te gooi. Francois Peyper
en Deline de Jager het ook die vlug meegemaak.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
Arrogant burglars
meet their match
TWO burglars met their match
early on Tuesday morning.
Jantjie Venter and his friend
Ruan Geldenhuys arrived at his
house at 08:30 to find two burglars in the process of robbing his
house in a security complex in
Venter and Geldenhuys each
went after a burglar, and a
struggle began between the four
of them before both burglars tried
to flee.
The one escaped and managed
to jump over the wall on the
security complex’s periphery.
The other tried to escape
through a window, but managed
to get stuck.
Venter pulled the burglar from
his temporary prison, and both he
and Geldenhuys kept an eye on
the burglar while they waited for
Northern Security to arrive.
The response unit arrived withA GRUESOME accident in Magoebaskloof last Friday claimed the lives of five people, four of
them burnt beyond recognition. Photo supplied by Sonco.
Seven die in two
horrific crashes
TWO gruesome accidents claimed the lives of
seven people, one a six month old baby, over
the weekend.
On Friday afternoon at around 15:00, Dr
Gorbaszewicz of Haenertsburg and Richard
Mabedle Mhangwana of Dan village crashed
head-on into each other close to Wheelbarrow
on the Magoebaskloof road.
Dr Gorbaszewicz was taken to hospital, and
was released miraculously wearing only a
neck brace.
His BMW X5 was crushed nearly beyond
The other party did not get off as lightly.
It was the last trip Mhangwana and the four
unknown individuals with him were to take.
Mhangwana was flung from the car and died
on the scene.
It is unclear whether his four passengers
were still alive after the accident – soon after
the collision the VW Golf they were driving in
caught fire and within minutes was reduces to
molten scrap metal.
The victims were burnt beyond recognition.
A case of culpable homicide has been
opened for investigation.
Tzaneen police are requesting anyone with
information that can assist them in identifying
or locating the families of the deceased to
please contact Deputy Inspector Rasebotsa on
015 306 2000.
The second accident occurred near Mariveni village less than 24 hours later.
A Toyota Hilux and another BMW, this time
an X3, was involved in another head-on
collision before noon on Saturday.
The driver of the Hilux, a man from Nkowankowa, was flung out of his car and died on
the scene. The six month old baby riding in the
BMW also died.
The road they were driving on is known to
be narrow. The two cars appeared to have hit
each other’s right front corner, resulting in the
BMW only coming to a standstill 400 metres
from the collision site.
SAPS: Protect your stock
THE South African Police Stock Theft Unit in
the province has embarked on a campaign to
teach farmers about ways of protecting their
This follows after more than 5 000 livestock
were reported stolen in the province since last
The campaign, called "Operation Community", started earlier this year after an increase in the number of farmers reporting
stock theft.
Superintendent Alpheus Mokale, the head
of the stock theft unit in the province, said the
police and communities discussed tactics to
minimise the continuous theft of livestock.
"We are disturbed because most of the
livestock are stolen while left unattended in
the bushes.
"We would like to warn communities to
safeguard them because it is their wealth," he
According to Mokale, since January this year
2 850 cattle were stolen, 1 970 of which were
recovered, while 578 sheep were stolen and
268 recovered.
Also reported stolen were 2 211 goats, 56
donkeys, 28 pigs, and 83 game animals.
He said 493 suspects were arrested, with
164 convictions.
Some of the suspects were fined amounts
ranging from R500 to R50 000, while others
were sentenced to between six months and 15
years imprisonment.
Mokale said most of the goats were stolen in
the Dennilton area, Moutse, Mecklenburg and
He added that cattle theft was most rife in
Letsitele, Mahwelereng, Dennilton and Giyani.
Mokale appealed to stock farmers to help
minimise theft by brand marking their livestock.
in minutes and secured the criminal.
Northern Security contacted
SAPS who also arrived within
According to Venter, a police
officer on the scene explained
that the two scorpions tattooed
on the burglar’s chest is the
symbol of a burglar-syndicate
currently operational in Tzaneen.
Venter said he and his fiancée
have decided move. He explained that they moved into a
security complex for no other
reason than for the security. If his
fiancée was home alone, he
shudders to think what could
have happened.
would like to thank Northern
Security and Tzaneen SAPS for
their speedy and professional
Music talent wanted
R500 vir beurs
‘n BEURSIE in die vorm van ‘n ID boekie is
Sondag by Barcelos verloor.
‘n R500 beloning vir die kaarte in die beursie
word aangebied. Skakel: 072 744 8420.
DIE in die mandjie fees wat Laersklool Tzaneen
aanbied loods ‘n smul lekker potjiekos kompetisie.
Alle fondse wat ingesamel word is vir die
behoeftigheids fonds.
Daar is groot pryse op die spel. Spanne
bestaande uit ses lede kan inskryf. Kostes
beloop R1 000 per kaartjie. Alle besighede
word uitgedaag om mekaar die stryd aan te sê.
Die kaartjie sluit toegang tot Pieter Koen se
vertoning in. Alle bestanddele moet self voorsien word. Die kompetisie word beplan vir 15
Vir meer inligting skakel Stephnie van der
Merwe: 084 522 8866.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
NATI du Plessis tree binnekort hier op.
Die bekendstelling van
‘n PLAASLIKE kunstenaar, Nati du Plessis wat
onlangs sy CD, Suikerbek op ‘n bekende Suid
Afrikaanse TV program bekend gestel het, gaan
binnekort hier optree om dit ook aan Tzaneeners bekend te stel.
Letaba Herald het ‘n paar weke gelede oor
hom berig.
Sy dogtertjie is met diabetes gediagnoseer en
die gesin het baie mediese uitgawes.
Fondse wat met sy optredes en CD ingesamel
word gaan aan ‘n diabetesfonds vir kinders.
Nati tree op 31 Julie in skousaal B op. Die
vertoning begin om 19:00.
Daar sal ‘n kontantkroeg besikbaar wees en
boereworsrolletjies sal te koop wees asook ‘n
groot vuur vir atmosfeer en genoeg tafels vir
almal om by te kuier.
Kaartjies is by Audio Corporation en by die
skoukantoor beskikbaar.
Nati het al die liedjies op die CD self geskryf
en daar is ook ‘n spesiale liedjie vir Tzaneen.
Skakel Nati by 073 444 3386 of Corné by
082 725 8443 vir enige navrae.
Go Explo is a music development concept with
the objective of unearthing, developing and
exposing local talent in Limpopo.
The brain child of Kenny Shibambu, who is
not new to gospel circles, started in July 2005
with auditions in the five municipalities of the
Mopani District.
The project has in the past received funding
from the National Department of Arts and
The ensued partnership with Munghana
Lonene SABC Radio and Mopani District Municipality enabled them to achieve the most
crucial stage of the project. A live DVD recording has proved to be a great success, and
has mushroomed and developed the talents to
new heights.
Go Explo plans to continue with the development of local talent in Limpopo.
Undoubtedly, Limpopo is rich with human
resources, especially among the youth vis-à-vis
musical and vocal talent. Auditions will take
place in the five municipalities of the Mopani
Many aspirant musicians have been waiting
for a long time to get the opportunity to
A total of 50 vocalists will be selected and
will be taken through training of the Music
Industry Practice. They will acquire basic
knowledge, skills and competence in performance, theory and the music industry in
Of the 50 vocalists, only 24 of them will form
part of Go Explo. The auditions are planned to
take place as follows:
August 8 and 10: all entrants at Nkowankowa Community Hall at 10:00.
August 22: finalists at Nkowankowa Community Hall at 10:00.
The finals will be open to the public and
invited guests will include amongst others,
government officials, councillors and spiritual
leaders. The finalists will perform for the audience with accompaniment provided by an
in-house band.
For more information contact Kenny Shibambu, Project Manager, on 083 511 3159 or
076 258 0926.
Weer tyd vir piesang-fees
DIT is weer Piesang Fees tyd!
Die fees skop op 11 September af met die
Piesang Vastrap in Skousaal B.
Skakel nou al vir Rose op 082 411 0597 of
Melody op 084 627 0956 om seker te maak
van ‘n kaartjie!
Die Saterdag word daar lekker fees gehou op
Laerskool Tzaneenl se rugbyveld.
Die Gladiator spanne is die hoogtepunt van
die Fees en die organiseerders nooi besighede
en skole om nou al hulle spanne bymekaar te
maak en in te skryf.
Inskrywings kan gedoen word by Moeder
Gemeente Kerk kantoor en die tarief is R200 vir
besighede en R100 vir ‘n skoolspan.
Daar is groot pryse vir die wenners van elke
Die jong dames kan weer meeding vir die
Kroon! Daar is heelwat verrassings!
Maak seker om die datum aan te teken en
gaan geniet die Fees met al sy lekkertes.
DBV se ajv
* LETABA DBV se algemene jaarvergadering
vind op 22 Julie (Woensdag) plaas.
Dit begin om 18:00 by Lions Den op Jetty
3. Almal is welkom om dit by te woon.
Bib ook by Eiland
LETSITELE Biblioteek het op 1 Augustus tydens die Kaskarwedren ‘n
stalletjie op Eiland.
Hulle gaan ‘n storie-uur en ander aktiwiteite vir kinders aanbied.
