Sweet boom! - Letaba Herald

Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
HOEDSPRUIT sugarcane could be fuelling the
country in a couple of years.
A prefeasibility study on a sugarcane-based
ethanol project was conducted by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) in
Plans for this project have been on the cards
for a long time, but this is the first active
movement towards it actualising.
According to Rian Coetzee, head of food,
beverage and agro industries for the IDC, the
VOLUME 38 NO. 26
project will cost more than R1 billion, which is
similar to the cost of the projects in Eastern
Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.
The ethanol industry has not taken off in
South Africa, due to the debate regarding
whether sugarcane or maize should be used.
In order to protect food supplies, the government decided two years ago to remove
maize from the crops to be used.
However, the sugar industry has been reluctant to invest until the government creates a
mandatory market, further delaying the process.
A bio-feuls policy document released by the
State in 2007 stated that their aim is to have a
two percent ethanol blend by 2013.
Coetzee said the government has the full
support of the IDC and Central Energy Fund in
developing the biofules industry.
He stated that they would like to link the
industry with the local communities and farmers, and train emerging black farmers.
The actual ethanol plant will not generate
many jobs, but agricultural activities will increase, securing more permanent jobs in the
targeted areas.
R3.00 incl.
Agent moontlik vervolg
Deur: Anita van Zyl
DIE Nasionale Vervolgings Gesag gaan beweerde ongerymdhede by ‘n eiendomsagent in
Hoedspruit ondersoek.
Die Herald het hierdie week inligting
ontvang dat Pieter Louw van Pieter Louw
Eiendomme ondersoek en moontlik vervolg
gaan word op ‘n aanklag van beweerde diefstal. Na bewering het ‘n kliënt wat eiendom by
hom wou koop R100 000 in sy rekening
inbetaal en R75 000 van die geld is later in trust
by AB Burger Prokureurs inbetaal, maar die
balans van R 25 000 is steeds soek. Dieselfde
persoon wat die inligting aan ons bekend
gemaak het, het ook van iemand anders
verneem dat die ‘ Estate Agency Affairs Board"
(EAAB) reeds ‘n vorige keer na bewering ‘n
voornemende koper moes vergoed vir geld wat
op dieselfde manier verdwyn het. Volgens die
bron is Louw kort daarna geskors uit die EEAB
en sy lisensie as eiendomsagent is opgeskort.
In reaksie het Pieter Louw gesê die bewerings
is totaal onwaar. Louw sê dat die koper slegs
R75 000 aan hom oorbetaal het. Kort nadat die
geld oorgeplaas is, het Louw die ontwikkeling
aan Green Acre Developers verkoop. Nie lank
nadat Green Acre Developers oorgeneem het
nie, is daar egter ‘n grondeis hangend gemaak
en die kurators het beveel dat alle gelde wat tot
op daardie stadium ontvang is onmiddellik na
‘n trust rekening van ‘n prokureur in die dorp
oorgeplaas moet word.
Volgens Louw is die grondeis kwessie nog
nie opgelos nie en die geld mag nie aan die
koper teruggegee word voordat dit finaal afgehandel is nie.
Louw ontken dat die EEAB in enige stadium
‘n koper moes vergoed vir geld wat weg geraak
Hy ontken ook dat hy uit die raad geskors is
en sy lisensie opgeskort is. Hy beweer die
besigheid is verkoop sodat hy kon aftree.
Spring dood nèt vry
Deur: Bertus de Bruyn.
‘n PLAASLIKE inwoner het die dood wonderbaarlik vrygespring nadat ’n lokomotief met
sy bakkie gebots het.
Johan van der Westhuizen het Saterdag om
omstreeks 18:00 van sy woning op Yamorna
gery om koeldrank te gaan koop.
Van der Westhuizen vertel dat hy teen die
bultjie afgery het en gestop het. Daar is ‘n wal
en boomstomp wat uitsig belemmer. Hy het
links gekyk waar die treinspoor ‘n skerp draai
maak asook regs, maar geen trein gewaar nie.
Hy vertel toe hy halfpad oor die spoor is was
die lokomotief op hom. Hy het vinnig probeer
oor ry. Die trein het in sy momentum die bakkie
aan die linker kant getref en die bakkie van die
spoor gegooi. Volgens Van der Westhuizen
moes die lokomotief baie vinnig gery het, "Dit
was so vinnig op my", vertel hy.
Volgens hom en ooggetuies het die lokomotief nie waarskuwings fluite geblaas toe dit
die kruising nader nie.
Sy seun sou aanvanklik saam gery het maar
het op die nippertjie besluit om nie saam te
gaan nie.
Indien daar ‘n passasier saam met hom was
kon dit baie hartseer vir ‘n familie beteken
Verskeie mense kan bevestig dat die trein nie
gefluit het nie.
Hy is nie ernstig beseer nie, maar vertel dat sy
lyf baie seer is en dat hy orals pyn ervaar.
"As so iets met mens gebeur dan besef mens
daar is iemand wat ‘n oog oor jou hou," was
nog ‘n erg geskokte Van der Westhuizen se
Na verneem word is dit die derde botsing by
dié treinkruising op Yamorna.
KATRYN Barwise with one of the rhino calves at the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation
Centre. More on p 4.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Prepare for fire
THE fire season is once again on our doorstep.
The Letaba Fire Protection Association
(LFPA) is appealing to all landowners and
people living on agricultural ground to get
their firebreaks in place before July 31.
"Let us not have a repetition of last fire
season, where small fires developed into raging infernos."
The Letaba Fire Protection Association is
also appealing to every member of the community not to throw cigarette butts out of their
vehicle while travelling, and should they see a
fire, to please report it to their closest Fire
Brigade or the LFPA Ops room.
Remember, it takes one irresponsible person
to start a fire but one HUNDRED fire fighters to
kill it. Please do not make fires alongside roads
and don't burn garden rubbish during the fire
Should you feel like a braai, make your fire in
a designated area and make sure it is completely dead before leaving the site.
The Emergency number for Mopani Fire
Brigade is (015) 307 5555 or 112 from any
The Letaba Fire Protection Association number is (015) 309 9504/5 or 076 844 1646 (after
Berei nou voor
DIE brand seisoen is weer eens met ons. Die
Letaba Fire Protection Association versoek alle
grond eienaars en mense wat op landbou
grond woon om hulle brandbane in plek te kry
voor 31 Julie 2009.
Sodat ons nie ‘n herhaling kry soos verlede
jaar waar klein vuurtjies in brandende infernos
ontaard het nie.
Die Letaba Fire Protection Association versoek ook die publiek om nie hulle sigaret
stompies rond te gooi nie. Hulle vra ook dat as
enigiemand 'n veld/plantasie/boord brand sien, dat hul dit aan die naaste brandweer stasie
of aan die LFPA Ops kamer sal deurgee.
Onthou dit neem een dwaas om ‘n
veld/plantasie/boord brand te begin, maar ‘n
HONDERD vuurvegters om dit te blus. Moet
asseblief nie vure langs paaie maak nie en ook
nie tuinvullis gedurende die tyd aansteek nie.
Sou u besluit om 'n braai te hou, hou dit in
'n veilige braai omgewing, maak seker dat die
vuur heeltemal dood is voordat jy vertrek.
Die noodnommers vir Mopani Brandweer is:
(015) 307 5555 of 112 van enige foon af.
Die LFPA nommers is: (015) 309 9504/5 of
076 844 1646 (na ure.)
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
Villagers fight crime
with cunning plan
When an increasing number of people were
raped and robbed at gunpoint while using a
rural road, angry villagers in Greater Tzaneen
picked up pangas and sickles and cut down the
bushes where criminals lie in wait for their
Residents of Muhlava and Sasekani villages
have spent the past six weeks clearing away
shrubs and tall grasses along the D3764 road,
which is known as the Jacob Zuma Highway.
The 2,5 km stretch of tarred road leads to
Muhlava village, and its construction started a
few months after the then Deputy President,
Jacob Zuma, promised to build it while visiting
the area - hence the nickname.
"Since we embarked on the bush-clearing
project, we have seen a reduction in the
number of attacks on the road," said local
Ward Councillor Lydia Mhlongo.
She said the bush-clearing project was decided upon at a community meeting, which
was convened to come up with ways of
fighting crime in the area. A committee of six
villagers was elected to coordinate the
bush-clearing project.
Every family in Muhlava and Sasekani is
expected to take part in the bush-clearing
project. The two villages are home to some 10
000 families.
Mhlongo said most of the trees and shrubs
that have been cut down are invader alien
plants, which have been declared undesirable
in South Africa.
"When we finish clearing the road, we will
take the project to the streets, cemeteries,
churches and local schools. We want to make
sure that criminals have no place to hide," she
"I support the project because we are not
taking the law into our own hands. Instead, we
are making it difficult for criminals to do their
evil deeds," said local villager, Amos
Illegal electricity
could be deadly
Vandalised electricity meters and jumbled
wires have the potential to be deadly and the
most likely victims are children.
Eskom ‘s Distribution Manager, Moniwa
Mahlangu, warned that electricity meters and
mini boxes which are vandalised and house
jumbled electric wiring snaking across grass,
dusty roads and public areas, could kill,
especially children.
“To many children the sight of colourful
wires lying unattended on the ground is an
invitation to touch and pick it up. It may even
encourage the more curious to take some
home to braid into an attractive toy.
"This is when tragedies occur. When the
wires are touched, electricity surges through
and a child may pay for his or her curiosity
with horrific burns and even death,” warned
He said additional hazards are caused by
the weather.
"After rain, water lies in puddles, wetting
wires and making areas ‘live’. Innocently
placing a foot in a puddle to make a nice
splash could spell the end of a young life," he
He said children should be taught that
under no circumstances should they go near a
broken meter or mini boxes, let alone pick up
or touch wires they see lying on pavements or
on the side of roads.
Walking in these areas should be undertaken cautiously, especially when there is
water lying around after rain.
