ecoeco - Economia

(Scienze dell'Economia)
classe di appartenenza LM-56
Prof.ssa Piergiovanna Natale
for further information contact:
La laurea magistrale in Scienze dell’Economia prepara i propri iscritti a rispondere alle
The Master’s degree in Economics prepares its students to address the challenges of the
future: What is a global world? How do markets change and how do companies react in front of
a world which is increasingly “interconnected?” What is the role of governments and
Our approach features two elements: it is multidisciplinary and methodologically rigorous. To
respond to the requests of a changing world our Master’s in Economics offer a wide range of in
depth competences in the following:
Economics (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Game Theory, Theory of the
Firm, International Economics, Development Economics, Labour Economics,
Econometrics, History of Economic Thought …);
Business (Management, Strategy, Corporate Finance…);
Law (Law & Economics, European Law, Labour Law…);
Professional openings
The programme forms people able to analyse in depth economic phenomena both at
macro and micro levels. These are the competences required by large financial and industrial
groups, in consultancy, by central banks, international organizations, regulatory authorities, trade
and professional associations, private and public research centres, the economic press,
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS (Criteri di ammissione)
For access to the Master's degree in Economics, both of the following requirements are
attainment, by the summer session of the academic year 2011-12, of a Bachelor's
degree in classes L-17 and L-28 (according to Law 509) or L-18 and L-33
(according to Law 270), with grades of at least 110/110; Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Scienze dell'economia [ver. 05-07-2012 17.16]
attainment, during the undergraduate degree course, of at least 6 University
Credits in the English language and at least 3 University Credits in IT disciplines
For students who do not have one or more of the requirements listed above, admission to
the Master’s degree course is subject to passing an interview with a panel composed of the
course coordinator and one full professor appointed by the Faculty Council upon proposal by the
Dean, aimed at assessing the reasons for access and ascertaining personal preparation in
relation to:
business and economics;
mathematical and statistical tools applied to business and economics;
legal principles and institutions.
Basic knowledge of IT skills and sufficient mastery of the English language will also be
HOW TO APPLY (Modalita' di iscrizione)
Enrolment in the Master's degree course is subject to assessment of the student's academic
Both graduates from this and other universities and students who will receive their bachelor's
degree by 14th December 2012 must submit an application for assessment of academic
performance (pre-enrolment application) at the Students' Administration Office between 16th July
and 14th September 2012.
Students may apply for assessment of academic performance for only one degree course.
Documents required when submitting the application at the students' administration office
- for graduates from Milan-Bicocca University or any other University:
application for assessment to be filled in on-line
any other qualifications and/or proof of activities carried out
students from other universities must attach a self-certification of exams taken,
indicating the corresponding credits.
- for students about to graduate from this and other universities, who will receive their degree by
14th December 2012
application for assessment to be filled in on-line
any other qualifications and/or proof of activities carried out
self-certification that the degree will be awarded by 14th December 2012, also
containing information on any exams passed and not yet recorded
students from other universities must attach a self-certification of enrolment in the
study course with the list of exams taken, indicating the corresponding credits and
the disciplinary scientific sectors. Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Scienze dell'economia [ver. 05-07-2012 17.16]
Within 48 hours of submitting the application to the Student’s Administration Office,
students must send an email with their first and last name to and follow the
instructions they will be sent.
Assessment results will be communicated with notice posted on the faculty website. The student
must communicate acceptance or declination of admission within 48 hours, using an on-line
procedure that will be indicated at the time of publishing the assessment results.
Students admitted to the course and who already hold a degree must enrol by 19th October
2012; students admitted to the course and who are still to receive their degree must enrol by
14th December 2012.
Prof.ssa Piergiovanna Natale
for further information contact: Corsi di Laurea Magistrale Scienze dell'economia [ver. 05-07-2012 17.16]