Daar gaan kerse gemaak word,
borde geverf word en selfs "sand
blasting" (sandspuiting) gedoen
Boeke sal ook te koop aangebied word.
Tuinbouers byeen
LETABA Tuinbou Vereniging hou
volgende Vrydag op 24 Julie hulle
Dit word saam met Annelise
Greyling en haar groep in die tuin
van Ingrid Eastman te Heritage
Village gehou en begin om
Die gasspreker is Wynand Espagh. Hy sal gesels oor die uitleg
van klein tuine. Susan Vorster sal
ook tydens die geleentheid
demonstreer hoe om mooi hang-
mandjies te maak en te beplant.
Padaanwysings: Skuins oorkant
die Korrektiewe Dienste in Aqualaan, Heritage Village no 13. LW
parkering gaan ‘n probleem wees,
probeer dus saam met mekaar ry.
Neem ‘n vriendin en stoele
saam. Gaste is baie welkom.
Nie-lede betaal R20.
Skakel Suzette de la Rey vir
meer inligting by 083 305 3816 of
(015) 307 6871.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
No account of spending of grants
IT came to light that the GTM have been
unable to account for expenditure of their
conditional grants for the past financial year.
So is Greater Letaba, Greater Giyani and the
Mopani district.
Other municipalities in Limpopo are also
unable to give account.
They have not submitted electronic returns
on their conditional grants nor submit signed
returns on the grants for the same period.
A conditional grant is a payment made for
use over a specific period for a specified
purpose, pursuant to conditions contained in a
funding agreement. Should the accountable
party not be able to report back on expenditure
in order to confirm that the grant was utilised
as prescribed, that party could lose the entire
According to Roné Hennop, chairperson
from the TAU SA North local government
committee, the National Treasury lists the
names of the municipalities that have failed to
conform to the legislative requirements outlined by section 71 of the Municipal Finance
Management Act .
Hennop also questioned the sometimes
large amounts of money spent by some municipalities to appoint external service providers to do their financial department’s jobs
for them.
The following municipalities in our region
were mentioned for not submitted electronic
returns on their conditional grant spending for
the period mentioned: Makhuduthamaga,
Sekhukhune District, Greater Tzaneen,
Ba-Phalaborwa, Maruleng, Mopani District,
Musina, Mutale, Thulamela, Makhado,
Vhembe District, Aganang, Molemole, Polokwane, Lepelle-Nkumpi, Capricorn District,
Thabazimbi, Bela Bela and Mogalakwena.
Municipalities that did not submit signed
returns on their conditional grant spending for
the same period are Makhuduthamaga,
Fetakgomo, Elias Motsoaledi, Greater Tubatse,
Greater Sekhukhune District, Greater Giyani,
Ba-Phalaborwa, Maruleng, Mopani District,
Musina, Mutale, Thulamela, Makhado,
Vhembe District, Blouberg, Aganang,
Molemole, Polokwane, Lepelle-Nkumpi,
Capricon District, Thabazimbi, Lephalale,
Mookgopong, Modimolle, Bela Bela,
Mogalakwena and Waterberg District.
Treasury MEC, Sa’ad Cachalia, confirmed
on various occasions that there is a lack of
financial personnel within Limpopo’s municipalities and seemingly there has been no
change in this regard as yet.
Speaking on behalf of the GTM, Oddis
Ngubene communications liason said, it
would not be appropriate for them to engage
in a debate about a report they have not seen.
They need to indicate from the onset that as a
municipality they are amazed that there is
such a report.
Nkopodi Phatudi, Acting Manager of Corporate Services of the GTM: "It is extremely
important for the readers to know that as a
municipality, we received grants during the
past financial year in a form of conditional
grants, the Municipal Infrastructure Grant,
Municipal System Improvement Grant, Electrification Grant, Finance Management grant
and the Neighbourhood development Grant.
We are pleased to announce that these grants
have been put to good use in our effort to
improve the lives of our people. We are also
very aware that it is a legislative requirement
for us to account on these grants, and we have
in every respect complied." He further stated
by saying that they find it strange that the GTM
are part of the list of a number of municipalities
that are alleged to have failed report.
" We would first have to study such a report
before we can give further clarity or an informed response on this matter, Phatudi concluded.
According to spokesperson Clayson
Monyela from the Department of Local Government and Housing (who is responsible for
municipalities) said the department has noted
the report. “Our department will be working
with all the affected districk and local municipalities to address the gaps and challenges
in the area of financial management. We have
an agreement with the Provincial Treasury and
the Auditor General to assist in capacitating
municipalities in the area of financial management which should empower them not to
just comply with section 71 of the Municipal
Finance Management Act but to administer
the finances better with a view to get unqualified audit opinions.”
He said Local Government and Housing
MEC, Soviet Lekganyane, is of the firm view
that the citizens of Limpopo should get value
for the money government allocates to municipalities. “He has stressed that municipalities must be responsive to people’s needs
and accelerate service delivery.”
According to Monyela the department is
encouraged by the skills improvement in the
province’s municipalities. In 2006/07 they had
47% of chief financial officers’ (CFOs) posts
filled; to date they have improved to 80%.
According to the municipal demarcations
board report, Limpopo has the highest number
of CFO’s with financial qualifications at 93%,
he concluded.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Onbeskaamd hier
EEN van die top Afrikaanse gospel
groepe, Onbeskaand, tree op 5
September by Fairview Lodge op.
Daar is besluit om slegs 500
kaartjies beskikbaar te stel en nie
650 soos met die optrede van
Retief Burger nie.
gewild is, moet mense vroeg
kaartjies bekom om teleurstelling
te voorkom.
Kaartjies kos R60 per persoon
en is beskikbaar by Elize, Samantha, of Annetjie by Star Spares.
Anders kan Elize by 076 276 8626
geskakel word vir die aflewering
van die kaartjies.
Daar sal parkering by Shekinah
House beskikbaar wees met twee
wagte wat voertuie sal oppas.
Mandjiefees by skool
LAERSKOOL Tzaneen bied vanjaar ‘n in die mandjiefees aan op
14 en 15 Augustus met die tema:
Van toeka tot nou.
Hulle benodig enige item wat
stof opgaar, dit wat in jou kaste by
die huis rondlê of iets wat nie meer
gebruik word nie.
Die items kan enigiets van ‘n
eierkelkie tot ‘n ornament wees.
Ander aktiwiteite wat beplan
word vir die fees is o a: Gholfbalval, kostes hiervoor beloop
‘n Witolifant veiling, hole in
one, toutrekkompetisie, mini-hokkie, potjiekoskompetisie, troetelhond kompetisie, personeel konsert en skole landloop. Sondagaand, 16 Augustus sal daar ‘n
kerkdiens op die pawiljoen aangebied word.
Vir meer inligting skakel: (015)
307 3601.
Alle fondse gaan vir die welwillendheids fonds.
Baie geluk aan Jacques Pohl van Hoërskool
Ben Vorster wat sy verjaardag op 13 Julie gevier
Baie geluk aan die lede van die Sakekamer
wat hul verjaardae die week vier: Terry Herman - 13 Julie; Amalia Ueckerman - 18 Julie.
Inwoners van El Natan bedank ‘n onbekende
skenker vir lemoene en eiervrugte aan hulle
geskenk. Dit word opreg waardeer.
Die Hervormde gemeente Tzaneen hou op
24 Julie ‘n aandmark vanaf 16:00. Koop aandete daar. Heerlike keriie en rys, worsbroodjies,
vetkoeke, pannekoeke en gebak is beskikbaar.
Winners of the Bridge competition played on
July 6 at Macadamia were Win Scott and
Shirley Ivy. Second were Jane Rochester and
Arthur Cowgill.
Winners of the Bridge competition played on
July 9 at Coach House were Nan Forrest and
Shirley Ivy. Second were Jane Rochester and
Jane Matthews. Hint: If the Trump suit has been
bid on both sides and you have 3 or more, lead
a trump.
Graag wil Goue Jare Bejaardesorg die volgende persone en instansies bedank vir donasies van groente, toiletware, komberse en
gordyne wat ons die afgelope week ontvang
het: SAVF Diensbestuur Duiwelskloof, tannie
Lettie, Clara van Zyl en Claradyn Viktor, die
jong dames van Limpopo Road Show.
Die people of Aquafleur, Macadamia, would
like to wish Joan Savory a speedy recovery after
her operation recently. Get well soon!
‘n DAMESTEE word tydens die Letaba Skou
deur die Lavender VLU- en Tzaneen
VLU-takke aangebied.
Dit sal plaasvind op Saterdag 8 Augustus om
10:00 in Skousaal B.
Kostes beloop R120 pp (R90 + R30 hekgeld
Gisela De Villiers sal as gaskunstenaar
Daar sal ook tussen items wees: Ballet en
Karlien Gerber gaan saksofoon speel.
0829641900 of Marietjie: 0834600309 of
Sobeth: 0828080806
of Lizll: 0828216347
vir navrae of kaartjies.
Daar sal gelukkige
trekkings en geskenkpakkies wees.
‘n PRETTIGE kinderteater stuk met die
titel "Rommel Drommel"
(more) om 11:00 aangebied word.