He urged parents to teach children to ignore
the temptation posed by these wires, and to
immediately report them to adults or Eskom
"Children should be warned not to play or
climb on meters or mini boxes. They must also
be warned not to climb over walls or fences to
enter Eskom installations. The areas may look
exciting and inviting, but to those who do not
understand electricity they could be fatal," he
Moniwa said Eskom has a dedicated number citizens can phone to report any unsafe
conditions in their areas of residence. "Reporting them is not betraying neighbours. It is
an action that could save lives. All whistle
blowers will remain anonymous," he said.
He further said Eskom is committed to
continuously raising awareness among communities on the need to use electricity legally
and safely.
He added that those who steal electricity
through illegal connections place other
people’s lives in danger.
People noticing potential unsafe conditions, or illegal acts with Eskom installations
or equipment, should take action to ensure a
safe environment.
The first step is to contact Eskom on 0860
037 566 to report these incidents.
For more information on dangers associated
with electricity, send Esckom an email on
Obed Mageza and Amos Mashele clear away the thorn trees in their street as part of a
crime-fighting project.
Visit the Holistic Fair
THE Silvermist Holistic and
Health Fair will be held in the
Village Hall in Haenertsburg this
There will be practitioners and
products such as reflexology,
reiki, massage, cheirology, essential oils, crystal massage, angle
card readings, home made lotions
and potions, numerology, iridology, books, crystals, physic art
work, herbalism, Indian head
massage to name a few.
And for those who would like to
take this one step further the food
fundies will explain to you the
benefits of healthy and holistic
There will be a herbal tea garden
with uplifting herb teas and scones,
healthy snacks, soups, pancakes,
curry and rice, tea coffee and hot
Linda San will tell you more
about vegan and vegetarian cooking. Come and visit the fair for a
lovely warm winters' treat.
For more information you can
contact Megan: 082 479 7285
Courses help to heal
LIFE can really suck! So much is
thrown at you – both good and
What are you going to do with
it? Are you going to make lemonade when lemons are thrown
your way? Are you going to get up
and start again?
Brilliant courses are offered at
the Family Transformation Centre
to train you, motivate you, direct
you, encourage you, bring healing
to you, be of support to you. All in
all, we would love to help you
make lemonade out of your life,
no matter what is thrown your
Courses being held during term
3 are:
DivorceCare – starting July 21.
DivorceCare for Kids – starting
July 28.
Anointed Marriage – starting July 30.
Financial Course – August 9.
Positioned for Blessing – starting
September 2.
Booking is essential. Please
phone to book and confirm dates,
at 015 307 2527 OR 083 4499
SPCA: Annual General Meeting
THE annual general meeting of
Letaba SPCA will be held on July
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
22 at 18:00 at the Lions den (Jetty
3). All welcome.
Win big!
Enter for Miss
Letaba Show
THIS year the Miss Letaba Show 1st Prize is
R2000 Cash plus gift packs and Vouchers.
The Crowns are imported from Hong Kong!
The organizers are planning stunning activities
for this year’s pageant. Finalists will be chosen
after an interview on Friday July 17.
The finalists for Miss Letaba Show 2009 as
well as the Miss Letaba Show Teens will receive
a workshop 3 weeks before the competition on
the weekend of the interview at Lavenir Manor
Guest House.
The Workshop will provide basic training to
prepare the finalists for the Pageant. All finalists
will have to attend this, so keep this date
available. (Seniors only) A number of topics
will be covered: Manners and etiquette, ramp
skills and walking, dressing correctly, the interview and public speaking, importance of
image as well as first impressions, how to
introduce yourself, health care and fitness,
posture and style, make-up and hair.
There will be stylish designer dresses, by
Mengouchi Haute Couture, for the Miss Letaba
how finalists to wear on the night of the
The Miss Letaba Show (18-24) & Teen’s
(16-17) :18:00 Friday August 7. The Miss
Letaba Show Juniors ages 3-15 : 14:00
Thursday 6 August ‘09. The main sponsor this
year is Avuxeni Computer Academy. Entry
forms are available at the Letaba Show Office.
For more information, Contact the Pageant
Director: Katryn Barwise 078 371 0909. Closing Date Seniors – July 17. Juniors, August 3 .
MARINDA Thomas van Fairview Lodge, Pieter Kotzé en sy vrou, IngeMarí.
Pieter verower harte
PIETER Kotzé het verlede Vrydagaand menigte harte verower
met sy 'Vensters'-konsert.
Van die oomblik wat hy op die
verhoog gestap het met 'The Yellow Rose of Texas', geweer oor
die skouer, het die gehoor vasgenael bly sit. Daarna het hy die
temperature bietjie laat opvlam
toe hy 'I'm too sexy' van Right
Said Fred gesing het.
Die aand het die beste liedjies
van 1950 tot 2009 laat herleef.
Die koue winteraand is verder
opgewarm met 'n heerlike
kuier-ondermekaar-atmosfeer wat
tot die aand se sukses bygedra
Daar was ongeveer 250 gaste.
Die CD-verkope was ook 'n reuse
Aan die einde van die aand, met
die gehoor op hul voete met treffers soos 'Die Bloubul', 'Af en
Af' en 'Mengelmoeskardoes',
het almal geweet Tzaneen is
honger vir kunstenaars soos Pieter
Die aand is op 'n hoogtepunt
afgesluit met sy vertolking van
'Jerusalem'. Vir meer inligting
oor Pieter se doen en late en
kontakbesonderhede, gaan besoek gerus sy webwerf by
Beauty and the beasts
MISS Limpopo Teen, Katryn Barwise, visited
Moholoholo Wildlife Rehab Centre recently.
She is a committed fundraiser for the centre
and went on a visit to get first hand experience
of the work being done there.
She had personal contact with the two
adorable lion cubs , Telo and Duma and the
two White Rhino calves, Satara and Skukuza.
The cubs were only a few hours old when
they arrived at the centre and needed special
care to survive.
They are both male and weigh 67 and 66 kg
respectively. The little cubs are 9 months old.
The two rhinos were named after the camps
in the KNP that they came from. Natalie, their
caretaker, said that she stayed in the nursery
with them during those first few days after they
The milk that they drink is low in fat and high
in sugar and at this moment they consume
about 15 liters of milk each (during a single
feeding) and weigh 300kg.
The two rhinos eat grass as well and are also
both male and 9 months old.
Katryn wants to raise a large sum of money
for the centre, which will be handed over on
July 7 during the Miss Limpopo Roadshow’s
visit to the centre.
All money donated will be used to care for
these animals. (The costs at this stage to raise
the rhino’s ads up to roughly R20 000)
If you would like to donate please contact
Katryn per e mail at: butterfly@katryn.co.za or
cell no: 078 371 0909
Alternatively one can deposit money directly into a bank account that was opened for
this purpose (please just add your name as
reference) :
62228774718. Photo on P 1...
Laerskool vier vrouedag met noenmaal
VROUEDAG is om die draai, en ‘n beter
manier om dit te vier is om Laerskool Tzaneen
se vrouedag funksie by te woon.
Dié laerskool bied vanjaar weer ‘n noenmaal
funksie aan.
Dit sal op 8 Augustus plaasvind en
skop af om 09:00.
Mari Weber sal as
die vertoning "Tant
Bossie" optree.
Kaartjies sal R100
Alle fondse is ten
bate van die skool se
Daar is ook groot
pryse te wen.
Vir meer inligting
skakel Marinda Ceronio: 082 651 6211.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
Stem vir stop
DIE aansluiting van die Deerparkpad by die
Tzaneen/Gravelottepad hou reeds vir baie jare
groot gevaar vir motoriste en voetgangers in en
heelwat ongelukke het reeds daar plaasgevind.
Die twee paaie dra veral baie verkeer gedurende spitstye - vanaf 06:30 tot 08:00 in die
oggende en weer vanaf 17:00.
Motoriste wat van Deerpark se kant wil
aansluit op die Gravelottepad het gedurende
dié tye baie probleme. Daar is ook ‘n blinde
hoek vir aankomende verkeer vanaf Tzaneen
se kant.
Skoolkinders kruis die pad op ‘n gereelde
basis, aangesien daar ‘n skool daar naby is.
Alhoewel daar gedurende spitstye puntdiens is, voel padgebruikers dat daar eerder ‘n
drierigting stop of ‘n drierigting verkeerslig
aangebring behoort te word.
Om dit te kan vermag, moet soveel moontlik
padgebruikers wat ten gunste daarvan is, hulle
besonderhede aan die Nasionale Padadministrasie rig.
Vul die vorm langsaan in en lewer dit by die
kantoor van Letaba Herald in Boundaryweg
32 af.
Vote for stop
THE Deerpark junction connecting to the
Tzaneen/Gravelotte road has proved very hazardous to motorists and pedestrians, with
several accidents recorded.
The two roads carry much traffic, especially
during peak times - from 06:30 to 08:00 in the
mornings, and again from 17:00 in the evenings.
Motorists wanting to get onto the Gravelotte
road experience much difficulty during these
times. There is also a blind corner for oncoming traffic coming from Tzaneen’s side.
There is a school situated close to the
junction, and school children cross the road
on a regular basis.
Although points men are allocated during
peak traffic, road users feel that a three-way
stop or a three-way robot should be brought in
to optimise traffic flow at the junction and
ensure the safety of all road users.
To have one of these suggestions implemented, all road users in agreement have to
send their details to the National Roads Administration.
Complete the opposite form and deliver it to
the Letaba Herald offices at 32 Boundary
SANparks amends
booking procedure
SANPARKS is aware
that its busy holiday
period next year will
fall during the FIFA
2010 Soccer World
Cup taking place in
South Africa from 11
June to 11 July
To facilitate a
smooth booking process across all SANParks accommodation facilities during
this period, the South
Parks is now offering
customers a chance
to book accommodation in all its National Parks including Kruger National
Park for June and July
2010 from 1st July
The opening of reservations for two
months at a time will be a once off
strategy for this period and reservations for August 2010 and
onwards will revert back to the
usual 11 months in advance and
one month at a time.
“With this arrangement we intend to ensure that our valued
clients will still be able to enjoy
their mid-year holiday at the national park of their choice with
minimal complication due to the
World Cup fever that is soon to
grip the nation,” said Glenn Phillips, Managing Executive of Tourism and Marketing at SANParks.
