Geachte heer, Geachte mevrouw, Mevrouw Alexandra

Geachte heer, Geachte mevrouw, Mevrouw Alexandra Timmer verdedigt haar doctoraat in de rechten op vrijdag 07/02/2014 om 17.00u in de zaal Rector Vermeylen van Het Pand (Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent). U bent van harte welkom. Titel van het doctoraat: “Strengthening the Equality Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights: the Potential of the Concepts of Stereotyping and Vulnerability”. De promotor van het proefschrift is prof. dr. Eva Brems. Mevrouw Timmer licht haar doctoraat als volgt toe: “This thesis analyzes the legal reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights (‘ECtHR’). What drives the inquiry is the fact that there is a ugly gap between human rights rhetoric and human rights reality. In theory everyone enjoys the same rights, but in practice some are more equal than others. This thesis therefore investigates how the ECtHR can make its equality analysis more responsive to non‐dominant groups. Strengthening the equality analysis of the ECtHR is important, as the ECtHR provides guidance and inspiration to courts and human rights lawyers around the globe. The thesis introduces the concepts of ‘stereotyping’ and ‘vulnerability’ as novel analytical lenses through which to study the ECtHR jurisprudence. Both concepts are present in ECtHR case law, but both have so far escaped academic scrutiny. By reference to these concepts, the normative aim of this dissertation is to suggest ways in which the Court can develop a more transformative equality jurisprudence, which addresses the underlying structural causes of inequality and discrimination.” U verneemt meer op de openbare verdediging. Deze verloopt in het Engels. Met vriendelijke groet, Benny Vlerick Decanaat faculteit rechtsgeleerdheid Voldersstraat 3, 900 Gent +32 9 264 97 15 