Die vertoning sal
by Ben Vorster plaasvind. Kaartjies beloop
R10 per volwassene
en R5 vir kinders.
Moet dit nie misloop
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
Fly-In in beeld
DIE uiters bekwame en professionele vlieënier, Siem Venter het Letaba Herald se
verslaggewer en twee passasiers oor die
Letaba Distrik geneem in sy Cessna.
KOSSTALETJIES wat smul-lekker eetgoed gebied het, het die mae vol
gehou tydens die Fly-In. Vlnr: Dieter, Dries en Sonja Kahts.
AN old woman jumps over jumbled electric wires laid across the street
at Mbambamencisi settlement.
Man escapes electrocution
A MAN who narrowly escaped
death after he accidentally came
into contact with live wires from
illegally connected electricity in
his house is refusing to seize his
illegal actions.
James Mashele of Mbambemencisi settlement is one of thousands of residents of the area who
have vowed to continue illegally
connecting electricity to their
houses until the Greater Tzaneen
Municipality electrifies the area.
Mashele suffered
severe burns on his
face and hands after
touched live wires
from illegally connected
while cooking.
Mashele who was
hospitalised following the incident last
week said he will
only remove the illegally
electricity once the
electrified his house.
"I have been trying
to get the municipality to electrify the
area for the past 10
years without success," he said.
Residents said they
decided to illegally
connect electricity
after countless attempts to get the municipality to electrify
their houses failed.
overloaded power
and mini boxes with
illegal connections.
The jumbled electric wiring laid across
grass, dusty roads
and public areas
pose a danger to the
Tzaneen Municipality Media Liaison Officer,
Ngobeni, said they
are aware of the situation at Mbambemencisi settlement,
but it should be
noted that Mbambamencisi was not a
until last year.
He said Mbambamencisi will be elec-
trified, but only after villages that
are ahead of it on the electricity
priority list have been electrified.
"If we are to start prioritising
Mbambamencisi ahead of the
other villages, we would then be
creating the impression that the
people in those villages are inferior to those in Mbambamencisi," he said. He however warned
that those who illegally connect
electricity place their lives and
others’ in danger.
CALLIE Rossouw, Michelle Rossouw en
Sydney Nolan het die toeskouers se monde
laat water met hulle heerlike sosaties tydens
die Fly-In.
NAZAREEN Christian Academy het ook ‘n
stalletjie beman tydens die Fly-In. Vlnr:
Tamanna Ramerethan, Dawn Verster, Michael Weber, Alminda van der Merwe, Adrean Verster.
‘n LUGFOTO van die vliegklub tydens die Fly-In wat die afgelope
naweek aangebied is.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
DIE Pro-Tow span staan gereed om jou te help. Voor: Shaun Theron (tydelike personeel), Quinton Sharpe (mede eienaar), Leon Lordan (eienaar), Paul Ramadipa (alg. werker), Leon Nel (trok
operateur) en Chris van Vuuren (vloot bestuurder). Agter: Annette Broodryk (ontvangs dame) en Freddie Broodryk (trok operateur).
Insleepdiens reeds ‘n jaar in bedryf
PRO-TOW Insleepdienste het onlangs hul eerste verjaardag gevier!
Pro-Tow het op 10 Julie hulle eerste bestaansjaar agter die rug gesit.
Toe die deure verlede jaar geopen het, het
hulle sake begin met net een gehuurde
Pro-Tow het tans ‘n vloot van drie bakkies en
twee trokke wat wag om jou by te staan, sou jy
moeilikheid langs die pad ervaar.
Hierdie toegewyde personeel staan gereed
om net die beste professionele diens te lewer.
Hulle kantore is op die Lydenburg pad net
voor McDonalds geleë, waar Eddies Spares
tevore was. Die span wil graag Tzaneen bedank vir die ondersteuning wat hulle ervaar.Hulle belowe om aan te hou uitblink.
Vir meer inligting skakel hulle kantore by:
(015) 307 5266.
New employees trained and ready
LETABA Security’s new employees who received certificates at a
function held last Wednesday. Front: Joyce Motloutsi, Ivy Rababalela
(best overall recruit), Jan Joubert (best achievement), Daisy Makgoba
and Andronica Make. Back: Gershot Mhlongo, Patrick Mojadibe,
Meriam Raphela, Selina Malesa, Harold Masetla, Sqoleleni Mtuvi and
Trysina Magoro. This new generation will be keeping Tzaneen a safer
laat Julie
DIE Afrikaanse woord- en dramakuns afdeling
van die Tzaneen Eisteddfod skop die laaste
week in Julie af.
‘n Rekord getal van 620 inskrywings vir die
Afrikaanse afdeling is reeds ontvang en verwerk.
Die publiek word genooi om die beoordelingsessies by te woon.
Maandag 27 Julie vanaf 08:15 tot 11:15
lewer die Graad 0 en Graad R groepe hul
formele poësie in die saal van die SAVF
Graad 8 tot 12 se beoordeling van formele
poësie, gedramatiseerde poësie, monoloog,
voorbereide mimiek en samespraak vind ook
op die datum tussen 11:45 en 17:15 in die saal
van Hoërskool Merensky plaas.
Alle Graad 1, 2 en 3 se individuele- asook
groepitems kom op 28 Julie tussen 08:30 en
16:30 in die saal van Hoërskool Merensky aan
die beurt.
Graad 4 en 5 se individuele- en groepitems
vind op 29 Julie vanaf 08:30 tot 16:30 in die
saal van Hoërskool Merensky plaas.
Graad 6 en 7 individuele- en groepitems tree
op 30 Julie tussen 08:00 en 13:00 in die saal
van Hoërskool Merensky op.
Die laaste skof vind tussen 13:15 en 17:15
plaas wanneer die Graad 8 tot 12’s prosa,
gedramatiseerde poësie groepe, skets (toneel)
onvoorbereide items beoordeel word.
Die professionele beoordelaar, die immer
gewilde Kittie Broos het haar lisensiaat in
drama verwerf aan die Akademie vir Dramakuns onder Milla Louw.
Broos is lid van die Kollege vir Spraak- en
Dramaonderwysers (SA) asook stigterslid van
die Raad van Afrikaanse Beoordelaars.
Sy het haar eie drama ateljee en gee reeds 36
jaar lank klas. Sy tree die afgelope 25 jaar
gereeld as beoordelaar by kunswedstryde,
redenaarskompetisie, toneelfeeste op en ook
as compére en bied ook afrigtingkursusse vir
kunswedstryde aan.
Deelnemers moet op die program wat by
plaaslike skole beskikbaar is, seker maak van
hulle deelname tye en ‘n kwartier vroeër as die
betrokke tydgleuf aanmeld.
Skakel Annelie Dreyer, voorsitter van die
Eisteddfod komitee by 083 585 5490 vir
verdere navrae.
Die Engelse afdeling vind op 21 en 22
Augustus plaas. Inskrywingsvorms is reeds
beskikbaar by plaaslike skole. Skakel Andrika
Nagel by 083 452 3183 vir meer inligting oor
dié afdeling.
VROUEDAG is om die draai, en ‘n uitstekende
manier om dit te vier is om Laerskool Tzaneen
se vrouedag funksie by te woon.
Dié laerskool bied vanjaar weer ‘n noenmaal funksie aan.
Dit sal op 8 Augustus plaasvind en skop af
om 09:00.
Mari Weber sal as gaskunstenaar met die
vertoning "Tant Bossie" optree.
Kaartjies sal R100 beloop.
Alle fondse is ten bate van die skool se
welwillendheidsfonds. Daar is
ook groot pryse te
Vir meer inligting
skakel Marinda Ceronio: 082 651 6211.
Mervis tree Saterdag
hier op.
Dit begin om
19:00 by Platform.
Kaartjies kos R50.
Slegs ‘n beperkte
aantal is beskikbaar.
Skakel Elize Caroto
vir kaartjies of navrae
by 076 276 8626.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
Elvis lives
in Barnyard
by skou
DIE Campbells gaan die Letaba Skou besoekers vanjaar laat baljaar!
Die Campbells staan bekend as van die
suksesvolste kunstenaars wanneer dit by gesins vermaak kom, ouers en kinders geniet
hulle musiek.
Hulle het al in die meeste dorpe en stede in
Suid-Afrika opgetree, en so doende duisende
mense vermaak, in die proses het hulle geleer
wat die beste werk om ‘n sukselvolle fondsinsameling projek te reël.
Hulle lewendige vertoning en ritmiese musiek belowe om julle te vermaak soos nog
nooit tevore nie. Die twee broers Harry en
Tony Campbell maak van kleins af al musiek
en is gesoute musikante.
Die Campbells het alreeds ‘n hele paar
Platinum CD toekenings en drie ‘n top verkoper DVD’s onder die belt. Die Campbells
vergelyk nie net met die beste in ons land nie,
maar ook met die beste in die wêreld.