Booking for this period can be
made through SANParks Central
Reservations at (012) 428 9111 or
your travel agent.
People who are unable to secure accommodation for June
and July 2010 on July 1 2009 are
encouraged to phone again during the first week of August 2009
for assistance.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Skenk hier bloed
DIE Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale
Bloeddiens streef daarna om aan
die hoogste standaarde nasionaal
en internasionaal te voldoen.
Die rede daarvoor is om te
verseker dat pasiënte kwaliteit
bloed en bloedprodukte ontvang
en dat bloedskenkers se gesondheid nie benadeel word nie.
As gevolg hiervan en opleiding
wat die personeel benodig is die
gesluit wees vanaf 1 Junie 2009 tot
1 September 2009.
Die mobiele klinieke wat
geskeduleer is vir die tydperk sal
egter voortgaan.
Hieronder is 'n lys van waar
klinieke plaasvind gedurende Julie 2009. Ons vra vir u ondersteuning gedurende die tydperk
deur bloed te skenk by die
Donderdag 2 Julie 09 D'Archy
& Herrmann 10h00-12h00.
Maandag 6 Julie 09 Gereformeerde Kerk 12h00-19h00.
Vrydag 10 Julie 09 Tzaneen Munisipaliteit 11h00-15h00.
Maandag 13 Julie 09 Duiwelskloof NG Kerk 16h00-18h30.
Donderdag 16 Julie 09 ZZ2
Maandag 20 Julie 09 Letsitele
Donderdag 23 Julie 09 Tenby en
Vrydag 24 Julie 09 Oasis Mall
Maandag 27 Julie 09 Maake
College 12h00-14h00.
Donderdag 30 Julie 09 Letaba
Belting 09h00-12h00.
Vrydag 31 Julie 09 Tzaneng
Mall 10h00-15h00
Saterdag 1 Aug 09 Tzaneng
Mall 10h00-14h00.
Die Bloeddiens vra verskoning
vir enige ongerief. Vir enige navrae het in verband met die mobiele klinieke kan u dit rig aan die
volgende mense: Anna - Mari
Grobler (Hoof van Insamelings) of
Dottie Pinn (Openbare Betrekkinge)
by (015) 297 3636.
who celebrated her birthday on
June 29.
Congratulations to the teachers
of Merensky High School who
celebrated their birthdays these
past two weeks: Sipho Monayi June 26; Jacques Vosloo and Juanita Venter - June 27; Sakkie Meyer
- June 29.
Baie geluk aan die lede van die
Sakekamer wat hul verjaardae in
Junie gevier het: Tarryn Buyst - 5
Junie; Lana Muller - 6 Junie; Iris
Thornhill - 11 Junie; S Scheepers 13 Junie; Allen Janke - 15 Junie;
Marco Lottering - 16 Junie; Paul
du Toit - 18 Junie; Drinette Dietrichsen - 20 Junie; René van
Aswegen - 21 Junie; Marisca Mynhardt - 27 Junie.
Mabapa of Stanford Lake College
Baie geluk aan Piet Swart, hoof
van Hoërskool Ben Vorster, wat sy
verjaardag op 30 Junie gevier het,
en Gretchen Brett van Ben Vorster
wat haar verjaardag op 2 Julie
Baie geluk aan Corné Kloppers
van die Sakekamer wat sy verjaardag op 1 Julie gevier het.
Winners of the bridge competition played on June 22 were Gillian Stroewe and Marie Liversage.
Second were Arthur Cowgill and
Jane Rochester.
Winners of the bridge competition played at Coach House on
June 25 were Jane Rochester and
Jane Matthews. Second were Joan
Park and Lee Weibel. Hint: The
opposition bid spades twice, you
and partner bid the other suits. If
you have Qxx of spades, a bid of 3
spades asks partner to bid 3 NT if
she has a stopper in
that suit.
NATI du Plessis stel binnekort sy CD, Suikerbek hier bekend. By hom is sy dogter, Carla.
Nati sing vir
‘n PLAASLIKE kunstenaar, Nati du Plesiis wat
onlangs sy CD, Suikerbek op ‘n bekende Suid
Afrikaanse TV program bekend gestel het, gaan
binnekort hier optree om dit ook aan Tzaneeners bekend te stel.
Letaba Herald het ‘n paar weke gelede oor
hom berig.
Sy dogtertjie is met diabetes gediagnoseer en
die gesin het baie mediese uitgawes.
Fondse wat met sy optredes en CD ingesamel word gaan aan ‘n diabetesfonds vir
Nati tree op 31 Julie in skousaal B op. Die
vertoning begin om 19:00.
Daar sal ‘n kontantkroeg besikbaar wees en
boereworsrolletjies sal te koop wees asook ‘n
groot vuur vir atmosfeer.
Kaartjies is by Audio Corporation en by die
skoukantoor beskikbaar.
Nati het al die liedjies op die CD self geskryf
en daar is ook ‘n spesiale liedjie vir Tzaneen.
Skakel Nati by 073 444 3386 of Corné by
083 635 1842 vir enige navrae.
Dis weer tyd vir die
jaarlikse Piesangfees
DIT is weer Piesang Fees tyd!
Die fees skop op 11 September
af met die Piesang Vastrap in
Skousaal B.
Skakel nou al vir Rose op 082
411 0597 of Melody op 084 627
0956 om seker te maak van ‘n
Die Saterdag word daar lekker
fees gehou op Laerskool
Tzaneenl se rugbyveld.
Die Gladiator spanne is die
hoogtepunt van die Fees en die
organiseerders nooi besighede
en skole om nou al hulle spanne
bymekaar te maak en in te
Inskrywings kan gedoen word
by Moeder Gemeente Kerk kantoor en die tarief is R200 vir
besighede en R100 vir ‘n
Daar is groot pryse vir die
wenners van elke kategorie.
Die jong dames kan weer
meeding vir die Kroon! Daar is
heelwat verrassings!
Maak seker om die datum aan
te teken en gaan geniet die Fees
met al sy lekkertes.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
Campbells sing by vanjaar se Skou
KARLIEN Gerber tree Sondag by The Red
Plate op.
Karlien tree op
DIE befaamde saksofoonspeler, Karlien Gerber tree Sondag by die Red Plate in Haenertsburg op.
Sy sal gaste tussen 12:00 en 14:00 vermaak terwyl hulle rustig aan ‘n verskeidenheid geregte smul.
Karlien is geen onbekende nie. Sy is ‘n
graad 12-leerling aan Hoërskool Merensky
en tree gereeld by funksies op.
Skakel Ilse by 083 554 3714 vir navrae.
Letsitele Biblioteek
hou storie-uur
LETSITELE Biblioteek het op 1 Augustus tydens
die Kaskarwedren ‘n stalletjie op Eiland.
Hulle gaan ‘n storie-uur en ander aktiwiteite
vir kinders aanbied.
Daar gaan kerse gemaak word, borde geverf
word en selfs "sand blasting" (sandspuiting)
gedoen word.
Boeke sal ook te koop aangebied word.
Help DBV
DIE DBV se databasis het baie name van
vorige lede op. Ongelukkig is die adresse en telefoon
nommers nie almal
korrek of relevant
Ons moet dringend die rekords op
datum bring. Alle
lede, oud en nuut, is
waarde vir die voortbestaan van ons vereniging. Ek doen dus
‘n beroep op u om
my dringend te skakel voor die einde
van Junie 2009.
Carol Spaans: 083
940 2531 of 015 307
HESTER Burger (Richards) wil graag die
volgende reunie onder die 1979 matrieks se aandag
bring: Reünie vir
1979 matrieks van
Merensky Hoërskool
beplan vir 3 Oktober
2009. Skakel Hester
DIE Campbells gaan die Letaba Skou besoekers vanjaar laat baljaar!
Die Campbells staan bekend as van die
suksesvolste kunstenaars wanneer dit by gesins vermaak kom, ouers en kinders geniet hulle
Hulle het al in die meeste dorpe en stede in
Suid-Afrika opgetree, en so doende duisende
mense vermaak, in die proses het hulle geleer
wat die beste werk om ‘n sukselvolle fondsinsameling projek te reël.
Hulle lewendige vertoning en ritmiese musiek belowe om julle te vermaak soos nog
nooit tevore nie. Die twee broers Harry en
Tony Campbell maak van kleins af al musiek
en is gesoute musikante.
Die Campbells het alreeds ‘n hele paar
Platinum CD toekenings en drie ‘n top verkoper DVD’s onder die belt. Die Campbells
vergelyk nie net met die beste in ons land nie,
maar ook met die beste in die wêreld.
Die Campbells se eerste CD, getiteld
"You're My Mate" was opgeneem en vrygestel
op 27 September 2001. Dit is 'n samestelling
van country, rock en moderne popmusiek. Die
terugvoering was baie positief en skaars 'n
jaar later het Die Campbells se trefferalbum,
"Rooi Rok Bokkie" die lig gesien en “the rest is
history”. In 2003 stel hulle nog 'n trefferalbum, “Jy's die Girl” bekend, en nes sy
voorganger, Rooi Rok Bokkie, het dit ook
platinum status bereik. In 2004 het Die Campbells egter weereens nie teleurgestel nie, en
kort voor Kersfees was die dubbel album, ‘n
sokkie CD en ‘n Country CD. “Daar's Iets
Innie Die Water”, vrygestel. Platinum status is
Kortnuus/News in brief
FOUND: Antique looking silver neklace
was left at Woolworths Coffee Shop.
Please contact Woolworths: (015) 307
1430 if this neklace belongs to you.
HET jy dalk jou bestuurslisensie verloor?
CF du Toit skakel Marinda Ceronio om jou
lisensie op te eis: 082 651 6211 of (015) 307
LETABA DBV se algemene jaarvergadering
vind op 22 Julie plaas.
Dit begin om 18:00 by Lions Den op Jetty
Almal is welkom om dit by te woon.
In Julie 2005 is hulle DVD “21 Treffers Live”
lewendig opgeneem en dit het onmiddelik een
van die land se gewildste musiek DVD’s
geword. Vat my vas is in Maart 2006 vrygestel
en is absoluut uitstekend met onder andere 10
nuwe Afrikaanse liedjies. Daar is ook ‘n duet
op “Styf vas” saam met Juanita du Plessis.