Die Campbells se eerste CD, getiteld
"You're My Mate" was opgeneem en vrygestel
op 27 September 2001. Dit is 'n samestelling
van country, rock en moderne popmusiek. Die
terugvoering was baie positief en skaars 'n
jaar later het Die Campbells se trefferalbum,
"Rooi Rok Bokkie" die lig gesien en “the rest is
history”. In 2003 stel hulle nog 'n trefferalbum, “Jy's die Girl” bekend, en nes sy
voorganger, Rooi Rok Bokkie, het dit ook
platinum status bereik. In 2004 het Die Campbells egter weereens nie teleurgestel nie, en
kort voor Kersfees was die dubbel album, ‘n
sokkie CD en ‘n Country CD. “Daar's Iets
Innie Die Water”, vrygestel. Platinum status is
In Julie 2005 is hulle DVD “21 Treffers Live”
lewendig opgeneem en dit het onmiddelik een
van die land se gewildste musiek DVD’s
geword. Vat my vas is in Maart 2006 vrygestel
en is absoluut uitstekend met onder andere 10
nuwe Afrikaanse liedjies. Daar is ook ‘n duet
op “Styf vas” saam met Juanita du Plessis.
Platinum status is bereik. Klein bietjie liefde is
in Augustus 2007 vrygestel, dit is weer ‘n
dubbel album met 34 liedjies waarvan 17
nude Afrikaanse treffers is. Platinum status is
Hulle het 30 gunsteling liedjies op ‘n 30
Goue Sokkie Treffers cd vrygestel in 2008 op
publieke aanvraag. Die Campbells Doen dit
Live DVD was in Mei 2008 vrygestel. Hulle
tree saam met ‘n orkes op en Harry Ca
pbell snr. maak sy verskyning as gaskunstenaar.
Die beligting en klank is op internasionale
standard. Dit oortref alle verwagtinge.
Die heel nuutste in die mark, April 2009. Is
die Keep it Country cd met 41 gewilde country
liedjies, waarvan 21 van die liedjies op die
Keep it Country DVD met ‘n lewendige orkes
opgeneem is. Die CD het reeds Goue status
bereik en die DVD doen ook goed.
Die Campbells tree Donderdagaand 6 Augustus op by die Letaba Skou. Maak seker dat
julle daar is om hierdie lekker opskop groep te
JumpstART Promotions Presents…“From
Rotary Club of Haenertsburg fundraiser!
This is a highly acclaimed live show with a
cast of 6. A tribute to the King of Rock ‘n
Roll...Elvis Presley.
Remember the good old days of the early
rafter-rocking live shows at the Barnyard
Theatre at Stanford Lake College? Well, this is
a return of those foot stomping highly entertaining shows, when you bring your own
picnic basket and enjoy a super social evening
with friends.
If you miss this, you will miss out on a
unique chance to re-live the music of Elvis
presented by a superbly talented performer
and support cast, and also on the last opportunity of such an event being staged at the
Barnyard as a fund-raiser for Rotary Haenertsburg.
Cost is R150 per ticket. Limited tables of 10
are still available, or individual bookings –
book early to avoid disappointment. There
will be a Cash Bar run by Rotary Haenertsburg
– the famous Misty’s – for those who remember
the early days of the Barnyard! So please
support them!
Saturday, AUGUST 15 AT 19:00. Barnyard
Theatre, Stanford Lake College, Magoebaskloof.
THE annual general meeting of Letaba
SPCA will be held on July 22 at 18:00 at the
Lions den (Jetty 3). All welcome.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Word lekker lus vir vanjaar se skou
DIE jaarlikse skou is om die draai! Hier volg 'n
paar lusmakers wat besoekers vanjaar kan
Letaba MOOVIESE Skou 6-8 Augustus in
Tzaneen beloof om een van die beste skoue
ooit te wees. Die BEESTE is terug!!! Die Brahmane sal meeding tot die Limpopo Kampioenskap by die Letaba Skou. Vir die eerste
keer in Suid Afrika sal die handleier in die ring
wees tydens beoordeling. Wit & Rooi beeste sal
teen mekaar meeding. Kom kyk gerus hoe lyk 1
ton beeste. Die beoordeling van die pragtige
diere vind plaas op Vrydag 7 Augustus en die
prysuitdeling later die middag. Die gewilde
tydskrif, Farmers Weekly sal hierdie spoggerige
vertoning dek. Bring die hele familie om na
meer as 90 beeste te kom kyk.
Letaba MOOVIESE Skou 6-8 Augustus in
Tzaneen gee soos gewoontlik erkenning aan al
die senior burgers van Tzaneen omgewing.
Shekinah House sal op Donderdag 6 Augustus
die tee en verversing voorsien in Saal B voor-
portaal terwyl die trek klavier koning, Vic du
Preez en “tap dansers” die senior burgers
vermaak. Senior Burgers se toegang is gratis by
Hek 1. Die funksie begin om 10:00.
Letaba MOOVIESE Skou 6-8 Augustus in
Tzaneen, hekke open daagliks om 9:00 waar
Barney die kinders sal verwelkom. Onthou
Donderdag kom skoolkinders in uniform, met
die onderwysers in vir R10-00 per persoon.
Ronald McDonald, Magic Events, Khamai
Reptiel Park sal ons jong toekoms vermaak.
Daar is ‘n spesiale kinder-area waar gesiggies
geverf sal word, poppe kas en inkleur kompetisies gehou sal word. Build It Tzaneen gee
die groot springkasteel vir die area langs die
Coke Toring. Teen R5-00 kan ouers hulle
kinders daar los om vermaak te word terwyl
hulle deur die stalletjies stap. Kom kyk gerus na
die groter Pret Park, Paintball by die dam en
Free Faller op die arena.
Kom kyk na die mooistes van die skoner
geslag by die Letaba MOOVIESE Skou 6-8
Augustus in Tzaneen. Avuxeni is die hoofborg
van die spoggerige geleenthede. Mej. Skou
JNR word gehou op Donderdag 6 Augustus om
15:00 en die groot kroning vind plaas Vrydag
aand om 18:00 in saal B. Kom ondersteun
hierdie glansgeleenthede geborg deur Avuxeni
Computer Academy.
Die ROOM van Suid Afrika by die Letaba
MOOVIESE Skou 6-8 Augustus in Tzaneen.
Donderdag tree Bobby Angel, Billy Forrest,
Nati du Plessis en die Campbells op in die
arena. Vrydagaand sal Juanita du Plessis besoekers vermaak met haar nuutste cd vrystelling, Tien Jaar Platinum treffers met bekende
treffers soos Mengelmoes Kardoes en vele
meer! Geen ekstra kaartjie om te koop, slegs
hektoegang, Volwassenes R35, laerskool
kinders R20 en voorskoolse kinders GRATIS.
Kom geniet al die vertonings op die rugbyveld,
genoeg sitplek vir almal.
Die Vroue Landbou Unie bied hierdie jaar
die Vrouefunksie aan by die Letaba
Mango-kwekers hou groot simposium
DIE Suid-Afrikaanse Mangokwekersvereniging
se jaarlikse Navorsingsimposium word vanjaar
op 22 Julie by Moholoholo Ya Mati in Hoedspruit gehou.
Die gewilde geleentheid is in die verlede
goed bygewoon en daar word verwag dat die
2009 simposium geen uitsondering sal wees
Die program sluit verskeie tegniese onderwerpe in, met spesifieke klem op entomologie
as deel van die marktoegang vereistes soos
uiteengesit vir SAMKV om marktoegang te
verkry tot onder andere die Sjinese mark.
Navorsers huidiglik besig met SAMKV-gefin-
ansierde navorsing sal hul resultate wat die
volgende insluit voorhou:
" Vrugtevliegbeheer;
" Proewe om die effek van verskillende
beheermetodes (o.a. warmwater dippe) op
na-oes fisiologie en vrugkwaliteit van verskeie
mango kultivars te ondersoek;
" Galvlieg, en die redes waarom sekere
mango kultivars minder vatbaar is vir infestasie;
" Ontwikkeling van 'n Mango Snuitkewer
pesvrye produksiearea in Suid Afrika;
" 2009 Markterugvoer deur Dawida Kruger.
Vooraf-registrasie vir die byeenkoms is nood-
saaklik aangesien registrasie tydens die simposiumdag nie 'n plek vir jou sal verseker nie.
Slegs 85 sitplekke is beskikbaar, en vooraf-registrasie sal plaasvind op 'n "eerste daar eerste klaar" basis. Registrasie koste beloop
R100 vir SAMKV lede en R120 vir nie-lede.
Chrisna Stemmett is die organiseerder en kan
geskakel word by (015) 306 6242 of (084) 504
1144, of sy kan ge-epos word by om te registreer.
Die verrigtinge sal afsluit met 'n heerlike
middagete met die pragtige Hoedspruit
omgewing wat die simposiumgangers omring.
MOOVIESE Skou 6-8 Augustus in Tzaneen.
Die deftige funksie vind plaas in Saal B op
Saterdag om 9:00. Gaskunstenaar is die welbekende Gisela de Villiers wat die dames sal
toespreek. Kaartjies is beperk teen R130 p/persoon. Skakel die skoukantoor (015)
The Letaba “MOOOSA” Show 6-8 August in
Tzaneen will be filled with entertainment on
Saturday from special dj’s to traditional dancers giving the viewers a spectacular performance. A range of dj’s will play music from
DJ Shukhume bringing it on with some Hip
Hop, DJ Elliot giving the crowd a little Deep
House, DJ Professor playing a true stile of
Kwaito and DJ Max rocking and rolling with
some lekker Dance and Rock. So be sure to
have your dancing shoes tied on and come and
enjoy. Thank you Edward Mahapa from SAB
and Kenny Shivambu.