Platinum status is bereik. Klein bietjie liefde is
in Augustus 2007 vrygestel, dit is weer ‘n
dubbel album met 34 liedjies waarvan 17
nude Afrikaanse treffers is. Platinum status is
Hulle het 30 gunsteling liedjies op ‘n 30
Goue Sokkie Treffers cd vrygestel in 2008 op
publieke aanvraag. Die Campbells Doen dit
Live DVD was in Mei 2008 vrygestel. Hulle
tree saam met ‘n orkes op en Harry Campbell
snr. maak sy verskyning as gaskunstenaar.
Die beligting en klank is op internasionale
standard. Dit oortref alle verwagtinge.
Die heel nuutste in die mark, April 2009. Is
die Keep it Country cd met 41 gewilde country
liedjies, waarvan 21 van die liedjies op die
Keep it Country DVD met ‘n lewendige orkes
opgeneem is. Die CD het reeds Goue status
bereik en die DVD doen ook goed.
Die Campbells tree Donderdagaand 6 Augustus op by die Letaba Skou. Maak seker dat
julle daar is om hierdie lekker opskop groep te
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Eisteddfod skop die maand af
TZANEEN Eisteddfod skop vanjaar op
27 Julie af.
Besighede word vanjaar genader om
‘n wisseltrofee met die besigheid se
naam op, asook ‘n prestasie toekenning te borg. Dit sal as aansporing vir
jong plaaslike talent dien. Die trofeë
sal dan tydens die gala-aand deur die
sakelui aan wenners van verskillende
afdelings oorhandig word.
Vir professionele beoordeling en ‘n
regverdige kans het die kunsafdeling
‘n nuwe blaadjie omgeslaan. Vanjaar
neem kunstenaars, soos by stedelike
Eisteddfods, in ‘n aangewysde lokaal
deel. Kunstenaars gaan hulle eie medium saamneem en binne ‘n ont-
spanne atmosfeer hulle kunswerk
binne ‘n gegewe tyd voltooi.
Die kunssillabus en inskrywingsvorms sal teen 3 Augustus by plaaslike
skole beskikbaar wees.
Die dansafdeling word elke tweede
jaar aangebied en kry dus weer volgende jaar ‘n beurt.
Leerders van Graad R tot 12 word
genooi om aan die Tzaneen Eisteddfod
deel te neem. Inskrywingsvorms en die
sillabus vir Afrikaans is reeds by plaaslike hoërskole, laerskole en kleuterskole beskikbaar.
Ander afdelings se inskrywingsvorms en sillabusse sal ongeveer ses
weke voor die betrokke afdeling plaasvind, by skole beskikbaar wees.
Dinamus reik uit
DINAMUS se gemeentelede het onlangs aan die DBV kos aan die diereweeskinders" geskenk. As deel van hulle gemeenskaps uitreikings program het
hulle vanaf die SAVF se kantoor tot by die DBV, ongeveer 2,7 km gestap.
Privaat skole en omliggende dorpe
se skole word genooi om deel te neem.
Skakel die betrokke sameroeper vir
Voltooide inskrywingsvorms kan by
Eileen Joubert by Laerskool Tzaneen
se administratiewe kantoor ingehandig word.
Afdelings vind soos volg plaas:
Afrikaans: 27 tot 30 Julie. Graad R 0 in die saal van SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool. Gr 1 tot gr 12 in die saal van
Hoërskool Merensky. Sluitingsdatum:
23 Junie. Sameroeper: Annelie Dreyer
- 083 585 5490.
Engels: 21 en 22 Augustus. Gr R - 12
in die saal van Hoërskool Merensky.
Sluitingsdatum: 23 Julie. Sameroeper:
Andrika Nagel - 083 452 3183.
Musiek, vokaal: 16 Oktober by The
Barnyard, Stanford Lake College. Sluitingsdatum: 16 September. Sameroeper: Eileen Joubert - 083 400 4545.
Musiek, instrumentaal: 17 Oktober
in die saal van Hoërskool Merensky.
Sluitingsdatum: 16 September. Sameroeper: Eileen Joubert - 083 400
Kuns: 4 en 5 September. Gr R in die
saal van die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool. Gr 1 tot 12 in die saal van
Hoërskool Merensky. Sluitingsdatum:
12 Aug. Sameroeper: Annelie Dreyer 083 585 5490.
Tzaneen Eisteddfod is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat deur
vrywilligers bedryf word. Om te
verseker dat die fondse korrek bestuur
word, het die nuut verkose komitee ‘n
artikel 21 maatskappy registreer.
‘n Tzaneen Eisteddfod rekening is
geopen en sal jaarliks geouditeer
DIE Bundu Bling fees se twee
gelukbringers, Domino en
Hou Augustus oop vir
die Bundu Bling fees
DOMINO is getroud met Annabelle en net soos die paartjie hulle
eersteling verwag, is daar groot
afwagting op vanjaar se Bundu
Bling fees in Hoedspruit.
Baie uitstallers, kosstalletjies, ‘n
wyntuin en biertent met groot tv
skerms vir die Curriebeker rugby
wedstryde kan te wagte wees.
Toegangsgelde sal R100 per volwassene beloop en R50 vir
kinders o/12. Toegansgelde sal
toeskouers instaat stel om al die
kunstenaars te sien optree.
Vanjaar se Bundu Bling fees
word van 27-30 Augustus aangebied by Agri Park in Hoedspruit.
Die openings aand sal op 27
Augustus by Swadini plaasvind
met die tema "Poetic Decadence".
Chris Cameleon sal as gaskunstenaar hier optree. Kaartjies beloop R350 p.p en sluit ‘n driegang
maal in.
Vanjaar se fees sal ook ‘n toerisme handel en belegings Indaba aanbied.
Die Indaba sal op 28 Augustus
plaasvind by Swadini vanaf 09:00
tot 13:00.
Vir meer inligting rakende die
Indaba en Bundu bling fees, skakel
Amanda Venter: (015) 795 5655.
Kortnuus / News in brief
* DIE gospelsanger, Mervis tree op 11 Julie hier
Dit begin om 19:00 by Platform.
Kaartjies kos R50. Slegs ‘n beperkte aantal is
beskikbaar. Skakel Elize Caroto vir kaartjies of
navrae by 076 276 8626.
• DAAR word ‘n reünie vir 1979 matrieks van
Merensky Hoërskool beplan op 3 Oktober.
Vir meer inligting skakel vir Hester Burger
(Richards): 082-781-7359 of hesterburger@mweb.co.za
* DIT is weer karnavaltyd by die Hervormde kerk Tzaneen
op 4 en 5 September.
Een van die stalletjies, die Boekrak
sal weer goeie boeke
te koop aanbied.
Organiseerders van
dié stalletjie doen ‘n
beroep op lesers om
oorbodige boeke aan
hulle te skenk.
307-5423 of 072 900
3275 of Annie Botha
by 083 407 6921.
* THE SPCA database
contains many names
of old members.
Unfortunately the
information, re addresses and telephone numbers, are
old and we need to
update all records urgently.
I would greatly appreciate it if you
could phone me before the end of June
Every member, old
or new, is of great
value to the SPCA.
Thank you very
much. Carol Spaans:
083 940 2531 or 015
307 2010.
JULY is the coldest month of the year and
believe it or not you need to start preparing
your garden for the hotter months.
So take out all your old garden
magazines and get new ideas for
the summer. "Keeping up with the
Continue mulching soil with
compost, sawdust, bark chips and
fallen leaves to keep roots warm
and prevent moisture loss.
Pruning of fruit trees should take preference
this month. Shape fruit trees while they are
young, remove week shoots and unwanted
wood. Always be sure that your pruning tools
are kept sharp and clean.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
Pruning of shrubs is important, but be careful not to prune any spring flowering shrubs
like Azaleas, Camellias and Jasmine, flowering buds are forming at the moment and you
will prune away your spring flush!!
Start preparing for the pruning of your roses.
This must take place the last week of July or the
first week in August. In our area, because it is
so hot we can prune twice a year. Late
February beginning March we do a light
prune. End July beginning
August we prune more
severely. There are two
reasons why roses need to
be pruned. One: to encourage better blooms
and two: to keep the bush
young and vigorous.
This severe prune will enforce rejuvenation,
production of roses of a uniform height and
will also stimulate the production of long
stems. Bush roses will happily and quickly
re-grow after the prune. After pruning it's
good to spray your roses with Ludwig's Insect
Spay which is produced by Kirchhoff's and is
available at Cycads Galore Nursery. Also start
increasing the watering of the roses.
Indoor plants will not require much water
now and should only be given water if the
surface of the soil looks dry. Always remember
that indoor plants prefer water that is room
Repotting of indoor plants should be done
now so they can settle in
Start slightly increasing the watering of your
cacti and succulents as
they will start going into
their growing period.
This is the perfect time to plant summer
bulbs and sorry it is too late for spring bulbs. It
is not too late to plant colourful seedlings like
pansies, primulas, calendulas, cinerarias and
petunias to brighten up those cold winter
Contact Sarie from Complete Gardens now
to make an appointment for all your landscaping, irrigation and maintenance needs on
082 855 0410.
Question: What do you need to spray on
your roses after pruning?
SMS your name and answer to: 076 705
The winner will be announced in
the next GreenFinger-Tips.
Prize sponsored by: Complete
Winner: The winner of our last
competition was Linda Nel. Congratulations!!!
Watch this space and place colour at your GreenFinger-Tips.
Should you have any garden related question please e-mail us on amorentia@silvernet.co.za and we will try and assist you with
your queries.
New suburb for fast growing Tzaneen
gone on record, saying
Tzaneen to be the
fastest growing economy in Limpopo.
In support of this
statement, the municipality has thrown
its support behind
the creation of a new,
mixed income suburb, called Seshwene View.
The suburb is to be
developed on 530
hectares of land in
Ga-Kgapane, 15km
from the centre of
Tzaneen, and on
comprise of about
800 homes.
These homes will
range in price from
R341 000 to R543
000, says Pieter Human, owner of Realty
1 International Property
According to Human, the development will not only
Tzaneen’s affordable
but also improve the
area while simultaneously
much-needed jobs.
To be built in four
phases by City Blox
Property Developers
and Investors, in
partnership with the
Human says Seshwene
View will ultimately
boast an impressive
infrastructure that includes schools, medical and sporting facilities, and a business hub.
One of the marketing agents for the
development, Human says buyer interest,
down on the back of
a sluggish national
economy, is likely to
once the earthworks
are completed in July.
Regardless of price
bracket, he adds that
activity in Tzaneen’s
general residential
property market is
also slow, as buyers
struggle to get deposits together
and secure home loan finance.
As a result, he says the market is
being driven by cash buyers who
are dictating selling prices.
Mandated to find a R5 million
home for R3 million for a client,
Human says that this is an extreme scenario but nevertheless
true of what’s happening in the
middle and lower ends of the
market, where sellers are regularly accepting below-asking-price offers.
A case in point is a house which
he has just sold for R730 000 after
the owner paid R850 000 for it a
year ago. “Not great news for
sellers, but good for buyers,” says
Human, who believes that the
market is in the process of correcting itself after the runaway
pricing of 2004 and 2005.
“When people see a house
priced at R900 000 sell for R750
000 or R785 000, they think the
bottom is falling out of the market.
Yet in reality, what’s happening
is that the market is going back to
what it was before the boom –
healthier and more sustainable.”
That said, Human adds his
voice to the country-wide call for
the banks to soften their lending
criteria. “Unless that happens,
we’re going to enter another unrealistic phase, this time char-
acterised by deserving buyers
being forced to abandon their
dreams of home ownership.
Since home ownership is
fundamental to the social
wellbeing, stability and economic growth of not only
Tzaneen but South Africa as a
whole, this issue needs to be
addressed as a matter of urgency.”
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Jack is elf!
ATHOL Fernandez, eienaar van Jack’s Paint and Hardware besig om die gaste toe te spreek
tydens hulle 11e verjaarsdag se oggend koek en tee.
DIE vriendelike span van Jack’s Paint and Hardware wat onlangs 11 kersies op hulle verjaarsdag
koek uitgeblaas het. Vlnr: Daryl Hope, Magdaleen de Bruyn, Sandra van der Gryp, Michael
Magoro, William Selepe. Middel: Sophia Fernandez, eienaar, Joseph Mangena, David Theko,
George Makumbula. Agter: Monty Nell, Athol Fernandez, eienaar, Henk van Schalkwyk, Obie
Shingange en Werner van Deventer.
JACK’S Paint het van hulle klante onlangs bederf met verversings en ‘n warm koppie koffie om
hulle 11 suksesvolle jare te vier. Vlnr: Charmaine Swart, Outien Rabie en Manda Rabie.
’n WARM koppie koffie om 11 suksesvolle jare
te vier. Sophia Fernandez, links eienaar en
Steve van Bongekile kontrakteurs.
11 kersies vir 11 suksesvolle jare vir Jacks
Paints. Darryl Hope en Sophia Fernandez,
eienaar, blaas die kersies dood.
DE Klerk Fourie, links
en Allan Forbes, regs
het die geselligheid
by Jack’s Paint oor ‘n
warm koppie koffie
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
VOOR: Frieda Theunissen, Lenie Venter en Ben Venter (nuwe eienaar). Agter Conrad Krüger
(eienaar van Aida), Hannes Theunissen (betrokke agent), Francoise du Toit en Adri du Toit.
Sentrum het nuwe eienaar
OFCOLACO Besigheidssentrum en die
plaas daaraan verbonde is onder nuwe eienaarskap.
Ben Venter (81), bekend vir jare se harde
werk op die paaie in die omgewing, het saam
sy seun, Francoise du Toit, die eiendom
Die verkoop van die sentrum met al sy
geriewe en die omliggende landbougrond van
33ha, is deur Aida se Hannes Theunissen
behartig (met sy vasberade vrou se help).
Hannes en Ben wil graag almal bedank wat
tot die proses bygedra het, en hulle wil spesiaal vir hul Hemelse Vader bedank dat Hy dit
moontlik gemaak het.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Skuldberading bars uit sy nate
STATISTIEK van die Nasionale Kredietreguleerder wys dat in Mei 2009, 66 375 nuwe
aansoeke om skuldberading deur applikante
gedoen is.
Aansoeke het oor die afgelope jaar met
700% toegeneem.
DCASA die vereninging van Skuldberaders,
voorspel dat teen die einde van volgende jaar
1.8 miljoen mense onder skuldberading sal
Seker die grootste faktor wat verhoed dat
nog meer mense onder skuldberading gaan, is
die feit dat Jan-publiek nie altyd bewus is van
hierdie hulp wat beskikbaar is,as hulle nie
meer hulle maandelikse paaiemente kan
bekostig nie.
Schalk Boltman, ‘n skuldberader van
Debthelp Nationwide verduidelik kortliks die
proses wat sy firma volg.
'n Behoorlike ontleding van jou finansiële
posisie word gedoen deur inligting wat verkry
word van die kliënt.
Die probleem word dan geidentifiseer en
die kliënt geadviseer oor die beste opsie vir
hom of haar.
Vrywillige distribusie, administrasie, sekwestrasie of skuldhersiening word oorweeg.
'n Behoorlike begroting word saam met die
kliënt opgestel.
Al die onderhandelings en probleme van die
skuldeisers word namens die kliënt hanteer.
Dink net, geen lastige invorderaar wat jou siel
versondig nie!
Bystand word ook gegee met die reël van
alle betalings deur 'n
betalings verdelings
Die doel van die
proses, sê meneer
Boltman, is om jou
the help of finansieël
onafhanklik te word.
Dit is egter belangrik
om eerder te gou as te
laat op te tree. Soos
met 'n siekte, is hulp
net soveel makliker,
hoe gouer jy hulp
soek. In hierdie moeilike finansiële omstandighede is dit dus
nie vreemd dat die
hoeveelheid sakepersone en salaristrekkers wat aansoek
doen om skuldberading so geweldig toeneem nie.
kan geskakel word
by: 079 500 2503.
Meet the faces
of Sishweni
AIDA Tzaneen introduces the dynamic sales team of Ga-Kgapane's new development
SISHWENI VIEW. They are here to provide an efficient and professional service to clients
and prospective buyers and sellers in the Ga-Kgapane area. Left to right: Elsie Makoetlana
has worked as a school teacher at Mohlatlogo Machada School in Motupa for 7 years. She
is a training agent and has a passion for people and enjoy's networking and sales. Elsie can
be reached on 082 598 0425. Next is Dan Mhlongo who is a successful Aida Agent and has
been servicing the people of Ga-Kgapane and Tzaneen area for 3 years. Dan is a qualified
CEA, you can give him a call on 073 716 8672. Lastly is Connie Mafa, who is a school
teacher at Shotong School in Rakaadu Circuit for 16 years. Connie is very involved in the
community and wants to service the people of Ga-Kgapane by providing them with
affordable houses and good advice. Please call Connie on 072 226 5997.
Vakansie pret by bib
TZANEEN biblioteek het Maandag en Dinsdag
kinders verwelkom om deel te neem aan ‘n "art
in the garden" werkswinkel. Hier is hulle besig
om voëlverskrikkers te bou. Alles is uit herwinde items gemaak om hulle tema van herwinning en bewaring gestand te doen.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
Three prongs in the fight against that predator
disease known as malaria
A FEW weeks or so ago I ran an article about
exciting work in America on the genetic
production of a cure for malaria which will
save millions of young patients after its release
sometime next year.
This time, I am going to tell you about
possibly even more exciting work, in which
South Africa has been involved, in producing
a vaccine, to immunize people against malaria. It’s the Prevention being better than Cure
After some 20 years of
research and clinical trials
this new vaccine, known as
ETS.S, underwent clinical
trials in 2005 that involved
2000 Mozambican children and proved that it was
effective for at least 18
months in reducing clinical
malaria by 35% and severe
malaria by 49%. These figures are impressive, but it
seems that there is still a lot
of leeway to be made up.
Following this development and licensing, a
production plant is being established in Belgium and by 2011 should be ready to start
supplying millions of .ETS.S doses every year
to children in many of Africa’s poorest nations.
Not-withstanding how important a step this
vaccine may be, scientists recognize that
many challenges remain.
Malaria kills between two and three million
people a year; mostly young African children;
and is among the world’s leading causes of
childhood mortality. It also robs Africa of
crucial resources necessary for development –
as much as $12 billion in health care and lost
productivity.. That is roughly equivalent, I
read, to all the foreign aid that flows into Africa
every year.
There are three distinct prongs to the fight
against malaria. The first is to attack the
anophylese mozzie and its breeding grounds.
It involves spraying with insecticides typical
areas such as pools of stagnant water and walls
and bed nets in houses. Humans are infected
by this particular mosquito, so the less of them
around the better. This has been one of the
functions of the Dr Annecke Malaria Research
Station in Tzaneen.
The second is to develop a vaccine which
will prevent people from contracting malaria if
bitten by the mozzie. That is the subject of this
week’s article. The third prong is to produce a
cure for those who are hit by this potentially
killer disease. That was the subject of last
week’s article.
Against this background, I am pleased to
record that the government department of
Science and Technology has granted R11
Soektog na beste wors begin
DIE kenners se soektog na
Suid-Afrika se No. 1 Boerewors het begin!.
Honderde hoopvolle Kampioene swoeg reeds in kombuise regoor Suid-Afrika in ‘n
poging om die kuns van boerewors-maak te bemeester.
Het jy ook ‘n geheime boerewors resep wat net wag
om ontdek te word? Miskien
‘n ou betroubare familie-resep wat van generasie
na generasie oorgegee is, of
die produk van jou eie liefde
vir eksperimentasie en passie
vir smaakvolle interressanthede? As jy dink jy kan
goed genoeg toor met boerewors om kos-connoisseur,
Nataniël, en sy paneel van
koskenners, hul lippe te laat
aflek, kry dan nou jou inskrywing reg vir vanjaar se
Shoprite Checkers Championship Boereworskompetisie.
17h00 op Vrydag 10 Julie!