DIE AGS gemeente op Modjadjiskloof bied
op 25 Julie om 14:00 ‘n middag vol styl en
elegansie aan.
Alet Albertyn gaan vroue wys hoe om tafel
te dek met styl, grasie en etiket.
Sy gaan tydens die geleentheid verskillende tafels dek en ook praat oor tafel-etiket.
Ma’s sowel as hulle dogters is baie welkom
om dit by te woon.
Die wenner van Rooi Rose Kansa Tee 2008
in die tafel-etiket afdeling, gaan weer haar
wen-tafel dek.
Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Sarie, tel no:
(015) 307-6018 of 072 379 5334 of Joey by
(015) 309-9675 of 083 305 7974.
Kaartjies kos R60 vir volwassenes, R30 vir
hoërskool meisies en R10 vir laerskool meisies.
Geen bloed
DIE Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Bloeddiens
streef daarna om aan die hoogste standaarde
nasionaal en internasionaal te voldoen.
Die rede daarvoor is om te verseker dat
pasiënte kwaliteit bloed en bloedprodukte
ontvang en dat bloedskenkers se gesondheid
nie benadeel word nie.
As gevolg hiervan en opleiding wat die
personeel benodig is die Tzaneen Bloedskenksentrum gesluit wees vanaf 1 Junie 2009 tot 1
September 2009.
Die mobiele klinieke wat geskeduleer is vir
die tydperk sal egter voortgaan.
Hieronder is 'n lys van waar klinieke plaasvind gedurende Julie 2009. Ons vra vir u
ondersteuning gedurende die tydperk deur
bloed te skenk by die klinieke.
Donderdag (vandag) 16 Julie 09 ZZ2
Maandag 20 Julie 09 Letsitele Laerskool Dr
Annecke 12h00-18h00.
Donderdag 23 Julie 09 Tenby en Westfalia
08h00-10h00 en 11h00-14h00.
Vrydag 24 Julie 09
Maandag 27 Julie
09 Maake College
Donderdag 30 Julie
09 Letaba Belting
Vrydag 31 Julie 09
Saterdag 1 Aug 09
Die Bloeddiens vra
verskoning vir enige
ongerief. Vir enige
navrae het in verband
met die mobiele
klinieke kan u dit rig
aan die volgende
mense: Anna - Mari
Grobler (Hoof van Insamelings) of Dottie
Pinn (Openbare Betrekkinge) by (015)
297 3636.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
Big prizes for the Miss
Letaba Show winners
THIS year the Miss Letaba Show 1st Prize is
R2000 Cash plus gift packs and Vouchers.
The Crowns are imported from Hong Kong!
The organizers are planning stunning activities
for this year’s pageant. Finalists will be chosen
after an interview on Friday July 17.
The finalists for Miss Letaba Show 2009 as
well as the Miss Letaba Show Teens will
receive a workshop 3 weeks before the competition on the weekend of the interview at
Lavenir Manor Guest House.
The Workshop will provide basic training to
prepare the finalists for the Pageant. All finalists will have to attend this, so keep this date
available. (Seniors only) A number of topics
will be covered: Manners and etiquette, ramp
skills and walking, dressing correctly, the
interview and public speaking, importance of
image as well as first impressions, how to
introduce yourself, health care and fitness,
posture and style, make-up and hair.
There will be stylish designer dresses, by
Mengouchi Haute Couture, for the Miss
Letaba Show finalists to wear on the night of
the competition.
The Miss Letaba Show (18-24) & Teen’s
(16-17) :18:00 Friday August 7. The Miss
Letaba Show Juniors ages 3-15 : 14:00
Thursday 6 August ‘09. The main sponsor this
year is Avuxeni Computer Academy. Entry
forms are available at the Letaba Show Office.
For more information, Contact the Pageant
Director: Katryn Barwise 078 371 0909. Closing Date Seniors – July 17. Juniors, August 3.
Support charity this way
SUPPORT charity the glamorous way.
The Care4Life Centre is a newly established
community based hospice in Tzaneen and
seeking local beauties to help them establish a
ten-bed in-patient unit at Alon International,
called Palm Springs Hospice, Healing and
Wellness Centre.
Miss Charity will take place on July 25 at
Letaba River Lodge (ECO River Lodge).
The pageant boasts four categories: Miss
Charity (16 - 19 years), Miss Teen Charity (13 15 years), Miss Tween Charity (8 - 12 years)
and Miss Mini Charity (5 - 7 years).
Prize money for the three winners of each
category totals R2 200: R1 000 for the winner,
R700 for the first princess and R500 for the
second princess.
The pageant will also include the crowning
of Miss Photogenic, Miss Theme, Miss Congeniality, Miss Bollywood and Miss Interview.
Entry fee is R150. All entries should include
one head-and-shoulder photo and one
full-length photo.
Entry forms can be collected from Electro
Ads or Audio Corporation, or alternatively
contact Debbie on 083 299 3774.
Tickets to attend the event are R150, and
those attending, as well as those competing,
will be treated to a buffet dinner and live
The Palm Springs Hospice, Healing and
Wellness Centre will act as a support to the
Care4Life community-based service, and will
also provide sub acute care, step down and
frail care, and will receive patients from all
over South Africa, as well as other countries.
All these services are very costly and therefore the hospice rely greatly on donations and
fundraising events.
Enter Miss Charity and support a worthy
cause. Care4Life also gratefully accepts any
donations in the form of financial support,
food and clothing.
Mango grower’s symposium
THE annual South African Mango Growers'
Association Research Symposium will be taking place on July 22 2009 at Moholoholo Ya
Mati in Hoedspruit.
This popular event has been well attended in
the past and it is expected that 2009 will be no
The programme will cover technical aspects
of the mango industry, with specific emphasis
on entomology as part of the market access
requirements set for SAMGA to gain access to
the Chinese market amongst others.
Researchers currently engaged in SAMGA funded research projects will be presenting
their results on topics including the following:
" Fruit fly control;
" Gall fly, and the reasons why certain
mango cultivars are less susceptible to infestation;
" Development of Mango seed weevil pest
free production sites in South Africa;
" Determination of quarantine pests as part
of the market access initiative;
" Market feedback of the 2009 season by
Dawida Kruger.
Pre-registration for this event is essential and
registration on the day will not qualify you for
a seat as only 85 seats are available and
registration will take place on a "first come,
first serve" basis.
Registration costs are R100 for SAMGA
members and R120 for non-members .
Chrisna Stemmett is the organiser of the event
and can be contacted on (015) 306 6242 or
(084) 504 1144, or you can email her at to register.
Proceedings will end with a lunch within the
beautiful Hoedspruit surroundings.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
We are holding off that swine flu
virus… but stay on your guard!
WHILE we in South Africa have not been
seriously exposed to the new pandemic swine
flu – or HIN1 – which by the middle of July had
been detected in 135 countries with more than
430 deaths from 95 000 confirmed cases, we
cannot afford to become too relaxed aboutit.
Globally, By mid July, some 30 cases had
emerged in South Africa; mostly on air flights
from America and London. None became fatal.
Happily, they were all detected on arrival at OR
Tambo International Airport , were whipped
into hospital and isolation treatment. The first
was a 12-year-old boy from the US who has
since recovered.
Meanwhile, the national department of
health has also urged the public not to panic
but has urged that the swine flu situation be
closely monitored; especially among immuno
compromised persons. So far so good, but
concern has been raised about the possible
spread of the epidemic in South Africa during
this exceptionally cold winter we have been
experiencing. In the little church that I go to,
two of the congregation – including the priest –
were displaying distinct signs of normal flu one
Sunday morning recently,..
A warning about the swine version has come
from Professor Barry Schoub of the National
Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD)
who says the HIN1 strain could spread in SA,
especially during winter due to lowered “Seasonal flu spreads in the
winter season and I doubt that the new strain
will be any different,” he is reported to have
said. The danger is that an infection of swine flu
could lead to pneumonia.
The national Department of Health has given
an assurance that all the associated contacts of
the cases so far in South Africa have been
followed up and given the necessary advice
and treatment. The patients were being managed in accordance with World Health Or-
ganisation (WHO) and health department
guidelines. All tests are being conducted by the
NICD referred to above.
Here, closer to home in rhe Letaba, the
ProGroup of pharmacies has issued a helpful
newsletter offering the facts about swine flu
and how to prevent getting it. Some extracts
follow: It is a
respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A
influenza viruses that cause regular outbreaks
in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu
but human infections can and do happen It has
been determined that this particular swine flu
virus is contagious and spreading from human
to human.
The first outbreaks – and most of the deaths were detected in Mexico but it is suspected that
the source was in the Far East where pigs are
reared in concentrated so-called pork ‘factories.” There is no vaccine available to protect
against swine flu. The symptoms are similar to
the usual human flu and include fever, coughs,
body aches, chills, headaches and fatigue. The
virus is spread through coughing or sneezing of
people with the flu and also through contact
with telephones, keyboards, door handles and
even supermarket trolleys. That’s why you will
find carts with disinfectant wipes in some
How to protect yourself from falling a victim?
Well, it is sensible to have a shot of flu vaccine
before the onset of winter and many companies sponsor this for their staff to reduce the
casualty rate during the annual flu season.
Build up your general state of health. Get
plenty of sleep and exercise. Manage stress.
Drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious foods.
Try not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus and keep your
distance from people with flu. ABOVE ALL,
Sakekamer vergader ’Sweet Boom’ sour
DIE maandelikse ete van die Tzaneen
Sakekamer vind volgende Vrydag plaas.
Dit word by Sanloo Manor gehou om 12:00
vir 12:30.
Kostes per persoon beloop R70 vir lede, en
R80 vir nie-lede.
Dit word geborg deur PSG Konsultante en
die Momentum Groep.
Dit raak alle werkgewers insake die "National Social Security Fund" en die witskrifte
hieroor. Werkgewers gaan beslis deur wetgewing verplig word om aftree voorsienings
te maak vir alle werkernemers.
Die spreker is Francois de Ravel van die
Momentum Groep en beklee tans die pos as
nasionale verkope bestuurder MDS Groepsbesigheid, en 'n spesialis op die gebied.
BRIAN Jones of MOHOLOHOLO writes: Your
article 'Sweet Boom' for Hoedspruit actually
made me want to weep!
Slowly, like cancer, agriculture has been
creeping closer eastward around the Kruger
homelands onto the boundaries of Kruger.
Wildlife certainly has nothing but 'Bitter
Doom' ahead. I see no light at the end of the
tunnel - migrating birds by the millions and
millions, flying down Africa with less and less
habitat to land and refuel. Hence we are losing
millions of birds each year.
They do not carry 'backpacks' for their
journey. They do not have a 'Bed & Breakfast'
brochure to guide them or tell them where
there is a Wimpy or McDonald's or Kentucky
to stop over for a meal. No...they depend on
the natural habitat that houses the insects,
rodents etc to supply the fuel to carry them on
their journey. They live by an inborn instinct
you cannot change.
Now we have a so-called 'Sweet Boom',
losing more habitat and draining more of our
water, which is in short supply anyway, and
then there is the poisoning of the soil which
houses millions of other forms of life.
Then there will be the shooting of hippos,
bushpigs etc which will obviously come to
dine on the sugar-cane, which to their senses is
food for them to take at their will.
With this ‘Sweet Boom’, has the wildlife
really been considered? The area allocated
would probably house one pair of Martial
Eagles. Now it is 'bye-bye' to the Eagles,
which are strictly territorial for they will not be
able to share another Martial Eagle’s territory.
Some trees are a hundred years old, and, like
lead wood, thousand of years old, and will all
come to their doom with this rally of ‘Sweet
Boom'. It is so sad.
I have no intention of stepping on any
farmers or builders toes, but please consider
before ripping up that ground or draining
water. Consider what is happening to the
'wildlife chain'. Pick up the African National
Geographic or, for that matter, the Bird
magazine and see what is becoming of the
environment. It is critical and we need to think
It gives thousands work - I do not deny that but we need to reconsider the areas
Give our wildlife a
chance. Don't let
them be listed on the
'extinct' list or even,
for that matter, on the
endangered list.
We are their voice.
They depend on us to
speak for them!
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Hulle verskaf koue of hitte
INDIEN op soek is na koue of hitte, is daar baie
goeie nuus vir Tzaneen.
Martin’s Refrigeration wat al ‘n dekade suksesvol sake in Phalaborwa behartig het nou
ook ‘n tak in Tzaneen geopen.
Die knap besigheid installeer en herstel
huishoudelike en kommersiële verkoeling.
Huishoudelike lugversorging en motor
verkoeling is ook geen kopseer vir die gedugte
span nie. Koel en vrieskamers is hulle spesialiteit. Huishoudelike toestelle wat hulle diens
is o.a Defy, Kic Whirlpool, LG and Samsung.
Lugverkoeling toestelle waarin hulle spesialiseer is, Gree, LG, Samsung en TCL.
Om die laaste winter koue weg te dryf of
jouself voor te berei vir die somer wat op die
voorstoep is, skakel Martins Refrigaration
vandag nog. Gerrie: 072 300 2435 of Manie:
084 550 8555.
DIE toegewyde span van Martins Refrigeration wat nou oop is vir die beste diens in Tzaneen,
voor: Gradwell Rikhotso en Jeffrey Ngoveni. Agter: Brendan Lancaster, Gerrie Theron en
Emmanuel Mojela.
TWO of the eight lucky costumers from Jack’s Paint who recieved R500 gift vouchers. This was
part of their 11 years birthday celebrations. Ltr: Colin Steyn, Daryl Hope, manager and Etienne
Paint shop celebrates 11 years
THE management of Jack’s Paint is proud to
announce that they are celebrating 11 years in
bussiness with the loyal support of the community.
They started the bussiness in 1998 trading
under the name "All Home Comforts." The
bussiness then supplied home related products
ie: paint, blinds, window film and services
such as paint contracting and waterproofing.
In 2006, a franchise opportunity with the
Jack’s paint and hardware group crossed their
paths. They were taken out of there comfort
zone and located to new premises due to the
expansion of the business into the hardware
They saw a gap in the market for specialised
hardware products and expanded there range
accordingly. Jack’s Paint carry a wide variety of
brand names such as Bosch, Makita, Vermont,
Gedore etc.
There core business is still paint, and they are
suppliers of trusted brand names sush as Dulux, Plascon, Excelsior paints and the Jakc’s
house brand, Panache. Therefore making them
very competitive in pricing.
There services includes the supply and instalation of any type of blinds, roll-up canvas
awnings, waterproofing of roofs and paint
Jakc’s Paint strive to give there best in terms
of product and service to the community
because their clients deserve the best.
Watch the press for Jack’s Paint July red brush
International Day against Drug Abuse
INTERNATIONAL Day against Drug Abuse
and Drug Trafficking was celebrated on June
Pharmacists can frequently recognise when
patients are abusing medicines.
The South African National Council on
Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (Sanca), a
non-governmental organisation, asks pharmacists to be aware of the problem and to refer
patients for help when necessary.
The term "drug addict" often conveys the
image of a sleazy person, but the truth is many
Continued on P 16...
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Drug Abuse: Pharmacists can help
Continued from P 14...
prescription medication abusers or addicts are
middle-aged, middle-class women who obtain
their "drugs" from doctors and pharmacists.
"Sadly this type of abuse and dysfunction is
not always recognised as an addiction and
treated as such," says Cathy Vos of Sanca
Horizon Alcohol and Drug Centre.
Many users of prescription medication utilise
the drugs responsibly, however the abuse of
prescription medication is a major concern in
Certain prescription drugs, when abused,
can lead to dependence and possible addiction:
opioids used to treat pain;
central nervous system depressants used to
treat anxiety and sleep disorders;
stimulants prescribed to treat the sleep disorder narcolepsy, Attention Deficit Disorder
(ADD) and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
and obesity.
Vos explains these addiction don’t start out as
drug abuse. "It could begin with something
straightforward like back pain, headache or
anxiety. The patient finds relief in the medication, but due to the addictive nature of some
of these medications, the patient becomes an
addict over a period of time, especially when
there is an emotional need."
Studies have shown that women are more
likely to abuse prescription drugs than men,
with the impact of menopause or the empty
next syndrome often being the trigger.
However, substance abuse does not discriminate and anyone, at any age, can become
addicted to prescription medication, alcohol or
Drug abuse generally decreases as people get
older, however stress due to retirement, loneliness or the loss of a spouse, among other things,
can trigger substance abuse in older people.
The misuse of prescription medication and
alcohol together is common amongst the elderly.
Many elderly people perceive prescription
medication as safe as it is prescribed by a
doctor, causing it to be abused.
To deal with anxiety of sleeping problems,
women in particular take painkillers, sleeping
pills and anxiety medication.
Vos says as the patient’s tolerance towards
the medication increases, the dosages have to
increase to obtain the same effect and the
prescription doesn’t last for the prescribed
"Thus the manipulative behaviour of a "tablet
addict" begins.
"Ultimately another doctor is needed to get a
second script and another pharmacy to have it
filled. And so the double-life begins.
"Having an addiction is like having an extra-marital affair. The addict lies to family and
friends and steals time from loved ones to
devote to the substance of choice.
"The addicts can be compared as being ‘in
love’ with the substance and it is never completely out of one’s thoughts.
"Money that should be used for the family is
used to feed the addiction, which leads to
conflict in the family and damaged relationships."
People have become used to fixing problems
by popping a tablet or two, instead of sitting
back and relaxing for a few minutes.
Women are known to take something to dull
emotions that arise from everyday stress. Unfortunately this abuse in the long term leads to
anxiety, restlessness and depression - causing a
vicious cycle.
"Men on the other hand aren’t known to
acknowledge their emotions; they would
rather turn to alcohol and blame this abuse on
Adults however aren’t the only victims of
prescription medication abuse. Teachers often
recommend that children be placed on Ritalin
Children need to be monitored on this schedule six medication and should only be on the
drug for the period that is necessary, no
Sanca Horizon Alcohol and Drug Centre
offers various programmes for substance abuse
and can be contacted on 011 917 5015 to find
out about a suitable treatment programme, or
log onto for a treatment clinic in your area.