Shoprite en Checkers se
Championship-boerewors is
‘n tradisionele boerewors en
daar is riglyne wat gevolg
moet word vir die maak daarvan. Resepte wat ingeskryf
word vir die kompetisie sal
deur die Suid-Afrikaanse
Sjefsvereniging (SACA), wat
verantwoordelik is vir alle
beoordelingsprosesse, teen
hierdie riglyne gemeet word
vir goedkeuring. As jy wil
kwalifiseer vir die kompetisie
sal jy moet seker maak dat
jou resep geldig is.
Die boereworsresepte wat
elke jaar ingeskryf word, is
altyd van uitsonderlike gehalte. Die beoordelaars vind
hul taak ‘n groot uitdaging en
hulle vind dit toenemend
moeilik om ’n wenner te kies.
Juis hierom is vermaaklikheidster en passievolle
koslegende, Nataniël, se
hulp ingeroep om te verseker
dat net die beste boerewors
dra. Om hom en SACA in die
soektog na die 2009 Championship Boerewors by te
staan het Nataniël verder vier
van die land se vernaamste
sjefs byeengeroep - bekroonde restaurateur, Peter
Veldsman; welbekende SA
kosredakteur, Dorah Sitole;
befaamde restaurant eienaar,
Reuben Riffel; en Sunday
Times Sjef van die Jaar,
Arnold Tanzer.
Ná die sluitingsdatum vir
inskrywings op 10 Julie, is die
volgende stap in die soeke na
die 2009 Boerewors-kampioen die ongeveer 80 streekrondes wat op Saterdae 15,
22 en 29 Augustus by uitgesoekte winkels landwyd
gehou word. Die streekwenners neem daarna deel aan
provinsiale rondes geskeduleer vir Saterdag 19 September.Die uitklopronde vind
plaas in die Valley of Waves
in Sun City op Saterdag 3
Oktober wanneer die provinsiale wenners die laaste
geleentheid het om te veg vir
Boerewors-kroon. Die wenner van
die finale ronde sal wegry
met ‘n voertuig gepas vir ‘n
kampioen – ‘n splinternuweTOYOTA Hilux 2.7
Double Cab Raised Body
Raider! Die tweede- en
derdeplek wenners gaan
egter nie met leë hande huis
toe nie, maar ontvang elk
vakansie-geskenkbewyse ter
waarde van R10 00 and R5
000 onderskeidelik, sowel as
kontantpryse van Coca-Cola
word na Sun City
gevlieg en Skouspelkaartjies sowel as
verblyf is deel van
hul prys as finalis.
Inskryfvorms is beskikbaar by enige
Shoprite, Checkers
of Checkers Hyper
Trek aan jou voorskoot, draai daardie
vleismeul, kies jou
geheime speserye …
en stuur vandag nog
jou unieke boerewors-resep in!
Vir navrae: Sarita
van Wyk, Shoprite
svwyk@shoprite.co.za, 021 980
million to the South African Malaria Research
Institute which, in turn, was initiated by the
South African Centre for Gene Technologies.
The project is a joint venture between the
universities of Pretoria and the Witwatersrand
and the Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research. The research focuses on drug discovery and preclinical development of new
anti-malarial compounds, and new and improved diagnostics.
Other positive developments are that the
Limpopo Health Department has put aside R68
million for the control of malaria in this
province. The programme includes 42 teams,
consisting of 640 full-time and temporary
officials conducting malaria control measures.
It includes spraying of houses in risk areas,
spraying stagnant water and health education
In my next article in this series on the fight
against malaria I will have a look at the
important work being done right here in
Tzaneen by the Dr Annecke Malaria Research
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Plasies sê dankie
AH ERNST en Seuns BPK is die trotse borg van Merensky se eerste seuns hokkiespan se wedstryd
klere. By die span staan André en Liezl Ernst.
NTK-LANDMARK, borge van hemde vir die eerste meisies hokkiespan
van Merensky. By die span staan Cobus Oosthuizen.
AH ERNST en Seuns BPK borg ook sweetpakke aan die eerste meisies hokkiespan van
PAINT Pot borg ook wedstryd klere van Merensky se eerste meisies
DIE sakke is geborg deur Paint Pot. Merensky
wil ook hulle dank uitspreek teenoor Star
Spares vir die borg van die pette aan die eerste
meisie hokkiespan. Links staan Sandra Muller,
van Paint Pot.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Antjies-sportspanne presteer
DR Annecke se eerstespan rugby is 2009 se Limpopo kampioene! Vlnr: Louwtjie Venter, Nsovo
Mthembi, Tiaan Vorster, Andile Shibambu. Middel: Aldo Grobler, Duan Schoeman, Bothale
Makwela, Sibusiso Mlangeni, Praise Stoltz, B.J Vorster (kaptein,) Durant Truter, Wayne Venter.
Agter: Sagwati Mathebula, Damion Colbourn, Denzel Baloyi, Nhlalu Rikhotso, Dumisani
Mushwana, Nsovo Shandlale, Tiyani Msimeki, Pietman Pieterse,Vukozi Mabuza, Trevor Thiba,
Jack Shingange.
FOTO regs: DR Annecke het 'n "Confederation Cup" dag gehou. Hier is ons toekomstige sokker sterre wat die beste vertoon het.
Vlnr: Jason Moore, Aldo Grobler, Lihani Vorster en Elaine Bvuma.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
TRACEY-LEIGH Kenney, Miss Limpopo, along with the grade R’s from Unicorn Preparatory who
collected toys, clothes and food for the Miss Limpopo Roadshow.
VICTOR Mecoamere (Manager of Nation Building Projects, Sowetan), Leandré Buys (Merensky
High School), Thandi Dlekedla (Northern Cape Department of Education Coordinator), Dave
Morris (Head of Safety and Sustainable Development, Anglo Base Metals).
Leandré does Merensky proud
THE day had dawned and Leandré Buys was
well-prepared and ready to take on the eight
YCA provincial winners to determine the
Anglo American/Sowetan Young Communicator of 2009.
The final ‘Young Communicator Award'
final took place on June 20 at the Birchwood
Hotel and Conference Centre in Boksburg.
Leandré was introduced to the audience by
the programme director, Premilla Hamid,
General Manager of Public Affairs, Anglo
Leandré said: "I not only want to make a
difference, I want to be the difference."
Leandré's prepared speech "True Character"
was insightful, and her composed and
sharp-witted answers in the Impromptu
Speech Section were commendable.
They were asked to comment on the role
South Africa has to play in helping to solve
global economical and political problems.
Leandré was awarded R1 000 and a certificate, recognizing her participation in the
National finals.
The prestigious and sought after title of
Young Communicator, with a study bursary
worth R30 000 from Anglo American, was
won by Kanyisile Vilakazi of Lowveld High
School in Mpumalanga.
The panel of 11 adjudicators consisted of
impressive individuals such as Michèle Alexander, former producer of Carte Blanche,
Sudeshan Reddy of the United Nations and
Prof Ben Anderson of the Da Vinci Institute.
Abdullah Verachia of Munsa was the conversation chair.
Leandré described the opportunity to represent the Limpopo Province and the Limpopo
Department of Education as an invaluable
experience she will always treasure.
The organizers did an excellent and professional job in organizing the competition.
A hearty word of thanks to Harold Takalo,
the Limpopo Department of Education's representative, for the part he played in organizing the Limpopo Province YCA competition.
MISS Limpopo, Tracey-Leigh Kenney, and some of Unicorn’s grade R’s enjoy a well deserved
piece of cake. Tracey-Leigh threw them a party as thanks for their donations of food, clothes and
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
LEARNERS at Bon village during a roadshow to
raise awareness regarding environmental issues.
THE Executive Mayor of Mopani, Councillor
Joshua Matlou, delivering the keynote address
during the World Environment Day celebration at Lenyenye Community Hall.
World Environment
Day celebrated
The Department of Environmental Affairs and
Tourism, in conjunction with the Mopani
District Municipality, celebrated World Environment Day last week.
Held under the theme "Act now to combat
climate change", the event kicked off with road
shows at Sedan and Bonn villages, followed
with debate by high school learners at Lenyenye Community Hall.
The celebrations focused on raising awareness regarding global environmental issues,
guiding and assisting the communities to constructively change current behaviours and
attitudes towards environmental issues.
Delivering the keynote address, the Executive Mayor of Mopani, Councillor Joshua
Matlou, said climate change depends on how
people conduct themselves and what kind of
measures they come up with to prevent its
effects in future generations.
He urged people to plant and conserve trees,
use less energy, reduce, reuse and recycle
waste, use water sparingly and buy local and
organic products to reduce the impact of
climate change.
"The ways that we grow our food, produce
our goods and power our homes and cities are
depleting resources, polluting the planet and
drastically reducing the biodiversity of our
planet," he said.
He added that increasing our respect for
nature in all its incarnations, we will have
taken a big step towards building a sustainable
future. "Sustainable living will protect the
resources that help us to live and enjoy life for
generations to come," he said.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
TZANEEN Primary learners were awarded for their
artistic talents with the Cashbuild Art-at-Heart competition. The Tzaneen Primary winners are Erwin
Ceronio, second, Suné Engelbrecht, first, and Zunike
Dasramos, third, who received certificates for their
artwork. With them is Manager of Cashbuild Tzaneen,
PJ Pretorius, and a teacher of Tzaneen Primary, Okkie
CASHBUILD Operations Director,
André van Onselen, with MJ Bensch
of Duiwelskloof Primary, awarded
the Manager's Choice for his artwork submitted to the Cashbuild
Art-at-Heart competition.
DUIWELSKLOOF Primary learners proved their artistic abilities with the Cashbuild Art-atHeart competition. The school’s winners, Safeera Ballim, second, Juane Matthee, first, and Ipfi
Makuya, third, with Cashbuild Manager, PJ Pretorius, and a teacher of Duiwelskloof
THREE learners of Dr Anneke Primary received certificates from Cashbuild for their artwork
submitted for the Art-at-Heart competition. Declaring them the most artistic in their school,
Anja Els, second, Delana Gravett, first, and Peter Shingwanyana, third, received certificates for
their art at the prize giving ceremony held last Friday. More photos on P 22.