Alternatively contact Pieter Geldenhuys of
Tzaneen’s Substance Abuse Prevention Centre
on 015 307 3790 or 083 307 3790.
RICA can help with verification process
RICA applies to every customer who uses
cellular technology, be it for voice or data.
The RICA verification process is compulsory
to all subscribers (EXISTING AND NEW).
This applies to each network , namely: MTN,
Cell C and Vodacom.
Acceptable documentation to prove address
for SA Citizen for RICA is : Bank statement,
Rates and/or electricity account, Phone account, TV license, Insurance policy, Lease
agreement, New vehicle license agreement. It
is not required for non-SA citizens or refugees
to provide proof of address but they must
provide a physical address.
An open registration day will be held at:
Oasis Mall, Aqua Park, Tzaneen, Friday July 17
, from 10:00 to 17:00.
Or visit our MTN Branded store in Oasis Mall
THE magnificant six
from MTN await
your visit Friday in
the Oasis Mall to assist you with the
process. From front:
Wendy Hibbert, Erna
Coleman, Antoinette
Greyling, Adele du
Toit. Back: Landi
Kruger and Lily Siyachetema.
Tzaneen , reopening soon.
For any futher information or registration day
bookings, please contact: Erna Coleman,
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
Letaba Rotary Club opens
new clubhouse, award members
PAST President De Klerk Fourie opening the
new Letaba Rotary Club clubhouse at 2
Platina str, Tzaneen.
LETABA Rotary Club President, Ivan Falleyn,
presents Past President Bill Basson with an
award for 100% attendance during this
year's Letaba Rotary Club induction ceremony and opening of their new clubhouse.
THIS year's Swindle Winner of the Year was shared by two members of the Letaba Rotary Club.
Past President Bill Basson, left, and Rotarian Pieter van Heerden, right, was presented with this
award by Faan de Swart, centre, of the Tzaneen Rotary Club.
MAMELODI Sundowns supporters coordinator, Daniel "Mambush" Mudau, Dundee United
team owner, Nyambeni Tshifharo, Executive Mayor of Mopani, Joshua Matlou, SuperSport
United Public Relations Officer, Mazolman Skhosana, and Dynamos Manager, Moses Mavele,
admire the Charity Cup trophy during the official launch of the 2009 Mopani District Executive
Mayor’s Charity Cup at Nkowankowa Community Hall.
Two local teams in Charity Cup
TWO local teams will be taking on the
Premier Soccer League sides at the annual
Mopani District Executive Mayor’s Charity
Cup at Nkowankowa Stadium this Sunday.
In the first game of
this one-day tournament,
aimed at raising
money for charity organisations in the
district, Mamelodi
Sundowns will play
whilst Dynamos will
battle it out against
PSL champions and
the cup ‘s defending
champions, SuperSport United, in the
second game.
The winners will
smile all the way to
the bank with a R100
000 cheque, while
the other three teams
will each receive
R30 000 consolation
prize money.
The top goal scorer
and the player of the
tournament will take
home trophies.
Speaking during
the official launch of
this year’s Executive
Mayor’s Charity Cup
, the Executive Mayor of Mopani, Joshua
Matlou, said the
tournament plays an
important role in the
HIV\Aids. He said it
also affords the aspiring soccer stars an
opportunity to rub
shoulders with professional players and
to showcase their talents.
coach, Jacob "Cellular" Sakala, assured
the Executive Mayor
and the people of the
district that the trophy will remain in Mopani.
He promised that Ri khomeni ri nga peli, as
Dynamos are commonly known, will give the
PSL teams a run for their money.
PRESIDENT Ivan Falleyn, District Governor Albie van de Venter, and Past President De Klerk
Fourie of the Letaba Rotary Club enjoy their new clubhouse and induction ceremony held on
June 26.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
DANIE Groenewald enjoys the afternoon
with Anna Smith of Macadamia Frail Care.
The Warriors Rotaract Club spent last Wednesday afternoon pampering the elderly as
part of their hands-on community service.
NICK Maritz of Macadamia Frail Care with
Stéfan du Plessis of the Warriors Rotaract
Club. The Rotaractors treated the elderly to
tea, coffee, biscuits, massages and a listening
Warriors spoil
the elderly
STANDING on corners shaking cans for charity is all very well, but the Warriors Rotaractors decided that a more hands-on approach is
called for where the elderly is concerned.
The vibrant group decided to lighted the
mood a bit at Macadamia’s Frail Care unit last
They treated the elderly ladies and gents to
tea, coffee and cookies, and even surprised
them with hand and foot massages.
The afternoon was spent pampering the
Macadamians and listening to their stories of
days of yore.
But don’t think the Warriors Rotaract Club
has laid down their cans for good.
They will be raising money for Hospice
Tzaneen again, so look out for the Warriors
Rotaractors in the streets of Tzaneen and at
the Letaba Show.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
DAANTJIE Kat en die Padvark saam met
Antoinette Pienaar by die Minitzani-week.
DIE skolier patrollie het fietsryers in toom
gehou tydens die onlangse Minitzani-week.
Kinders geniet Minitzani-week weer eens
DIÉ gelukkige kinders het elkeen weggestap met ‘n fiets by die Minitzani-week, voor: Tshepo 8j
en Malebo 4j. Agter: Tivani 12j, Elana 11j, Samantha 13j en Carla 7j.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LITTLE Oaks Children’s Home at Alon was the recipient of dozens of blankets from a
combination of donators. Maggie Maluleke, PA to the First Lady of Limpopo, Daniel Kruger,
Vodacom network specialist, Tom Boya, Chairperson of the First Lady Trust, Qiniso Nyatha,
Vodacom Regional Manager of Marketing, Sylvie Delsouiller, CEO of Little Oaks Children’s
Home, Ouma Masenya (back), support staff at the First Lady Trust, Lizzy Madzinga, Deputy
CEO of Little Oaks Children’s Home, Makesh Ledwaba (back), and Joey Ntlatleng, DJ’s at
Capricorn FM.
Mafarana Circuit hosts Award Ceremony
PRINCIPALS were also honoured for their school's achievements. Mafarana Circuit Manager,
Tom Thobela, first place, Principal of Phangasasa High School, July Thiba, second place,
Principal of Professor Shilubane School, David Machimana, and third place, Principal of Scotch
Maboko School, Clark Mushwana, Pieter Human, Realty-1. Article and more photos on p
Little Oaks Children’s Home receives blankets, duvets
THE Little Oaks Children’s Home at Alon
overflowed with guests last Friday.
The home was the recipient of dozens of
blankets and duvets collected through a Capricorn FM initiative.
Last year, Capricorn FM decided to collect
blankets for needy children, and after great
success, the radio station decided to invite
other businesses and organisations to help
expand the project this year.
First National Bank, the Industrial Development Corporation, Bembani, Vodacom and
Limpopo’s First Lady Trust joined hands with
Capricorn FM, and after collecting thousands
of blankets, started distributing them
throughout Limpopo - just to children.
Beside visiting Alon, the entourage also
made their way to Lenyenye, where they
donated blankets to Children of the Dawn - a
children’s home and daycare centre, and to
Pharare, where they donated blankets to
Thusanang Community Centre.
Tom Boya, Chairperson of the First Lady
Trust, explained that children, such as those at
Little Oaks, didn’t choose to live the life they
do. Yet, they are South Africa’s future doctors,
nurses, and even radio DJ’s.
Therefore they thought it important to bring
warmth to the children.
He explained that poverty is partly to blame
for the circumstances these children find
themselves in, but that a lack of accountability
on the parents’ side is also very much to
Little Oaks Children’s Home houses orphans
and children who’s parents are unfit or unavailable to look after them, and educate them
at the schools on Alon.
The CEO of Little Oaks, Sylvie Delsouiller,
and her husband emigrated from France 20
years ago. They based themselves in Cape
Town and opened a surf shop.
Delsouiller explains how her family, now
three children richer, found religion and was
taken on a divine journey to where they are
today. Delsouiller said: "I received a dream of
opening an orphanage from the Lord".
They started building the children’s home
seven years ago, and accepted their first
children five years ago.
Children have come and gone, but recently
the home started expanding at an enormous
They currently have 18 children staying with
them, but so many more can be seen during
the day.
During the day, the home acts as crèche for
the children living on the farm. Nearing
school-going age, the children are prepared
for the experience grade one brings.
Delsouiller said they have a very good
relationship with social services - so much that
they have been asked to submit a proposal to
run an orphanage newly built in Burgersdorp.
She also said that they never ask for any
donations, but that "God always provides".
Little Oaks survives solely on donations they don’t receive any government grants.
Alon is also in the process of establishing an
in-patient hospice, and they hope to one day
establish the Call for Africa Foundation where
they are in a position to open more hospices
and children’s homes, and help others in the
Eventually they wish to assist and open
hospices and children’s homes in southern
For now, having received a truckload of
blankets was grace enough.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
SEVERAL pupils of the Mafarana Circuit received certificates at the Excellence Awards
for being the best Grade 4 learners of their
various schools. Front: Elvin Mabuza, Petros
Kgopa, Ehleketani Nghenavo and Rhulani
Machimana. Middle: Samuel Maluleke, Keletso Shai, Temoso Moseamedi, Vutlharhi
Mathebula and Julia Maponya. Back: Tridah
Mnisi, Risuna Masinge, Madabyana Nhluvuko
and Pieter Human, sales agent and Manager of
Reality-1, the main sponsor of the event.