Winners of Art-at-Heart competition
ART and community were celebrated last
Friday with Cashbuild's Art-at-Heart community competition.
Art-at-Heart is a national competition
launched in 2001 to improve the learning
environment at schools in various communities.
Learners of primary schools in the GTM
were each given the chance to draw a picture
of their dream home, illustrating the materials
from Cashbuild they would use to build this
Schools benefiting from this competition
each received R12 000 worth of building
materials from Cashbuild, to use for improvements on the school.
It was made clear that schools will not be
allowed to build car ports or tearooms for the
teachers - only structures to directly advantage
the students.
To qualify, schools had to submit their plans
for the use of the building materials.
Nine schools benefited from the competition: Duiwelskloof, Thapane, Botludi, Morutsi, Motupa, Ritavi, Unity, Dr Annecke and
Tzaneen Primary schools.
The value of the donations totaled R108
The top three artists from each school were
also rewarded for their talents. They all received certificates, and their art will be on
display in Cashbuild Tzaneen for the next five
years - until the next projected relaunch and
the next Art-at-Heart competition.
The Manager's Choice award, awarded for
the best overall artwork, was given to MJ
Bensch of Duiwelskloof Primary.
He received a certificate, glass trophy and
R500 gift voucher from CNA.
The event was held at Cashbuild in Tzaneen,
and the honoured guests were treated to
performances of cultural dance and traditional
singing produced by the learners of some of
the competing schools.
These performances gave birth to three more
awards. Botludi Primary was announced Best
Dressed, Thapane Primary Most Entertaining,
and Morutsi Primary produced the Best Overall Performance.
Since its launch in 2001, Art-at-Heart has
ensured over R9 million worth of building
supplies to schools around the country.
This Cashbuild initiative is held every time a
Cashbuild store opens, is relocated or refurbished.
Cashbuild Tzaneen opened its doors in
1992, and has had two relaunches since.
Nationally, Cashbuild prides itself on its
continued support of its communities and
Besides every last staff member of Cashbuild
owning stock in the company, Cashbuild also
offers communities the lowest prices, free and
quick delivery, longer trading hours, quality
products, all imaginable building supplies,
and of course, the assurance that their schools
won't fall into decrepitude.
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Art-at-Heart competition
DIE gimnaste wat Tzaneen verteenwoordig
het, van links: Anzeret Scheepers, Mariza
Booyse, Loame van Zyl, Genevieve van der
Merwe, Tsepo Modiba en Katherine Gardiner.
Agter: Bianca Tout, Xane du Toit en FrankiMay Tooley.
NINE schools were awarded building supplies to the value of R12 000 each by Cashbuild
Tzaneen as part of their Art-at-Heart community competition. The supplies will be used to
directly advantage the learners of the respective schools. Okkie Schoeman of Laerskool Tzaneen
receiving a large cheque from Cashbuild Branch Manager, PJ Pretorius.
Rina by Jeugberaad
Nege van Tzaneen
in kampioenskap
RINA van Niekerk, ‘n leerling van Stanford
Lake College, is deur die ATKV uitgenooi om
hulle Jeugberaad vir hoëprofieldenkers by te
woon. Dit vind van 30 Junie tot 3 Julie op
Hartenbos plaas. Temas wat bespreek gaan
word is politiek, onderwys, ekonomie,
tegnologie en die sosiaal maatskaplike.
FRANKI-MAY Tooley (vlak 2) was algeheel
derde vir meisies onder 11 en Bianca Tout
(vlak 2) was derde met haar hoepel reeks vir
meisies onder 13.
NEGE van Zani’s se gimnaste het op 16 Junie
vir Tzaneen verteenwoordig in die Interprovinsiale Kampioenskap.
Daar het sewe provinsies deelgeneem op die
dag. Limpopo het skoonskip gemaak en die
meeste medaljes verower.
Franki-May Tooley en Bianca Tout het uitgeblink en albei derdeplekke in hul ouderdoms groepe opgeraap.
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
van Laeveld Sitrus
heel links, Alisdair
Kelly van Letaba Estates en Nikolaas Gubitz van die NG Kerk
Letsitele, regs by die
onlangse funksie gehou in afwagting van
die kaskar wedren.
Kaskar borge word bederf
DS Barry van der Merwe (NG Kerk Letsitele), Nick Dorfling en Jurie du Plessis (voor) van BB
Motors, hoofborg geniet die aand vir die kaskar borge gehou by ‘The Junction’.
WIKUS Swart (links) van Sprayrite en Mark
Pieterse van Miami Canners wat onderskeidelik Merensky 1 en Ben Vorster 1 borg. Wie
gaan as wenners wegloop? Gaan kaskar toe en
vind uit!
Stanford second in
hockey league
ON Tuesday, June 16, Limpopo’s top four
hockey teams battled it out to see who would
become the 2009 provincial champs.
Stanford Lake College Boy’s 1st team
played in the semi-finals against last years
finalists, Frans du Toit.
The two teams finished joint second on the
log and had to duke it out for a spot in the
The game started slowly, neither team
wanting to make a mistake.
After 20 minutes Tim Kuiper opened the
score for SLC.
In the second half they furthered their lead
with a spectacular goal from Dillen
McGaffin. The final score was 2-0 to Stanford.
The finals were played on a hot afternoon,
SLC dominated the first half but were unable
to convert their dominance into points.
PHS proceeded to score in the early moments of the second half and that proved to
be enough for them to win the match.
SLC’s !st team finished second in the
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
NICOLO and Claudio Rech (back) and Joshua Minifie
(front) of Unicorn Preparatory have officially received their Limpopo chess colours. They will be
competing at the S.A's in Cape Town in December.
BEN Vorster se Junior Krieketakademie,
agter: George Engelbrecht (afrigter.) Middel:
Asad Patel, Tiaan Vorster, Michael Ninneman
(kaptein,) Roedolf Botes, Rassie Pretorius,
Regardt Heiberg. Voor: Aubrey van Renen,
Eddie Roulston, Michael van Rensburg. Lê:
Jason Rodrigues.
BEN Vorster se Junior Krieketakademie is tans
lid van die Krieketakademie Assossiasie van
Suid-Afrika en het die afgelope naweek op
Modjadjiskloof kragte gemeet teen ‘n baie
sterk Oos Randse Krieketakademie.
(Die span het 6 provinsiale spelers ingesluit
van Oostelikes).
Daar is Saterdag ‘n 40 boulbeurt wedstryd
gespeel waar die Oosranders met 5 paaltjies
gewen het.
Kolwers van die Tzaneen Akademie wat
uitgestaan was Aubrey van Renen met 31
lopies, Michael Ninneman met 23, Asad Patel
18 en Jason Rodrigues met 15.
Boulers wat hulle ook goed van hulle taak
gekwyt het was Tiaan Vorster met 1 paaltjie vir
15 lopies in 8 boulbeurte. Eddie Roulston,
Aubrey van Renen en Asad Patel neem ook
elkeen een paaltjie.
Sondag het hulle ‘n Pro20 gespeel en die
Oosranders het ‘n uitdagende 121/5 aangeteken.
Die Tzaneeners val 11 lopies kort van die
verlangde teiken. Huziafa Patel neem twee
paaltjies. Eddie Roulston en Muben Patel
neem ook een paaltjie elk.
Asad Patel teken 43 lopies aan, Muben Patel
20 en Rassie Pretorius 15. Die Tzaneeners
eindig met 110/4 in hulle toegelate 20
Die Oosrandse Krieketakademie kom later
vanjaar weer af om verder kragte te meet teen
Ben Vorster se Junior Krieketakademie.
Die O/16 Krieketakademiespan gaan die
naweek van 4-5 Julie aan ‘n “Pro10 Bashout”
toernooi in Kempton Park deelneem waaraan
8 ander akademies ook deel aan gaan hê.
Elke span speel 8 wedstryde waaruit ‘n
wenspan vir die Toernooi sal kom.
ESPN en Supersport gaan die wedstryde dek
en Fanie de Villiers en Mike Proctor gaan as
kommentators optree.
Die naweek van 10-12 Julie kom die Southern Suburbs Krieketakademie van Johannesburg kragte meet met die Ben Vorster se O/17
Krieketakademiespan op Duiwelskloof se
Deur die loop van die naweek sal ‘n Pro20
en twee 45 boulbeurtwedstryde gespeel
THE South African Rythmic Gymnastics Championships were
held at Wits University in Gauteng on June 16. Five of the nine
provinces were represented in this event. Unicorn learners
also made their mark at the championships, all competing in
Level 2, front: Katherine Gardiner - 7th (U/12), Tshepo Modiba
- 22nd (U/12), Franki-May Tooley - 3rd (U/12). Back: Bianca
Tout - 8th (U/13), Xane du Toit - 9th (U/12).
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
M2M boasts with
wonderful prizes
FORMS Media Independent was the head sponsor for the Merensky Cricket Week, from left Helena Bruce (FMI), Deon
van der Werp, Fransie le Roux (Principal) and Mari du Plessis (FMI).
Merensky High School hosts cricket week
MERENSKY High School is hosting a
cricket week, which started on
Monday and will run till Friday.
This cricket week will offer up a lot
of quality 50 and 20 over games, in
which a host of schools (junior and
senior) will be taking part.
The following schools are represented at the event: Monument, Waterkloof, Lichtenburg, Randburg, Benoni Boys, Eldoraign, Menlopark,
Garsfontein, Merensky, Heidelberg
Volkskool, Potch Gymnasium, Merensky Cubs (a group of junior players
assembled by Merensky) and the
Zebra Cricket Club (which consists of
players from several schools in the
Deon van der Werp of Merensky
organised this event, which is in its
tenth year and enjoys greater prevalence each time around.
The head sponsor, Forms Media Independent, lent a sizeable helping
hand by donating R25 000 rand to
Merensky Cricket.
Other sponsors include: Lavenir
Manor, Misty River Spur, Romans
Pizza, Dr. Christo Pretorius, Selati
Dakkape, Westfalia, Eiland Spa, Peppadew, Budget Couriers, Gubitz Boerderey, Sport Zone and Superspar
8 Coaches were lucky enough to
win a free meal from Spur and Eldoraign A’s junior team won a trip to
Eiland Spa during the lucky draw held
on the Sunday night opening event.