THE overall top three matric performers in Mafarana Circuit as announced last week at the
Excellence Awards. Front: third best pupil Difference Nkhwashu, second best pupil Brian
Chabalala and overall best performer Ophelia Bvuma. Back: Reality-1 Manager and sales agent,
Pieter Human, Capitec Bank New Business Manager Limpopo, Vusi Mahayi and University of
Limpopo lecturer, Mack Matlabyana.
EDUCATORS were honoured for outstanding
results obtained during the March exams.
Their pupils obtained a 100% pass rate in
English 1st Additional Language. Diana
Ndzukula, Sekgotha Meriam, Dodfrey Rikhotso and Israel Makumbila. Photo right.
Circuit hosts Excellence Awards ceremony
MAFARANA Circuit outdid itself
when it hosted its first Excellence
Awards ceremony at Tivumbemi
College in Tzaneen last week.
The awards were awarded to
acknowledge the hard work of
both the pupils and their educators.
The main sponsor, Tzaneen
Reality-1 International Property
Group, sponsored the trophies for
the ceremony.
Both primary school and high
school pupils, who worked hard
last term, were gathered in one
hall to receive their earned
One matric pupil from Phangasasa High School said that, with the
help of their educators, the circuit
can achieve great results.
In order for the circuit to produce a
100% matric pass
rate at the end of the
year, Manager of Corporate
Prudence Msimeku,
said the pupils must
warned them to never
go to bed without
opening a book.
Phangasasa High
School was recognized for achieving a
70% matric pass rate
in the March exams.
They also came first
in the Overall Best
category. Principal of
School, July Thiba,
said the results were
hard work.
He said his pupils
put in extra time and
did not complain
when they were
asked to attend extra
classes. "My pupils
had to cut down on
their leisure time to
study. I'm glad to see
that hard work does
indeed pay off," he
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Clayton presteer
CLAYTON Wiggill het aan die
vierde been van die Quad MX
resies deelgeneem.
Dit het op 5 Julie by Capricorn
Racing Club in Polokwane
Clayton het al vier bene gewen
op sy 250cc Blaster in die Senior
Sportman klas.
Daar is nog 2 bene oor.
Na afloop van Clayton se resies
het Brian Baragwana, ‘n bekende
Quad MX reier en die top Pro450
deelnemer in Suid-Afrika, na hom
gekom, geluk gewens, en gesê as
Clayton so aanhou ry sal hy binnekort wees waar Baragwana nou
BRIAN Baragwana en Clayton Wiggill, twee ‘bikers’
van staal gemaak. Foto links.
CLAYTON Wiggill in aksie.
Air Force hosts golf day
ON September 5 the Officer Commanding of
Air Force Base Hoedspruit will be hosting their
golf day.
Anyone interested in sponsoring the event
can contact Warrant Officer Sarel Celliers on
(015) 799-2828.
SAAFA hosts golf day
ON July 18 the South African Air Force Association will be hosting a golf day at
Drakensig in Hoedspruit and entries need to be
received by 14 July.
Players are required to report at 08:00 on the
day and the event will start at 09:00.
The cost per person is R150.00 per person
and the format will be a four and two ball
Interested parties can contact Harry van
Staden on 015 799 2376 or Ronellé Miner on
082 974 6602.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 17 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 17 July 2009
Lé Club geniet
Tour de Drakensig
Mountain race now
a three-in-one event
THE Tzaneen Mnt2Mnt Road Cycle Race is
now 3 races in one, held over two days - July 24
and 25.
The Mnt2Mnt Challenge is a 108km National Classic (similar in status to the 94.7 and
the Argus) or a 34km Fun Ride to be held on
July 25.
The 108km sees cyclists cycle in one of 10
categories ranging from pro to tandem, and
now also includes special high school junior
and senior relay categories.
The action starts and ends in front of Highgrove Lodge and cyclists can enter at or collect an entry form
from Boulevard Cycles.
All entrants entering online will receive a
goodie box filled with great stuff.
All finishers will receive a special
hand-made "medal".
For more info contact Johann at 082 823
The Mini Mnt2Mnt Challenge is for
pre-school children and is held on July 24 in
the parking area of Ben Vorster's Vyfster Seun-
skoshuis (entrace across from Highgrove
This race sees kids compete in different
categories, racing each other on either a
kick-bike or pushing a baby pram.
Kids can enter at their school or daycare
All kids that compete will receive special
medal buttons, as well as a goodie bag.
For more info please contact Adele at 084
325 5804.
The Kids Mnt2Mnt Challenge is a primary
school race in different age groups racing on a
marked route between Highgrove and the new
Disaster Management Centre / Fire Brigade
This race will be held on Saturday, July 25,
starting directly after the 34km race.
Children will receive entries as soon as
schools open after the school holiday.
All kids that enter will receive special medal
buttons as well as a goodie bag.
For more info please contact Adele at 084
325 5804.
MARCELLl Scholtz oppad na sy 87 lopies.
LEDE van Lé Club het Saterdag by die Hoedspruit Wildsfees soos 'n oranje golf opgedaag
tydens die Tour de Drakensig Cycle Tour.
Ongeveer 70% van al die deelnemers was
lede van Lé Club.
Selfs meeste van die Lé Club lede se familielede het ook deelgeneem, selfs van die
kinders van net 6 jaar oud het die 10km
wedren gery en dit het uitgedraai as 'n heerlike
familie dag.
Lé Club wil vir Fielies & Lidwinia Niewoudt
bedank omdat hulle so vroeg hulle opwagting
gemaak het en baie geluk aan De Wet Weber
wat met sy amper 20jaar oue fiets die wedren
voltooi het. Lé Club wil ook graag vir Neels van
der Merwe bedank omdat hy vir die hele 50km
op sy fiets gebly het.
Lé Club wil ook graag weer van die lede wat
lank laas hul opwagting gemaak het uitnooi
om saam te kom ry.
Baie geluk aan Alan Gordon wat 2de plek
behaal het in die 50km wedren en Dorothy
Rood wat die 1ste vrou was wat die 50km
wedren voltooi het.
Lé Club wil graag op al die fietsryers van
Tzaneen se knoppies druk om saam te gaan ry
elke Saterdag oggend om 07:30 vanaf Ben
Vorster. Indien u meer inligting benodig, skakel
Piet Roode by 0824 570 570.
Groot gholfdag
MATOME Modiba teken 67 lopies aan.
BOET Pretorius Electrical CC is hosting a golf
The ‘4 Ball Alliance’ competition will be
held on July 25 on the LDCC golf club’s
This initiative was launched in order to raise
funds for the EG Church and Pam Africa
For further information or any inquiries
please contact Johan at 078 040 2753, or for
bookings call Brenda at (015) 305 3102.
Vossies vaar goed teen streekspan
BEN Vorster het die afgelope naweek kragte
gemeet teen ‘n O/17 Suidoos Gautengse
Streekspan onder leiding van die Southern
Suburbs se Krieketakademie, met afrigter Ernest Smith en baie goed gevaar.
Die kragmetings het op die Duiwelskloofse
Krieketovaal plaasgevind.
Vrydag is ‘n Pro20 gespeel wat Ben Vorster
met 7 paaltjies gewen het.
Dewald Joubert het met die bal uitgeblink en
4 paaltjies vir 20 lopies geneem.
Jannes Dry het 42 onoorwonne lopies aangeteken om sy span tot oorwinning te lei.
Saterdag is ‘n wedstryd oor 45 boulbeurte
Kaptein, Dewald Joubert van die Vossies het
die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf.
Met die hulp van Matome Modiba, 69
lopies, Marcell Scholtz met 58, John Viljoen
met 34 en met Dewald se 23 kon Ben Vorster
267 lopies vir die verlies van 8 paaltjies
aanteken. Na ete het die Vossies met alle erns
begin boul en veldwerk gedoen. Christo van
Zyl (O/14) neem 2 paaltjies vir 10 lopies met sy
draaiballe en is goed ondersteun deur Marcell
Scholtz met 2 paaltjies vir 17 lopies. Ben
Vorster wen oortuigend met ‘n 147 lopies.
Sondag is daar besluit om ‘n 30 boulbeurtwedstryd te speel en Ben Vorster kolf
weer eerste.
Hulle teken ‘n warrelwind 257 lopies aan in
hulle toegelate beurte.
Marcell Scholtz skitter weer eens met 87
lopies, Matome Modiba met 46 , Dewald
Joubert met 33, Louis du Preez met 23 nie uit
nie en Jannes Dry met 20 lopies.
Die Suid-Oos Gautengers kon slegs ‘n 129
lopies in hulle 30 boulbeurte aanteken. Marcell Scholtz neem 1 paaltjie vir 4 lopies en
Werner du Toit 1 vir 14. Ben Vorster tree as
wenners uit die stryd met ‘n reuse 129 lopies.