This cricket week is a golden opportunity for enthusiasts of this wonderful game.
Heinrich Kuhn, wicketkeeper and
batsman for the Titans, was on hand to
talk to the players on Sunday night and
will be attending games for the rest of
the week.
Also present was Anton Roux from
the High Performance Centre in Pretoria, the predominant sports academy
in the country.
These two are looking for outstanding cricket talent, and are available to
speak to the players regarding any
queries that they might have about the
game of cricket or its application after
(Wednesday) night the
players were treated
to a talk from the Proteas fitness and fielding coach and tonight
they will be addressed by Jacques
Fall, the CEO of the
North-West Cricket
On Monday our
local school, Merensky, unfortunately
didn’t do that welllosing both their
Potch Gymnasium.
The out-of-towners
did well, with Eldoraign delivering two
noteworthy performances from André
Meintjies who batted
two overs of 72 and
98* respectively, and
Henry Stols who
garnered figures of 6
for 24 in just four
The organisers and
representatives of the
HPC and cricket unions were particularly
impressed by the
amount of quality
spin bowling on offer
when some of these
schools clashed.
Merensky invites
all those who enjoy
the game to come and
have a look, games
will be played daily,
all day, at Merensky,
For any enquiries or
further information
please contact Merensky High School or
Deon van der Werp at
082 489 0402.
THE Mountain2Mountain Challenge Road Cycle Race now
boasts with prizes from Rudy Projects and Torga Optical Tzaneen.
This 108km road cycle race
along with it's 34km fun ride to be
held on the July 25 can confirm
that the overall male and female
winner of the 108km will each
receive a pair of Rudy Projects
Sunglasses to the value of R2
This prize has been made possible by a joint partnership
between Rudy Projects and Torga
Optical Tzaneen.
Cyclists will be pleased to know
that this race once again boasts
official maps made exclusively for
this race by GARMIN.
This shows exactly what route
the race follows, as well as what
the profile of the route is - where
the cyclists will ascend or descend
on the route.
Great news for cyclists is that
the goodie bag given to each rider
www.cyclelab.com has now been
upgraded to a goodie box to accommodate all the goodies inside
(including tomatoes, avo's, dried
mangoes oranges, ect).
Should you wish to become
involved as sponsor, be listed as
preferred accommodation or have
This race is hosted by Dinamus
Community Church with the assistance of CycleLab SuperCycling Club (as seen on DSTV) with
the purpose of serving our community through organizing a race
which injects money into various
sectors of the local economy.
Gravelotte Roadhogs hosts rally
THE Gravelotte Roadhogs are
hosting a Roadhogs Rally this
weekend at Avuxeni Resort in Nylstroom.
The rally will take place on July
3, 4 & 5 and everybody is welcome.
All motorcycle owners and enthusiasts in the Phalaborwa,
Gravelotte and Tzaneen areas are
If you’re looking for a group of
like-minded motorcycle enthusiasts or if you would just like to be
a guest at some of the clubs activities, then feel free to come along
or to contact them.
Jeff de Beer (president): 072 520
Bobby Swart (vice president):
Eddie Coad (member): 082 577
5494 or nt.caltex@telkomsa.net
Enter the 4 Ball Alliance
BOET Pretorius Electrical CC is
hosting a golf day.
The ‘4 Ball Alliance’ competition will be held on July 25 on the
LDCC golf club’s grounds.
This initiative was launched in
order to raise funds for the EG
Church and Pam Africa Mission.
For further information or any
inquiries please contact Johan at
078 040 2753, or for bookings call
Brenda at (015) 305 3102.
Duiwe vlieg langer in koue
DIE vyfde week se twee duiwe
wedvlugte het die afgelope
naweek vanaf Parys plaasgevind.
Afstande vir Tzaneen het gewissel van 420km tot 440km.
Die ekstra koue weer het dit vir
die duiwe baie moeilik gemaak.
Hulle het langer gevlieg aan die
afstand as wat aanvanklik verwag
In die eerste wedvlug klok
Herby Coston die eerste twee
duiwe en Eddie de Jager die derde
In die tweede wedvlug klok de
Jager die eerste duif . Willem
Broodryk die tweede duif en Johan vd Heever die derde duif.
Met elke wedvlug verdien die
duiwe punte vir die teler.
Die punte tellings na die laaste
twee wedvlugte verskil nie baie
nie. Daar is nog nie in een van die
afdelings 'n persoon wat ver voor
is nie.
Volgende week se wedvlugte is
weer van Parys af en almal hoop
dat dit makliker sal wees as die
eerste wedvlugte daarvandaan.
Matome in finale oefenkamp vir
o/17 Noordelike Krieketspan
MATOME Modiba van Ben Vorster is gekies vir die finale oefenkamp vir die o/17 Noordelike
Krieketspan wat van 1-2 Julie by
Supersport Park in Pretoria bymekaar kom.
Provinsies wat deel gaan hê
aan die oefenkamp is Limpopo,
Mpumalanga, Gauteng en die
Noordelike Titane.
Matome wat tans O/16 is, moes
tydens ‘n oefenkamp in Polokwane onder leiding van Greg
Smith (oud Titans speler) sy staal
krieket-spesifieke fiksheidtoetse
en lewendige nette om gekies te
word vir die finale oefenkamp in
LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 3 Julie 2009
LETABA HERALD - Friday 3 July 2009
Vyf spelers in Limpopo-span
Letaba verloor halfeind
DIT WAS ‘n kwessie van goeie en slegte nuus
vir Letaba Rugbyklub die afgelope naweek.
Enersyds het die klub se seisoen tot ‘n
ongelukkige einde gekom toe aldrie spanne in
die halfeindstryde van die Superliga verloor het
en andersyds is 5 spelers van die klub ingesluit
in die Limpopo-span wat aan die SA Platteland
Rugbyweek gaan deelneem.
Aldrie Letaba se spanne het Vrydag verloor
en was op die aand net nie opgewasse teen
spanne wat hulle wel vroeër vanjaar in die liga
geklop het nie.
Vyf spelers is egter ingesluit in die span wat
van Maandag af in Vanderbijlpark aan die SA
Platteland Rugbyweek gaan deelneem. Agt
provinsies neem aan die week deel en dis
gepaste beloning vir diè vyf spelers wat die
hele seisoen goeie rugby gespeel het.
Hulle is Johan Coetzer en Thulani Mathonsi
(beide voorrye), Rudie Grobler (slot), Jaco
Swart (agsteman) en Giepie Labuschagnè
Claire part of Limpopo team
CLAIRE Joubert.
CLAIRE Joubert of Tzaneen is part
of the Limpopo Country districts
hockey team that has had great
successes since its inception three
years ago.
They compete at national level
every year, and is now going on
Claire’s team will be visiting
Bloemfontein from July 4 - 11.
The team is made up of in-
dividuals from Phalaborwa, Messina, Levubu, Louis Trichardt, Polokwane and Tzaneen.
They are actively involved in
training future hockey stars and
can often be seen umpiring at
schools, coaching teams, or organising coaching clinics.
With such dedication surely another successful national tournament is on the way.
Rapportryers se gholfdag suksesvol
DIE Rapportryers het op Jeugdag weer ‘n suksesvolle fonds insameling gholfdag aangebied.
Spelers het die vakansiedag baie goed benut. Die wenner was H Geldenhuys, tweede M
Coetzee en derde J Bisset. Die Tzaneen Rapportryers wil graag die gemeenskap bedank vir hul
bydraes wat jaarliks net so terug geploeg word in ons eie dorp. Van links: Rodney Sabatier,
Tzaneen Rapportryers, M Coetzee, 2e, J Bisset, 3e, H Geldenhuys, wat as wenner uit die stryd
getree het en Hansie Botha, Tzaneen Rapportryers.
Second Mountain2Mountain
hits Tzaneen next week
THE second annual Mountain2Mountain National Road
Cycle Challenge hits Tzaneen
on July 15.
Last year this event consisted of a 108km National
Classic Road Race timed by
Championship and a 34km
Family Fun Run.
This year not only is there
the 108km National Classic
and the 34 km Fun Run timed
by WinningTime (timing
agents of the Argus), there is
also a mini Mountain2Mountain for Pre-School children
on July 24 (and a race for
primary-school children is
also being planned - watch
this space).
Added to this the 108km
race also has two extra categories - a junior and senior
high school relay with Merensky and Stanford having indicated that they will be entering.
The 108km National Classic is sanctioned by Cycling
South-Africa and enjoys the
same status and exclusivity as
the Argus or the 94.7.
There are more than R60
000 in prizes and all cyclists
that complete there respective
race will receive a medal.
The route for the 108km
National Classic starts in front
of Highgrove Lodge.
Cyclists ride out of town and
turn left up the Agatha Mountain en route to Coach House.
At the top of the Mountain
cyclists turn left again and
carry on past Coach House,
through Nkowankowa until
they hit the Tarantaalrand
Here cyclists turn right towards Letsitele. At Du-Roi
Nursery cyclists turn left on
the Giyani Road and continue
until they turn left again back
towards Tarantaalrand/Deerpark.
Cyclists ride past Bush Valley Chickens and at the
T-junction turn left to
Tarantaalrand and at the
Tarantaalrand Crossing they
turn right towards Tzaneen.
Cyclists continue along this
road past Zabana, Bosveld
Lapa and the Showgrounds
over the big intersection past
the Sasol Garage until they hit
the bridge leading up to
Georges Valley. Here cyclists
turn left and end up back at
the finish line.
The route for the Family Fun
Run starts off in front of Highgrove.
Riders ride out of town and
turn off onto the Georges Valley bridge. At the top of the
bridge cyclists turn right and
ride over the bridge, through
the crossing and turn left at on
the Deerpark road.
Cyclists continue around
the Tzaneen dam and end up
back at the starting point.
This event will attract national attention and bring
much needed revenue into
our community.
If you would like to get
involved through sponsorship, be listed on our accommodation database or enter
the race call Johann at
0828231074 (online entries at
event is a joint venture of
Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk,